Probability Distributions¶
This module provides three types of probability distributions:
: various real-valued probability distributions.SphericalDistribution
: uniformly distributed points on the surface of an \(n-1\) sphere in \(n\) dimensional euclidean space.GeneralDiscreteDistribution
: user-defined discrete distributions.
Josh Kantor (2007-02): first version
William Stein (2007-02): rewrite of docs, conventions, etc.
Carlo Hamalainen (2008-08): full doctest coverage, more documentation, GeneralDiscreteDistribution, misc fixes.
Kwankyu Lee (2010-05-29): F-distribution support.
GNU gsl library, General discrete distributions
GNU gsl library, Random number distributions
- class sage.probability.probability_distribution.GeneralDiscreteDistribution[source]¶
Create a discrete probability distribution.
– list of probabilities; the list will automatically be normalised ifsum(P)
is not equal to 1rng
– (optional) random number generator to use; may be one of'default'
, or'taus'
– (optional) seed to use with the random number generator
OUTPUT: a probability distribution where the probability of selecting
Construct a
with the probability distribution \(P\) where \(P(0) = 0.3\), \(P(1) = 0.4\), \(P(2) = 0.3\):sage: P = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) sage: X.get_random_element() in (0, 1, 2) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = [RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) >>> X.get_random_element() in (Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)) True
Checking the distribution of samples:
sage: P = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] sage: counts = [0] * len(P) sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) sage: nr_samples = 10000 sage: for _ in range(nr_samples): ....: counts[X.get_random_element()] += 1 sage: [1.0*x/nr_samples for x in counts] # abs tol 3e-2 [0.3, 0.4, 0.3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = [RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> counts = [Integer(0)] * len(P) >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) >>> nr_samples = Integer(10000) >>> for _ in range(nr_samples): ... counts[X.get_random_element()] += Integer(1) >>> [RealNumber('1.0')*x/nr_samples for x in counts] # abs tol 3e-2 [0.3, 0.4, 0.3]
The distribution probabilities will automatically be normalised:
sage: P = [0.1, 0.3] sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P, seed=0) sage: counts = [0, 0] sage: for _ in range(10000): ....: counts[X.get_random_element()] += 1 sage: float(counts[1]/counts[0]) 3.042037186742118
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = [RealNumber('0.1'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P, seed=Integer(0)) >>> counts = [Integer(0), Integer(0)] >>> for _ in range(Integer(10000)): ... counts[X.get_random_element()] += Integer(1) >>> float(counts[Integer(1)]/counts[Integer(0)]) 3.042037186742118
- get_random_element()[source]¶
Get a random sample from the probability distribution.
sage: P = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) sage: all(X.get_random_element() in (0,1,2) for _ in range(10)) True sage: isinstance(X.get_random_element(), sage.rings.integer.Integer) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = [RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) >>> all(X.get_random_element() in (Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(2)) for _ in range(Integer(10))) True >>> isinstance(X.get_random_element(), sage.rings.integer.Integer) True
- reset_distribution()[source]¶
This method resets the distribution.
sage: T = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([0.1, 0.3, 0.6]) sage: T.set_seed(0) sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(10)] [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2] sage: T.reset_distribution() sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(10)] [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([RealNumber('0.1'), RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.6')]) >>> T.set_seed(Integer(0)) >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(10))] [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2] >>> T.reset_distribution() >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(10))] [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2]
- set_random_number_generator(rng='default')[source]¶
Set the random number generator to be used by gsl.
sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([0.3, 0.4, 0.3]) sage: X.set_random_number_generator('taus')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')]) >>> X.set_random_number_generator('taus')
- set_seed(seed)[source]¶
Set the seed to be used by the random number generator.
sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([0.3, 0.4, 0.3]) sage: X.set_seed(1) sage: X.get_random_element() 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution([RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')]) >>> X.set_seed(Integer(1)) >>> X.get_random_element() 1
- class sage.probability.probability_distribution.ProbabilityDistribution[source]¶
Concrete probability distributions should be derived from this abstract class.
- generate_histogram_data(num_samples=1000, bins=50)[source]¶
Compute a histogram of the probability distribution.
– (optional) number of times to sample from the probability distributionbins
– (optional) number of bins to divide the samples into
a tuple. The first element of the tuple is a list of length
, consisting of the normalised histogram of the random samples. The second list is the bins.
sage: set_random_seed(0) sage: from sage.probability.probability_distribution import GeneralDiscreteDistribution sage: P = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) sage: h, b = X.generate_histogram_data(bins=10) # needs sage.plot sage: h # rel tol 1e-08 # needs sage.plot [1.6299999999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.9049999999999985, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4650000000000003] sage: b # needs sage.plot [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6000000000000001, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2000000000000002, 1.4000000000000001, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> set_random_seed(Integer(0)) >>> from sage.probability.probability_distribution import GeneralDiscreteDistribution >>> P = [RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) >>> h, b = X.generate_histogram_data(bins=Integer(10)) # needs sage.plot >>> h # rel tol 1e-08 # needs sage.plot [1.6299999999999999, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.9049999999999985, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.4650000000000003] >>> b # needs sage.plot [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6000000000000001, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2000000000000002, 1.4000000000000001, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0]
- generate_histogram_plot(name, num_samples=1000, bins=50)[source]¶
Save the histogram from
to a file.INPUT:
– file to save the histogram plot (as a PNG)num_samples
– (optional) number of times to sample from the probability distributionbins
– (optional) number of bins to divide the samples into
This saves the histogram plot to a temporary file:
sage: from sage.probability.probability_distribution import GeneralDiscreteDistribution sage: import tempfile sage: P = [0.3, 0.4, 0.3] sage: X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) sage: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: # needs sage.plot ....: X.generate_histogram_plot(
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.probability.probability_distribution import GeneralDiscreteDistribution >>> import tempfile >>> P = [RealNumber('0.3'), RealNumber('0.4'), RealNumber('0.3')] >>> X = GeneralDiscreteDistribution(P) >>> with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: # needs sage.plot ... X.generate_histogram_plot(
- get_random_element()[source]¶
To be implemented by a derived class:
sage: P = sage.probability.probability_distribution.ProbabilityDistribution() sage: P.get_random_element() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: implement in derived class
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = sage.probability.probability_distribution.ProbabilityDistribution() >>> P.get_random_element() Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: implement in derived class
- class sage.probability.probability_distribution.RealDistribution[source]¶
class provides a number of routines for sampling from and analyzing and visualizing probability distributions. For precise definitions of the distributions and their parameters see the gsl reference manuals chapter on random number generators and probability distributions.EXAMPLES:
Uniform distribution on the interval
[a, b]
:sage: a = 0 sage: b = 2 sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [a, b]) sage: a <= T.get_random_element() <= b True sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.5 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.5 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 1.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(0) >>> b = Integer(2) >>> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [a, b]) >>> a <= T.get_random_element() <= b True >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.5 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.5 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 1.0
The gaussian distribution takes 1 parameter
. The standard gaussian distribution hassigma = 1
:sage: sigma = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', sigma) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.3989422804014327 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.8413447460685429 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 0.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sigma = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', sigma) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.3989422804014327 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.8413447460685429 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 0.0
The rayleigh distribution has 1 parameter
:sage: sigma = 3 sage: T = RealDistribution('rayleigh', sigma) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s >= 0 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.054040531093234534 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 3.532230067546424...
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sigma = Integer(3) >>> T = RealDistribution('rayleigh', sigma) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s >= Integer(0) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.054040531093234534 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 3.532230067546424...
The lognormal distribution has two parameters
:sage: zeta = 0 sage: sigma = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('lognormal', [zeta, sigma]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s >= 0 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.5 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 1.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> zeta = Integer(0) >>> sigma = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('lognormal', [zeta, sigma]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s >= Integer(0) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.5 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 1.0
The pareto distribution has two parameters
, andb
:sage: a = 1 sage: b = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('pareto', [a, b]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s >= b True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 2.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(1) >>> b = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('pareto', [a, b]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s >= b True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 2.0
The t-distribution has one parameter
:sage: nu = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('t', nu) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) # rel tol 1e-15 0.3183098861837906 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) # rel tol 1e-15 0.75 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 0.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> nu = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('t', nu) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) # rel tol 1e-15 0.3183098861837906 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) # rel tol 1e-15 0.75 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 0.0
The F-distribution has two parameters
:sage: nu1 = 9; nu2 = 17 sage: F = RealDistribution('F', [nu1,nu2]) sage: s = F.get_random_element() sage: s >= 0 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: F.distribution_function(1) # rel tol 1e-14 0.6695025505192798 sage: F.cum_distribution_function(3.68) # rel tol 1e-14 0.9899717772300652 sage: F.cum_distribution_function_inv(0.99) # rel tol 1e-14 3.682241524045864
>>> from sage.all import * >>> nu1 = Integer(9); nu2 = Integer(17) >>> F = RealDistribution('F', [nu1,nu2]) >>> s = F.get_random_element() >>> s >= Integer(0) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> F.distribution_function(Integer(1)) # rel tol 1e-14 0.6695025505192798 >>> F.cum_distribution_function(RealNumber('3.68')) # rel tol 1e-14 0.9899717772300652 >>> F.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('0.99')) # rel tol 1e-14 3.682241524045864
The chi-squared distribution has one parameter
:sage: nu = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('chisquared', nu) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s >= 0 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) +infinity sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) # rel tol 1e-14 0.6826894921370856 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) # rel tol 1e-14 0.45493642311957305
>>> from sage.all import * >>> nu = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('chisquared', nu) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s >= Integer(0) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) +infinity >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) # rel tol 1e-14 0.6826894921370856 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) # rel tol 1e-14 0.45493642311957305
The exponential power distribution has two parameters
:sage: a = 1 sage: b = 2.5 sage: T = RealDistribution('exppow', [a, b]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) # rel tol 1e-14 0.5635302489930136 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) # rel tol 1e-14 0.940263052542855
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(1) >>> b = RealNumber('2.5') >>> T = RealDistribution('exppow', [a, b]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) # rel tol 1e-14 0.5635302489930136 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) # rel tol 1e-14 0.940263052542855
The beta distribution has two parameters
:sage: a = 2 sage: b = 2 sage: T = RealDistribution('beta', [a, b]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: 0 <= s <= 1 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 1.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(2) >>> b = Integer(2) >>> T = RealDistribution('beta', [a, b]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> Integer(0) <= s <= Integer(1) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 1.0
The exponential distribution has one parameter
:sage: mu = 2 sage: T = RealDistribution('exponential', mu) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: 0 <= s True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> mu = Integer(2) >>> T = RealDistribution('exponential', mu) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> Integer(0) <= s True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.5
The gamma distribution has two parameters
:sage: a = 2 sage: b = 2 sage: T = RealDistribution('gamma', [a, b]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: 0 <= s True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(2) >>> b = Integer(2) >>> T = RealDistribution('gamma', [a, b]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> Integer(0) <= s True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.0
The weibull distribution has two parameters
:sage: a = 1 sage: b = 1 sage: T = RealDistribution('weibull', [a, b]) sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s >= 0 True sage: s.parent() Real Double Field sage: T.distribution_function(0) 1.0 sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.6321205588285577 sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 0.6931471805599453
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = Integer(1) >>> b = Integer(1) >>> T = RealDistribution('weibull', [a, b]) >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s >= Integer(0) True >>> s.parent() Real Double Field >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 1.0 >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.6321205588285577 >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 0.6931471805599453
It is possible to select which random number generator drives the sampling as well as the seed. The default is the Mersenne twister. Also available are the RANDLXS algorithm and the Tausworthe generator (see the gsl reference manual for more details). These are all supposed to be simulation quality generators. For RANDLXS use
and for tausworth userng='taus'
:sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', 1, rng='luxury', seed=10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', Integer(1), rng='luxury', seed=Integer(10))
To change the seed at a later time use
:sage: T.set_seed(100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T.set_seed(Integer(100))
- cum_distribution_function(x)[source]¶
Evaluate the cumulative distribution function of the probability distribution at
sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [0, 2]) sage: T.cum_distribution_function(1) 0.5
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [Integer(0), Integer(2)]) >>> T.cum_distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.5
- cum_distribution_function_inv(x)[source]¶
Evaluate the inverse of the cumulative distribution distribution function of the probability distribution at
sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [0, 2]) sage: T.cum_distribution_function_inv(.5) 1.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [Integer(0), Integer(2)]) >>> T.cum_distribution_function_inv(RealNumber('.5')) 1.0
- distribution_function(x)[source]¶
Evaluate the distribution function of the probability distribution at
sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [0, 2]) sage: T.distribution_function(0) 0.5 sage: T.distribution_function(1) 0.5 sage: T.distribution_function(1.5) 0.5 sage: T.distribution_function(2) 0.0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [Integer(0), Integer(2)]) >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(0)) 0.5 >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(1)) 0.5 >>> T.distribution_function(RealNumber('1.5')) 0.5 >>> T.distribution_function(Integer(2)) 0.0
- get_random_element()[source]¶
Get a random sample from the probability distribution.
sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', 1, seed=0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 0.13391860811867587
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', Integer(1), seed=Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 0.13391860811867587
- plot(*args, **kwds)[source]¶
Plot the distribution function for the probability distribution. Parameters to
can be passed through*args
sage: T = RealDistribution('uniform', [0, 2]) sage: P = T.plot() # needs sage.plot
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('uniform', [Integer(0), Integer(2)]) >>> P = T.plot() # needs sage.plot
- reset_distribution()[source]¶
Reset the distribution.
sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', 1, seed=10) sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(10)] # rel tol 4e-16 [-0.7460999595745819, -0.004644606626413462, -0.8720538317207641, 0.6916259921666037, 2.67668674666043, 0.6325002813661014, -0.7974263521959355, -0.5284976893366636, 1.1353119849528792, 0.9912505673230749] sage: T.reset_distribution() sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(10)] # rel tol 4e-16 [-0.7460999595745819, -0.004644606626413462, -0.8720538317207641, 0.6916259921666037, 2.67668674666043, 0.6325002813661014, -0.7974263521959355, -0.5284976893366636, 1.1353119849528792, 0.9912505673230749]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', Integer(1), seed=Integer(10)) >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(10))] # rel tol 4e-16 [-0.7460999595745819, -0.004644606626413462, -0.8720538317207641, 0.6916259921666037, 2.67668674666043, 0.6325002813661014, -0.7974263521959355, -0.5284976893366636, 1.1353119849528792, 0.9912505673230749] >>> T.reset_distribution() >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(10))] # rel tol 4e-16 [-0.7460999595745819, -0.004644606626413462, -0.8720538317207641, 0.6916259921666037, 2.67668674666043, 0.6325002813661014, -0.7974263521959355, -0.5284976893366636, 1.1353119849528792, 0.9912505673230749]
- set_distribution(name='uniform', parameters=None)[source]¶
This method can be called to change the current probability distribution.
sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', 1) sage: T.set_distribution('gaussian', 1) sage: T.set_distribution('pareto', [0, 1])
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', Integer(1)) >>> T.set_distribution('gaussian', Integer(1)) >>> T.set_distribution('pareto', [Integer(0), Integer(1)])
- set_random_number_generator(rng='default')[source]¶
Set the gsl random number generator to be one of
, or'taus'
sage: T = SphericalDistribution() sage: T.set_random_number_generator('default') sage: T.set_seed(0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178) sage: T.set_random_number_generator('luxury') sage: T.set_seed(0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = SphericalDistribution() >>> T.set_random_number_generator('default') >>> T.set_seed(Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178) >>> T.set_random_number_generator('luxury') >>> T.set_seed(Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)
- set_seed(seed)[source]¶
Set the seed for the underlying random number generator.
sage: T = RealDistribution('gaussian', 1, rng='luxury', seed=10) sage: T.set_seed(100)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = RealDistribution('gaussian', Integer(1), rng='luxury', seed=Integer(10)) >>> T.set_seed(Integer(100))
- class sage.probability.probability_distribution.SphericalDistribution[source]¶
This class is capable of producing random points uniformly distributed on the surface of an \((n-1)\)-sphere in \(n\)-dimensional euclidean space. The dimension \(n\) is selected via the keyword
. The random number generator which drives it can be selected using the keywordrng
. Valid choices are'default'
which uses the Mersenne-Twister,'luxury'
which uses RANDLXS, and'taus'
which uses the tausworth generator. The default dimension is3
sage: T = SphericalDistribution() sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s.norm() # rel tol 1e-14 1.0 sage: len(s) 3 sage: T = SphericalDistribution(dimension=4, rng='luxury') sage: s = T.get_random_element() sage: s.norm() # rel tol 1e-14 1.0 sage: len(s) 4
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = SphericalDistribution() >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s.norm() # rel tol 1e-14 1.0 >>> len(s) 3 >>> T = SphericalDistribution(dimension=Integer(4), rng='luxury') >>> s = T.get_random_element() >>> s.norm() # rel tol 1e-14 1.0 >>> len(s) 4
- get_random_element()[source]¶
Get a random sample from the probability distribution.
sage: T = SphericalDistribution(seed=0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = SphericalDistribution(seed=Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)
- reset_distribution()[source]¶
This method resets the distribution.
sage: T = SphericalDistribution(seed=0) sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(4)] # rel tol 4e-16 [(0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178), (0.4123599490593727, 0.5606817859360097, -0.7180495855658982), (-0.9619860891623148, -0.2726473494040498, -0.015690351211529927), (0.5674297579435619, -0.011206783800420301, -0.8233455397322326)] sage: T.reset_distribution() sage: [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(4)] # rel tol 4e-16 [(0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178), (0.4123599490593727, 0.5606817859360097, -0.7180495855658982), (-0.9619860891623148, -0.2726473494040498, -0.015690351211529927), (0.5674297579435619, -0.011206783800420301, -0.8233455397322326)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = SphericalDistribution(seed=Integer(0)) >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(4))] # rel tol 4e-16 [(0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178), (0.4123599490593727, 0.5606817859360097, -0.7180495855658982), (-0.9619860891623148, -0.2726473494040498, -0.015690351211529927), (0.5674297579435619, -0.011206783800420301, -0.8233455397322326)] >>> T.reset_distribution() >>> [T.get_random_element() for _ in range(Integer(4))] # rel tol 4e-16 [(0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178), (0.4123599490593727, 0.5606817859360097, -0.7180495855658982), (-0.9619860891623148, -0.2726473494040498, -0.015690351211529927), (0.5674297579435619, -0.011206783800420301, -0.8233455397322326)]
- set_random_number_generator(rng='default')[source]¶
Set the gsl random number generator to be one of
, ortaus
sage: T = SphericalDistribution() sage: T.set_random_number_generator('default') sage: T.set_seed(0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178) sage: T.set_random_number_generator('luxury') sage: T.set_seed(0) sage: T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = SphericalDistribution() >>> T.set_random_number_generator('default') >>> T.set_seed(Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178) >>> T.set_random_number_generator('luxury') >>> T.set_seed(Integer(0)) >>> T.get_random_element() # rel tol 4e-16 (0.07961564104639995, -0.05237671627581255, 0.9954486572862178)