Group, ring, etc. actions on objects

The terminology and notation used is suggestive of groups acting on sets, but this framework can be used for modules, algebras, etc.

A group action \(G \times S \rightarrow S\) is a functor from \(G\) to Sets.


An Action object only keeps a weak reference to the underlying set which is acted upon. This decision was made in Issue #715 in order to allow garbage collection within the coercion framework (this is where actions are mainly used) and avoid memory leaks.

sage: from sage.categories.action import Action
sage: class P: pass
sage: A = Action(P(),P())
sage: import gc
sage: _ = gc.collect()
sage: A
<repr(<sage.categories.action.Action at 0x...>) failed:
 RuntimeError: This action acted on a set that became garbage collected>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.categories.action import Action
>>> class P: pass
>>> A = Action(P(),P())
>>> import gc
>>> _ = gc.collect()
>>> A
<repr(<sage.categories.action.Action at 0x...>) failed:
 RuntimeError: This action acted on a set that became garbage collected>

To avoid garbage collection of the underlying set, it is sufficient to create a strong reference to it before the action is created.

sage: _ = gc.collect()
sage: from sage.categories.action import Action
sage: class P: pass
sage: q = P()
sage: A = Action(P(),q)
sage: gc.collect()
sage: A
Left action by <__main__.P ... at ...> on <__main__.P ... at ...>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> _ = gc.collect()
>>> from sage.categories.action import Action
>>> class P: pass
>>> q = P()
>>> A = Action(P(),q)
>>> gc.collect()
>>> A
Left action by <__main__.P ... at ...> on <__main__.P ... at ...>


  • Robert Bradshaw: initial version

class sage.categories.action.Action[source]

Bases: Functor

The action of G on S.


  • G – a parent or Python type

  • S – a parent or Python type

  • is_left – boolean (default: True); whether elements of G are on the left

  • op – (default: None) operation. This is not used by Action itself, but other classes may use it

act(g, x)[source]

This is a consistent interface for acting on x by g, regardless of whether it’s a left or right action.

If needed, g and x are converted to the correct parent.


sage: R.<x> = ZZ []
sage: from sage.structure.coerce_actions import IntegerMulAction
sage: A = IntegerMulAction(ZZ, R, True)   # Left action
sage: A.act(5, x)
sage: A.act(int(5), x)
sage: A = IntegerMulAction(ZZ, R, False)  # Right action
sage: A.act(5, x)
sage: A.act(int(5), x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = ZZ ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> from sage.structure.coerce_actions import IntegerMulAction
>>> A = IntegerMulAction(ZZ, R, True)   # Left action
>>> A.act(Integer(5), x)
>>> A.act(int(Integer(5)), x)
>>> A = IntegerMulAction(ZZ, R, False)  # Right action
>>> A.act(Integer(5), x)
>>> A.act(int(Integer(5)), x)
class sage.categories.action.ActionEndomorphism[source]

Bases: Morphism

The endomorphism defined by the action of one element.


sage: A = ZZ['x'].get_action(QQ, self_on_left=False, op=operator.mul)
sage: A
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
sage: A(1/2)
Action of 1/2 on Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
under Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field on Univariate
Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring.
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A = ZZ['x'].get_action(QQ, self_on_left=False, op=operator.mul)
>>> A
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
>>> A(Integer(1)/Integer(2))
Action of 1/2 on Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
under Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field on Univariate
Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring.
class sage.categories.action.InverseAction[source]

Bases: Action

An action that acts as the inverse of the given action.


sage: V = QQ^3                                                                  # needs sage.modules
sage: v = V((1, 2, 3))                                                          # needs sage.modules
sage: cm = get_coercion_model()

sage: # needs sage.modules
sage: a = cm.get_action(V, QQ, operator.mul)
sage: a
Right scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
sage: ~a
Right inverse action by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
sage: (~a)(v, 1/3)
(3, 6, 9)

sage: # needs sage.modules
sage: b = cm.get_action(QQ, V, operator.mul)
sage: b
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
sage: ~b
Left inverse action by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
sage: (~b)(1/3, v)
(3, 6, 9)

sage: c = cm.get_action(ZZ, list, operator.mul)
sage: c
Left action by Integer Ring on <... 'list'>
sage: ~c
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: no inverse defined for Left action by Integer Ring on <... 'list'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> V = QQ**Integer(3)                                                                  # needs sage.modules
>>> v = V((Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)))                                                          # needs sage.modules
>>> cm = get_coercion_model()

>>> # needs sage.modules
>>> a = cm.get_action(V, QQ, operator.mul)
>>> a
Right scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
>>> ~a
Right inverse action by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
>>> (~a)(v, Integer(1)/Integer(3))
(3, 6, 9)

>>> # needs sage.modules
>>> b = cm.get_action(QQ, V, operator.mul)
>>> b
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
>>> ~b
Left inverse action by Rational Field
 on Vector space of dimension 3 over Rational Field
>>> (~b)(Integer(1)/Integer(3), v)
(3, 6, 9)

>>> c = cm.get_action(ZZ, list, operator.mul)
>>> c
Left action by Integer Ring on <... 'list'>
>>> ~c
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: no inverse defined for Left action by Integer Ring on <... 'list'>
class sage.categories.action.PrecomposedAction[source]

Bases: Action

A precomposed action first applies given maps, and then applying an action to the return values of the maps.


We demonstrate that an example discussed on Issue #14711 did not become a problem:

sage: # needs sage.libs.flint sage.modular
sage: E = ModularSymbols(11).2
sage: s = E.modular_symbol_rep()
sage: del E,s
sage: import gc
sage: _ = gc.collect()
sage: E = ModularSymbols(11).2
sage: v = E.manin_symbol_rep()
sage: c,x = v[0]
sage: y = x.modular_symbol_rep()
sage: coercion_model.get_action(QQ, parent(y), op=operator.mul)
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Rational Field
 with precomposition on right by Coercion map:
  From: Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Integer Ring
  To:   Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.flint sage.modular
>>> E = ModularSymbols(Integer(11)).gen(2)
>>> s = E.modular_symbol_rep()
>>> del E,s
>>> import gc
>>> _ = gc.collect()
>>> E = ModularSymbols(Integer(11)).gen(2)
>>> v = E.manin_symbol_rep()
>>> c,x = v[Integer(0)]
>>> y = x.modular_symbol_rep()
>>> coercion_model.get_action(QQ, parent(y), op=operator.mul)
Left scalar multiplication by Rational Field
 on Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Rational Field
 with precomposition on right by Coercion map:
  From: Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Integer Ring
  To:   Abelian Group of all Formal Finite Sums over Rational Field

The left map to precompose with, or None if there is no left precomposition map.


The right map to precompose with, or None if there is no right precomposition map.