Discrete subgroups of \(\ZZ^n\)#
Martin Albrecht (2014-03): initial version
Jan Pöschko (2012-08): some code in this module was taken from Jan Pöschko’s 2012 GSoC project
- class sage.modules.free_module_integer.FreeModule_submodule_with_basis_integer(ambient, basis, check=True, echelonize=False, echelonized_basis=None, already_echelonized=False, lll_reduce=True)[source]#
This class represents submodules of \(\ZZ^n\) with a distinguished basis.
However, most functionality in excess of standard submodules over PID is for these submodules considered as discrete subgroups of \(\ZZ^n\), i.e. as lattices. That is, this class provides functions for computing LLL and BKZ reduced bases for this free module with respect to the standard Euclidean norm.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice(sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=10, ....: seed=1337, dual=True)); L Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1] sage: L.shortest_vector() (-1, 1, 2, -2, 0, 1, 0, -1, 2, 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice(sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=Integer(10), ... seed=Integer(1337), dual=True)); L Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1] >>> L.shortest_vector() (-1, 1, 2, -2, 0, 1, 0, -1, 2, 1)
- BKZ(*args, **kwds)[source]#
Return a Block Korkine-Zolotareff reduced basis for
– passed through tosage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense.BKZ()
– passed through tosage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense.BKZ()
An integer matrix which is a BKZ-reduced basis for this lattice.
sage: # needs sage.libs.linbox (o/w timeout) sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=60, q=2^60, seed=42) sage: L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) sage: min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 4.17330740711759e15 sage: L.LLL() 60 x 60 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) sage: min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 5.19615242270663 sage: L.BKZ(block_size=10) 60 x 60 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) sage: min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 4.12310562561766
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.libs.linbox (o/w timeout) >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=Integer(1), m=Integer(60), q=Integer(2)**Integer(60), seed=Integer(42)) >>> L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) >>> min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 4.17330740711759e15 >>> L.LLL() 60 x 60 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) >>> min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 5.19615242270663 >>> L.BKZ(block_size=Integer(10)) 60 x 60 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) >>> min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) 4.12310562561766
block_size == L.rank()
is this lattice, then this function performs Hermite-Korkine-Zolotareff (HKZ) reduction.
- HKZ(*args, **kwds)[source]#
Hermite-Korkine-Zolotarev (HKZ) reduce the basis.
A basis \(B\) of a lattice \(L\), with orthogonalized basis \(B^*\) such that \(B = M \cdot B^*\) is HKZ reduced, if and only if, the following properties are satisfied:
The basis \(B\) is size-reduced, i.e., all off-diagonal coefficients of \(M\) satisfy \(|\mu_{i,j}| \leq 1/2\)
The vector \(b_1\) realizes the first minimum \(\lambda_1(L)\).
The projection of the vectors \(b_2, \ldots,b_r\) orthogonally to \(b_1\) form an HKZ reduced basis.
This is realized by calling
withblock_size == self.rank()
An integer matrix which is a HKZ-reduced basis for this lattice.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=40, q=2^60, seed=1337, lattice=True) sage: L.HKZ() 40 x 40 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) sage: L.reduced_basis[0] (0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=Integer(1), m=Integer(40), q=Integer(2)**Integer(60), seed=Integer(1337), lattice=True) >>> L.HKZ() 40 x 40 dense matrix over Integer Ring (use the '.str()' method to see the entries) >>> L.reduced_basis[Integer(0)] (0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -2)
- LLL(*args, **kwds)[source]#
Return an LLL reduced basis for
.A lattice basis \((b_1, b_2, ..., b_d)\) is \((\delta, \eta)\)-LLL-reduced if the two following conditions hold:
For any \(i > j\), we have \(\lvert \mu_{i, j} \rvert \leq \eta\).
For any \(i < d\), we have \(\delta \lvert b_i^* \rvert^2 \leq \lvert b_{i+1}^* + \mu_{i+1, i} b_i^* \rvert^2\),
where \(\mu_{i,j} = \langle b_i, b_j^* \rangle / \langle b_j^*,b_j^* \rangle\) and \(b_i^*\) is the \(i\)-th vector of the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalisation of \((b_1, b_2, \ldots, b_d)\).
The default reduction parameters are \(\delta = 0.99\) and \(\eta = 0.501\).
The parameters \(\delta\) and \(\eta\) must satisfy: \(0.25 < \delta \leq 1.0\) and \(0.5 \leq \eta < \sqrt{\delta}\). Polynomial time complexity is only guaranteed for \(\delta < 1\). Not every algorithm admits the case \(\delta = 1\).
– passed through tosage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense.LLL()
– passed through tosage.matrix.matrix_integer_dense.Matrix_integer_dense.LLL()
An integer matrix which is an LLL-reduced basis for this lattice.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: A = random_matrix(ZZ, 10, 10, x=-2000, y=2000) sage: while A.rank() < 10: ....: A = random_matrix(ZZ, 10, 10) sage: L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False); L Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: ... sage: L.reduced_basis == A True sage: old = L.reduced_basis[0].norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic sage: _ = L.LLL() sage: new = L.reduced_basis[0].norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic sage: new <= old # needs sage.symbolic True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> A = random_matrix(ZZ, Integer(10), Integer(10), x=-Integer(2000), y=Integer(2000)) >>> while A.rank() < Integer(10): ... A = random_matrix(ZZ, Integer(10), Integer(10)) >>> L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False); L Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: ... >>> L.reduced_basis == A True >>> old = L.reduced_basis[Integer(0)].norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic >>> _ = L.LLL() >>> new = L.reduced_basis[Integer(0)].norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic >>> new <= old # needs sage.symbolic True
- approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Compute a vector \(w\) such that
\[|t-w|<(\frac{1}{\delta-\frac{1}{4}})^{d/2}|t-u|\]where \(u\) is the closest lattice point to \(t\), \(\delta\) is the LLL reduction parameter, and \(d\) is the dimension of the lattice.
This will check whether the basis is already \(\delta\)-LLL-reduced and otherwise it will run LLL to make sure that it is. For more information about
– the target vector to compute a close vector todelta
– (default:0.99
) the LLL reduction parameter*args
– passed through toLLL()
– passed through toLLL()
The vector \(w\) described above.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector((-6, 5/3)) (-6, 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(1), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(1)]]) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector((-Integer(6), Integer(5)/Integer(3))) (-6, 2)
The quality of the approximation depends on
:sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[101, 0, 0, 0], [0, 101, 0, 0], ....: [0, 0, 101, 0], [-28, 39, 45, 1]], lll_reduce=False) sage: t = vector([1337]*4) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=0.26) (1348, 1340, 1383, 1337) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=0.99) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345) sage: L.closest_vector(t) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(101), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(101), Integer(0), Integer(0)], ... [Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(101), Integer(0)], [-Integer(28), Integer(39), Integer(45), Integer(1)]], lll_reduce=False) >>> t = vector([Integer(1337)]*Integer(4)) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=RealNumber('0.26')) (1348, 1340, 1383, 1337) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=RealNumber('0.99')) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345) >>> L.closest_vector(t) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345)
Uses the algorithm from [Bab86].
- babai(t, delta=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Compute a vector \(w\) such that
\[|t-w|<(\frac{1}{\delta-\frac{1}{4}})^{d/2}|t-u|\]where \(u\) is the closest lattice point to \(t\), \(\delta\) is the LLL reduction parameter, and \(d\) is the dimension of the lattice.
This will check whether the basis is already \(\delta\)-LLL-reduced and otherwise it will run LLL to make sure that it is. For more information about
– the target vector to compute a close vector todelta
– (default:0.99
) the LLL reduction parameter*args
– passed through toLLL()
– passed through toLLL()
The vector \(w\) described above.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector((-6, 5/3)) (-6, 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(1), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(1)]]) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector((-Integer(6), Integer(5)/Integer(3))) (-6, 2)
The quality of the approximation depends on
:sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[101, 0, 0, 0], [0, 101, 0, 0], ....: [0, 0, 101, 0], [-28, 39, 45, 1]], lll_reduce=False) sage: t = vector([1337]*4) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=0.26) (1348, 1340, 1383, 1337) sage: L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=0.99) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345) sage: L.closest_vector(t) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(101), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(101), Integer(0), Integer(0)], ... [Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(101), Integer(0)], [-Integer(28), Integer(39), Integer(45), Integer(1)]], lll_reduce=False) >>> t = vector([Integer(1337)]*Integer(4)) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=RealNumber('0.26')) (1348, 1340, 1383, 1337) >>> L.approximate_closest_vector(t, delta=RealNumber('0.99')) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345) >>> L.closest_vector(t) (1326, 1349, 1339, 1345)
Uses the algorithm from [Bab86].
- closest_vector(t)[source]#
Compute the closest vector in the embedded lattice to a given vector.
– the target vector to compute the closest vector to
The vector in the lattice closest to
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sage: L.closest_vector((-6, 5/3)) (-6, 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(1), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(1)]]) >>> L.closest_vector((-Integer(6), Integer(5)/Integer(3))) (-6, 2)
Uses the algorithm from [MV2010].
- discriminant()[source]#
Return \(|\det(G)|\), i.e. the absolute value of the determinant of the Gram matrix \(B \cdot B^T\) for any basis \(B\).
An integer.
sage: L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, seed=1337, lattice=True) sage: L.discriminant() 214358881
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=Integer(10), seed=Integer(1337), lattice=True) >>> L.discriminant() 214358881
- is_unimodular()[source]#
if this lattice is unimodular.OUTPUT:
A boolean.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sage: L.is_unimodular() True sage: IntegerLattice([[2, 0], [0, 3]]).is_unimodular() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(1), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(1)]]) >>> L.is_unimodular() True >>> IntegerLattice([[Integer(2), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(3)]]).is_unimodular() False
- property reduced_basis#
This attribute caches the currently best known reduced basis for
, where “best” is defined by the Euclidean norm of the first row vector.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: M = random_matrix(ZZ, 10, 10) sage: while M.rank() < 10: ....: M = random_matrix(ZZ, 10, 10) sage: L = IntegerLattice(M, lll_reduce=False) sage: L.reduced_basis == M True sage: LLL = L.LLL() sage: LLL == L.reduced_basis or bool(LLL[0].norm() >= M[0].norm()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> M = random_matrix(ZZ, Integer(10), Integer(10)) >>> while M.rank() < Integer(10): ... M = random_matrix(ZZ, Integer(10), Integer(10)) >>> L = IntegerLattice(M, lll_reduce=False) >>> L.reduced_basis == M True >>> LLL = L.LLL() >>> LLL == L.reduced_basis or bool(LLL[Integer(0)].norm() >= M[Integer(0)].norm()) True
- shortest_vector(update_reduced_basis=True, algorithm='fplll', *args, **kwds)[source]#
Return a shortest vector.
– (default:True
) set this flag if the found vector should be used to improve the basisalgorithm
– (default:"fplll"
) either"fplll"
– passed through to underlying implementation**kwds
– passed through to underlying implementation
A shortest non-zero vector for this lattice.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=30, q=2^40, seed=42) sage: L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) sage: min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) # needs sage.symbolic 6.03890756700000e10 sage: L.shortest_vector().norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394 sage: L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) sage: min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) # needs sage.symbolic 6.03890756700000e10 sage: L.shortest_vector(algorithm="pari").norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394 sage: L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=True) sage: L.shortest_vector(algorithm="pari").norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=Integer(1), m=Integer(30), q=Integer(2)**Integer(40), seed=Integer(42)) >>> L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) >>> min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) # needs sage.symbolic 6.03890756700000e10 >>> L.shortest_vector().norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394 >>> L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) >>> min(v.norm().n() for v in L.reduced_basis) # needs sage.symbolic 6.03890756700000e10 >>> L.shortest_vector(algorithm="pari").norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394 >>> L = IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=True) >>> L.shortest_vector(algorithm="pari").norm().n() # needs sage.symbolic 3.74165738677394
- update_reduced_basis(w)[source]#
Inject the vector
and run LLL to update the basis.INPUT:
– a vector
Nothing is returned but the internal state is modified.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=1, m=30, q=2^40, seed=42) sage: L = IntegerLattice(A) sage: B = L.reduced_basis sage: v = L.shortest_vector(update_reduced_basis=False) sage: L.update_reduced_basis(v) sage: bool(L.reduced_basis[0].norm() < B[0].norm()) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='random', n=Integer(1), m=Integer(30), q=Integer(2)**Integer(40), seed=Integer(42)) >>> L = IntegerLattice(A) >>> B = L.reduced_basis >>> v = L.shortest_vector(update_reduced_basis=False) >>> L.update_reduced_basis(v) >>> bool(L.reduced_basis[Integer(0)].norm() < B[Integer(0)].norm()) True
- volume()[source]#
Return \(vol(L)\) which is \(\sqrt{\det(B \cdot B^T)}\) for any basis \(B\).
An integer.
sage: L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=10, seed=1337, lattice=True) sage: L.volume() 14641
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(m=Integer(10), seed=Integer(1337), lattice=True) >>> L.volume() 14641
- voronoi_cell(radius=None)[source]#
Compute the Voronoi cell of a lattice, returning a Polyhedron.
– (default: automatic determination) radius of ball containing considered vertices
The Voronoi cell as a Polyhedron instance.
The result is cached so that subsequent calls to this function return instantly.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) sage: V = L.voronoi_cell() sage: V.Vrepresentation() (A vertex at (1/2, -1/2), A vertex at (1/2, 1/2), A vertex at (-1/2, 1/2), A vertex at (-1/2, -1/2))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(1), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(1)]]) >>> V = L.voronoi_cell() >>> V.Vrepresentation() (A vertex at (1/2, -1/2), A vertex at (1/2, 1/2), A vertex at (-1/2, 1/2), A vertex at (-1/2, -1/2))
The volume of the Voronoi cell is the square root of the discriminant of the lattice:
sage: L = IntegerLattice(Matrix(ZZ, 4, 4, [[0,0,1,-1], [1,-1,2,1], ....: [-6,0,3,3,], [-6,-24,-6,-5]])); L Free module of degree 4 and rank 4 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ 0 0 1 -1] [ 1 -1 2 1] [ -6 0 3 3] [ -6 -24 -6 -5] sage: V = L.voronoi_cell() # long time sage: V.volume() # long time 678 sage: sqrt(L.discriminant()) 678
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = IntegerLattice(Matrix(ZZ, Integer(4), Integer(4), [[Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),-Integer(1)], [Integer(1),-Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1)], ... [-Integer(6),Integer(0),Integer(3),Integer(3),], [-Integer(6),-Integer(24),-Integer(6),-Integer(5)]])); L Free module of degree 4 and rank 4 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ 0 0 1 -1] [ 1 -1 2 1] [ -6 0 3 3] [ -6 -24 -6 -5] >>> V = L.voronoi_cell() # long time >>> V.volume() # long time 678 >>> sqrt(L.discriminant()) 678
Lattices not having full dimension are handled as well:
sage: L = IntegerLattice([[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0]]) sage: V = L.voronoi_cell() sage: V.Hrepresentation() (An inequality (-1, 0, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (0, -1, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (1, 0, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (0, 1, 0) x + 1 >= 0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(2), Integer(0), Integer(0)], [Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(0)]]) >>> V = L.voronoi_cell() >>> V.Hrepresentation() (An inequality (-1, 0, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (0, -1, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (1, 0, 0) x + 1 >= 0, An inequality (0, 1, 0) x + 1 >= 0)
Uses parts of the algorithm from [VB1996].
- voronoi_relevant_vectors()[source]#
Compute the embedded vectors inducing the Voronoi cell.
The list of Voronoi relevant vectors.
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: L = IntegerLattice([[3, 0], [4, 0]]) sage: L.voronoi_relevant_vectors() [(-1, 0), (1, 0)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> L = IntegerLattice([[Integer(3), Integer(0)], [Integer(4), Integer(0)]]) >>> L.voronoi_relevant_vectors() [(-1, 0), (1, 0)]
- sage.modules.free_module_integer.IntegerLattice(basis, lll_reduce=True)[source]#
Construct a new integer lattice from
– can be one of the following:a list of vectors
a matrix over the integers
an element of an absolute order
– (default:True
) run LLL reduction on the basis on construction.
We construct a lattice from a list of rows:
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: IntegerLattice([[1,0,3], [0,2,1], [0,2,7]]) Free module of degree 3 and rank 3 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-2 0 0] [ 0 2 1] [ 1 -2 2]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> IntegerLattice([[Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(3)], [Integer(0),Integer(2),Integer(1)], [Integer(0),Integer(2),Integer(7)]]) Free module of degree 3 and rank 3 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-2 0 0] [ 0 2 1] [ 1 -2 2]
Sage includes a generator for hard lattices from cryptography:
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=10, seed=1337, dual=True) sage: IntegerLattice(A) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> A = sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=Integer(10), seed=Integer(1337), dual=True) >>> IntegerLattice(A) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1]
You can also construct the lattice directly:
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=10, seed=1337, dual=True, lattice=True) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> sage.crypto.gen_lattice(type='modular', m=Integer(10), seed=Integer(1337), dual=True, lattice=True) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [-1 1 2 -2 0 1 0 -1 2 1] [ 1 0 0 -1 -2 1 -2 3 -1 0] [ 1 2 0 2 -1 1 -2 2 2 0] [ 1 0 -1 0 2 3 0 0 -1 -2] [ 1 -3 0 0 2 1 -2 -1 0 0] [-3 0 -1 0 -1 2 -2 0 0 2] [ 0 0 0 1 0 2 -3 -3 -2 -1] [ 0 -1 -4 -1 -1 1 2 -1 0 1] [ 1 1 -2 1 1 2 1 1 -2 3] [ 2 -1 1 2 -3 2 2 1 0 1]
We construct an ideal lattice from an element of an absolute order:
sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field sage: K.<a> = CyclotomicField(17) sage: O = K.ring_of_integers() sage: f = O(-a^15 + a^13 + 4*a^12 - 12*a^11 - 256*a^10 + a^9 - a^7 ....: - 4*a^6 + a^5 + 210*a^4 + 2*a^3 - 2*a^2 + 2*a - 2) sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: IntegerLattice(f) Free module of degree 16 and rank 16 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ -2 2 -2 2 210 1 -4 -1 0 1 -256 -12 4 1 0 -1] [ 33 48 44 48 256 -209 28 51 45 49 -1 35 44 48 44 48] [ 1 -1 3 -1 3 211 2 -3 0 1 2 -255 -11 5 2 1] [-223 34 50 47 258 0 29 45 46 47 2 -11 33 48 44 48] [ -13 31 46 42 46 -2 -225 32 48 45 256 -2 27 43 44 45] [ -16 33 42 46 254 1 -19 32 44 45 0 -13 -225 32 48 45] [ -15 -223 30 50 255 1 -20 32 42 47 -2 -11 -15 33 44 44] [ -11 -11 33 48 256 3 -17 -222 32 53 1 -9 -14 35 44 48] [ -12 -13 32 45 257 0 -16 -13 32 48 -1 -10 -14 -222 31 51] [ -9 -13 -221 32 52 1 -11 -12 33 46 258 1 -15 -12 33 49] [ -5 -2 -1 0 -257 -13 3 0 -1 -2 -1 -3 1 -3 1 209] [ -15 -11 -15 33 256 -1 -17 -14 -225 33 4 -12 -13 -14 31 44] [ 11 11 11 11 -245 -3 17 10 13 220 12 5 12 9 14 -35] [ -18 -15 -20 29 250 -3 -23 -16 -19 30 -4 -17 -17 -17 -229 28] [ -15 -11 -15 -223 242 5 -18 -12 -16 34 -2 -11 -15 -11 -15 33] [ 378 120 92 147 152 462 136 96 99 144 -52 412 133 91 -107 138]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.number_field >>> K = CyclotomicField(Integer(17), names=('a',)); (a,) = K._first_ngens(1) >>> O = K.ring_of_integers() >>> f = O(-a**Integer(15) + a**Integer(13) + Integer(4)*a**Integer(12) - Integer(12)*a**Integer(11) - Integer(256)*a**Integer(10) + a**Integer(9) - a**Integer(7) ... - Integer(4)*a**Integer(6) + a**Integer(5) + Integer(210)*a**Integer(4) + Integer(2)*a**Integer(3) - Integer(2)*a**Integer(2) + Integer(2)*a - Integer(2)) >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> IntegerLattice(f) Free module of degree 16 and rank 16 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ -2 2 -2 2 210 1 -4 -1 0 1 -256 -12 4 1 0 -1] [ 33 48 44 48 256 -209 28 51 45 49 -1 35 44 48 44 48] [ 1 -1 3 -1 3 211 2 -3 0 1 2 -255 -11 5 2 1] [-223 34 50 47 258 0 29 45 46 47 2 -11 33 48 44 48] [ -13 31 46 42 46 -2 -225 32 48 45 256 -2 27 43 44 45] [ -16 33 42 46 254 1 -19 32 44 45 0 -13 -225 32 48 45] [ -15 -223 30 50 255 1 -20 32 42 47 -2 -11 -15 33 44 44] [ -11 -11 33 48 256 3 -17 -222 32 53 1 -9 -14 35 44 48] [ -12 -13 32 45 257 0 -16 -13 32 48 -1 -10 -14 -222 31 51] [ -9 -13 -221 32 52 1 -11 -12 33 46 258 1 -15 -12 33 49] [ -5 -2 -1 0 -257 -13 3 0 -1 -2 -1 -3 1 -3 1 209] [ -15 -11 -15 33 256 -1 -17 -14 -225 33 4 -12 -13 -14 31 44] [ 11 11 11 11 -245 -3 17 10 13 220 12 5 12 9 14 -35] [ -18 -15 -20 29 250 -3 -23 -16 -19 30 -4 -17 -17 -17 -229 28] [ -15 -11 -15 -223 242 5 -18 -12 -16 34 -2 -11 -15 -11 -15 33] [ 378 120 92 147 152 462 136 96 99 144 -52 412 133 91 -107 138]
We construct \(\ZZ^n\):
sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: IntegerLattice(ZZ^10) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> IntegerLattice(ZZ**Integer(10)) Free module of degree 10 and rank 10 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]
Sage also interfaces with fpylll’s lattice generator:
sage: # needs fpylll sage: from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice sage: from fpylll import IntegerMatrix sage: A = IntegerMatrix.random(8, "simdioph", bits=20, bits2=10) sage: A = A.to_matrix(matrix(ZZ, 8, 8)) sage: IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) Free module of degree 8 and rank 8 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ 1024 829556 161099 11567 521155 769480 639201 689979] [ 0 1048576 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 1048576 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 1048576 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 1048576 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 1048576 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048576 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048576]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs fpylll >>> from sage.modules.free_module_integer import IntegerLattice >>> from fpylll import IntegerMatrix >>> A = IntegerMatrix.random(Integer(8), "simdioph", bits=Integer(20), bits2=Integer(10)) >>> A = A.to_matrix(matrix(ZZ, Integer(8), Integer(8))) >>> IntegerLattice(A, lll_reduce=False) Free module of degree 8 and rank 8 over Integer Ring User basis matrix: [ 1024 829556 161099 11567 521155 769480 639201 689979] [ 0 1048576 0 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 1048576 0 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 1048576 0 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 1048576 0 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 1048576 0 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048576 0] [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1048576]