Huffman encoding

This module implements functionalities relating to Huffman encoding and decoding.


  • Nathann Cohen (2010-05): initial version.

Classes and functions

class sage.coding.source_coding.huffman.Huffman(source)[source]

Bases: SageObject

This class implements the basic functionalities of Huffman codes.

It can build a Huffman code from a given string, or from the information of a dictionary associating to each key (the elements of the alphabet) a weight (most of the time, a probability value or a number of occurrences).


  • source – can be either

    • A string from which the Huffman encoding should be created.

    • A dictionary that associates to each symbol of an alphabet a numeric value. If we consider the frequency of each alphabetic symbol, then source is considered as the frequency table of the alphabet with each numeric (nonnegative integer) value being the number of occurrences of a symbol. The numeric values can also represent weights of the symbols. In that case, the numeric values are not necessarily integers, but can be real numbers.

In order to construct a Huffman code for an alphabet, we use exactly one of the following methods:

  1. Let source be a string of symbols over an alphabet and feed source to the constructor of this class. Based on the input string, a frequency table is constructed that contains the frequency of each unique symbol in source. The alphabet in question is then all the unique symbols in source. A significant implication of this is that any subsequent string that we want to encode must contain only symbols that can be found in source.

  2. Let source be the frequency table of an alphabet. We can feed this table to the constructor of this class. The table source can be a table of frequencies or a table of weights.

In either case, the alphabet must consist of at least two symbols.


sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman, frequency_table
sage: h1 = Huffman("There once was a french fry")
sage: for letter, code in sorted(h1.encoding_table().items()):
....:     print("'{}' : {}".format(letter, code))
' ' : 00
'T' : 11100
'a' : 0111
'c' : 1010
'e' : 100
'f' : 1011
'h' : 1100
'n' : 1101
'o' : 11101
'r' : 010
's' : 11110
'w' : 11111
'y' : 0110
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman, frequency_table
>>> h1 = Huffman("There once was a french fry")
>>> for letter, code in sorted(h1.encoding_table().items()):
...     print("'{}' : {}".format(letter, code))
' ' : 00
'T' : 11100
'a' : 0111
'c' : 1010
'e' : 100
'f' : 1011
'h' : 1100
'n' : 1101
'o' : 11101
'r' : 010
's' : 11110
'w' : 11111
'y' : 0110

We can obtain the same result by “training” the Huffman code with the following table of frequency:

sage: ft = frequency_table("There once was a french fry")
sage: sorted(ft.items())
[(' ', 5),
 ('T', 1),
 ('a', 2),
 ('c', 2),
 ('e', 4),
 ('f', 2),
 ('h', 2),
 ('n', 2),
 ('o', 1),
 ('r', 3),
 ('s', 1),
 ('w', 1),
 ('y', 1)]

sage: h2 = Huffman(ft)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ft = frequency_table("There once was a french fry")
>>> sorted(ft.items())
[(' ', 5),
 ('T', 1),
 ('a', 2),
 ('c', 2),
 ('e', 4),
 ('f', 2),
 ('h', 2),
 ('n', 2),
 ('o', 1),
 ('r', 3),
 ('s', 1),
 ('w', 1),
 ('y', 1)]

>>> h2 = Huffman(ft)

Once h1 has been trained, and hence possesses an encoding table, it is possible to obtain the Huffman encoding of any string (possibly the same) using this code:

sage: encoded = h1.encode("There once was a french fry"); encoded
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> encoded = h1.encode("There once was a french fry"); encoded

We can decode the above encoded string in the following way:

sage: h1.decode(encoded)
'There once was a french fry'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> h1.decode(encoded)
'There once was a french fry'

Obviously, if we try to decode a string using a Huffman instance which has been trained on a different sample (and hence has a different encoding table), we are likely to get some random-looking string:

sage: h3 = Huffman("There once were two french fries")
sage: h3.decode(encoded)
' eierhffcoeft TfewrnwrTrsc'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> h3 = Huffman("There once were two french fries")
>>> h3.decode(encoded)
' eierhffcoeft TfewrnwrTrsc'

This does not look like our original string.

Instead of using frequency, we can assign weights to each alphabetic symbol:

sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
sage: T = {"a":45, "b":13, "c":12, "d":16, "e":9, "f":5}
sage: H = Huffman(T)
sage: L = ["deaf", "bead", "fab", "bee"]
sage: E = []
sage: for e in L:
....:     E.append(H.encode(e))
....:     print(E[-1])
sage: D = []
sage: for e in E:
....:     D.append(H.decode(e))
....:     print(D[-1])
sage: D == L
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
>>> T = {"a":Integer(45), "b":Integer(13), "c":Integer(12), "d":Integer(16), "e":Integer(9), "f":Integer(5)}
>>> H = Huffman(T)
>>> L = ["deaf", "bead", "fab", "bee"]
>>> E = []
>>> for e in L:
...     E.append(H.encode(e))
...     print(E[-Integer(1)])
>>> D = []
>>> for e in E:
...     D.append(H.decode(e))
...     print(D[-Integer(1)])
>>> D == L

Decode the given string using the current encoding table.


  • string – string of Huffman encodings

OUTPUT: the Huffman decoding of string


This is how a string is encoded and then decoded:

sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
sage: str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
sage: h = Huffman(str)
sage: encoded = h.encode(str); encoded
sage: h.decode(encoded)
'Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
>>> str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
>>> h = Huffman(str)
>>> encoded = h.encode(str); encoded
>>> h.decode(encoded)
'Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system'

Encode the given string based on the current encoding table.


  • string – string of symbols over an alphabet

OUTPUT: a Huffman encoding of string


This is how a string is encoded and then decoded:

sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
sage: str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
sage: h = Huffman(str)
sage: encoded = h.encode(str); encoded
sage: h.decode(encoded)
'Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
>>> str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
>>> h = Huffman(str)
>>> encoded = h.encode(str); encoded
>>> h.decode(encoded)
'Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system'

Return the current encoding table.


  • None.

OUTPUT: a dictionary associating an alphabetic symbol to a Huffman encoding


sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
sage: str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
sage: h = Huffman(str)
sage: T = sorted(h.encoding_table().items())
sage: for symbol, code in T:
....:     print("{} {}".format(symbol, code))
S 110000
a 1101
b 110001
c 110010
e 010
f 110011
g 0001
i 10000
l 10001
m 0011
n 00000
o 0110
p 0010
r 1110
s 1111
t 0111
u 10010
v 00001
y 10011
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
>>> str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
>>> h = Huffman(str)
>>> T = sorted(h.encoding_table().items())
>>> for symbol, code in T:
...     print("{} {}".format(symbol, code))
S 110000
a 1101
b 110001
c 110010
e 010
f 110011
g 0001
i 10000
l 10001
m 0011
n 00000
o 0110
p 0010
r 1110
s 1111
t 0111
u 10010
v 00001
y 10011

Return the Huffman tree corresponding to the current encoding.


  • None.

OUTPUT: the binary tree representing a Huffman code


sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
sage: str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
sage: h = Huffman(str)
sage: T = h.tree(); T                                                       # needs sage.graphs
Digraph on 39 vertices
sage:[20,20])                                               # needs sage.graphs sage.plot
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import Huffman
>>> str = "Sage is my most favorite general purpose computer algebra system"
>>> h = Huffman(str)
>>> T = h.tree(); T                                                       # needs sage.graphs
Digraph on 39 vertices
>>>[Integer(20),Integer(20)])                                               # needs sage.graphs sage.plot

Return the frequency table corresponding to the given string.


  • string – string of symbols over some alphabet


  • A table of frequency of each unique symbol in string. If string is an empty string, return an empty table.


The frequency table of a non-empty string:

sage: from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import frequency_table
sage: str = "Stop counting my characters!"
sage: T = sorted(frequency_table(str).items())
sage: for symbol, code in T:
....:     print("{} {}".format(symbol, code))
! 1
S 1
a 2
c 3
e 1
g 1
h 1
i 1
m 1
n 2
o 2
p 1
r 2
s 1
t 3
u 1
y 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.coding.source_coding.huffman import frequency_table
>>> str = "Stop counting my characters!"
>>> T = sorted(frequency_table(str).items())
>>> for symbol, code in T:
...     print("{} {}".format(symbol, code))
! 1
S 1
a 2
c 3
e 1
g 1
h 1
i 1
m 1
n 2
o 2
p 1
r 2
s 1
t 3
u 1
y 1

The frequency of an empty string:

sage: frequency_table("")
defaultdict(<... 'int'>, {})
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> frequency_table("")
defaultdict(<... 'int'>, {})