Manin symbol lists#

There are various different classes holding lists of Manin symbols of different types. The hierarchy is as follows:

class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList(weight, lst)[source]#

Bases: Parent

Base class for lists of all Manin symbols for a given weight, group or character.


alias of ManinSymbol

apply(j, X)[source]#

Apply the matrix \(X = [a, b; c, d]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.

Implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.apply(10, [1,2,0,1])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.apply(Integer(10), [Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(0),Integer(1)])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes

Apply the matrix \(I = [-1, 0; 0, 1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.

Implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.apply_I(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.apply_I(Integer(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes

Apply the matrix \(S = [0, -1; 1, 0]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.

Implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.apply_S(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.apply_S(Integer(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes

Apply the matrix \(T = [0, 1; -1, -1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.

Implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.apply_T(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.apply_T(Integer(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes

Apply the matrix \(TT = T^2 = [-1, -1; 0, 1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.

Implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.apply_TT(10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.apply_TT(Integer(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Only implemented in derived classes

Return the index of x in the list of Manin symbols.


  • x – a triple of integers \((i, u, v)\) defining a valid Manin symbol, which need not be normalized


integer – the index of the normalized Manin symbol equivalent to \((i, u, v)\). If x is not in self, -1 is returned.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.index(m.symbol_list()[2])
sage: S = m.symbol_list()
sage: all(i == m.index(S[i]) for i in range(len(S)))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.index(m.symbol_list()[Integer(2)])
>>> S = m.symbol_list()
>>> all(i == m.index(S[i]) for i in range(len(S)))

Return all the Manin symbols in self as a list.

Cached for subsequent calls.


A list of ManinSymbol objects, which is a copy of the complete list of Manin symbols.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.manin_symbol_list() # not implemented for the base class
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.manin_symbol_list() # not implemented for the base class
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(6, 4)
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(6), Integer(4))
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()

Return the i-th Manin symbol in this ManinSymbolList.


  • i – integer, a valid index of a symbol in this list


ManinSymbol – the \(i\)’th Manin symbol in the list.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.manin_symbol(3) # not implemented for base class
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.manin_symbol(Integer(3)) # not implemented for base class
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(6, 4)
sage: s = m.manin_symbol(3); s
sage: type(s)
<class 'sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol.ManinSymbol'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(6), Integer(4))
>>> s = m.manin_symbol(Integer(3)); s
>>> type(s)
<class 'sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol.ManinSymbol'>

Return all the Manin symbols in self as a list.

Cached for subsequent calls.


A list of ManinSymbol objects, which is a copy of the complete list of Manin symbols.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.manin_symbol_list() # not implemented for the base class
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.manin_symbol_list() # not implemented for the base class
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(6, 4)
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(6), Integer(4))
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()

Return a normalized Manin symbol from x.

To be implemented in derived classes.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6,P1List(11))
sage: m.normalize((0,6,7)) # not implemented in base class
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6),P1List(Integer(11)))
>>> m.normalize((Integer(0),Integer(6),Integer(7))) # not implemented in base class

Return the list of symbols of self.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
sage: m = ManinSymbolList(6, P1List(11))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList
>>> m = ManinSymbolList(Integer(6), P1List(Integer(11)))

Return the weight of the Manin symbols in this ManinSymbolList.


integer – the weight of the Manin symbols in the list.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(6, 4)
sage: m.weight()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(6), Integer(4))
>>> m.weight()
class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_character(character, weight)[source]#

Bases: ManinSymbolList

List of Manin symbols with character.


  • character – (DirichletCharacter) the Dirichlet character

  • weight – (integer) the weight


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()
[(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1)]
sage: m == loads(dumps(m))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()
[(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,1)]
>>> m == loads(dumps(m))
apply(j, m)[source]#

Apply the integer matrix \(m=[a,b;c,d]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j (integer): the index of the symbol to act on.

  • m (list of ints): \([a,b,c,d]\) where \(m = [a, b; c, d]\) is the matrix to be applied.


A list of pairs \((j, c_i)\), where each \(c_i\) is an integer, \(j\) is an integer (the \(j\)-th Manin symbol), and the sum \(c_i*x_i\) is the image of self under the right action of the matrix \([a,b;c,d]\). Here the right action of \(g = [a,b;c,d]\) on a Manin symbol \([P(X,Y),(u,v)]\) is by definition \([P(aX+bY,cX+dY),(u,v)*g]\).


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,4)
sage: m[6]
sage: m.apply(4, [1,0,0,1])
[(4, 1)]
sage: m.apply(1, [-1,0,0,1])
[(1, -1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(4))
>>> m[Integer(6)]
>>> m.apply(Integer(4), [Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1)])
[(4, 1)]
>>> m.apply(Integer(1), [-Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1)])
[(1, -1)]

Apply the matrix \(I=[-1,0,0,1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (integer) a symbol index


(k, s) where \(k\) is the index of the symbol obtained by acting on the \(j\)’th symbol with \(I\), and \(s\) is the parity of the \(j\)’th symbol.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.apply_I(4)
(2, -1)
sage: [m.apply_I(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(0, 1), (1, -1), (4, -1), (3, -1), (2, -1), (5, 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.apply_I(Integer(4))
(2, -1)
>>> [m.apply_I(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(0, 1), (1, -1), (4, -1), (3, -1), (2, -1), (5, 1)]

Apply the matrix \(S=[0,1;-1,0]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (integer) a symbol index.


(k, s) where \(k\) is the index of the symbol obtained by acting on the \(j\)’th symbol with \(S\), and \(s\) is the parity of the \(j\)’th symbol.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.apply_S(4)
(2, -1)
sage: [m.apply_S(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(1, 1), (0, -1), (4, 1), (5, -1), (2, -1), (3, 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.apply_S(Integer(4))
(2, -1)
>>> [m.apply_S(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(1, 1), (0, -1), (4, 1), (5, -1), (2, -1), (3, 1)]

Apply the matrix \(T=[0,1,-1,-1]\) to the j-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (integer) a symbol index.


A list of pairs \((j, c_i)\), where each \(c_i\) is an integer, \(j\) is an integer (the \(j\)-th Manin symbol), and the sum \(c_i*x_i\) is the image of self under the right action of the matrix \(T\).


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.apply_T(4)
[(1, -1)]
sage: [m.apply_T(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[[(4, 1)], [(0, -1)], [(3, 1)], [(5, 1)], [(1, -1)], [(2, 1)]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.apply_T(Integer(4))
[(1, -1)]
>>> [m.apply_T(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[[(4, 1)], [(0, -1)], [(3, 1)], [(5, 1)], [(1, -1)], [(2, 1)]]

Apply the matrix \(TT=[-1,-1,0,1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (integer) a symbol index


A list of pairs \((j, c_i)\), where each \(c_i\) is an integer, \(j\) is an integer (the \(j\)-th Manin symbol), and the sum \(c_i*x_i\) is the image of self under the right action of the matrix \(T^2\).


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.apply_TT(4)
[(0, 1)]
sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[[(1, -1)], [(4, -1)], [(5, 1)], [(2, 1)], [(0, 1)], [(3, 1)]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.apply_TT(Integer(4))
[(0, 1)]
>>> [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[[(1, -1)], [(4, -1)], [(5, 1)], [(2, 1)], [(0, 1)], [(3, 1)]]

Return the character of this ManinSymbolList_character object.


The Dirichlet character of this Manin symbol list.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: m.character()
Dirichlet character modulo 4 of conductor 4 mapping 3 |--> -1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> m.character()
Dirichlet character modulo 4 of conductor 4 mapping 3 |--> -1

Return the index of a standard Manin symbol equivalent to x, together with a scaling factor.


  • x – 3-tuple of integers defining an element of this list of Manin symbols, which need not be normalized


A pair (i, s) where i is the index of the Manin symbol equivalent to x and s is the scalar (an element of the base field). If there is no Manin symbol equivalent to x in the list, then (-1, 0) is returned.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,4); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: [m.index(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()]
[(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(3, 1),
(16, 1),
(17, 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(4)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> [m.index(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()]
[(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(3, 1),
(16, 1),
(17, 1)]

Return the level of this ManinSymbolList.


integer – the level of the symbols in this list.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: ManinSymbolList_character(eps,4).level()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(4)).level()

Return the normalization of the Manin Symbol x with respect to this list, together with the normalizing scalar.


  • x – 3-tuple of integers (i,u,v), defining an element of this list of Manin symbols, which need not be normalized.


((i,u,v),s), where (i,u,v) is the normalized Manin symbol equivalent to x, and s is the normalizing scalar.


sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,4); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
sage: [m.normalize(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()]
[((0, 0, 1), 1),
 ((0, 1, 0), 1),
 ((0, 1, 1), 1),
 ((2, 1, 3), 1),
 ((2, 2, 1), 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> eps = DirichletGroup(Integer(4)).gen(Integer(0))
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,Integer(4)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
>>> [m.normalize(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()]
[((0, 0, 1), 1),
 ((0, 1, 0), 1),
 ((0, 1, 1), 1),
 ((2, 1, 3), 1),
 ((2, 2, 1), 1)]
class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_gamma0(level, weight)[source]#

Bases: ManinSymbolList_group

Class for Manin symbols for \(\Gamma_0(N)\).


  • level – (integer): the level.

  • weight – (integer): the weight.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma0(5)
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()
[(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4)]
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(6,4); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma0(6)
sage: len(m)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma0(5)
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()
[(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4)]
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(6),Integer(4)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma0(6)
>>> len(m)
class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_gamma1(level, weight)[source]#

Bases: ManinSymbolList_group

Class for Manin symbols for \(\Gamma_1(N)\).


  • level – (integer): the level.

  • weight – (integer): the weight.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma1
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma1(5,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(5)
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma1(6,4); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(6)
sage: len(m)
sage: m == loads(dumps(m))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma1
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma1(Integer(5),Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(5)
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma1(Integer(6),Integer(4)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 4 for Gamma1(6)
>>> len(m)
>>> m == loads(dumps(m))
class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_gamma_h(group, weight)[source]#

Bases: ManinSymbolList_group

Class for Manin symbols for \(\Gamma_H(N)\).


  • group – (integer): the congruence subgroup.

  • weight – (integer): the weight.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma_h
sage: G = GammaH(117, [4])
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma_h(G,2); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(117) with H generated by [4]
sage: m.manin_symbol_list()[100:110]
sage: len(m.manin_symbol_list())
sage: m == loads(dumps(m))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma_h
>>> G = GammaH(Integer(117), [Integer(4)])
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma_h(G,Integer(2)); m
Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(117) with H generated by [4]
>>> m.manin_symbol_list()[Integer(100):Integer(110)]
>>> len(m.manin_symbol_list())
>>> m == loads(dumps(m))

Return the group associated to self.


sage: ModularSymbols(GammaH(12, [5]), 2).manin_symbols().group()
Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(12) with H generated by [5]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ModularSymbols(GammaH(Integer(12), [Integer(5)]), Integer(2)).manin_symbols().group()
Congruence Subgroup Gamma_H(12) with H generated by [5]
class sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_group(level, weight, syms)[source]#

Bases: ManinSymbolList

Base class for Manin symbol lists for a given group.


  • level – integer level

  • weight – integer weight

  • syms – something with normalize and list methods,

    e.g. P1List.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_group
sage: ManinSymbolList_group(11, 2, P1List(11))
<sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_group_with_category object at ...>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_group
>>> ManinSymbolList_group(Integer(11), Integer(2), P1List(Integer(11)))
<sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list.ManinSymbolList_group_with_category object at ...>
apply(j, m)[source]#

Apply the matrix \(m = [a, b; c, d]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (int) a symbol index

  • m = [a, b, c, d] a list of 4 integers, which defines a 2x2 matrix


a list of pairs \((j_i, \alpha_i)\), where each \(\alpha_i\) is a nonzero integer, \(j_i\) is an integer (index of the \(j_i\)-th Manin symbol), and \(\sum_i \alpha_i\*x_{j_i}\) is the image of the j-th Manin symbol under the right action of the matrix [a,b;c,d]. Here the right action of \(g = [a, b; c, d]\) on a Manin symbol \([P(X,Y),(u,v)]\) is \([P(aX+bY,cX+dY),(u,v)\*g]\).


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: m.apply(40, [2,3,1,1])
[(0, 729), (6, 2916), (12, 4860), (18, 4320),
 (24, 2160), (30, 576), (36, 64)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> m.apply(Integer(40), [Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(1)])
[(0, 729), (6, 2916), (12, 4860), (18, 4320),
 (24, 2160), (30, 576), (36, 64)]

Apply the matrix \(I=[-1,0,0,1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (int) a symbol index


(k, s) where k is the index of the symbol obtained by acting on the \(j\)’th symbol with \(I\), and \(s\) is the parity of the \(j\)’th symbol (a Python int, either 1 or -1)


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: m.apply_I(4)
(3, 1)
sage: [m.apply_I(i) for i in range(10)]
[(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(5, 1),
(4, 1),
(3, 1),
(2, 1),
(6, -1),
(7, -1),
(11, -1),
(10, -1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> m.apply_I(Integer(4))
(3, 1)
>>> [m.apply_I(i) for i in range(Integer(10))]
[(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(5, 1),
(4, 1),
(3, 1),
(2, 1),
(6, -1),
(7, -1),
(11, -1),
(10, -1)]

Apply the matrix \(S = [0, -1; 1, 0]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (int) a symbol index


(k, s) where k is the index of the symbol obtained by acting on the \(j\)’th symbol with \(S\), and \(s\) is the parity of the \(j\)’th symbol (a Python int, either 1 or -1).


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: m.apply_S(4)
(40, 1)
sage: [m.apply_S(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(37, 1),
(36, 1),
(41, 1),
(39, 1),
(40, 1),
(38, 1),
(31, -1),
(30, -1),
(35, -1),
(33, -1),
(34, -1),
(32, -1),
(4, 1),
(2, 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> m.apply_S(Integer(4))
(40, 1)
>>> [m.apply_S(i) for i in range(len(m))]
[(37, 1),
(36, 1),
(41, 1),
(39, 1),
(40, 1),
(38, 1),
(31, -1),
(30, -1),
(35, -1),
(33, -1),
(34, -1),
(32, -1),
(4, 1),
(2, 1)]

Apply the matrix \(T=[0,1,-1,-1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (int) a symbol index

OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: m.apply_T(4)
[(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)]
sage: [m.apply_T(i) for i in range(10)]
[[(5, 1), (11, -6), (17, 15), (23, -20), (29, 15), (35, -6), (41, 1)],
[(0, 1), (6, -6), (12, 15), (18, -20), (24, 15), (30, -6), (36, 1)],
[(4, 1), (10, -6), (16, 15), (22, -20), (28, 15), (34, -6), (40, 1)],
[(2, 1), (8, -6), (14, 15), (20, -20), (26, 15), (32, -6), (38, 1)],
[(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)],
[(1, 1), (7, -6), (13, 15), (19, -20), (25, 15), (31, -6), (37, 1)],
[(5, 1), (11, -5), (17, 10), (23, -10), (29, 5), (35, -1)],
[(0, 1), (6, -5), (12, 10), (18, -10), (24, 5), (30, -1)],
[(4, 1), (10, -5), (16, 10), (22, -10), (28, 5), (34, -1)],
[(2, 1), (8, -5), (14, 10), (20, -10), (26, 5), (32, -1)]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> m.apply_T(Integer(4))
[(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)]
>>> [m.apply_T(i) for i in range(Integer(10))]
[[(5, 1), (11, -6), (17, 15), (23, -20), (29, 15), (35, -6), (41, 1)],
[(0, 1), (6, -6), (12, 15), (18, -20), (24, 15), (30, -6), (36, 1)],
[(4, 1), (10, -6), (16, 15), (22, -20), (28, 15), (34, -6), (40, 1)],
[(2, 1), (8, -6), (14, 15), (20, -20), (26, 15), (32, -6), (38, 1)],
[(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)],
[(1, 1), (7, -6), (13, 15), (19, -20), (25, 15), (31, -6), (37, 1)],
[(5, 1), (11, -5), (17, 10), (23, -10), (29, 5), (35, -1)],
[(0, 1), (6, -5), (12, 10), (18, -10), (24, 5), (30, -1)],
[(4, 1), (10, -5), (16, 10), (22, -10), (28, 5), (34, -1)],
[(2, 1), (8, -5), (14, 10), (20, -10), (26, 5), (32, -1)]]

Apply the matrix \(TT=[-1,-1,0,1]\) to the \(j\)-th Manin symbol.


  • j – (int) a symbol index

OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: m.apply_TT(4)
[(38, 1)]
sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(10)]
[[(37, 1)],
[(41, 1)],
[(39, 1)],
[(40, 1)],
[(38, 1)],
[(36, 1)],
[(31, -1), (37, 1)],
[(35, -1), (41, 1)],
[(33, -1), (39, 1)],
[(34, -1), (40, 1)]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> m.apply_TT(Integer(4))
[(38, 1)]
>>> [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(Integer(10))]
[[(37, 1)],
[(41, 1)],
[(39, 1)],
[(40, 1)],
[(38, 1)],
[(36, 1)],
[(31, -1), (37, 1)],
[(35, -1), (41, 1)],
[(33, -1), (39, 1)],
[(34, -1), (40, 1)]]

Return the level of this ManinSymbolList.


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,2).level()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(2)).level()
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma1
sage: ManinSymbolList_gamma1(51,2).level()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma1
>>> ManinSymbolList_gamma1(Integer(51),Integer(2)).level()
sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma_h
sage: ManinSymbolList_gamma_h(GammaH(117, [4]),2).level()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma_h
>>> ManinSymbolList_gamma_h(GammaH(Integer(117), [Integer(4)]),Integer(2)).level()

Return the normalization of the Manin symbol x with respect to this list.


  • x – (3-tuple of ints) a tuple defining a ManinSymbol


(i,u,v) – (3-tuple of ints) another tuple defining the associated normalized ManinSymbol


sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
sage: [m.normalize(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()][:10]
[(0, 0, 1),
 (0, 1, 0),
 (0, 1, 1),
 (0, 1, 2),
 (0, 1, 3),
 (0, 1, 4),
 (1, 0, 1),
 (1, 1, 0),
 (1, 1, 1),
 (1, 1, 2)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
>>> m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(Integer(5),Integer(8))
>>> [m.normalize(s.tuple()) for s in m.manin_symbol_list()][:Integer(10)]
[(0, 0, 1),
 (0, 1, 0),
 (0, 1, 1),
 (0, 1, 2),
 (0, 1, 3),
 (0, 1, 4),
 (1, 0, 1),
 (1, 1, 0),
 (1, 1, 1),
 (1, 1, 2)]