Jacobians of curves#

This module defines the base class of Jacobians as an abstract scheme.


  • William Stein (2005)



sage: from sage.schemes.jacobians.abstract_jacobian import Jacobian
sage: P2.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: C = Curve(x^3 + y^3 + z^3)
sage: Jacobian(C)
Jacobian of Projective Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x^3 + y^3 + z^3
class sage.schemes.jacobians.abstract_jacobian.Jacobian_generic(C)#

Bases: Scheme

Base class for Jacobians of projective curves.

The input must be a projective curve over a field.


sage: from sage.schemes.jacobians.abstract_jacobian import Jacobian
sage: P2.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: C = Curve(x^3 + y^3 + z^3)
sage: J = Jacobian(C); J
Jacobian of Projective Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x^3 + y^3 + z^3

Return the natural extension of self over \(R\).


  • R – a field. The new base field.

OUTPUT: The Jacobian over the ring \(R\).


sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3 - 10*x + 9)
sage: Jac = H.jacobian();   Jac
Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curve over Rational Field
 defined by y^2 = x^3 - 10*x + 9
sage: F.<a> = QQ.extension(x^2 + 1)                                         # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: Jac.base_extend(F)                                                    # needs sage.rings.number_field
Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curve over Number Field in a with defining
 polynomial x^2 + 1 defined by y^2 = x^3 - 10*x + 9

Return the Jacobian over the ring \(R\).


  • R – a field. The new base ring.

OUTPUT: The Jacobian over the ring \(R\).


sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3 - 10*x + 9)
sage: Jac = H.jacobian();   Jac
Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curve over Rational Field
 defined by y^2 = x^3 - 10*x + 9
sage: Jac.change_ring(RDF)
Jacobian of Hyperelliptic Curve over Real Double Field
 defined by y^2 = x^3 - 10.0*x + 9.0

Return the curve of which self is the Jacobian.


sage: from sage.schemes.jacobians.abstract_jacobian import Jacobian
sage: P2.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: J = Jacobian(Curve(x^3 + y^3 + z^3))
sage: J.curve()
Projective Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x^3 + y^3 + z^3

Return True if \(J\) is of type Jacobian_generic.


sage: from sage.schemes.jacobians.abstract_jacobian import Jacobian, is_Jacobian
sage: P2.<x, y, z> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 2)
sage: C = Curve(x^3 + y^3 + z^3)
sage: J = Jacobian(C)
sage: is_Jacobian(J)
sage: E = EllipticCurve('37a1')
sage: is_Jacobian(E)