Hypergeometric motives#

This is largely a port of the corresponding package in Magma. One important conventional difference: the motivic parameter \(t\) has been replaced with \(1/t\) to match the classical literature on hypergeometric series. (E.g., see [BeukersHeckman])

The computation of Euler factors is currently only supported for primes \(p\) of good or tame reduction.


  • Frédéric Chapoton

  • Kiran S. Kedlaya


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([30], [1,2,3,5]))
sage: H.alpha_beta()
([1/30, 7/30, 11/30, 13/30, 17/30, 19/30, 23/30, 29/30],
 [0, 1/5, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 4/5])
sage: H.M_value() == 30**30 / (15**15 * 10**10 * 6**6)
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 7)
T^8 + T^5 + T^3 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(30)], [Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(5)]))
>>> H.alpha_beta()
([1/30, 7/30, 11/30, 13/30, 17/30, 19/30, 23/30, 29/30],
 [0, 1/5, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 4/5])
>>> H.M_value() == Integer(30)**Integer(30) / (Integer(15)**Integer(15) * Integer(10)**Integer(10) * Integer(6)**Integer(6))
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(7))
T^8 + T^5 + T^3 + 1


class sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive.HypergeometricData(cyclotomic=None, alpha_beta=None, gamma_list=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Creation of hypergeometric motives.


three possibilities are offered, each describing a quotient of products of cyclotomic polynomials.

  • cyclotomic – a pair of lists of nonnegative integers, each integer \(k\) represents a cyclotomic polynomial \(\Phi_k\)

  • alpha_beta – a pair of lists of rationals, each rational represents a root of unity

  • gamma_list – a pair of lists of nonnegative integers, each integer \(n\) represents a polynomial \(x^n - 1\)

In the last case, it is also allowed to send just one list of signed integers where signs indicate to which part the integer belongs to.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([2], [1]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/2] and [0]

sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/2] and [0]
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5], [0,0,0,0]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]

sage: Hyp(gamma_list=([5], [1,1,1,1,1]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=([5,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(2)], [Integer(1)]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/2] and [0]

>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/2] and [0]
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(5),Integer(2)/Integer(5),Integer(3)/Integer(5),Integer(4)/Integer(5)], [Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0)]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]

>>> Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(5)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(5),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),-Integer(1)]))
Hypergeometric data for [1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5] and [0, 0, 0, 0]

Return the E-polynomial of self.

This is a bivariate polynomial.

The algorithm is taken from [FRV2019].


  • vars – optional pair of variables (default: \(u,v\))



Fernando Rodriguez Villegas, Mixed Hodge numbers and factorial ratios, arXiv 1907.02722


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData
sage: H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=[-30, -1, 6, 10, 15])
sage: H.E_polynomial()
8*u*v + 7*u + 7*v + 8

sage: p, q = polygens(QQ,'p,q')
sage: H.E_polynomial((p, q))
8*p*q + 7*p + 7*q + 8

sage: H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=(-11, -2, 1, 3, 4, 5))
sage: H.E_polynomial()
5*u^2*v + 5*u*v^2 + u*v + 1

sage: H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=(-63, -8, -2, 1, 4, 16, 21, 31))
sage: H.E_polynomial()
21*u^3*v^2 + 21*u^2*v^3 + u^3*v + 23*u^2*v^2 + u*v^3 + u^2*v + u*v^2 + 2*u*v + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData
>>> H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=[-Integer(30), -Integer(1), Integer(6), Integer(10), Integer(15)])
>>> H.E_polynomial()
8*u*v + 7*u + 7*v + 8

>>> p, q = polygens(QQ,'p,q')
>>> H.E_polynomial((p, q))
8*p*q + 7*p + 7*q + 8

>>> H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=(-Integer(11), -Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5)))
>>> H.E_polynomial()
5*u^2*v + 5*u*v^2 + u*v + 1

>>> H = HypergeometricData(gamma_list=(-Integer(63), -Integer(8), -Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(4), Integer(16), Integer(21), Integer(31)))
>>> H.E_polynomial()
21*u^3*v^2 + 21*u^2*v^3 + u^3*v + 23*u^2*v^2 + u*v^3 + u^2*v + u*v^2 + 2*u*v + 1
H_value(p, f, t, ring=None)[source]#

Return the trace of the Frobenius, computed in terms of Gauss sums using the hypergeometric trace formula.


  • p – a prime number

  • f – an integer such that \(q = p^f\)

  • t – a rational parameter

  • ring – optional (default: UniversalCyclotomicfield)

The ring could be also ComplexField(n) or QQbar.


an integer


This is apparently working correctly as can be tested using ComplexField(70) as the value ring.

Using instead UniversalCyclotomicfield, this is much slower than the \(p\)-adic version padic_H_value().


With values in the UniversalCyclotomicField (slow):

sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4, [0]*4))
sage: [H.H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -12]
sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[-4, 276]
sage: [H.H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
[0, -476]
sage: [H.H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
[0, -4972]
sage: [H.H_value(13,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]  # not tested
[-84, -1420]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)]*Integer(4), [Integer(0)]*Integer(4)))
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(3),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -12]
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(5),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[-4, 276]
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(7),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]  # not tested
[0, -476]
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(11),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]  # not tested
[0, -4972]
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(13),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]  # not tested
[-84, -1420]

With values in ComplexField:

sage: [H.H_value(5,i,-1, ComplexField(60)) for i in range(1,3)]
[-4, 276]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> [H.H_value(Integer(5),i,-Integer(1), ComplexField(Integer(60))) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[-4, 276]

Check issue from Issue #28404:

sage: H1 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([1,1,1], [6,2]))
sage: H2 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1]))
sage: [H1.H_value(5,1,i) for i in range(2,5)]
[1, -4, -4]
sage: [H2.H_value(5,1,QQ(i)) for i in range(2,5)]
[-4, 1, -4]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H1 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)], [Integer(6),Integer(2)]))
>>> H2 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> [H1.H_value(Integer(5),Integer(1),i) for i in range(Integer(2),Integer(5))]
[1, -4, -4]
>>> [H2.H_value(Integer(5),Integer(1),QQ(i)) for i in range(Integer(2),Integer(5))]
[-4, 1, -4]



Return the \(M\) coefficient that appears in the trace formula.


a rational


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/6,1/3,2/3,5/6], [1/8,3/8,5/8,7/8]))
sage: H.M_value()
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=(([1/2,1/2,1/2,1/2], [0,0,0,0]))).M_value()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([5], [1,1,1,1])).M_value()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(6),Integer(1)/Integer(3),Integer(2)/Integer(3),Integer(5)/Integer(6)], [Integer(1)/Integer(8),Integer(3)/Integer(8),Integer(5)/Integer(8),Integer(7)/Integer(8)]))
>>> H.M_value()
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=(([Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0)]))).M_value()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])).M_value()

Return the first tuple of rational arguments.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).alpha()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).alpha()

Return the pair of lists of rational arguments.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).alpha_beta()
([1/2], [0])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).alpha_beta()
([1/2], [0])

Return the second tuple of rational arguments.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).beta()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).beta()

Return the canonical scheme.

This is a scheme that contains this hypergeometric motive in its cohomology.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: H.gamma_list()
[-1, 2, 3, -4]
sage: H.canonical_scheme()
Spectrum of Quotient of Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in X0, X1, Y0, Y1 over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring
in t over Rational Field by the ideal
(X0 + X1 - 1, Y0 + Y1 - 1, (-t)*X0^2*X1^3 + 27/64*Y0*Y1^4)

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-2, 3, 4, -5])
sage: H.canonical_scheme()
Spectrum of Quotient of Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in X0, X1, Y0, Y1 over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring
in t over Rational Field by the ideal
(X0 + X1 - 1, Y0 + Y1 - 1, (-t)*X0^3*X1^4 + 1728/3125*Y0^2*Y1^5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> H.gamma_list()
[-1, 2, 3, -4]
>>> H.canonical_scheme()
Spectrum of Quotient of Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in X0, X1, Y0, Y1 over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring
in t over Rational Field by the ideal
(X0 + X1 - 1, Y0 + Y1 - 1, (-t)*X0^2*X1^3 + 27/64*Y0*Y1^4)

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), -Integer(5)])
>>> H.canonical_scheme()
Spectrum of Quotient of Multivariate Polynomial Ring
in X0, X1, Y0, Y1 over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring
in t over Rational Field by the ideal
(X0 + X1 - 1, Y0 + Y1 - 1, (-t)*X0^3*X1^4 + 1728/3125*Y0^2*Y1^5)


[Kat1991], section 5.4


Return the pair of tuples of indices of cyclotomic polynomials.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).cyclotomic_data()
([2], [1])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).cyclotomic_data()
([2], [1])

Return the pair of products of cyclotomic polynomials.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/4,3/4], [0,0])).defining_polynomials()
(x^2 + 1, x^2 - 2*x + 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(4),Integer(3)/Integer(4)], [Integer(0),Integer(0)])).defining_polynomials()
(x^2 + 1, x^2 - 2*x + 1)

Return the degree.

This is the sum of the Hodge numbers.

See also



sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).degree()
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=([2,2,4], [8])).degree()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([5,6], [1,1,2,2,3])).degree()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3,8], [1,1,1,2,6])).degree()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3,3], [2,2,4])).degree()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).degree()
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(4)], [Integer(8)])).degree()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5),Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(3)])).degree()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3),Integer(8)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(6)])).degree()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3),Integer(3)], [Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(4)])).degree()
euler_factor(t, p, deg=None, cache_p=False)[source]#

Return the Euler factor of the motive \(H_t\) at prime \(p\).


  • t – rational number, not 0 or 1

  • p – prime number of good reduction

  • deg – integer or None


a polynomial

See [Benasque2009] for explicit examples of Euler factors.

For odd weight, the sign of the functional equation is +1. For even weight, the sign is computed by a recipe found in Section 11.1 of [Watkins].

If deg is specified, then the polynomial is only computed up to degree deg (inclusive).

The prime \(p\) may be tame, but not wild. When \(v_p(t-1)\) is nonzero and even, the Euler factor includes a linear term described in Section 11.2 of [Watkins].


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4, [0]*4))
sage: H.euler_factor(-1, 5)
15625*T^4 + 500*T^3 - 130*T^2 + 4*T + 1

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-6,-1,4,3])
sage: H.weight(), H.degree()
(1, 2)
sage: t = 189/125
sage: [H.euler_factor(1/t,p) for p in [11,13,17,19,23,29]]
[11*T^2 + 4*T + 1,
13*T^2 + 1,
17*T^2 + 1,
19*T^2 + 1,
23*T^2 + 8*T + 1,
29*T^2 + 2*T + 1]

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1]))
sage: H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 3)
sage: [H.euler_factor(1/4,p) for p in [5,7,11,13,17,19]]
[125*T^3 + 20*T^2 + 4*T + 1,
 343*T^3 - 42*T^2 - 6*T + 1,
 -1331*T^3 - 22*T^2 + 2*T + 1,
 -2197*T^3 - 156*T^2 + 12*T + 1,
 4913*T^3 + 323*T^2 + 19*T + 1,
 6859*T^3 - 57*T^2 - 3*T + 1]

sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/12,5/12,7/12,11/12], [0,1/2,1/2,1/2]))
sage: H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 4)
sage: t = -5
sage: [H.euler_factor(1/t,p) for p in [11,13,17,19,23,29]]
[-14641*T^4 - 1210*T^3 + 10*T + 1,
 -28561*T^4 - 2704*T^3 + 16*T + 1,
 -83521*T^4 - 4046*T^3 + 14*T + 1,
 130321*T^4 + 14440*T^3 + 969*T^2 + 40*T + 1,
 279841*T^4 - 25392*T^3 + 1242*T^2 - 48*T + 1,
 707281*T^4 - 7569*T^3 + 696*T^2 - 9*T + 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)]*Integer(4), [Integer(0)]*Integer(4)))
>>> H.euler_factor(-Integer(1), Integer(5))
15625*T^4 + 500*T^3 - 130*T^2 + 4*T + 1

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(6),-Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(3)])
>>> H.weight(), H.degree()
(1, 2)
>>> t = Integer(189)/Integer(125)
>>> [H.euler_factor(Integer(1)/t,p) for p in [Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19),Integer(23),Integer(29)]]
[11*T^2 + 4*T + 1,
13*T^2 + 1,
17*T^2 + 1,
19*T^2 + 1,
23*T^2 + 8*T + 1,
29*T^2 + 2*T + 1]

>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 3)
>>> [H.euler_factor(Integer(1)/Integer(4),p) for p in [Integer(5),Integer(7),Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19)]]
[125*T^3 + 20*T^2 + 4*T + 1,
 343*T^3 - 42*T^2 - 6*T + 1,
 -1331*T^3 - 22*T^2 + 2*T + 1,
 -2197*T^3 - 156*T^2 + 12*T + 1,
 4913*T^3 + 323*T^2 + 19*T + 1,
 6859*T^3 - 57*T^2 - 3*T + 1]

>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(12),Integer(5)/Integer(12),Integer(7)/Integer(12),Integer(11)/Integer(12)], [Integer(0),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2)]))
>>> H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 4)
>>> t = -Integer(5)
>>> [H.euler_factor(Integer(1)/t,p) for p in [Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19),Integer(23),Integer(29)]]
[-14641*T^4 - 1210*T^3 + 10*T + 1,
 -28561*T^4 - 2704*T^3 + 16*T + 1,
 -83521*T^4 - 4046*T^3 + 14*T + 1,
 130321*T^4 + 14440*T^3 + 969*T^2 + 40*T + 1,
 279841*T^4 - 25392*T^3 + 1242*T^2 - 48*T + 1,
 707281*T^4 - 7569*T^3 + 696*T^2 - 9*T + 1]

This is an example of higher degree:

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([11], [7, 12]))
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 13)
371293*T^10 - 85683*T^9 + 26364*T^8 + 1352*T^7 - 65*T^6 + 394*T^5 - 5*T^4 + 8*T^3 + 12*T^2 - 3*T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 13, deg=4)
-5*T^4 + 8*T^3 + 12*T^2 - 3*T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 19) # long time
2476099*T^10 - 651605*T^9 + 233206*T^8 - 77254*T^7 + 20349*T^6 - 4611*T^5 + 1071*T^4 - 214*T^3 + 34*T^2 - 5*T + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(11)], [Integer(7), Integer(12)]))
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(13))
371293*T^10 - 85683*T^9 + 26364*T^8 + 1352*T^7 - 65*T^6 + 394*T^5 - 5*T^4 + 8*T^3 + 12*T^2 - 3*T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(13), deg=Integer(4))
-5*T^4 + 8*T^3 + 12*T^2 - 3*T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(19)) # long time
2476099*T^10 - 651605*T^9 + 233206*T^8 - 77254*T^7 + 20349*T^6 - 4611*T^5 + 1071*T^4 - 214*T^3 + 34*T^2 - 5*T + 1

This is an example of tame primes:

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=[[4,2,2], [3,1,1]])
sage: H.euler_factor(8, 7)
-7*T^3 + 7*T^2 - T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(50, 7)
-7*T^3 + 7*T^2 - T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(7, 7)
-T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(1/7^2, 7)
T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor(1/7^4, 7)
7*T^3 + 7*T^2 + T + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=[[Integer(4),Integer(2),Integer(2)], [Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(1)]])
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(8), Integer(7))
-7*T^3 + 7*T^2 - T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(50), Integer(7))
-7*T^3 + 7*T^2 - T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(7), Integer(7))
-T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(1)/Integer(7)**Integer(2), Integer(7))
T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(1)/Integer(7)**Integer(4), Integer(7))
7*T^3 + 7*T^2 + T + 1


euler_factor_tame_contribution(t, p, mo, deg=None)[source]#

Return a contribution to the Euler factor of the motive \(H_t\) at a tame prime.

The output is only nontrivial when \(t\) has nonzero \(p\)-adic valuation. The algorithm is described in Section 11.4.1 of [Watkins].


  • t – rational number, not 0 or 1

  • p – prime number of good reduction

  • mo – integer

  • deg – integer (optional)


a polynomial

If deg is specified, the output is truncated to that degree (inclusive).


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=[[3,7], [4,5,6]])
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^2, 11, 4)
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^20, 11, 4)
1331*T^2 + 1
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^20, 11, 4, deg=1)
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^20, 11, 5)
1771561*T^4 + 161051*T^3 + 6171*T^2 + 121*T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^20, 11, 5, deg=3)
161051*T^3 + 6171*T^2 + 121*T + 1
sage: H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(11^20, 11, 6)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=[[Integer(3),Integer(7)], [Integer(4),Integer(5),Integer(6)]])
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(2), Integer(11), Integer(4))
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(20), Integer(11), Integer(4))
1331*T^2 + 1
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(20), Integer(11), Integer(4), deg=Integer(1))
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(20), Integer(11), Integer(5))
1771561*T^4 + 161051*T^3 + 6171*T^2 + 121*T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(20), Integer(11), Integer(5), deg=Integer(3))
161051*T^3 + 6171*T^2 + 121*T + 1
>>> H.euler_factor_tame_contribution(Integer(11)**Integer(20), Integer(11), Integer(6))

Return the dictionary \(\{v: \gamma_v\}\) for the expression

\[\prod_v (T^v - 1)^{\gamma_v}\]


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).gamma_array()
{1: -2, 2: 1}
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1])).gamma_array()
{1: -3, 3: -1, 6: 1}
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).gamma_array()
{1: -2, 2: 1}
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])).gamma_array()
{1: -3, 3: -1, 6: 1}

Return a list of integers describing the \(x^n - 1\) factors.

Each integer \(n\) stands for \((x^{|n|} - 1)^{\operatorname{sgn}(n)}\).


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).gamma_list()
[-1, -1, 2]

sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1])).gamma_list()
[-1, -1, -1, -3, 6]

sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4])).gamma_list()
[-1, 2, 3, -4]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).gamma_list()
[-1, -1, 2]

>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])).gamma_list()
[-1, -1, -1, -3, 6]

>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)])).gamma_list()
[-1, 2, 3, -4]
gauss_table(p, f, prec)[source]#

Return (and cache) a table of Gauss sums used in the trace formula.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: H.gauss_table(2, 2, 4)
(4, [1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3, 1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3, 1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> H.gauss_table(Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(4))
(4, [1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3, 1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3, 1 + 2 + 2^2 + 2^3])

Return a dict of all stored tables of Gauss sums.

The result is passed by reference, and is an attribute of the class; consequently, modifying the result has global side effects. Use with caution.

See also



sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 7, cache_p=True)
7*T^2 - 3*T + 1
sage: H.gauss_table_full()[(7, 1)]
(2, array('l', [-1, -29, -25, -48, -47, -22]))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(7), cache_p=True)
7*T^2 - 3*T + 1
>>> H.gauss_table_full()[(Integer(7), Integer(1))]
(2, array('l', [-1, -29, -25, -48, -47, -22]))

Clearing cached values:

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: H.euler_factor(2, 7, cache_p=True)
7*T^2 - 3*T + 1
sage: d = H.gauss_table_full()
sage: d.clear() # Delete all entries of this dict
sage: H1 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([5], [12]))
sage: d1 = H1.gauss_table_full()
sage: len(d1.keys()) # No cached values
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> H.euler_factor(Integer(2), Integer(7), cache_p=True)
7*T^2 - 3*T + 1
>>> d = H.gauss_table_full()
>>> d.clear() # Delete all entries of this dict
>>> H1 = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5)], [Integer(12)]))
>>> d1 = H1.gauss_table_full()
>>> len(d1.keys()) # No cached values

If True, the motive H(t=1) is a direct sum of two motives.

Note that simultaneous exchange of (t,1/t) and (alpha,beta) always gives the same motive.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=[[1/2]*16, [0]*16]).has_symmetry_at_one()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=[[Integer(1)/Integer(2)]*Integer(16), [Integer(0)]*Integer(16)]).has_symmetry_at_one()



Evaluate the Hodge polygon as a function.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,10], [3,12]))
sage: H.hodge_function(3)
sage: H.hodge_function(4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(10)], [Integer(3),Integer(12)]))
>>> H.hodge_function(Integer(3))
>>> H.hodge_function(Integer(4))

Return the Hodge numbers.

See also

degree(), hodge_polynomial(), hodge_polygon()


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [6]))
sage: H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1]

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([4], [1,2]))
sage: H.hodge_numbers()

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=([8,2,2,2], [6,4,3,1]))
sage: H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 2, 2, 1]

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=([5], [1,1,1,1,1]))
sage: H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1, 1, 1]

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[6,1,-4,-3])
sage: H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1]

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-3]*4 + [1]*12)
sage: H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(6)]))
>>> H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1]

>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(4)], [Integer(1),Integer(2)]))
>>> H.hodge_numbers()

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(8),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2)], [Integer(6),Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(1)]))
>>> H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 2, 2, 1]

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(5)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1, 1, 1]

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[Integer(6),Integer(1),-Integer(4),-Integer(3)])
>>> H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1]

>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(3)]*Integer(4) + [Integer(1)]*Integer(12))
>>> H.hodge_numbers()
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]



Return the vertices of the Hodge polygon.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,10], [3,12]))
sage: H.hodge_polygon_vertices()
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (3, 2), (5, 6), (6, 9)]
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([2,2,2,2,3,3,3,6,6], [1,1,4,5,9]))
sage: H.hodge_polygon_vertices()
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (4, 3), (7, 9), (10, 18), (13, 30), (14, 35)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(10)], [Integer(3),Integer(12)]))
>>> H.hodge_polygon_vertices()
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (3, 2), (5, 6), (6, 9)]
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(6),Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(5),Integer(9)]))
>>> H.hodge_polygon_vertices()
[(0, 0), (1, 0), (4, 3), (7, 9), (10, 18), (13, 30), (14, 35)]

Return the Hodge polynomial.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,10], [3,12]))
sage: H.hodge_polynomial()
(T^3 + 2*T^2 + 2*T + 1)/T^2
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([2,2,2,2,3,3,3,6,6], [1,1,4,5,9]))
sage: H.hodge_polynomial()
(T^5 + 3*T^4 + 3*T^3 + 3*T^2 + 3*T + 1)/T^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(10)], [Integer(3),Integer(12)]))
>>> H.hodge_polynomial()
(T^3 + 2*T^2 + 2*T + 1)/T^2
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(6),Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(5),Integer(9)]))
>>> H.hodge_polynomial()
(T^5 + 3*T^4 + 3*T^3 + 3*T^2 + 3*T + 1)/T^2

Return whether this data is primitive.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4])).is_primitive()
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=[-2, 4, 6, -8]).is_primitive()
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=[-3, 6, 9, -12]).is_primitive()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)])).is_primitive()
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(2), Integer(4), Integer(6), -Integer(8)]).is_primitive()
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(3), Integer(6), Integer(9), -Integer(12)]).is_primitive()

Return the associated lattice polytope.

This uses the matrix defined in section 3 of [RRV2022] and section 3 of [RV2019].


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-5, -2, 3, 4])
sage: P = H.lattice_polytope(); P
2-d lattice polytope in 2-d lattice M
sage: P.polyhedron().f_vector()
(1, 4, 4, 1)
sage: len(P.points())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(5), -Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4)])
>>> P = H.lattice_polytope(); P
2-d lattice polytope in 2-d lattice M
>>> P.polyhedron().f_vector()
(1, 4, 4, 1)
>>> len(P.points())

The Chebyshev example from [RV2019]:

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-30, -1, 6, 10, 15])
sage: P = H.lattice_polytope(); P
3-d lattice polytope in 3-d lattice M
sage: len(P.points())
sage: P.polyhedron().f_vector()
(1, 5, 9, 6, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(30), -Integer(1), Integer(6), Integer(10), Integer(15)])
>>> P = H.lattice_polytope(); P
3-d lattice polytope in 3-d lattice M
>>> len(P.points())
>>> P.polyhedron().f_vector()
(1, 5, 9, 6, 1)
lfunction(t, prec=53)[source]#

Return the \(L\)-function of self.

The result is a wrapper around a PARI \(L\)-function.


  • prec – precision (default: 53)


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: L = H.lfunction(1/64); L
PARI L-function associated to Hypergeometric data for [1/3, 2/3] and [1/4, 3/4]
sage: L(4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> L = H.lfunction(Integer(1)/Integer(64)); L
PARI L-function associated to Hypergeometric data for [1/3, 2/3] and [1/4, 3/4]
>>> L(Integer(4))
padic_H_value(p, f, t, prec=None, cache_p=False)[source]#

Return the \(p\)-adic trace of Frobenius, computed using the Gross-Koblitz formula.

If left unspecified, \(prec\) is set to the minimum \(p\)-adic precision needed to recover the Euler factor.

If \(cache_p\) is True, then the function caches an intermediate result which depends only on \(p\) and \(f\). This leads to a significant speedup when iterating over \(t\).


  • p – a prime number

  • f – an integer such that \(q = p^f\)

  • t – a rational parameter

  • prec – precision (optional)

  • cache_p – a boolean


an integer


From Benasque report [Benasque2009], page 8:

sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4, [0]*4))
sage: [H.padic_H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -12]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[-4, 276]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -476]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -4972]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)]*Integer(4), [Integer(0)]*Integer(4)))
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(3),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -12]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(5),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[-4, 276]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(7),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -476]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(11),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -4972]

From [Roberts2015] (but note conventions regarding \(t\)):

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-6,-1,4,3])
sage: t = 189/125
sage: H.padic_H_value(13,1,1/t)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(6),-Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(3)])
>>> t = Integer(189)/Integer(125)
>>> H.padic_H_value(Integer(13),Integer(1),Integer(1)/t)



Return a primitive version.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4]))
sage: H2 = Hyp(gamma_list=[-2, 4, 6, -8])
sage: H2.primitive_data() == H
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)]))
>>> H2 = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(2), Integer(4), Integer(6), -Integer(8)])
>>> H2.primitive_data() == H

Return the primitive index.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4])).primitive_index()
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=[-2, 4, 6, -8]).primitive_index()
sage: Hyp(gamma_list=[-3, 6, 9, -12]).primitive_index()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)])).primitive_index()
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(2), Integer(4), Integer(6), -Integer(8)]).primitive_index()
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(3), Integer(6), Integer(9), -Integer(12)]).primitive_index()
sign(t, p)[source]#

Return the sign of the functional equation for the Euler factor of the motive \(H_t\) at the prime \(p\).

For odd weight, the sign of the functional equation is +1. For even weight, the sign is computed by a recipe found in Section 11.1 of [Watkins] (when 0 is not in alpha).


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1]))
sage: H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 3)
sage: [H.sign(1/4,p) for p in [5,7,11,13,17,19]]
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1]

sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/12,5/12,7/12,11/12], [0,1/2,1/2,1/2]))
sage: H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 4)
sage: t = -5
sage: [H.sign(1/t,p) for p in [11,13,17,19,23,29]]
[-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 3)
>>> [H.sign(Integer(1)/Integer(4),p) for p in [Integer(5),Integer(7),Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19)]]
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1]

>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(12),Integer(5)/Integer(12),Integer(7)/Integer(12),Integer(11)/Integer(12)], [Integer(0),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)/Integer(2)]))
>>> H.weight(), H.degree()
(2, 4)
>>> t = -Integer(5)
>>> [H.sign(Integer(1)/t,p) for p in [Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19),Integer(23),Integer(29)]]
[-1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1]

We check that Issue #28404 is fixed:

sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([1,1,1], [6,2]))
sage: [H.sign(4,p) for p in [5,7,11,13,17,19]]
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)], [Integer(6),Integer(2)]))
>>> [H.sign(Integer(4),p) for p in [Integer(5),Integer(7),Integer(11),Integer(13),Integer(17),Integer(19)]]
[1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1]

Return the hypergeometric data with alpha and beta exchanged.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0]))
sage: H.swap_alpha_beta()
Hypergeometric data for [0] and [1/2]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)]))
>>> H.swap_alpha_beta()
Hypergeometric data for [0] and [1/2]
trace(p, f, t, prec=None, cache_p=False)[source]#

Return the \(p\)-adic trace of Frobenius, computed using the Gross-Koblitz formula.

If left unspecified, \(prec\) is set to the minimum \(p\)-adic precision needed to recover the Euler factor.

If \(cache_p\) is True, then the function caches an intermediate result which depends only on \(p\) and \(f\). This leads to a significant speedup when iterating over \(t\).


  • p – a prime number

  • f – an integer such that \(q = p^f\)

  • t – a rational parameter

  • prec – precision (optional)

  • cache_p – a boolean


an integer


From Benasque report [Benasque2009], page 8:

sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2]*4, [0]*4))
sage: [H.padic_H_value(3,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -12]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(5,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[-4, 276]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(7,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -476]
sage: [H.padic_H_value(11,i,-1) for i in range(1,3)]
[0, -4972]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)]*Integer(4), [Integer(0)]*Integer(4)))
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(3),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -12]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(5),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[-4, 276]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(7),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -476]
>>> [H.padic_H_value(Integer(11),i,-Integer(1)) for i in range(Integer(1),Integer(3))]
[0, -4972]

From [Roberts2015] (but note conventions regarding \(t\)):

sage: H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-6,-1,4,3])
sage: t = 189/125
sage: H.padic_H_value(13,1,1/t)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = Hyp(gamma_list=[-Integer(6),-Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(3)])
>>> t = Integer(189)/Integer(125)
>>> H.padic_H_value(Integer(13),Integer(1),Integer(1)/t)



Return the twist of this data.

This is defined by adding \(1/2\) to each rational in \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).

This is an involution.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0]))
sage: H.twist()
Hypergeometric data for [0] and [1/2]
sage: H.twist().twist() == H

sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([6], [1,2])).twist().cyclotomic_data()
([3], [1, 2])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)]))
>>> H.twist()
Hypergeometric data for [0] and [1/2]
>>> H.twist().twist() == H

>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(2)])).twist().cyclotomic_data()
([3], [1, 2])

Return the motivic weight of this motivic data.


With rational inputs:

sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/2], [0])).weight()
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/4,3/4], [0,0])).weight()
sage: Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/6,1/3,2/3,5/6], [0,0,1/4,3/4])).weight()
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/6,1/3,2/3,5/6], [1/8,3/8,5/8,7/8]))
sage: H.weight()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(2)], [Integer(0)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(4),Integer(3)/Integer(4)], [Integer(0),Integer(0)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(6),Integer(1)/Integer(3),Integer(2)/Integer(3),Integer(5)/Integer(6)], [Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1)/Integer(4),Integer(3)/Integer(4)])).weight()
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(6),Integer(1)/Integer(3),Integer(2)/Integer(3),Integer(5)/Integer(6)], [Integer(1)/Integer(8),Integer(3)/Integer(8),Integer(5)/Integer(8),Integer(7)/Integer(8)]))
>>> H.weight()

With cyclotomic inputs:

sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([6,2], [1,1,1])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([6], [1,2])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([8], [1,2,3])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([5], [1,1,1,1])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([5,6], [1,1,2,2,3])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3,8], [1,1,1,2,6])).weight()
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3,3], [2,2,4])).weight()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6),Integer(2)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(2)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(8)], [Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5),Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(3)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3),Integer(8)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(6)])).weight()
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3),Integer(3)], [Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(4)])).weight()

With gamma list input:

sage: Hyp(gamma_list=([8,2,2,2], [6,4,3,1])).weight()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Hyp(gamma_list=([Integer(8),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2)], [Integer(6),Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(1)])).weight()

Return the wild primes.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([3], [4])).wild_primes()
[2, 3]
sage: Hyp(cyclotomic=([2,2,2,2,3,3,3,6,6], [1,1,4,5,9])).wild_primes()
[2, 3, 5]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(3)], [Integer(4)])).wild_primes()
[2, 3]
>>> Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(6),Integer(6)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(5),Integer(9)])).wild_primes()
[2, 3, 5]
zigzag(x, flip_beta=False)[source]#

Count alpha’s at most x minus beta’s at most x.

This function is used to compute the weight and the Hodge numbers. With \(flip_beta\) set to True, replace each \(b\) in \(\beta\) with \(1-b\).


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
sage: H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([1/6,1/3,2/3,5/6], [1/8,3/8,5/8,7/8]))
sage: [H.zigzag(x) for x in [0, 1/3, 1/2]]
[0, 1, 0]
sage: H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([5], [1,1,1,1]))
sage: [H.zigzag(x) for x in [0,1/6,1/4,1/2,3/4,5/6]]
[-4, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import HypergeometricData as Hyp
>>> H = Hyp(alpha_beta=([Integer(1)/Integer(6),Integer(1)/Integer(3),Integer(2)/Integer(3),Integer(5)/Integer(6)], [Integer(1)/Integer(8),Integer(3)/Integer(8),Integer(5)/Integer(8),Integer(7)/Integer(8)]))
>>> [H.zigzag(x) for x in [Integer(0), Integer(1)/Integer(3), Integer(1)/Integer(2)]]
[0, 1, 0]
>>> H = Hyp(cyclotomic=([Integer(5)], [Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> [H.zigzag(x) for x in [Integer(0),Integer(1)/Integer(6),Integer(1)/Integer(4),Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(3)/Integer(4),Integer(5)/Integer(6)]]
[-4, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0]

Convert from a list of rationals arguments to a list of integers.

The input represents arguments of some roots of unity.

The output represent a product of cyclotomic polynomials with exactly the given roots. Note that the multiplicity of \(r/s\) in the list must be independent of \(r\); otherwise, a ValueError will be raised.

This is the inverse of cyclotomic_to_alpha().


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import alpha_to_cyclotomic
sage: alpha_to_cyclotomic([0])
sage: alpha_to_cyclotomic([1/2])
sage: alpha_to_cyclotomic([1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5])
sage: alpha_to_cyclotomic([0, 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 5/6])
[1, 2, 3, 6]
sage: alpha_to_cyclotomic([1/3, 2/3, 1/2])
[2, 3]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import alpha_to_cyclotomic
>>> alpha_to_cyclotomic([Integer(0)])
>>> alpha_to_cyclotomic([Integer(1)/Integer(2)])
>>> alpha_to_cyclotomic([Integer(1)/Integer(5), Integer(2)/Integer(5), Integer(3)/Integer(5), Integer(4)/Integer(5)])
>>> alpha_to_cyclotomic([Integer(0), Integer(1)/Integer(6), Integer(1)/Integer(3), Integer(1)/Integer(2), Integer(2)/Integer(3), Integer(5)/Integer(6)])
[1, 2, 3, 6]
>>> alpha_to_cyclotomic([Integer(1)/Integer(3), Integer(2)/Integer(3), Integer(1)/Integer(2)])
[2, 3]

Auxiliary function, used to describe the canonical scheme.


  • n – an integer


a rational


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import capital_M
sage: [capital_M(i) for i in range(1, 8)]
[1, 4, 27, 64, 3125, 432, 823543]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import capital_M
>>> [capital_M(i) for i in range(Integer(1), Integer(8))]
[1, 4, 27, 64, 3125, 432, 823543]
sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive.characteristic_polynomial_from_traces(traces, d, q, i, sign, deg=None, use_fe=True)[source]#

Given a sequence of traces \(t_1, \dots, t_k\), return the corresponding characteristic polynomial with Weil numbers as roots.

The characteristic polynomial is defined by the generating series

\[P(T) = \exp\left(- \sum_{k\geq 1} t_k \frac{T^k}{k}\right)\]

and should have the property that reciprocals of all roots have absolute value \(q^{i/2}\).


  • traces – a list of integers \(t_1, \dots, t_k\)

  • d – the degree of the characteristic polynomial

  • q – power of a prime number

  • i – integer, the weight in the motivic sense

  • sign – integer, the sign

  • deg – an integer or None

  • use_fe – a boolean (default: True)


a polynomial

If deg is specified, only the coefficients up to this degree (inclusive) are computed.

If use_fe is False, we ignore the local functional equation.


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import characteristic_polynomial_from_traces
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([1, 1], 1, 3, 0, -1)
-T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([25], 1, 5, 4, -1)
-25*T + 1

sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([3], 2, 5, 1, 1)
5*T^2 - 3*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([1], 2, 7, 1, 1)
7*T^2 - T + 1

sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([20], 3, 29, 2, 1)
24389*T^3 - 580*T^2 - 20*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([12], 3, 13, 2, -1)
-2197*T^3 + 156*T^2 - 12*T + 1

sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([36, 7620], 4, 17, 3, 1)
24137569*T^4 - 176868*T^3 - 3162*T^2 - 36*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([-4, 276], 4, 5, 3, 1)
15625*T^4 + 500*T^3 - 130*T^2 + 4*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([4, -276], 4, 5, 3, 1)
15625*T^4 - 500*T^3 + 146*T^2 - 4*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([22, 484], 4, 31, 2, -1)
-923521*T^4 + 21142*T^3 - 22*T + 1

sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([22], 4, 31, 2, -1, deg=1)
-22*T + 1
sage: characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([22, 484], 4, 31, 2, -1, deg=4)
-923521*T^4 + 21142*T^3 - 22*T + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import characteristic_polynomial_from_traces
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(1), Integer(1)], Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(0), -Integer(1))
-T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(25)], Integer(1), Integer(5), Integer(4), -Integer(1))
-25*T + 1

>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(3)], Integer(2), Integer(5), Integer(1), Integer(1))
5*T^2 - 3*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(1)], Integer(2), Integer(7), Integer(1), Integer(1))
7*T^2 - T + 1

>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(20)], Integer(3), Integer(29), Integer(2), Integer(1))
24389*T^3 - 580*T^2 - 20*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(12)], Integer(3), Integer(13), Integer(2), -Integer(1))
-2197*T^3 + 156*T^2 - 12*T + 1

>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(36), Integer(7620)], Integer(4), Integer(17), Integer(3), Integer(1))
24137569*T^4 - 176868*T^3 - 3162*T^2 - 36*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([-Integer(4), Integer(276)], Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(3), Integer(1))
15625*T^4 + 500*T^3 - 130*T^2 + 4*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(4), -Integer(276)], Integer(4), Integer(5), Integer(3), Integer(1))
15625*T^4 - 500*T^3 + 146*T^2 - 4*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(22), Integer(484)], Integer(4), Integer(31), Integer(2), -Integer(1))
-923521*T^4 + 21142*T^3 - 22*T + 1

>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(22)], Integer(4), Integer(31), Integer(2), -Integer(1), deg=Integer(1))
-22*T + 1
>>> characteristic_polynomial_from_traces([Integer(22), Integer(484)], Integer(4), Integer(31), Integer(2), -Integer(1), deg=Integer(4))
-923521*T^4 + 21142*T^3 - 22*T + 1

Convert a list of indices of cyclotomic polynomials to a list of rational numbers.

The input represents a product of cyclotomic polynomials.

The output is the list of arguments of the roots of the given product of cyclotomic polynomials.

This is the inverse of alpha_to_cyclotomic().


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import cyclotomic_to_alpha
sage: cyclotomic_to_alpha([1])
sage: cyclotomic_to_alpha([2])
sage: cyclotomic_to_alpha([5])
[1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5]
sage: cyclotomic_to_alpha([1, 2, 3, 6])
[0, 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 5/6]
sage: cyclotomic_to_alpha([2, 3])
[1/3, 1/2, 2/3]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import cyclotomic_to_alpha
>>> cyclotomic_to_alpha([Integer(1)])
>>> cyclotomic_to_alpha([Integer(2)])
>>> cyclotomic_to_alpha([Integer(5)])
[1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5]
>>> cyclotomic_to_alpha([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(6)])
[0, 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 5/6]
>>> cyclotomic_to_alpha([Integer(2), Integer(3)])
[1/3, 1/2, 2/3]
sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive.cyclotomic_to_gamma(cyclo_up, cyclo_down)[source]#

Convert a quotient of products of cyclotomic polynomials to a quotient of products of polynomials \(x^n - 1\).


  • cyclo_up – list of indices of cyclotomic polynomials in the numerator

  • cyclo_down – list of indices of cyclotomic polynomials in the denominator


a dictionary mapping an integer \(n\) to the power of \(x^n - 1\) that appears in the given product


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import cyclotomic_to_gamma
sage: cyclotomic_to_gamma([6], [1])
{2: -1, 3: -1, 6: 1}
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import cyclotomic_to_gamma
>>> cyclotomic_to_gamma([Integer(6)], [Integer(1)])
{2: -1, 3: -1, 6: 1}
sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive.enumerate_hypergeometric_data(d, weight=None)[source]#

Return an iterator over parameters of hypergeometric motives (up to swapping).


  • d – the degree

  • weight – optional integer, to specify the motivic weight


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import enumerate_hypergeometric_data as enum
sage: l = [H for H in enum(6, weight=2) if H.hodge_numbers()[0] == 1]
sage: len(l)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import enumerate_hypergeometric_data as enum
>>> l = [H for H in enum(Integer(6), weight=Integer(2)) if H.hodge_numbers()[Integer(0)] == Integer(1)]
>>> len(l)

Convert a quotient of products of polynomials \(x^n - 1\) to a quotient of products of cyclotomic polynomials.


  • galist – a list of integers, where an integer \(n\) represents the power \((x^{|n|} - 1)^{\operatorname{sgn}(n)}\)


a pair of list of integers, where \(k\) represents the cyclotomic polynomial \(\Phi_k\)


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import gamma_list_to_cyclotomic
sage: gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-1, -1, 2])
([2], [1])

sage: gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-1, -1, -1, -3, 6])
([2, 6], [1, 1, 1])

sage: gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-1, 2, 3, -4])
([3], [4])

sage: gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([8, 2, 2, 2, -6, -4, -3, -1])
([2, 2, 8], [3, 3, 6])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import gamma_list_to_cyclotomic
>>> gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-Integer(1), -Integer(1), Integer(2)])
([2], [1])

>>> gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-Integer(1), -Integer(1), -Integer(1), -Integer(3), Integer(6)])
([2, 6], [1, 1, 1])

>>> gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([-Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), -Integer(4)])
([3], [4])

>>> gamma_list_to_cyclotomic([Integer(8), Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(2), -Integer(6), -Integer(4), -Integer(3), -Integer(1)])
([2, 2, 8], [3, 3, 6])
sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive.possible_hypergeometric_data(d, weight=None)[source]#

Return the list of possible parameters of hypergeometric motives (up to swapping).


  • d – the degree

  • weight – optional integer, to specify the motivic weight


sage: from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import possible_hypergeometric_data as P
sage: [len(P(i,weight=2)) for i in range(1, 7)]
[0, 0, 10, 30, 93, 234]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.hypergeometric_motive import possible_hypergeometric_data as P
>>> [len(P(i,weight=Integer(2))) for i in range(Integer(1), Integer(7))]
[0, 0, 10, 30, 93, 234]