Coordinate calculus methods#

The class CalculusMethod governs the calculus methods (symbolic and numerical) used for coordinate computations on manifolds.


class sage.manifolds.calculus_method.CalculusMethod(current=None, base_field_type='real')[source]#

Bases: SageObject

Control of calculus backends used on coordinate charts of manifolds.

This class stores the possible calculus methods and permits to switch between them, as well as to change the simplifying functions associated with them. For the moment, only two calculus backends are implemented:

  • Sage’s symbolic engine (Pynac + Maxima), implemented via the Symbolic Ring SR

  • SymPy engine, denoted sympy hereafter


  • current – (default: None) string defining the calculus method that will be considered as the active one, until it is changed by set(); must be one of

    • 'SR': Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)

    • 'sympy': SymPy

    • None: the default calculus method ('SR')

  • base_field_type – (default: 'real') base field type of the manifold (cf. base_field_type())


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod()

In the display, the currently active method is pointed out with a star:

sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy

It can be changed with set():

sage: cm.set('sympy')
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set('sympy')
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)

while reset() brings back to the default:

sage: cm.reset()
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.reset()
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy

See simplify_function() for the default simplification algorithms associated with each calculus method and set_simplify_function() for introducing a new simplification algorithm.


Return the active calculus method as a string.


  • string defining the calculus method, one of

    • 'SR': Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)

    • 'sympy': SymPy


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(); cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
sage: cm.current()
sage: cm.set('sympy')
sage: cm.current()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(); cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> cm.current()
>>> cm.set('sympy')
>>> cm.current()
is_trivial_zero(expression, method=None)[source]#

Check if an expression is trivially equal to zero without any simplification.


  • expression – expression

  • method – (default: None) string defining the calculus method to use; if None the current calculus method of self is used.


  • True is expression is trivially zero, False elsewhere.


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real')
sage: f = sin(x) - sin(x)
sage: cm.is_trivial_zero(f)
sage: cm.is_trivial_zero(f._sympy_(), method='sympy')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real')
>>> f = sin(x) - sin(x)
>>> cm.is_trivial_zero(f)
>>> cm.is_trivial_zero(f._sympy_(), method='sympy')
sage: f = sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 - 1
sage: cm.is_trivial_zero(f)
sage: cm.is_trivial_zero(f._sympy_(), method='sympy')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = sin(x)**Integer(2) + cos(x)**Integer(2) - Integer(1)
>>> cm.is_trivial_zero(f)
>>> cm.is_trivial_zero(f._sympy_(), method='sympy')

Set the current calculus method to the default one.


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
sage: cm.set('sympy')
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)
sage: cm.reset()
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> cm.set('sympy')
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)
>>> cm.reset()
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy

Set the currently active calculus method.

  • method – string defining the calculus method


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
sage: cm.set('sympy')
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)
sage: cm.set('lala')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: method lala not implemented
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> cm.set('sympy')
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default)
 - sympy (*)
>>> cm.set('lala')
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: method lala not implemented
set_simplify_function(simplifying_func, method=None)[source]#

Set the simplifying function associated to a given calculus method.


  • simplifying_func – either the string 'default' for restoring the default simplifying function or a function f of a single argument expr such that f(expr) returns an object of the same type as expr (hopefully the simplified version of expr), this type being

    • Expression if method = 'SR'

    • a SymPy type if method = 'sympy'

  • method – (default: None) string defining the calculus method for which simplifying_func is provided; must be one of

    • 'SR': Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)

    • 'sympy': SymPy

    • None: the currently active calculus method of self is assumed


On a real manifold, the default simplifying function is simplify_chain_real() when the calculus method is SR:

sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real'); cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
sage: cm.simplify_function() is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real'); cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> cm.simplify_function() is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real

Let us change it to simplify():

sage: cm.set_simplify_function(simplify)
sage: cm.simplify_function() is simplify
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set_simplify_function(simplify)
>>> cm.simplify_function() is simplify

Since SR is the current calculus method, the above is equivalent to:

sage: cm.set_simplify_function(simplify, method='SR')
sage: cm.simplify_function(method='SR') is simplify
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set_simplify_function(simplify, method='SR')
>>> cm.simplify_function(method='SR') is simplify

We revert to the default simplifying function by:

sage: cm.set_simplify_function('default')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set_simplify_function('default')

Then we are back to:

sage: cm.simplify_function() is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify_function() is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real
simplify(expression, method=None)[source]#

Apply the simplifying function associated with a given calculus method to a symbolic expression.


  • expression – symbolic expression to simplify

  • method – (default: None) string defining the calculus method to use; must be one of

    • 'SR': Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)

    • 'sympy': SymPy

    • None: the current calculus method of self is used.


  • the simplified version of expression


sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='topological')
sage: X.<x, y> = M.chart()
sage: f = x^2 + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real')
sage: cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', structure='topological')
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> f = x**Integer(2) + sin(x)**Integer(2) + cos(x)**Integer(2)
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='real')
>>> cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + 1

Using a weaker simplifying function, like simplify(), does not succeed in this case:

sage: cm.set_simplify_function(simplify)
sage: cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set_simplify_function(simplify)
>>> cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2

Back to the default simplifying function (simplify_chain_real() in the present case):

sage: cm.set_simplify_function('default')
sage: cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set_simplify_function('default')
>>> cm.simplify(f)
x^2 + 1

A SR expression, such as f, cannot be simplified when the current calculus method is sympy:

sage: cm.set('sympy')
sage: cm.simplify(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression' object has no attribute 'combsimp'...
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.set('sympy')
>>> cm.simplify(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression' object has no attribute 'combsimp'...

In the present case, one should either transform f to a SymPy object:

sage: cm.simplify(f._sympy_())
x**2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify(f._sympy_())
x**2 + 1

or force the calculus method to be 'SR':

sage: cm.simplify(f, method='SR')
x^2 + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify(f, method='SR')
x^2 + 1

Return the simplifying function associated to a given calculus method.

The simplifying function is that used in all computations involved with the calculus method.


  • method – (default: None) string defining the calculus method for which simplifying_func is provided; must be one of

    • 'SR': Sage’s default symbolic engine (Symbolic Ring)

    • 'sympy': SymPy

    • None: the currently active calculus method of self is assumed


  • the simplifying function


sage: from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
sage: cm = CalculusMethod()
sage: cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
sage: cm.simplify_function()  # random (memory address)
<function simplify_chain_real at 0x7f958d5b6758>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.manifolds.calculus_method import CalculusMethod
>>> cm = CalculusMethod()
>>> cm
Available calculus methods (* = current):
 - SR (default) (*)
 - sympy
>>> cm.simplify_function()  # random (memory address)
<function simplify_chain_real at 0x7f958d5b6758>

The output stands for the function simplify_chain_real():

sage: cm.simplify_function() is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify_function() is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real

Since SR is the default calculus method, we have:

sage: cm.simplify_function() is cm.simplify_function(method='SR')
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify_function() is cm.simplify_function(method='SR')

The simplifying function associated with sympy is simplify_chain_real_sympy():

sage: cm.simplify_function(method='sympy')  # random (memory address)
<function simplify_chain_real_sympy at 0x7f0b35a578c0>
sage: cm.simplify_function(method='sympy') is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real_sympy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cm.simplify_function(method='sympy')  # random (memory address)
<function simplify_chain_real_sympy at 0x7f0b35a578c0>
>>> cm.simplify_function(method='sympy') is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_real_sympy

On complex manifolds, the simplifying functions are simplify_chain_generic() and simplify_chain_generic_sympy() for respectively SR and sympy:

sage: cmc = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
sage: cmc.simplify_function(method='SR') is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_generic
sage: cmc.simplify_function(method='sympy') is \
....: sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_generic_sympy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> cmc = CalculusMethod(base_field_type='complex')
>>> cmc.simplify_function(method='SR') is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_generic
>>> cmc.simplify_function(method='sympy') is sage.manifolds.utilities.simplify_chain_generic_sympy

Note that the simplifying functions can be customized via set_simplify_function().