\(p\)-adic Valuations on Number Fields and Their Subrings and Completions


sage: ZZ.valuation(2)
2-adic valuation
sage: QQ.valuation(3)
3-adic valuation
sage: CyclotomicField(5).valuation(5)                                               # needs sage.rings.number_field
5-adic valuation
sage: GaussianIntegers().valuation(7)                                               # needs sage.rings.number_field
7-adic valuation
sage: Zp(11).valuation()
11-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
2-adic valuation
>>> QQ.valuation(Integer(3))
3-adic valuation
>>> CyclotomicField(Integer(5)).valuation(Integer(5))                                               # needs sage.rings.number_field
5-adic valuation
>>> GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(7))                                               # needs sage.rings.number_field
7-adic valuation
>>> Zp(Integer(11)).valuation()
11-adic valuation

These valuations can then, e.g., be used to compute approximate factorizations in the completion of a ring:

sage: v = ZZ.valuation(2)
sage: R.<x> = ZZ[]
sage: f = x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x - 1
sage: v.montes_factorization(f, required_precision=20)                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
(x + 676027) * (x^4 + 372550*x^3 + 464863*x^2 + 385052*x + 297869)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> R = ZZ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> f = x**Integer(5) + x**Integer(4) + x**Integer(3) + x**Integer(2) + x - Integer(1)
>>> v.montes_factorization(f, required_precision=Integer(20))                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
(x + 676027) * (x^4 + 372550*x^3 + 464863*x^2 + 385052*x + 297869)


  • Julian Rüth (2013-03-16): initial version


The theory used here was originally developed in [Mac1936I] and [Mac1936II]. An overview can also be found in Chapter 4 of [Rüt2014].

class sage.rings.padics.padic_valuation.PadicValuationFactory[source]

Bases: UniqueFactory

Create a prime-adic valuation on R.


  • R – a subring of a number field or a subring of a local field in characteristic zero

  • prime – a prime that does not split, a discrete (pseudo-)valuation, a fractional ideal, or None (default: None)


For integers and rational numbers, prime is just a prime of the integers:

sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(ZZ, 3)
3-adic valuation

sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(QQ, 3)
3-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(ZZ, Integer(3))
3-adic valuation

>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(QQ, Integer(3))
3-adic valuation

prime may be None for local rings:

sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(Qp(2))
2-adic valuation

sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(Zp(2))
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(Qp(Integer(2)))
2-adic valuation

>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(Zp(Integer(2)))
2-adic valuation

But it must be specified in all other cases:

sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(ZZ)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: prime must be specified for this ring
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(ZZ)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: prime must be specified for this ring

It can sometimes be beneficial to define a number field extension as a quotient of a polynomial ring (since number field extensions always compute an absolute polynomial defining the extension which can be very costly):

sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2 + 1)
sage: R.<x> = K[]
sage: L.<b> = R.quo(x^2 + a)
sage: valuations.pAdicValuation(L, 2)
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> R = QQ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = NumberField(x**Integer(2) + Integer(1), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> R = K['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> L = R.quo(x**Integer(2) + a, names=('b',)); (b,) = L._first_ngens(1)
>>> valuations.pAdicValuation(L, Integer(2))
2-adic valuation
create_key_and_extra_args(R, prime=None, approximants=None)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to prime.


sage: QQ.valuation(2)  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> QQ.valuation(Integer(2))  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
create_key_and_extra_args_for_number_field(R, prime, approximants)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to prime.


sage: GaussianIntegers().valuation(2)  # indirect doctest                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(2))  # indirect doctest                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation
create_key_and_extra_args_for_number_field_from_ideal(R, I, prime)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to I.


prime, the original parameter that was passed to create_key_and_extra_args(), is only used to provide more meaningful error messages


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: GaussianIntegers().valuation(GaussianIntegers().number_field().fractional_ideal(2))  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> GaussianIntegers().valuation(GaussianIntegers().number_field().fractional_ideal(Integer(2)))  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
create_key_and_extra_args_for_number_field_from_valuation(R, v, prime, approximants)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to v.


prime, the original parameter that was passed to create_key_and_extra_args(), is only used to provide more meaningful error messages


sage: GaussianIntegers().valuation(ZZ.valuation(2))  # indirect doctest     # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> GaussianIntegers().valuation(ZZ.valuation(Integer(2)))  # indirect doctest     # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation
create_key_for_integers(R, prime)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to prime.


sage: QQ.valuation(2)  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> QQ.valuation(Integer(2))  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
create_key_for_local_ring(R, prime)[source]

Create a unique key identifying the valuation of R with respect to prime.


sage: Qp(2).valuation()  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Qp(Integer(2)).valuation()  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
create_object(version, key, **extra_args)[source]

Create a \(p\)-adic valuation from key.


sage: ZZ.valuation(5)  # indirect doctest
5-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ZZ.valuation(Integer(5))  # indirect doctest
5-adic valuation
class sage.rings.padics.padic_valuation.pAdicFromLimitValuation(parent, approximant, G, approximants)[source]

Bases: FiniteExtensionFromLimitValuation, pAdicValuation_base

A \(p\)-adic valuation on a number field or a subring thereof, i.e., a valuation that extends the \(p\)-adic valuation on the integers.


sage: v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(3); v                                    # needs sage.rings.number_field
3-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(3)); v                                    # needs sage.rings.number_field
3-adic valuation

Return the extensions of this valuation to ring.


sage: v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(3)                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: v.extensions(v.domain().fraction_field())                             # needs sage.rings.number_field
[3-adic valuation]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(3))                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> v.extensions(v.domain().fraction_field())                             # needs sage.rings.number_field
[3-adic valuation]
class sage.rings.padics.padic_valuation.pAdicValuation_base(parent, p)[source]

Bases: DiscreteValuation

Abstract base class for \(p\)-adic valuations.


  • ring – an integral domain

  • p – a rational prime over which this valuation lies, not necessarily a uniformizer for the valuation


   sage: ZZ.valuation(3)
   3-adic valuation

   sage: QQ.valuation(5)
   5-adic valuation

For `p`-adic rings, ``p`` has to match the `p` of the ring. ::

   sage: v = valuations.pAdicValuation(Zp(3), 2); v
   Traceback (most recent call last):
   ValueError: prime must be an element of positive valuation

Change the domain of this valuation to ring if possible.


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(2)
sage: v.change_domain(QQ).domain()
Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.change_domain(QQ).domain()
Rational Field

Return the extensions of this valuation to ring.


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(2)
sage: v.extensions(GaussianIntegers())                                      # needs sage.rings.number_field
[2-adic valuation]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.extensions(GaussianIntegers())                                      # needs sage.rings.number_field
[2-adic valuation]
is_totally_ramified(G, include_steps=False, assume_squarefree=False)[source]

Return whether G defines a single totally ramified extension of the completion of the domain of this valuation.


  • G – a monic squarefree polynomial over the domain of this valuation

  • include_steps – boolean (default: False); where to include the valuations produced during the process of checking whether G is totally ramified in the return value

  • assume_squarefree – boolean (default: False); whether to assume that G is square-free over the completion of the domain of this valuation. Setting this to True can significantly improve the performance.


This is a simplified version of sage.rings.valuation.valuation.DiscreteValuation.mac_lane_approximants().


sage: # needs sage.libs.ntl
sage: k = Qp(5,4)
sage: v = k.valuation()
sage: R.<x> = k[]
sage: G = x^2 + 1
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(G)                                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
sage: G = x + 1
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(G)
sage: G = x^2 + 2
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(G)
sage: G = x^2 + 5
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(G)                                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(G, include_steps=True)                          # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
(True, [Gauss valuation induced by 5-adic valuation, [ Gauss valuation induced by 5-adic valuation, v((1 + O(5^4))*x) = 1/2 ]])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.ntl
>>> k = Qp(Integer(5),Integer(4))
>>> v = k.valuation()
>>> R = k['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> G = x**Integer(2) + Integer(1)
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(G)                                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
>>> G = x + Integer(1)
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(G)
>>> G = x**Integer(2) + Integer(2)
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(G)
>>> G = x**Integer(2) + Integer(5)
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(G)                                              # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(G, include_steps=True)                          # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
(True, [Gauss valuation induced by 5-adic valuation, [ Gauss valuation induced by 5-adic valuation, v((1 + O(5^4))*x) = 1/2 ]])

We consider an extension as totally ramified if its ramification index matches the degree. Hence, a trivial extension is totally ramified:

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: v = QQ.valuation(2)
sage: v.is_totally_ramified(x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = QQ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> v = QQ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.is_totally_ramified(x)
is_unramified(G, include_steps=False, assume_squarefree=False)[source]

Return whether G defines a single unramified extension of the completion of the domain of this valuation.


  • G – a monic squarefree polynomial over the domain of this valuation

  • include_steps – boolean (default: False); whether to include the approximate valuations that were used to determine the result in the return value

  • assume_squarefree – boolean (default: False); whether to assume that G is square-free over the completion of the domain of this valuation. Setting this to True can significantly improve the performance.


We consider an extension as unramified if its ramification index is 1. Hence, a trivial extension is unramified:

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: v = QQ.valuation(2)
sage: v.is_unramified(x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = QQ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> v = QQ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.is_unramified(x)

If G remains irreducible in reduction, then it defines an unramified extension:

sage: v.is_unramified(x^2 + x + 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v.is_unramified(x**Integer(2) + x + Integer(1))

However, even if G factors, it might define an unramified extension:

sage: v.is_unramified(x^2 + 2*x + 4)                                        # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v.is_unramified(x**Integer(2) + Integer(2)*x + Integer(4))                                        # needs sage.geometry.polyhedron

Lift x from the residue field to the domain of this valuation.



sage: v = ZZ.valuation(3)
sage: xbar = v.reduce(4)
sage: v.lift(xbar)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(3))
>>> xbar = v.reduce(Integer(4))
>>> v.lift(xbar)

Return the \(p\) of this \(p\)-adic valuation.


sage: GaussianIntegers().valuation(2).p()                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(2)).p()                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field

Reduce x modulo the ideal of elements of positive valuation.


  • x – an element in the domain of this valuation

OUTPUT: an element of the residue_field()


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(3)
sage: v.reduce(4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(3))
>>> v.reduce(Integer(4))

Return the restriction of this valuation to ring.


sage: v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(2)                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: v.restriction(ZZ)                                                     # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(2))                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> v.restriction(ZZ)                                                     # needs sage.rings.number_field
2-adic valuation

Return the value semigroup of this valuation.


sage: v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(2)                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: v.value_semigroup()                                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
Additive Abelian Semigroup generated by 1/2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = GaussianIntegers().valuation(Integer(2))                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> v.value_semigroup()                                                   # needs sage.rings.number_field
Additive Abelian Semigroup generated by 1/2
class sage.rings.padics.padic_valuation.pAdicValuation_int(parent, p)[source]

Bases: pAdicValuation_base

A \(p\)-adic valuation on the integers or the rationals.


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(3); v
3-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(3)); v
3-adic valuation
inverse(x, precision)[source]

Return an approximate inverse of x.

The element returned is such that the product differs from 1 by an element of valuation at least precision.


  • x – an element in the domain of this valuation

  • precision – a rational or infinity


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(2)
sage: x = 3
sage: y = v.inverse(3, 2); y
sage: x*y - 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> x = Integer(3)
>>> y = v.inverse(Integer(3), Integer(2)); y
>>> x*y - Integer(1)

This might not be possible for elements of positive valuation:

sage: v.inverse(2, 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: element has no approximate inverse in this ring
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v.inverse(Integer(2), Integer(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: element has no approximate inverse in this ring

Unless the precision is very small:

sage: v.inverse(2, 0)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v.inverse(Integer(2), Integer(0))

Return the residue field of this valuation.


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(3)
sage: v.residue_ring()
Finite Field of size 3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(3))
>>> v.residue_ring()
Finite Field of size 3
simplify(x, error=None, force=False, size_heuristic_bound=32)[source]

Return a simplified version of x.

Produce an element which differs from x by an element of valuation strictly greater than the valuation of x (or strictly greater than error if set.)


  • x – an element in the domain of this valuation

  • error – a rational, infinity, or None (default: None), the error allowed to introduce through the simplification

  • force – ignored

  • size_heuristic_bound – when force is not set, the expected factor by which the x need to shrink to perform an actual simplification (default: 32)


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(2)
sage: v.simplify(6, force=True)
sage: v.simplify(6, error=0, force=True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.simplify(Integer(6), force=True)
>>> v.simplify(Integer(6), error=Integer(0), force=True)

In this example, the usual rational reconstruction misses a good answer for some moduli (because the absolute value of the numerator is not bounded by the square root of the modulus):

sage: v = QQ.valuation(2)
sage: v.simplify(110406, error=16, force=True)
sage: Qp(2, 16)(110406).rational_reconstruction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ArithmeticError: rational reconstruction of 55203 (mod 65536) does not exist
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = QQ.valuation(Integer(2))
>>> v.simplify(Integer(110406), error=Integer(16), force=True)
>>> Qp(Integer(2), Integer(16))(Integer(110406)).rational_reconstruction()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ArithmeticError: rational reconstruction of 55203 (mod 65536) does not exist

Return a uniformizer of this \(p\)-adic valuation, i.e., \(p\) as an element of the domain.


sage: v = ZZ.valuation(3)
sage: v.uniformizer()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = ZZ.valuation(Integer(3))
>>> v.uniformizer()
class sage.rings.padics.padic_valuation.pAdicValuation_padic(parent)[source]

Bases: pAdicValuation_base

The \(p\)-adic valuation of a complete \(p\)-adic ring.


  • R – a \(p\)-adic ring


sage: v = Qp(2).valuation(); v  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = Qp(Integer(2)).valuation(); v  # indirect doctest
2-adic valuation

Return an element of valuation v.



sage: R = Zp(3)
sage: v = R.valuation()
sage: v.element_with_valuation(3)
3^3 + O(3^23)

sage: # needs sage.libs.ntl
sage: K = Qp(3)
sage: R.<y> = K[]
sage: L.<y> = K.extension(y^2 + 3*y + 3)
sage: L.valuation().element_with_valuation(3/2)
y^3 + O(y^43)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = Zp(Integer(3))
>>> v = R.valuation()
>>> v.element_with_valuation(Integer(3))
3^3 + O(3^23)

>>> # needs sage.libs.ntl
>>> K = Qp(Integer(3))
>>> R = K['y']; (y,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> L = K.extension(y**Integer(2) + Integer(3)*y + Integer(3), names=('y',)); (y,) = L._first_ngens(1)
>>> L.valuation().element_with_valuation(Integer(3)/Integer(2))
y^3 + O(y^43)

Lift x from the residue_field() to the domain of this valuation.


  • x – an element of the residue field of this valuation


sage: R = Zp(3)
sage: v = R.valuation()
sage: xbar = v.reduce(R(4))
sage: v.lift(xbar)
1 + O(3^20)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = Zp(Integer(3))
>>> v = R.valuation()
>>> xbar = v.reduce(R(Integer(4)))
>>> v.lift(xbar)
1 + O(3^20)

Reduce x modulo the ideal of elements of positive valuation.


  • x – an element of the domain of this valuation

OUTPUT: an element of the residue_field()


sage: R = Zp(3)
sage: Zp(3).valuation().reduce(R(4))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = Zp(Integer(3))
>>> Zp(Integer(3)).valuation().reduce(R(Integer(4)))

Return the residue field of this valuation.


sage: Qq(9, names='a').valuation().residue_ring()                           # needs sage.libs.ntl
Finite Field in a0 of size 3^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Qq(Integer(9), names='a').valuation().residue_ring()                           # needs sage.libs.ntl
Finite Field in a0 of size 3^2
shift(x, s)[source]

Shift x in its expansion with respect to uniformizer() by s “digits”.

For nonnegative s, this just returns x multiplied by a power of the uniformizer \(\pi\).

For negative s, it does the same but when not over a field, it drops coefficients in the \(\pi\)-adic expansion which have negative valuation.


sage: R = ZpCA(2)
sage: v = R.valuation()
sage: v.shift(R.one(), 1)
2 + O(2^20)
sage: v.shift(R.one(), -1)

sage: # needs sage.libs.ntl sage.rings.padics
sage: S.<y> = R[]
sage: S.<y> = R.extension(y^3 - 2)
sage: v = S.valuation()
sage: v.shift(1, 5)
y^5 + O(y^60)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = ZpCA(Integer(2))
>>> v = R.valuation()
>>> v.shift(R.one(), Integer(1))
2 + O(2^20)
>>> v.shift(R.one(), -Integer(1))

>>> # needs sage.libs.ntl sage.rings.padics
>>> S = R['y']; (y,) = S._first_ngens(1)
>>> S = R.extension(y**Integer(3) - Integer(2), names=('y',)); (y,) = S._first_ngens(1)
>>> v = S.valuation()
>>> v.shift(Integer(1), Integer(5))
y^5 + O(y^60)
simplify(x, error=None, force=False)[source]

Return a simplified version of x.

Produce an element which differs from x by an element of valuation strictly greater than the valuation of x (or strictly greater than error if set.)


  • x – an element in the domain of this valuation

  • error – a rational, infinity, or None (default: None), the error allowed to introduce through the simplification

  • force – ignored


sage: R = Zp(2)
sage: v = R.valuation()
sage: v.simplify(6)
2 + O(2^21)
sage: v.simplify(6, error=0)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = Zp(Integer(2))
>>> v = R.valuation()
>>> v.simplify(Integer(6))
2 + O(2^21)
>>> v.simplify(Integer(6), error=Integer(0))

Return a uniformizer of this valuation.


sage: v = Zp(3).valuation()
sage: v.uniformizer()
3 + O(3^21)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = Zp(Integer(3)).valuation()
>>> v.uniformizer()
3 + O(3^21)