Constructions of quadratic forms

sage.quadratic_forms.constructions.BezoutianQuadraticForm(f, g)[source]

Compute the Bezoutian of two polynomials defined over a common base ring. This is defined by

\[{\rm Bez}(f, g) := \frac{f(x) g(y) - f(y) g(x)}{y - x}\]

and has size defined by the maximum of the degrees of \(f\) and \(g\).


  • f, g – polynomials in \(R[x]\), for some ring \(R\)

OUTPUT: a quadratic form over \(R\)


sage: R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
sage: f = R([1,2,3])
sage: g = R([2,5])
sage: Q = BezoutianQuadraticForm(f, g); Q                                       # needs sage.libs.singular
Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
[ 1 -12 ]
[ * -15 ]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
>>> f = R([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)])
>>> g = R([Integer(2),Integer(5)])
>>> Q = BezoutianQuadraticForm(f, g); Q                                       # needs sage.libs.singular
Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
[ 1 -12 ]
[ * -15 ]


  • Fernando Rodriguez-Villegas, Jonathan Hanke – added on 11/9/2008

sage.quadratic_forms.constructions.HyperbolicPlane_quadratic_form(R, r=1)[source]

Construct the direct sum of \(r\) copies of the quadratic form \(xy\) representing a hyperbolic plane defined over the base ring \(R\).


  • R – a ring

  • n – integer (default: 1); number of copies


sage: HyperbolicPlane_quadratic_form(ZZ)
Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
[ 0 1 ]
[ * 0 ]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> HyperbolicPlane_quadratic_form(ZZ)
Quadratic form in 2 variables over Integer Ring with coefficients:
[ 0 1 ]
[ * 0 ]