GLPK Backend¶
Nathann Cohen (2010-10): initial implementation
John Perry (2012-01): glp_simplex preprocessing
John Perry and Raniere Gaia Silva (2012-03): solver parameters
Christian Kuper (2012-10): Additions for sensitivity analysis
- class sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend.GLPKBackend[source]¶
MIP Backend that uses the GLPK solver.
- add_col(indices, coeffs)[source]¶
Add a column.
– list of integers; this list contains the indices of the constraints in which the variable’s coefficient is nonzerocoeffs
– list of real values; associates a coefficient to the variable in each of the constraints in which it appears. Namely, the i-th entry ofcoeffs
corresponds to the coefficient of the variable in the constraint represented by the i-th entry inindices
are expected to be of the same length.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.nrows() 0 sage: p.add_linear_constraints(5, 0, None) sage: p.add_col(range(5), range(5)) sage: p.nrows() 5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.nrows() 0 >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(5), Integer(0), None) >>> p.add_col(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5))) >>> p.nrows() 5
- add_linear_constraint(coefficients, lower_bound, upper_bound, name=None)[source]¶
Add a linear constraint.
an iterable with(c,v)
pairs wherec
is a variable index (integer) andv
is a value (real value).lower_bound
– a lower bound, either a real value orNone
– an upper bound, either a real value orNone
– an optional name for this row (default:None
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.add_linear_constraint(zip(range(5), range(5)), 2.0, 2.0) sage: p.row(0) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) sage: p.row_bounds(0) (2.0, 2.0) sage: p.add_linear_constraint(zip(range(5), range(5)), 1.0, 1.0, name='foo') sage: p.row_name(1) 'foo'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.add_linear_constraint(zip(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5))), RealNumber('2.0'), RealNumber('2.0')) >>> p.row(Integer(0)) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) >>> p.row_bounds(Integer(0)) (2.0, 2.0) >>> p.add_linear_constraint(zip(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5))), RealNumber('1.0'), RealNumber('1.0'), name='foo') >>> p.row_name(Integer(1)) 'foo'
- add_linear_constraints(number, lower_bound, upper_bound, names=None)[source]¶
linear constraints.INPUT:
– integer; the number of constraints to addlower_bound
– a lower bound, either a real value orNone
– an upper bound, either a real value orNone
– an optional list of names (default:None
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.add_linear_constraints(5, None, 2) sage: p.row(4) ([], []) sage: p.row_bounds(4) (None, 2.0) sage: p.add_linear_constraints(2, None, 2, names=['foo','bar'])
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(5), None, Integer(2)) >>> p.row(Integer(4)) ([], []) >>> p.row_bounds(Integer(4)) (None, 2.0) >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(2), None, Integer(2), names=['foo','bar'])
- add_variable(lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=None, binary=False, continuous=False, integer=False, obj=0.0, name=None)[source]¶
Add a variable.
This amounts to adding a new column to the matrix. By default, the variable is both positive, real and the coefficient in the objective function is 0.0.
– the lower bound of the variable (default: 0)upper_bound
– the upper bound of the variable (default:None
if the variable is binary (default:False
if the variable is continuous (default:True
if the variable is integral (default:False
– (optional) coefficient of this variable in the objective function (default: 0.0)name
– an optional name for the newly added variable (default:None
OUTPUT: the index of the newly created variable
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.ncols() 1 sage: p.add_variable(binary=True) 1 sage: p.add_variable(lower_bound=-2.0, integer=True) 2 sage: p.add_variable(continuous=True, integer=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ... sage: p.add_variable(name='x', obj=1.0) 3 sage: p.col_name(3) 'x' sage: p.objective_coefficient(3) 1.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.ncols() 1 >>> p.add_variable(binary=True) 1 >>> p.add_variable(lower_bound=-RealNumber('2.0'), integer=True) 2 >>> p.add_variable(continuous=True, integer=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ... >>> p.add_variable(name='x', obj=RealNumber('1.0')) 3 >>> p.col_name(Integer(3)) 'x' >>> p.objective_coefficient(Integer(3)) 1.0
- add_variables(number, lower_bound=0.0, upper_bound=None, binary=False, continuous=False, integer=False, obj=0.0, names=None)[source]¶
new variables.This amounts to adding new columns to the matrix. By default, the variables are both positive, real and their coefficient in the objective function is 0.0.
– the number of new variables (must be > 0)lower_bound
– the lower bound of the variable (default: 0)upper_bound
– the upper bound of the variable (default:None
if the variable is binary (default:False
if the variable is binary (default:True
if the variable is binary (default:False
– coefficient of all variables in the objective function (default: 0.0)names
– list of names (default:None
OUTPUT: the index of the variable created last
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.ncols() 5 sage: p.add_variables(2, lower_bound=-2.0, integer=True, obj=42.0, names=['a','b']) 6
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.ncols() 5 >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2), lower_bound=-RealNumber('2.0'), integer=True, obj=RealNumber('42.0'), names=['a','b']) 6
- best_known_objective_bound()[source]¶
Return the value of the currently best known bound.
This method returns the current best upper (resp. lower) bound on the optimal value of the objective function in a maximization (resp. minimization) problem. It is equal to the output of
if the MILP found an optimal solution, but it can differ if it was interrupted manually or after a time limit (cfsolver_parameter()
Has no meaning unless
has been called before.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.graphs sage: g = graphs.CubeGraph(9) sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",100) sage: b = p.new_variable(binary=True) sage: p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) sage: for v in g: ....: p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= 1) sage: p.add_constraint(b[v] == 1) # Force an easy non-0 solution sage: p.solve() # rel tol 100 1.0 sage: backend = p.get_backend() sage: backend.best_known_objective_bound() # random 48.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.graphs >>> g = graphs.CubeGraph(Integer(9)) >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') >>> p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",Integer(100)) >>> b = p.new_variable(binary=True) >>> p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) >>> for v in g: ... p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= Integer(1)) >>> p.add_constraint(b[v] == Integer(1)) # Force an easy non-0 solution >>> p.solve() # rel tol 100 1.0 >>> backend = p.get_backend() >>> backend.best_known_objective_bound() # random 48.0
- col_bounds(index)[source]¶
Return the bounds of a specific variable.
– integer; the variable’s id
A pair
(lower_bound, upper_bound)
. Each of them can be set toNone
if the variable is not bounded in the corresponding direction, and is a real value otherwise.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.col_bounds(0) (0.0, None) sage: p.variable_upper_bound(0, 5) sage: p.col_bounds(0) (0.0, 5.0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (0.0, None) >>> p.variable_upper_bound(Integer(0), Integer(5)) >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (0.0, 5.0)
- col_name(index)[source]¶
Return the
-th col name.INPUT:
– integer; the col’s id
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variable(name='I am a variable') 0 sage: p.col_name(0) 'I am a variable'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variable(name='I am a variable') 0 >>> p.col_name(Integer(0)) 'I am a variable'
- eval_tab_col(k)[source]¶
Compute a column of the current simplex tableau.
A (column) corresponds to some non-basic variable specified by the parameter
as follows:if \(0 \leq k \leq m-1\), the non-basic variable is \(k\)-th auxiliary variable,
if \(m \leq k \leq m+n-1\), the non-basic variable is \((k-m)\)-th structural variable,
where \(m\) is the number of rows and \(n\) is the number of columns in the specified problem object.
The basis factorization must exist and the variable with index
must not be basic. Otherwise, aValueError
is be raised.INPUT:
– integer; the id of the non-basic variable
A pair
(indices, coeffs)
lists the entries whose coefficient is nonzero, and to whichcoeffs
associates their coefficient in the computed column of the current simplex tableau.Note
Elements in
have the same sense as index \(k\). All these variables are basic by definition.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.eval_tab_col(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: basis factorization does not exist sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.eval_tab_col(1) ([0, 5, 3], [-2.0, 2.0, -0.5]) sage: lp.eval_tab_col(2) ([0, 5, 3], [8.0, -4.0, 1.5]) sage: lp.eval_tab_col(4) ([0, 5, 3], [-2.0, 2.0, -1.25]) sage: lp.eval_tab_col(0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: slack variable 0 is basic sage: lp.eval_tab_col(-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.eval_tab_col(Integer(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: basis factorization does not exist >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.eval_tab_col(Integer(1)) ([0, 5, 3], [-2.0, 2.0, -0.5]) >>> lp.eval_tab_col(Integer(2)) ([0, 5, 3], [8.0, -4.0, 1.5]) >>> lp.eval_tab_col(Integer(4)) ([0, 5, 3], [-2.0, 2.0, -1.25]) >>> lp.eval_tab_col(Integer(0)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: slack variable 0 is basic >>> lp.eval_tab_col(-Integer(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...
- eval_tab_row(k)[source]¶
Compute a row of the current simplex tableau.
A row corresponds to some basic variable specified by the parameter
as follows:if \(0 \leq k \leq m-1\), the basic variable is \(k\)-th auxiliary variable,
if \(m \leq k \leq m+n-1\), the basic variable is \((k-m)\)-th structural variable,
where \(m\) is the number of rows and \(n\) is the number of columns in the specified problem object.
The basis factorization must exist and the variable with index
must be basic. Otherwise, aValueError
is be raised.INPUT:
– integer; the id of the basic variable
A pair
(indices, coeffs)
lists the entries whose coefficient is nonzero, and to whichcoeffs
associates their coefficient in the computed row of the current simplex tableau.Note
Elements in
have the same sense as indexk
. All these variables are non-basic by definition.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.eval_tab_row(0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: basis factorization does not exist sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.eval_tab_row(0) ([1, 2, 4], [-2.0, 8.0, -2.0]) sage: lp.eval_tab_row(3) ([1, 2, 4], [-0.5, 1.5, -1.25]) sage: lp.eval_tab_row(5) ([1, 2, 4], [2.0, -4.0, 2.0]) sage: lp.eval_tab_row(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: slack variable 1 is not basic sage: lp.eval_tab_row(-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.eval_tab_row(Integer(0)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: basis factorization does not exist >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.eval_tab_row(Integer(0)) ([1, 2, 4], [-2.0, 8.0, -2.0]) >>> lp.eval_tab_row(Integer(3)) ([1, 2, 4], [-0.5, 1.5, -1.25]) >>> lp.eval_tab_row(Integer(5)) ([1, 2, 4], [2.0, -4.0, 2.0]) >>> lp.eval_tab_row(Integer(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: slack variable 1 is not basic >>> lp.eval_tab_row(-Integer(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: ...
- get_col_dual(variable)[source]¶
Return the dual value (reduced cost) of a variable
The dual value is the reduced cost of a variable. The reduced cost is the amount by which the objective coefficient of a non basic variable has to change to become a basic variable.
– the number of the variable
Behaviour is undefined unless
has been called before. If the simplex algorithm has not been used for solving just a 0.0 will be returned.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(3) 2 sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: p.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: p.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: p.solve() 0 sage: p.get_col_dual(1) -5.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> p.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> p.solve() 0 >>> p.get_col_dual(Integer(1)) -5.0
- get_col_stat(j)[source]¶
Retrieve the status of a variable.
– the index of the variable
Current status assigned to the structural variable associated with j-th column:
GLP_BS = 1 basic variable
GLP_NL = 2 non-basic variable on lower bound
GLP_NU = 3 non-basic variable on upper bound
GLP_NF = 4 non-basic free (unbounded) variable
GLP_NS = 5 non-basic fixed variable
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_col_stat(0) 1 sage: lp.get_col_stat(1) 2 sage: lp.get_col_stat(100) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The variable's index j must satisfy 0 <= j < number_of_variables
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_col_stat(Integer(0)) 1 >>> lp.get_col_stat(Integer(1)) 2 >>> lp.get_col_stat(Integer(100)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The variable's index j must satisfy 0 <= j < number_of_variables
- get_objective_value()[source]¶
Return the value of the objective function.
Behaviour is undefined unless
has been called before.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.add_linear_constraint([[0, 1], [1, 2]], None, 3) sage: p.set_objective([2, 5]) sage: p.solve() 0 sage: p.get_objective_value() 7.5 sage: p.get_variable_value(0) # abs tol 1e-15 0.0 sage: p.get_variable_value(1) 1.5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.add_linear_constraint([[Integer(0), Integer(1)], [Integer(1), Integer(2)]], None, Integer(3)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(2), Integer(5)]) >>> p.solve() 0 >>> p.get_objective_value() 7.5 >>> p.get_variable_value(Integer(0)) # abs tol 1e-15 0.0 >>> p.get_variable_value(Integer(1)) 1.5
- get_relative_objective_gap()[source]¶
Return the relative objective gap of the best known solution.
For a minimization problem, this value is computed by \((\texttt{bestinteger} - \texttt{bestobjective}) / (1e-10 + |\texttt{bestobjective}|)\), where
is the value returned byget_objective_value()
is the value returned bybest_known_objective_bound()
. For a maximization problem, the value is computed by \((\texttt{bestobjective} - \texttt{bestinteger}) / (1e-10 + |\texttt{bestobjective}|)\).Note
Has no meaning unless
has been called before.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.graphs sage: g = graphs.CubeGraph(9) sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",100) sage: b = p.new_variable(binary=True) sage: p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) sage: for v in g: ....: p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= 1) sage: p.add_constraint(b[v] == 1) # Force an easy non-0 solution sage: p.solve() # rel tol 100 1.0 sage: backend = p.get_backend() sage: backend.get_relative_objective_gap() # random 46.99999999999999
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.graphs >>> g = graphs.CubeGraph(Integer(9)) >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') >>> p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",Integer(100)) >>> b = p.new_variable(binary=True) >>> p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) >>> for v in g: ... p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= Integer(1)) >>> p.add_constraint(b[v] == Integer(1)) # Force an easy non-0 solution >>> p.solve() # rel tol 100 1.0 >>> backend = p.get_backend() >>> backend.get_relative_objective_gap() # random 46.99999999999999
- get_row_dual(variable)[source]¶
Return the dual value of a constraint.
The dual value of the i-th row is also the value of the i-th variable of the dual problem.
The dual value of a constraint is the shadow price of the constraint. The shadow price is the amount by which the objective value will change if the constraints bounds change by one unit under the precondition that the basis remains the same.
– the number of the constraint
Behaviour is undefined unless
has been called before. If the simplex algorithm has not been used for solving 0.0 will be returned.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_row_dual(0) # tolerance 0.00001 0.0 sage: lp.get_row_dual(1) # tolerance 0.00001 10.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_row_dual(Integer(0)) # tolerance 0.00001 0.0 >>> lp.get_row_dual(Integer(1)) # tolerance 0.00001 10.0
- get_row_prim(i)[source]¶
Return the value of the auxiliary variable associated with i-th row.
Behaviour is undefined unless
has been called before.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_objective_value() 280.0 sage: lp.get_row_prim(0) 24.0 sage: lp.get_row_prim(1) 20.0 sage: lp.get_row_prim(2) 8.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_objective_value() 280.0 >>> lp.get_row_prim(Integer(0)) 24.0 >>> lp.get_row_prim(Integer(1)) 20.0 >>> lp.get_row_prim(Integer(2)) 8.0
- get_row_stat(i)[source]¶
Retrieve the status of a constraint.
– the index of the constraint
Current status assigned to the auxiliary variable associated with i-th row:
GLP_BS = 1 basic variable
GLP_NL = 2 non-basic variable on lower bound
GLP_NU = 3 non-basic variable on upper bound
GLP_NF = 4 non-basic free (unbounded) variable
GLP_NS = 5 non-basic fixed variable
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_row_stat(0) 1 sage: lp.get_row_stat(1) 3 sage: lp.get_row_stat(-1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The constraint's index i must satisfy 0 <= i < number_of_constraints
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_row_stat(Integer(0)) 1 >>> lp.get_row_stat(Integer(1)) 3 >>> lp.get_row_stat(-Integer(1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The constraint's index i must satisfy 0 <= i < number_of_constraints
- get_variable_value(variable)[source]¶
Return the value of a variable given by the solver.
Behaviour is undefined unless
has been called before.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.add_linear_constraint([[0, 1], [1, 2]], None, 3) sage: p.set_objective([2, 5]) sage: p.solve() 0 sage: p.get_objective_value() 7.5 sage: p.get_variable_value(0) # abs tol 1e-15 0.0 sage: p.get_variable_value(1) 1.5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.add_linear_constraint([[Integer(0), Integer(1)], [Integer(1), Integer(2)]], None, Integer(3)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(2), Integer(5)]) >>> p.solve() 0 >>> p.get_objective_value() 7.5 >>> p.get_variable_value(Integer(0)) # abs tol 1e-15 0.0 >>> p.get_variable_value(Integer(1)) 1.5
- is_maximization()[source]¶
Test whether the problem is a maximization
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.is_maximization() True sage: p.set_sense(-1) sage: p.is_maximization() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.is_maximization() True >>> p.set_sense(-Integer(1)) >>> p.is_maximization() False
- is_slack_variable_basic(index)[source]¶
Test whether the slack variable of the given row is basic.
This assumes that the problem has been solved with the simplex method and a basis is available. Otherwise an exception will be raised.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') sage: x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) sage: p.add_constraint(-x[0] + x[1] <= 2) sage: p.add_constraint(8 * x[0] + 2 * x[1] <= 17) sage: p.set_objective(5.5 * x[0] - 3 * x[1]) sage: b = p.get_backend() sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: b.solve() 0 sage: b.is_slack_variable_basic(0) True sage: b.is_slack_variable_basic(1) False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') >>> x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) >>> p.add_constraint(-x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(2)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(8) * x[Integer(0)] + Integer(2) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(17)) >>> p.set_objective(RealNumber('5.5') * x[Integer(0)] - Integer(3) * x[Integer(1)]) >>> b = p.get_backend() >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> b.solve() 0 >>> b.is_slack_variable_basic(Integer(0)) True >>> b.is_slack_variable_basic(Integer(1)) False
- is_slack_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(index)[source]¶
Test whether the slack variable of the given row is nonbasic at lower bound.
This assumes that the problem has been solved with the simplex method and a basis is available. Otherwise an exception will be raised.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') sage: x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) sage: p.add_constraint(-x[0] + x[1] <= 2) sage: p.add_constraint(8 * x[0] + 2 * x[1] <= 17) sage: p.set_objective(5.5 * x[0] - 3 * x[1]) sage: b = p.get_backend() sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: b.solve() 0 sage: b.is_slack_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(0) False sage: b.is_slack_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(1) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') >>> x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) >>> p.add_constraint(-x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(2)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(8) * x[Integer(0)] + Integer(2) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(17)) >>> p.set_objective(RealNumber('5.5') * x[Integer(0)] - Integer(3) * x[Integer(1)]) >>> b = p.get_backend() >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> b.solve() 0 >>> b.is_slack_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(Integer(0)) False >>> b.is_slack_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(Integer(1)) True
- is_variable_basic(index)[source]¶
Test whether the given variable is basic.
This assumes that the problem has been solved with the simplex method and a basis is available. Otherwise an exception will be raised.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') sage: x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) sage: p.add_constraint(-x[0] + x[1] <= 2) sage: p.add_constraint(8 * x[0] + 2 * x[1] <= 17) sage: p.set_objective(5.5 * x[0] - 3 * x[1]) sage: b = p.get_backend() sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: b.solve() 0 sage: b.is_variable_basic(0) True sage: b.is_variable_basic(1) False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') >>> x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) >>> p.add_constraint(-x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(2)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(8) * x[Integer(0)] + Integer(2) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(17)) >>> p.set_objective(RealNumber('5.5') * x[Integer(0)] - Integer(3) * x[Integer(1)]) >>> b = p.get_backend() >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> b.solve() 0 >>> b.is_variable_basic(Integer(0)) True >>> b.is_variable_basic(Integer(1)) False
- is_variable_binary(index)[source]¶
Test whether the given variable is of binary type.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.set_variable_type(0,0) sage: p.is_variable_binary(0) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.set_variable_type(Integer(0),Integer(0)) >>> p.is_variable_binary(Integer(0)) True
- is_variable_continuous(index)[source]¶
Test whether the given variable is of continuous/real type.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.is_variable_continuous(0) True sage: p.set_variable_type(0,1) sage: p.is_variable_continuous(0) False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.is_variable_continuous(Integer(0)) True >>> p.set_variable_type(Integer(0),Integer(1)) >>> p.is_variable_continuous(Integer(0)) False
- is_variable_integer(index)[source]¶
Test whether the given variable is of integer type.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.set_variable_type(0,1) sage: p.is_variable_integer(0) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.set_variable_type(Integer(0),Integer(1)) >>> p.is_variable_integer(Integer(0)) True
- is_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(index)[source]¶
Test whether the given variable is nonbasic at lower bound. This assumes that the problem has been solved with the simplex method and a basis is available. Otherwise an exception will be raised.
– integer; the variable’s id
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') sage: x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) sage: p.add_constraint(-x[0] + x[1] <= 2) sage: p.add_constraint(8 * x[0] + 2 * x[1] <= 17) sage: p.set_objective(5.5 * x[0] - 3 * x[1]) sage: b = p.get_backend() sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: b.solve() 0 sage: b.is_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(0) False sage: b.is_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(1) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver='GLPK') >>> x = p.new_variable(nonnegative=True) >>> p.add_constraint(-x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(2)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(8) * x[Integer(0)] + Integer(2) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(17)) >>> p.set_objective(RealNumber('5.5') * x[Integer(0)] - Integer(3) * x[Integer(1)]) >>> b = p.get_backend() >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> b.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> b.solve() 0 >>> b.is_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(Integer(0)) False >>> b.is_variable_nonbasic_at_lower_bound(Integer(1)) True
- ncols()[source]¶
Return the number of columns/variables.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.ncols() 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.ncols() 2
- nrows()[source]¶
Return the number of rows/constraints.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.nrows() 0 sage: p.add_linear_constraints(2, 2, None) sage: p.nrows() 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.nrows() 0 >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(2), Integer(2), None) >>> p.nrows() 2
- objective_coefficient(variable, coeff=None)[source]¶
Set or get the coefficient of a variable in the objective function.
– integer; the variable’s idcoeff
– double; its coefficient orNone
for reading (default:None
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.objective_coefficient(0) 0.0 sage: p.objective_coefficient(0,2) sage: p.objective_coefficient(0) 2.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.objective_coefficient(Integer(0)) 0.0 >>> p.objective_coefficient(Integer(0),Integer(2)) >>> p.objective_coefficient(Integer(0)) 2.0
- print_ranges(filename=None)[source]¶
Print results of a sensitivity analysis
If no filename is given as an input the results of the sensitivity analysis are displayed on the screen. If a filename is given they are written to a file.
– (optional) name of the file
OUTPUT: zero if the operations was successful otherwise nonzero
This method is only effective if an optimal solution has been found for the lp using the simplex algorithm. In all other cases an error message is printed.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1], [1, 2])), None, 3) sage: p.set_objective([2, 5]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: p.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: p.print_ranges() glp_print_ranges: optimal basic solution required 1 sage: p.solve() 0 sage: from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile sage: with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+t', suffix='.tmp') as f: ....: p.print_ranges( ....: for ll in f.readlines(): ....: if ll: print(ll) ... GLPK ... - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS REPORT Page 1 Problem: Objective: 7.5 (MAXimum) No. Row name St Activity Slack Lower bound Activity Obj coef Obj value at Limiting Marginal Upper bound range range break point variable ------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 1 NU 3.00000 . -Inf . -2.50000 . 2.50000 3.00000 +Inf +Inf +Inf GLPK ... - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS REPORT Page 2 Problem: Objective: 7.5 (MAXimum) No. Column name St Activity Obj coef Lower bound Activity Obj coef Obj value at Limiting Marginal Upper bound range range break point variable ------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 1 NL . 2.00000 . -Inf -Inf +Inf -.50000 +Inf 3.00000 2.50000 6.00000 2 BS 1.50000 5.00000 . -Inf 4.00000 6.00000 . +Inf 1.50000 +Inf +Inf End of report
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1)], [Integer(1), Integer(2)])), None, Integer(3)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(2), Integer(5)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> p.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> p.print_ranges() glp_print_ranges: optimal basic solution required 1 >>> p.solve() 0 >>> from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile >>> with NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+t', suffix='.tmp') as f: ... p.print_ranges( ... for ll in f.readlines(): ... if ll: print(ll) ... GLPK ... - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS REPORT Page 1 Problem: Objective: 7.5 (MAXimum) No. Row name St Activity Slack Lower bound Activity Obj coef Obj value at Limiting Marginal Upper bound range range break point variable ------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 1 NU 3.00000 . -Inf . -2.50000 . 2.50000 3.00000 +Inf +Inf +Inf GLPK ... - SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS REPORT Page 2 Problem: Objective: 7.5 (MAXimum) No. Column name St Activity Obj coef Lower bound Activity Obj coef Obj value at Limiting Marginal Upper bound range range break point variable ------ ------------ -- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ 1 NL . 2.00000 . -Inf -Inf +Inf -.50000 +Inf 3.00000 2.50000 6.00000 2 BS 1.50000 5.00000 . -Inf 4.00000 6.00000 . +Inf 1.50000 +Inf +Inf End of report
- problem_name(name=None)[source]¶
Return or define the problem’s name.
– string; the problem’s name. When set toNone
(default), the method returns the problem’s name.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.problem_name("There once was a french fry") sage: print(p.problem_name()) There once was a french fry
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.problem_name("There once was a french fry") >>> print(p.problem_name()) There once was a french fry
- remove_constraint(i)[source]¶
Remove a constraint from
– index of the constraint to remove
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: x, y = p['x'], p['y'] sage: p.add_constraint(2*x + 3*y <= 6) sage: p.add_constraint(3*x + 2*y <= 6) sage: p.add_constraint(x >= 0) sage: p.set_objective(x + y + 7) sage: p.set_integer(x); p.set_integer(y) sage: p.solve() 9.0 sage: p.remove_constraint(0) sage: p.solve() 10.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') >>> x, y = p['x'], p['y'] >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(2)*x + Integer(3)*y <= Integer(6)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(3)*x + Integer(2)*y <= Integer(6)) >>> p.add_constraint(x >= Integer(0)) >>> p.set_objective(x + y + Integer(7)) >>> p.set_integer(x); p.set_integer(y) >>> p.solve() 9.0 >>> p.remove_constraint(Integer(0)) >>> p.solve() 10.0
Removing fancy constraints does not make Sage crash:
sage: MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = "GLPK").remove_constraint(-2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The constraint's index i must satisfy 0 <= i < number_of_constraints
>>> from sage.all import * >>> MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = "GLPK").remove_constraint(-Integer(2)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The constraint's index i must satisfy 0 <= i < number_of_constraints
- remove_constraints(constraints)[source]¶
Remove several constraints.
– an iterable containing the indices of the rows to remove
sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: x, y = p['x'], p['y'] sage: p.add_constraint(2*x + 3*y <= 6) sage: p.add_constraint(3*x + 2*y <= 6) sage: p.add_constraint(x >= 0) sage: p.set_objective(x + y + 7) sage: p.set_integer(x); p.set_integer(y) sage: p.solve() 9.0 sage: p.remove_constraints([0]) sage: p.solve() 10.0 sage: p.get_values([x,y]) [0.0, 3.0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') >>> x, y = p['x'], p['y'] >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(2)*x + Integer(3)*y <= Integer(6)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(3)*x + Integer(2)*y <= Integer(6)) >>> p.add_constraint(x >= Integer(0)) >>> p.set_objective(x + y + Integer(7)) >>> p.set_integer(x); p.set_integer(y) >>> p.solve() 9.0 >>> p.remove_constraints([Integer(0)]) >>> p.solve() 10.0 >>> p.get_values([x,y]) [0.0, 3.0]
- row(index)[source]¶
Return a row.
– integer; the constraint’s id
A pair
(indices, coeffs)
lists the entries whose coefficient is nonzero, and to whichcoeffs
associates their coefficient on the model of theadd_linear_constraint
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip(range(5), range(5))), 2, 2) sage: p.row(0) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) sage: p.row_bounds(0) (2.0, 2.0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5)))), Integer(2), Integer(2)) >>> p.row(Integer(0)) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) >>> p.row_bounds(Integer(0)) (2.0, 2.0)
- row_bounds(index)[source]¶
Return the bounds of a specific constraint.
– integer; the constraint’s id
A pair
(lower_bound, upper_bound)
. Each of them can be set toNone
if the constraint is not bounded in the corresponding direction, and is a real value otherwise.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip(range(5), range(5))), 2, 2) sage: p.row(0) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) sage: p.row_bounds(0) (2.0, 2.0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.add_linear_constraint(list(zip(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5)))), Integer(2), Integer(2)) >>> p.row(Integer(0)) ([4, 3, 2, 1], [4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0]) >>> p.row_bounds(Integer(0)) (2.0, 2.0)
- row_name(index)[source]¶
Return the
-th row name.INPUT:
– integer; the row’s id
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_linear_constraints(1, 2, None, names=['Empty constraint 1']) sage: p.row_name(0) 'Empty constraint 1'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(1), Integer(2), None, names=['Empty constraint 1']) >>> p.row_name(Integer(0)) 'Empty constraint 1'
- set_col_stat(j, stat)[source]¶
Set the status of a variable.
– the index of the constraintstat
– the status to set to
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_col_stat(0) 1 sage: lp.set_col_stat(0, 2) sage: lp.get_col_stat(0) 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_col_stat(Integer(0)) 1 >>> lp.set_col_stat(Integer(0), Integer(2)) >>> lp.get_col_stat(Integer(0)) 2
- set_objective(coeff, d=0.0)[source]¶
Set the objective function.
– list of real values, whose i-th element is the coefficient of the i-th variable in the objective functiond
– double; the constant term in the linear function (set to \(0\) by default)
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(5) 4 sage: p.set_objective([1, 1, 2, 1, 3]) sage: [p.objective_coefficient(x) for x in range(5)] [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(5)) 4 >>> p.set_objective([Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(3)]) >>> [p.objective_coefficient(x) for x in range(Integer(5))] [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 3.0]
- set_row_stat(i, stat)[source]¶
Set the status of a constraint.
– the index of the constraintstat
– the status to set to
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_row_stat(0) 1 sage: lp.set_row_stat(0, 3) sage: lp.get_row_stat(0) 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_row_stat(Integer(0)) 1 >>> lp.set_row_stat(Integer(0), Integer(3)) >>> lp.get_row_stat(Integer(0)) 3
- set_sense(sense)[source]¶
Set the direction (maximization/minimization).
– integer:+1 => Maximization
-1 => Minimization
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.is_maximization() True sage: p.set_sense(-1) sage: p.is_maximization() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.is_maximization() True >>> p.set_sense(-Integer(1)) >>> p.is_maximization() False
- set_variable_type(variable, vtype)[source]¶
Set the type of a variable.
– integer; the variable’s idvtype
– integer:1 Integer
0 Binary
-1 Real
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.ncols() 0 sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.set_variable_type(0,1) sage: p.is_variable_integer(0) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.ncols() 0 >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.set_variable_type(Integer(0),Integer(1)) >>> p.is_variable_integer(Integer(0)) True
- set_verbosity(level)[source]¶
Set the verbosity level.
– integer; from 0 (no verbosity) to 3
sage: p.<x> = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: p.add_constraint(10 * x[0] <= 1) sage: p.add_constraint(5 * x[1] <= 1) sage: p.set_objective(x[0] + x[1]) sage: p.solve() 0.30000000000000004 sage: p.get_backend().set_verbosity(3) sage: p.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "intopt_only") sage: p.solve() GLPK Integer Optimizer... 2 rows, 2 columns, 2 non-zeros 0 integer variables, none of which are binary Preprocessing... Objective value = 3.000000000e-01 INTEGER OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND BY MIP PREPROCESSOR 0.30000000000000004
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK', names=('x',)); (x,) = p._first_ngens(1) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(10) * x[Integer(0)] <= Integer(1)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(5) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(1)) >>> p.set_objective(x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)]) >>> p.solve() 0.30000000000000004 >>> p.get_backend().set_verbosity(Integer(3)) >>> p.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "intopt_only") >>> p.solve() GLPK Integer Optimizer... 2 rows, 2 columns, 2 non-zeros 0 integer variables, none of which are binary Preprocessing... Objective value = 3.000000000e-01 INTEGER OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND BY MIP PREPROCESSOR 0.30000000000000004
sage: p.<x> = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK/exact') sage: p.add_constraint(10 * x[0] <= 1) sage: p.add_constraint(5 * x[1] <= 1) sage: p.set_objective(x[0] + x[1]) sage: p.solve() # tol 1e-14 0.3 sage: p.get_backend().set_verbosity(2) sage: p.solve() # tol 1e-14 * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) 0.3 sage: p.get_backend().set_verbosity(3) sage: p.solve() # tol 1e-14 glp_exact: 2 rows, 2 columns, 2 non-zeros ... * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND 0.3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK/exact', names=('x',)); (x,) = p._first_ngens(1) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(10) * x[Integer(0)] <= Integer(1)) >>> p.add_constraint(Integer(5) * x[Integer(1)] <= Integer(1)) >>> p.set_objective(x[Integer(0)] + x[Integer(1)]) >>> p.solve() # tol 1e-14 0.3 >>> p.get_backend().set_verbosity(Integer(2)) >>> p.solve() # tol 1e-14 * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) 0.3 >>> p.get_backend().set_verbosity(Integer(3)) >>> p.solve() # tol 1e-14 glp_exact: 2 rows, 2 columns, 2 non-zeros ... * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) * 2: objval = 0.3 (0) OPTIMAL SOLUTION FOUND 0.3
- solve()[source]¶
Solve the problem.
Sage uses GLPK’s implementation of the branch-and-cut algorithm (
) to solve the mixed-integer linear program. This algorithm can be requested explicitly by setting the solver parameter “simplex_or_intopt” to “intopt_only”. By default, the simplex method will be used first to detect pathological problems that the integer solver cannot handle. If all variables are continuous, the integer algorithm reduces to solving the linear program by the simplex method.EXAMPLES:
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) sage: x, y = lp[0], lp[1] sage: lp.add_constraint(-2*x + y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x - y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x + y >= 2) sage: lp.set_objective(x + y) sage: lp.set_integer(x) sage: lp.set_integer(y) sage: lp.solve() 2.0 sage: lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.0, 1.0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) >>> x, y = lp[Integer(0)], lp[Integer(1)] >>> lp.add_constraint(-Integer(2)*x + y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x - y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x + y >= Integer(2)) >>> lp.set_objective(x + y) >>> lp.set_integer(x) >>> lp.set_integer(y) >>> lp.solve() 2.0 >>> lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.0, 1.0]
This method raises
exceptions when the solution cannot be computed for any reason (none exists, or the LP solver was not able to find it, etc…)EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_linear_constraints(5, 0, None) sage: p.add_col(range(5), range(5)) sage: p.solve() 0 sage: p.objective_coefficient(0,1) sage: p.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: ...
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_linear_constraints(Integer(5), Integer(0), None) >>> p.add_col(range(Integer(5)), range(Integer(5))) >>> p.solve() 0 >>> p.objective_coefficient(Integer(0),Integer(1)) >>> p.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: ...
sometimes fails catastrophically when given a system it cannot solve (Issue #12309). It can loop indefinitely, or just plain segfault. Upstream considers this behavior “essentially innate” to the current design, and suggests preprocessing withglp_simplex
, which is what SageMath does by default. Set thesimplex_or_intopt
solver parameter toglp_intopt_only
at your own risk.EXAMPLES:
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = "GLPK") sage: v = lp.new_variable(nonnegative=True) sage: lp.add_constraint(v[1] +v[2] -2.0 *v[3], max=-1.0) sage: lp.add_constraint(v[0] -4.0/3 *v[1] +1.0/3 *v[2], max=-1.0/3) sage: lp.add_constraint(v[0] +0.5 *v[1] -0.5 *v[2] +0.25 *v[3], max=-0.25) sage: lp.solve() 0.0 sage: lp.add_constraint(v[0] +4.0 *v[1] -v[2] +v[3], max=-1.0) sage: lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has no feasible solution
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = "GLPK") >>> v = lp.new_variable(nonnegative=True) >>> lp.add_constraint(v[Integer(1)] +v[Integer(2)] -RealNumber('2.0') *v[Integer(3)], max=-RealNumber('1.0')) >>> lp.add_constraint(v[Integer(0)] -RealNumber('4.0')/Integer(3) *v[Integer(1)] +RealNumber('1.0')/Integer(3) *v[Integer(2)], max=-RealNumber('1.0')/Integer(3)) >>> lp.add_constraint(v[Integer(0)] +RealNumber('0.5') *v[Integer(1)] -RealNumber('0.5') *v[Integer(2)] +RealNumber('0.25') *v[Integer(3)], max=-RealNumber('0.25')) >>> lp.solve() 0.0 >>> lp.add_constraint(v[Integer(0)] +RealNumber('4.0') *v[Integer(1)] -v[Integer(2)] +v[Integer(3)], max=-RealNumber('1.0')) >>> lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has no feasible solution
If we switch to “simplex_only”, the integrality constraints are ignored, and we get an optimal solution to the continuous relaxation.
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) sage: x, y = lp[0], lp[1] sage: lp.add_constraint(-2*x + y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x - y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x + y >= 2) sage: lp.set_objective(x + y) sage: lp.set_integer(x) sage: lp.set_integer(y) sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_only") # use simplex only sage: lp.solve() 2.0 sage: lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.5, 0.5]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) >>> x, y = lp[Integer(0)], lp[Integer(1)] >>> lp.add_constraint(-Integer(2)*x + y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x - y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x + y >= Integer(2)) >>> lp.set_objective(x + y) >>> lp.set_integer(x) >>> lp.set_integer(y) >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_only") # use simplex only >>> lp.solve() 2.0 >>> lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.5, 0.5]
If one solves a linear program and wishes to access dual information (\(get_col_dual\) etc.) or tableau data (\(get_row_stat\) etc.), one needs to switch to “simplex_only” before solving.
GLPK also has an exact rational simplex solver. The only access to data is via double-precision floats, which means that rationals in the input data may be rounded before the exact solver sees them. Thus, it is unreasonable to expect that arbitrary LPs with rational coefficients are solved exactly. Once the LP has been read into the backend, it reconstructs rationals from doubles and does solve exactly over the rationals, but results are returned as as doubles.
sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "exact_simplex_only") # use exact simplex only sage: lp.solve() 2.0 sage: lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.5, 0.5]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "exact_simplex_only") # use exact simplex only >>> lp.solve() 2.0 >>> lp.get_values([x, y]) [1.5, 0.5]
If you need the rational solution, you need to retrieve the basis information via
and calculate the corresponding basic solution. Below we only test that the basis information is indeed available. Calculating the corresponding basic solution is left as an exercise.EXAMPLES:
sage: lp.get_backend().get_row_stat(0) 1 sage: lp.get_backend().get_col_stat(0) 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp.get_backend().get_row_stat(Integer(0)) 1 >>> lp.get_backend().get_col_stat(Integer(0)) 1
Below we test that integers that can be exactly represented by IEEE 754 double-precision floating point numbers survive the rational reconstruction done by
and the subsequent conversion to double-precision floating point numbers.EXAMPLES:
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = True) sage: test = 2^53 - 43 sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "exact_simplex_only") # use exact simplex only sage: x = lp[0] sage: lp.add_constraint(x <= test) sage: lp.set_objective(x) sage: lp.solve() == test # yes, we want an exact comparison here True sage: lp.get_values(x) == test # yes, we want an exact comparison here True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = True) >>> test = Integer(2)**Integer(53) - Integer(43) >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "exact_simplex_only") # use exact simplex only >>> x = lp[Integer(0)] >>> lp.add_constraint(x <= test) >>> lp.set_objective(x) >>> lp.solve() == test # yes, we want an exact comparison here True >>> lp.get_values(x) == test # yes, we want an exact comparison here True
Below we test that GLPK backend can detect unboundedness in “simplex_only” mode (Issue #18838).
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.set_objective(lp[0]) sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_only") sage: lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has unbounded solution sage: lp.set_objective(lp[1]) sage: lp.solver_parameter("primal_v_dual", "GLP_DUAL") sage: lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has unbounded solution sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_then_intopt") sage: lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: The LP (relaxation) problem has no dual feasible solution sage: lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "intopt_only") sage: lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: The LP (relaxation) problem has no dual feasible solution sage: lp.set_max(lp[1],5) sage: lp.solve() 5.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=True, solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.set_objective(lp[Integer(0)]) >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_only") >>> lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has unbounded solution >>> lp.set_objective(lp[Integer(1)]) >>> lp.solver_parameter("primal_v_dual", "GLP_DUAL") >>> lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: Problem has unbounded solution >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "simplex_then_intopt") >>> lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: The LP (relaxation) problem has no dual feasible solution >>> lp.solver_parameter("simplex_or_intopt", "intopt_only") >>> lp.solve() Traceback (most recent call last): ... MIPSolverException: GLPK: The LP (relaxation) problem has no dual feasible solution >>> lp.set_max(lp[Integer(1)],Integer(5)) >>> lp.solve() 5.0
Solving a LP within the acceptable gap. No exception is raised, even if the result is not optimal. To do this, we try to compute the maximum number of disjoint balls (of diameter 1) in a hypercube:
sage: # needs sage.graphs sage: g = graphs.CubeGraph(9) sage: p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') sage: p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",100) sage: b = p.new_variable(binary=True) sage: p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) sage: for v in g: ....: p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= 1) sage: p.add_constraint(b[v] == 1) # Force an easy non-0 solution sage: p.solve() # rel tol 100 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.graphs >>> g = graphs.CubeGraph(Integer(9)) >>> p = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver='GLPK') >>> p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",Integer(100)) >>> b = p.new_variable(binary=True) >>> p.set_objective(p.sum(b[v] for v in g)) >>> for v in g: ... p.add_constraint(b[v]+p.sum(b[u] for u in g.neighbors(v)) <= Integer(1)) >>> p.add_constraint(b[v] == Integer(1)) # Force an easy non-0 solution >>> p.solve() # rel tol 100 1
Same, now with a time limit:
sage: # needs sage.graphs sage: p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",1) sage: p.solver_parameter("timelimit",3.0) sage: p.solve() # rel tol 100 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.graphs >>> p.solver_parameter("mip_gap_tolerance",Integer(1)) >>> p.solver_parameter("timelimit",RealNumber('3.0')) >>> p.solve() # rel tol 100 1
- solver_parameter(name, value=None)[source]¶
Return or define a solver parameter.
– string; the parametervalue
– the parameter’s value if it is to be defined, orNone
(default) to obtain its current value
You can supply the name of a parameter and its value using either a string or a
constant (which are defined as Cython variables of this module).In most cases, you can use the same name for a parameter as that given in the GLPK documentation, which is available by downloading GLPK from <>. The exceptions relate to parameters common to both methods; these require you to append
to the name to resolve ambiguity, since the interface allows access to both.We have also provided more meaningful names, to assist readability.
Parameter names are specified in lower case. To use a constant instead of a string, prepend
to the name. For example, bothglp_gmi_cuts
control whether to solve using Gomory cuts.Parameter values are specified as strings in upper case, or as constants in lower case. For example, both
specify the same thing.Naturally, you can use
in cases whereglp_on
would be used.A list of parameter names, with their possible values:
General-purpose parameters:
specify the time limit IN SECONDS. This affects both simplex and intopt.
specify the time limit IN MILLISECONDS. (This is glpk’s default.)
specify which solution routines in GLPK to use. Set this to either
, orsimplex_then_intopt
(the default). Thesimplex_then_intopt
option does some extra work, but avoids hangs/crashes in GLPK on problems with no solution; SageMath will try simplex first, then perform integer optimization only if a solution of the LP relaxation exists. If you know that your system is not pathological, one of the other options will be faster.verbosity_intopt
one of
. The default isGLP_MSG_OFF
the output frequency, in milliseconds. Default is 5000.
the output delay, in milliseconds, regarding the use of the simplex method on the LP relaxation. Default is 10000.
intopt-specific parameters:
first fractional variableGLP_BR_LFV
last fractional variableGLP_BR_MFV
most fractional variableGLP_BR_DTH
Driebeck-Tomlin heuristic (default)GLP_BR_PCH
hybrid pseudocost heuristic
depth first searchGLP_BT_BFS
breadth first searchGLP_BT_BLB
best local bound (default)GLP_BT_BPH
best projection heuristic
preprocessing only at root levelGLP_PP_ALL
(double) used to check if optimal solution to LP relaxation is integer feasible. GLPK manual advises, “do not change… without detailed understanding of its purpose.”
(double) used to check if objective value in LP relaxation is not better than best known integer solution. GLPK manual advises, “do not change… without detailed understanding of its purpose.”
(double) relative mip gap tolerance. Default is 0.0.
(default) orGLP_OFF
(default)simplex-specific parameters:
standard (textbook)GLP_PT_PSE
projected steepest edge (default)
standard (textbook)GLP_RT_HAR
Harris’ two-pass ratio test (default)
(double) tolerance used to check if basic solution is primal feasible. GLPK manual advises, “do not change… without detailed understanding of its purpose.”
(double) tolerance used to check if basic solution is dual feasible. GLPK manual advises, “do not change… without detailed understanding of its purpose.”
(double) tolerance used to choose pivot. GLPK manual advises, “do not change… without detailed understanding of its purpose.”
(double) lower limit of the objective function. The default is
(double) upper limit of the objective function. The default is
(int) iteration limit of the simplex algorithm. The default is
The coverage for GLPK’s control parameters for simplex and integer optimization is nearly complete. The only thing lacking is a wrapper for callback routines.
To date, no attempt has been made to expose the interior point methods.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.solver_parameter("timelimit", 60) sage: p.solver_parameter("timelimit") 60.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.solver_parameter("timelimit", Integer(60)) >>> p.solver_parameter("timelimit") 60.0
Don’t forget the difference between
sage: p.solver_parameter("timelimit_intopt") 60000
>>> from sage.all import * >>> p.solver_parameter("timelimit_intopt") 60000
If you don’t care for an integer answer, you can ask for an LP relaxation instead. The default solver performs integer optimization, but you can switch to the standard simplex algorithm through the
sage: lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) sage: x, y = lp[0], lp[1] sage: lp.add_constraint(-2*x + y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x - y <= 1) sage: lp.add_constraint(x + y >= 2) sage: lp.set_integer(x); lp.set_integer(y) sage: lp.set_objective(x + y) sage: lp.solve() 2.0 sage: lp.get_values([x,y]) [1.0, 1.0] sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 2.0 sage: lp.get_values([x,y]) [1.5, 0.5]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(solver = 'GLPK', maximization = False) >>> x, y = lp[Integer(0)], lp[Integer(1)] >>> lp.add_constraint(-Integer(2)*x + y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x - y <= Integer(1)) >>> lp.add_constraint(x + y >= Integer(2)) >>> lp.set_integer(x); lp.set_integer(y) >>> lp.set_objective(x + y) >>> lp.solve() 2.0 >>> lp.get_values([x,y]) [1.0, 1.0] >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 2.0 >>> lp.get_values([x,y]) [1.5, 0.5]
You can get GLPK to spout all sorts of information at you. The default is to turn this off, but sometimes (debugging) it’s very useful:
sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_then_intopt) sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_mir_cuts, backend.glp_on) sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_msg_lev_intopt, backend.glp_msg_all) sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_mir_cuts) 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_then_intopt) >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_mir_cuts, backend.glp_on) >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_msg_lev_intopt, backend.glp_msg_all) >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_mir_cuts) 1
If you actually try to solve
, you will get a lot of detailed information.
- variable_lower_bound(index, value=False)[source]¶
Return or define the lower bound on a variable.
– integer; the variable’s idvalue
– real value, orNone
to mean that the variable has not lower bound. When set toFalse
(default), the method returns the current value.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.col_bounds(0) (0.0, None) sage: p.variable_lower_bound(0, 5) sage: p.col_bounds(0) (5.0, None)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (0.0, None) >>> p.variable_lower_bound(Integer(0), Integer(5)) >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (5.0, None)
- variable_upper_bound(index, value=False)[source]¶
Return or define the upper bound on a variable.
– integer; the variable’s idvalue
– real value, orNone
to mean that the variable has not upper bound. When set toFalse
(default), the method returns the current value.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variable() 0 sage: p.col_bounds(0) (0.0, None) sage: p.variable_upper_bound(0, 5) sage: p.col_bounds(0) (0.0, 5.0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variable() 0 >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (0.0, None) >>> p.variable_upper_bound(Integer(0), Integer(5)) >>> p.col_bounds(Integer(0)) (0.0, 5.0)
- warm_up()[source]¶
Warm up the basis using current statuses assigned to rows and cols.
OUTPUT: the warming up status
0 The operation has been successfully performed.
GLP_EBADB The basis matrix is invalid.
GLP_ESING The basis matrix is singular within the working precision.
GLP_ECOND The basis matrix is ill-conditioned.
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: lp.add_variables(3) 2 sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [8, 6, 1])), None, 48) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [4, 2, 1.5])), None, 20) sage: lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([0, 1, 2], [2, 1.5, 0.5])), None, 8) sage: lp.set_objective([60, 30, 20]) sage: import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend sage: lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) sage: lp.solve() 0 sage: lp.get_objective_value() 280.0 sage: lp.set_row_stat(0,3) sage: lp.set_col_stat(1,1) sage: lp.warm_up() 0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> lp = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> lp.add_variables(Integer(3)) 2 >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(8), Integer(6), Integer(1)])), None, Integer(48)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(4), Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5')])), None, Integer(20)) >>> lp.add_linear_constraint(list(zip([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)], [Integer(2), RealNumber('1.5'), RealNumber('0.5')])), None, Integer(8)) >>> lp.set_objective([Integer(60), Integer(30), Integer(20)]) >>> import sage.numerical.backends.glpk_backend as backend >>> lp.solver_parameter(backend.glp_simplex_or_intopt, backend.glp_simplex_only) >>> lp.solve() 0 >>> lp.get_objective_value() 280.0 >>> lp.set_row_stat(Integer(0),Integer(3)) >>> lp.set_col_stat(Integer(1),Integer(1)) >>> lp.warm_up() 0
- write_lp(filename)[source]¶
Write the problem to a
– string
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.add_linear_constraint([[0, 1], [1, 2]], None, 3) sage: p.set_objective([2, 5]) sage: import tempfile sage: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.lp') as f: ....: _ = p.write_lp( ....: len(f.readlines()) ... 9 lines were written 9
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.add_linear_constraint([[Integer(0), Integer(1)], [Integer(1), Integer(2)]], None, Integer(3)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(2), Integer(5)]) >>> import tempfile >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.lp') as f: ... _ = p.write_lp( ... len(f.readlines()) ... 9 lines were written 9
- write_mps(filename, modern)[source]¶
Write the problem to a
– string
sage: from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver sage: p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") sage: p.add_variables(2) 1 sage: p.add_linear_constraint([[0, 1], [1, 2]], None, 3) sage: p.set_objective([2, 5]) sage: import tempfile sage: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='mps') as f: ....: _ = p.write_mps(, 2) ....: len(f.readlines()) ... 17 records were written 17
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.numerical.backends.generic_backend import get_solver >>> p = get_solver(solver = "GLPK") >>> p.add_variables(Integer(2)) 1 >>> p.add_linear_constraint([[Integer(0), Integer(1)], [Integer(1), Integer(2)]], None, Integer(3)) >>> p.set_objective([Integer(2), Integer(5)]) >>> import tempfile >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='mps') as f: ... _ = p.write_mps(, Integer(2)) ... len(f.readlines()) ... 17 records were written 17