Processes for running doctests#

This module controls the processes started by Sage that actually run the doctests.


The following examples are used in doctesting this file:

sage: doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
sage: R.<a> = ZZ[]
sage: a + doctest_var
a + 42
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> doctest_var = Integer(42); doctest_var**Integer(2)
>>> R = ZZ['a']; (a,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> a + doctest_var
a + 42


  • David Roe (2012-03-27) – initial version, based on Robert Bradshaw’s code.

  • Jeroen Demeyer (2013 and 2015) – major improvements to forking and logging

class sage.doctest.forker.DocTestDispatcher(controller)[source]#

Bases: SageObject

Creates parallel DocTestWorker processes and dispatches doctesting tasks.


Run the doctests for the controller’s specified sources, by calling parallel_dispatch() or serial_dispatch() according to the --serial option.


sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.util import Timer
sage: import os
sage: freehom = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'modules', '')
sage: bigo = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [freehom, bigo])
sage: DC.expand_files_into_sources()
sage: DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
sage: DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
sage: DC.reporter = DR
sage: DC.dispatcher = DD
sage: DC.timer = Timer().start()
sage: DD.dispatch()
sage -t .../sage/modules/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../sage/rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.util import Timer
>>> import os
>>> freehom = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'modules', '')
>>> bigo = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
>>> DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [freehom, bigo])
>>> DC.expand_files_into_sources()
>>> DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
>>> DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
>>> DC.reporter = DR
>>> DC.dispatcher = DD
>>> DC.timer = Timer().start()
>>> DD.dispatch()
sage -t .../sage/modules/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../sage/rings/
    [... tests, ... s]

Run the doctests from the controller’s specified sources in parallel.

This creates DocTestWorker subprocesses, while the master process checks for timeouts and collects and displays the results.


sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.util import Timer
sage: import os
sage: crem = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'databases', '')
sage: bigo = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [crem, bigo])
sage: DC.expand_files_into_sources()
sage: DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
sage: DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
sage: DC.reporter = DR
sage: DC.dispatcher = DD
sage: DC.timer = Timer().start()
sage: DD.parallel_dispatch()
sage -t .../databases/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.util import Timer
>>> import os
>>> crem = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'databases', '')
>>> bigo = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
>>> DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [crem, bigo])
>>> DC.expand_files_into_sources()
>>> DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
>>> DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
>>> DC.reporter = DR
>>> DC.dispatcher = DD
>>> DC.timer = Timer().start()
>>> DD.parallel_dispatch()
sage -t .../databases/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]

If the exitfirst=True option is given, the results for a failing module will be immediately printed and any other ongoing tests canceled:

sage: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as NTF
sage: with NTF(suffix=".py", mode="w+t") as f1, \
....:      NTF(suffix=".py", mode="w+t") as f2:
....:     _ = f1.write("'''\nsage: import time; time.sleep(60)\n'''")
....:     f1.flush()
....:     _ = f2.write("'''\nsage: True\nFalse\n'''")
....:     f2.flush()
....:     DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(exitfirst=True,
....:                                            nthreads=2),
....:                            [,])
....:     DC.expand_files_into_sources()
....:     DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
....:     DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
....:     DC.reporter = DR
....:     DC.dispatcher = DD
....:     DC.timer = Timer().start()
....:     DD.parallel_dispatch()
sage -t ...
File "...", line 2, in ...
Failed example:
1 item had failures:
   1 of   1 in ...
    [1 test, 1 failure, ... s]
Killing test ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as NTF
>>> with NTF(suffix=".py", mode="w+t") as f1,      NTF(suffix=".py", mode="w+t") as f2:
...     _ = f1.write("'''\nsage: import time; time.sleep(60)\n'''")
...     f1.flush()
...     _ = f2.write("'''\nsage: True\nFalse\n'''")
...     f2.flush()
...     DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(exitfirst=True,
...                                            nthreads=Integer(2)),
...                            [,])
...     DC.expand_files_into_sources()
...     DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
...     DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
...     DC.reporter = DR
...     DC.dispatcher = DD
...     DC.timer = Timer().start()
...     DD.parallel_dispatch()
sage -t ...
File "...", line 2, in ...
Failed example:
1 item had failures:
   1 of   1 in ...
    [1 test, 1 failure, ... s]
Killing test ...

Run the doctests from the controller’s specified sources in series.

There is no graceful handling for signals, no possibility of interrupting tests and no timeout.


sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.util import Timer
sage: import os
sage: homset = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
sage: ideal = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
sage: DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [homset, ideal])
sage: DC.expand_files_into_sources()
sage: DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
sage: DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
sage: DC.reporter = DR
sage: DC.dispatcher = DD
sage: DC.timer = Timer().start()
sage: DD.serial_dispatch()
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestDispatcher
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.util import Timer
>>> import os
>>> homset = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
>>> ideal = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC, 'sage', 'rings', '')
>>> DC = DocTestController(DocTestDefaults(), [homset, ideal])
>>> DC.expand_files_into_sources()
>>> DD = DocTestDispatcher(DC)
>>> DR = DocTestReporter(DC)
>>> DC.reporter = DR
>>> DC.dispatcher = DD
>>> DC.timer = Timer().start()
>>> DD.serial_dispatch()
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
sage -t .../rings/
    [... tests, ... s]
class sage.doctest.forker.DocTestTask(source)[source]#

Bases: object

This class encapsulates the tests from a single source.

This class does not insulate from problems in the source (e.g. entering an infinite loop or causing a segfault), that has to be dealt with at a higher level.



sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestTask
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults, DocTestController
sage: import os
sage: filename = sage.doctest.sources.__file__
sage: DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: DTT = DocTestTask(FDS)
sage: DC = DocTestController(DD,[filename])
sage: ntests, results = DTT(options=DD)
sage: ntests >= 300 or ntests
sage: sorted(results.keys())
['cputime', 'err', 'failures', 'optionals', 'tests', 'walltime', 'walltime_skips']
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestTask
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults, DocTestController
>>> import os
>>> filename = sage.doctest.sources.__file__
>>> DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> DTT = DocTestTask(FDS)
>>> DC = DocTestController(DD,[filename])
>>> ntests, results = DTT(options=DD)
>>> ntests >= Integer(300) or ntests
>>> sorted(results.keys())
['cputime', 'err', 'failures', 'optionals', 'tests', 'walltime', 'walltime_skips']
class sage.doctest.forker.DocTestWorker(source, options, funclist=[], baseline=None)[source]#

Bases: Process

The DocTestWorker process runs one DocTestTask for a given source. It returns messages about doctest failures (or all tests if verbose doctesting) through a pipe and returns results through a multiprocessing.Queue instance (both these are created in the start() method).

It runs the task in its own process-group, such that killing the process group kills this process together with its child processes.

The class has additional methods and attributes for bookkeeping by the master process. Except in run(), nothing from this class should be accessed by the child process.


  • source – a DocTestSource instance

  • options – an object representing doctest options.

  • funclist – a list of callables to be called at the start of the child process.

  • baseline – dictionary, the baseline_stats value


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
sage: DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
sage: W.start()
sage: DC = DocTestController(DD, filename)
sage: reporter = DocTestReporter(DC)
sage: W.join()  # Wait for worker to finish
sage: result = W.result_queue.get()
sage:, False, W.exitcode, result, "")
    [... tests, ... s]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
>>> DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
>>> W.start()
>>> DC = DocTestController(DD, filename)
>>> reporter = DocTestReporter(DC)
>>> W.join()  # Wait for worker to finish
>>> result = W.result_queue.get()
>>>, False, W.exitcode, result, "")
    [... tests, ... s]

Kill this worker. Return True if the signal(s) are sent successfully or False if the worker process no longer exists.

This method is only called if there is something wrong with the worker. Under normal circumstances, the worker is supposed to exit by itself after finishing.

The first time this is called, use SIGQUIT. This will trigger the cysignals SIGQUIT handler and try to print an enhanced traceback.

Subsequent times, use SIGKILL. Also close the message pipe if it was still open.


sage: import time
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: filename = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC,'sage','doctest','tests','99seconds.rst')
sage: DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> import time
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> filename = os.path.join(SAGE_SRC,'sage','doctest','tests','99seconds.rst')
>>> DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)

We set up the worker to start by blocking SIGQUIT, such that killing will fail initially:

sage: from cysignals.pselect import PSelecter
sage: import signal
sage: def block_hup():
....:     # We never __exit__()
....:     PSelecter([signal.SIGQUIT]).__enter__()
sage: W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD, [block_hup])
sage: W.start()
sage: W.killed
sage: W.kill()
sage: W.killed
sage: time.sleep(float(0.2))  # Worker doesn't die
sage: W.kill()         # Worker dies now
sage: time.sleep(1)
sage: W.is_alive()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from cysignals.pselect import PSelecter
>>> import signal
>>> def block_hup():
...     # We never __exit__()
...     PSelecter([signal.SIGQUIT]).__enter__()
>>> W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD, [block_hup])
>>> W.start()
>>> W.killed
>>> W.kill()
>>> W.killed
>>> time.sleep(float(RealNumber('0.2')))  # Worker doesn't die
>>> W.kill()         # Worker dies now
>>> time.sleep(Integer(1))
>>> W.is_alive()

In the master process, read from the pipe and store the data read in the messages attribute.


This function may need to be called multiple times in order to read all of the messages.


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
sage: DD = DocTestDefaults(verbose=True,nthreads=2)
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
sage: W.start()
sage: while W.rmessages is not None:
....:     W.read_messages()
sage: W.join()
sage: len(W.messages) > 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
>>> DD = DocTestDefaults(verbose=True,nthreads=Integer(2))
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
>>> W.start()
>>> while W.rmessages is not None:
...     W.read_messages()
>>> W.join()
>>> len(W.messages) > Integer(0)

Runs the DocTestTask under its own PGID.


Annotate self with self.result (the result read through the result_queue and with self.output, the complete contents of self.outtmpfile. Then close the Queue and self.outtmpfile.


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
sage: filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
sage: DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
sage: W.start()
sage: W.join()
sage: W.save_result_output()
sage: sorted(W.result[1].keys())
['cputime', 'err', 'failures', 'optionals', 'tests', 'walltime', 'walltime_skips']
sage: len(W.output) > 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import DocTestWorker, DocTestTask
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.reporting import DocTestReporter
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestController, DocTestDefaults
>>> filename = sage.doctest.util.__file__
>>> DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> W = DocTestWorker(FDS, DD)
>>> W.start()
>>> W.join()
>>> W.save_result_output()
>>> sorted(W.result[Integer(1)].keys())
['cputime', 'err', 'failures', 'optionals', 'tests', 'walltime', 'walltime_skips']
>>> len(W.output) > Integer(0)


This method is called from the parent process, not from the subprocess.


Start the worker and close the writing end of the message pipe.

class sage.doctest.forker.SageDocTestRunner(*args, **kwds)[source]#

Bases: DocTestRunner

A customized version of DocTestRunner that tracks dependencies of doctests.


  • stdout – an open file to restore for debugging

  • checkerNone, or an instance of doctest.OutputChecker

  • verbose – boolean, determines whether verbose printing is enabled.

  • optionflags – Controls the comparison with the expected output. See testmod for more information.

  • baseline – dictionary, the baseline_stats value


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: DTR
<sage.doctest.forker.SageDocTestRunner object at ...>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> DTR
<sage.doctest.forker.SageDocTestRunner object at ...>
compile_and_execute(example, compiler, globs)[source]#

Runs the given example, recording dependencies.

Rather than using a basic dictionary, Sage’s doctest runner uses a sage.doctest.util.RecordingDict, which records every time a value is set or retrieved. Executing the given code with this recording dictionary as the namespace allows Sage to track dependencies between doctest lines. For example, in the following two lines

sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
sage: f = x^2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = ZZ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> f = x**Integer(2) + Integer(1)

the recording dictionary records that the second line depends on the first since the first INSERTS x into the global namespace and the second line RETRIEVES x from the global namespace.


  • example – a doctest.Example instance.

  • compiler – a callable that, applied to example, produces a code object

  • globs – a dictionary in which to execute the code.


  • the output of the compiled code snippet.


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.util import RecordingDict
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os, hashlib
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD,
....:           optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: DTR.running_doctest_digest = hashlib.md5()
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: globs = RecordingDict(globals())
sage: 'doctest_var' in globs
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globs)
sage: ex0 = doctests[0].examples[0]
sage: flags = 32768 if sys.version_info.minor < 8 else 524288
sage: def compiler(ex):
....:     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[0]>',
....:                    'single', flags, 1)
sage: DTR.compile_and_execute(ex0, compiler, globs)
sage: globs['doctest_var']
sage: globs.set
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.util import RecordingDict
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os, hashlib
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD,
...           optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> DTR.running_doctest_digest = hashlib.md5()
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> globs = RecordingDict(globals())
>>> 'doctest_var' in globs
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globs)
>>> ex0 = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]
>>> flags = Integer(32768) if sys.version_info.minor < Integer(8) else Integer(524288)
>>> def compiler(ex):
...     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[0]>',
...                    'single', flags, Integer(1))
>>> DTR.compile_and_execute(ex0, compiler, globs)
>>> globs['doctest_var']
>>> globs.set

Now we can execute some more doctests to see the dependencies.

sage: ex1 = doctests[0].examples[1]
sage: def compiler(ex):
....:     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[1]>',
....:                    'single', flags, 1)
sage: DTR.compile_and_execute(ex1, compiler, globs)
sage: sorted(list(globs.set))
['R', 'a']
sage: ex1.predecessors
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ex1 = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(1)]
>>> def compiler(ex):
...     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[1]>',
...                    'single', flags, Integer(1))
>>> DTR.compile_and_execute(ex1, compiler, globs)
>>> sorted(list(globs.set))
['R', 'a']
>>> ex1.predecessors
sage: ex2 = doctests[0].examples[2]
sage: def compiler(ex):
....:     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[2]>',
....:                    'single', flags, 1)
sage: DTR.compile_and_execute(ex2, compiler, globs)
a + 42
sage: list(globs.set)
sage: sorted(list(
['a', 'doctest_var']
sage: set(ex2.predecessors) == set([ex0,ex1])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ex2 = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(2)]
>>> def compiler(ex):
...     return compile(ex.source, '<doctest sage.doctest.forker[2]>',
...                    'single', flags, Integer(1))
>>> DTR.compile_and_execute(ex2, compiler, globs)
a + 42
>>> list(globs.set)
>>> sorted(list(
['a', 'doctest_var']
>>> set(ex2.predecessors) == set([ex0,ex1])
report_failure(out, test, example, got, globs)[source]#

Called when a doctest fails.


  • out – a function for printing

  • test – a doctest.DocTest instance

  • example – a doctest.Example instance in test

  • got – a string, the result of running example

  • globs – a dictionary of globals, used if in debugging mode


  • prints a report to out


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: ex = doctests[0].examples[0]
sage: DTR.no_failure_yet = True
sage: DTR.report_failure(sys.stdout.write, doctests[0], ex, 'BAD ANSWER\n', {})
File ".../sage/doctest/", line 12, in sage.doctest.forker
Failed example:
    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> ex = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]
>>> DTR.no_failure_yet = True
>>> DTR.report_failure(sys.stdout.write, doctests[Integer(0)], ex, 'BAD ANSWER\n', {})
File ".../sage/doctest/", line 12, in sage.doctest.forker
Failed example:
    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2

If debugging is turned on this function starts an IPython prompt when a test returns an incorrect answer:

sage: sage0.quit()
sage: _ = sage0.eval("import doctest, sys, os, multiprocessing, subprocess")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("import sage.doctest.forker as sdf")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DD = DocTestDefaults(debug=True)")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("ex1 = doctest.Example('a = 17', '')")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("ex2 = doctest.Example('2*a', '1')")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DT = doctest.DocTest([ex1,ex2], globals(), 'doubling', None, 0, None)")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DTR = sdf.SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)")
sage: print(sage0.eval("sdf.init_sage();, clear_globs=False)")) # indirect doctest
Line 1, in doubling
Failed example:
Previously executed commands:
sage: sage0._expect.expect('sage: ')   # sage0 just mis-identified the output as prompt, synchronize
sage: sage0.eval("a")
sage: sage0.eval("quit")
'Returning to doctests...TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sage0.quit()
>>> _ = sage0.eval("import doctest, sys, os, multiprocessing, subprocess")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("import sage.doctest.forker as sdf")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DD = DocTestDefaults(debug=True)")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("ex1 = doctest.Example('a = 17', '')")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("ex2 = doctest.Example('2*a', '1')")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DT = doctest.DocTest([ex1,ex2], globals(), 'doubling', None, 0, None)")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DTR = sdf.SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)")
>>> print(sage0.eval("sdf.init_sage();, clear_globs=False)")) # indirect doctest
Line 1, in doubling
Failed example:
Previously executed commands:
>>> sage0._expect.expect('sage: ')   # sage0 just mis-identified the output as prompt, synchronize
>>> sage0.eval("a")
>>> sage0.eval("quit")
'Returning to doctests...TestResults(failed=1, attempted=2)'
report_overtime(out, test, example, got, check_duration)[source]#

Called when the warn_long option flag is set and a doctest runs longer than the specified time.


  • out – a function for printing

  • test – a doctest.DocTest instance

  • example – a doctest.Example instance in test

  • got – a string, the result of running example

  • check_duration – number (default: 0) time spent for checking the test output


  • prints a report to out


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: from sage.misc.timing import walltime
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: ex = doctests[0].examples[0]
sage: ex.walltime = 1.23r
sage: DTR.report_overtime(sys.stdout.write, doctests[0], ex, 'BAD ANSWER\n', check_duration=2.34r)
File ".../sage/doctest/", line 12, in sage.doctest.forker
Warning, slow doctest:
    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
Test ran for 1.23 s, check ran for 2.34 s
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> from sage.misc.timing import walltime
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> ex = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]
>>> ex.walltime = 1.23
>>> DTR.report_overtime(sys.stdout.write, doctests[Integer(0)], ex, 'BAD ANSWER\n', check_duration=2.34)
File ".../sage/doctest/", line 12, in sage.doctest.forker
Warning, slow doctest:
    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
Test ran for 1.23 s, check ran for 2.34 s
report_start(out, test, example)[source]#

Called when an example starts.



  • prints a report to out


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: ex = doctests[0].examples[0]
sage: DTR.report_start(sys.stdout.write, doctests[0], ex)
Trying (line 12):    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> ex = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]
>>> DTR.report_start(sys.stdout.write, doctests[Integer(0)], ex)
Trying (line 12):    doctest_var = 42; doctest_var^2
report_success(out, test, example, got, check_duration)[source]#

Called when an example succeeds.


  • out – a function for printing

  • test – a doctest.DocTest instance

  • example – a doctest.Example instance in test

  • got – a string, the result of running example

  • check_duration – number (default: 0) time spent for checking the test output


  • prints a report to out

  • if in debugging mode, starts an IPython prompt at the point of the failure


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: from sage.misc.timing import walltime
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: ex = doctests[0].examples[0]
sage: ex.walltime = 0.0r
sage: DTR.report_success(sys.stdout.write, doctests[0], ex, '1764')
ok [0.00 s]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> from sage.misc.timing import walltime
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=True, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> ex = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]
>>> ex.walltime = 0.0
>>> DTR.report_success(sys.stdout.write, doctests[Integer(0)], ex, '1764')
ok [0.00 s]
report_unexpected_exception(out, test, example, exc_info)[source]#

Called when a doctest raises an exception that’s not matched by the expected output.

If debugging has been turned on, starts an interactive debugger.


  • out – a function for printing

  • test – a doctest.DocTest instance

  • example – a doctest.Example instance in test

  • exc_info – the result of sys.exc_info()


  • prints a report to out

  • if in debugging mode, starts PDB with the given traceback


sage: from sage.interfaces.sage0 import sage0
sage: sage0.quit()
sage: _ = sage0.eval("import doctest, sys, os, multiprocessing, subprocess")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("import sage.doctest.forker as sdf")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DD = DocTestDefaults(debug=True)")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("ex = doctest.Example('E = EllipticCurve([0,0]); E', 'A singular Elliptic Curve')")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DT = doctest.DocTest([ex], globals(), 'singular_curve', None, 0, None)")
sage: _ = sage0.eval("DTR = sdf.SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)")
sage: old_prompt = sage0._prompt
sage: sage0._prompt = r"\(Pdb\) "
sage: sage0.eval(", clear_globs=False)") # indirect doctest
'... ArithmeticError(self._equation_string() + " defines a singular curve")'
sage: sage0.eval("l")
'...if self.discriminant() == 0:...raise ArithmeticError...'
sage: sage0.eval("u")
'...-> super().__init__(R, data, category=category)'
sage: sage0.eval("u")
'...EllipticCurve_field.__init__(self, K, ainvs)'
sage: sage0.eval("p ainvs")
'(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)'
sage: sage0._prompt = old_prompt
sage: sage0.eval("quit")
'TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.interfaces.sage0 import sage0
>>> sage0.quit()
>>> _ = sage0.eval("import doctest, sys, os, multiprocessing, subprocess")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("import sage.doctest.forker as sdf")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DD = DocTestDefaults(debug=True)")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("ex = doctest.Example('E = EllipticCurve([0,0]); E', 'A singular Elliptic Curve')")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DT = doctest.DocTest([ex], globals(), 'singular_curve', None, 0, None)")
>>> _ = sage0.eval("DTR = sdf.SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)")
>>> old_prompt = sage0._prompt
>>> sage0._prompt = r"\(Pdb\) "
>>> sage0.eval(", clear_globs=False)") # indirect doctest
'... ArithmeticError(self._equation_string() + " defines a singular curve")'
>>> sage0.eval("l")
'...if self.discriminant() == 0:...raise ArithmeticError...'
>>> sage0.eval("u")
'...-> super().__init__(R, data, category=category)'
>>> sage0.eval("u")
'...EllipticCurve_field.__init__(self, K, ainvs)'
>>> sage0.eval("p ainvs")
'(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)'
>>> sage0._prompt = old_prompt
>>> sage0.eval("quit")
'TestResults(failed=1, attempted=1)'
run(test, compileflags=0, out=None, clear_globs=True)[source]#

Runs the examples in a given doctest.

This function replaces since it needs to handle spoofing. It also leaves the display hook in place.


  • test – an instance of doctest.DocTest

  • compileflags – int (default: 0) the set of compiler flags used to execute examples (passed in to the compile()).

  • out – a function for writing the output (defaults to sys.stdout.write()).

  • clear_globs – boolean (default: True): whether to clear the namespace after running this doctest.


  • f – integer, the number of examples that failed

  • t – the number of examples tried


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD,
....:                         optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage:[0], clear_globs=False)
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD,
...                         optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>>[Integer(0)], clear_globs=False)
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)

Print results of testing to self.msgfile and return number of failures and tests run.


  • verbose – whether to print lots of stuff


  • returns (f, t), a doctest.TestResults instance giving the number of failures and the total number of tests run.


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: DTR._name2ft['sage.doctest.forker'] = (1,120)
sage: results = DTR.summarize()
1 item had failures:
    1 of 120 in sage.doctest.forker
sage: results
TestResults(failed=1, attempted=120)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> DTR._name2ft['sage.doctest.forker'] = (Integer(1),Integer(120))
>>> results = DTR.summarize()
1 item had failures:
    1 of 120 in sage.doctest.forker
>>> results
TestResults(failed=1, attempted=120)

Update global and doctest digests.

Sage’s doctest runner tracks the state of doctests so that their dependencies are known. For example, in the following two lines

sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
sage: f = x^2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = ZZ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> f = x**Integer(2) + Integer(1)

it records that the second line depends on the first since the first INSERTS x into the global namespace and the second line RETRIEVES x from the global namespace.

This function updates the hashes that record these dependencies.



sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os, hashlib
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: DTR.running_global_digest.hexdigest()
sage: DTR.running_doctest_digest = hashlib.md5()
sage: ex = doctests[0].examples[0]; ex.predecessors = None
sage: DTR.update_digests(ex)
sage: DTR.running_global_digest.hexdigest()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os, hashlib
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> DTR.running_global_digest.hexdigest()
>>> DTR.running_doctest_digest = hashlib.md5()
>>> ex = doctests[Integer(0)].examples[Integer(0)]; ex.predecessors = None
>>> DTR.update_digests(ex)
>>> DTR.running_global_digest.hexdigest()

When returning results we pick out the results of interest since many attributes are not pickleable.


  • D – a dictionary to update with cputime and walltime


  • the number of failures (or False if there is no failure attribute)


sage: from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
sage: from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource, DictAsObject
sage: from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
sage: import doctest, sys, os
sage: DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
sage: filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
sage: FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
sage: doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
sage: from sage.doctest.util import Timer
sage: T = Timer().start()
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
sage: T.stop().annotate(DTR)
sage: D = DictAsObject({'cputime': [], 'walltime': [], 'err': None})
sage: DTR.update_results(D)
sage: sorted(list(D.items()))
[('cputime', [...]), ('err', None), ('failures', 0), ('tests', 4),
 ('walltime', [...]), ('walltime_skips', 0)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.parsing import SageOutputChecker
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageDocTestRunner
>>> from sage.doctest.sources import FileDocTestSource, DictAsObject
>>> from sage.doctest.control import DocTestDefaults; DD = DocTestDefaults()
>>> import doctest, sys, os
>>> DTR = SageDocTestRunner(SageOutputChecker(), verbose=False, sage_options=DD, optionflags=doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE|doctest.ELLIPSIS)
>>> filename = sage.doctest.forker.__file__
>>> FDS = FileDocTestSource(filename, DD)
>>> doctests, extras = FDS.create_doctests(globals())
>>> from sage.doctest.util import Timer
>>> T = Timer().start()
TestResults(failed=0, attempted=4)
>>> T.stop().annotate(DTR)
>>> D = DictAsObject({'cputime': [], 'walltime': [], 'err': None})
>>> DTR.update_results(D)
>>> sorted(list(D.items()))
[('cputime', [...]), ('err', None), ('failures', 0), ('tests', 4),
 ('walltime', [...]), ('walltime_skips', 0)]
class sage.doctest.forker.SageSpoofInOut(outfile=None, infile=None)[source]#

Bases: SageObject

We replace the standard doctest._SpoofOut for three reasons:

  • we need to divert the output of C programs that don’t print through sys.stdout,

  • we want the ability to recover partial output from doctest processes that segfault.

  • we also redirect stdin (usually from /dev/null) during doctests.

This class defines streams self.real_stdin, self.real_stdout and self.real_stderr which refer to the original streams.


  • outfile – (default: tempfile.TemporaryFile()) a seekable open file object to which stdout and stderr should be redirected.

  • infile – (default: open(os.devnull)) an open file object from which stdin should be redirected.


sage: import subprocess, tempfile
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
sage: O = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut(O)
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     print("hello world")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: S.getvalue()
'hello world\n'
sage: _ =
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut(outfile=sys.stdout, infile=O)
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     _ = subprocess.check_call("cat")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
hello world
sage: O.close()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> import subprocess, tempfile
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
>>> O = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut(O)
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     print("hello world")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> S.getvalue()
'hello world\n'
>>> _ =
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut(outfile=sys.stdout, infile=O)
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     _ = subprocess.check_call("cat")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
hello world
>>> O.close()

Gets the value that has been printed to outfile since the last time this function was called.


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut()
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     print("step 1")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: S.getvalue()
'step 1\n'
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     print("step 2")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: S.getvalue()
'step 2\n'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut()
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     print("step 1")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> S.getvalue()
'step 1\n'
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     print("step 2")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> S.getvalue()
'step 2\n'

Set stdin to read from self.infile and stdout to print to self.outfile.


sage: import os, tempfile
sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
sage: O = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut(O)
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     print("this is not printed")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: S.getvalue()
'this is not printed\n'
sage: _ =
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut(infile=O)
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     v =
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: v
'this is not printed\n'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> import os, tempfile
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
>>> O = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut(O)
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     print("this is not printed")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> S.getvalue()
'this is not printed\n'
>>> _ =
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut(infile=O)
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     v =
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> v
'this is not printed\n'

We also catch non-Python output:

sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     retval = os.system('''echo "Hello there"\nif [ $? -eq 0 ]; then\necho "good"\nfi''')
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: S.getvalue()
'Hello there\ngood\n'
sage: O.close()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     retval = os.system('''echo "Hello there"\nif [ $? -eq 0 ]; then\necho "good"\nfi''')
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> S.getvalue()
'Hello there\ngood\n'
>>> O.close()

Reset stdin and stdout to their original values.


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
sage: S = SageSpoofInOut()
sage: try:
....:     S.start_spoofing()
....:     print("this is not printed")
....: finally:
....:     S.stop_spoofing()
sage: print("this is now printed")
this is now printed
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import SageSpoofInOut
>>> S = SageSpoofInOut()
>>> try:
...     S.start_spoofing()
...     print("this is not printed")
... finally:
...     S.stop_spoofing()
>>> print("this is now printed")
this is now printed
class sage.doctest.forker.TestResults(failed, attempted)#

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

sage.doctest.forker.dummy_handler(sig, frame)[source]#

Dummy signal handler for SIGCHLD (just to ensure the signal isn’t ignored).


Import the Sage library.

This function is called once at the beginning of a doctest run (rather than once for each file). It imports the Sage library, sets DOCTEST_MODE to True, and invalidates any interfaces.


sage: from sage.doctest.forker import init_sage
sage: sage.doctest.DOCTEST_MODE = False
sage: init_sage()
sage: sage.doctest.DOCTEST_MODE
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import init_sage
>>> sage.doctest.DOCTEST_MODE = False
>>> init_sage()
>>> sage.doctest.DOCTEST_MODE

Check that pexpect interfaces are invalidated, but still work:

sage: gap.eval("my_test_var := 42;")
sage: gap.eval("my_test_var;")
sage: init_sage()
sage: gap('Group((1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4))')
Group( [ (1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4) ] )
sage: gap.eval("my_test_var;")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Gap produced error output...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> gap.eval("my_test_var := 42;")
>>> gap.eval("my_test_var;")
>>> init_sage()
>>> gap('Group((1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4))')
Group( [ (1,2,3)(4,5), (3,4) ] )
>>> gap.eval("my_test_var;")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Gap produced error output...

Check that SymPy equation pretty printer is limited in doctest mode to default width (80 chars):

sage: # needs sympy
sage: from sympy import sympify
sage: from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty import PrettyPrinter
sage: s = sympify('+x^'.join(str(i) for i in range(30)))
sage: print(PrettyPrinter(settings={'wrap_line': True}).doprint(s))
 29    28    27    26    25    24    23    22    21    20    19    18    17
x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   +

 16    15    14    13    12    11    10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3
x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x

  + x
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sympy
>>> from sympy import sympify
>>> from sympy.printing.pretty.pretty import PrettyPrinter
>>> s = sympify('+x^'.join(str(i) for i in range(Integer(30))))
>>> print(PrettyPrinter(settings={'wrap_line': True}).doprint(s))
 29    28    27    26    25    24    23    22    21    20    19    18    17
x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   +
 16    15    14    13    12    11    10    9    8    7    6    5    4    3
x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x   + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x  + x
  + x

The displayhook sorts dictionary keys to simplify doctesting of dictionary output:

sage: {'a':23, 'b':34, 'au':56, 'bbf':234, 'aaa':234}
{'a': 23, 'aaa': 234, 'au': 56, 'b': 34, 'bbf': 234}
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> {'a':Integer(23), 'b':Integer(34), 'au':Integer(56), 'bbf':Integer(234), 'aaa':Integer(234)}
{'a': 23, 'aaa': 234, 'au': 56, 'b': 34, 'bbf': 234}
sage.doctest.forker.showwarning_with_traceback(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None)[source]#

Displays a warning message with a traceback.

INPUT: see warnings.showwarning().



sage: from sage.doctest.forker import showwarning_with_traceback
sage: showwarning_with_traceback("bad stuff", UserWarning, "", 0)
  File "<doctest sage.doctest.forker.showwarning_with_traceback[1]>", line 1, in <module>
    showwarning_with_traceback("bad stuff", UserWarning, "", Integer(0))
UserWarning: bad stuff
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.doctest.forker import showwarning_with_traceback
>>> showwarning_with_traceback("bad stuff", UserWarning, "", Integer(0))
  File "<doctest sage.doctest.forker.showwarning_with_traceback[1]>", line 1, in <module>
    showwarning_with_traceback("bad stuff", UserWarning, "", Integer(0))
UserWarning: bad stuff