Pexpect interface to Maxima¶
Maxima is a free GPL’d general purpose computer algebra system whose development started in 1968 at MIT. It contains symbolic manipulation algorithms, as well as implementations of special functions, including elliptic functions and generalized hypergeometric functions. Moreover, Maxima has implementations of many functions relating to the invariant theory of the symmetric group \(S_n\). (However, the commands for group invariants, and the corresponding Maxima documentation, are in French.) For many links to Maxima documentation see
William Stein (2005-12): Initial version
David Joyner: Improved documentation
William Stein (2006-01-08): Fixed bug in parsing
William Stein (2006-02-22): comparisons (following suggestion of David Joyner)
William Stein (2006-02-24): greatly improved robustness by adding sequence numbers to IO bracketing in _eval_line
Robert Bradshaw, Nils Bruin, Jean-Pierre Flori (2010,2011): Binary library interface
This is the interface used by the maxima object:
sage: type(maxima)
<class 'sage.interfaces.maxima.Maxima'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> type(maxima)
<class 'sage.interfaces.maxima.Maxima'>
If the string “error” (case insensitive) occurs in the output of
anything from Maxima, a RuntimeError
exception is raised.
EXAMPLES: We evaluate a very simple expression in Maxima.
sage: maxima('3 * 5')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('3 * 5')
We factor \(x^5 - y^5\) in Maxima in several different ways. The first way yields a Maxima object.
sage: x,y = SR.var('x,y')
sage: F = maxima.factor('x^5 - y^5')
sage: F # not tested - depends on maxima version
sage: actual = F.sage()
sage: expected = -(y-x)*(y^4+x*y^3+x^2*y^2+x^3*y+x^4)
sage: bool(actual == expected)
sage: type(F)
<class 'sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> x,y = SR.var('x,y')
>>> F = maxima.factor('x^5 - y^5')
>>> F # not tested - depends on maxima version
>>> actual = F.sage()
>>> expected = -(y-x)*(y**Integer(4)+x*y**Integer(3)+x**Integer(2)*y**Integer(2)+x**Integer(3)*y+x**Integer(4))
>>> bool(actual == expected)
>>> type(F)
<class 'sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement'>
Note that Maxima objects can also be displayed using “ASCII art”;
to see a normal linear representation of any Maxima object x. Just
use the print command: use str(x)
sage: print(F)
4 3 2 2 3 4
- (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> print(F)
4 3 2 2 3 4
- (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
You can always use repr(x)
to obtain the linear
representation of an object. This can be useful for moving maxima
data to other systems.
sage: F = maxima('x * y')
sage: repr(F)
sage: F.str()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> F = maxima('x * y')
>>> repr(F)
>>> F.str()
The maxima.eval
command evaluates an expression in
maxima and returns the result as a string not a maxima object.
sage: print(maxima.eval('factor(x^5 - 1)'))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> print(maxima.eval('factor(x^5 - 1)'))
We can create the polynomial \(f\) as a Maxima polynomial,
then call the factor method on it. Notice that the notation
is consistent with how the rest of Sage
sage: f = maxima('x^5 + y^5')
sage: f^2
sage: f.factor()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima('x^5 + y^5')
>>> f**Integer(2)
>>> f.factor()
Control-C interruption works well with the maxima interface, because of the excellent implementation of maxima. For example, try the following sum but with a much bigger range, and hit control-C.
sage: maxima('sum(1/x^2, x, 1, 10)')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('sum(1/x^2, x, 1, 10)')
We follow the tutorial at
sage: maxima('1/100 + 1/101')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('1/100 + 1/101')
sage: a = maxima('(1 + sqrt(2))^5'); a
sage: a.expand()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> a = maxima('(1 + sqrt(2))^5'); a
>>> a.expand()
sage: a = maxima('(1 + sqrt(2))^5')
sage: float(a)
sage: a.numer()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> a = maxima('(1 + sqrt(2))^5')
>>> float(a)
>>> a.numer()
sage: maxima.eval('fpprec : 100')
sage: a.bfloat()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima.eval('fpprec : 100')
>>> a.bfloat()
sage: maxima('100!')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('100!')
sage: f = maxima('(x + 3*y + x^2*y)^3')
sage: f.expand()
x^6*y^3+9*x^4*y^3+27*x^2*y^3+27*y^3+3*x^5*y^2+18*x^3*y^2+27*x*y^2 +3*x^4*y+9*x^2*y+x^3
sage: f.subst('x=5/z')
sage: g = f.subst('x=5/z')
sage: h = g.ratsimp(); h
(27*y^3*z^6+135*y^2*z^5+(675*y^3+225*y)*z^4+(2250*y^2+125)*z^3 +(5625*y^3+1875*y)*z^2+9375*y^2*z+15625*y^3) /z^6
sage: h.factor()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima('(x + 3*y + x^2*y)^3')
>>> f.expand()
x^6*y^3+9*x^4*y^3+27*x^2*y^3+27*y^3+3*x^5*y^2+18*x^3*y^2+27*x*y^2 +3*x^4*y+9*x^2*y+x^3
>>> f.subst('x=5/z')
>>> g = f.subst('x=5/z')
>>> h = g.ratsimp(); h
(27*y^3*z^6+135*y^2*z^5+(675*y^3+225*y)*z^4+(2250*y^2+125)*z^3 +(5625*y^3+1875*y)*z^2+9375*y^2*z+15625*y^3) /z^6
>>> h.factor()
sage: eqn = maxima(['a+b*c=1', 'b-a*c=0', 'a+b=5'])
sage: s = eqn.solve('[a,b,c]'); s
[[a = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-11)/4...,b = (sqrt(79)*%i+9)/4, c = (sqrt(79)*%i+1)/10], [a = (sqrt(79)*%i+11)/4,b = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-9)/4..., c = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-1)/10...]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eqn = maxima(['a+b*c=1', 'b-a*c=0', 'a+b=5'])
>>> s = eqn.solve('[a,b,c]'); s
[[a = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-11)/4...,b = (sqrt(79)*%i+9)/4, c = (sqrt(79)*%i+1)/10], [a = (sqrt(79)*%i+11)/4,b = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-9)/4..., c = -...(sqrt(79)*%i-1)/10...]]
Here is an example of solving an algebraic equation:
sage: maxima('x^2+y^2=1').solve('y')
[y = -sqrt(1-x^2),y = sqrt(1-x^2)]
sage: maxima('x^2 + y^2 = (x^2 - y^2)/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)').solve('y')
[y = -sqrt((...-y^2...-x^2)*sqrt(y^2+x^2)+x^2), y = sqrt((...-y^2...-x^2)*sqrt(y^2+x^2)+x^2)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('x^2+y^2=1').solve('y')
[y = -sqrt(1-x^2),y = sqrt(1-x^2)]
>>> maxima('x^2 + y^2 = (x^2 - y^2)/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)').solve('y')
[y = -sqrt((...-y^2...-x^2)*sqrt(y^2+x^2)+x^2), y = sqrt((...-y^2...-x^2)*sqrt(y^2+x^2)+x^2)]
You can even nicely typeset the solution in latex:
sage: latex(s)
\left[ \left[ a=-...{{\sqrt{79}\,i-11}\over{4}}... , b={{...\sqrt{79}\,i+9...}\over{4}} , c={{\sqrt{79}\,i+1}\over{10}} \right] , \left[ a={{...\sqrt{79}\,i+11}\over{4}} , b=-...{{\sqrt{79}\,i-9...}\over{4}}... , c=-...{{...\sqrt{79}\,i-1}\over{10}}... \right] \right]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> latex(s)
\left[ \left[ a=-...{{\sqrt{79}\,i-11}\over{4}}... , b={{...\sqrt{79}\,i+9...}\over{4}} , c={{\sqrt{79}\,i+1}\over{10}} \right] , \left[ a={{...\sqrt{79}\,i+11}\over{4}} , b=-...{{\sqrt{79}\,i-9...}\over{4}}... , c=-...{{...\sqrt{79}\,i-1}\over{10}}... \right] \right]
To have the above appear onscreen via xdvi
, type
. (TODO: For OS X should create pdf output
and use preview instead?)
sage: e = maxima('sin(u + v) * cos(u)^3'); e
sage: f = e.trigexpand(); f
sage: f.trigreduce()
sage: w = maxima('3 + k*%i')
sage: f = w^2 + maxima('%e')^w
sage: f.realpart()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> e = maxima('sin(u + v) * cos(u)^3'); e
>>> f = e.trigexpand(); f
>>> f.trigreduce()
>>> w = maxima('3 + k*%i')
>>> f = w**Integer(2) + maxima('%e')**w
>>> f.realpart()
sage: f = maxima('x^3 * %e^(k*x) * sin(w*x)'); f
sage: f.diff('x')
k*x^3*%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x)+3*x^2*%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x)+w*x^3*%e^(k*x) *cos(w*x)
sage: f.integrate('x')
(((k*w^6+3*k^3*w^4+3*k^5*w^2+k^7)*x^3 +(3*w^6+3*k^2*w^4-3*k^4*w^2-3*k^6)*x^2+(...-...18*k*w^4)-12*k^3*w^2+6*k^5)*x-6*w^4 +36*k^2*w^2-6*k^4) *%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x) +((...-w^7...-3*k^2*w^5-3*k^4*w^3-k^6*w)*x^3...+(6*k*w^5+12*k^3*w^3+6*k^5*w)*x^2...+(6*w^5-12*k^2*w^3-18*k^4*w)*x-24*k*w^3 +24*k^3*w) *%e^(k*x)*cos(w*x)) /(w^8+4*k^2*w^6+6*k^4*w^4+4*k^6*w^2+k^8)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima('x^3 * %e^(k*x) * sin(w*x)'); f
>>> f.diff('x')
k*x^3*%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x)+3*x^2*%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x)+w*x^3*%e^(k*x) *cos(w*x)
>>> f.integrate('x')
(((k*w^6+3*k^3*w^4+3*k^5*w^2+k^7)*x^3 +(3*w^6+3*k^2*w^4-3*k^4*w^2-3*k^6)*x^2+(...-...18*k*w^4)-12*k^3*w^2+6*k^5)*x-6*w^4 +36*k^2*w^2-6*k^4) *%e^(k*x)*sin(w*x) +((...-w^7...-3*k^2*w^5-3*k^4*w^3-k^6*w)*x^3...+(6*k*w^5+12*k^3*w^3+6*k^5*w)*x^2...+(6*w^5-12*k^2*w^3-18*k^4*w)*x-24*k*w^3 +24*k^3*w) *%e^(k*x)*cos(w*x)) /(w^8+4*k^2*w^6+6*k^4*w^4+4*k^6*w^2+k^8)
sage: f = maxima('1/x^2')
sage: f.integrate('x', 1, 'inf')
sage: g = maxima('f/sinh(k*x)^4')
sage: g.taylor('x', 0, 3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima('1/x^2')
>>> f.integrate('x', Integer(1), 'inf')
>>> g = maxima('f/sinh(k*x)^4')
>>> g.taylor('x', Integer(0), Integer(3))
sage: maxima.taylor('asin(x)','x',0, 10)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima.taylor('asin(x)','x',Integer(0), Integer(10))
Examples involving matrices¶
We illustrate computing with the matrix whose \(i,j\) entry is \(i/j\), for \(i,j=1,\ldots,4\).
sage: f = maxima.eval('f[i,j] := i/j')
sage: A = maxima('genmatrix(f,4,4)'); A
sage: A.determinant()
sage: A.echelon()
sage: A.eigenvalues()
sage: A.eigenvectors()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima.eval('f[i,j] := i/j')
>>> A = maxima('genmatrix(f,4,4)'); A
>>> A.determinant()
>>> A.echelon()
>>> A.eigenvalues()
>>> A.eigenvectors()
We can also compute the echelon form in Sage:
sage: B = matrix(QQ, A)
sage: B.echelon_form()
[ 1 1/2 1/3 1/4]
[ 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0]
sage: B.charpoly('x').factor()
(x - 4) * x^3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B = matrix(QQ, A)
>>> B.echelon_form()
[ 1 1/2 1/3 1/4]
[ 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0]
[ 0 0 0 0]
>>> B.charpoly('x').factor()
(x - 4) * x^3
Laplace Transforms¶
We illustrate Laplace transforms:
sage: _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := t*sin(t)")
sage: maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := t*sin(t)")
>>> maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
sage: maxima("laplace(delta(t-3),t,s)") #Dirac delta function
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima("laplace(delta(t-3),t,s)") #Dirac delta function
sage: _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := exp(t)*sin(t)")
sage: maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := exp(t)*sin(t)")
>>> maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
sage: _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := t^5*exp(t)*sin(t)")
sage: maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
(360*(2*s-2))/(s^2-2*s+2)^4-(480*(2*s-2)^3)/(s^2-2*s+2)^5 +(120*(2*s-2)^5)/(s^2-2*s+2)^6
sage: print(maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)"))
3 5
360 (2 s - 2) 480 (2 s - 2) 120 (2 s - 2)
--------------- - --------------- + ---------------
2 4 2 5 2 6
(s - 2 s + 2) (s - 2 s + 2) (s - 2 s + 2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> _ = maxima.eval("f(t) := t^5*exp(t)*sin(t)")
>>> maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)")
(360*(2*s-2))/(s^2-2*s+2)^4-(480*(2*s-2)^3)/(s^2-2*s+2)^5 +(120*(2*s-2)^5)/(s^2-2*s+2)^6
>>> print(maxima("laplace(f(t),t,s)"))
3 5
360 (2 s - 2) 480 (2 s - 2) 120 (2 s - 2)
--------------- - --------------- + ---------------
2 4 2 5 2 6
(s - 2 s + 2) (s - 2 s + 2) (s - 2 s + 2)
sage: maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t),t,s)")
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t),t,s)")
sage: maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t,2),t,s)")
...-...%at('diff(x(t),t,1),t = 0))+s^2*'laplace(x(t),t,s)-x(0)*s
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t,2),t,s)")
...-...%at('diff(x(t),t,1),t = 0))+s^2*'laplace(x(t),t,s)-x(0)*s
It is difficult to read some of these without the 2d representation:
sage: print(maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t,2),t,s)")) # not tested - depends on maxima version
d ! 2
(- -- (x(t))! ) + s laplace(x(t), t, s) - x(0) s
dt !
!t = 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> print(maxima("laplace(diff(x(t),t,2),t,s)")) # not tested - depends on maxima version
d ! 2
(- -- (x(t))! ) + s laplace(x(t), t, s) - x(0) s
dt !
!t = 0
Even better, use
to see
a typeset version.
Continued Fractions¶
A continued fraction \(a + 1/(b + 1/(c + \cdots))\) is represented in maxima by the list \([a, b, c, \ldots]\).
sage: maxima("cf((1 + sqrt(5))/2)")
sage: maxima("cf ((1 + sqrt(341))/2)")
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima("cf((1 + sqrt(5))/2)")
>>> maxima("cf ((1 + sqrt(341))/2)")
Special examples¶
In this section we illustrate calculations that would be awkward to do (as far as I know) in non-symbolic computer algebra systems like MAGMA or GAP.
We compute the gcd of \(2x^{n+4} - x^{n+2}\) and \(4x^{n+1} + 3x^n\) for arbitrary \(n\).
sage: f = maxima('2*x^(n+4) - x^(n+2)')
sage: g = maxima('4*x^(n+1) + 3*x^n')
sage: f.gcd(g)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = maxima('2*x^(n+4) - x^(n+2)')
>>> g = maxima('4*x^(n+1) + 3*x^n')
>>> f.gcd(g)
You can plot 3d graphs (via gnuplot):
sage: maxima('plot3d(x^2-y^2, [x,-2,2], [y,-2,2], [grid,12,12])') # not tested
[displays a 3 dimensional graph]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima('plot3d(x^2-y^2, [x,-2,2], [y,-2,2], [grid,12,12])') # not tested
[displays a 3 dimensional graph]
You can formally evaluate sums (note the nusum
sage: S = maxima('nusum(exp(1+2*i/n),i,1,n)')
sage: print(S)
2/n + 3 2/n + 1
%e %e
----------------------- - -----------------------
1/n 1/n 1/n 1/n
(%e - 1) (%e + 1) (%e - 1) (%e + 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> S = maxima('nusum(exp(1+2*i/n),i,1,n)')
>>> print(S)
2/n + 3 2/n + 1
%e %e
----------------------- - -----------------------
1/n 1/n 1/n 1/n
(%e - 1) (%e + 1) (%e - 1) (%e + 1)
We formally compute the limit as \(n\to\infty\) of \(2S/n\) as follows:
sage: T = S*maxima('2/n')
sage: T.tlimit('n','inf')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> T = S*maxima('2/n')
>>> T.tlimit('n','inf')
Obtaining digits of \(\pi\):
sage: maxima.eval('fpprec : 100')
sage: maxima(pi).bfloat()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima.eval('fpprec : 100')
>>> maxima(pi).bfloat()
Defining functions in maxima:
sage: maxima.eval('fun[a] := a^2')
sage: maxima('fun[10]')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima.eval('fun[a] := a^2')
>>> maxima('fun[10]')
Unfortunately maxima doesn’t seem to have a non-interactive mode,
which is needed for the Sage interface. If any Sage call leads to
maxima interactively answering questions, then the questions can’t be
answered and the maxima session may hang. See the discussion at for some
ideas about how to fix this problem. An example that illustrates this
problem is maxima.eval('integrate (exp(a*x), x, 0, inf)')
Latex Output¶
To TeX a maxima object do this:
sage: latex(maxima('sin(u) + sinh(v^2)'))
\sinh v^2+\sin u
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> latex(maxima('sin(u) + sinh(v^2)'))
\sinh v^2+\sin u
Here’s another example:
sage: g = maxima('exp(3*%i*x)/(6*%i) + exp(%i*x)/(2*%i) + c')
sage: latex(g)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = maxima('exp(3*%i*x)/(6*%i) + exp(%i*x)/(2*%i) + c')
>>> latex(g)
Long Input¶
The MAXIMA interface reads in even very long input (using files) in a robust manner, as long as you are creating a new object.
Using maxima.eval
for long input is much less robust, and is
not recommended.
sage: t = '"%s"'%10^10000 # ten thousand character string.
sage: a = maxima(t)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> t = '"%s"'%Integer(10)**Integer(10000) # ten thousand character string.
>>> a = maxima(t)
- class sage.interfaces.maxima.Maxima(script_subdirectory=None, logfile=None, server=None, init_code=None)[source]¶
Interface to the Maxima interpreter.
sage: m = Maxima() sage: m == maxima False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> m = Maxima() >>> m == maxima False
- clear(var)[source]¶
Clear the variable named var.
sage: maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima.get('xxxxx') '2' sage: maxima.clear('xxxxx') sage: maxima.get('xxxxx') 'xxxxx'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima.get('xxxxx') '2' >>> maxima.clear('xxxxx') >>> maxima.get('xxxxx') 'xxxxx'
- get(var)[source]¶
Get the string value of the variable var.
sage: maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima.get('xxxxx') '2'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima.get('xxxxx') '2'
- lisp(cmd)[source]¶
Send a lisp command to Maxima.
The output of this command is very raw - not pretty.
sage: maxima.lisp("(+ 2 17)") # random formatted output :lisp (+ 2 17) 19 (
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima.lisp("(+ 2 17)") # random formatted output :lisp (+ 2 17) 19 (
- set(var, value)[source]¶
Set the variable var to the given value.
– stringvalue
– string
sage: maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima.get('xxxxx') '2'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima.get('xxxxx') '2'
- set_seed(seed=None)[source]¶ make_random_state (n) returns a new random state object created from an integer seed value equal to n modulo 2^32. n may be negative.
sage: m = Maxima() sage: m.set_seed(1) 1 sage: [m.random(100) for i in range(5)] [45, 39, 24, 68, 63]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> m = Maxima() >>> m.set_seed(Integer(1)) 1 >>> [m.random(Integer(100)) for i in range(Integer(5))] [45, 39, 24, 68, 63]
- class sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement(parent, value, is_name=False, name=None)[source]¶
Element of Maxima through Pexpect interface.
Elements of this class should not be created directly. The targeted parent should be used instead:
sage: maxima(3) 3 sage: maxima(cos(x)+e^234) cos(_SAGE_VAR_x)+%e^234
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima(Integer(3)) 3 >>> maxima(cos(x)+e**Integer(234)) cos(_SAGE_VAR_x)+%e^234
- display2d(onscreen=True)[source]¶
Return the 2d string representation of this Maxima object.
sage: F = maxima('x^5 - y^5').factor() sage: F.display2d() 4 3 2 2 3 4 - (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
>>> from sage.all import * >>> F = maxima('x^5 - y^5').factor() >>> F.display2d() 4 3 2 2 3 4 - (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
- class sage.interfaces.maxima.MaximaElementFunction(parent, name, defn, args, latex)[source]¶
Maxima user-defined functions.
Elements of this class should not be created directly. The method
of the targeted parent should be used instead:sage: maxima.function('x,y','h(x)*y') h(x)*y
>>> from sage.all import * >>> maxima.function('x,y','h(x)*y') h(x)*y
- sage.interfaces.maxima.is_MaximaElement(x)[source]¶
is of typeMaximaElement
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima import is_MaximaElement sage: is_MaximaElement(1) doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: the function is_MaximaElement is deprecated; use isinstance(x, instead See for details. False sage: m = maxima(1) sage: is_MaximaElement(m) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima import is_MaximaElement >>> is_MaximaElement(Integer(1)) doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: the function is_MaximaElement is deprecated; use isinstance(x, instead See for details. False >>> m = maxima(Integer(1)) >>> is_MaximaElement(m) True
- sage.interfaces.maxima.reduce_load_Maxima()[source]¶
Unpickle a Maxima Pexpect interface.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima import reduce_load_Maxima sage: reduce_load_Maxima() Maxima
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima import reduce_load_Maxima >>> reduce_load_Maxima() Maxima
- sage.interfaces.maxima.reduce_load_Maxima_function(parent, defn, args, latex)[source]¶
Unpickle a Maxima function.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima import reduce_load_Maxima_function sage: f = maxima.function('x,y','sin(x+y)') sage: _,args = f.__reduce__() sage: g = reduce_load_Maxima_function(*args) sage: g == f True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima import reduce_load_Maxima_function >>> f = maxima.function('x,y','sin(x+y)') >>> _,args = f.__reduce__() >>> g = reduce_load_Maxima_function(*args) >>> g == f True