Riemann matrices and endomorphism rings of algebraic Riemann surfaces¶
This module provides a class, RiemannSurface
, to model the
Riemann surface determined by a plane algebraic curve over a subfield
of the complex numbers.
A homology basis is derived from the edges of a Voronoi cell decomposition based on the branch locus. The pull-back of these edges to the Riemann surface provides a graph on it that contains a homology basis.
The class provides methods for computing the Riemann period matrix of the surface numerically, using a certified homotopy continuation method due to [Kr2016].
The class also provides facilities for computing the endomorphism ring of the period lattice numerically, by determining integer (near) solutions to the relevant approximate linear equations.
One can also calculate the Abel-Jacobi map on the Riemann surface, and there is basic functionality to interface with divisors of curves to facilitate this.
Alexandre Zotine, Nils Bruin (2017-06-10): initial version
Nils Bruin, Jeroen Sijsling (2018-01-05): algebraization, isomorphisms
Linden Disney-Hogg, Nils Bruin (2021-06-23): efficient integration
Linden Disney-Hogg, Nils Bruin (2022-09-07): Abel-Jacobi map
We compute the Riemann matrix of a genus 3 curve:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface
sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[]
sage: f = x^4-x^3*y+2*x^3+2*x^2*y+2*x^2-2*x*y^2+4*x*y-y^3+3*y^2+2*y+1
sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=100)
sage: M = S.riemann_matrix()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface
>>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2)
>>> f = x**Integer(4)-x**Integer(3)*y+Integer(2)*x**Integer(3)+Integer(2)*x**Integer(2)*y+Integer(2)*x**Integer(2)-Integer(2)*x*y**Integer(2)+Integer(4)*x*y-y**Integer(3)+Integer(3)*y**Integer(2)+Integer(2)*y+Integer(1)
>>> S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(100))
>>> M = S.riemann_matrix()
We test the usual properties, i.e., that the period matrix is symmetric and that the imaginary part is positive definite:
sage: all(abs(a) < 1e-20 for a in (M-M.T).list())
sage: iM = Matrix(RDF,3,3,[a.imag_part() for a in M.list()])
sage: iM.is_positive_definite()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> all(abs(a) < RealNumber('1e-20') for a in (M-M.T).list())
>>> iM = Matrix(RDF,Integer(3),Integer(3),[a.imag_part() for a in M.list()])
>>> iM.is_positive_definite()
We compute the endomorphism ring and check it has
sage: A = S.endomorphism_basis(80,8)
sage: len(A) == 6
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> A = S.endomorphism_basis(Integer(80),Integer(8))
>>> len(A) == Integer(6)
In fact it is an order in a number field:
sage: T.<t> = QQ[]
sage: K.<a> = NumberField(t^6 - t^5 + 2*t^4 + 8*t^3 - t^2 - 5*t + 7)
sage: all(len(a.minpoly().roots(K)) == a.minpoly().degree() for a in A)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> T = QQ['t']; (t,) = T._first_ngens(1)
>>> K = NumberField(t**Integer(6) - t**Integer(5) + Integer(2)*t**Integer(4) + Integer(8)*t**Integer(3) - t**Integer(2) - Integer(5)*t + Integer(7), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1)
>>> all(len(a.minpoly().roots(K)) == a.minpoly().degree() for a in A)
We can look at an extended example of the Abel-Jacobi functionality. We will demonstrate a particular half-canonical divisor on Klein’s Curve, known in the literature:
sage: f = x^3*y + y^3 + x
sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='rigorous')
sage: BL = S.places_at_branch_locus(); BL
[Place (x, y, y^2),
Place (x^7 + 27/4, y + 4/9*x^5, y^2 + 4/3*x^3),
Place (x^7 + 27/4, y - 2/9*x^5, y^2 + 1/3*x^3)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = x**Integer(3)*y + y**Integer(3) + x
>>> S = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='rigorous')
>>> BL = S.places_at_branch_locus(); BL
[Place (x, y, y^2),
Place (x^7 + 27/4, y + 4/9*x^5, y^2 + 4/3*x^3),
Place (x^7 + 27/4, y - 2/9*x^5, y^2 + 1/3*x^3)]
We can read off out the output of places_at_branch_locus
to choose our
divisor, and we can calculate the canonical divisor using curve functionality:
sage: P0 = 1*BL[0]
sage: from sage.schemes.curves.constructor import Curve
sage: C = Curve(f)
sage: F = C.function_field()
sage: K = (F(x).differential()).divisor() - F(f.derivative(y)).divisor()
sage: Pinf, Pinf_prime = C.places_at_infinity()
sage: if K-3*Pinf-1*Pinf_prime: Pinf, Pinf_prime = (Pinf_prime, Pinf);
sage: D = P0 + 2*Pinf - Pinf_prime
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> P0 = Integer(1)*BL[Integer(0)]
>>> from sage.schemes.curves.constructor import Curve
>>> C = Curve(f)
>>> F = C.function_field()
>>> K = (F(x).differential()).divisor() - F(f.derivative(y)).divisor()
>>> Pinf, Pinf_prime = C.places_at_infinity()
>>> if K-Integer(3)*Pinf-Integer(1)*Pinf_prime: Pinf, Pinf_prime = (Pinf_prime, Pinf);
>>> D = P0 + Integer(2)*Pinf - Pinf_prime
Note we could check using exact techniques that
sage: Z = K - 2*D
sage: (Z.degree() == 0, len(Z.basis_differential_space()) == S.genus, len(Z.basis_function_space()) == 1)
(True, True, True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Z = K - Integer(2)*D
>>> (Z.degree() == Integer(0), len(Z.basis_differential_space()) == S.genus, len(Z.basis_function_space()) == Integer(1))
(True, True, True)
We can also check this using our Abel-Jacobi functions:
sage: avoid = C.places_at_infinity()
sage: Zeq, _ = S.strong_approximation(Z, avoid)
sage: Zlist = S.divisor_to_divisor_list(Zeq)
sage: AJ = S.abel_jacobi(Zlist) # long time (1 second)
sage: S.reduce_over_period_lattice(AJ).norm() < 1e-10 # long time
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> avoid = C.places_at_infinity()
>>> Zeq, _ = S.strong_approximation(Z, avoid)
>>> Zlist = S.divisor_to_divisor_list(Zeq)
>>> AJ = S.abel_jacobi(Zlist) # long time (1 second)
>>> S.reduce_over_period_lattice(AJ).norm() < RealNumber('1e-10') # long time
The initial version of this code was developed alongside [BSZ2019].
- exception sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.ConvergenceError[source]¶
Error object suitable for raising and catching when Newton iteration fails.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import ConvergenceError sage: raise ConvergenceError("test") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConvergenceError: test sage: isinstance(ConvergenceError(),ValueError) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import ConvergenceError >>> raise ConvergenceError("test") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ConvergenceError: test >>> isinstance(ConvergenceError(),ValueError) True
- class sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.RiemannSurface(f, prec=53, certification=True, differentials=None, integration_method='rigorous')[source]¶
Construct a Riemann Surface. This is specified by the zeroes of a bivariate polynomial with rational coefficients
– a bivariate polynomial with rational coefficients. The surface is interpreted as the covering space of the coordinate plane in the first variable.prec
– the desired precision of computations on the surface in bits (default: 53)certification
– boolean (default:True
); value indicating whether homotopy continuation is certified or not. Uncertified homotopy continuation can be faster.differentials
– (default:None
) if specified, provides a list of polynomials such that is a regular differential on the Riemann surface. This is taken as a basis of the regular differentials, so the genus is assumed to be equal to the length of this list. The results from the homology basis computation are checked against this value. Providing this parameter makes the computation independent from Singular. For a nonsingular plane curve of degree , an appropriate set is given by the monomials of degree up to .integration_method
– (default:'rigorous'
). String specifying the integration method to use when calculating the integrals of differentials. The options are'heuristic'
, the latter of which is often the most efficient.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^3 + 1 sage: RiemannSurface(f) Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^3 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(3) + Integer(1) >>> RiemannSurface(f) Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^3 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
Another Riemann surface with 100 bits of precision:
sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=100); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^3 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 100 bits of precision sage: S.riemann_matrix()^6 #abs tol 0.00000001 [1.0000000000000000000000000000 - 1.1832913578315177081175928479e-30*I]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(100)); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^3 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 100 bits of precision >>> S.riemann_matrix()**Integer(6) #abs tol 0.00000001 [1.0000000000000000000000000000 - 1.1832913578315177081175928479e-30*I]
We can also work with Riemann surfaces that are defined over fields with a complex embedding, but since the current interface for computing genus and regular differentials in Singular presently does not support extensions of
, we need to specify a description of the differentials ourselves. We give an example of a CM elliptic curve:sage: Qt.<t> = QQ[] sage: K.<a> = NumberField(t^2-t+3,embedding=CC(0.5+1.6*I)) sage: R.<x,y> = K[] sage: f = y^2 + y - (x^3 + (1-a)*x^2 - (2+a)*x - 2) sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=100, differentials=[1]) sage: A = S.endomorphism_basis() sage: len(A) 2 sage: all(len(T.minpoly().roots(K)) > 0 for T in A) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Qt = QQ['t']; (t,) = Qt._first_ngens(1) >>> K = NumberField(t**Integer(2)-t+Integer(3),embedding=CC(RealNumber('0.5')+RealNumber('1.6')*I), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1) >>> R = K['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = y**Integer(2) + y - (x**Integer(3) + (Integer(1)-a)*x**Integer(2) - (Integer(2)+a)*x - Integer(2)) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(100), differentials=[Integer(1)]) >>> A = S.endomorphism_basis() >>> len(A) 2 >>> all(len(T.minpoly().roots(K)) > Integer(0) for T in A) True
integration method uses the methodintegrate_vector
defined insage.numerical.gauss_legendre
to compute integrals of differentials. As mentioned there, this works by iteratively doubling the number of nodes used in the quadrature, and uses a heuristic based on the rate at which the result is seemingly converging to estimate the error. The'rigorous'
method uses results from [Neu2018], and bounds the algebraic integrands on circular domains using Cauchy’s form of the remainder in Taylor approximation coupled to Fujiwara’s bound on polynomial roots (see Bruin-DisneyHogg-Gao, in preparation). Note this method of bounding on circular domains is also implemented in_compute_delta()
. The net result of this bounding is that one can know (an upper bound on) the number of nodes required to achieve a certain error. This means that for any given integral, assuming that the same number of nodes is required by both methods in order to achieve the desired error (not necessarily true in practice), approximately half the number of integrand evaluations are required. When the required number of nodes is high, e.g. when the precision required is high, this can make the'rigorous'
method much faster. However, the'rigorous'
method does not benefit as much from the caching of thenodes
method over multiple integrals. The result of this is that, for calls ofmatrix_of_integral_values()
if the computation is ‘fast’, the heuristic method may outperform the rigorous method, but for slower computations the rigorous method can be much faster:sage: f = z*w^3 + z^3 + w sage: p = 53 sage: Sh = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='heuristic') sage: Sr = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='rigorous') sage: from sage.numerical.gauss_legendre import nodes sage: import time sage: nodes.cache.clear() sage: ct = time.time() sage: Rh = Sh.riemann_matrix() sage: ct1 = time.time()-ct sage: nodes.cache.clear() sage: ct = time.time() sage: Rr = Sr.riemann_matrix() sage: ct2 = time.time()-ct sage: ct2/ct1 # random 1.2429363969691192
>>> from sage.all import * >>> f = z*w**Integer(3) + z**Integer(3) + w >>> p = Integer(53) >>> Sh = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='heuristic') >>> Sr = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='rigorous') >>> from sage.numerical.gauss_legendre import nodes >>> import time >>> nodes.cache.clear() >>> ct = time.time() >>> Rh = Sh.riemann_matrix() >>> ct1 = time.time()-ct >>> nodes.cache.clear() >>> ct = time.time() >>> Rr = Sr.riemann_matrix() >>> ct2 = time.time()-ct >>> ct2/ct1 # random 1.2429363969691192
Note that for the above curve, the branch points are evenly distributed, and hence the implicit assumptions in the heuristic method are more sensible, meaning that a higher precision is required to see the heuristic method being significantly slower than the rigorous method. For a worse conditioned curve, this effect is more pronounced:
sage: q = 1 / 10 sage: f = y^2 - (x^2 - 2*x + 1 + q^2) * (x^2 + 2*x + 1 + q^2) sage: p = 500 sage: Sh = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='heuristic') sage: Sr = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='rigorous') sage: nodes.cache.clear() sage: Rh = Sh.riemann_matrix() # long time (8 seconds) sage: nodes.cache.clear() sage: Rr = Sr.riemann_matrix() # long time (1 seconds)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> q = Integer(1) / Integer(10) >>> f = y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(2) - Integer(2)*x + Integer(1) + q**Integer(2)) * (x**Integer(2) + Integer(2)*x + Integer(1) + q**Integer(2)) >>> p = Integer(500) >>> Sh = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='heuristic') >>> Sr = RiemannSurface(f, prec=p, integration_method='rigorous') >>> nodes.cache.clear() >>> Rh = Sh.riemann_matrix() # long time (8 seconds) >>> nodes.cache.clear() >>> Rr = Sr.riemann_matrix() # long time (1 seconds)
This disparity in timings can get increasingly worse, and testing has shown that even for random quadrics the heuristic method can be as bad as 30 times slower.
- abel_jacobi(divisor, verbose=False)[source]¶
Return the Abel-Jacobi map of
.Return a representative of the Abel-Jacobi map of a divisor with basepoint
– list. A list with each entry a tuple of the form(v, P)
, wherev
is the valuation of the divisor at pointP
as per the input to_aj_based()
– logical (default:False
); whether to report the progress of the computation, in terms of how many elements of the listdivisor
have been completed
OUTPUT: a vector of length
We can test that the Abel-Jacobi map between two branchpoints of a superelliptic curve of degree
is a -torsion point in the Jacobian:sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: p = 4 sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^p-x^4+1, prec=100) sage: divisor = [(-1, (-1, 0)), (1, (1, 0))] sage: AJ = S.abel_jacobi(divisor) # long time (15 seconds) sage: AJxp = [p*z for z in AJ] # long time sage: bool(S.reduce_over_period_lattice(AJxp).norm()<1e-7) # long time True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> p = Integer(4) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**p-x**Integer(4)+Integer(1), prec=Integer(100)) >>> divisor = [(-Integer(1), (-Integer(1), Integer(0))), (Integer(1), (Integer(1), Integer(0)))] >>> AJ = S.abel_jacobi(divisor) # long time (15 seconds) >>> AJxp = [p*z for z in AJ] # long time >>> bool(S.reduce_over_period_lattice(AJxp).norm()<RealNumber('1e-7')) # long time True
- cohomology_basis(option=1)[source]¶
Compute the cohomology basis of this surface.
– presently, this routine uses Singular’sadjointIdeal
and passes theoption
parameter on. Legal values are 1, 2, 3 ,4, where 1 is the default. See the Singular documentation for the meaning. The backend for this function may change, and support for this parameter may disappear.
This returns a list of polynomials
representing the holomorphic differentials , where is the equation specifying the Riemann surface.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = z^3*w + w^3 + z sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: S.cohomology_basis() [1, w, z]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = z**Integer(3)*w + w**Integer(3) + z >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> S.cohomology_basis() [1, w, z]
- curve()[source]¶
Return the curve from which this Riemann surface is obtained.
Riemann surfaces explicitly obtained from a curve return that same object. For others, the curve is constructed and cached, so that an identical curve is returned upon subsequent calls.
OUTPUT: curve from which Riemann surface is obtained
sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: C = Curve( y^3+x^3-1) sage: S = C.riemann_surface() sage: S.curve() is C True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> C = Curve( y**Integer(3)+x**Integer(3)-Integer(1)) >>> S = C.riemann_surface() >>> S.curve() is C True
- divisor_to_divisor_list(divisor, eps=None)[source]¶
Turn a divisor into a list for
, consisting of places above finite points in the base, return an equivalent divisor list suitable for input intoabel_jacboi()
– an element ofCurve(self.f).function_field().divisor_group()
– real number (optional); tolerance used to determine whether a complex number is close enough to a root of a polynomial
A list with elements of the form
(v, (z, w))
representing the finite places.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3+1) sage: D = sum(S.places_at_branch_locus()) sage: S.divisor_to_divisor_list(D) [(1, (1.00000000000000, 0.000000000000000)), (1, (-0.500000000000000 - 0.866025403784439*I, 0.000000000000000)), (1, (-0.500000000000000 + 0.866025403784439*I, 0.000000000000000))]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)+Integer(1)) >>> D = sum(S.places_at_branch_locus()) >>> S.divisor_to_divisor_list(D) [(1, (1.00000000000000, 0.000000000000000)), (1, (-0.500000000000000 - 0.866025403784439*I, 0.000000000000000)), (1, (-0.500000000000000 + 0.866025403784439*I, 0.000000000000000))]
Currently this method can only handle places above finite points in the base. It would be useful to extend this to allow for places at infinity.
- downstairs_edges()[source]¶
Compute the edgeset of the Voronoi diagram.
A list of integer tuples corresponding to edges between vertices in the Voronoi diagram.
Form a Riemann surface, one with a particularly simple branch locus:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 + z^3 - z^2 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) + z**Integer(3) - z**Integer(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f)
Compute the edges:
sage: S.downstairs_edges() [(0, 1), (0, 5), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S.downstairs_edges() [(0, 1), (0, 5), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)]
This now gives an edgeset which one could use to form a graph.
The numbering of the vertices is given by the Voronoi package.
- downstairs_graph()[source]¶
Return the Voronoi decomposition as a planar graph.
The result of this routine can be useful to interpret the labelling of the vertices. See also
.OUTPUT: the Voronoi decomposition as a graph, with appropriate planar embedding
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: S.downstairs_graph() Graph on 11 vertices
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> S.downstairs_graph() Graph on 11 vertices
- edge_permutations()[source]¶
Compute the permutations of branches associated to each edge.
Over the vertices of the Voronoi decomposition around the branch locus, we label the fibres. By following along an edge, the lifts of the edge induce a permutation of that labelling.
A dictionary with as keys the edges of the Voronoi decomposition and as values the corresponding permutations.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 + z^2+1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: S.edge_permutations() {(0, 2): (), (0, 4): (), (1, 2): (), (1, 3): (0,1), (1, 6): (), (2, 0): (), (2, 1): (), (2, 5): (0,1), (3, 1): (0,1), (3, 4): (), (4, 0): (), (4, 3): (), (5, 2): (0,1), (5, 7): (), (6, 1): (), (6, 7): (), (7, 5): (), (7, 6): ()}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)+Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> S.edge_permutations() {(0, 2): (), (0, 4): (), (1, 2): (), (1, 3): (0,1), (1, 6): (), (2, 0): (), (2, 1): (), (2, 5): (0,1), (3, 1): (0,1), (3, 4): (), (4, 0): (), (4, 3): (), (5, 2): (0,1), (5, 7): (), (6, 1): (), (6, 7): (), (7, 5): (), (7, 6): ()}
- endomorphism_basis(b=None, r=None)[source]¶
Numerically compute a
-basis for the endomorphism ring.Let
be the normalized period matrix ( is theriemann_matrix()
). We consider the system of matrix equations where are integer matrices. We determine small integer (near) solutions using LLL reductions. These solutions are returned as integer matrices obtained by stacking on top of .INPUT:
– integer (default provided); the equation coefficients are scaled by before rounding to integersr
– integer (default:b/4
); solutions that have all coefficients smaller than in absolute value are reported as actual solutions
A list of
integer matrices that, for large enoughr
, generate the endomorphism ring.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(x^3 + y^3 + 1) sage: B = S.endomorphism_basis(); B #random [ [1 0] [ 0 -1] [0 1], [ 1 1] ] sage: sorted([b.minpoly().disc() for b in B]) [-3, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) + Integer(1)) >>> B = S.endomorphism_basis(); B #random [ [1 0] [ 0 -1] [0 1], [ 1 1] ] >>> sorted([b.minpoly().disc() for b in B]) [-3, 1]
- homology_basis()[source]¶
Compute the homology basis of the Riemann surface.
A list of paths
. Each path is of the form , where is the number of times to traverse the path (if negative, to traverse it backwards), and the are vertices of the upstairs graph.EXAMPLES:
In this example, there are two paths that form the homology basis:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: g = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(g) sage: S.homology_basis() # random [[(1, [(3, 1), (5, 0), (9, 0), (10, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0), (7, 1), (10, 1), (3, 1)])], [(1, [(8, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0), (10, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0), (7, 1), (10, 1), (9, 1), (8, 0)])]]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> g = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(g) >>> S.homology_basis() # random [[(1, [(3, 1), (5, 0), (9, 0), (10, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0), (7, 1), (10, 1), (3, 1)])], [(1, [(8, 0), (6, 0), (7, 0), (10, 0), (2, 0), (4, 0), (7, 1), (10, 1), (9, 1), (8, 0)])]]
In order to check that the answer returned above is reasonable, we test some basic properties. We express the faces of the downstairs graph as ZZ-linear combinations of the edges and check that the projection of the homology basis upstairs projects down to independent linear combinations of an even number of faces:
sage: dg = S.downstairs_graph() sage: edges = dg.edges(sort=True) sage: E = ZZ^len(edges) sage: edge_to_E = { e[:2]: E.gen(i) for i,e in enumerate(edges)} sage: edge_to_E.update({ (e[1],e[0]): -E.gen(i) for i,e in enumerate(edges)}) sage: face_span = E.submodule([sum(edge_to_E[e] for e in f) for f in dg.faces()]) sage: def path_to_E(path): ....: k,P = path ....: return k*sum(edge_to_E[(P[i][0],P[i+1][0])] for i in range(len(P)-1)) sage: hom_basis = [sum(path_to_E(p) for p in loop) for loop in S.homology_basis()] sage: face_span.submodule(hom_basis).rank() 2 sage: [sum(face_span.coordinate_vector(b))%2 for b in hom_basis] [0, 0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> dg = S.downstairs_graph() >>> edges = dg.edges(sort=True) >>> E = ZZ**len(edges) >>> edge_to_E = { e[:Integer(2)]: E.gen(i) for i,e in enumerate(edges)} >>> edge_to_E.update({ (e[Integer(1)],e[Integer(0)]): -E.gen(i) for i,e in enumerate(edges)}) >>> face_span = E.submodule([sum(edge_to_E[e] for e in f) for f in dg.faces()]) >>> def path_to_E(path): ... k,P = path ... return k*sum(edge_to_E[(P[i][Integer(0)],P[i+Integer(1)][Integer(0)])] for i in range(len(P)-Integer(1))) >>> hom_basis = [sum(path_to_E(p) for p in loop) for loop in S.homology_basis()] >>> face_span.submodule(hom_basis).rank() 2 >>> [sum(face_span.coordinate_vector(b))%Integer(2) for b in hom_basis] [0, 0]
- homomorphism_basis(other, b=None, r=None)[source]¶
Numerically compute a
-basis for module of homomorphisms to a given complex torus.Given another complex torus (given as the analytic Jacobian of a Riemann surface), numerically compute a basis for the homomorphism module. The answer is returned as a list of
integer matrices such that if the columns of generate the lattice defining the Jacobian of the Riemann surface and the columns of do this for the codomain, then approximately we have , i.e., up to a choice of basis for as a complex vector space, we we realize as a sublattice of .INPUT:
– integer (default provided); the equation coefficients are scaled by before rounding to integersr
– integer (default:b/4
); solutions that have all coefficients smaller than in absolute value are reported as actual solutions
A list of
integer matrices that, for large enoughr
, generate the homomorphism module.EXAMPLES:
sage: S1 = EllipticCurve("11a1").riemann_surface() sage: S2 = EllipticCurve("11a3").riemann_surface() sage: [m.det() for m in S1.homomorphism_basis(S2)] [5]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S1 = EllipticCurve("11a1").riemann_surface() >>> S2 = EllipticCurve("11a3").riemann_surface() >>> [m.det() for m in S1.homomorphism_basis(S2)] [5]
- homotopy_continuation(edge)[source]¶
Perform homotopy continuation along an edge of the Voronoi diagram using Newton iteration.
– tuple(z_start, z_end)
indicating the straight line over which to perform the homotopy continuation
A list containing the initialised continuation data. Each entry in the list contains: the
values that entry corresponds to, a list of complex numbers corresponding to the points which are reached when continued along the edge when traversing along the direction of the edge, and a valueepsilon
giving the minimumdistance between the fibre values divided by 3. The ordering of these points indicates how they have been permuted due to the weaving of the curve.EXAMPLES:
We check that continued values along an edge correspond (up to the appropriate permutation) to what is stored. Note that the permutation was originally computed from this data:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = z^3*w + w^3 + z sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: edge1 = sorted(S.edge_permutations())[0] sage: sigma = S.edge_permutations()[edge1] sage: edge = [S._vertices[i] for i in edge1] sage: continued_values = S.homotopy_continuation(edge)[-1][1] sage: stored_values = S.w_values(S._vertices[edge1[1]]) sage: all(abs(continued_values[i]-stored_values[sigma(i)]) < 1e-8 for i in range(3)) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = z**Integer(3)*w + w**Integer(3) + z >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> edge1 = sorted(S.edge_permutations())[Integer(0)] >>> sigma = S.edge_permutations()[edge1] >>> edge = [S._vertices[i] for i in edge1] >>> continued_values = S.homotopy_continuation(edge)[-Integer(1)][Integer(1)] >>> stored_values = S.w_values(S._vertices[edge1[Integer(1)]]) >>> all(abs(continued_values[i]-stored_values[sigma(i)]) < RealNumber('1e-8') for i in range(Integer(3))) True
- make_zw_interpolator(upstairs_edge, initial_continuation=None)[source]¶
Given a downstairs edge for which continuation data has been initialised, return a function that computes
, where in is a parametrization of the edge.INPUT:
– tuple((z_start, sb), (z_end,))
giving the start and end values of the base coordinate along the straight-line path and the starting branchinitial_continuation
– list (optional); output ofhomotopy_continuation
initialising the continuation data
A tuple
(g, d)
, whereg
is the function that computes the interpolation along the edge andd
is the difference of the z-values of the end and start point.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: _ = S.homology_basis() sage: u_edge = [(0, 0), (1, 0)] sage: d_edge = tuple(u[0] for u in u_edge) sage: u_edge = [(S._vertices[i], j) for i, j in u_edge] sage: initial_continuation = S._L[d_edge] sage: g, d = S.make_zw_interpolator(u_edge, initial_continuation) sage: all(f(*g(i*0.1)).abs() < 1e-13 for i in range(10)) True sage: abs((g(1)[0]-g(0)[0]) - d) < 1e-13 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> _ = S.homology_basis() >>> u_edge = [(Integer(0), Integer(0)), (Integer(1), Integer(0))] >>> d_edge = tuple(u[Integer(0)] for u in u_edge) >>> u_edge = [(S._vertices[i], j) for i, j in u_edge] >>> initial_continuation = S._L[d_edge] >>> g, d = S.make_zw_interpolator(u_edge, initial_continuation) >>> all(f(*g(i*RealNumber('0.1'))).abs() < RealNumber('1e-13') for i in range(Integer(10))) True >>> abs((g(Integer(1))[Integer(0)]-g(Integer(0))[Integer(0)]) - d) < RealNumber('1e-13') True
The interpolator returned by this method can effectively hang if either
are branchpoints. In these situations it is better to take a different approach rather than continue to use the interpolator.
- matrix_of_integral_values(differentials, integration_method='heuristic')[source]¶
Compute the path integrals of the given differentials along the homology basis.
The returned answer has a row for each differential. If the Riemann surface is given by the equation
, then the differentials are encoded by polynomials g, signifying the differential .INPUT:
– list of polynomialsintegration_method
– (default:'heuristic'
) string specifying the integration method to use. The options are'heuristic'
A matrix, one row per differential, containing the values of the path integrals along the homology basis of the Riemann surface.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(x^3 + y^3 + 1) sage: B = S.cohomology_basis() sage: m = S.matrix_of_integral_values(B) sage: parent(m) Full MatrixSpace of 1 by 2 dense matrices over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision sage: (m[0,0]/m[0,1]).algdep(3).degree() # curve is CM, so the period is quadratic 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) + Integer(1)) >>> B = S.cohomology_basis() >>> m = S.matrix_of_integral_values(B) >>> parent(m) Full MatrixSpace of 1 by 2 dense matrices over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision >>> (m[Integer(0),Integer(0)]/m[Integer(0),Integer(1)]).algdep(Integer(3)).degree() # curve is CM, so the period is quadratic 2
differentials is self.cohomology_basis()
, the calculations of the integrals along the edges are written toself._integral_dict
. This is as this data will be required when computing the Abel-Jacobi map, and so it is helpful to have is stored rather than recomputing.
- monodromy_group()[source]¶
Compute local monodromy generators of the Riemann surface.
For each branch point, the local monodromy is encoded by a permutation. The permutations returned correspond to positively oriented loops around each branch point, with a fixed base point. This means the generators are properly conjugated to ensure that together they generate the global monodromy. The list has an entry for every finite point stored in
, plus an entry for the ramification above infinity.OUTPUT:
A list of permutations, encoding the local monodromy at each branch point.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z, w> = QQ[] sage: f = z^3*w + w^3 + z sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: G = S.monodromy_group(); G [(0,1,2), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (1,2), (1,2), (0,1), (0,2), (0,2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = z**Integer(3)*w + w**Integer(3) + z >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> G = S.monodromy_group(); G [(0,1,2), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (1,2), (1,2), (0,1), (0,2), (0,2)]
The permutations give the local monodromy generators for the branch points:
sage: list(zip(S.branch_locus + [unsigned_infinity], G)) #abs tol 0.0000001 [(0.000000000000000, (0,1,2)), (-1.31362670141929, (0,1)), (-0.819032851784253 - 1.02703471138023*I, (0,2)), (-0.819032851784253 + 1.02703471138023*I, (1,2)), (0.292309440469772 - 1.28069133740100*I, (1,2)), (0.292309440469772 + 1.28069133740100*I, (1,2)), (1.18353676202412 - 0.569961265016465*I, (0,1)), (1.18353676202412 + 0.569961265016465*I, (0,2)), (Infinity, (0,2))]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> list(zip(S.branch_locus + [unsigned_infinity], G)) #abs tol 0.0000001 [(0.000000000000000, (0,1,2)), (-1.31362670141929, (0,1)), (-0.819032851784253 - 1.02703471138023*I, (0,2)), (-0.819032851784253 + 1.02703471138023*I, (1,2)), (0.292309440469772 - 1.28069133740100*I, (1,2)), (0.292309440469772 + 1.28069133740100*I, (1,2)), (1.18353676202412 - 0.569961265016465*I, (0,1)), (1.18353676202412 + 0.569961265016465*I, (0,2)), (Infinity, (0,2))]
We can check the ramification by looking at the cycle lengths and verify it agrees with the Riemann-Hurwitz formula:
sage: 2*S.genus-2 == -2*S.degree + sum(e-1 for g in G for e in g.cycle_type()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Integer(2)*S.genus-Integer(2) == -Integer(2)*S.degree + sum(e-Integer(1) for g in G for e in g.cycle_type()) True
- period_matrix()[source]¶
Compute the period matrix of the surface.
OUTPUT: a matrix of complex values
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = z^3*w + w^3 + z sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=30) sage: M = S.period_matrix()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = z**Integer(3)*w + w**Integer(3) + z >>> S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(30)) >>> M = S.period_matrix()
The results are highly arbitrary, so it is hard to check if the result produced is correct. The closely related
is somewhat easier to test.:sage: parent(M) Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 6 dense matrices over Complex Field with 30 bits of precision sage: M.rank() 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> parent(M) Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 6 dense matrices over Complex Field with 30 bits of precision >>> M.rank() 3
One can check that the two methods give similar answers:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: f = y^2 - x^3 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='rigorous') sage: T = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='heuristic') sage: RM_S = S.riemann_matrix() sage: RM_T = T.riemann_matrix() sage: (RM_S-RM_T).norm() < 1e-10 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(3) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='rigorous') >>> T = RiemannSurface(f, integration_method='heuristic') >>> RM_S = S.riemann_matrix() >>> RM_T = T.riemann_matrix() >>> (RM_S-RM_T).norm() < RealNumber('1e-10') True
- places_at_branch_locus()[source]¶
Return the places above the branch locus.
Return a list of the of places above the branch locus. This must be done over the base ring, and so the places are given in terms of the factors of the discriminant. Currently, this method only works when
self._R.base_ring() == QQ
as for other rings, the function field forCurve(self.f)
is not implemented. To go from these divisors to a divisor list, seedivisor_to_divisor_list()
List of places of the functions field
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(25*(x^4+y^4+1) - 34*(x^2*y^2+x^2+y^2)) sage: S.places_at_branch_locus() [Place (x - 2, (x - 2)*y, y^2 - 17/5, y^3 - 17/5*y), Place (x + 2, (x + 2)*y, y^2 - 17/5, y^3 - 17/5*y), Place (x - 1/2, (x - 1/2)*y, y^2 - 17/20, y^3 - 17/20*y), Place (x + 1/2, (x + 1/2)*y, y^2 - 17/20, y^3 - 17/20*y), Place (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1, y, y^2, y^3), Place (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1, (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1)*y, y^2 - 34/25*x^2 - 34/25, y^3 + (-34/25*x^2 - 34/25)*y)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(Integer(25)*(x**Integer(4)+y**Integer(4)+Integer(1)) - Integer(34)*(x**Integer(2)*y**Integer(2)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))) >>> S.places_at_branch_locus() [Place (x - 2, (x - 2)*y, y^2 - 17/5, y^3 - 17/5*y), Place (x + 2, (x + 2)*y, y^2 - 17/5, y^3 - 17/5*y), Place (x - 1/2, (x - 1/2)*y, y^2 - 17/20, y^3 - 17/20*y), Place (x + 1/2, (x + 1/2)*y, y^2 - 17/20, y^3 - 17/20*y), Place (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1, y, y^2, y^3), Place (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1, (x^4 - 34/25*x^2 + 1)*y, y^2 - 34/25*x^2 - 34/25, y^3 + (-34/25*x^2 - 34/25)*y)]
- plot_paths()[source]¶
Make a graphical representation of the integration paths.
This returns a two dimensional plot containing the branch points (in red) and the integration paths (obtained from the Voronoi cells of the branch points). The integration paths are plotted by plotting the points that have been computed for homotopy continuation, so the density gives an indication of where numerically sensitive features occur.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - x^3 - x) sage: S.plot_paths() # needs sage.plot Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(3) - x) >>> S.plot_paths() # needs sage.plot Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
- plot_paths3d(thickness=0.01)[source]¶
Return the homology basis as a graph in 3-space.
The homology basis of the surface is constructed by taking the Voronoi cells around the branch points and taking the inverse image of the edges on the Riemann surface. If the surface is given by the equation
, the returned object gives the image of this graph in 3-space with coordinates .EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - x^3 - x) sage: S.plot_paths3d() # needs sage.plot Graphics3d Object
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(3) - x) >>> S.plot_paths3d() # needs sage.plot Graphics3d Object
- reduce_over_period_lattice(vector, method='ip', b=None, r=None, normalised=False)[source]¶
Reduce a vector over the period lattice.
Given a vector of length
, this method returns a vector in the same orbit of the period lattice that is short. There are two possible methods,'svp'
which returns a certified shortest vector, but can be much slower for higher genus curves, and'ip'
, which is faster but not guaranteed to return the shortest vector. In general the latter will perform well when the lattice basis vectors are of similar size.INPUT:
– vector. A vector of lengthself.genus
to reduce over the latticemethod
– string (default:'ip'
) specifying the method to use to reduce the vector; the options are'ip'
– integer (default provided); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basisr
– integer (default:b/4
); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basisnormalised
– logical (default:False
); whether to use the period matrix with the differentials normalised s.t. the -matrix is the identity.
Complex vector of length
in the same orbit asvector
in the lattice.EXAMPLES:
We can check that the lattice basis vectors themselves are reduced to zero:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - x^5 + 1) sage: epsilon = S._RR(2)^(-S._prec+1) sage: for vector in S.period_matrix().columns(): ....: print(bool(S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector).norm()<epsilon)) True True True True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - x**Integer(5) + Integer(1)) >>> epsilon = S._RR(Integer(2))**(-S._prec+Integer(1)) >>> for vector in S.period_matrix().columns(): ... print(bool(S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector).norm()<epsilon)) True True True True
We can also check that the method
always gives a smaller norm than'ip'
:sage: for vector in S.period_matrix().columns(): ....: n1 = S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector).norm() ....: n2 = S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector, method='svp').norm() ....: print(bool(n2<=n1)) True True True True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> for vector in S.period_matrix().columns(): ... n1 = S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector).norm() ... n2 = S.reduce_over_period_lattice(vector, method='svp').norm() ... print(bool(n2<=n1)) True True True True
- riemann_matrix()[source]¶
Compute the Riemann matrix.
OUTPUT: a matrix of complex values
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = z^3*w + w^3 + z sage: S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=60) sage: M = S.riemann_matrix()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = z**Integer(3)*w + w**Integer(3) + z >>> S = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(60)) >>> M = S.riemann_matrix()
The Klein quartic has a Riemann matrix with values in a quadratic field:
sage: x = polygen(QQ) sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2 - x + 2) sage: all(len(m.algdep(6).roots(K)) > 0 for m in M.list()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> x = polygen(QQ) >>> K = NumberField(x**Integer(2) - x + Integer(2), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1) >>> all(len(m.algdep(Integer(6)).roots(K)) > Integer(0) for m in M.list()) True
- rigorous_line_integral(upstairs_edge, differentials, bounding_data)[source]¶
Perform vectorized integration along a straight path.
Using the error bounds for Gauss-Legendre integration found in [Neu2018] and a method for bounding an algebraic integrand on a circular domains using Cauchy’s form of the remainder in Taylor approximation coupled to Fujiwara’s bound on polynomial roots (see Bruin-DisneyHogg-Gao, in preparation), this method calculates (semi-)rigorously the integral of a list of differentials along an edge of the upstairs graph.
– tuple; either a pair of integer tuples corresponding to an edge of the upstairs graph, or a tuple((z_start, sb), (z_end, ))
as in the input ofmake_zw_interpolator
– list of polynomials; a polynomial represents the differential where is the equation defining the Riemann surfacebounding_data
– tuple containing the data required for bounding the integrands. This should be in the form of the output from_bounding_data()
OUTPUT: a complex number, the value of the line integral
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^4 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^4 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
Since we make use of data from homotopy continuation, we need to compute the necessary data:
sage: _ = S.homology_basis() sage: differentials = S.cohomology_basis() sage: bounding_data = S._bounding_data(differentials) sage: S.rigorous_line_integral([(0,0), (1,0)], differentials, bounding_data) # abs tol 1e-10 (1.80277751848459e-16 - 0.352971844594760*I)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> _ = S.homology_basis() >>> differentials = S.cohomology_basis() >>> bounding_data = S._bounding_data(differentials) >>> S.rigorous_line_integral([(Integer(0),Integer(0)), (Integer(1),Integer(0))], differentials, bounding_data) # abs tol 1e-10 (1.80277751848459e-16 - 0.352971844594760*I)
Uses data that
initializes, and may give incorrect values ifhomology_basis()
has not initialized them.Note also that the data of the differentials is contained within
. It is, however, still advantageous to have this be a separate argument, as it lets the user supply a fast-callable version of the differentials, to significantly speed up execution of the integrand calls, and not have to re-calculate these fast-callables for every run of the function. This is also the benefit of representing the differentials as a polynomial over a known common denominator.Todo
Note that bounding_data contains the information of the integrands, so one may want to check for consistency between
. If so one would not want to do so at the expense of speed.Moreover, the current implementation bounds along a line by splitting it up into segments, each of which can be covered entirely by a single circle, and then placing inside that the ellipse required to bound as per [Neu2018]. This is reliably more efficient than the heuristic method, especially in poorly-conditioned cases where discriminant points are close together around the edges, but in the case where the branch locus is well separated, it can require slightly more nodes than necessary. One may want to include a method here to transition in this regime to an algorithm that covers the entire line with one ellipse, then bounds along that ellipse with multiple circles.
- rosati_involution(R)[source]¶
Compute the Rosati involution of an endomorphism.
The endomorphism in question should be given by its homology representation with respect to the symplectic basis of the Jacobian.
– integral matrix
OUTPUT: the result of applying the Rosati involution to
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: A.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - (x^6 + 2*x^4 + 4*x^2 + 8), prec = 100) sage: Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() sage: S.rosati_involution(S.rosati_involution(Rs[1])) == Rs[1] True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> A = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + Integer(2)*x**Integer(4) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(8)), prec = Integer(100)) >>> Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() >>> S.rosati_involution(S.rosati_involution(Rs[Integer(1)])) == Rs[Integer(1)] True
- simple_vector_line_integral(upstairs_edge, differentials)[source]¶
Perform vectorized integration along a straight path.
– tuple; either a pair of integer tuples corresponding to an edge of the upstairs graph, or a tuple((z_start, sb), (z_end, ))
as in the input ofmake_zw_interpolator
– list of polynomials; a polynomial represents the differential where is the equation defining the Riemann surface
OUTPUT: a complex number, the value of the line integral
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^4 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f); S Riemann surface defined by polynomial f = -z^4 + w^2 + 1 = 0, with 53 bits of precision
Since we make use of data from homotopy continuation, we need to compute the necessary data:
sage: M = S.riemann_matrix() sage: differentials = S.cohomology_basis() sage: S.simple_vector_line_integral([(0, 0), (1, 0)], differentials) #abs tol 0.00000001 (1.14590610929717e-16 - 0.352971844594760*I)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> M = S.riemann_matrix() >>> differentials = S.cohomology_basis() >>> S.simple_vector_line_integral([(Integer(0), Integer(0)), (Integer(1), Integer(0))], differentials) #abs tol 0.00000001 (1.14590610929717e-16 - 0.352971844594760*I)
Uses data that
initializes, and may give incorrect values ifhomology_basis()
has not initialized them. In practice it is more efficient to setdifferentials
to a fast-callable version of differentials to speed up execution.
- strong_approximation(divisor, S)[source]¶
Apply the method of strong approximation to a divisor.
As described in [Neu2018], apply the method of strong approximation to
with list of places to avoidS
. Currently, this method only works whenself._R.base_ring() == QQ
as for other rings, the function field forCurve(self.f)
is not implemented.INPUT:
– an element ofCurve(self.f).function_field().divisor_group()
– list of places to avoid
A tuple
(D, B)
, whereD
is a new divisor, linearly equivalent todivisor
, but not intersectingS
, andB
is a list of tuples(v, b)
are the functions giving the linear equivalence, added with multiplicityv
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3+1) sage: avoid = Curve(S.f).places_at_infinity() sage: D = 1*avoid[0] sage: S.strong_approximation(D, avoid) (- Place (x - 2, (x - 2)*y) + Place (x - 1, y) + Place (x^2 + x + 1, y), [(1, (1/(x - 2))*y)])
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)+Integer(1)) >>> avoid = Curve(S.f).places_at_infinity() >>> D = Integer(1)*avoid[Integer(0)] >>> S.strong_approximation(D, avoid) (- Place (x - 2, (x - 2)*y) + Place (x - 1, y) + Place (x^2 + x + 1, y), [(1, (1/(x - 2))*y)])
- symplectic_automorphism_group(endo_basis=None, b=None, r=None)[source]¶
Numerically compute the symplectic automorphism group as a permutation group.
– (default:None
) a -basis of the endomorphisms ofself
, as obtained fromendomorphism_basis()
. If you have already calculated this basis, it saves time to pass it via this keyword argument. Otherwise the method will calculate it.b
– integer (default provided); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basisr
– integer (default:b/4
); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basis
The symplectic automorphism group of the Jacobian of the Riemann surface. The automorphism group of the Riemann surface itself can be recovered from this; if the curve is hyperelliptic, then it is identical, and if not, then one divides out by the central element corresponding to multiplication by -1.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: A.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - (x^6 + 2*x^4 + 4*x^2 + 8), prec = 100) sage: G = S.symplectic_automorphism_group() sage: G.as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(DihedralGroup(4)) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> A = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + Integer(2)*x**Integer(4) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(8)), prec = Integer(100)) >>> G = S.symplectic_automorphism_group() >>> G.as_permutation_group().is_isomorphic(DihedralGroup(Integer(4))) True
- symplectic_isomorphisms(other=None, hom_basis=None, b=None, r=None)[source]¶
Numerically compute symplectic isomorphisms.
– (default:self
) the codomain; another Riemann surfacehom_basis
– (default:None
) a -basis of the homomorphisms fromself
, as obtained fromhomomorphism_basis()
. If you have already calculated this basis, it saves time to pass it via this keyword argument. Otherwise the method will calculate it.b
– integer (default provided); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basisr
– integer (default:b/4
); as forhomomorphism_basis()
, and used in its invocation if (re)calculating said basis
This returns the combinations of the elements of
that correspond to symplectic isomorphisms between the Jacobians ofself
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: f = y^2 - (x^6 + 2*x^4 + 4*x^2 + 8) sage: X = RiemannSurface(f, prec=100) sage: P = X.period_matrix() sage: g = y^2 - (x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + 1) sage: Y = RiemannSurface(g, prec=100) sage: Q = Y.period_matrix() sage: Rs = X.symplectic_isomorphisms(Y) sage: Ts = X.tangent_representation_numerical(Rs, other = Y) sage: test1 = all(((T*P - Q*R).norm() < 2^(-80)) for [T, R] in zip(Ts, Rs)) sage: test2 = all(det(R) == 1 for R in Rs) sage: test1 and test2 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + Integer(2)*x**Integer(4) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(8)) >>> X = RiemannSurface(f, prec=Integer(100)) >>> P = X.period_matrix() >>> g = y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + x**Integer(4) + x**Integer(2) + Integer(1)) >>> Y = RiemannSurface(g, prec=Integer(100)) >>> Q = Y.period_matrix() >>> Rs = X.symplectic_isomorphisms(Y) >>> Ts = X.tangent_representation_numerical(Rs, other = Y) >>> test1 = all(((T*P - Q*R).norm() < Integer(2)**(-Integer(80))) for [T, R] in zip(Ts, Rs)) >>> test2 = all(det(R) == Integer(1) for R in Rs) >>> test1 and test2 True
- tangent_representation_algebraic(Rs, other=None, epscomp=None)[source]¶
Compute the algebraic tangent representations corresponding to the homology representations in
.The representations on homology
have to be given with respect to the symplectic homology basis of the Jacobian ofself
. Such matrices can for example be obtained viaendomorphism_basis()
and be the period matrices ofself
. Then for a homology representation , the corresponding tangential representation satisfies .INPUT:
– set of matrices on homology to be converted to their tangent representationsother
– (default:self
) the codomain; another Riemann surfaceepscomp
– real number (default:2^(-prec + 30)
). Used to determine whether a complex number is close enough to a root of a polynomial.
OUTPUT: the algebraic tangent representations of the matrices in
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: A.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - (x^6 + 2*x^4 + 4*x^2 + 8), prec = 100) sage: Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() sage: Ts = S.tangent_representation_algebraic(Rs) sage: Ts[0].base_ring().maximal_order().discriminant() == 8 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> A = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + Integer(2)*x**Integer(4) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(8)), prec = Integer(100)) >>> Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() >>> Ts = S.tangent_representation_algebraic(Rs) >>> Ts[Integer(0)].base_ring().maximal_order().discriminant() == Integer(8) True
- tangent_representation_numerical(Rs, other=None)[source]¶
Compute the numerical tangent representations corresponding to the homology representations in
.The representations on homology
have to be given with respect to the symplectic homology basis of the Jacobian ofself
. Such matrices can for example be obtained viaendomorphism_basis()
and be the period matrices ofself
. Then for a homology representation , the corresponding tangential representation satisfies .INPUT:
– set of matrices on homology to be converted to their tangent representationsother
– (default:self
) the codomain; another Riemann surface
OUTPUT: the numerical tangent representations of the matrices in
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: A.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(y^2 - (x^6 + 2*x^4 + 4*x^2 + 8), prec = 100) sage: P = S.period_matrix() sage: Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() sage: Ts = S.tangent_representation_numerical(Rs) sage: all(((T*P - P*R).norm() < 2^(-80)) for [T, R] in zip(Ts, Rs)) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> A = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = A._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2) - (x**Integer(6) + Integer(2)*x**Integer(4) + Integer(4)*x**Integer(2) + Integer(8)), prec = Integer(100)) >>> P = S.period_matrix() >>> Rs = S.endomorphism_basis() >>> Ts = S.tangent_representation_numerical(Rs) >>> all(((T*P - P*R).norm() < Integer(2)**(-Integer(80))) for [T, R] in zip(Ts, Rs)) True
- upstairs_edges()[source]¶
Compute the edgeset of the lift of the downstairs graph onto the Riemann surface.
An edgeset between vertices (i, j), where i corresponds to the i-th point in the Voronoi diagram vertices, and j is the j-th w-value associated with that point.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 + z^3 - z^2 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f) sage: edgeset = S.upstairs_edges() sage: len(edgeset) == S.degree*len(S.downstairs_edges()) True sage: {(v[0],w[0]) for v,w in edgeset} == set(S.downstairs_edges()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) + z**Integer(3) - z**Integer(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f) >>> edgeset = S.upstairs_edges() >>> len(edgeset) == S.degree*len(S.downstairs_edges()) True >>> {(v[Integer(0)],w[Integer(0)]) for v,w in edgeset} == set(S.downstairs_edges()) True
- upstairs_graph()[source]¶
Return the graph of the upstairs edges.
This method can be useful for generating paths in the surface between points labelled by upstairs vertices, and verifying that a homology basis is likely computed correctly. See also
The homotopy-continued Voronoi decomposition as a graph, with appropriate 3D embedding.
sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: S = Curve(w^2-z^4+1).riemann_surface() sage: G = S.upstairs_graph(); G Graph on 22 vertices sage: G.genus() 1 sage: G.is_connected() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = Curve(w**Integer(2)-z**Integer(4)+Integer(1)).riemann_surface() >>> G = S.upstairs_graph(); G Graph on 22 vertices >>> G.genus() 1 >>> G.is_connected() True
- w_values(z0)[source]¶
Return the points lying on the surface above
– complex number; a point in the complex z-plane
A set of complex numbers corresponding to solutions of
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: f = w^2 - z^4 + 1 sage: S = RiemannSurface(f)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = w**Integer(2) - z**Integer(4) + Integer(1) >>> S = RiemannSurface(f)
Find the w-values above the origin, i.e. the solutions of
:sage: S.w_values(0) # abs tol 1e-14 [-1.00000000000000*I, 1.00000000000000*I]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S.w_values(Integer(0)) # abs tol 1e-14 [-1.00000000000000*I, 1.00000000000000*I]
Note that typically the method returns a list of length
, but that at ramification points, this may no longer be true:sage: S.w_values(1) # abs tol 1e-14 [0.000000000000000]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> S.w_values(Integer(1)) # abs tol 1e-14 [0.000000000000000]
- class sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.RiemannSurfaceSum(L)[source]¶
Represent the disjoint union of finitely many Riemann surfaces.
Rudimentary class to represent disjoint unions of Riemann surfaces. Exists mainly (and this is the only functionality actually implemented) to represents direct products of the complex tori that arise as analytic Jacobians of Riemann surfaces.
– list of RiemannSurface objects
sage: _.<x> = QQ[] sage: SC = HyperellipticCurve(x^6-2*x^4+3*x^2-7).riemann_surface(prec=60) sage: S1 = HyperellipticCurve(x^3-2*x^2+3*x-7).riemann_surface(prec=60) sage: S2 = HyperellipticCurve(1-2*x+3*x^2-7*x^3).riemann_surface(prec=60) sage: len(SC.homomorphism_basis(S1+S2)) 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> _ = QQ['x']; (x,) = _._first_ngens(1) >>> SC = HyperellipticCurve(x**Integer(6)-Integer(2)*x**Integer(4)+Integer(3)*x**Integer(2)-Integer(7)).riemann_surface(prec=Integer(60)) >>> S1 = HyperellipticCurve(x**Integer(3)-Integer(2)*x**Integer(2)+Integer(3)*x-Integer(7)).riemann_surface(prec=Integer(60)) >>> S2 = HyperellipticCurve(Integer(1)-Integer(2)*x+Integer(3)*x**Integer(2)-Integer(7)*x**Integer(3)).riemann_surface(prec=Integer(60)) >>> len(SC.homomorphism_basis(S1+S2)) 2
- period_matrix()[source]¶
Return the period matrix of the surface.
This is just the diagonal block matrix constructed from the period matrices of the constituents.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, RiemannSurfaceSum sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S1 = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3-x-1) sage: S2 = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3-x-5) sage: S = RiemannSurfaceSum([S1,S2]) sage: S1S2 = S1.period_matrix().block_sum(S2.period_matrix()) sage: S.period_matrix() == S1S2[[0,1],[0,2,1,3]] True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, RiemannSurfaceSum >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S1 = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)-x-Integer(1)) >>> S2 = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)-x-Integer(5)) >>> S = RiemannSurfaceSum([S1,S2]) >>> S1S2 = S1.period_matrix().block_sum(S2.period_matrix()) >>> S.period_matrix() == S1S2[[Integer(0),Integer(1)],[Integer(0),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3)]] True
- riemann_matrix()[source]¶
Return the normalized period matrix of the surface.
This is just the diagonal block matrix constructed from the Riemann matrices of the constituents.
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, RiemannSurfaceSum sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: S1 = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3-x-1) sage: S2 = RiemannSurface(y^2-x^3-x-5) sage: S = RiemannSurfaceSum([S1,S2]) sage: S.riemann_matrix() == S1.riemann_matrix().block_sum(S2.riemann_matrix()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, RiemannSurfaceSum >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S1 = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)-x-Integer(1)) >>> S2 = RiemannSurface(y**Integer(2)-x**Integer(3)-x-Integer(5)) >>> S = RiemannSurfaceSum([S1,S2]) >>> S.riemann_matrix() == S1.riemann_matrix().block_sum(S2.riemann_matrix()) True
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.bisect(L, t)[source]¶
Find position in a sorted list using bisection.
Given a list
with increasing , find the index i such that using bisection. The rest of the tuple is available for whatever use required.INPUT:
– list of tuples such that the first term of each tuple is a real number between 0 and 1. These real numbers must be increasingt
– real number between and
OUTPUT: integer i, giving the position in L where t would be in
Form a list of the desired form, and pick a real number between 0 and 1:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import bisect sage: L = [(0.0, 'a'), (0.3, 'b'), (0.7, 'c'), (0.8, 'd'), (0.9, 'e'), (1.0, 'f')] sage: t = 0.5 sage: bisect(L,t) 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import bisect >>> L = [(RealNumber('0.0'), 'a'), (RealNumber('0.3'), 'b'), (RealNumber('0.7'), 'c'), (RealNumber('0.8'), 'd'), (RealNumber('0.9'), 'e'), (RealNumber('1.0'), 'f')] >>> t = RealNumber('0.5') >>> bisect(L,t) 1
Another example which demonstrates that if t is equal to one of the t_i, it returns that index:
sage: L = [(0.0, 'a'), (0.1, 'b'), (0.45, 'c'), (0.5, 'd'), (0.65, 'e'), (1.0, 'f')] sage: t = 0.5 sage: bisect(L,t) 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = [(RealNumber('0.0'), 'a'), (RealNumber('0.1'), 'b'), (RealNumber('0.45'), 'c'), (RealNumber('0.5'), 'd'), (RealNumber('0.65'), 'e'), (RealNumber('1.0'), 'f')] >>> t = RealNumber('0.5') >>> bisect(L,t) 3
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.differential_basis_baker(f)[source]¶
Compute a differential basis for a curve that is nonsingular outside (1:0:0),(0:1:0),(0:0:1).
Baker’s theorem tells us that if a curve has its singularities at the coordinate vertices and meets some further easily tested genericity criteria, then we can read off a basis for the regular differentials from the interior of the Newton polygon spanned by the monomials. While this theorem only applies to special plane curves it is worth implementing because the analysis is relatively cheap and it applies to a lot of commonly encountered curves (e.g., curves given by a hyperelliptic model). Other advantages include that we can do the computation over any exact base ring (the alternative Singular based method for computing the adjoint ideal requires the rationals), and that we can avoid being affected by subtle bugs in the Singular code.
is returned whenf
does not describe a curve of the relevant type. Iff
is of the relevant type, but is of genus then[]
is returned (which are both False values, but they are not equal).INPUT:
– a bivariate polynomial
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import differential_basis_baker sage: R.<x,y> = QQ[] sage: f = x^3 + y^3 + x^5*y^5 sage: differential_basis_baker(f) [y^2, x*y, x*y^2, x^2, x^2*y, x^2*y^2, x^2*y^3, x^3*y^2, x^3*y^3] sage: f = y^2 - (x-3)^2*x sage: differential_basis_baker(f) is None True sage: differential_basis_baker(x^2+y^2-1) []
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import differential_basis_baker >>> R = QQ['x, y']; (x, y,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> f = x**Integer(3) + y**Integer(3) + x**Integer(5)*y**Integer(5) >>> differential_basis_baker(f) [y^2, x*y, x*y^2, x^2, x^2*y, x^2*y^2, x^2*y^3, x^3*y^2, x^3*y^3] >>> f = y**Integer(2) - (x-Integer(3))**Integer(2)*x >>> differential_basis_baker(f) is None True >>> differential_basis_baker(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)-Integer(1)) []
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.find_closest_element(item, lst)[source]¶
Return the index of the closest element of a list.
, return the index of the elementl
which minimises(item-l).abs()
. If there are multiple such elements, the first is returned.INPUT:
– value to minimize the distance to over the listlst
– list to look for closest element in
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import find_closest_element sage: i = 5 sage: l = list(range(10)) sage: i == find_closest_element(i, l) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import find_closest_element >>> i = Integer(5) >>> l = list(range(Integer(10))) >>> i == find_closest_element(i, l) True
Note that this method does no checks on the input, but will fail for inputs where the absolute value or subtraction do not make sense.
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.integer_matrix_relations(M1, M2, b=None, r=None)[source]¶
Determine integer relations between complex matrices.
Given two square matrices with complex entries of size
, respectively, numerically determine an (approximate) -basis for the matrices with integer entries of the shape such that . By considering real and imaginary parts separately we obtain equations with real coefficients in variables. We scale the coefficients by a constant and round them to integers, in order to obtain an integer system of equations. Standard application of LLL allows us to determine near solutions.The user can specify the parameter
, but by default the system will choose a based on the size of the coefficients and the precision with which they are given.INPUT:
– square complex valued matrixM2
– square complex valued matrix of same size asM1
– integer (default provided); the equation coefficients are scaled by before rounding to integersr
– integer (default:b/4
); the vectors found by LLL that satisfy the scaled equations to within are reported as solutions
A list of
integer matrices that, for large enough , , generate the -module of relevant transformations.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import integer_matrix_relations sage: M1 = M2 = matrix(CC, 2, 2, [CC(d).sqrt() for d in [2,-3,-3,-6]]) sage: T = integer_matrix_relations(M1,M2) sage: id = parent(M1)(1) sage: M1t = [id.augment(M1) * t for t in T] sage: [((m[:,:2]^(-1)*m)[:,2:]-M2).norm() < 1e-13 for m in M1t] [True, True]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import integer_matrix_relations >>> M1 = M2 = matrix(CC, Integer(2), Integer(2), [CC(d).sqrt() for d in [Integer(2),-Integer(3),-Integer(3),-Integer(6)]]) >>> T = integer_matrix_relations(M1,M2) >>> id = parent(M1)(Integer(1)) >>> M1t = [id.augment(M1) * t for t in T] >>> [((m[:,:Integer(2)]**(-Integer(1))*m)[:,Integer(2):]-M2).norm() < RealNumber('1e-13') for m in M1t] [True, True]
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.numerical_inverse(C)[source]¶
Compute numerical inverse of a matrix via LU decomposition.
– a real or complex invertible square matrix
sage: C = matrix(CC, 3, 3, [-4.5606e-31 + 1.2326e-31*I, ....: -0.21313 + 0.24166*I, ....: -3.4513e-31 + 0.16111*I, ....: -1.0175 + 9.8608e-32*I, ....: 0.30912 + 0.19962*I, ....: -4.9304e-32 + 0.39923*I, ....: 0.96793 - 3.4513e-31*I, ....: -0.091587 + 0.19276*I, ....: 3.9443e-31 + 0.38552*I]) sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import numerical_inverse sage: 3e-16 < (C^-1*C-C^0).norm() < 1e-15 True sage: (numerical_inverse(C)*C-C^0).norm() < 3e-16 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> C = matrix(CC, Integer(3), Integer(3), [-RealNumber('4.5606e-31') + RealNumber('1.2326e-31')*I, ... -RealNumber('0.21313') + RealNumber('0.24166')*I, ... -RealNumber('3.4513e-31') + RealNumber('0.16111')*I, ... -RealNumber('1.0175') + RealNumber('9.8608e-32')*I, ... RealNumber('0.30912') + RealNumber('0.19962')*I, ... -RealNumber('4.9304e-32') + RealNumber('0.39923')*I, ... RealNumber('0.96793') - RealNumber('3.4513e-31')*I, ... -RealNumber('0.091587') + RealNumber('0.19276')*I, ... RealNumber('3.9443e-31') + RealNumber('0.38552')*I]) >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import numerical_inverse >>> RealNumber('3e-16') < (C**-Integer(1)*C-C**Integer(0)).norm() < RealNumber('1e-15') True >>> (numerical_inverse(C)*C-C**Integer(0)).norm() < RealNumber('3e-16') True
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.reparameterize_differential_minpoly(minpoly, z0)[source]¶
Rewrites a minimal polynomial to write is around
.Given a minimal polynomial
, where corresponds to a differential on the surface (that is, it is represented as a rational function, and implicitly carries a factor ), we rewrite the minpoly in terms of variables s.t now .INPUT:
– a polynomial in two variables, where the first variable corresponds to the base coordinate on the Riemann surfacez0
– complex number or infinity; the point about which to reparameterize
OUTPUT: a polynomial in two variables giving the reparameterize minimal polynomial
On the curve given by
, we have differential with minimal polynomial . We can make the substitution to parameterise the differential about asHence the transformed differential should have minimal polynomial
, and we can check this:sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, reparameterize_differential_minpoly sage: R.<z,w> = QQ[] sage: S = RiemannSurface(w^2-z^3+1) sage: minpoly = S._cohomology_basis_bounding_data[1][0][2] sage: z0 = Infinity sage: reparameterize_differential_minpoly(minpoly, z0) -zbar^4*gbar^2 + zbar*gbar^2 - 1/4
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import RiemannSurface, reparameterize_differential_minpoly >>> R = QQ['z, w']; (z, w,) = R._first_ngens(2) >>> S = RiemannSurface(w**Integer(2)-z**Integer(3)+Integer(1)) >>> minpoly = S._cohomology_basis_bounding_data[Integer(1)][Integer(0)][Integer(2)] >>> z0 = Infinity >>> reparameterize_differential_minpoly(minpoly, z0) -zbar^4*gbar^2 + zbar*gbar^2 - 1/4
We can further check that reparameterising about
is the identity operation:sage: reparameterize_differential_minpoly(minpoly, 0)(*minpoly.parent().gens()) == minpoly True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> reparameterize_differential_minpoly(minpoly, Integer(0))(*minpoly.parent().gens()) == minpoly True
As part of the routine, when reparameterising about infinity, a rational function is reduced and then the numerator is taken. Over an inexact ring this is numerically unstable, and so it is advisable to only reparameterize about infinity over an exact ring.
- sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface.voronoi_ghost(cpoints, n=6, CC=Complex Double Field)[source]¶
Convert a set of complex points to a list of real tuples
, and appends n points in a big circle around them.The effect is that, with n >= 3, a Voronoi decomposition will have only finite cells around the original points. Furthermore, because the extra points are placed on a circle centered on the average of the given points, with a radius 3/2 times the largest distance between the center and the given points, these finite cells form a simply connected region.
– list of complex numbers
A list of real tuples
consisting of the original points and a set of points which surround them.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import voronoi_ghost sage: L = [1 + 1*I, 1 - 1*I, -1 + 1*I, -1 - 1*I] sage: voronoi_ghost(L) # abs tol 1e-6 [(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, -1.0), (2.121320343559643, 0.0), (1.0606601717798216, 1.8371173070873836), (-1.060660171779821, 1.8371173070873839), (-2.121320343559643, 2.59786816870648e-16), (-1.0606601717798223, -1.8371173070873832), (1.06066017177982, -1.8371173070873845)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.schemes.riemann_surfaces.riemann_surface import voronoi_ghost >>> L = [Integer(1) + Integer(1)*I, Integer(1) - Integer(1)*I, -Integer(1) + Integer(1)*I, -Integer(1) - Integer(1)*I] >>> voronoi_ghost(L) # abs tol 1e-6 [(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (-1.0, -1.0), (2.121320343559643, 0.0), (1.0606601717798216, 1.8371173070873836), (-1.060660171779821, 1.8371173070873839), (-2.121320343559643, 2.59786816870648e-16), (-1.0606601717798223, -1.8371173070873832), (1.06066017177982, -1.8371173070873845)]