Affine and Projective Plane Curve Arrangements¶
We create classes AffinePlaneCurveArrangements
and ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements
following the properties of HyperplaneArrangements
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ)
sage: C = H(3*x + 2*y - x^2 + y^3 - 7); C
Arrangement (y^3 - x^2 + 3*x + 2*y - 7) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2)
>>> C = H(Integer(3)*x + Integer(2)*y - x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(3) - Integer(7)); C
Arrangement (y^3 - x^2 + 3*x + 2*y - 7) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
The individual curves will be in AffinePlaneCurve
or in ProjectivePlaneCurve
sage: C[0].parent()
<class 'sage.schemes.curves.affine_curve.IntegralAffinePlaneCurve_with_category'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C[Integer(0)].parent()
<class 'sage.schemes.curves.affine_curve.IntegralAffinePlaneCurve_with_category'>
The default base field is \(\QQ\), the rational numbers. Number fields are also possible (also with fixed embeddings in \(\QQbar\)):
sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: x = polygen(QQ, 'x')
sage: NF.<a> = NumberField(x^4 - 5 * x^2 + 5, embedding=1.90)
sage: H.<y,z> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(NF)
sage: A = H(y^2 - a * z, y^2 + a * z); A
Arrangement (y^2 + (-a)*z, y^2 + a*z) in Affine Space of dimension 2
over Number Field in a with defining polynomial
x^4 - 5*x^2 + 5 with a = 1.902113032590308?
sage: A.base_ring()
Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 - 5*x^2 + 5
with a = 1.902113032590308?
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> x = polygen(QQ, 'x')
>>> NF = NumberField(x**Integer(4) - Integer(5) * x**Integer(2) + Integer(5), embedding=RealNumber('1.90'), names=('a',)); (a,) = NF._first_ngens(1)
>>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(NF, names=('y', 'z',)); (y, z,) = H._first_ngens(2)
>>> A = H(y**Integer(2) - a * z, y**Integer(2) + a * z); A
Arrangement (y^2 + (-a)*z, y^2 + a*z) in Affine Space of dimension 2
over Number Field in a with defining polynomial
x^4 - 5*x^2 + 5 with a = 1.902113032590308?
>>> A.base_ring()
Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^4 - 5*x^2 + 5
with a = 1.902113032590308?
Enrique Artal (2023-10): initial version
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.AffinePlaneCurveArrangementElement(parent, curves, check=True)[source]¶
An ordered affine plane curve arrangement.
- braid_monodromy(vertical=True)[source]¶
Return the braid monodromy of the complement of the union of affine plane curves in \(\CC^2\). If there are vertical asymptotes a change of variable is done.
– boolean (default:True
); if it isTrue
, there are no vertical asymptotes, and there are vertical lines, then a simplifiedbraid_monodromy()
is computed.
A braid monodromy with dictionnaries identifying strands with components and braids with vertical lines.
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x, y + x - 1, x) sage: A.braid_monodromy(vertical=False) [s1*s0*(s1*s2*s1)^2*s2*(s1^-1*s2^-1)^2*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*(s1*s2)^2*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*(s1*s2^-1)^2*s0*s1*s2*s1*s0*s2^-1*s1^-3*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*s1*s2^-1*s1^4*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*s1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s2*s0^-1*s1^-1] sage: A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x, y + x - Integer(1), x) >>> A.braid_monodromy(vertical=False) [s1*s0*(s1*s2*s1)^2*s2*(s1^-1*s2^-1)^2*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*(s1*s2)^2*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*(s1*s2^-1)^2*s0*s1*s2*s1*s0*s2^-1*s1^-3*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*s1*s2^-1*s1^4*s2*s1^-1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s0^-1*s1^-1, s1*s0*s1*s2*s1*s2^-1*s1^-1*s2*s0^-1*s1^-1] >>> A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
- fundamental_group(simplified=True, vertical=True, projective=False)[source]¶
Return the fundamental group of the complement of the union of affine plane curves in \(\CC^2\).
– boolean (default:True
); ifTrue
, there are no vertical asymptotes, and there are vertical lines, then a simplified braidbraid_monodromy()
is usedsimplified
– boolean (default:True
); if it isTrue
, the group is simplifiedprojective
– boolean (default:False
); to be used in the method for projective curves
OUTPUT: a finitely presented group
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x, y + x - 1, x) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x2^-1*x0^-1, x1*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, (x2*x1)^2*(x2^-1*x1^-1)^2 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x1, x2*x1*x2^-1], 1: [x0], 2: [x2], 3: [x1^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} sage: G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False) sage: G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*(x2*x0)^2*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > sage: A.meridians(simplified=False) {0: [x1, x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3], 3: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} sage: A.fundamental_group(vertical=False) Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x1, x1*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, (x0*x2)^2*(x0^-1*x2^-1)^2 > sage: A.meridians(vertical=False) {0: [x2, x0*x2*x0^-1], 1: [x1], 2: [x0], 3: [x0*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} sage: G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False, vertical=False) sage: G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x3*x2^-1*x1*x2, x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x3*x2^-1*x1*x2, (x3^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2)^2*(x3*x2^-1*x0*x2)^2, x3^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x3^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x3*x2, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > sage: A.meridians(simplified=False, vertical=False) {0: [x2, x3], 1: [x1], 2: [x0], 3: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} sage: A = H(x * y^2 + x + y, y + x -1, x, y) sage: G = A.fundamental_group() sage: G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x2, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0, x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 >
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x, y + x - Integer(1), x) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x2^-1*x0^-1, x1*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, (x2*x1)^2*(x2^-1*x1^-1)^2 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x1, x2*x1*x2^-1], 1: [x0], 2: [x2], 3: [x1^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} >>> G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False) >>> G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*(x2*x0)^2*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > >>> A.meridians(simplified=False) {0: [x1, x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3], 3: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} >>> A.fundamental_group(vertical=False) Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x1, x1*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, (x0*x2)^2*(x0^-1*x2^-1)^2 > >>> A.meridians(vertical=False) {0: [x2, x0*x2*x0^-1], 1: [x1], 2: [x0], 3: [x0*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} >>> G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False, vertical=False) >>> G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x3*x2^-1*x1*x2, x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x3*x2^-1*x1*x2, (x3^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2)^2*(x3*x2^-1*x0*x2)^2, x3^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x3^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x3*x2, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > >>> A.meridians(simplified=False, vertical=False) {0: [x2, x3], 1: [x1], 2: [x0], 3: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]} >>> A = H(x * y**Integer(2) + x + y, y + x -Integer(1), x, y) >>> G = A.fundamental_group() >>> G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x2, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0, x2^-1*x1^-1*x2*x1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 >
- meridians(simplified=True, vertical=True)[source]¶
Return the meridians of each irreducible component.
A dictionary which associates the index of each curve with its meridians, including the line at infinity if it can be omputed
This functionality requires the
package to be installed andAffinePlaneCurveArrangements.fundamental_group()
with the same options, where some examples are shown.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(x-1, y, x, y - 1) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x2*x0*x2^-1*x0^-1, x2*x1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x3*x0*x3^-1*x0^-1, x3*x1*x3^-1*x1^-1 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3], 3: [x1], 4: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(x-Integer(1), y, x, y - Integer(1)) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x2*x0*x2^-1*x0^-1, x2*x1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x3*x0*x3^-1*x0^-1, x3*x1*x3^-1*x1^-1 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3], 3: [x1], 4: [x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1]}
- strands()[source]¶
Return the strands for each member of the arrangement.
A dictionary which associates to the index of each strand its associated component if the braid monodromy has been calculated with
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x, y + x - 1, x) sage: bm = A.braid_monodromy() sage: A.strands() {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x, y + x - Integer(1), x) >>> bm = A.braid_monodromy() >>> A.strands() {0: 2, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: 0}
- vertical_lines_in_braid_monodromy()[source]¶
Return the vertical lines in the arrangement.
A dictionary which associates the index of a braid to the index of the vertical line associated to the braid.
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x, y + x - 1, x) sage: A.vertical_lines_in_braid_monodromy() {1: 2} sage: A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x, y + x - Integer(1), x) >>> A.vertical_lines_in_braid_monodromy() {1: 2} >>> A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
- vertical_strands()[source]¶
Return the strands if the braid monodromy has been computed with the vertical option.
A dictionary which associates to the index of each strand its associated component if the braid monodromy has been calculated with
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x, y + x - 1, x) sage: A.vertical_strands() {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0} sage: A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x, y + x - Integer(1), x) >>> A.vertical_strands() {0: 1, 1: 0, 2: 0} >>> A.braid_monodromy(vertical=True) [s1*s0*s1*s0^-1*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1*s0*s1^-1*s0, s0^-1*s1^2*s0]
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(base_ring, names=())[source]¶
Affine curve arrangements.
– ring; the base ringnames
– tuple of strings; the variable names
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: H(x, y^2, x-1, y-1) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - 1, y - 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> H(x, y**Integer(2), x-Integer(1), y-Integer(1)) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - 1, y - 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- Element[source]¶
alias of
- ambient_space()[source]¶
Return the ambient space.
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ambient_space() Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.ambient_space() Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.PlaneCurveArrangementElement(parent, curves, check=True)[source]¶
An ordered plane curve arrangement.
- add_curves(other)[source]¶
The union of
– a curve arrangement or something that can be converted into a curve arrangement
OUTPUT: a new curve arrangement
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: h = H([x * y, x + y + 1, x^3 - y^5, x^2 * y^2 + x^5 + y^5, (x^2 + y^2)^3 + (x^3 + y^3 - 1)^2]) sage: C = Curve(x^8 - y^8 -x^4 * y^4) sage: h1 = h.union(C); h1 Arrangement of 6 curves in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: h1 == h1.union(C) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> h = H([x * y, x + y + Integer(1), x**Integer(3) - y**Integer(5), x**Integer(2) * y**Integer(2) + x**Integer(5) + y**Integer(5), (x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2))**Integer(3) + (x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) - Integer(1))**Integer(2)]) >>> C = Curve(x**Integer(8) - y**Integer(8) -x**Integer(4) * y**Integer(4)) >>> h1 = h.union(C); h1 Arrangement of 6 curves in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> h1 == h1.union(C) True
- change_ring(base_ring)[source]¶
Return curve arrangement over the new base ring.
– the new base ring; must be a field for curve arrangements
The curve arrangement obtained by changing the base field, as a new curve arrangement.
sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 - x^3, x, y, y^2 + x * y + x^2) sage: K.<a> = CyclotomicField(3) sage: A.change_ring(K) Arrangement (-x^3 + y^2, x, y, x^2 + x*y + y^2) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Cyclotomic Field of order 3 and degree 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.number_field >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(3), x, y, y**Integer(2) + x * y + x**Integer(2)) >>> K = CyclotomicField(Integer(3), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1) >>> A.change_ring(K) Arrangement (-x^3 + y^2, x, y, x^2 + x*y + y^2) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Cyclotomic Field of order 3 and degree 2
- coordinate_ring()[source]¶
Return the coordinate ring of
.OUTPUT: the coordinate ring of the curve arrangement
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: C = L(x, y) sage: C.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field sage: P.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: C = P(x, y) sage: C.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> C = L(x, y) >>> C.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field >>> P = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = P._first_ngens(3) >>> C = P(x, y) >>> C.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field
- curves()[source]¶
Return the curves in the arrangement as a tuple.
OUTPUT: a tuple
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: h = H((x * y, x + y + 1)) sage: h.curves() (Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x*y, Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x + y + 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> h = H((x * y, x + y + Integer(1))) >>> h.curves() (Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x*y, Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x + y + 1)
Note that the curves can be indexed as if they were a list:
sage: h[1] Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x + y + 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> h[Integer(1)] Affine Plane Curve over Rational Field defined by x + y + 1
- defining_polynomial(simplified=True)[source]¶
Return the defining polynomial of the union of the curves in
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y ** 2 + x ** 2, x, y) sage: prod(A.defining_polynomials()) == A.defining_polynomial() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y ** Integer(2) + x ** Integer(2), x, y) >>> prod(A.defining_polynomials()) == A.defining_polynomial() True
- defining_polynomials()[source]¶
Return the defining polynomials of the elements of
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 - x^3, x, y, y^2 + x * y + x^2) sage: A.defining_polynomials() (-x^3 + y^2, x, y, x^2 + x*y + y^2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(3), x, y, y**Integer(2) + x * y + x**Integer(2)) >>> A.defining_polynomials() (-x^3 + y^2, x, y, x^2 + x*y + y^2)
- deletion(curves)[source]¶
Return the curve arrangement obtained by removing
– a curve or curve arrangement
A new curve arrangement with the given curve(s)
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: h = H([x * y, x + y + 1, x^3 - y^5, x^2 * y^2 + x^5 + y^5, (x^2 + y^2)^3 + (x^3 + y^3 - 1)^2]) sage: C = h[-1] sage: h.deletion(C) Arrangement (x*y, x + y + 1, -y^5 + x^3, x^5 + y^5 + x^2*y^2) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: h.deletion(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: curve is not in the arrangement
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> h = H([x * y, x + y + Integer(1), x**Integer(3) - y**Integer(5), x**Integer(2) * y**Integer(2) + x**Integer(5) + y**Integer(5), (x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2))**Integer(3) + (x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) - Integer(1))**Integer(2)]) >>> C = h[-Integer(1)] >>> h.deletion(C) Arrangement (x*y, x + y + 1, -y^5 + x^3, x^5 + y^5 + x^2*y^2) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> h.deletion(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: curve is not in the arrangement
- have_common_factors()[source]¶
Check if the curves have common factors.
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(x * y, x^2 + x* y^3) sage: A.have_common_factors() True sage: H(x * y, x + y^3).have_common_factors() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(x * y, x**Integer(2) + x* y**Integer(3)) >>> A.have_common_factors() True >>> H(x * y, x + y**Integer(3)).have_common_factors() False
- ncurves()[source]¶
Return the number of curves in the arrangement.
OUTPUT: integer
sage: H.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: h = H((x * y, x + y + z)) sage: h.ncurves() 2 sage: len(h) # equivalent 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = H._first_ngens(3) >>> h = H((x * y, x + y + z)) >>> h.ncurves() 2 >>> len(h) # equivalent 2
- reduce(clean=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Replace the curves by their reduction.
– boolean (default:False
); ifFalse
and there are common factors it returnsNone
and a warning message. IfTrue
, the common factors are kept only in the first occurance.
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2, (x + y)^3 * (x^2 + x * y + y^2)) sage: A.reduce() Arrangement (y, x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 2*x*y^2 + y^3) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: C = H(x*y, x*(y + 1)) sage: C.reduce(verbose=True) Some curves have common components sage: C.reduce(clean=True) Arrangement (x*y, y + 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: C = H(x*y, x) sage: C.reduce(clean=True) Arrangement (x*y) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2), (x + y)**Integer(3) * (x**Integer(2) + x * y + y**Integer(2))) >>> A.reduce() Arrangement (y, x^3 + 2*x^2*y + 2*x*y^2 + y^3) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> C = H(x*y, x*(y + Integer(1))) >>> C.reduce(verbose=True) Some curves have common components >>> C.reduce(clean=True) Arrangement (x*y, y + 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> C = H(x*y, x) >>> C.reduce(clean=True) Arrangement (x*y) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- union(other)[source]¶
The union of
– a curve arrangement or something that can be converted into a curve arrangement
OUTPUT: a new curve arrangement
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: h = H([x * y, x + y + 1, x^3 - y^5, x^2 * y^2 + x^5 + y^5, (x^2 + y^2)^3 + (x^3 + y^3 - 1)^2]) sage: C = Curve(x^8 - y^8 -x^4 * y^4) sage: h1 = h.union(C); h1 Arrangement of 6 curves in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: h1 == h1.union(C) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> h = H([x * y, x + y + Integer(1), x**Integer(3) - y**Integer(5), x**Integer(2) * y**Integer(2) + x**Integer(5) + y**Integer(5), (x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2))**Integer(3) + (x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) - Integer(1))**Integer(2)]) >>> C = Curve(x**Integer(8) - y**Integer(8) -x**Integer(4) * y**Integer(4)) >>> h1 = h.union(C); h1 Arrangement of 6 curves in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> h1 == h1.union(C) True
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.PlaneCurveArrangements(base_ring, names=())[source]¶
Plane curve arrangements.
– ring; the base ringnames
– tuple of strings; the variable names
sage: H.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: H(x, y^2, x-1, y-1) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - 1, y - 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = H._first_ngens(2) >>> H(x, y**Integer(2), x-Integer(1), y-Integer(1)) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - 1, y - 1) in Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- Element[source]¶
alias of
- ambient_space()[source]¶
Return the ambient space.
sage: L.<x, y> = PlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: <abstract method ambient_space at 0x...> sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ambient_space() Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field sage: L.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ambient_space() Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = PlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: <abstract method ambient_space at 0x...> >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.ambient_space() Affine Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field >>> L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> L.ambient_space() Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- change_ring(base_ring)[source]¶
Return curve arrangements over a different base ring.
– a ring; the new base ring
A new
instance over the new base ringEXAMPLES:
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.change_ring(RR).base_ring() Real Field with 53 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.change_ring(RR).base_ring() Real Field with 53 bits of precision
- coordinate_ring()[source]¶
Return the coordinate ring.
OUTPUT: the coordinate ring of the curve arrangement
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.coordinate_ring() Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
- gen(i)[source]¶
Return the \(i\)-th coordinate.
– integer
OUTPUT: a variable
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.gen(1) y sage: L.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.gen(2) z
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.gen(Integer(1)) y >>> L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> L.gen(Integer(2)) z
- gens()[source]¶
Return the coordinates.
OUTPUT: a tuple of linear expressions, one for each linear variable
sage: L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, ('x', 'y')) sage: L.gens() (x, y) sage: L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, ('x', 'y', 'z')) sage: L.gens() (x, y, z)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, ('x', 'y')) >>> L.gens() (x, y) >>> L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, ('x', 'y', 'z')) >>> L.gens() (x, y, z)
- ngens()[source]¶
Return the number of variables, i.e. 2 or 3, kept for completeness.
OUTPUT: integer, 2 or 3, depending if the arrangement is projective or affine
sage: L.<x, y> = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ngens() 2 sage: L.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ngens() 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = AffinePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2) >>> L.ngens() 2 >>> L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> L.ngens() 3
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangementElement(parent, curves, check=True)[source]¶
An ordered projective plane curve arrangement.
- fundamental_group(simplified=True)[source]¶
Return the fundamental group of the complement of the union of an arragnement of projective plane curves in the projective plane.
– boolean (default:True
); set if the group is simplified
OUTPUT: a finitely presented group
This functionality requires the
package to be installed.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: H(z).fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < | > sage: H(x*y).fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x | > sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, y + x - z, x) sage: A.fundamental_group().sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x1], 1: [x0], 2: [x1^-1*x0^-1*x1^-1]} sage: G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False) sage: G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*(x2*x0)^2*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > sage: A.meridians(simplified=False) {0: [x1, x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3]} sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, z, x) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | (x1*x0)^2*(x1^-1*x0^-1)^2 > sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, z*x, y) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x1*(x2*x0)^2*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1 >
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = H._first_ngens(3) >>> H(z).fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < | > >>> H(x*y).fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x | > >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, y + x - z, x) >>> A.fundamental_group().sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x1], 1: [x0], 2: [x1^-1*x0^-1*x1^-1]} >>> G = A.fundamental_group(simplified=False) >>> G.sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2, x3 | x3^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x2^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x1^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1*(x2*x0)^2*x1^-1*x0^-1, x3^-1*x0^-1*x3*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0*x2*x0*x1^-1*x0^-1, x2^-1*x0^-1*x2*x0, x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > >>> A.meridians(simplified=False) {0: [x1, x2], 1: [x0], 2: [x3]} >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, z, x) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | (x1*x0)^2*(x1^-1*x0^-1)^2 > >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, z*x, y) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x1*(x2*x0)^2*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1 >
- meridians(simplified=True)[source]¶
Return the meridians of each irreducible component.
A dictionary which associates the index of each curve with its meridians, including the line at infinity if it can be computed
This function requires the
package to be installed andProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements.fundamental_group()
with the same options, where some examples are shown.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sirocco sage: H.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, y + x - z, x) sage: A.fundamental_group().sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x1], 1: [x0], 2: [x1^-1*x0^-1*x1^-1]} sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, z, x) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | (x1*x0)^2*(x1^-1*x0^-1)^2 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x0, x1*x0*x1^-1], 1: [x0^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1], 2: [x1]} sage: A = H(y^2 + x*z, z*x, y) sage: A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x1*(x2*x0)^2*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1 > sage: A.meridians() {0: [x0, x2*x0*x2^-1], 1: [x2, x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1], 2: [x1]}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sirocco >>> H = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = H._first_ngens(3) >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, y + x - z, x) >>> A.fundamental_group().sorted_presentation() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | x1^-1*x0^-1*x1*x0 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x1], 1: [x0], 2: [x1^-1*x0^-1*x1^-1]} >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, z, x) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1 | (x1*x0)^2*(x1^-1*x0^-1)^2 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x0, x1*x0*x1^-1], 1: [x0^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1], 2: [x1]} >>> A = H(y**Integer(2) + x*z, z*x, y) >>> A.fundamental_group() Finitely presented group < x0, x1, x2 | x2*x0*x1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1, x1*(x2*x0)^2*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1*x2^-1*x0^-1 > >>> A.meridians() {0: [x0, x2*x0*x2^-1], 1: [x2, x0^-1*x2^-1*x1^-1*x0^-1], 2: [x1]}
- class sage.schemes.curves.plane_curve_arrangement.ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(base_ring, names=())[source]¶
Projective curve arrangements.
– ring; the base ringnames
– tuple of strings; the variable names
sage: H.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: H(x, y^2, x-z, y-z) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - z, y - z) in Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> H = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = H._first_ngens(3) >>> H(x, y**Integer(2), x-z, y-z) Arrangement (x, y^2, x - z, y - z) in Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
- ambient_space()[source]¶
Return the ambient space.
sage: L.<x, y, z> = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ) sage: L.ambient_space() Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = ProjectivePlaneCurveArrangements(QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> L.ambient_space() Projective Space of dimension 2 over Rational Field