Families of graphs derived from classical geometries over finite fields#

These include graphs of polar spaces, affine polar graphs, graphs related to Hermitean unitals, graphs on nonisotropic points, etc

The methods defined here appear in sage.graphs.graph_generators.

sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(d, q, sign='+')[source]#

Return the affine polar graph \(VO^+(d,q),VO^-(d,q)\) or \(VO(d,q)\).

Affine Polar graphs are built from a \(d\)-dimensional vector space over \(F_q\), and a quadratic form which is hyperbolic, elliptic or parabolic according to the value of sign.

Note that \(VO^+(d,q),VO^-(d,q)\) are strongly regular graphs, while \(VO(d,q)\) is not.

For more information on Affine Polar graphs, see Affine Polar Graphs page of Andries Brouwer’s website.


  • d – integer; d must be even if sign is not None, and odd otherwise

  • q – integer; a power of a prime number, as \(F_q\) must exist

  • sign – string (default: "+"); must be equal to "+", "-", or None to compute (respectively) \(VO^+(d,q),VO^-(d,q)\) or \(VO(d,q)\)


The graph \(VO^\epsilon(d,q)\) is the graph induced by the non-neighbors of a vertex in an Orthogonal Polar Graph \(O^\epsilon(d+2,q)\).


The Brouwer-Haemers graph is isomorphic to \(VO^-(4,3)\):

sage: g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(4,3,"-")                            # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g.is_isomorphic(graphs.BrouwerHaemersGraph())                             # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(4),Integer(3),"-")                            # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g.is_isomorphic(graphs.BrouwerHaemersGraph())                             # needs sage.libs.gap

Some examples from Brouwer’s table or strongly regular graphs:

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(6,2,"-"); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^-(6,2): Graph on 64 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 27, 10, 12)
sage: g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(6,2,"+"); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^+(6,2): Graph on 64 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 35, 18, 20)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2),"-"); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^-(6,2): Graph on 64 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 27, 10, 12)
>>> g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2),"+"); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^+(6,2): Graph on 64 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 35, 18, 20)

When sign is None:

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(5,2,None); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^-(5,2): Graph on 32 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
sage: g.is_regular()
sage: g.is_vertex_transitive()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g = graphs.AffineOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(2),None); g
Affine Polar Graph VO^-(5,2): Graph on 32 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
>>> g.is_regular()
>>> g.is_vertex_transitive()
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.AhrensSzekeresGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(q, dual=False)[source]#

Return the collinearity graph of the generalized quadrangle \(AS(q)\), or of its dual

Let \(q\) be an odd prime power. \(AS(q)\) is a generalized quadrangle (Wikipedia article Generalized_quadrangle) of order \((q-1,q+1)\), see 3.1.5 in [PT2009]. Its points are elements of \(F_q^3\), and lines are sets of size \(q\) of the form

  • \(\{ (\sigma, a, b) \mid \sigma\in F_q \}\)

  • \(\{ (a, \sigma, b) \mid \sigma\in F_q \}\)

  • \(\{ (c \sigma^2 - b \sigma + a, -2 c \sigma + b, \sigma) \mid \sigma\in F_q \}\),

where \(a\), \(b\), \(c\) are arbitrary elements of \(F_q\).


  • q – a power of an odd prime number

  • dual – boolean (default: False); whether to return the collinearity graph of \(AS(q)\) or of the dual \(AS(q)\) (when True)


sage: g = graphs.AhrensSzekeresGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(5); g
AS(5); GQ(4, 6): Graph on 125 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(125, 28, 3, 7)
sage: g = graphs.AhrensSzekeresGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(5, dual=True); g
AS(5)*; GQ(6, 4): Graph on 175 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(175, 30, 5, 5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.AhrensSzekeresGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(Integer(5)); g
AS(5); GQ(4, 6): Graph on 125 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(125, 28, 3, 7)
>>> g = graphs.AhrensSzekeresGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(Integer(5), dual=True); g
AS(5)*; GQ(6, 4): Graph on 175 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(175, 30, 5, 5)

Return the Cossidente-Penttila \(((q^3+1)(q+1)/2,(q^2+1)(q-1)/2,(q-3)/2,(q-1)^2/2)\)-strongly regular graph

For each odd prime power \(q\), one can partition the points of the \(O_6^-(q)\)-generalized quadrangle \(GQ(q,q^2)\) into two parts, so that on any of them the induced subgraph of the point graph of the GQ has parameters as above [CP2005].

Directly following the construction in [CP2005] is not efficient, as one then needs to construct the dual \(GQ(q^2,q)\). Thus we describe here a more efficient approach that we came up with, following a suggestion by T.Penttila. Namely, this partition is invariant under the subgroup \(H=\Omega_3(q^2)<O_6^-(q)\). We build the appropriate \(H\), which leaves the form \(B(X,Y,Z)=XY+Z^2\) invariant, and pick up two orbits of \(H\) on the \(F_q\)-points. One them is \(B\)-isotropic, and we take the representative \((1:0:0)\). The other one corresponds to the points of \(PG(2,q^2)\) that have all the lines on them either missing the conic specified by \(B\), or intersecting the conic in two points. We take \((1:1:e)\) as the representative. It suffices to pick \(e\) so that \(e^2+1\) is not a square in \(F_{q^2}\). Indeed, The conic can be viewed as the union of \(\{(0:1:0)\}\) and \(\{(1:-t^2:t) | t \in F_{q^2}\}\). The coefficients of a generic line on \((1:1:e)\) are \([1:-1-eb:b]\), for \(-1\neq eb\). Thus, to make sure the intersection with the conic is always even, we need that the discriminant of \(1+(1+eb)t^2+tb=0\) never vanishes, and this is if and only if \(e^2+1\) is not a square. Further, we need to adjust \(B\), by multiplying it by appropriately chosen \(\nu\), so that \((1:1:e)\) becomes isotropic under the relative trace norm \(\nu B(X,Y,Z)+(\nu B(X,Y,Z))^q\). The latter is used then to define the graph.


  • q – an odd prime power.


For \(q=3\) one gets Sims-Gewirtz graph.

sage: G = graphs.CossidentePenttilaGraph(3)     # optional - gap_package_grape
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # optional - gap_package_grape
(56, 10, 0, 2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.CossidentePenttilaGraph(Integer(3))     # optional - gap_package_grape
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # optional - gap_package_grape
(56, 10, 0, 2)

For \(q>3\) one gets new graphs.

sage: G = graphs.CossidentePenttilaGraph(5)     # optional - gap_package_grape
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # optional - gap_package_grape
(378, 52, 1, 8)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.CossidentePenttilaGraph(Integer(5))     # optional - gap_package_grape
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # optional - gap_package_grape
(378, 52, 1, 8)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.HaemersGraph(q, hyperoval=None, hyperoval_matching=None, field=None, check_hyperoval=True)[source]#

Return the Haemers graph obtained from \(T_2^*(q)^*\)

Let \(q\) be a power of 2. In Sect. 8.A of [BL1984] one finds a construction of a strongly regular graph with parameters \((q^2(q+2),q^2+q-1,q-2,q)\) from the graph of \(T_2^*(q)^*\), constructed by T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(), by redefining adjacencies in the way specified by an arbitrary hyperoval_matching of the points (i.e. partitioning into size two parts) of hyperoval defining \(T_2^*(q)^*\).

While [BL1984] gives the construction in geometric terms, it can be formulated, and is implemented, in graph-theoretic ones, of re-adjusting the edges. Namely, \(G=T_2^*(q)^*\) has a partition into \(q+2\) independent sets \(I_k\) of size \(q^2\) each. Each vertex in \(I_j\) is adjacent to \(q\) vertices from \(I_k\). Each \(I_k\) is paired to some \(I_{k'}\), according to hyperoval_matching. One adds edges \((s,t)\) for \(s,t \in I_k\) whenever \(s\) and \(t\) are adjacent to some \(u \in I_{k'}\), and removes all the edges between \(I_k\) and \(I_{k'}\).


  • q – a power of two

  • hyperoval_matching – if None (default), pair each \(i\)-th point of hyperoval with \((i+1)\)-th. Otherwise, specifies the pairing in the format \(((i_1,i'_1),(i_2,i'_2),...)\).

  • hyperoval – a hyperoval defining \(T_2^*(q)^*\). If None (default), the classical hyperoval obtained from a conic is used. See the documentation of T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(), for more information.

  • field – an instance of a finite field of order \(q\), must be provided if hyperoval is provided

  • check_hyperoval – boolean (default: True); whether to check hyperoval for correctness or not


using the built-in constructions:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: g = graphs.HaemersGraph(4); g
Haemers(4): Graph on 96 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 19, 2, 4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> g = graphs.HaemersGraph(Integer(4)); g
Haemers(4): Graph on 96 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 19, 2, 4)

supplying your own hyperoval_matching:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: g = graphs.HaemersGraph(4, hyperoval_matching=((0,5),(1,4),(2,3))); g
Haemers(4): Graph on 96 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 19, 2, 4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> g = graphs.HaemersGraph(Integer(4), hyperoval_matching=((Integer(0),Integer(5)),(Integer(1),Integer(4)),(Integer(2),Integer(3)))); g
Haemers(4): Graph on 96 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 19, 2, 4)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(m, q, sign='+', perp=None)[source]#

Return the Graph \(NO^{\epsilon,\perp}_{m}(q)\)

Let the vectorspace of dimension \(m\) over \(F_q\) be endowed with a nondegenerate quadratic form \(F\), of type sign for \(m\) even.

  • \(m\) even: assume further that \(q=2\) or \(3\). Returns the graph of the points (in the underlying projective space) \(x\) satisfying \(F(x)=1\), with adjacency given by orthogonality w.r.t. \(F\). Parameter perp is ignored.

  • \(m\) odd: if perp is not None, then we assume that \(q=5\) and return the graph of the points \(x\) satisfying \(F(x)=\pm 1\) if sign="+", respectively \(F(x) \in \{2,3\}\) if sign="-", with adjacency given by orthogonality w.r.t. \(F\) (cf. Sect 7.D of [BL1984]). Otherwise return the graph of nongenerate hyperplanes of type sign, adjacent whenever the intersection is degenerate (cf. Sect. 7.C of [BL1984]). Note that for \(q=2\) one will get a complete graph.

For more information, see Sect. 9.9 of [BH2012] and [BL1984]. Note that the page of Andries Brouwer’s website uses different notation.


  • m – integer; half the dimension of the underlying vectorspace

  • q – a power of a prime number, the size of the underlying field

  • sign – string (default: "+"); must be either "+" or "-"


\(NO^-(4,2)\) is isomorphic to Petersen graph:

sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(4,2,'-'); g                   # needs sage.libs.gap
NO^-(4, 2): Graph on 10 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(10, 3, 0, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(4),Integer(2),'-'); g                   # needs sage.libs.gap
NO^-(4, 2): Graph on 10 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(10, 3, 0, 1)

\(NO^-(6,2)\) and \(NO^+(6,2)\):

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(6,2,'-')
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(36, 15, 6, 6)
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(6,2,'+'); g
NO^+(6, 2): Graph on 28 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(28, 15, 6, 10)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2),'-')
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(36, 15, 6, 6)
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2),'+'); g
NO^+(6, 2): Graph on 28 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(28, 15, 6, 10)


sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(8,2,'+')                      # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(120, 63, 30, 36)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(8),Integer(2),'+')                      # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(120, 63, 30, 36)

Wilbrink’s graphs for \(q=5\):

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(5,5,perp=1)
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time
(325, 60, 15, 10)
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(5,5,'-',perp=1)
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time
(300, 65, 10, 15)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(5),perp=Integer(1))
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time
(325, 60, 15, 10)
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(5),'-',perp=Integer(1))
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time
(300, 65, 10, 15)

Wilbrink’s graphs:

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(5,4,'+')
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(136, 75, 42, 40)
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(5,4,'-')
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(120, 51, 18, 24)
sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(7,4,'+'); g        # not tested (long time)
NO^+(7, 4): Graph on 2080 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                         # not tested (long time)
(2080, 1071, 558, 544)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(4),'+')
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(136, 75, 42, 40)
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(4),'-')
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(120, 51, 18, 24)
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicOrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(7),Integer(4),'+'); g        # not tested (long time)
NO^+(7, 4): Graph on 2080 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                         # not tested (long time)
(2080, 1071, 558, 544)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.NonisotropicUnitaryPolarGraph(m, q)[source]#

Return the Graph \(NU(m,q)\).

This returns the graph on nonisotropic, with respect to a nondegenerate Hermitean form, points of the \((m-1)\)-dimensional projective space over \(F_q\), with points adjacent whenever they lie on a tangent (to the set of isotropic points) line. For more information, see Sect. 9.9 of [BH2012] and series C14 in [Hub1975].


  • m, q – integers; \(q\) must be a prime power


sage: g = graphs.NonisotropicUnitaryPolarGraph(5,2); g                          # needs sage.libs.gap
NU(5, 2): Graph on 176 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(176, 135, 102, 108)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.NonisotropicUnitaryPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(2)); g                          # needs sage.libs.gap
NU(5, 2): Graph on 176 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.libs.gap
(176, 135, 102, 108)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(q, hyperoval=None, field=None, check_hyperoval=True)[source]#

Return the subgraph of nowhere 0 words from two-weight code of projective plane hyperoval.

Let \(q=2^k\) and \(\Pi=PG(2,q)\). Fix a hyperoval \(O \subset \Pi\). Let \(V=F_q^3\) and \(C\) the two-weight 3-dimensional linear code over \(F_q\) with words \(c(v)\) obtained from \(v\in V\) by computing

\[c(v)=(\langle v,o_1 \rangle,...,\langle v,o_{q+2} \rangle), o_j \in O.\]

\(C\) contains \(q(q-1)^2/2\) words without 0 entries. The subgraph of the strongly regular graph of \(C\) induced on the latter words is also strongly regular, assuming \(q>4\). This is a construction due to A.E.Brouwer [Bro2016], and leads to graphs with parameters also given by a construction in [HHL2009]. According to [Bro2016], these two constructions are likely to produce isomorphic graphs.


  • q – a power of two

  • hyperoval – a hyperoval (i.e. a complete 2-arc; a set of points in the plane meeting every line in 0 or 2 points) in \(PG(2,q)\) over the field field. Each point of hyperoval must be a length 3 vector over field with 1st non-0 coordinate equal to 1. By default, hyperoval and field are not specified, and constructed on the fly. In particular, hyperoval we build is the classical one, i.e. a conic with the point of intersection of its tangent lines.

  • field – an instance of a finite field of order \(q\), must be provided if hyperoval is provided.

  • check_hyperoval – boolean (default: True); whether to check hyperoval for correctness or not


using the built-in construction:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8); g
Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8): Graph on 196 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(196, 60, 14, 20)
sage: g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(16)  # not tested (long time)
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)          # not tested (long time)
(1800, 728, 268, 312)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(Integer(8)); g
Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8): Graph on 196 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(196, 60, 14, 20)
>>> g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(Integer(16))  # not tested (long time)
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)          # not tested (long time)
(1800, 728, 268, 312)

supplying your own hyperoval:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: F = GF(8)
sage: O = [vector(F,(0,0,1)),vector(F,(0,1,0))] + [vector(F, (1,x^2,x))
....:                                              for x in F]
sage: g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8,hyperoval=O,field=F); g
Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8): Graph on 196 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(196, 60, 14, 20)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> F = GF(Integer(8))
>>> O = [vector(F,(Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1))),vector(F,(Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)))] + [vector(F, (Integer(1),x**Integer(2),x))
...                                              for x in F]
>>> g = graphs.Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(Integer(8),hyperoval=O,field=F); g
Nowhere0WordsTwoWeightCodeGraph(8): Graph on 196 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(196, 60, 14, 20)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.OrthogonalDualPolarGraph(e, d, q)[source]#

Return the dual polar graph on \(GO^e(n,q)\) of diameter \(d\).

The value of \(n\) is determined by \(d\) and \(e\).

The graph is distance-regular with classical parameters \((d, q, 0, q^e)\).


  • e – integer; type of the orthogonal polar space to consider; must be \(-1, 0\) or \(1\).

  • d – integer; diameter of the graph

  • q – integer; prime power; order of the finite field over which to build the polar space


sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalDualPolarGraph(1,3,2)
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)
([7, 6, 4, None], [None, 1, 3, 7])
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalDualPolarGraph(0,3,3)        # long time
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True)                       # long time
([39, 36, 27, None], [None, 1, 4, 13])
sage: G.order()                                         # long time
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalDualPolarGraph(Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2))
>>> G.is_distance_regular(True)
([7, 6, 4, None], [None, 1, 3, 7])
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalDualPolarGraph(Integer(0),Integer(3),Integer(3))        # long time
>>> G.is_distance_regular(True)                       # long time
([39, 36, 27, None], [None, 1, 4, 13])
>>> G.order()                                         # long time


See [BCN1989] pp. 274-279 or [VDKT2016] p. 22.

sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.OrthogonalPolarGraph(m, q, sign='+')[source]#

Return the Orthogonal Polar Graph \(O^{\epsilon}(m,q)\).

For more information on Orthogonal Polar graphs, see the page of Andries Brouwer’s website.


  • m, q – integers; \(q\) must be a prime power

  • sign – string (default: "+"); must be "+" or "-" if \(m\) is even, "+" (default) otherwise


sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(6,3,"+"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^+(6, 3): Graph on 130 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(130, 48, 20, 16)
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(6,3,"-"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^-(6, 3): Graph on 112 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(112, 30, 2, 10)
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(5,3); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O(5, 3): Graph on 40 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(8,2,"+"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^+(8, 2): Graph on 135 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(135, 70, 37, 35)
sage: G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(8,2,"-"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^-(8, 2): Graph on 119 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(119, 54, 21, 27)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(3),"+"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^+(6, 3): Graph on 130 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(130, 48, 20, 16)
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(3),"-"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^-(6, 3): Graph on 112 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(112, 30, 2, 10)
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(3)); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O(5, 3): Graph on 40 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(8),Integer(2),"+"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^+(8, 2): Graph on 135 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(135, 70, 37, 35)
>>> G = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(8),Integer(2),"-"); G
Orthogonal Polar Graph O^-(8, 2): Graph on 119 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(119, 54, 21, 27)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.SymplecticDualPolarGraph(m, q)[source]#

Return the Symplectic Dual Polar Graph \(DSp(m,q)\).

For more information on Symplectic Dual Polar graphs, see [BCN1989] and Sect. 2.3.1 of [Coh1981].


  • m, q – integers; \(q\) must be a prime power, and \(m\) must be even


sage: G = graphs.SymplecticDualPolarGraph(6,3); G       # not tested (long time)
Symplectic Dual Polar Graph DSp(6, 3): Graph on 1120 vertices
sage: G.is_distance_regular(parameters=True)            # not tested (long time)
([39, 36, 27, None], [None, 1, 4, 13])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.SymplecticDualPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(3)); G       # not tested (long time)
Symplectic Dual Polar Graph DSp(6, 3): Graph on 1120 vertices
>>> G.is_distance_regular(parameters=True)            # not tested (long time)
([39, 36, 27, None], [None, 1, 4, 13])
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.SymplecticPolarGraph(d, q, algorithm=None)[source]#

Return the Symplectic Polar Graph \(Sp(d,q)\).

The Symplectic Polar Graph \(Sp(d,q)\) is built from a projective space of dimension \(d-1\) over a field \(F_q\), and a symplectic form \(f\). Two vertices \(u,v\) are made adjacent if \(f(u,v)=0\).

See the page on symplectic graphs on Andries Brouwer’s website.


  • d, q – integers; note that only even values of \(d\) are accepted by the function.

  • algorithm – string (default: None); if set to 'gap', then the computation is carried via GAP library interface, computing totally singular subspaces, which is faster for \(q>3\). Otherwise it is done directly.


Computation of the spectrum of \(Sp(6,2)\):

sage: g = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(6, 2)
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(63, 30, 13, 15)
sage: set(g.spectrum()) == {-5, 3, 30}                                          # needs sage.rings.number_field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(Integer(6), Integer(2))
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(63, 30, 13, 15)
>>> set(g.spectrum()) == {-Integer(5), Integer(3), Integer(30)}                                          # needs sage.rings.number_field

The parameters of \(Sp(4,q)\) are the same as of \(O(5,q)\), but they are not isomorphic if \(q\) is odd:

sage: G = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(4, 3)
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)

sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: O = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(5, 3)
sage: O.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)
sage: O.is_isomorphic(G)
sage: S = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(6, 4, algorithm="gap")    # not tested (long time)
sage: S.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                    # not tested (long time)
(1365, 340, 83, 85)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(Integer(4), Integer(3))
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)

>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> O = graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(5), Integer(3))
>>> O.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(40, 12, 2, 4)
>>> O.is_isomorphic(G)
>>> S = graphs.SymplecticPolarGraph(Integer(6), Integer(4), algorithm="gap")    # not tested (long time)
>>> S.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                    # not tested (long time)
(1365, 340, 83, 85)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(q, dual=False, hyperoval=None, field=None, check_hyperoval=True)[source]#

Return the collinearity graph of the generalized quadrangle \(T_2^*(q)\), or of its dual

Let \(q=2^k\) and \(\Theta=PG(3,q)\). \(T_2^*(q)\) is a generalized quadrangle (Wikipedia article Generalized_quadrangle) of order \((q-1,q+1)\), see 3.1.3 in [PT2009]. Fix a plane \(\Pi \subset \Theta\) and a hyperoval \(O \subset \Pi\). The points of \(T_2^*(q):=T_2^*(O)\) are the points of \(\Theta\) outside \(\Pi\), and the lines are the lines of \(\Theta\) outside \(\Pi\) that meet \(\Pi\) in a point of \(O\).


  • q – a power of two

  • dual – boolean (default: False); whether to return the graph of \(T_2^*(O)\) or of the dual \(T_2^*(O)\) (when True)

  • hyperoval – a hyperoval (i.e. a complete 2-arc; a set of points in the plane meeting every line in 0 or 2 points) in the plane of points with 0th coordinate 0 in \(PG(3,q)\) over the field field. Each point of hyperoval must be a length 4 vector over field with 1st non-0 coordinate equal to 1. By default, hyperoval and field are not specified, and constructed on the fly. In particular, hyperoval we build is the classical one, i.e. a conic with the point of intersection of its tangent lines.

  • field – an instance of a finite field of order \(q\), must be provided if hyperoval is provided

  • check_hyperoval – boolean (default: True); whether to check hyperoval for correctness or not


using the built-in construction:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(4); g
T2*(O,4); GQ(3, 5): Graph on 64 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 18, 2, 6)
sage: g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(4, dual=True); g
T2*(O,4)*; GQ(5, 3): Graph on 96 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 20, 4, 4)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(Integer(4)); g
T2*(O,4); GQ(3, 5): Graph on 64 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 18, 2, 6)
>>> g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(Integer(4), dual=True); g
T2*(O,4)*; GQ(5, 3): Graph on 96 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(96, 20, 4, 4)

supplying your own hyperoval:

sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: F = GF(4,'b')
sage: O = [vector(F,(0,0,0,1)),vector(F,(0,0,1,0))] + [vector(F, (0,1,x^2,x))
....:                                                  for x in F]
sage: g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(4, hyperoval=O, field=F); g
T2*(O,4); GQ(3, 5): Graph on 64 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 18, 2, 6)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.combinat sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> F = GF(Integer(4),'b')
>>> O = [vector(F,(Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1))),vector(F,(Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)))] + [vector(F, (Integer(0),Integer(1),x**Integer(2),x))
...                                                  for x in F]
>>> g = graphs.T2starGeneralizedQuadrangleGraph(Integer(4), hyperoval=O, field=F); g
T2*(O,4); GQ(3, 5): Graph on 64 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(64, 18, 2, 6)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(q, clique_partition=False)[source]#

Return the descendant graph of the Taylor’s two-graph for \(U_3(q)\), \(q\) odd.

This is a strongly regular graph with parameters \((v,k,\lambda,\mu)=(q^3, (q^2+1)(q-1)/2, (q-1)^3/4-1, (q^2+1)(q-1)/4)\) obtained as a two-graph descendant of the Taylor's two-graph \(T\). This graph admits a partition into cliques of size \(q\), which are useful in TaylorTwographSRG(), a strongly regular graph on \(q^3+1\) vertices in the Seidel switching class of \(T\), for which we need \((q^2+1)/2\) cliques. The cliques are the \(q^2\) lines on \(v_0\) of the projective plane containing the unital for \(U_3(q)\), and intersecting the unital (i.e. the vertices of the graph and the point we remove) in \(q+1\) points. This is all taken from §7E of [BL1984].


  • q – a power of an odd prime number

  • clique_partition – boolean (default: False); when set to True, return \(q^2-1\) cliques of size \(q\) with empty pairwise intersection. (Removing all of them leaves a clique, too), and the point removed from the unital.


sage: # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
sage: g = graphs.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(3); g
Taylor two-graph descendant SRG: Graph on 27 vertices
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(27, 10, 1, 5)
sage: from sage.combinat.designs.twographs import taylor_twograph
sage: T = taylor_twograph(3)                            # long time
sage: g.is_isomorphic(T.descendant(T.ground_set()[1]))  # long time
sage: g = graphs.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(5)         # not tested (long time)
sage: g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)            # not tested (long time)
(125, 52, 15, 26)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
>>> g = graphs.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(Integer(3)); g
Taylor two-graph descendant SRG: Graph on 27 vertices
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(27, 10, 1, 5)
>>> from sage.combinat.designs.twographs import taylor_twograph
>>> T = taylor_twograph(Integer(3))                            # long time
>>> g.is_isomorphic(T.descendant(T.ground_set()[Integer(1)]))  # long time
>>> g = graphs.TaylorTwographDescendantSRG(Integer(5))         # not tested (long time)
>>> g.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)            # not tested (long time)
(125, 52, 15, 26)

Return a strongly regular graph from the Taylor’s two-graph for \(U_3(q)\), \(q\) odd

This is a strongly regular graph with parameters \((v,k,\lambda,\mu)=(q^3+1, q(q^2+1)/2, (q^2+3)(q-1)/4, (q^2+1)(q+1)/4)\) in the Seidel switching class of Taylor two-graph. Details are in §7E of [BL1984].


  • q – a power of an odd prime number


sage: t = graphs.TaylorTwographSRG(3); t                                        # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
Taylor two-graph SRG: Graph on 28 vertices
sage: t.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
(28, 15, 6, 10)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> t = graphs.TaylorTwographSRG(Integer(3)); t                                        # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
Taylor two-graph SRG: Graph on 28 vertices
>>> t.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)                                    # needs sage.rings.finite_rings
(28, 15, 6, 10)
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(m, q)[source]#

Return the Dual Unitary Polar Graph \(U(m,q)\).

For more information on Unitary Dual Polar graphs, see [BCN1989] and Sect. 2.3.1 of [Coh1981].


  • m, q – integers; \(q\) must be a prime power


The point graph of a generalized quadrangle (see Wikipedia article Generalized_quadrangle, [PT2009]) of order (8,4):

sage: G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(5,2); G  # long time                     # needs sage.libs.gap
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(5, 2); GQ(8, 4): Graph on 297 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time                     # needs sage.libs.gap
(297, 40, 7, 5)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(2)); G  # long time                     # needs sage.libs.gap
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(5, 2); GQ(8, 4): Graph on 297 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)    # long time                     # needs sage.libs.gap
(297, 40, 7, 5)

Another way to get the generalized quadrangle of order (2,4):

sage: G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(4,2); G                                  # needs sage.libs.gap
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(4, 2); GQ(2, 4): Graph on 27 vertices
sage: G.is_isomorphic(graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(6,2,'-'))                     # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(Integer(4),Integer(2)); G                                  # needs sage.libs.gap
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(4, 2); GQ(2, 4): Graph on 27 vertices
>>> G.is_isomorphic(graphs.OrthogonalPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2),'-'))                     # needs sage.libs.gap

A bigger graph:

sage: G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(6,2); G   # not tested (long time)
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(6, 2): Graph on 891 vertices
sage: G.is_distance_regular(parameters=True)     # not tested (long time)
([42, 40, 32, None], [None, 1, 5, 21])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = graphs.UnitaryDualPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2)); G   # not tested (long time)
Unitary Dual Polar Graph DU(6, 2): Graph on 891 vertices
>>> G.is_distance_regular(parameters=True)     # not tested (long time)
([42, 40, 32, None], [None, 1, 5, 21])
sage.graphs.generators.classical_geometries.UnitaryPolarGraph(m, q, algorithm='gap')[source]#

Return the Unitary Polar Graph \(U(m,q)\).

For more information on Unitary Polar graphs, see the page of Andries Brouwer’s website.


  • m, q – integers; \(q\) must be a prime power

  • algorithm – string (default: "gap"); if set to ‘gap’ then the computation is carried via GAP library interface, computing totally singular subspaces, which is faster for large examples (especially with \(q>2\)). Otherwise it is done directly.


sage: # needs sage.libs.gap
sage: G = graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(4,2); G
Unitary Polar Graph U(4, 2); GQ(4, 2): Graph on 45 vertices
sage: G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(45, 12, 3, 3)
sage: graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(5,2).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(165, 36, 3, 9)
sage: graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(6,2)     # not tested (long time)
Unitary Polar Graph U(6, 2): Graph on 693 vertices
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.libs.gap
>>> G = graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(Integer(4),Integer(2)); G
Unitary Polar Graph U(4, 2); GQ(4, 2): Graph on 45 vertices
>>> G.is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(45, 12, 3, 3)
>>> graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(Integer(5),Integer(2)).is_strongly_regular(parameters=True)
(165, 36, 3, 9)
>>> graphs.UnitaryPolarGraph(Integer(6),Integer(2))     # not tested (long time)
Unitary Polar Graph U(6, 2): Graph on 693 vertices