Miscellaneous Functions

This file contains several miscellaneous functions used by \(p\)-adics.

  • gauss_sum – compute Gauss sums using the Gross-Koblitz formula.

  • min – a version of min that returns \(\infty\) on empty input.

  • max – a version of max that returns \(-\infty\) on empty input.


  • David Roe

  • Adriana Salerno

  • Ander Steele

  • Kiran Kedlaya (modified gauss_sum 2017/09)

sage.rings.padics.misc.gauss_sum(a, p, f, prec=20, factored=False, algorithm='pari', parent=None)[source]

Return the Gauss sum \(g_q(a)\) as a \(p\)-adic number.

The Gauss sum \(g_q(a)\) is defined by

\[g_q(a)= \sum_{u\in F_q^*} \omega(u)^{-a} \zeta_q^u,\]

where \(q = p^f\), \(\omega\) is the Teichmüller character and \(\zeta_q\) is some arbitrary choice of primitive \(q\)-th root of unity. The computation is adapted from the main theorem in Alain Robert’s paper The Gross-Koblitz formula revisited, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 105 (2001), 157–170.

Let \(p\) be a prime, \(f\) a positive integer, \(q=p^f\), and \(\pi\) be the unique root of \(f(x) = x^{p-1}+p\) congruent to \(\zeta_p - 1\) modulo \((\zeta_p - 1)^2\). Let \(0\leq a < q-1\). Then the Gross-Koblitz formula gives us the value of the Gauss sum \(g_q(a)\) as a product of \(p\)-adic Gamma functions as follows:

\[g_q(a) = -\pi^s \prod_{0\leq i < f} \Gamma_p(a^{(i)}/(q-1)),\]

where \(s\) is the sum of the digits of \(a\) in base \(p\) and the \(a^{(i)}\) have \(p\)-adic expansions obtained from cyclic permutations of that of \(a\).


  • a – integer

  • p – prime

  • f – positive integer

  • prec – positive integer (default: 20)

  • factored – boolean (default: False)

  • algorithm – flag passed to \(p\)-adic Gamma function (default: 'pari')


If factored is False, returns a \(p\)-adic number in an Eisenstein extension of \(\QQ_p\). This number has the form \(pi^e * z\) where \(pi\) is as above, \(e\) is some nonnegative integer, and \(z\) is an element of \(\ZZ_p\); if factored is True, the pair \((e,z)\) is returned instead, and the Eisenstein extension is not formed.


This is based on GP code written by Adriana Salerno.


In this example, we verify that \(g_3(0) = -1\):

sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
sage: -gauss_sum(0, 3, 1)                                                       # needs sage.libs.ntl sage.rings.padics
1 + O(pi^40)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
>>> -gauss_sum(Integer(0), Integer(3), Integer(1))                                                       # needs sage.libs.ntl sage.rings.padics
1 + O(pi^40)

Next, we verify that \(g_5(a) g_5(-a) = 5 (-1)^a\):

sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
sage: gauss_sum(2,5,1)^2 - 5                                                    # needs sage.libs.ntl
sage: gauss_sum(1,5,1)*gauss_sum(3,5,1) + 5                                     # needs sage.libs.ntl
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
>>> gauss_sum(Integer(2),Integer(5),Integer(1))**Integer(2) - Integer(5)                                                    # needs sage.libs.ntl
>>> gauss_sum(Integer(1),Integer(5),Integer(1))*gauss_sum(Integer(3),Integer(5),Integer(1)) + Integer(5)                                     # needs sage.libs.ntl

Finally, we compute a non-trivial value:

sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
sage: gauss_sum(2,13,2)                                                         # needs sage.libs.ntl
6*pi^2 + 7*pi^14 + 11*pi^26 + 3*pi^62 + 6*pi^74 + 3*pi^86 + 5*pi^98 +
pi^110 + 7*pi^134 + 9*pi^146 + 4*pi^158 + 6*pi^170 + 4*pi^194 +
pi^206 + 6*pi^218 + 9*pi^230 + O(pi^242)
sage: gauss_sum(2,13,2, prec=5, factored=True)                                  # needs sage.rings.padics
(2, 6 + 6*13 + 10*13^2 + O(13^5))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import gauss_sum
>>> gauss_sum(Integer(2),Integer(13),Integer(2))                                                         # needs sage.libs.ntl
6*pi^2 + 7*pi^14 + 11*pi^26 + 3*pi^62 + 6*pi^74 + 3*pi^86 + 5*pi^98 +
pi^110 + 7*pi^134 + 9*pi^146 + 4*pi^158 + 6*pi^170 + 4*pi^194 +
pi^206 + 6*pi^218 + 9*pi^230 + O(pi^242)
>>> gauss_sum(Integer(2),Integer(13),Integer(2), prec=Integer(5), factored=True)                                  # needs sage.rings.padics
(2, 6 + 6*13 + 10*13^2 + O(13^5))

Return the maximum of the inputs, where the maximum of the empty list is \(-\infty\).


sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import max
sage: max()
sage: max(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import max
>>> max()
>>> max(Integer(2),Integer(3))

Return the minimum of the inputs, where the minimum of the empty list is \(\infty\).


sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import min
sage: min()
sage: min(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import min
>>> min()
>>> min(Integer(2),Integer(3))
sage.rings.padics.misc.precprint(prec_type, prec_cap, p)[source]

String describing the precision mode on a \(p\)-adic ring or field.


sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import precprint
sage: precprint('capped-rel', 12, 2)
'with capped relative precision 12'
sage: precprint('capped-abs', 11, 3)
'with capped absolute precision 11'
sage: precprint('floating-point', 1234, 5)
'with floating precision 1234'
sage: precprint('fixed-mod', 1, 17)
'of fixed modulus 17^1'
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import precprint
>>> precprint('capped-rel', Integer(12), Integer(2))
'with capped relative precision 12'
>>> precprint('capped-abs', Integer(11), Integer(3))
'with capped absolute precision 11'
>>> precprint('floating-point', Integer(1234), Integer(5))
'with floating precision 1234'
>>> precprint('fixed-mod', Integer(1), Integer(17))
'of fixed modulus 17^1'

Strips trailing zeros/empty lists from a list.


sage: from sage.rings.padics.misc import trim_zeros
sage: trim_zeros([1,0,1,0])
[1, 0, 1]
sage: trim_zeros([[1],[],[2],[],[]])
[[1], [], [2]]
sage: trim_zeros([[],[]])
sage: trim_zeros([])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.rings.padics.misc import trim_zeros
>>> trim_zeros([Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0)])
[1, 0, 1]
>>> trim_zeros([[Integer(1)],[],[Integer(2)],[],[]])
[[1], [], [2]]
>>> trim_zeros([[],[]])
>>> trim_zeros([])

Zeros are also trimmed from nested lists (one deep):

sage: trim_zeros([[1,0]]) [[1]] sage: trim_zeros([[0],[1]]) [[], [1]]