C Function Profiler Using Google Perftools#

Note that the profiler samples 100x per second by default. In particular, you cannot profile anything shorter than 10ms. You can adjust the rate with the CPUPROFILE_FREQUENCY environment variable if you want to change it.


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.start()       # optional - gperftools
sage: run_100ms()
sage: prof.stop()        # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.start()       # optional - gperftools
>>> run_100ms()
>>> prof.stop()        # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...


Uses the Google performance analysis tools. Note that they are not included in Sage, you have to install them yourself on your system.


  • Volker Braun (2014-03-31): initial version

class sage.misc.gperftools.Profiler(filename=None)[source]#

Bases: SageObject

Interface to the gperftools profiler


  • filename – string or None (default). The file name to log to. By default, a new temporary file is created.


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
sage: Profiler()
Profiler logging to ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
>>> Profiler()
Profiler logging to ...

Return the file name




sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.filename()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.filename()
save(filename, cumulative=True, verbose=True)[source]#

Save report to disk.


  • filename – string. The filename to save at. Must end with one of .dot, .ps, .pdf, .svg, .gif, or .txt to specify the output file format.

  • cumulative – boolean (default: True). Whether to return cumulative timings.

  • verbose – boolean (default: True). Whether to print informational messages.


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
sage: run_100ms()     # optional - gperftools
sage: prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
sage: f = tmp_filename(ext='.txt')      # optional - gperftools
sage: prof.save(f, verbose=False)       # optional - gperftools
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
>>> run_100ms()     # optional - gperftools
>>> prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
>>> f = tmp_filename(ext='.txt')      # optional - gperftools
>>> prof.save(f, verbose=False)       # optional - gperftools

Start profiling


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
sage: run_100ms()
sage: prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
>>> run_100ms()
>>> prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...

Stop the CPU profiler


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
sage: run_100ms()
sage: prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler, run_100ms
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
>>> run_100ms()
>>> prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...

Print text report


Nothing. A textual report is printed to stdout.


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
sage: prof = Profiler()
sage: prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
sage: # do something
sage: prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
sage: prof.top()   # optional - gperftools
Using local file ...
Using local file ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import Profiler
>>> prof = Profiler()
>>> prof.start()    # optional - gperftools
>>> # do something
>>> prof.stop()     # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
>>> prof.top()   # optional - gperftools
Using local file ...
Using local file ...
sage.misc.gperftools.crun(s, evaluator)[source]#

Profile single statement.

  • s – string. Sage code to profile.

  • evaluator – callable to evaluate.


sage: import sage.misc.gperftools as gperf
sage: ev = lambda ex:eval(ex, globals(), locals())
sage: gperf.crun('gperf.run_100ms()', evaluator=ev)   # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
Using local file ...
Using local file ...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> import sage.misc.gperftools as gperf
>>> ev = lambda ex:eval(ex, globals(), locals())
>>> gperf.crun('gperf.run_100ms()', evaluator=ev)   # optional - gperftools
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = ...
Using local file ...
Using local file ...

Used for doctesting.

A function that performs some computation for more than (but not that much more than) 100ms.


sage: from sage.misc.gperftools import run_100ms
sage: run_100ms()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.misc.gperftools import run_100ms
>>> run_100ms()