Library interface to Maxima¶
Maxima is a free GPL’d general purpose computer algebra system whose development started in 1968 at MIT. It contains symbolic manipulation algorithms, as well as implementations of special functions, including elliptic functions and generalized hypergeometric functions. Moreover, Maxima has implementations of many functions relating to the invariant theory of the symmetric group \(S_n\). (However, the commands for group invariants, and the corresponding Maxima documentation, are in French.) For many links to Maxima documentation, see
William Stein (2005-12): Initial version
David Joyner: Improved documentation
William Stein (2006-01-08): Fixed bug in parsing
William Stein (2006-02-22): comparisons (following suggestion of David Joyner)
William Stein (2006-02-24): greatly improved robustness by adding sequence numbers to IO bracketing in _eval_line
Robert Bradshaw, Nils Bruin, Jean-Pierre Flori (2010,2011): Binary library interface
For this interface, Maxima is loaded into ECL which is itself loaded as a C library in Sage. Translations between Sage and Maxima objects (which are nothing but wrappers to ECL objects) is made as much as possible directly, but falls back to the string based conversion used by the classical Maxima Pexpect interface in case no new implementation has been made.
This interface is the one used for calculus by Sage and is accessible as \(maxima_calculus\):
sage: maxima_calculus
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima_calculus
Only one instance of this interface can be instantiated, so the user should not try to instantiate another one, which is anyway set to raise an error:
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import MaximaLib
sage: MaximaLib()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Maxima interface in library mode can only be instantiated once
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import MaximaLib
>>> MaximaLib()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Maxima interface in library mode can only be instantiated once
Changed besselexpand to true in init_code – automatically simplify Bessel functions to trig functions when appropriate when true. Examples:
For some infinite sums, a closed expression can be found. By default, “maxima” is used for that:
sage: x,n,k = var("x","n","k")
sage: sum((-x)^n/(factorial(n)*factorial(n+3/2)),n,0,oo)
-1/2*(2*x*cos(2*sqrt(x)) - sqrt(x)*sin(2*sqrt(x)))/(sqrt(pi)*x^2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> x,n,k = var("x","n","k")
>>> sum((-x)**n/(factorial(n)*factorial(n+Integer(3)/Integer(2))),n,Integer(0),oo)
-1/2*(2*x*cos(2*sqrt(x)) - sqrt(x)*sin(2*sqrt(x)))/(sqrt(pi)*x^2)
Maxima has some flags that affect how the result gets simplified (By default, besselexpand is false in Maxima; however in 5.39 this test does not show any difference, as, apparently, another expansion path is used):
sage: maxima_calculus("besselexpand:false")
sage: x,n,k = var("x","n","k")
sage: sum((-x)^n/(factorial(n)*factorial(n+3/2)),n,0,oo)
-1/2*(2*x*cos(2*sqrt(x)) - sqrt(x)*sin(2*sqrt(x)))/(sqrt(pi)*x^2)
sage: maxima_calculus("besselexpand:true")
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> maxima_calculus("besselexpand:false")
>>> x,n,k = var("x","n","k")
>>> sum((-x)**n/(factorial(n)*factorial(n+Integer(3)/Integer(2))),n,Integer(0),oo)
-1/2*(2*x*cos(2*sqrt(x)) - sqrt(x)*sin(2*sqrt(x)))/(sqrt(pi)*x^2)
>>> maxima_calculus("besselexpand:true")
The output is parseable (i. e. Issue #31796 is fixed):
sage: foo = maxima_calculus('a and (b or c)') ; foo
a and (b or c)
sage: bar = maxima_calculus(foo) ; bar
a and (b or c)
sage: bar == foo
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> foo = maxima_calculus('a and (b or c)') ; foo
a and (b or c)
>>> bar = maxima_calculus(foo) ; bar
a and (b or c)
>>> bar == foo
- class sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.MaximaLib[source]¶
Interface to Maxima as a Library.
OUTPUT: Maxima interface as a Library
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import MaximaLib, maxima_lib sage: isinstance(maxima_lib,MaximaLib) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import MaximaLib, maxima_lib >>> isinstance(maxima_lib,MaximaLib) True
Only one such interface can be instantiated:
sage: MaximaLib() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: Maxima interface in library mode can only be instantiated once
>>> from sage.all import * >>> MaximaLib() Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: Maxima interface in library mode can only be instantiated once
- clear(var)[source]¶
Clear the variable named var.
– string
OUTPUT: none
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2' sage: maxima_lib.clear('xxxxx') sage: maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') 'xxxxx'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2' >>> maxima_lib.clear('xxxxx') >>> maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') 'xxxxx'
- eval(line, locals=None, reformat=True, **kwds)[source]¶
Evaluate the line in Maxima.
– string; text to evaluatelocals
(ignored); this is used for compatibility with the Sage notebook’s generic system interfacereformat
– boolean; whether to strip output or not**kwds
– all other arguments are currently ignored
OUTPUT: string representing Maxima output
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1') '2' sage: maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1;') '2' sage: maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1$') '' sage: maxima_lib._eval_line('randvar : cos(x)+sin(y)$') '' sage: maxima_lib._eval_line('randvar') 'sin(y)+cos(x)'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1') '2' >>> maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1;') '2' >>> maxima_lib._eval_line('1+1$') '' >>> maxima_lib._eval_line('randvar : cos(x)+sin(y)$') '' >>> maxima_lib._eval_line('randvar') 'sin(y)+cos(x)'
- get(var)[source]¶
Get the string value of the variable
– string
OUTPUT: string
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2'
- lisp(cmd)[source]¶
Send a lisp command to maxima.
– string
OUTPUT: ECL object
The output of this command is very raw - not pretty.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib.lisp("(+ 2 17)") <ECL: 19>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib.lisp("(+ 2 17)") <ECL: 19>
- set(var, value)[source]¶
Set the variable var to the given value.
– stringvalue
– string
OUTPUT: none
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') sage: maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib.set('xxxxx', '2') >>> maxima_lib.get('xxxxx') '2'
- class sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.MaximaLibElement(parent, value, is_name=False, name=None)[source]¶
Element of Maxima through library interface.
Elements of this class should not be created directly. The targeted parent should be used instead:
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib(4) 4 sage: maxima_lib(log(x)) log(_SAGE_VAR_x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib(Integer(4)) 4 >>> maxima_lib(log(x)) log(_SAGE_VAR_x)
- display2d(onscreen=True)[source]¶
Return the 2d representation of this Maxima object.
– boolean (default:True
); whether to print or return
The representation is printed if onscreen is set to True and returned as a string otherwise.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: F = maxima_lib('x^5 - y^5').factor() sage: F.display2d() 4 3 2 2 3 4 - (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> F = maxima_lib('x^5 - y^5').factor() >>> F.display2d() 4 3 2 2 3 4 - (y - x) (y + x y + x y + x y + x )
- ecl()[source]¶
Return the underlying ECL object of this MaximaLib object.
OUTPUT: ECL object
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: maxima_lib(x+cos(19)).ecl() <ECL: ((MPLUS SIMP) ((%COS SIMP) 19) |$_SAGE_VAR_x|)>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> maxima_lib(x+cos(Integer(19))).ecl() <ECL: ((MPLUS SIMP) ((%COS SIMP) 19) |$_SAGE_VAR_x|)>
- to_poly_solve(vars, options='')[source]¶
Use Maxima’s to_poly_solver package.
– symbolic expressionsoptions
– string (default=””)
OUTPUT: Maxima object
The zXXX below are names for arbitrary integers and subject to change:
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib sage: sol = maxima_lib(sin(x) == 0).to_poly_solve(x) sage: sol.sage() [[x == pi*z...]]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib >>> sol = maxima_lib(sin(x) == Integer(0)).to_poly_solve(x) >>> sol.sage() [[x == pi*z...]]
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.dummy_integrate(expr)[source]¶
We would like to simply tie Maxima’s integrate to sage.calculus.calculus.dummy_integrate, but we’re being imported there so to avoid circularity we define it here.
– ECL object; a Maxima %INTEGRATE expression
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, dummy_integrate sage: f = maxima_lib('f(x)').integrate('x') sage: f.ecl() <ECL: ((%INTEGRATE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X)> sage: dummy_integrate(f.ecl()) integrate(f(x), x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, dummy_integrate >>> f = maxima_lib('f(x)').integrate('x') >>> f.ecl() <ECL: ((%INTEGRATE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X)> >>> dummy_integrate(f.ecl()) integrate(f(x), x)
sage: f = maxima_lib('f(x)').integrate('x',0,10) sage: f.ecl() <ECL: ((%INTEGRATE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X 0 10)> sage: dummy_integrate(f.ecl()) integrate(f(x), x, 0, 10)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> f = maxima_lib('f(x)').integrate('x',Integer(0),Integer(10)) >>> f.ecl() <ECL: ((%INTEGRATE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X 0 10)> >>> dummy_integrate(f.ecl()) integrate(f(x), x, 0, 10)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.is_MaximaLibElement(x)[source]¶
is of typeMaximaLibElement
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, is_MaximaLibElement sage: is_MaximaLibElement(1) doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: the function is_MaximaLibElement is deprecated; use isinstance(x, instead See for details. False sage: m = maxima_lib(1) sage: is_MaximaLibElement(m) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, is_MaximaLibElement >>> is_MaximaLibElement(Integer(1)) doctest:...: DeprecationWarning: the function is_MaximaLibElement is deprecated; use isinstance(x, instead See for details. False >>> m = maxima_lib(Integer(1)) >>> is_MaximaLibElement(m) True
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_at_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
Special conversion rule for AT expressions.
– ECL object; a Maxima AT expression
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_at_to_sage sage: a=maxima_lib("'at(f(x,y,z),[x=1,y=2,z=3])") sage: a 'at(f(x,y,z),[x = 1,y = 2,z = 3]) sage: max_at_to_sage(a.ecl()) f(1, 2, 3) sage: a=maxima_lib("'at(f(x,y,z),x=1)") sage: a 'at(f(x,y,z),x = 1) sage: max_at_to_sage(a.ecl()) f(1, y, z)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_at_to_sage >>> a=maxima_lib("'at(f(x,y,z),[x=1,y=2,z=3])") >>> a 'at(f(x,y,z),[x = 1,y = 2,z = 3]) >>> max_at_to_sage(a.ecl()) f(1, 2, 3) >>> a=maxima_lib("'at(f(x,y,z),x=1)") >>> a 'at(f(x,y,z),x = 1) >>> max_at_to_sage(a.ecl()) f(1, y, z)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_harmonic_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr sage: c=maxima_lib(harmonic_number(x,2)) sage: c.ecl() <ECL: (($GEN_HARMONIC_NUMBER SIMP) 2 |$_SAGE_VAR_x|)> sage: max_to_sr(c.ecl()) harmonic_number(x, 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr >>> c=maxima_lib(harmonic_number(x,Integer(2))) >>> c.ecl() <ECL: (($GEN_HARMONIC_NUMBER SIMP) 2 |$_SAGE_VAR_x|)> >>> max_to_sr(c.ecl()) harmonic_number(x, 2)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_pochhammer_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr sage: c = maxima_lib('pochhammer(x,n)') sage: c.ecl() <ECL: (($POCHHAMMER SIMP) $X $N)> sage: max_to_sr(c.ecl()) gamma(n + x)/gamma(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr >>> c = maxima_lib('pochhammer(x,n)') >>> c.ecl() <ECL: (($POCHHAMMER SIMP) $X $N)> >>> max_to_sr(c.ecl()) gamma(n + x)/gamma(x)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_to_sr(expr)[source]¶
Convert a Maxima object into a symbolic expression.
– ECL object
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr sage: f = maxima_lib('f(x)') sage: f.ecl() <ECL: (($F SIMP) $X)> sage: max_to_sr(f.ecl()) f(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_sr >>> f = maxima_lib('f(x)') >>> f.ecl() <ECL: (($F SIMP) $X)> >>> max_to_sr(f.ecl()) f(x)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.max_to_string(s)[source]¶
Return the Maxima string corresponding to this ECL object.
– ECL object
OUTPUT: string
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_string sage: ecl = maxima_lib(cos(x)).ecl() sage: max_to_string(ecl) 'cos(_SAGE_VAR_x)'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, max_to_string >>> ecl = maxima_lib(cos(x)).ecl() >>> max_to_string(ecl) 'cos(_SAGE_VAR_x)'
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.mdiff_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
Special conversion rule for %DERIVATIVE expressions.
– ECL object; a Maxima %DERIVATIVE expression
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mdiff_to_sage sage: f = maxima_lib('f(x)').diff('x',4) sage: f.ecl() <ECL: ((%DERIVATIVE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X 4)> sage: mdiff_to_sage(f.ecl()) diff(f(x), x, x, x, x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mdiff_to_sage >>> f = maxima_lib('f(x)').diff('x',Integer(4)) >>> f.ecl() <ECL: ((%DERIVATIVE SIMP) (($F SIMP) $X) $X 4)> >>> mdiff_to_sage(f.ecl()) diff(f(x), x, x, x, x)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.mlist_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
Special conversion rule for MLIST expressions.
– ECL object; a Maxima MLIST expression (i.e., a list)
OUTPUT: a Python list of converted expressions
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mlist_to_sage sage: L=maxima_lib("[1,2,3]") sage: L.ecl() <ECL: ((MLIST SIMP) 1 2 3)> sage: mlist_to_sage(L.ecl()) [1, 2, 3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mlist_to_sage >>> L=maxima_lib("[1,2,3]") >>> L.ecl() <ECL: ((MLIST SIMP) 1 2 3)> >>> mlist_to_sage(L.ecl()) [1, 2, 3]
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.mqapply_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
Special conversion rule for MQAPPLY expressions.
– ECL object; a Maxima MQAPPLY expression
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
MQAPPLY is used for function as li[x](y) and psi[x](y).
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mqapply_to_sage sage: c = maxima_lib('li[2](3)') sage: c.ecl() <ECL: ((MQAPPLY SIMP) (($LI SIMP ARRAY) 2) 3)> sage: mqapply_to_sage(c.ecl()) dilog(3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mqapply_to_sage >>> c = maxima_lib('li[2](3)') >>> c.ecl() <ECL: ((MQAPPLY SIMP) (($LI SIMP ARRAY) 2) 3)> >>> mqapply_to_sage(c.ecl()) dilog(3)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.mrat_to_sage(expr)[source]¶
Convert a Maxima MRAT expression to Sage SR.
– ECL object; a Maxima MRAT expression
OUTPUT: symbolic expression
Maxima has an optimised representation for multivariate rational expressions. The easiest way to translate those to SR is by first asking Maxima to give the generic representation of the object. That is what RATDISREP does in Maxima.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mrat_to_sage sage: var('x y z') (x, y, z) sage: c = maxima_lib((x+y^2+z^9)/x^6+z^8/y).rat() sage: c (_SAGE_VAR_y*_SAGE_VAR_z^9+_SAGE_VAR_x^6*_SAGE_VAR_z^8+_SAGE_VAR_y^3+_SAGE_VAR_x*_SAGE_VAR_y)/(_SAGE_VAR_x^6*_SAGE_VAR_y) sage: c.ecl() <ECL: ((MRAT SIMP (|$_SAGE_VAR_x| |$_SAGE_VAR_y| |$_SAGE_VAR_z|) ...> sage: mrat_to_sage(c.ecl()) (x^6*z^8 + y*z^9 + y^3 + x*y)/(x^6*y)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import maxima_lib, mrat_to_sage >>> var('x y z') (x, y, z) >>> c = maxima_lib((x+y**Integer(2)+z**Integer(9))/x**Integer(6)+z**Integer(8)/y).rat() >>> c (_SAGE_VAR_y*_SAGE_VAR_z^9+_SAGE_VAR_x^6*_SAGE_VAR_z^8+_SAGE_VAR_y^3+_SAGE_VAR_x*_SAGE_VAR_y)/(_SAGE_VAR_x^6*_SAGE_VAR_y) >>> c.ecl() <ECL: ((MRAT SIMP (|$_SAGE_VAR_x| |$_SAGE_VAR_y| |$_SAGE_VAR_z|) ...> >>> mrat_to_sage(c.ecl()) (x^6*z^8 + y*z^9 + y^3 + x*y)/(x^6*y)
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.parse_max_string(s)[source]¶
Evaluate string in Maxima without any further simplification.
– string
OUTPUT: ECL object
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import parse_max_string sage: parse_max_string('1+1') <ECL: ((MPLUS) 1 1)>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import parse_max_string >>> parse_max_string('1+1') <ECL: ((MPLUS) 1 1)>
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.pyobject_to_max(obj)[source]¶
Convert a (simple) Python object into a Maxima object.
– Python object
OUTPUT: ECL object
This uses functions defined in sage.libs.ecl.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import pyobject_to_max sage: pyobject_to_max(4) <ECL: 4> sage: pyobject_to_max('z') <ECL: Z> sage: var('x') x sage: pyobject_to_max(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Unimplemented type for python_to_ecl
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import pyobject_to_max >>> pyobject_to_max(Integer(4)) <ECL: 4> >>> pyobject_to_max('z') <ECL: Z> >>> var('x') x >>> pyobject_to_max(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Unimplemented type for python_to_ecl
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.reduce_load_MaximaLib()[source]¶
Unpickle the (unique) Maxima library interface.
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import reduce_load_MaximaLib sage: reduce_load_MaximaLib() Maxima_lib
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import reduce_load_MaximaLib >>> reduce_load_MaximaLib() Maxima_lib
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.sage_rat(x, y)[source]¶
Return quotient x/y.
– integery
– integer
OUTPUT: rational
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import sage_rat sage: sage_rat(1,7) 1/7
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import sage_rat >>> sage_rat(Integer(1),Integer(7)) 1/7
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.sr_to_max(expr)[source]¶
Convert a symbolic expression into a Maxima object.
– symbolic expression
OUTPUT: ECL object
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import sr_to_max sage: var('x') x sage: sr_to_max(x) <ECL: $X> sage: sr_to_max(cos(x)) <ECL: ((%COS) $X)> sage: f = function('f')(x) sage: sr_to_max(f.diff()) <ECL: ((%DERIVATIVE) (($F) $X) $X 1)>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import sr_to_max >>> var('x') x >>> sr_to_max(x) <ECL: $X> >>> sr_to_max(cos(x)) <ECL: ((%COS) $X)> >>> f = function('f')(x) >>> sr_to_max(f.diff()) <ECL: ((%DERIVATIVE) (($F) $X) $X 1)>
- sage.interfaces.maxima_lib.stdout_to_string(s)[source]¶
Evaluate command
and catch Maxima stdout (not the result of the command!) into a string.INPUT:
– string; command to evaluate
OUTPUT: string
This is currently used to implement
sage: from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import stdout_to_string sage: stdout_to_string('1+1') '' sage: stdout_to_string('disp(1+1)') '2\n\n'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.interfaces.maxima_lib import stdout_to_string >>> stdout_to_string('1+1') '' >>> stdout_to_string('disp(1+1)') '2\n\n'