\(p\)-adic Printing#
This file contains code for printing p-adic elements.
It has been moved here to prevent code duplication and make finding the relevant code easier.
David Roe
- sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinter(ring, options={})[source]#
Create a
ring – a p-adic ring or field.
options – a dictionary, with keys in
; seepAdicPrinter_class
for the meanings of these keywords.
sage: from sage.rings.padics.padic_printing import pAdicPrinter sage: R = Zp(5) sage: pAdicPrinter(R, {'sep': '&'}) series printer for 5-adic Ring with capped relative precision 20
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.rings.padics.padic_printing import pAdicPrinter >>> R = Zp(Integer(5)) >>> pAdicPrinter(R, {'sep': '&'}) series printer for 5-adic Ring with capped relative precision 20
- class sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinterDefaults(mode='series', pos=True, max_ram_terms=-1, max_unram_terms=-1, max_terse_terms=-1, sep='|', alphabet=None)[source]#
This class stores global defaults for p-adic printing.
- allow_negatives(neg=None)[source]#
Controls whether or not to display a balanced representation.
returns the current value.EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives(True) sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives() True sage: Qp(29)(-1) -1 + O(29^20) sage: Qp(29)(-1000) -14 - 5*29 - 29^2 + O(29^20) sage: padic_printing.allow_negatives(False)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.allow_negatives(True) >>> padic_printing.allow_negatives() True >>> Qp(Integer(29))(-Integer(1)) -1 + O(29^20) >>> Qp(Integer(29))(-Integer(1000)) -14 - 5*29 - 29^2 + O(29^20) >>> padic_printing.allow_negatives(False)
- alphabet(alphabet=None)[source]#
Controls the alphabet used to translate p-adic digits into strings (so that no separator need be used in
should be passed in as a list or tuple.alphabet=None
returns the current value.EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.alphabet("abc") sage: padic_printing.mode('digits') sage: repr(Qp(3)(1234)) '...bcaacab' sage: padic_printing.mode('series') sage: padic_printing.alphabet(('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.alphabet("abc") >>> padic_printing.mode('digits') >>> repr(Qp(Integer(3))(Integer(1234))) '...bcaacab' >>> padic_printing.mode('series') >>> padic_printing.alphabet(('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'))
- max_poly_terms(max=None)[source]#
Controls the number of terms appearing when printing polynomial representations in
returns the current value.max=-1
encodes ‘no limit.’EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms(3) sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms() 3 sage: padic_printing.mode('terse') sage: Zq(7^5, 5, names='a')([2,3,4])^8 # needs sage.libs.ntl 2570 + 15808*a + 9018*a^2 + ... + O(7^5) sage: padic_printing.max_poly_terms(-1) sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.max_poly_terms(Integer(3)) >>> padic_printing.max_poly_terms() 3 >>> padic_printing.mode('terse') >>> Zq(Integer(7)**Integer(5), Integer(5), names='a')([Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(4)])**Integer(8) # needs sage.libs.ntl 2570 + 15808*a + 9018*a^2 + ... + O(7^5) >>> padic_printing.max_poly_terms(-Integer(1)) >>> padic_printing.mode('series')
- max_series_terms(max=None)[source]#
Controls the maximum number of terms shown when printing in
returns the current value.max=-1
encodes ‘no limit.’EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms(2) sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms() 2 sage: Qp(31)(1000) 8 + 31 + ... + O(31^20) sage: padic_printing.max_series_terms(-1) sage: Qp(37)(100000) 26 + 37 + 36*37^2 + 37^3 + O(37^20)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.max_series_terms(Integer(2)) >>> padic_printing.max_series_terms() 2 >>> Qp(Integer(31))(Integer(1000)) 8 + 31 + ... + O(31^20) >>> padic_printing.max_series_terms(-Integer(1)) >>> Qp(Integer(37))(Integer(100000)) 26 + 37 + 36*37^2 + 37^3 + O(37^20)
- max_unram_terms(max=None)[source]#
For rings with non-prime residue fields, controls how many terms appear in the coefficient of each
when printing in'series'
returns the current value.max=-1
encodes ‘no limit.’EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms(2) sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms() 2 sage: Zq(5^6, 5, names='a')([1,2,3,-1])^17 # needs sage.libs.ntl (3*a^4 + ... + 3) + (a^5 + ... + a)*5 + (3*a^3 + ... + 2)*5^2 + (3*a^5 + ... + 2)*5^3 + (4*a^5 + ... + 4)*5^4 + O(5^5) sage: padic_printing.max_unram_terms(-1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.max_unram_terms(Integer(2)) >>> padic_printing.max_unram_terms() 2 >>> Zq(Integer(5)**Integer(6), Integer(5), names='a')([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3),-Integer(1)])**Integer(17) # needs sage.libs.ntl (3*a^4 + ... + 3) + (a^5 + ... + a)*5 + (3*a^3 + ... + 2)*5^2 + (3*a^5 + ... + 2)*5^3 + (4*a^5 + ... + 4)*5^4 + O(5^5) >>> padic_printing.max_unram_terms(-Integer(1))
- mode(mode=None)[source]#
Set the default printing mode.
returns the current value.The allowed values for mode are:
sage: padic_printing.mode('terse') sage: padic_printing.mode() 'terse' sage: Qp(7)(100) 100 + O(7^20) sage: padic_printing.mode('series') sage: Qp(11)(100) 1 + 9*11 + O(11^20) sage: padic_printing.mode('val-unit') sage: Qp(13)(130) 13 * 10 + O(13^21) sage: padic_printing.mode('digits') sage: repr(Qp(17)(100)) '...5F' sage: repr(Qp(17)(1000)) '...37E' sage: padic_printing.mode('bars') sage: repr(Qp(19)(1000)) '...2|14|12' sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.mode('terse') >>> padic_printing.mode() 'terse' >>> Qp(Integer(7))(Integer(100)) 100 + O(7^20) >>> padic_printing.mode('series') >>> Qp(Integer(11))(Integer(100)) 1 + 9*11 + O(11^20) >>> padic_printing.mode('val-unit') >>> Qp(Integer(13))(Integer(130)) 13 * 10 + O(13^21) >>> padic_printing.mode('digits') >>> repr(Qp(Integer(17))(Integer(100))) '...5F' >>> repr(Qp(Integer(17))(Integer(1000))) '...37E' >>> padic_printing.mode('bars') >>> repr(Qp(Integer(19))(Integer(1000))) '...2|14|12' >>> padic_printing.mode('series')
- sep(sep=None)[source]#
Controls the separator used in
returns the current value.EXAMPLES:
sage: padic_printing.sep('][') sage: padic_printing.sep() '][' sage: padic_printing.mode('bars') sage: repr(Qp(61)(-1)) '...60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60' sage: padic_printing.sep('|') sage: padic_printing.mode('series')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> padic_printing.sep('][') >>> padic_printing.sep() '][' >>> padic_printing.mode('bars') >>> repr(Qp(Integer(61))(-Integer(1))) '...60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60][60' >>> padic_printing.sep('|') >>> padic_printing.mode('series')
- class sage.rings.padics.padic_printing.pAdicPrinter_class[source]#
This class stores the printing options for a specific p-adic ring or field, and uses these to compute the representations of elements.
- dict()[source]#
Return a dictionary storing all of
’s printing options.EXAMPLES:
sage: D = Zp(5)._printer.dict(); D['sep'] '|'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> D = Zp(Integer(5))._printer.dict(); D['sep'] '|'
- repr_gen(elt, do_latex, pos=None, mode=None, ram_name=None)[source]#
The entry point for printing an element.
– a p-adic element of the appropriate ring to print.do_latex
– whether to return a latex representation or a normal one.
sage: R = Zp(5,5); P = R._printer; a = R(-5); a 4*5 + 4*5^2 + 4*5^3 + 4*5^4 + 4*5^5 + O(5^6) sage: P.repr_gen(a, False, pos=False) '-5 + O(5^6)' sage: P.repr_gen(a, False, ram_name='p') '4*p + 4*p^2 + 4*p^3 + 4*p^4 + 4*p^5 + O(p^6)'
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = Zp(Integer(5),Integer(5)); P = R._printer; a = R(-Integer(5)); a 4*5 + 4*5^2 + 4*5^3 + 4*5^4 + 4*5^5 + O(5^6) >>> P.repr_gen(a, False, pos=False) '-5 + O(5^6)' >>> P.repr_gen(a, False, ram_name='p') '4*p + 4*p^2 + 4*p^3 + 4*p^4 + 4*p^5 + O(p^6)'
- richcmp_modes(other, op)[source]#
Return a comparison of the printing modes of
.Return 0 if and only if all relevant modes are equal (
is irrelevant if the ring is totally ramified over the base, for example). This does not check if the rings are equal (to prevent infinite recursion in the comparison functions of p-adic rings), but it does check if the primes are the same (since the prime affects whetherpos
is relevant).EXAMPLES:
sage: R = Qp(7, print_mode='digits', print_pos=True) sage: S = Qp(7, print_mode='digits', print_pos=False) sage: R._printer == S._printer True sage: R = Qp(7) sage: S = Qp(7, print_mode='val-unit') sage: R == S False sage: R._printer < S._printer True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = Qp(Integer(7), print_mode='digits', print_pos=True) >>> S = Qp(Integer(7), print_mode='digits', print_pos=False) >>> R._printer == S._printer True >>> R = Qp(Integer(7)) >>> S = Qp(Integer(7), print_mode='val-unit') >>> R == S False >>> R._printer < S._printer True