KnotInfo database¶
This module contains the class KnotInfoDataBase
and auxiliary classes
for it, which serves as an interface to the lists of named knots and links provided
at the web-pages KnotInfo and
To use the database, you need to install the optional database_knotinfo package by the Sage command
sage -i database_knotinfo
sage: # optional - database_knotinfo
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase
sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase()
sage: ki_db
<sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoDataBase object at ...>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # optional - database_knotinfo
>>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase
>>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase()
>>> ki_db
<sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoDataBase object at ...>
Sebastian Oehms (2020-08): initial version
- class sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoColumnTypes(value)[source]¶
Enum class to specify if a column from the table of knots and links provided at the web-pages KnotInfo and LinkInfo. is used for knots only, links only or both.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoColumnTypes sage: [col_type for col_type in KnotInfoColumnTypes] [<KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyKnots: 'K'>, <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyLinks: 'L'>, <KnotInfoColumnTypes.KnotsAndLinks: 'B'>]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoColumnTypes >>> [col_type for col_type in KnotInfoColumnTypes] [<KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyKnots: 'K'>, <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyLinks: 'L'>, <KnotInfoColumnTypes.KnotsAndLinks: 'B'>]
- class sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoColumns(value)[source]¶
Enum class to select a column from the table of knots and links provided at the web-pages KnotInfo and LinkInfo.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns(); cols <enum 'Columns'> sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoColumns sage: isinstance(, KnotInfoColumns) True sage: def only_links(c): ....: return c.column_type() == c.types.OnlyLinks sage: [c.column_name() for c in cols if only_links(c)] # optional - database_knotinfo ['Name - Unoriented', 'Orientation', 'Unoriented Rank', 'PD Notation (vector)', 'PD Notation (KnotTheory)', 'Braid Notation', 'Quasipositive Braid', 'Multivariable Alexander Polynomial', 'HOMFLYPT Polynomial', 'Khovanov Polynomial', 'Unoriented', 'Arc Notation', 'Linking Matrix', 'Rolfsen Name', 'Components', 'DT code', 'Splitting Number', 'Nullity', 'Unlinking Number', 'Weak Splitting Number']
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns(); cols <enum 'Columns'> >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoColumns >>> isinstance(, KnotInfoColumns) True >>> def only_links(c): ... return c.column_type() == c.types.OnlyLinks >>> [c.column_name() for c in cols if only_links(c)] # optional - database_knotinfo ['Name - Unoriented', 'Orientation', 'Unoriented Rank', 'PD Notation (vector)', 'PD Notation (KnotTheory)', 'Braid Notation', 'Quasipositive Braid', 'Multivariable Alexander Polynomial', 'HOMFLYPT Polynomial', 'Khovanov Polynomial', 'Unoriented', 'Arc Notation', 'Linking Matrix', 'Rolfsen Name', 'Components', 'DT code', 'Splitting Number', 'Nullity', 'Unlinking Number', 'Weak Splitting Number']
- column_name()[source]¶
Return the name of
displayed on the KnotInfo web-page.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns() sage: cols.dt_code.column_name() 'DT code'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns() >>> cols.dt_code.column_name() 'DT code'
- column_type()[source]¶
Return the type of
. That is an instance ofEnum
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns() sage: cols.homfly_polynomial.column_type() <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyKnots: 'K'> sage: cols.homflypt_polynomial.column_type() <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyLinks: 'L'> sage: <KnotInfoColumnTypes.KnotsAndLinks: 'B'>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns() >>> cols.homfly_polynomial.column_type() <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyKnots: 'K'> >>> cols.homflypt_polynomial.column_type() <KnotInfoColumnTypes.OnlyLinks: 'L'> >>> <KnotInfoColumnTypes.KnotsAndLinks: 'B'>
- description_webpage(new=0, autoraise=True)[source]¶
Launch the description page of
in the standard web browser.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns() sage: cols.pd_notation.description_webpage() # not tested True sage: cols.homflypt_polynomial.description_webpage() # not tested True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns() >>> cols.pd_notation.description_webpage() # not tested True >>> cols.homflypt_polynomial.description_webpage() # not tested True
- property types¶
to be used for checks.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns() sage: cols.dt_code.column_type() == cols.dt_code.types.OnlyLinks True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns() >>> cols.dt_code.column_type() == cols.dt_code.types.OnlyLinks True
- class sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoDataBase(install=False)[source]¶
Database interface to KnotInfo.
The original data are obtained from KnotInfo web-page (URL see the example below). In order to have these data installed during the build process as a sage-package they are converted as csv files into a tarball. This tarball has been created using the method
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots <KnotInfoFilename.knots: ['', 'knotinfo_data_complete']>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots <KnotInfoFilename.knots: ['', 'knotinfo_data_complete']>
- columns()[source]¶
Return the columns ot the database table as instances of enum class
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: cols = ki_db.columns() sage: [col.column_name() for col in cols if'pd')] # optional - database_knotinfo ['PD Notation', 'PD Notation (vector)', 'PD Notation (KnotTheory)']
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> cols = ki_db.columns() >>> [col.column_name() for col in cols if'pd')] # optional - database_knotinfo ['PD Notation', 'PD Notation (vector)', 'PD Notation (KnotTheory)']
- create_filecache(force=False)[source]¶
Create the internal files containing the database.
– boolean (default:False
); if set toTrue
the existing file-cache is overwritten
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.create_filecache() # optional - database_knotinfo
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.create_filecache() # optional - database_knotinfo
- demo_version()[source]¶
Return whether the KnotInfo databases are installed completely or just the demo version is used.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.demo_version() # optional - database_knotinfo False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.demo_version() # optional - database_knotinfo False
- filename[source]¶
alias of
- knot_list()[source]¶
Return the KnotInfo table rows as Python list.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: len(ki_db.knot_list()) # not tested (just used on installation)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> len(ki_db.knot_list()) # not tested (just used on installation)
- link_list()[source]¶
Return the LinkInfo table rows as Python list.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: len(ki_db.link_list()) # not tested (just used on installation)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> len(ki_db.link_list()) # not tested (just used on installation)
- read(column)[source]¶
Access a column of KnotInfo / LinkInfo.
– instance of enumKnotInfoColumns
to select the data to be read in
OUTPUT: a Python list containing the data corresponding to the column
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase()
- read_column_dict()[source]¶
Read the dictionary for the column names from the according sobj-file.
OUTPUT: a Python dictionary containing the column names and types
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: len(ki_db.read_column_dict()) > 120 # optional - database_knotinfo True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> len(ki_db.read_column_dict()) > Integer(120) # optional - database_knotinfo True
- read_num_knots()[source]¶
Read the number of knots contained in the database (without proper links) from the according sobj-file.
OUTPUT: integer
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.read_num_knots() # optional - database_knotinfo 12966
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.read_num_knots() # optional - database_knotinfo 12966
- read_row_dict()[source]¶
Read the dictionary for the row names that is the knot and link names from the according sobj-file
A python dictionary containing the names of the knots and links together with their table index and the corresponding number of components
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.read_row_dict()['K7_1'] [8, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.read_row_dict()['K7_1'] [8, 1]
- row_names()[source]¶
Return a dictionary to obtain the original name to a row_dict key.
OUTPUT: a Python dictionary containing the names of the knots and links together with their original names from the database
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.row_names()['K7_1'] # optional - database_knotinfo '7_1'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.row_names()['K7_1'] # optional - database_knotinfo '7_1'
- version()[source]¶
Return the version of the database currently installed on the device.
The development of the original databases on the KnotInfo and LinkInfo web-pages is in a continuous flow. The installed version can be behind the current available state of these databases. Every month a cronjob on the GitHub repository searches for differences and creates a new release on PyPI in case of success.
If you note that your version is behind the version on PyPI and would like to have Sage working with that release you should first try to upgrade using
sage -i database_knotinfo
. If this is not successful even though you are on the latest Sage release please create an issue for that in the GitHub repository.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.version() >= '2021.10.1' # optional database_knotinfo True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.version() >= '2021.10.1' # optional database_knotinfo True
- class sage.databases.knotinfo_db.KnotInfoFilename(value)[source]¶
Enum for the different data files. The following choices are possible:
– contains the data from KnotInfolinks
– contains the data for proper links from LinkInfo
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename <enum 'KnotInfoFilename'>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename <enum 'KnotInfoFilename'>
- csv()[source]¶
Return the file name under which the data from the web-page are stored as csv file.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.csv() 'knotinfo_data_complete.csv'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.csv() 'knotinfo_data_complete.csv'
- description_url(column)[source]¶
Return the url of the description page of the given column.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.description_url(ki_db.columns().braid_notation) ''
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.description_url(ki_db.columns().braid_notation) ''
- diagram_url(fname, single=False)[source]¶
Return the url of the diagram page of the given link.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.diagram_url('3_1-50.png') '' sage: ki_db.filename.knots.diagram_url('3_1', single=True) ''
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.diagram_url('3_1-50.png') '' >>> ki_db.filename.knots.diagram_url('3_1', single=True) ''
- excel()[source]¶
Return the Excel-file name to download the data from the web-page.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.excel() 'knotinfo_data_complete.xls'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.excel() 'knotinfo_data_complete.xls'
- num_knots(version)[source]¶
Return the file name under which the number of knots is stored in an sobj-file.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.num_knots('21.7') 'num_knots_21.7.sobj'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.num_knots('21.7') 'num_knots_21.7.sobj'
- sobj_column()[source]¶
Return the file name under which the column-data of the csv-File is stored as python dictionary in a sobj-file.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_column() 'column_dict.sobj'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_column() 'column_dict.sobj'
- sobj_data(column)[source]¶
Return the file name under which the data of the given column is stored as python list in a sobj-file.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_data(ki_db.columns().braid_notation) 'knotinfo_braid_notation'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_data(ki_db.columns().braid_notation) 'knotinfo_braid_notation'
- sobj_row()[source]¶
Return the file name under which the row-data of the csv-File is stored as python dictionary in a sobj-file.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_row() 'row_dict.sobj'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.sobj_row() 'row_dict.sobj'
- url()[source]¶
Return the URL to download the data from the web-page.
sage: from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase sage: ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() sage: ki_db.filename.knots.url() ''
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.databases.knotinfo_db import KnotInfoDataBase >>> ki_db = KnotInfoDataBase() >>> ki_db.filename.knots.url() ''
- class sage.databases.knotinfo_db.dc(value)[source]¶
An enumeration.