Asymptotic Ring¶
This module provides a ring (called AsymptoticRing
) for
computations with asymptotic expansions.
(Informal) Definition¶
An asymptotic expansion is a sum such as
as \(z \to \infty\) or
as \(x\) and \(y\) tend to \(\infty\). It is a truncated series (after a finite number of terms), which approximates a function.
The summands of the asymptotic expansions are partially ordered. In this module these summands are the following:
Exact terms \(c\cdot g\) with a coefficient \(c\) and an element \(g\) of a growth group (see below).
\(O\)-terms \(O(g)\) (see Big O notation; also called Bachmann–Landau notation) for a growth group element \(g\) (again see below).
See the Wikipedia article on asymptotic expansions for more details. Further examples of such elements can be found here.
Growth Groups and Elements¶
The elements of a growth group are equipped with a partial order and usually contain a variable. Examples—the order is described below these examples—are
elements of the form \(z^q\) for some integer or rational \(q\) (growth groups with description strings
),elements of the form \(\log(z)^q\) for some integer or rational \(q\) (growth groups
),elements of the form \(a^z\) for some rational \(a\) (growth group
), ormore sophisticated constructions like products \(x^r \cdot \log(x)^s \cdot a^y \cdot y^q\) (this corresponds to an element of the growth group
x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * QQ^y * y^QQ
The order in all these examples is induced by the magnitude of the elements as \(x\), \(y\), or \(z\) (independently) tend to \(\infty\). For elements only using the variable \(z\) this means that \(g_1 \leq g_2\) if
Asymptotic rings where the variable tend to some value distinct from \(\infty\) are not yet implemented.
To find out more about
growth groups,
on how they are created and
about the above used descriptions strings
see the top of the module growth group.
Introductory Examples¶
We start this series of examples by defining two asymptotic rings.
Two Rings¶
A Univariate Asymptotic Ring¶
First, we construct the following (very simple) asymptotic ring in the variable \(z\):
sage: A.<z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ); A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('z',)); (z,) = A._first_ngens(1); A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
A typical element of this ring is
sage: A.an_element()
z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A.an_element()
z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2))
This element consists of two summands: the exact term with coefficient \(1\) and growth \(z^{3/2}\) and the \(O\)-term \(O(z^{1/2})\). Note that the growth of \(z^{3/2}\) is larger than the growth of \(z^{1/2}\) as \(z\to\infty\), thus this expansion cannot be simplified (which would be done automatically, see below).
Elements can be constructed via the generator \(z\) and the function
, for example
sage: 4*z^2 + O(z)
4*z^2 + O(z)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Integer(4)*z**Integer(2) + O(z)
4*z^2 + O(z)
A Multivariate Asymptotic Ring¶
Next, we construct a more sophisticated asymptotic ring in the variables \(x\) and \(y\) by
sage: B.<x, y> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * (QQ_+)^y * y^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ); B
Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * QQ^y * y^QQ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * (QQ_+)^y * y^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = B._first_ngens(2); B
Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * QQ^y * y^QQ> over Rational Field
Again, we can look at a typical (nontrivial) element:
sage: B.an_element()
1/8*x^(3/2)*log(x)^3*(1/8)^y*y^(3/2) + O(x^(1/2)*log(x)*(1/2)^y*y^(1/2))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B.an_element()
1/8*x^(3/2)*log(x)^3*(1/8)^y*y^(3/2) + O(x^(1/2)*log(x)*(1/2)^y*y^(1/2))
Again, elements can be created using the generators \(x\) and \(y\), as well as
the function O()
sage: log(x)*y/42 + O(1/2^y)
1/42*log(x)*y + O((1/2)^y)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> log(x)*y/Integer(42) + O(Integer(1)/Integer(2)**y)
1/42*log(x)*y + O((1/2)^y)
Arithmetical Operations¶
In this section we explain how to perform various arithmetical operations with the elements of the asymptotic rings constructed above.
The Ring Operations Plus and Times¶
We start our calculations in the ring
sage: A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
Of course, we can perform the usual ring operations \(+\) and \(*\):
sage: z^2 + 3*z*(1-z)
-2*z^2 + 3*z
sage: (3*z + 2)^3
27*z^3 + 54*z^2 + 36*z + 8
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> z**Integer(2) + Integer(3)*z*(Integer(1)-z)
-2*z^2 + 3*z
>>> (Integer(3)*z + Integer(2))**Integer(3)
27*z^3 + 54*z^2 + 36*z + 8
In addition to that, special powers—our growth group z^QQ
the exponents to be out of \(\QQ\)—can also be computed:
sage: (z^(5/2)+z^(1/7)) * z^(-1/5)
z^(23/10) + z^(-2/35)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (z**(Integer(5)/Integer(2))+z**(Integer(1)/Integer(7))) * z**(-Integer(1)/Integer(5))
z^(23/10) + z^(-2/35)
The central concepts of computations with asymptotic expansions is that the \(O\)-notation can be used. For example, we have
sage: z^3 + z^2 + z + O(z^2)
z^3 + O(z^2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> z**Integer(3) + z**Integer(2) + z + O(z**Integer(2))
z^3 + O(z^2)
where the result is simplified automatically. A more sophisticated example is
sage: (z+2*z^2+3*z^3+4*z^4) * (O(z)+z^2)
4*z^6 + O(z^5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (z+Integer(2)*z**Integer(2)+Integer(3)*z**Integer(3)+Integer(4)*z**Integer(4)) * (O(z)+z**Integer(2))
4*z^6 + O(z^5)
The asymptotic expansions support division. For example, we can expand \(1/(z-1)\) to a geometric series:
sage: 1 / (z-1)
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + ... + z^(-20) + O(z^(-21))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Integer(1) / (z-Integer(1))
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + ... + z^(-20) + O(z^(-21))
A default precision (parameter default_prec
) is predefined. Thus, only the first \(20\)
summands are calculated. However, if we only want the first \(5\) exact
terms, we cut of the rest by using
sage: (1 / (z-1)).truncate(5)
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + z^(-5) + O(z^(-6))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (Integer(1) / (z-Integer(1))).truncate(Integer(5))
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + z^(-5) + O(z^(-6))
sage: 1 / (z-1) + O(z^(-6))
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + z^(-5) + O(z^(-6))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Integer(1) / (z-Integer(1)) + O(z**(-Integer(6)))
z^(-1) + z^(-2) + z^(-3) + z^(-4) + z^(-5) + O(z^(-6))
Of course, we can work with more complicated expansions as well:
sage: (4*z+1) / (z^3+z^2+z+O(z^0))
4*z^(-2) - 3*z^(-3) - z^(-4) + O(z^(-5))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (Integer(4)*z+Integer(1)) / (z**Integer(3)+z**Integer(2)+z+O(z**Integer(0)))
4*z^(-2) - 3*z^(-3) - z^(-4) + O(z^(-5))
Not all elements are invertible, for instance,
sage: 1 / O(z)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ZeroDivisionError: Cannot invert O(z).
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Integer(1) / O(z)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ZeroDivisionError: Cannot invert O(z).
is not invertible, since it includes \(0\).
Powers, Exponentials and Logarithms¶
It works as simple as it can be; just use the usual operators ^
and log
. For example, we obtain the usual series expansion
of the logarithm
sage: -log(1-1/z)
z^(-1) + 1/2*z^(-2) + 1/3*z^(-3) + ... + O(z^(-21))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> -log(Integer(1)-Integer(1)/z)
z^(-1) + 1/2*z^(-2) + 1/3*z^(-3) + ... + O(z^(-21))
as \(z \to \infty\).
Similarly, we can apply the exponential function of an asymptotic expansion:
sage: exp(1/z)
1 + z^(-1) + 1/2*z^(-2) + 1/6*z^(-3) + 1/24*z^(-4) + ... + O(z^(-20))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> exp(Integer(1)/z)
1 + z^(-1) + 1/2*z^(-2) + 1/6*z^(-3) + 1/24*z^(-4) + ... + O(z^(-20))
Arbitrary powers work as well; for example, we have
sage: (1 + 1/z + O(1/z^5))^(1 + 1/z)
1 + z^(-1) + z^(-2) + 1/2*z^(-3) + 1/3*z^(-4) + O(z^(-5))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (Integer(1) + Integer(1)/z + O(Integer(1)/z**Integer(5)))**(Integer(1) + Integer(1)/z)
1 + z^(-1) + z^(-2) + 1/2*z^(-3) + 1/3*z^(-4) + O(z^(-5))
Multivariate Arithmetic¶
Now let us move on to arithmetic in the multivariate ring
sage: B
Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * QQ^y * y^QQ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B
Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ * log(x)^ZZ * QQ^y * y^QQ> over Rational Field
write this part
More Examples¶
The mathematical constant e as a limit¶
The base of the natural logarithm \(e\) satisfies the equation
By using asymptotic expansions, we obtain the more precise result
sage: E.<n> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ', coefficient_ring=SR, default_prec=5); E
Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
sage: (1 + 1/n)^n
e - 1/2*e*n^(-1) + 11/24*e*n^(-2) - 7/16*e*n^(-3) + 2447/5760*e*n^(-4) + O(n^(-5))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> E = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ', coefficient_ring=SR, default_prec=Integer(5), names=('n',)); (n,) = E._first_ngens(1); E
Asymptotic Ring <n^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
>>> (Integer(1) + Integer(1)/n)**n
e - 1/2*e*n^(-1) + 11/24*e*n^(-2) - 7/16*e*n^(-3) + 2447/5760*e*n^(-4) + O(n^(-5))
Selected Technical Details¶
Coercions and Functorial Constructions¶
The AsymptoticRing
fully supports
coercion. For example, the coefficient ring is automatically extended when needed:
sage: A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
sage: (z + 1/2).parent()
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Integer Ring
>>> (z + Integer(1)/Integer(2)).parent()
Asymptotic Ring <z^QQ> over Rational Field
Here, the coefficient ring was extended to allow \(1/2\) as a coefficient. Another example is
sage: C.<c> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='c^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ['e'])
sage: C.an_element()
e^3*c^3 + O(c)
sage: C.an_element() / 7
1/7*e^3*c^3 + O(c)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='c^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ['e'], names=('c',)); (c,) = C._first_ngens(1)
>>> C.an_element()
e^3*c^3 + O(c)
>>> C.an_element() / Integer(7)
1/7*e^3*c^3 + O(c)
Here the result’s coefficient ring is the newly found
sage: (C.an_element() / 7).parent()
Asymptotic Ring <c^ZZ> over
Univariate Polynomial Ring in e over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> (C.an_element() / Integer(7)).parent()
Asymptotic Ring <c^ZZ> over
Univariate Polynomial Ring in e over Rational Field
Not only the coefficient ring can be extended, but the growth group as
well. For example, we can add/multiply elements of the asymptotic
rings A
and C
to get an expansion of new asymptotic ring:
sage: r = c*z + c/2 + O(z); r
c*z + 1/2*c + O(z)
sage: r.parent()
Asymptotic Ring <c^ZZ * z^QQ> over
Univariate Polynomial Ring in e over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> r = c*z + c/Integer(2) + O(z); r
c*z + 1/2*c + O(z)
>>> r.parent()
Asymptotic Ring <c^ZZ * z^QQ> over
Univariate Polynomial Ring in e over Rational Field
Data Structures¶
The summands of an
asymptotic expansion
are wrapped
growth group elements.
This wrapping is done by the
term monoid module.
However, inside an
asymptotic expansion
these summands
(terms) are stored together with their growth-relationship, i.e., each
summand knows its direct predecessors and successors. As a data
structure a special poset (namely a
mutable poset
is used. We can have a look at this:
sage: b = x^3*y + x^2*y + x*y^2 + O(x) + O(y)
sage: print(b.summands.repr_full(reverse=True))
poset(x*y^2, x^3*y, x^2*y, O(x), O(y))
+-- oo
| +-- no successors
| +-- predecessors: x*y^2, x^3*y
+-- x*y^2
| +-- successors: oo
| +-- predecessors: O(x), O(y)
+-- x^3*y
| +-- successors: oo
| +-- predecessors: x^2*y
+-- x^2*y
| +-- successors: x^3*y
| +-- predecessors: O(x), O(y)
+-- O(x)
| +-- successors: x*y^2, x^2*y
| +-- predecessors: null
+-- O(y)
| +-- successors: x*y^2, x^2*y
| +-- predecessors: null
+-- null
| +-- successors: O(x), O(y)
| +-- no predecessors
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> b = x**Integer(3)*y + x**Integer(2)*y + x*y**Integer(2) + O(x) + O(y)
>>> print(b.summands.repr_full(reverse=True))
poset(x*y^2, x^3*y, x^2*y, O(x), O(y))
+-- oo
| +-- no successors
| +-- predecessors: x*y^2, x^3*y
+-- x*y^2
| +-- successors: oo
| +-- predecessors: O(x), O(y)
+-- x^3*y
| +-- successors: oo
| +-- predecessors: x^2*y
+-- x^2*y
| +-- successors: x^3*y
| +-- predecessors: O(x), O(y)
+-- O(x)
| +-- successors: x*y^2, x^2*y
| +-- predecessors: null
+-- O(y)
| +-- successors: x*y^2, x^2*y
| +-- predecessors: null
+-- null
| +-- successors: O(x), O(y)
| +-- no predecessors
Benjamin Hackl (2015)
Daniel Krenn (2015)
Clemens Heuberger (2016)
Benjamin Hackl, Clemens Heuberger and Daniel Krenn are supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 24644-N26.
Benjamin Hackl is supported by the Google Summer of Code 2015.
Classes and Methods¶
- class sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticExpansion(parent, summands, simplify=True, convert=True)[source]¶
Class for asymptotic expansions, i.e., the elements of an
– the parent of the asymptotic expansionsummands
– the summands as aMutablePoset
, which represents the underlying structuresimplify
– boolean (default:True
); it controls automatic simplification (absorption) of the asymptotic expansionconvert
– boolean (default:True
); if set, then thesummands
are converted to the asymptotic ring (the parent of this expansion). If not, then the summands are taken as they are. In that case, the caller must ensure that the parent of the terms is set correctly.
There are several ways to create asymptotic expansions; usually this is done by using the corresponding
asymptotic rings
:sage: R_x.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ); R_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field sage: R_y.<y> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ); R_y Asymptotic Ring <y^ZZ> over Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R_x = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R_x._first_ngens(1); R_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field >>> R_y = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('y',)); (y,) = R_y._first_ngens(1); R_y Asymptotic Ring <y^ZZ> over Integer Ring
At this point, \(x\) and \(y\) are already asymptotic expansions:
sage: type(x) <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> type(x) <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'>
The usual ring operations, but allowing rational exponents (growth group
) can be performed:sage: x^2 + 3*(x - x^(2/5)) x^2 + 3*x - 3*x^(2/5) sage: (3*x^(1/3) + 2)^3 27*x + 54*x^(2/3) + 36*x^(1/3) + 8
>>> from sage.all import * >>> x**Integer(2) + Integer(3)*(x - x**(Integer(2)/Integer(5))) x^2 + 3*x - 3*x^(2/5) >>> (Integer(3)*x**(Integer(1)/Integer(3)) + Integer(2))**Integer(3) 27*x + 54*x^(2/3) + 36*x^(1/3) + 8
One of the central ideas behind computing with asymptotic expansions is that the \(O\)-notation (see Wikipedia article Big_O_notation) can be used. For example, we have:
sage: (x+2*x^2+3*x^3+4*x^4) * (O(x)+x^2) 4*x^6 + O(x^5)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (x+Integer(2)*x**Integer(2)+Integer(3)*x**Integer(3)+Integer(4)*x**Integer(4)) * (O(x)+x**Integer(2)) 4*x^6 + O(x^5)
In particular,
can be used to construct the asymptotic expansions. With the help of thesummands()
, we can also have a look at the inner structure of an asymptotic expansion:sage: expr1 = x + 2*x^2 + 3*x^3 + 4*x^4; expr2 = O(x) + x^2 sage: print(expr1.summands.repr_full()) poset(x, 2*x^2, 3*x^3, 4*x^4) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: x +-- x | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: 2*x^2 +-- 2*x^2 | +-- predecessors: x | +-- successors: 3*x^3 +-- 3*x^3 | +-- predecessors: 2*x^2 | +-- successors: 4*x^4 +-- 4*x^4 | +-- predecessors: 3*x^3 | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: 4*x^4 | +-- no successors sage: print(expr2.summands.repr_full()) poset(O(x), x^2) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: O(x) +-- O(x) | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: x^2 +-- x^2 | +-- predecessors: O(x) | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: x^2 | +-- no successors sage: print((expr1 * expr2).summands.repr_full()) poset(O(x^5), 4*x^6) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: O(x^5) +-- O(x^5) | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: 4*x^6 +-- 4*x^6 | +-- predecessors: O(x^5) | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: 4*x^6 | +-- no successors
>>> from sage.all import * >>> expr1 = x + Integer(2)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(3)*x**Integer(3) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(4); expr2 = O(x) + x**Integer(2) >>> print(expr1.summands.repr_full()) poset(x, 2*x^2, 3*x^3, 4*x^4) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: x +-- x | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: 2*x^2 +-- 2*x^2 | +-- predecessors: x | +-- successors: 3*x^3 +-- 3*x^3 | +-- predecessors: 2*x^2 | +-- successors: 4*x^4 +-- 4*x^4 | +-- predecessors: 3*x^3 | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: 4*x^4 | +-- no successors >>> print(expr2.summands.repr_full()) poset(O(x), x^2) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: O(x) +-- O(x) | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: x^2 +-- x^2 | +-- predecessors: O(x) | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: x^2 | +-- no successors >>> print((expr1 * expr2).summands.repr_full()) poset(O(x^5), 4*x^6) +-- null | +-- no predecessors | +-- successors: O(x^5) +-- O(x^5) | +-- predecessors: null | +-- successors: 4*x^6 +-- 4*x^6 | +-- predecessors: O(x^5) | +-- successors: oo +-- oo | +-- predecessors: 4*x^6 | +-- no successors
In addition to the monomial growth elements from above, we can also compute with logarithmic terms (simply by constructing the appropriate growth group):
sage: R_log = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='log(x)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: lx = R_log(log(SR.var('x'))) sage: (O(lx) + lx^3)^4 log(x)^12 + O(log(x)^10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R_log = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='log(x)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) >>> lx = R_log(log(SR.var('x'))) >>> (O(lx) + lx**Integer(3))**Integer(4) log(x)^12 + O(log(x)^10)
- B(valid_from=0)[source]¶
Convert all terms in this asymptotic expansion to \(B\)-terms.
– dictionary mapping variable names to lower bounds for the corresponding variable. The bound implied by this term is valid when all variables are at least their corresponding lower bound. If a number is passed tovalid_from
, then the lower bounds for all variables of the asymptotic expansion are set to this number
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: AR.<x, z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * z^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.B(2*x^2, {x: 10}) # indirect doctest B(2*x^2, x >= 10) sage: expr = 42*x^42 + x^10 + AR.B(x^2, 20); expr # indirect doctest 42*x^42 + x^10 + B(x^2, x >= 20, z >= 20) sage: type(AR.B(x, 10)) # indirect doctest <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'> sage: 2*z^3 + AR.B(5*z^2, {z: 20}) # indirect doctest 2*z^3 + B(5*z^2, z >= 20) sage: (2*x).B({x: 20}) B(2*x, x >= 20) sage: AR.B(4*x^2*z^3, valid_from=10) # indirect doctest B(4*x^2*z^3, x >= 10, z >= 10) sage: AR.B(42*x^2) # indirect doctest B(42*x^2, x >= 0, z >= 0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * z^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x', 'z',)); (x, z,) = AR._first_ngens(2) >>> AR.B(Integer(2)*x**Integer(2), {x: Integer(10)}) # indirect doctest B(2*x^2, x >= 10) >>> expr = Integer(42)*x**Integer(42) + x**Integer(10) + AR.B(x**Integer(2), Integer(20)); expr # indirect doctest 42*x^42 + x^10 + B(x^2, x >= 20, z >= 20) >>> type(AR.B(x, Integer(10))) # indirect doctest <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'> >>> Integer(2)*z**Integer(3) + AR.B(Integer(5)*z**Integer(2), {z: Integer(20)}) # indirect doctest 2*z^3 + B(5*z^2, z >= 20) >>> (Integer(2)*x).B({x: Integer(20)}) B(2*x, x >= 20) >>> AR.B(Integer(4)*x**Integer(2)*z**Integer(3), valid_from=Integer(10)) # indirect doctest B(4*x^2*z^3, x >= 10, z >= 10) >>> AR.B(Integer(42)*x**Integer(2)) # indirect doctest B(42*x^2, x >= 0, z >= 0)
- O()[source]¶
Convert all terms in this asymptotic expansion to \(O\)-terms.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: AR.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: O(x) O(x) sage: type(O(x)) <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'> sage: expr = 42*x^42 + x^10 + O(x^2); expr 42*x^42 + x^10 + O(x^2) sage: expr.O() O(x^42) sage: (2*x).O() O(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = AR._first_ngens(1) >>> O(x) O(x) >>> type(O(x)) <class 'sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing_with_category.element_class'> >>> expr = Integer(42)*x**Integer(42) + x**Integer(10) + O(x**Integer(2)); expr 42*x^42 + x^10 + O(x^2) >>> expr.O() O(x^42) >>> (Integer(2)*x).O() O(x)
See also
- compare_with_values(variable, function, values, rescaled=True, ring=Real Interval Field with 53 bits of precision)[source]¶
Compute the (rescaled) difference between this asymptotic expansion and the given values.
– an asymptotic expansion or a stringfunction
– a callable or symbolic expression giving the comparison valuesvalues
– list or iterable of values where the comparison shall be carried outrescaled
– boolean (default:True
); determines whether the difference is divided by the error term of the asymptotic expansionring
– (default:RIF
) the parent into which the difference is converted
A list of pairs containing comparison points and (rescaled) difference values.
sage: assume(SR.an_element() > 0) sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^ZZ', SR) sage: catalan = binomial(2*x, x)/(x+1) sage: expansion = 4^n*(1/sqrt(pi)*n^(-3/2) ....: - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*n^(-5/2) ....: + 145/128/sqrt(pi)*n^(-7/2) + O(n^(-9/2))) sage: expansion.compare_with_values(n, catalan, srange(5, 10)) [(5, 0.5303924444775?), (6, 0.5455279498787?), (7, 0.556880411050?), (8, 0.565710587724?), (9, 0.572775029098?)] sage: expansion.exact_part().compare_with_values(n, catalan, [5, 10, 20]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: exactly one error term required sage: expansion.exact_part().compare_with_values(n, catalan, [5, 10, 20], rescaled=False) [(5, 0.3886263699387?), (10, 19.1842458318?), (20, 931314.63637?)] sage: expansion.compare_with_values(n, catalan, [5, 10, 20], rescaled=False, ring=SR) [(5, 168/5*sqrt(5)/sqrt(pi) - 42), (10, 1178112/125*sqrt(10)/sqrt(pi) - 16796), (20, 650486218752/125*sqrt(5)/sqrt(pi) - 6564120420)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> assume(SR.an_element() > Integer(0)) >>> A = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^ZZ', SR, names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> catalan = binomial(Integer(2)*x, x)/(x+Integer(1)) >>> expansion = Integer(4)**n*(Integer(1)/sqrt(pi)*n**(-Integer(3)/Integer(2)) ... - Integer(9)/Integer(8)/sqrt(pi)*n**(-Integer(5)/Integer(2)) ... + Integer(145)/Integer(128)/sqrt(pi)*n**(-Integer(7)/Integer(2)) + O(n**(-Integer(9)/Integer(2)))) >>> expansion.compare_with_values(n, catalan, srange(Integer(5), Integer(10))) [(5, 0.5303924444775?), (6, 0.5455279498787?), (7, 0.556880411050?), (8, 0.565710587724?), (9, 0.572775029098?)] >>> expansion.exact_part().compare_with_values(n, catalan, [Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(20)]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: exactly one error term required >>> expansion.exact_part().compare_with_values(n, catalan, [Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(20)], rescaled=False) [(5, 0.3886263699387?), (10, 19.1842458318?), (20, 931314.63637?)] >>> expansion.compare_with_values(n, catalan, [Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(20)], rescaled=False, ring=SR) [(5, 168/5*sqrt(5)/sqrt(pi) - 42), (10, 1178112/125*sqrt(10)/sqrt(pi) - 16796), (20, 650486218752/125*sqrt(5)/sqrt(pi) - 6564120420)]
Instead of a symbolic expression, a callable function can be specified as well:
sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', SR) sage: def H(n): ....: return sum(1/k for k in srange(1, n+1)) sage: H_expansion = (log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/(2*n) ....: - 1/(12*n^2) + O(n^-4)) sage: H_expansion.compare_with_values(n, H, srange(25, 30)) # rel tol 1e-6 [(25, -0.008326995?), (26, -0.008327472?), (27, -0.008327898?), (28, -0.00832828?), (29, -0.00832862?)] sage: forget()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', SR, names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> def H(n): ... return sum(Integer(1)/k for k in srange(Integer(1), n+Integer(1))) >>> H_expansion = (log(n) + euler_gamma + Integer(1)/(Integer(2)*n) ... - Integer(1)/(Integer(12)*n**Integer(2)) + O(n**-Integer(4))) >>> H_expansion.compare_with_values(n, H, srange(Integer(25), Integer(30))) # rel tol 1e-6 [(25, -0.008326995?), (26, -0.008327472?), (27, -0.008327898?), (28, -0.00832828?), (29, -0.00832862?)] >>> forget()
See also
- error_part()[source]¶
Return the expansion consisting of all error terms of this expansion.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: R.<x,y> = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ * y^QQ', QQ) sage: (x*log(x) + y^2 + O(x) + O(y)).error_part() O(x) + O(y)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ * y^QQ', QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> (x*log(x) + y**Integer(2) + O(x) + O(y)).error_part() O(x) + O(y)
- exact_part()[source]¶
Return the expansion consisting of all exact terms of this expansion.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', QQ) sage: (x^2 + O(x)).exact_part() x^2 sage: (x + log(x)/2 + O(log(x)/x)).exact_part() x + 1/2*log(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> (x**Integer(2) + O(x)).exact_part() x^2 >>> (x + log(x)/Integer(2) + O(log(x)/x)).exact_part() x + 1/2*log(x)
- exp(precision=None)[source]¶
Return the exponential of (i.e., the power of \(e\) to) this asymptotic expansion.
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
The exponential function of this expansion can only be computed exactly if the respective growth element can be constructed in the underlying growth group.
If the corresponding growth can be constructed, return the exact exponential function. Otherwise, if this term is \(o(1)\), try to expand the series and truncate according to the given precision.
As soon as \(L\)-terms are implemented, this implementation has to be adapted as well in order to yield correct results.
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('(e^x)^ZZ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', SR) sage: exp(x) e^x sage: exp(2*x) (e^x)^2 sage: exp(x + log(x)) e^x*x
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('(e^x)^ZZ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', SR, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> exp(x) e^x >>> exp(Integer(2)*x) (e^x)^2 >>> exp(x + log(x)) e^x*x
sage: (x^(-1)).exp(precision=7) 1 + x^(-1) + 1/2*x^(-2) + 1/6*x^(-3) + ... + O(x^(-7))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (x**(-Integer(1))).exp(precision=Integer(7)) 1 + x^(-1) + 1/2*x^(-2) + 1/6*x^(-3) + ... + O(x^(-7))
- factorial()[source]¶
Return the factorial of this asymptotic expansion.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, default_prec=5) sage: n.factorial() sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(1/2) + 1/12*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-1/2) + 1/288*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-3/2) + O(e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-5/2)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^(n*log(n)))^QQ * (e^n)^QQ * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, default_prec=Integer(5), names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> n.factorial() sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(1/2) + 1/12*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-1/2) + 1/288*sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-3/2) + O(e^(n*log(n))*(e^n)^(-1)*n^(-5/2)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^(n*log(n)))^QQ * (e^n)^QQ * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring
Catalan numbers \(\frac{1}{n+1}\binom{2n}{n}\):
sage: (2*n).factorial() / n.factorial()^2 / (n+1) # long time 1/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-5/2) + 145/128/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-7/2) + O((e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-9/2))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (Integer(2)*n).factorial() / n.factorial()**Integer(2) / (n+Integer(1)) # long time 1/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-5/2) + 145/128/sqrt(pi)*(e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-7/2) + O((e^n)^(2*log(2))*n^(-9/2))
Note that this method substitutes the asymptotic expansion into Stirling’s formula. This substitution has to be possible which is not always guaranteed:
sage: S.<s> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='s^QQ * log(s)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=4) sage: log(s).factorial() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot apply the substitution rules {s: log(s)} on sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(s*log(s))*(e^s)^(-1)*s^(1/2) + O(e^(s*log(s))*(e^s)^(-1)*s^(-1/2)) in Asymptotic Ring <(e^(s*log(s)))^QQ * (e^s)^QQ * s^QQ * log(s)^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring. ...
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='s^QQ * log(s)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=Integer(4), names=('s',)); (s,) = S._first_ngens(1) >>> log(s).factorial() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Cannot apply the substitution rules {s: log(s)} on sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*e^(s*log(s))*(e^s)^(-1)*s^(1/2) + O(e^(s*log(s))*(e^s)^(-1)*s^(-1/2)) in Asymptotic Ring <(e^(s*log(s)))^QQ * (e^s)^QQ * s^QQ * log(s)^QQ> over Symbolic Constants Subring. ...
See also
- has_same_summands(other)[source]¶
Return whether this asymptotic expansion and
have the same summands.INPUT:
– an asymptotic expansion
OUTPUT: boolean
While for example
O(x) == O(x)
, these expansions do have the same summands and this method returnsTrue
.Moreover, this method uses the coercion model in order to find a common parent for this asymptotic expansion and
sage: R_ZZ.<x_ZZ> = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', ZZ) sage: R_QQ.<x_QQ> = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ) sage: sum(x_ZZ^k for k in range(5)) == sum(x_QQ^k for k in range(5)) # indirect doctest True sage: O(x_ZZ) == O(x_QQ) False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R_ZZ = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', ZZ, names=('x_ZZ',)); (x_ZZ,) = R_ZZ._first_ngens(1) >>> R_QQ = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ, names=('x_QQ',)); (x_QQ,) = R_QQ._first_ngens(1) >>> sum(x_ZZ**k for k in range(Integer(5))) == sum(x_QQ**k for k in range(Integer(5))) # indirect doctest True >>> O(x_ZZ) == O(x_QQ) False
- invert(precision=None)[source]¶
Return the multiplicative inverse of this element.
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
Due to truncation of infinite expansions, the element returned by this method might not fulfill
el * ~el == 1
As soon as \(L\)-terms are implemented, this implementation has to be adapted as well in order to yield correct results.
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=4) sage: ~x x^(-1) sage: ~(x^42) x^(-42) sage: ex = ~(1 + x); ex x^(-1) - x^(-2) + x^(-3) - x^(-4) + O(x^(-5)) sage: ex * (1+x) 1 + O(x^(-4)) sage: ~(1 + O(1/x)) 1 + O(x^(-1))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=Integer(4), names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> ~x x^(-1) >>> ~(x**Integer(42)) x^(-42) >>> ex = ~(Integer(1) + x); ex x^(-1) - x^(-2) + x^(-3) - x^(-4) + O(x^(-5)) >>> ex * (Integer(1)+x) 1 + O(x^(-4)) >>> ~(Integer(1) + O(Integer(1)/x)) 1 + O(x^(-1))
- is_exact()[source]¶
Return whether all terms of this expansion are exact.
OUTPUT: boolean
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', QQ) sage: (x^2 + O(x)).is_exact() False sage: (x^2 - x).is_exact() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> (x**Integer(2) + O(x)).is_exact() False >>> (x**Integer(2) - x).is_exact() True
- is_little_o_of_one()[source]¶
Return whether this expansion is of order \(o(1)\).
OUTPUT: boolean
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', QQ) sage: (x^4 * log(x)^(-2) + x^(-4) * log(x)^2).is_little_o_of_one() False sage: (x^(-1) * log(x)^1234 + x^(-2) + O(x^(-3))).is_little_o_of_one() True sage: (log(x) - log(x-1)).is_little_o_of_one() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> (x**Integer(4) * log(x)**(-Integer(2)) + x**(-Integer(4)) * log(x)**Integer(2)).is_little_o_of_one() False >>> (x**(-Integer(1)) * log(x)**Integer(1234) + x**(-Integer(2)) + O(x**(-Integer(3)))).is_little_o_of_one() True >>> (log(x) - log(x-Integer(1))).is_little_o_of_one() True
sage: A.<x, y> = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * y^QQ * log(y)^ZZ', QQ) sage: (x^(-1/16) * y^32 + x^32 * y^(-1/16)).is_little_o_of_one() False sage: (x^(-1) * y^(-3) + x^(-3) * y^(-1)).is_little_o_of_one() True sage: (x^(-1) * y / log(y)).is_little_o_of_one() False sage: (log(y-1)/log(y) - 1).is_little_o_of_one() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('x^QQ * y^QQ * log(y)^ZZ', QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> (x**(-Integer(1)/Integer(16)) * y**Integer(32) + x**Integer(32) * y**(-Integer(1)/Integer(16))).is_little_o_of_one() False >>> (x**(-Integer(1)) * y**(-Integer(3)) + x**(-Integer(3)) * y**(-Integer(1))).is_little_o_of_one() True >>> (x**(-Integer(1)) * y / log(y)).is_little_o_of_one() False >>> (log(y-Integer(1))/log(y) - Integer(1)).is_little_o_of_one() True
See also
- limit()[source]¶
Compute the limit of this asymptotic expansion.
OUTPUT: an element of the coefficient ring
sage: A.<s> = AsymptoticRing("s^ZZ", SR, default_prec=3) sage: (3 + 1/s + O(1/s^2)).limit() 3 sage: ((1+1/s)^s).limit() e sage: (1/s).limit() 0 sage: (s + 3 + 1/s + O(1/s^2)).limit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot determine limit of s + 3 + s^(-1) + O(s^(-2)) sage: (O(s^0)).limit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot determine limit of O(1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing("s^ZZ", SR, default_prec=Integer(3), names=('s',)); (s,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> (Integer(3) + Integer(1)/s + O(Integer(1)/s**Integer(2))).limit() 3 >>> ((Integer(1)+Integer(1)/s)**s).limit() e >>> (Integer(1)/s).limit() 0 >>> (s + Integer(3) + Integer(1)/s + O(Integer(1)/s**Integer(2))).limit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot determine limit of s + 3 + s^(-1) + O(s^(-2)) >>> (O(s**Integer(0))).limit() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot determine limit of O(1)
See also
- log(base=None, precision=None, locals=None)[source]¶
The logarithm of this asymptotic expansion.
– the base of the logarithm. IfNone
(default value) is used, the natural logarithm is taken.precision
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.locals
– dictionary which may contain the following keys and values:'log'
– value: a function. If not used, then the usuallog
is taken.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
Computing the logarithm of an asymptotic expansion is possible if and only if there is exactly one maximal summand in the expansion.
If the expansion has more than one summand, the asymptotic expansion for \(\log(1+t)\) as \(t\) tends to \(0\) is used.
As soon as \(L\)-terms are implemented, this implementation has to be adapted as well in order to yield correct results.
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: log(x) log(x) sage: log(x^2) 2*log(x) sage: log(x-1) log(x) - x^(-1) - 1/2*x^(-2) - 1/3*x^(-3) - ... + O(x^(-21))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> log(x) log(x) >>> log(x**Integer(2)) 2*log(x) >>> log(x-Integer(1)) log(x) - x^(-1) - 1/2*x^(-2) - 1/3*x^(-3) - ... + O(x^(-21))
The coefficient ring is automatically extended if needed:
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, default_prec=3) sage: (49*x^3-1).log() 3*log(x) + 2*log(7) - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) ... + O(x^(-12)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, default_prec=Integer(3), names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> (Integer(49)*x**Integer(3)-Integer(1)).log() 3*log(x) + 2*log(7) - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) ... + O(x^(-12)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
If one wants to avoid this extending to the Symbolic Ring, then the following helps:
sage: L.<log7> = ZZ[] sage: def mylog(z, base=None): ....: try: ....: if ZZ(z).is_power_of(7): ....: return log(ZZ(z), 7) * log7 ....: except (TypeError, ValueError): ....: pass ....: return log(z, base) sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=L, default_prec=3) sage: (49*x^3-1).log(locals={'log': mylog}) 3*log(x) + 2*log7 - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) ... + O(x^(-12))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = ZZ['log7']; (log7,) = L._first_ngens(1) >>> def mylog(z, base=None): ... try: ... if ZZ(z).is_power_of(Integer(7)): ... return log(ZZ(z), Integer(7)) * log7 ... except (TypeError, ValueError): ... pass ... return log(z, base) >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=L, default_prec=Integer(3), names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> (Integer(49)*x**Integer(3)-Integer(1)).log(locals={'log': mylog}) 3*log(x) + 2*log7 - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) ... + O(x^(-12))
-function can also be specified to always be used with the asymptotic ring:sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=L, default_prec=3, locals={'log': mylog}) sage: log(49*x^3-1) 3*log(x) + 2*log7 - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) - 1/352947*x^(-9) + O(x^(-12))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=L, default_prec=Integer(3), locals={'log': mylog}, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> log(Integer(49)*x**Integer(3)-Integer(1)) 3*log(x) + 2*log7 - 1/49*x^(-3) - 1/4802*x^(-6) - 1/352947*x^(-9) + O(x^(-12))
- map_coefficients(f, new_coefficient_ring=None)[source]¶
Return the asymptotic expansion obtained by applying
to each coefficient of this asymptotic expansion.INPUT:
– a callable; a coefficient \(c\) will be mapped to \(f(c)\)new_coefficient_ring
– (default:None
) a ring
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: a = n^4 + 2*n^3 + 3*n^2 + O(n) sage: a.map_coefficients(lambda c: c+1) 2*n^4 + 3*n^3 + 4*n^2 + O(n) sage: a.map_coefficients(lambda c: c-2) -n^4 + n^2 + O(n)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='n^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> a = n**Integer(4) + Integer(2)*n**Integer(3) + Integer(3)*n**Integer(2) + O(n) >>> a.map_coefficients(lambda c: c+Integer(1)) 2*n^4 + 3*n^3 + 4*n^2 + O(n) >>> a.map_coefficients(lambda c: c-Integer(2)) -n^4 + n^2 + O(n)
- monomial_coefficient(monomial)[source]¶
Return the coefficient in the base ring of the given monomial in this expansion.
– a monomial element which can be converted into the asymptotic ring of this element
OUTPUT: an element of the coefficient ring
sage: R.<m, n> = AsymptoticRing("m^QQ*n^QQ", QQ) sage: ae = 13 + 42/n + 2/n/m + O(n^-2) sage: ae.monomial_coefficient(1/n) 42 sage: ae.monomial_coefficient(1/n^3) 0 sage: R.<n> = AsymptoticRing("n^QQ", ZZ) sage: ae.monomial_coefficient(1/n) 42 sage: ae.monomial_coefficient(1) 13
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing("m^QQ*n^QQ", QQ, names=('m', 'n',)); (m, n,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> ae = Integer(13) + Integer(42)/n + Integer(2)/n/m + O(n**-Integer(2)) >>> ae.monomial_coefficient(Integer(1)/n) 42 >>> ae.monomial_coefficient(Integer(1)/n**Integer(3)) 0 >>> R = AsymptoticRing("n^QQ", ZZ, names=('n',)); (n,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> ae.monomial_coefficient(Integer(1)/n) 42 >>> ae.monomial_coefficient(Integer(1)) 13
- plot_comparison(variable, function, values, rescaled=True, ring=Real Interval Field with 53 bits of precision, relative_tolerance=0.025, **kwargs)[source]¶
Plot the (rescaled) difference between this asymptotic expansion and the given values.
– an asymptotic expansion or a stringfunction
– a callable or symbolic expression giving the comparison valuesvalues
– list or iterable of values where the comparison shall be carried outrescaled
– boolean (default:True
); determines whether the difference is divided by the error term of the asymptotic expansionring
– (default:RIF
) the parent into which the difference is convertedrelative_tolerance
– (default:0.025
) raise error when relative error exceeds this tolerance
Other keyword arguments are passed to
.OUTPUT: a graphics object
If rescaled (i.e. divided by the error term), the output should be bounded.
This method is mainly meant to have an easily usable plausibility check for asymptotic expansion created in some way.
We want to check the quality of the asymptotic expansion of the harmonic numbers:
sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', SR) sage: def H(n): ....: return sum(1/k for k in srange(1, n+1)) sage: H_expansion = (log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/(2*n) ....: - 1/(12*n^2) + O(n^-4)) sage: H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(1, 30)) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', SR, names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> def H(n): ... return sum(Integer(1)/k for k in srange(Integer(1), n+Integer(1))) >>> H_expansion = (log(n) + euler_gamma + Integer(1)/(Integer(2)*n) ... - Integer(1)/(Integer(12)*n**Integer(2)) + O(n**-Integer(4))) >>> H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(Integer(1), Integer(30))) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Alternatively, the unscaled (absolute) difference can be plotted as well:
sage: H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(1, 30), ....: rescaled=False) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(Integer(1), Integer(30)), ... rescaled=False) Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Additional keywords are passed to
:sage: H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(1, 30), ....: plotjoined=True, marker='o', ....: color='green') Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H_expansion.plot_comparison(n, H, srange(Integer(1), Integer(30)), ... plotjoined=True, marker='o', ... color='green') Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
See also
- pow(exponent, precision=None)[source]¶
Calculate the power of this asymptotic expansion to the given
– an elementprecision
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: Q.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: x^(1/7) x^(1/7) sage: (x^(1/2) + O(x^0))^15 x^(15/2) + O(x^7)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Q = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = Q._first_ngens(1) >>> x**(Integer(1)/Integer(7)) x^(1/7) >>> (x**(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) + O(x**Integer(0)))**Integer(15) x^(15/2) + O(x^7)
sage: Z.<y> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: y^(1/7) y^(1/7) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <y^QQ> over Rational Field sage: (y^2 + O(y))^(1/2) y + O(1) sage: (y^2 + O(y))^(-2) y^(-4) + O(y^(-5)) sage: (1 + 1/y + O(1/y^3))^pi 1 + pi*y^(-1) + (1/2*pi*(pi - 1))*y^(-2) + O(y^(-3))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Z = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('y',)); (y,) = Z._first_ngens(1) >>> y**(Integer(1)/Integer(7)) y^(1/7) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <y^QQ> over Rational Field >>> (y**Integer(2) + O(y))**(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) y + O(1) >>> (y**Integer(2) + O(y))**(-Integer(2)) y^(-4) + O(y^(-5)) >>> (Integer(1) + Integer(1)/y + O(Integer(1)/y**Integer(3)))**pi 1 + pi*y^(-1) + (1/2*pi*(pi - 1))*y^(-2) + O(y^(-3))
sage: B.<z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ * log(z)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: (z^2 + O(z))^(1/2) z + O(1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ * log(z)^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('z',)); (z,) = B._first_ngens(1) >>> (z**Integer(2) + O(z))**(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) z + O(1)
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^x * x^SR * log(x)^ZZ', QQ) sage: x * 2^x 2^x*x sage: 5^x * 2^x 10^x sage: 2^log(x) x^(log(2)) sage: 2^(x + 1/x) 2^x + log(2)*2^x*x^(-1) + 1/2*log(2)^2*2^x*x^(-2) + ... + O(2^x*x^(-20)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^x * x^SR * log(x)^QQ * Signs^x> over Symbolic Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('QQ^x * x^SR * log(x)^ZZ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> x * Integer(2)**x 2^x*x >>> Integer(5)**x * Integer(2)**x 10^x >>> Integer(2)**log(x) x^(log(2)) >>> Integer(2)**(x + Integer(1)/x) 2^x + log(2)*2^x*x^(-1) + 1/2*log(2)^2*2^x*x^(-2) + ... + O(2^x*x^(-20)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^x * x^SR * log(x)^QQ * Signs^x> over Symbolic Ring
sage: C.<c> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='QQ^c * c^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=5) sage: (3 + 1/c^2)^c 3^c + 1/3*3^c*c^(-1) + 1/18*3^c*c^(-2) - 4/81*3^c*c^(-3) - 35/1944*3^c*c^(-4) + O(3^c*c^(-5)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^c * c^QQ * Signs^c> over Rational Field sage: (2 + (1/3)^c)^c 2^c + 1/2*(2/3)^c*c + 1/8*(2/9)^c*c^2 - 1/8*(2/9)^c*c + 1/48*(2/27)^c*c^3 + O((2/27)^c*c^2) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^c * c^QQ * Signs^c> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> C = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='QQ^c * c^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=Integer(5), names=('c',)); (c,) = C._first_ngens(1) >>> (Integer(3) + Integer(1)/c**Integer(2))**c 3^c + 1/3*3^c*c^(-1) + 1/18*3^c*c^(-2) - 4/81*3^c*c^(-3) - 35/1944*3^c*c^(-4) + O(3^c*c^(-5)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^c * c^QQ * Signs^c> over Rational Field >>> (Integer(2) + (Integer(1)/Integer(3))**c)**c 2^c + 1/2*(2/3)^c*c + 1/8*(2/9)^c*c^2 - 1/8*(2/9)^c*c + 1/48*(2/27)^c*c^3 + O((2/27)^c*c^2) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <QQ^c * c^QQ * Signs^c> over Rational Field
- rpow(base, precision=None, locals=None)[source]¶
Return the power of
to this asymptotic expansion.INPUT:
– an element or'e'
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.locals
– dictionary which may contain the following keys and values:'log'
– value: a function. If not used, then the usuallog
is taken.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ) sage: (1/x).rpow('e', precision=5) 1 + x^(-1) + 1/2*x^(-2) + 1/6*x^(-3) + 1/24*x^(-4) + O(x^(-5))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> (Integer(1)/x).rpow('e', precision=Integer(5)) 1 + x^(-1) + 1/2*x^(-2) + 1/6*x^(-3) + 1/24*x^(-4) + O(x^(-5))
- show()[source]¶
Pretty-print this asymptotic expansion.
Nothing, the representation is printed directly on the screen.
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^x * x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', SR.subring(no_variables=True)) sage: (pi/2 * 5^x * x^(42/17) - sqrt(euler_gamma) * log(x)^(-7/8)).show() 1/2*pi*5^x*x^(42/17) - sqrt(euler_gamma)*log(x)^(-7/8)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('QQ^x * x^QQ * log(x)^QQ', SR.subring(no_variables=True), names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> (pi/Integer(2) * Integer(5)**x * x**(Integer(42)/Integer(17)) - sqrt(euler_gamma) * log(x)**(-Integer(7)/Integer(8))).show() 1/2*pi*5^x*x^(42/17) - sqrt(euler_gamma)*log(x)^(-7/8)
- sqrt(precision=None)[source]¶
Return the square root of this asymptotic expansion.
– the precision used for truncating the expansion. IfNone
(default value) is used, the default precision of the parent is used.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: A.<s> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='s^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: s.sqrt() s^(1/2) sage: a = (1 + 1/s).sqrt(precision=6); a 1 + 1/2*s^(-1) - 1/8*s^(-2) + 1/16*s^(-3) - 5/128*s^(-4) + 7/256*s^(-5) + O(s^(-6))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='s^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('s',)); (s,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> s.sqrt() s^(1/2) >>> a = (Integer(1) + Integer(1)/s).sqrt(precision=Integer(6)); a 1 + 1/2*s^(-1) - 1/8*s^(-2) + 1/16*s^(-3) - 5/128*s^(-4) + 7/256*s^(-5) + O(s^(-6))
- subs(rules=None, domain=None, **kwds)[source]¶
Substitute the given
in this asymptotic expansion.INPUT:
– dictionarykwds
– keyword arguments will be added to the substitutionrules
– (default:None
) a parent. The neutral elements \(0\) and \(1\) (rules for the keys'_zero_'
, see note box below) are taken out of this domain. IfNone
, then this is determined automatically.
OUTPUT: an object
The neutral element of the asymptotic ring is replaced by the value to the key
; the neutral element of the growth group is replaced by the value to the key'_one_'
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=5)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, default_prec=Integer(5), names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1)
sage: (e^x * x^2 + log(x)).subs(x=SR('s')) s^2*e^s + log(s) sage: _.parent() Symbolic Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (e**x * x**Integer(2) + log(x)).subs(x=SR('s')) s^2*e^s + log(s) >>> _.parent() Symbolic Ring
sage: (x^3 + x + log(x)).subs(x=x+5).truncate(5) x^3 + 15*x^2 + 76*x + log(x) + 130 + O(x^(-1)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (x**Integer(3) + x + log(x)).subs(x=x+Integer(5)).truncate(Integer(5)) x^3 + 15*x^2 + 76*x + log(x) + 130 + O(x^(-1)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Rational Field
sage: (e^x * x^2 + log(x)).subs(x=2*x) 4*(e^x)^2*x^2 + log(x) + log(2) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^QQ * log(x)^QQ> over Symbolic Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (e**x * x**Integer(2) + log(x)).subs(x=Integer(2)*x) 4*(e^x)^2*x^2 + log(x) + log(2) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^QQ * log(x)^QQ> over Symbolic Ring
sage: (x^2 + log(x)).subs(x=4*x+2).truncate(5) 16*x^2 + 16*x + log(x) + 2*log(2) + 4 + 1/2*x^(-1) + O(x^(-2)) sage: _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (x**Integer(2) + log(x)).subs(x=Integer(4)*x+Integer(2)).truncate(Integer(5)) 16*x^2 + 16*x + log(x) + 2*log(2) + 4 + 1/2*x^(-1) + O(x^(-2)) >>> _.parent() Asymptotic Ring <(e^x)^QQ * x^ZZ * log(x)^ZZ> over Symbolic Ring
sage: (e^x * x^2 + log(x)).subs(x=RIF(pi)) 229.534211738584? sage: _.parent() Real Interval Field with 53 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> (e**x * x**Integer(2) + log(x)).subs(x=RIF(pi)) 229.534211738584? >>> _.parent() Real Interval Field with 53 bits of precision
- property summands¶
The summands of this asymptotic expansion stored in the underlying data structure (a
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: expr = 7*x^12 + x^5 + O(x^3) sage: expr.summands poset(O(x^3), x^5, 7*x^12)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> expr = Integer(7)*x**Integer(12) + x**Integer(5) + O(x**Integer(3)) >>> expr.summands poset(O(x^3), x^5, 7*x^12)
- symbolic_expression(R=None)[source]¶
Return this asymptotic expansion as a symbolic expression.
– (a subring of) the symbolic ring orNone
. The output will be an element ofR
. IfNone
, then the symbolic ring is used.
OUTPUT: a symbolic expression
sage: A.<x, y, z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * y^QQ * log(y)^QQ * (QQ_+)^z * z^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: SR(A.an_element()) # indirect doctest 1/8*(1/8)^z*x^3*y^(3/2)*z^(3/2)*log(y)^(3/2) + Order((1/2)^z*x*sqrt(y)*sqrt(z)*sqrt(log(y))) sage: A.<x, y, z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * y^QQ * log(y)^QQ * (QQ_+)^z * z^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: SR(A.an_element()) # indirect doctest 1/8*(1/8)^z*x^3*y^(3/2)*z^(3/2)*log(y)^(3/2) + Order((1/2)^z*x*sqrt(y)*sqrt(z)*sqrt(log(y)))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * y^QQ * log(y)^QQ * (QQ_+)^z * z^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = A._first_ngens(3) >>> SR(A.an_element()) # indirect doctest 1/8*(1/8)^z*x^3*y^(3/2)*z^(3/2)*log(y)^(3/2) + Order((1/2)^z*x*sqrt(y)*sqrt(z)*sqrt(log(y))) >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * y^QQ * log(y)^QQ * (QQ_+)^z * z^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = A._first_ngens(3) >>> SR(A.an_element()) # indirect doctest 1/8*(1/8)^z*x^3*y^(3/2)*z^(3/2)*log(y)^(3/2) + Order((1/2)^z*x*sqrt(y)*sqrt(z)*sqrt(log(y)))
- truncate(precision=None)[source]¶
Truncate this asymptotic expansion.
– positive integer orNone
. Number of summands that are kept. IfNone
(default value) is given, thendefault_prec
from the parent is used.
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
For example, truncating an asymptotic expansion with
does not yield an expansion with exactly 20 summands! Rather than that, it keeps the 20 summands with the largest growth, and adds appropriate \(O\)-Terms.EXAMPLES:
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ) sage: ex = sum(x^k for k in range(5)); ex x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 sage: ex.truncate(precision=2) x^4 + x^3 + O(x^2) sage: ex.truncate(precision=0) O(x^4) sage: ex.truncate() x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> ex = sum(x**k for k in range(Integer(5))); ex x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 >>> ex.truncate(precision=Integer(2)) x^4 + x^3 + O(x^2) >>> ex.truncate(precision=Integer(0)) O(x^4) >>> ex.truncate() x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
- variable_names()[source]¶
Return the names of the variables of this asymptotic expansion.
OUTPUT: a tuple of strings
sage: A.<m, n> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^m * m^QQ * n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', QQ) sage: (4*2^m*m^4*log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') sage: (4*2^m*m^4).variable_names() ('m',) sage: (4*log(n)).variable_names() ('n',) sage: (4*m^3).variable_names() ('m',) sage: (4*m^0).variable_names() () sage: (4*2^m*m^4 + log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') sage: (2^m + m^4 + log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') sage: (2^m + m^4).variable_names() ('m',)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing('QQ^m * m^QQ * n^ZZ * log(n)^ZZ', QQ, names=('m', 'n',)); (m, n,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> (Integer(4)*Integer(2)**m*m**Integer(4)*log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') >>> (Integer(4)*Integer(2)**m*m**Integer(4)).variable_names() ('m',) >>> (Integer(4)*log(n)).variable_names() ('n',) >>> (Integer(4)*m**Integer(3)).variable_names() ('m',) >>> (Integer(4)*m**Integer(0)).variable_names() () >>> (Integer(4)*Integer(2)**m*m**Integer(4) + log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') >>> (Integer(2)**m + m**Integer(4) + log(n)).variable_names() ('m', 'n') >>> (Integer(2)**m + m**Integer(4)).variable_names() ('m',)
- class sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRing(growth_group, coefficient_ring, category, default_prec, term_monoid_factory, locals)[source]¶
A ring consisting of
asymptotic expansions
– either a partially ordered group (see (Asymptotic) Growth Groups) or a string describing such a growth group (seeGrowthGroupFactory
– the ring which contains the coefficients of the expansionsdefault_prec
– positive integer; this is the number of summands that are kept before truncating an infinite seriescategory
– the category of the parent can be specified in order to broaden the base structure. It has to be a subcategory ofCategory of rings
. This is also the default category ifNone
is specified.term_monoid_factory
– aTermMonoidFactory
. IfNone
, thenDefaultTermMonoidFactory
is used.locals
– dictionary which may contain the following keys and values:'log'
– value: a function. If not given, then the usuallog
is taken. (See alsoAsymptoticExpansion.log()
We begin with the construction of an asymptotic ring in various ways. First, we simply pass a string specifying the underlying growth group:
sage: R1_x.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ); R1_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field sage: x x
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R1_x = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R1_x._first_ngens(1); R1_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field >>> x x
This is equivalent to the following code, which explicitly specifies the underlying growth group:
sage: from sage.rings.asymptotic.growth_group import GrowthGroup sage: G_QQ = GrowthGroup('x^QQ') sage: R2_x.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=G_QQ, coefficient_ring=QQ); R2_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.rings.asymptotic.growth_group import GrowthGroup >>> G_QQ = GrowthGroup('x^QQ') >>> R2_x = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=G_QQ, coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R2_x._first_ngens(1); R2_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Rational Field
Of course, the coefficient ring of the asymptotic ring and the base ring of the underlying growth group do not need to coincide:
sage: R_ZZ_x.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ); R_ZZ_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R_ZZ_x = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R_ZZ_x._first_ngens(1); R_ZZ_x Asymptotic Ring <x^QQ> over Integer Ring
Note, we can also create and use logarithmic growth groups:
sage: R_log = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ); R_log Asymptotic Ring <log(x)^ZZ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R_log = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='log(x)^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ); R_log Asymptotic Ring <log(x)^ZZ> over Rational Field
Other growth groups are available. See Asymptotic Ring for more examples.
Below there are some technical details.
According to the conventions for parents, uniqueness is ensured:
sage: R1_x is R2_x True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R1_x is R2_x True
Furthermore, the coercion framework is also involved. Coercion between two asymptotic rings is possible (given that the underlying growth groups and coefficient rings are chosen appropriately):
sage: R1_x.has_coerce_map_from(R_ZZ_x) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R1_x.has_coerce_map_from(R_ZZ_x) True
Additionally, for the sake of convenience, the coefficient ring also coerces into the asymptotic ring (representing constant quantities):
sage: R1_x.has_coerce_map_from(QQ) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R1_x.has_coerce_map_from(QQ) True
It is possible to customize the terms in an asymptotic expansion:
sage: from sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid import ExactTermMonoid, OTermMonoid sage: from sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid import TermMonoidFactory sage: class MyExactTermMonoid(ExactTermMonoid): ....: pass sage: class MyOTermMonoid(OTermMonoid): ....: pass sage: MyTermMonoid = TermMonoidFactory('MyTermMonoid', ....: exact_term_monoid_class=MyExactTermMonoid, ....: O_term_monoid_class=MyOTermMonoid) sage: G = GrowthGroup('x^ZZ') sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=G, coefficient_ring=QQ, term_monoid_factory=MyTermMonoid) sage: a = A.an_element(); a 1/8*x^3 + O(x) sage: for t in a.summands.elements_topological(reverse=True): ....: print(t, type(t)) 1/8*x^3 <class '__main__.MyExactTermMonoid_with_category.element_class'> O(x) <class '__main__.MyOTermMonoid_with_category.element_class'>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid import ExactTermMonoid, OTermMonoid >>> from sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid import TermMonoidFactory >>> class MyExactTermMonoid(ExactTermMonoid): ... pass >>> class MyOTermMonoid(OTermMonoid): ... pass >>> MyTermMonoid = TermMonoidFactory('MyTermMonoid', ... exact_term_monoid_class=MyExactTermMonoid, ... O_term_monoid_class=MyOTermMonoid) >>> G = GrowthGroup('x^ZZ') >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group=G, coefficient_ring=QQ, term_monoid_factory=MyTermMonoid, names=('n',)); (n,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> a = A.an_element(); a 1/8*x^3 + O(x) >>> for t in a.summands.elements_topological(reverse=True): ... print(t, type(t)) 1/8*x^3 <class '__main__.MyExactTermMonoid_with_category.element_class'> O(x) <class '__main__.MyOTermMonoid_with_category.element_class'>
- static B(expression, valid_from=0)[source]¶
Create a B-term.
– dictionary mapping variable names to lower bounds for the corresponding variable. The bound implied by this term is valid when all variables are at least their corresponding lower bound. If a number is passed tovalid_from
, then the lower bounds for all variables of the asymptotic expansion are set to this number
OUTPUT: a B-term
sage: A.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: A.B(2*x^3, {x: 5}) B(2*x^3, x >= 5)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = A._first_ngens(1) >>> A.B(Integer(2)*x**Integer(3), {x: Integer(5)}) B(2*x^3, x >= 5)
- Element[source]¶
alias of
- change_parameter(**kwds)[source]¶
Return an asymptotic ring with a change in one or more of the given parameters.
– (default:None
) the new growth groupcoefficient_ring
– (default:None
) the new coefficient ringcategory
– (default:None
) the new categorydefault_prec
– (default:None
) the new default precision
OUTPUT: an asymptotic ring
sage: A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: A.change_parameter(coefficient_ring=QQ) Asymptotic Ring <x^ZZ> over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> A.change_parameter(coefficient_ring=QQ) Asymptotic Ring <x^ZZ> over Rational Field
- property coefficient_ring¶
The coefficient ring of this asymptotic ring.
sage: AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.coefficient_ring Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> AR.coefficient_ring Integer Ring
- coefficients_of_generating_function(function, singularities, precision=None, return_singular_expansions=False, error_term=None)[source]¶
Return the asymptotic growth of the coefficients of some generating function by means of Singularity Analysis.
– a callable function in one variablesingularities
– list of dominant singularities of the functionprecision
– integer (default:None
); ifNone
, then the default precision of the asymptotic ring is usedreturn_singular_expansions
– boolean (default:False
); if set, the singular expansions are also returnederror_term
– (default:None
) an asymptotic expansion. IfNone
, then this is interpreted as zero. The contributions of the coefficients are added toerror_term
during Singularity Analysis.
: An asymptotic expansion from this ring.If
: A named tuple with componentsasymptotic_expansion
. The former contains an asymptotic expansion from this ring, the latter is a dictionary which contains the singular expansions around the singularities.
Make this method more usable by implementing the processing of symbolic expressions.
Catalan numbers:
sage: def catalan(z): ....: return (1-(1-4*z)^(1/2))/(2*z) sage: B.<n> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^QQ', QQ) sage: B.coefficients_of_generating_function(catalan, (1/4,), precision=3) 1/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-5/2) + 145/128/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-7/2) + O(4^n*n^(-4)) sage: B.coefficients_of_generating_function(catalan, (1/4,), precision=2, ....: return_singular_expansions=True) SingularityAnalysisResult(asymptotic_expansion=1/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-5/2) + O(4^n*n^(-3)), singular_expansions={1/4: 2 - 2*T^(-1/2) + 2*T^(-1) - 2*T^(-3/2) + O(T^(-2))})
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def catalan(z): ... return (Integer(1)-(Integer(1)-Integer(4)*z)**(Integer(1)/Integer(2)))/(Integer(2)*z) >>> B = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^QQ', QQ, names=('n',)); (n,) = B._first_ngens(1) >>> B.coefficients_of_generating_function(catalan, (Integer(1)/Integer(4),), precision=Integer(3)) 1/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-5/2) + 145/128/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-7/2) + O(4^n*n^(-4)) >>> B.coefficients_of_generating_function(catalan, (Integer(1)/Integer(4),), precision=Integer(2), ... return_singular_expansions=True) SingularityAnalysisResult(asymptotic_expansion=1/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-3/2) - 9/8/sqrt(pi)*4^n*n^(-5/2) + O(4^n*n^(-3)), singular_expansions={1/4: 2 - 2*T^(-1/2) + 2*T^(-1) - 2*T^(-3/2) + O(T^(-2))})
Unit fractions:
sage: def logarithmic(z): ....: return -log(1-z) sage: B.coefficients_of_generating_function(logarithmic, (1,), precision=5) n^(-1) + O(n^(-3))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def logarithmic(z): ... return -log(Integer(1)-z) >>> B.coefficients_of_generating_function(logarithmic, (Integer(1),), precision=Integer(5)) n^(-1) + O(n^(-3))
Harmonic numbers:
sage: def harmonic(z): ....: return -log(1-z)/(1-z) sage: B.<n> = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ', QQ) sage: ex = B.coefficients_of_generating_function(harmonic, (1,), precision=13); ex log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6)) sage: ex.has_same_summands(asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber( ....: 'n', precision=5)) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def harmonic(z): ... return -log(Integer(1)-z)/(Integer(1)-z) >>> B = AsymptoticRing('QQ^n * n^QQ * log(n)^QQ', QQ, names=('n',)); (n,) = B._first_ngens(1) >>> ex = B.coefficients_of_generating_function(harmonic, (Integer(1),), precision=Integer(13)); ex log(n) + euler_gamma + 1/2*n^(-1) - 1/12*n^(-2) + 1/120*n^(-4) + O(n^(-6)) >>> ex.has_same_summands(asymptotic_expansions.HarmonicNumber( ... 'n', precision=Integer(5))) True
Once singular expansions around points other than infinity are implemented (Issue #20050), the output in the case
will change to return singular expansions around the singularities.In the following example, the result is an exact asymptotic expression for sufficiently large \(n\) (i.e., there might be finitely many exceptional values). This is encoded by an \(O(0)\) error term:
sage: def f(z): ....: return z/(1-z) sage: B.coefficients_of_generating_function(f, (1,), precision=3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedOZero: got 1 + O(0) The error term O(0) means 0 for sufficiently large n.
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def f(z): ... return z/(Integer(1)-z) >>> B.coefficients_of_generating_function(f, (Integer(1),), precision=Integer(3)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedOZero: got 1 + O(0) The error term O(0) means 0 for sufficiently large n.
In this case, we can manually intervene by adding an error term that suits us:
sage: B.coefficients_of_generating_function(f, (1,), precision=3, ....: error_term=O(n^-100)) 1 + O(n^(-100))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B.coefficients_of_generating_function(f, (Integer(1),), precision=Integer(3), ... error_term=O(n**-Integer(100))) 1 + O(n^(-100))
- construction()[source]¶
Return the construction of this asymptotic ring.
A pair whose first entry is an
asymptotic ring construction functor
and its second entry the coefficient ring.EXAMPLES:
sage: A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: (AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ * QQ^y * Signs^y>, Rational Field)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ) >>> (AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ * QQ^y * Signs^y>, Rational Field)
See also
- create_summand(type, data=None, **kwds)[source]¶
Create a simple asymptotic expansion consisting of a single summand.
– ‘O’ or ‘exact’data
– the element out of which a summand has to be createdgrowth
– an element of thegrowth_group()
– an element of thecoefficient_ring()
have to be specified.OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
This method calls the factory
with the appropriate arguments.EXAMPLES:
sage: R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: R.create_summand('O', x^2) O(x^2) sage: R.create_summand('exact', growth=x^456, coefficient=123) 123*x^456 sage: R.create_summand('exact', data=12*x^13) 12*x^13
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> R.create_summand('O', x**Integer(2)) O(x^2) >>> R.create_summand('exact', growth=x**Integer(456), coefficient=Integer(123)) 123*x^456 >>> R.create_summand('exact', data=Integer(12)*x**Integer(13)) 12*x^13
- property default_prec¶
The default precision of this asymptotic ring.
This is the parameter used to determine how many summands are kept before truncating an infinite series (which occur when inverting asymptotic expansions).
sage: AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.default_prec 20 sage: AR = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', ZZ, default_prec=123) sage: AR.default_prec 123
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> AR.default_prec 20 >>> AR = AsymptoticRing('x^ZZ', ZZ, default_prec=Integer(123)) >>> AR.default_prec 123
- gen(n=0)[source]¶
Return the
-th generator of this asymptotic ring.INPUT:
– (default: \(0\)) a nonnegative integer
OUTPUT: an asymptotic expansion
sage: R.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: R.gen() x
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> R.gen() x
- gens()[source]¶
Return a tuple with generators of this asymptotic ring.
OUTPUT: a tuple of asymptotic expansions
Generators do not necessarily exist. This depends on the underlying growth group. For example,
monomial growth groups
have a generator, and exponential growth groups do not.EXAMPLES:
sage: AR.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.gens() (x,) sage: B.<y,z> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ * z^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: B.gens() (y, z)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = AR._first_ngens(1) >>> AR.gens() (x,) >>> B = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ * z^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ, names=('y', 'z',)); (y, z,) = B._first_ngens(2) >>> B.gens() (y, z)
- property growth_group¶
The growth group of this asymptotic ring.
sage: AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.growth_group Growth Group x^ZZ
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> AR.growth_group Growth Group x^ZZ
See also
- ngens()[source]¶
Return the number of generators of this asymptotic ring.
OUTPUT: integer
sage: AR.<x> = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.ngens() 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ, names=('x',)); (x,) = AR._first_ngens(1) >>> AR.ngens() 1
- some_elements()[source]¶
Return some elements of this term monoid.
for a typical use case.OUTPUT: an iterator
sage: from itertools import islice sage: A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: tuple(islice(A.some_elements(), int(10))) (z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2)), O(z^(1/2)), z^(3/2) + O(z^(-1/2)), -z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2)), O(z^(-1/2)), O(z^2), z^6 + O(z^(1/2)), -z^(3/2) + O(z^(-1/2)), O(z^2), z^(3/2) + O(z^(-2)))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from itertools import islice >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='z^QQ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> tuple(islice(A.some_elements(), int(Integer(10)))) (z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2)), O(z^(1/2)), z^(3/2) + O(z^(-1/2)), -z^(3/2) + O(z^(1/2)), O(z^(-1/2)), O(z^2), z^6 + O(z^(1/2)), -z^(3/2) + O(z^(-1/2)), O(z^2), z^(3/2) + O(z^(-2)))
- term_monoid(type)[source]¶
Return the term monoid of this asymptotic ring of specified
, or an instance of an existing term monoid. SeeTermMonoidFactory
for more details.
A term monoid object derived from
sage: AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.term_monoid('exact') Exact Term Monoid x^ZZ with coefficients in Integer Ring sage: AR.term_monoid('O') O-Term Monoid x^ZZ with implicit coefficients in Integer Ring sage: AR.term_monoid(AR.term_monoid('exact')) Exact Term Monoid x^ZZ with coefficients in Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> AR.term_monoid('exact') Exact Term Monoid x^ZZ with coefficients in Integer Ring >>> AR.term_monoid('O') O-Term Monoid x^ZZ with implicit coefficients in Integer Ring >>> AR.term_monoid(AR.term_monoid('exact')) Exact Term Monoid x^ZZ with coefficients in Integer Ring
- property term_monoid_factory¶
The term monoid factory of this asymptotic ring.
sage: AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) sage: AR.term_monoid_factory Term Monoid Factory 'sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid.DefaultTermMonoidFactory'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AR = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=ZZ) >>> AR.term_monoid_factory Term Monoid Factory 'sage.rings.asymptotic.term_monoid.DefaultTermMonoidFactory'
See also
- variable_names()[source]¶
Return the names of the variables.
OUTPUT: a tuple of strings
sage: A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: A.variable_names() ('x', 'y')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ * QQ^y', coefficient_ring=QQ) >>> A.variable_names() ('x', 'y')
- class sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.AsymptoticRingFunctor(growth_group, default_prec=None, category=None, term_monoid_factory=None, locals=None, cls=None)[source]¶
construction functor
forasymptotic rings
– a partially ordered group (seeAsymptoticRing
or (Asymptotic) Growth Groups for details).default_prec
(default) or integercategory
(default) or a categorycls
(default) or a derived class
sage: AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ).construction() # indirect doctest (AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ>, Rational Field)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ).construction() # indirect doctest (AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ>, Rational Field)
See also
Asymptotic Ring,
.- merge(other)[source]¶
Merge this functor with
if possible.INPUT:
– a functor
OUTPUT: a functor or
sage: X = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: Y = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) sage: F_X =[0] sage: F_Y =[0] sage: F_X.merge(F_X) AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ> sage: F_X.merge(F_Y) AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ * y^ZZ>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> X = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='x^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) >>> Y = AsymptoticRing(growth_group='y^ZZ', coefficient_ring=QQ) >>> F_X =[Integer(0)] >>> F_Y =[Integer(0)] >>> F_X.merge(F_X) AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ> >>> F_X.merge(F_Y) AsymptoticRing<x^ZZ * y^ZZ>
- rank = 13¶
- exception sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotic_ring.NoConvergenceError[source]¶
A special RuntimeError which is raised when an algorithm does not converge/stop.