Message delivery

Various interfaces to messaging services. Currently:

  • pushover – a platform for sending and receiving push notifications

is supported.


  • Martin Albrecht (2012) - initial implementation

sage.misc.messaging.pushover(message, **kwds)[source]

Send a push notification with message to user using

Pushover is a platform for sending and receiving push notifications. On the server side, it provides an HTTP API for queueing messages to deliver to devices. On the device side, iOS and Android clients receive those push notifications, show them to the user, and store them for offline viewing.

An account on is required and the Pushover app must be installed on your phone for this function to be able to deliver messages to you.


  • message – your message

  • user – the user key (not e-mail address) of your user (or you), viewable when logged into the Pushover dashboard. (default: None)

  • device – your user’s device identifier to send the message directly to that device, rather than all of the user’s devices (default: None)

  • title – your message’s title, otherwise uses your app’s name (default: None)

  • url – a supplementary URL to show with your message (default: None)

  • url_title – a title for your supplementary URL (default: None)

  • priority – set to 1 to display as high-priority and bypass quiet hours, or -1 to always send as a quiet notification (default: 0)

  • timestamp – set to a unix timestamp to have your message show with a particular time, rather than now (default: None)

  • sound – set to the name of one of the sounds supported by device clients to override the user’s default sound choice (default: None)

  • token – your application’s API token (default: Sage’s default App token)


sage: import sage.misc.messaging
sage: sage.misc.messaging.pushover("Hi, how are you?", user="XXX") # not tested
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> import sage.misc.messaging
>>> sage.misc.messaging.pushover("Hi, how are you?", user="XXX") # not tested

To set default values populate pushover_defaults:

sage: sage.misc.messaging.pushover_defaults["user"] = "USER_TOKEN"
sage: sage.misc.messaging.pushover("Hi, how are you?") # not tested
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sage.misc.messaging.pushover_defaults["user"] = "USER_TOKEN"
>>> sage.misc.messaging.pushover("Hi, how are you?") # not tested


You may want to populate sage.misc.messaging.pushover_defaults with default values such as the default user in $HOME/.sage/init.sage.