HTML Generator for JSmol#

This is all an evil iframe hack to get JSmol to display 3-d graphics while separating JSmol’s j2s machinery from your actual web page.

There are some caveats for how to load JSmol, in particular it cannot just load its code from a file:// uri. To use a html file generated by this module, you need

See for a discussion of loading JSMol.

class sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe.JSMolHtml(jmol, path_to_jsmol=None, width='100%', height='100%')[source]#

Bases: SageObject


  • jmol – 3-d graphics or sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d.OutputSceneJmol instance. The 3-d scene to show.

  • path_to_jsmol – string (default: '/nbextensions/jupyter-jsmol/jsmol'). The path (relative or absolute) where JSmol.min.js is served on the web server.

  • width – integer or string (default: '100%'). The width of the JSmol applet using CSS dimensions.

  • height – integer or string (default: '100%'). The height of the JSmol applet using CSS dimensions.


sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: JSMolHtml(sphere(), width=500, height=300)                            # needs sage.plot
JSmol Window 500x300
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> JSMolHtml(sphere(), width=Integer(500), height=Integer(300))                            # needs sage.plot
JSmol Window 500x300

Return HTML iframe




sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
sage: jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example())
sage: print(jmol.iframe())
<iframe srcdoc="
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
>>> jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example())
>>> print(jmol.iframe())
<iframe srcdoc="

Return a HTML document containing a JSmol applet


sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
sage: jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=500, height=300)
sage: print(jmol.inner_html())
    * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
>>> jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=Integer(500), height=Integer(300))
>>> print(jmol.inner_html())
    * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

The script() as Javascript string.

Since the many shortcomings of Javascript include multi-line strings, this actually returns Javascript code to reassemble the script from a list of strings.


String. Javascript code that evaluates to script() as Javascript string.


sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
sage: jsmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=500, height=300)
sage: print(jsmol.js_script())
  'data "model list"',
  'isosurface fullylit; pmesh o* fullylit; set antialiasdisplay on;',
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
>>> jsmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=Integer(500), height=Integer(300))
>>> print(jsmol.js_script())
  'data "model list"',
  'isosurface fullylit; pmesh o* fullylit; set antialiasdisplay on;',

Return a HTML document containing an iframe with a JSmol applet




sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
sage: jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=500, height=300)
sage: print(jmol.outer_html())
  <title>JSmol 3D Scene</title>

<iframe srcdoc="
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
>>> jmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=Integer(500), height=Integer(300))
>>> print(jmol.outer_html())
  <title>JSmol 3D Scene</title>
<iframe srcdoc="

Return the JMol script file.

This method extracts the Jmol script from the Jmol spt file (a zip archive) and inlines meshes.




sage: from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
sage: jsmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=500, height=300)
sage: jsmol.script()
'data "model list"\n10\nempt...aliasdisplay on;\n'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.repl.display.jsmol_iframe import JSMolHtml
>>> from sage.repl.rich_output.output_graphics3d import OutputSceneJmol
>>> jsmol = JSMolHtml(OutputSceneJmol.example(), width=Integer(500), height=Integer(300))
>>> jsmol.script()
'data "model list"\n10\nempt...aliasdisplay on;\n'