
If no binary version is available for your system, you can fallback to the Install from Source Code or use one of the alternatives proposed at the end of Welcome to Sage Installation Guide.

If you have any problems building or running Sage, please take a look at the Installation FAQ in the Sage Release Tour corresponding to the version that you are installing. It may offer version-specific installation help that has become available after the release was made and is therefore not covered by this manual.

Also please do not hesitate to ask for help in the SageMath forum or the sage-support mailing list at!forum/sage-support.

Also note the following. Each separate component of Sage is contained in an SPKG; these are stored in build/pkgs/. As each one is built, a build log is stored in logs/pkgs/, so you can browse these to find error messages. If an SPKG fails to build, the whole build process will stop soon after, so check the most recent log files first, or run:

grep -li "^Error" logs/pkgs/*

from the top-level Sage directory to find log files with error messages in them. Send the file config.log as well as the log file(s) of the packages that have failed to build in their entirety to the sage-support mailing list at; probably someone there will have some helpful suggestions.