Finite Drinfeld modules#

This module provides the class sage.rings.function_fields.drinfeld_module.finite_drinfeld_module.DrinfeldModule_finite, which inherits sage.rings.function_fields.drinfeld_module.drinfeld_module.DrinfeldModule.


  • Antoine Leudière (2022-04)

  • Yossef Musleh (2023-02): added characteristic polynomial methods

class sage.rings.function_field.drinfeld_modules.finite_drinfeld_module.DrinfeldModule_finite(gen, category)[source]#

Bases: DrinfeldModule

This class implements finite Drinfeld \(\mathbb{F}_q[T]\)-modules.

A finite Drinfeld module is a Drinfeld module whose base field is finite. In this case, the function field characteristic is a prime ideal.

For general definitions and help on Drinfeld modules, see class sage.rings.function_fields.drinfeld_module.drinfeld_module.DrinfeldModule.


The user does not ever need to directly call DrinfeldModule_finite — the metaclass DrinfeldModule is responsible for instantiating DrinfeldModule or DrinfeldModule_finite depending on the input:

sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z6, 0, 5])
sage: phi
Drinfeld module defined by T |--> 5*t^2 + z6
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z6, Integer(0), Integer(5)])
>>> phi
Drinfeld module defined by T |--> 5*t^2 + z6
sage: isinstance(phi, DrinfeldModule)
sage: from sage.rings.function_field.drinfeld_modules.finite_drinfeld_module import DrinfeldModule_finite
sage: isinstance(phi, DrinfeldModule_finite)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> isinstance(phi, DrinfeldModule)
>>> from sage.rings.function_field.drinfeld_modules.finite_drinfeld_module import DrinfeldModule_finite
>>> isinstance(phi, DrinfeldModule_finite)

The user should never use DrinfeldModule_finite to test if a Drinfeld module is finite, but rather the is_finite method:

sage: phi.is_finite()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi.is_finite()

Complex multiplication of rank two finite Drinfeld modules

We can handle some aspects of the theory of complex multiplication of finite Drinfeld modules. Apart from the method frobenius_endomorphism, we only handle rank two Drinfeld modules.

First of all, it is easy to create the Frobenius endomorphism:

sage: frobenius_endomorphism = phi.frobenius_endomorphism()
sage: frobenius_endomorphism
Endomorphism of Drinfeld module defined by T |--> 5*t^2 + z6
  Defn: t^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> frobenius_endomorphism = phi.frobenius_endomorphism()
>>> frobenius_endomorphism
Endomorphism of Drinfeld module defined by T |--> 5*t^2 + z6
  Defn: t^2

Its characteristic polynomial can be computed:

sage: chi = phi.frobenius_charpoly()
sage: chi
X^2 + (T + 2*z3^2 + 2*z3 + 1)*X + 2*T^2 + (z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 2*z3
sage: frob_pol = frobenius_endomorphism.ore_polynomial()
sage: chi(frob_pol, phi(T))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> chi = phi.frobenius_charpoly()
>>> chi
X^2 + (T + 2*z3^2 + 2*z3 + 1)*X + 2*T^2 + (z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 2*z3
>>> frob_pol = frobenius_endomorphism.ore_polynomial()
>>> chi(frob_pol, phi(T))

as well as its trace and norm:

sage: phi.frobenius_trace()
6*T + 5*z3^2 + 5*z3 + 6
sage: phi.frobenius_trace() == -chi[1]
sage: phi.frobenius_norm()
2*T^2 + (z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 2*z3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi.frobenius_trace()
6*T + 5*z3^2 + 5*z3 + 6
>>> phi.frobenius_trace() == -chi[Integer(1)]
>>> phi.frobenius_norm()
2*T^2 + (z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 2*z3

We can decide if a Drinfeld module is ordinary or supersingular:

sage: phi.is_ordinary()
sage: phi.is_supersingular()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi.is_ordinary()
>>> phi.is_supersingular()

Inverting the Drinfeld module

The morphism that defines a Drinfeld module is injective (see [Gos1998], cor. 4.5.2). If the Drinfeld module is finite, one can retrieve preimages:

sage: a = A.random_element()
sage: phi.invert(phi(a)) == a
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> a = A.random_element()
>>> phi.invert(phi(a)) == a
frobenius_charpoly(var='X', algorithm='crystalline')[source]#

Return the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism.

Let \(\mathbb{F}_q\) be the base field of the function ring. The characteristic polynomial \(\chi\) of the Frobenius endomorphism is defined in [Gek1991]. An important feature of this polynomial is that it is monic, univariate, and has coefficients in the function ring. As in our case the function ring is a univariate polynomial ring, it is customary to see the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism as a bivariate polynomial.

Let \(\chi = X^r + \sum_{i=0}^{r-1} A_{i}(T)X^{i}\) be the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism, and let \(t^n\) be the Ore polynomial that defines the Frobenius endomorphism of \(\phi\); by definition, \(n\) is the degree of \(K\) over the base field \(\mathbb{F}_q\). Then we have

\[\chi(t^n)(\phi(T)) = t^{nr} + \sum_{i=1}^{r} \phi_{A_{i}}t^{n(i)} = 0,\]

with \(\deg(A_i) \leq \frac{n(r-i)}{r}\).

Note that the Frobenius trace is defined as \(A_{r-1}(T)\) and the Frobenius norm is defined as \(A_0(T)\).


  • var (default: 'X') – the name of the second variable

  • algorithm (default: 'crystalline') – the algorithm used to compute the characteristic polynomial


sage: Fq = GF(25)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z12> = Fq.extension(6)
sage: p_root = 2*z12^11 + 2*z12^10 + z12^9 + 3*z12^8 + z12^7 + 2*z12^5 + 2*z12^4 + 3*z12^3 + z12^2 + 2*z12
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [p_root, z12^3, z12^5])
sage: phi.frobenius_charpoly()
X^2 + ((4*z2 + 4)*T^3 + (z2 + 3)*T^2 + 3*T + 2*z2 + 3)*X + 3*z2*T^6 + (4*z2 + 3)*T^5 + (4*z2 + 4)*T^4 + 2*T^3 + (3*z2 + 3)*T^2 + (z2 + 2)*T + 4*z2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(25))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(6), names=('z12',)); (z12,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> p_root = Integer(2)*z12**Integer(11) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(10) + z12**Integer(9) + Integer(3)*z12**Integer(8) + z12**Integer(7) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(5) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(4) + Integer(3)*z12**Integer(3) + z12**Integer(2) + Integer(2)*z12
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [p_root, z12**Integer(3), z12**Integer(5)])
>>> phi.frobenius_charpoly()
X^2 + ((4*z2 + 4)*T^3 + (z2 + 3)*T^2 + 3*T + 2*z2 + 3)*X + 3*z2*T^6 + (4*z2 + 3)*T^5 + (4*z2 + 4)*T^4 + 2*T^3 + (3*z2 + 3)*T^2 + (z2 + 2)*T + 4*z2
sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: chi = phi.frobenius_charpoly()
sage: chi
X^2 + ((3*z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 4*z3^2 + 6*z3 + 3)*X + (5*z3^2 + 2*z3)*T^2 + (4*z3^2 + 3*z3)*T + 5*z3^2 + 2*z3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> chi = phi.frobenius_charpoly()
>>> chi
X^2 + ((3*z3^2 + z3 + 4)*T + 4*z3^2 + 6*z3 + 3)*X + (5*z3^2 + 2*z3)*T^2 + (4*z3^2 + 3*z3)*T + 5*z3^2 + 2*z3
sage: frob_pol = phi.frobenius_endomorphism().ore_polynomial()
sage: chi(frob_pol, phi(T))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> frob_pol = phi.frobenius_endomorphism().ore_polynomial()
>>> chi(frob_pol, phi(T))
sage: phi.frobenius_charpoly(algorithm="NotImplemented")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: algorithm "NotImplemented" not implemented
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi.frobenius_charpoly(algorithm="NotImplemented")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: algorithm "NotImplemented" not implemented


By default, this method uses the so-called crystalline algorithm which computes the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius acting on the crystalline cohomology of the Drinfeld module. For further details, see [Ang1997].

The available options for ‘algorithm’ are:

  • 'crystalline' – Computes the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism on the crystalline cohomology of a Drinfeld module.

  • 'motive' – Based on computing the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism on the motive of a Drinfeld module. This instantiates the Frobenius as a morphism object and calls its 'characteristic_polynomial' method.


Return the Frobenius endomorphism of the Drinfeld module as a morphism object.

Let \(q\) be the order of the base field of the function ring. The Frobenius endomorphism is defined as the endomorphism whose defining Ore polynomial is \(t^q\).


sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: phi.frobenius_endomorphism()
Endomorphism of Drinfeld module defined by T |--> z6*t^2 + 1
  Defn: t^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> phi.frobenius_endomorphism()
Endomorphism of Drinfeld module defined by T |--> z6*t^2 + 1
  Defn: t^2

Return the Frobenius norm of the Drinfeld module.

Let \(C(X) = \sum_{i=0}^r a_iX^{i}\) denote the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism. The Frobenius norm is \((-1)^r a_{0}\). This is an element of the regular function ring and if \(n\) is the degree of the base field over \(\mathbb{F}_q\), then the Frobenius norm has degree \(n\).


sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: B = phi.frobenius_norm()
sage: B
(5*z3^2 + 2*z3)*T^2 + (4*z3^2 + 3*z3)*T + 5*z3^2 + 2*z3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> B = phi.frobenius_norm()
>>> B
(5*z3^2 + 2*z3)*T^2 + (4*z3^2 + 3*z3)*T + 5*z3^2 + 2*z3
sage: n = 2  # Degree of the base field over Fq
sage: == n
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> n = Integer(2)  # Degree of the base field over Fq
>>> == n
sage: B == phi.frobenius_charpoly()[0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B == phi.frobenius_charpoly()[Integer(0)]


The Frobenius norm is computed using the formula, by Gekeler, given in [MS2019], Section 4, Proposition 3.


Return the Frobenius trace of the Drinfeld module.

Let \(C(X) = \sum_{i=0}^r a_iX^{i}\) denote the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism. The Frobenius trace is \(-a_{r-1}\). This is an element of the regular function ring and if \(n\) is the degree of the base field over \(\mathbb{F}_q\), then the Frobenius trace has degree at most \(\frac{n}{r}\).


sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: A = phi.frobenius_trace()
sage: A
(4*z3^2 + 6*z3 + 3)*T + 3*z3^2 + z3 + 4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> A = phi.frobenius_trace()
>>> A
(4*z3^2 + 6*z3 + 3)*T + 3*z3^2 + z3 + 4
sage: n = 2  # Degree over Fq of the base codomain
sage: <= n/2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> n = Integer(2)  # Degree over Fq of the base codomain
>>> <= n/Integer(2)
sage: A == -phi.frobenius_charpoly()[1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A == -phi.frobenius_charpoly()[Integer(1)]


We extract the coefficient of \(X^{r-1}\) from the characteristic polynomial if it has been previously computed, otherwise we compute the trace of the matrix of the Frobenius acting on the crystalline cohomology.


Return the preimage of the input under the Drinfeld module, if it exists.


  • ore_pol – the Ore polynomial whose preimage we want to compute


sage: Fq = GF(25)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z12> = Fq.extension(6)
sage: p_root = 2*z12^11 + 2*z12^10 + z12^9 + 3*z12^8 + z12^7 + 2*z12^5 + 2*z12^4 + 3*z12^3 + z12^2 + 2*z12
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [p_root, z12^3, z12^5])
sage: a = A.random_element()
sage: phi.invert(phi(a)) == a
sage: phi.invert(phi(T)) == T
sage: phi.invert(phi(Fq.gen())) == Fq.gen()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(25))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(6), names=('z12',)); (z12,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> p_root = Integer(2)*z12**Integer(11) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(10) + z12**Integer(9) + Integer(3)*z12**Integer(8) + z12**Integer(7) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(5) + Integer(2)*z12**Integer(4) + Integer(3)*z12**Integer(3) + z12**Integer(2) + Integer(2)*z12
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [p_root, z12**Integer(3), z12**Integer(5)])
>>> a = A.random_element()
>>> phi.invert(phi(a)) == a
>>> phi.invert(phi(T)) == T
>>> phi.invert(phi(Fq.gen())) == Fq.gen()

When the input is not in the image of the Drinfeld module, an exception is raised:

sage: t = phi.ore_polring().gen()
sage: phi.invert(t + 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be in the image of the Drinfeld module
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> t = phi.ore_polring().gen()
>>> phi.invert(t + Integer(1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be in the image of the Drinfeld module
sage: phi.invert(t^4 + t^2 + 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be in the image of the Drinfeld module
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi.invert(t**Integer(4) + t**Integer(2) + Integer(1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: input must be in the image of the Drinfeld module


The algorithm relies on the inversion of a linear algebra system. See [MS2019], 3.2.5 for details.


Return True when self is isogenous to the other Drinfeld module.

If the Drinfeld modules do not belong to the same category, an exception is raised.


sage: Fq = GF(2)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z> = Fq.extension(3)
sage: psi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z + 1, z^2 + z + 1])
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z^2 + z + 1, z^2 + z])
sage: phi.is_isogenous(psi)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(2))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(3), names=('z',)); (z,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> psi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z + Integer(1), z**Integer(2) + z + Integer(1)])
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z**Integer(2) + z + Integer(1), z**Integer(2) + z])
>>> phi.is_isogenous(psi)
sage: chi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z + 1, z^2 + z])
sage: phi.is_isogenous(chi)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> chi = DrinfeldModule(A, [z, z + Integer(1), z**Integer(2) + z])
>>> phi.is_isogenous(chi)
sage: mu = DrinfeldModule(A, [z + 1, z^2 + z + 1, z^2 + z])
sage: phi.is_isogenous(mu)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Drinfeld modules are not in the same category
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> mu = DrinfeldModule(A, [z + Integer(1), z**Integer(2) + z + Integer(1), z**Integer(2) + z])
>>> phi.is_isogenous(mu)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Drinfeld modules are not in the same category
sage: mu = 1
sage: phi.is_isogenous(mu)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: input must be a Drinfeld module
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> mu = Integer(1)
>>> phi.is_isogenous(mu)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: input must be a Drinfeld module


Two Drinfeld A-modules of equal characteristic are isogenous if and only if:

  • they have the same rank

  • the characteristic polynomial of the Frobenius endomorphism for both Drinfeld modules are equal.


Return True if this Drinfeld module is ordinary.

A Drinfeld module is ordinary if and only if its height is one.


sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: phi.is_ordinary()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> phi.is_ordinary()
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, z6, 0, z6])
sage: phi.is_ordinary()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), z6, Integer(0), z6])
>>> phi.is_ordinary()

Return True if this Drinfeld module is supersingular.

A Drinfeld module is supersingular if and only if its height equals its rank.


sage: Fq = GF(343)
sage: A.<T> = Fq[]
sage: K.<z6> = Fq.extension(2)
sage: phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6])
sage: phi.is_supersingular()
sage: phi(phi.characteristic())   # Purely inseparable
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Fq = GF(Integer(343))
>>> A = Fq['T']; (T,) = A._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = Fq.extension(Integer(2), names=('z6',)); (z6,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> phi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6])
>>> phi.is_supersingular()
>>> phi(phi.characteristic())   # Purely inseparable

In rank two, a Drinfeld module is either ordinary or supersinguler. In higher ranks, it could be neither of the two:

sage: psi = DrinfeldModule(A, [1, 0, z6, z6])
sage: psi.is_ordinary()
sage: psi.is_supersingular()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> psi = DrinfeldModule(A, [Integer(1), Integer(0), z6, z6])
>>> psi.is_ordinary()
>>> psi.is_supersingular()