Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics and Degenerate Metrics#

The class PseudoRiemannianMetric implements pseudo-Riemannian metrics on differentiable manifolds over \(\RR\). The derived class PseudoRiemannianMetricParal is devoted to metrics with values on a parallelizable manifold.

The class DegenerateMetric implements degenerate (or null or lightlike) metrics on differentiable manifolds over \(\RR\). The derived class DegenerateMetricParal is devoted to metrics with values on a parallelizable manifold.


  • Eric Gourgoulhon, Michal Bejger (2013-2015) : initial version

  • Pablo Angulo (2016) : Schouten, Cotton and Cotton-York tensors

  • Florentin Jaffredo (2018) : series expansion for the inverse metric

  • Hans Fotsing Tetsing (2019) : degenerate metrics

  • Marius Gerbershagen (2022) : compute volume forms with contravariant indices only as needed


class sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.DegenerateMetric(vector_field_module, name, signature=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Bases: TensorField

Degenerate (or null or lightlike) metric with values on an open subset of a differentiable manifold.

An instance of this class is a field of degenerate symmetric bilinear forms (metric field) along a differentiable manifold \(U\) with values on a differentiable manifold \(M\) over \(\RR\), via a differentiable mapping \(\Phi: U \rightarrow M\). The standard case of a degenerate metric field on a manifold corresponds to \(U=M\) and \(\Phi = \mathrm{Id}_M\). Other common cases are \(\Phi\) being an immersion and \(\Phi\) being a curve in \(M\) (\(U\) is then an open interval of \(\RR\)).

A degenerate metric \(g\) is a field on \(U\), such that at each point \(p\in U\), \(g(p)\) is a bilinear map of the type:

\[g(p):\ T_q M\times T_q M \longrightarrow \RR\]

where \(T_q M\) stands for the tangent space to the manifold \(M\) at the point \(q=\Phi(p)\), such that \(g(p)\) is symmetric: \(\forall (u,v)\in T_q M\times T_q M, \ g(p)(v,u) = g(p)(u,v)\) and degenerate: \(\exists v\in T_q M;\ \ g(p)(u,v) = 0\ \ \forall u\in T_qM\).


If \(M\) is parallelizable, the class DegenerateMetricParal should be used instead.


  • vector_field_module – module \(\mathfrak{X}(U,\Phi)\) of vector fields along \(U\) with values on \(\Phi(U)\subset M\)

  • name – name given to the metric

  • signature – (default: None) signature \(S\) of the metric as a tuple: \(S = (n_+, n_-, n_0)\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\), resp. \(n_0\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. negative terms, resp. zero tems) in any diagonal writing of the metric components; if signature is not provided, \(S\) is set to \((ndim-1, 0, 1)\), being \(ndim\) the manifold’s dimension

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the metric; if None, it is formed from name


Lightlike cone:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M'); X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(2,0,1)); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: det(g)
Scalar field zero on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g[0,0], g[0,1], g[0,2] = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), \
....: - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), - x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
sage: g[1,1], g[1,2], g[2,2] = (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), \
....: - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
sage: g.disp()
g = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dx - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dy
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dz - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dx
+ (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dy - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dz
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dx - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dy
+ (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dz
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M'); X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(2),Integer(0),Integer(1))); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> det(g)
Scalar field zero on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g[Integer(0),Integer(0)], g[Integer(0),Integer(1)], g[Integer(0),Integer(2)] = (y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - x*y/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - x*z/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = (x**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - y*z/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), (x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))
>>> g.disp()
g = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dx - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dy
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dz - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dx
+ (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dy - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dz
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dx - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dy
+ (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dz

The position vector is a lightlike vector field:

sage: v = M.vector_field()
sage: v[0], v[1], v[2] = x , y, z
sage: g(v, v).disp()
M → ℝ
(x, y, z) ↦ 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = M.vector_field()
>>> v[Integer(0)], v[Integer(1)], v[Integer(2)] = x , y, z
>>> g(v, v).disp()
M → ℝ
(x, y, z) ↦ 0

Determinant of a degenerate metric is always ‘0’


sage: S = Manifold(2, 'S')
sage: g = S.metric('g', signature=([0,1,1]))
sage: g.determinant()
Scalar field zero on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> S = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S')
>>> g = S.metric('g', signature=([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> g.determinant()
Scalar field zero on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S

Determinant of a degenerate metric is always ‘0’


sage: S = Manifold(2, 'S')
sage: g = S.metric('g', signature=([0,1,1]))
sage: g.determinant()
Scalar field zero on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> S = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S')
>>> g = S.metric('g', signature=([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1)]))
>>> g.determinant()
Scalar field zero on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S
restrict(subdomain, dest_map=None)[source]#

Return the restriction of the metric to some subdomain.

If the restriction has not been defined yet, it is constructed here.


  • subdomain – open subset \(U\) of the metric’s domain (must be an instance of DifferentiableManifold)

  • dest_map – (default: None) destination map \(\Phi:\ U \rightarrow V\), where \(V\) is a subdomain of self._codomain (type: DiffMap) If None, the restriction of self._vmodule._dest_map to \(U\) is used.



sage: M = Manifold(5, 'M')
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(3,1,1))
sage: U = M.open_subset('U')
sage: g.restrict(U)
degenerate metric g on the Open subset U of the 5-dimensional
differentiable manifold M
sage: g.restrict(U).signature()
(3, 1, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(5), 'M')
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(1)))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U')
>>> g.restrict(U)
degenerate metric g on the Open subset U of the 5-dimensional
differentiable manifold M
>>> g.restrict(U).signature()
(3, 1, 1)

See the top documentation of DegenerateMetric for more examples.


Defines the metric from a field of symmetric bilinear forms


  • symbiform – instance of TensorField representing a field of symmetric bilinear forms


Metric defined from a field of symmetric bilinear forms on a non-parallelizable 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)   # M is the union of U and V
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart() ; c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart()
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x+y, x-y), intersection_name='W',
....:                              restrictions1= x>0, restrictions2= u+v>0)
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
sage: W = U.intersection(V)
sage: eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
sage: h = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='h')
sage: h[eU,0,0], h[eU,0,1], h[eU,1,1] = 1+x, x*y, 1-y
sage: h.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
sage: h.display(eU)
h = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
sage: h.display(eV)
h = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g.set(h)
sage: g.display(eU)
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
sage: g.display(eV)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M')
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
>>> M.declare_union(U,V)   # M is the union of U and V
>>> c_xy = U.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2); c_uv = V.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x+y, x-y), intersection_name='W',
...                              restrictions1= x>Integer(0), restrictions2= u+v>Integer(0))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
>>> W = U.intersection(V)
>>> eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
>>> h = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='h')
>>> h[eU,Integer(0),Integer(0)], h[eU,Integer(0),Integer(1)], h[eU,Integer(1),Integer(1)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y, Integer(1)-y
>>> h.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
>>> h.display(eU)
h = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> h.display(eV)
h = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g.set(h)
>>> g.display(eU)
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> g.display(eV)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv

Signature of the metric.


  • signature of a degenerate metric is defined as the tuple \((n_+,n_-,n_0)\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\), resp. \(n_0\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. negative terms, resp. zero terms) eigenvalues


Signatures on a 3-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M')
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(1,1,1))
sage: g.signature()
(1, 1, 1)
sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', structure='degenerate_metric')
sage: g = M.metric()
sage: g.signature()
(0, 2, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M')
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)))
>>> g.signature()
(1, 1, 1)
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M', structure='degenerate_metric')
>>> g = M.metric()
>>> g.signature()
(0, 2, 1)
class sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.DegenerateMetricParal(vector_field_module, name, signature=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Bases: DegenerateMetric, TensorFieldParal

Degenerate (or null or lightlike) metric with values on an open subset of a differentiable manifold.

An instance of this class is a field of degenerate symmetric bilinear forms (metric field) along a differentiable manifold \(U\) with values on a differentiable manifold \(M\) over \(\RR\), via a differentiable mapping \(\Phi: U \rightarrow M\). The standard case of a degenerate metric field on a manifold corresponds to \(U=M\) and \(\Phi = \mathrm{Id}_M\). Other common cases are \(\Phi\) being an immersion and \(\Phi\) being a curve in \(M\) (\(U\) is then an open interval of \(\RR\)).

A degenerate metric \(g\) is a field on \(U\), such that at each point \(p\in U\), \(g(p)\) is a bilinear map of the type:

\[g(p):\ T_q M\times T_q M \longrightarrow \RR\]

where \(T_q M\) stands for the tangent space to the manifold \(M\) at the point \(q=\Phi(p)\), such that \(g(p)\) is symmetric: \(\forall (u,v)\in T_q M\times T_q M, \ g(p)(v,u) = g(p)(u,v)\) and degenerate: \(\exists v\in T_q M;\ \ g(p)(u,v) = 0\ \ \forall u\in T_qM\).


If \(M\) is not parallelizable, the class DegenerateMetric should be used instead.


  • vector_field_module – module \(\mathfrak{X}(U,\Phi)\) of vector fields along \(U\) with values on \(\Phi(U)\subset M\)

  • name – name given to the metric

  • signature – (default: None) signature \(S\) of the metric as a tuple: \(S = (n_+, n_-, n_0)\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\), resp. \(n_0\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. negative terms, resp. zero tems) in any diagonal writing of the metric components; if signature is not provided, \(S\) is set to \((ndim-1, 0, 1)\), being \(ndim\) the manifold’s dimension

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the metric; if None, it is formed from name


Lightlike cone:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M'); X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(2,0,1)); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: det(g)
Scalar field zero on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g[0,0], g[0,1], g[0,2] = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), \
....: - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), - x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
sage: g[1,1], g[1,2], g[2,2] = (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), \
....: - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
sage: g.disp()
g = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dx - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dy
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dz - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dx
+ (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dy - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dz
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dx - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dy
+ (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dz
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M'); X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(2),Integer(0),Integer(1))); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> det(g)
Scalar field zero on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g[Integer(0),Integer(0)], g[Integer(0),Integer(1)], g[Integer(0),Integer(2)] = (y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - x*y/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - x*z/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = (x**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), - y*z/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2)), (x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2))/(x**Integer(2) + y**Integer(2) + z**Integer(2))
>>> g.disp()
g = (y^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dx - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dy
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dx⊗dz - x*y/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dx
+ (x^2 + z^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dy - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dy⊗dz
- x*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dx - y*z/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dy
+ (x^2 + y^2)/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2) dz⊗dz

The position vector is a lightlike vector field:

sage: v = M.vector_field()
sage: v[0], v[1], v[2] = x , y, z
sage: g(v, v).disp()
M → ℝ
(x, y, z) ↦ 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> v = M.vector_field()
>>> v[Integer(0)], v[Integer(1)], v[Integer(2)] = x , y, z
>>> g(v, v).disp()
M → ℝ
(x, y, z) ↦ 0
restrict(subdomain, dest_map=None)[source]#

Return the restriction of the metric to some subdomain.

If the restriction has not been defined yet, it is constructed here.


  • subdomain – open subset \(U\) of the metric’s domain (must be an instance of DifferentiableManifold)

  • dest_map – (default: None) destination map \(\Phi:\ U \rightarrow V\), where \(V\) is a subdomain of self._codomain (type: DiffMap) If None, the restriction of self._vmodule._dest_map to \(U\) is used.



sage: M = Manifold(5, 'M')
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(3,1,1))
sage: U = M.open_subset('U')
sage: g.restrict(U)
degenerate metric g on the Open subset U of the 5-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.restrict(U).signature()
(3, 1, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(5), 'M')
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(1)))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U')
>>> g.restrict(U)
degenerate metric g on the Open subset U of the 5-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.restrict(U).signature()
(3, 1, 1)

See the top documentation of DegenerateMetric for more examples.


Defines the metric from a field of symmetric bilinear forms


  • symbiform – instance of TensorField representing a field of symmetric bilinear forms


Metric defined from a field of symmetric bilinear forms on a parallelizable 3-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1);
sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: dx, dy = X.coframe()[1], X.coframe()[2]
sage: b = dx*dx + dy*dy
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=(1,1,1)); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.set(b)
sage: g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M', start_index=Integer(1));
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> dx, dy = X.coframe()[Integer(1)], X.coframe()[Integer(2)]
>>> b = dx*dx + dy*dy
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=(Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1))); g
degenerate metric g on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.set(b)
>>> g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy
class sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetric(vector_field_module, name, signature=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Bases: TensorField

Pseudo-Riemannian metric with values on an open subset of a differentiable manifold.

An instance of this class is a field of nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms (metric field) along a differentiable manifold \(U\) with values on a differentiable manifold \(M\) over \(\RR\), via a differentiable mapping \(\Phi: U \rightarrow M\). The standard case of a metric field on a manifold corresponds to \(U=M\) and \(\Phi = \mathrm{Id}_M\). Other common cases are \(\Phi\) being an immersion and \(\Phi\) being a curve in \(M\) (\(U\) is then an open interval of \(\RR\)).

A metric \(g\) is a field on \(U\), such that at each point \(p\in U\), \(g(p)\) is a bilinear map of the type:

\[g(p):\ T_q M\times T_q M \longrightarrow \RR\]

where \(T_q M\) stands for the tangent space to the manifold \(M\) at the point \(q=\Phi(p)\), such that \(g(p)\) is symmetric: \(\forall (u,v)\in T_q M\times T_q M, \ g(p)(v,u) = g(p)(u,v)\) and nondegenerate: \((\forall v\in T_q M,\ \ g(p)(u,v) = 0) \Longrightarrow u=0\).


If \(M\) is parallelizable, the class PseudoRiemannianMetricParal should be used instead.


  • vector_field_module – module \(\mathfrak{X}(U,\Phi)\) of vector fields along \(U\) with values on \(\Phi(U)\subset M\)

  • name – name given to the metric

  • signature – (default: None) signature \(S\) of the metric as a single integer: \(S = n_+ - n_-\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. number of negative terms) in any diagonal writing of the metric components; if signature is None, \(S\) is set to the dimension of manifold \(M\) (Riemannian signature)

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the metric; if None, it is formed from name


Let us construct the standard metric on the sphere \(S^2\), described in terms of stereographic coordinates, from the North pole (open subset \(U\)) and from the South pole (open subset \(V\)):

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)   # S^2 is the union of U and V
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart() ; c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() # stereographic coord
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2)),
....:                 intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x^2+y^2!=0,
....:                 restrictions2= u^2+v^2!=0)
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
sage: eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
sage: g = M.metric('g') ; g
Riemannian metric g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
>>> M.declare_union(U,V)   # S^2 is the union of U and V
>>> c_xy = U.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2); c_uv = V.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)# stereographic coord
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)), y/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))),
...                 intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)!=Integer(0),
...                 restrictions2= u**Integer(2)+v**Integer(2)!=Integer(0))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
>>> eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
>>> g = M.metric('g') ; g
Riemannian metric g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2

The metric is considered as a tensor field of type (0,2) on \(S^2\):

sage: g.parent()
Module T^(0,2)(S^2) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.parent()
Module T^(0,2)(S^2) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2

We define \(g\) by its components on domain \(U\):

sage: g[eU,1,1], g[eU,2,2] = 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2, 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2
sage: g.display(eU)
g = 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx⊗dx + 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dy⊗dy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g[eU,Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[eU,Integer(2),Integer(2)] = Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2), Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2)
>>> g.display(eU)
g = 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx⊗dx + 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dy⊗dy

A matrix view of the components:

sage: g[eU,:]
[4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2                   0]
[                  0 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g[eU,:]
[4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2                   0]
[                  0 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2]

The components of \(g\) on domain \(V\) expressed in terms of coordinates \((u,v)\) are obtained by applying (i) the tensor transformation law on \(W = U\cap V\) and (ii) some analytical continuation:

sage: W = U.intersection(V)
sage: g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
sage: g.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True) # for a nicer display
sage: g.display(eV)
g = 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du⊗du + 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 dv⊗dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> W = U.intersection(V)
>>> g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
>>> g.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True) # for a nicer display
>>> g.display(eV)
g = 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du⊗du + 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 dv⊗dv

At this stage, the metric is fully defined on the whole sphere. Its restriction to some subdomain is itself a metric (by default, it bears the same symbol):

sage: g.restrict(U)
Riemannian metric g on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.restrict(U).parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(U) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the Open subset
 U of the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.restrict(U)
Riemannian metric g on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> g.restrict(U).parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(U) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the Open subset
 U of the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2

The parent of \(g|_U\) is a free module because is \(U\) is a parallelizable domain, contrary to \(S^2\). Actually, \(g\) and \(g|_U\) have different Python type:

sage: type(g)
<class 'sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetric'>
sage: type(g.restrict(U))
<class 'sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetricParal'>
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> type(g)
<class 'sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetric'>
>>> type(g.restrict(U))
<class 'sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetricParal'>

As a field of bilinear forms, the metric acts on pairs of vector fields, yielding a scalar field:

sage: a = M.vector_field({eU: [x, 2+y]}, name='a')
sage: a.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
sage: b = M.vector_field({eU: [-y, x]}, name='b')
sage: b.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
sage: s = g(a,b) ; s
Scalar field g(a,b) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: s.display()
g(a,b): S^2 → ℝ
on U: (x, y) ↦ 8*x/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1)
on V: (u, v) ↦ 8*(u^3 + u*v^2)/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> a = M.vector_field({eU: [x, Integer(2)+y]}, name='a')
>>> a.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
>>> b = M.vector_field({eU: [-y, x]}, name='b')
>>> b.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, chart=c_uv)
>>> s = g(a,b) ; s
Scalar field g(a,b) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> s.display()
g(a,b): S^2 → ℝ
on U: (x, y) ↦ 8*x/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1)
on V: (u, v) ↦ 8*(u^3 + u*v^2)/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1)

The inverse metric is:

sage: ginv = g.inverse() ; ginv
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold S^2
sage: ginv.parent()
Module T^(2,0)(S^2) of type-(2,0) tensors fields on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: latex(ginv)
sage: ginv.display(eU)
inv_g = (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
sage: ginv.display(eV)
inv_g = (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂u⊗∂/∂u
 + (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂v⊗∂/∂v
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ginv = g.inverse() ; ginv
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold S^2
>>> ginv.parent()
Module T^(2,0)(S^2) of type-(2,0) tensors fields on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> latex(ginv)
>>> ginv.display(eU)
inv_g = (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
>>> ginv.display(eV)
inv_g = (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂u⊗∂/∂u
 + (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂v⊗∂/∂v

We have:

sage: ginv.restrict(U) is g.restrict(U).inverse()
sage: ginv.restrict(V) is g.restrict(V).inverse()
sage: ginv.restrict(W) is g.restrict(W).inverse()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ginv.restrict(U) is g.restrict(U).inverse()
>>> ginv.restrict(V) is g.restrict(V).inverse()
>>> ginv.restrict(W) is g.restrict(W).inverse()

To get the volume form (Levi-Civita tensor) associated with \(g\), we have first to define an orientation on \(S^2\). The standard orientation is that in which eV is right-handed; indeed, once supplemented by the outward unit normal, eV give birth to a right-handed frame with respect to the standard orientation of the ambient Euclidean space \(E^3\). With such an orientation, eU is then left-handed and in order to define an orientation on the whole of \(S^2\), we introduce a vector frame on \(U\) by swapping eU’s vectors:

sage: f = U.vector_frame('f', (eU[2], eU[1]))
sage: M.set_orientation([eV, f])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = U.vector_frame('f', (eU[Integer(2)], eU[Integer(1)]))
>>> M.set_orientation([eV, f])

We have then, factorizing the components for a nicer display:

sage: eps = g.volume_form() ; eps
2-form eps_g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eU, keep_other_components=True)
sage: eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True)
sage: eps.display(eU)
eps_g = -4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx∧dy
sage: eps.display(eV)
eps_g = 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du∧dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps = g.volume_form() ; eps
2-form eps_g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eU, keep_other_components=True)
>>> eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True)
>>> eps.display(eU)
eps_g = -4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx∧dy
>>> eps.display(eV)
eps_g = 4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du∧dv

The unique non-trivial component of the volume form is, up to a sign depending of the chosen orientation, nothing but the square root of the determinant of \(g\) in the corresponding frame:

sage: eps[[eU,1,2]] == -g.sqrt_abs_det(eU)
sage: eps[[eV,1,2]] == g.sqrt_abs_det(eV)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps[[eU,Integer(1),Integer(2)]] == -g.sqrt_abs_det(eU)
>>> eps[[eV,Integer(1),Integer(2)]] == g.sqrt_abs_det(eV)

The Levi-Civita connection associated with the metric \(g\):

sage: nabla = g.connection() ; nabla
Levi-Civita connection nabla_g associated with the Riemannian metric g
 on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: latex(nabla)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> nabla = g.connection() ; nabla
Levi-Civita connection nabla_g associated with the Riemannian metric g
 on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> latex(nabla)

The Christoffel symbols \(\Gamma^i_{\ \, jk}\) associated with some coordinates:

sage: g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy)
3-indices components w.r.t. Coordinate frame (U, (∂/∂x,∂/∂y)), with
 symmetry on the index positions (1, 2)
sage: g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy)[:]
[[[-2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)],
  [-2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), 2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)]],
 [[2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)],
  [-2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)]]]
sage: g.christoffel_symbols(c_uv)[:]
[[[-2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)],
  [-2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), 2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)]],
 [[2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)],
  [-2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)]]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy)
3-indices components w.r.t. Coordinate frame (U, (∂/∂x,∂/∂y)), with
 symmetry on the index positions (1, 2)
>>> g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy)[:]
[[[-2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)],
  [-2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), 2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)]],
 [[2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)],
  [-2*x/(x^2 + y^2 + 1), -2*y/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)]]]
>>> g.christoffel_symbols(c_uv)[:]
[[[-2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)],
  [-2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), 2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)]],
 [[2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)],
  [-2*u/(u^2 + v^2 + 1), -2*v/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)]]]

The Christoffel symbols are nothing but the connection coefficients w.r.t. the coordinate frame:

sage: g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy) is nabla.coef(c_xy.frame())
sage: g.christoffel_symbols(c_uv) is nabla.coef(c_uv.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols(c_xy) is nabla.coef(c_xy.frame())
>>> g.christoffel_symbols(c_uv) is nabla.coef(c_uv.frame())

Test that \(\nabla\) is the connection compatible with \(g\):

sage: t = nabla(g) ; t
Tensor field nabla_g(g) of type (0,3) on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: t.display(eU)
nabla_g(g) = 0
sage: t.display(eV)
nabla_g(g) = 0
sage: t == 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> t = nabla(g) ; t
Tensor field nabla_g(g) of type (0,3) on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> t.display(eU)
nabla_g(g) = 0
>>> t.display(eV)
nabla_g(g) = 0
>>> t == Integer(0)

The Riemann curvature tensor of \(g\):

sage: riem = g.riemann() ; riem
Tensor field Riem(g) of type (1,3) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold S^2
sage: riem.display(eU)
Riem(g) = 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂x⊗dy⊗dx⊗dy
 - 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂x⊗dy⊗dy⊗dx
 - 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂y⊗dx⊗dx⊗dy
 + 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂y⊗dx⊗dy⊗dx
sage: riem.display(eV)
Riem(g) = 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂u⊗dv⊗du⊗dv
 - 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂u⊗dv⊗dv⊗du
 - 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂v⊗du⊗du⊗dv
 + 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂v⊗du⊗dv⊗du
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> riem = g.riemann() ; riem
Tensor field Riem(g) of type (1,3) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold S^2
>>> riem.display(eU)
Riem(g) = 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂x⊗dy⊗dx⊗dy
 - 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂x⊗dy⊗dy⊗dx
 - 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂y⊗dx⊗dx⊗dy
 + 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) ∂/∂y⊗dx⊗dy⊗dx
>>> riem.display(eV)
Riem(g) = 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂u⊗dv⊗du⊗dv
 - 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂u⊗dv⊗dv⊗du
 - 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂v⊗du⊗du⊗dv
 + 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) ∂/∂v⊗du⊗dv⊗du

The Ricci tensor of \(g\):

sage: ric = g.ricci() ; ric
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Ric(g) on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: ric.display(eU)
Ric(g) = 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) dx⊗dx
 + 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy
sage: ric.display(eV)
Ric(g) = 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) du⊗du
 + 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) dv⊗dv
sage: ric == g
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ric = g.ricci() ; ric
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Ric(g) on the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> ric.display(eU)
Ric(g) = 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) dx⊗dx
 + 4/(x^4 + y^4 + 2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 2*x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> ric.display(eV)
Ric(g) = 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) du⊗du
 + 4/(u^4 + v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 2*u^2 + 1) dv⊗dv
>>> ric == g

The Ricci scalar of \(g\):

sage: r = g.ricci_scalar() ; r
Scalar field r(g) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: r.display()
r(g): S^2 → ℝ
on U: (x, y) ↦ 2
on V: (u, v) ↦ 2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> r = g.ricci_scalar() ; r
Scalar field r(g) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> r.display()
r(g): S^2 → ℝ
on U: (x, y) ↦ 2
on V: (u, v) ↦ 2

In dimension 2, the Riemann tensor can be expressed entirely in terms of the Ricci scalar \(r\):

\[R^i_{\ \, jlk} = \frac{r}{2} \left( \delta^i_{\ \, k} g_{jl} - \delta^i_{\ \, l} g_{jk} \right)\]

This formula can be checked here, with the r.h.s. rewritten as \(-r g_{j[k} \delta^i_{\ \, l]}\):

sage: delta = M.tangent_identity_field()
sage: riem == - r*(g*delta).antisymmetrize(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> delta = M.tangent_identity_field()
>>> riem == - r*(g*delta).antisymmetrize(Integer(2),Integer(3))

Christoffel symbols of self with respect to a chart.


  • chart – (default: None) chart with respect to which the Christoffel symbols are required; if none is provided, the default chart of the metric’s domain is assumed.


  • the set of Christoffel symbols in the given chart, as an instance of CompWithSym


Christoffel symbols of the flat metric on \(\RR^3\) with respect to spherical coordinates:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'R3', r'\RR^3', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: X.<r,th,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, r^2, r^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display()  # the standard flat metric expressed in spherical coordinates
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: Gam = g.christoffel_symbols() ; Gam
3-indices components w.r.t. Coordinate frame (U, (∂/∂r,∂/∂th,∂/∂ph)),
 with symmetry on the index positions (1, 2)
sage: type(Gam)
<class 'sage.tensor.modules.comp.CompWithSym'>
sage: Gam[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, -r, 0], [0, 0, -r*sin(th)^2]],
[[0, 1/r, 0], [1/r, 0, 0], [0, 0, -cos(th)*sin(th)]],
[[0, 0, 1/r], [0, 0, cos(th)/sin(th)], [1/r, cos(th)/sin(th), 0]]]
sage: Gam[1,2,2]
sage: Gam[2,1,2]
sage: Gam[3,1,3]
sage: Gam[3,2,3]
sage: Gam[2,3,3]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'R3', r'\RR^3', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> X = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('r', 'th', 'ph',)); (r, th, ph,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), r**Integer(2), r**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()  # the standard flat metric expressed in spherical coordinates
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> Gam = g.christoffel_symbols() ; Gam
3-indices components w.r.t. Coordinate frame (U, (∂/∂r,∂/∂th,∂/∂ph)),
 with symmetry on the index positions (1, 2)
>>> type(Gam)
<class 'sage.tensor.modules.comp.CompWithSym'>
>>> Gam[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, -r, 0], [0, 0, -r*sin(th)^2]],
[[0, 1/r, 0], [1/r, 0, 0], [0, 0, -cos(th)*sin(th)]],
[[0, 0, 1/r], [0, 0, cos(th)/sin(th)], [1/r, cos(th)/sin(th), 0]]]
>>> Gam[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2)]
>>> Gam[Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2)]
>>> Gam[Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(3)]
>>> Gam[Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(3)]
>>> Gam[Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(3)]

Note that a better display of the Christoffel symbols is provided by the method christoffel_symbols_display():

sage: g.christoffel_symbols_display()
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols_display()
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
christoffel_symbols_display(chart=None, symbol=None, latex_symbol=None, index_labels=None, index_latex_labels=None, coordinate_labels=True, only_nonzero=True, only_nonredundant=True)[source]#

Display the Christoffel symbols w.r.t. to a given chart, one per line.

The output is either text-formatted (console mode) or LaTeX-formatted (notebook mode).


  • chart – (default: None) chart with respect to which the Christoffel symbols are defined; if none is provided, the default chart of the metric’s domain is assumed.

  • symbol – (default: None) string specifying the symbol of the connection coefficients; if None, ‘Gam’ is used

  • latex_symbol – (default: None) string specifying the LaTeX symbol for the components; if None, ‘\Gamma’ is used

  • index_labels – (default: None) list of strings representing the labels of each index; if None, coordinate symbols are used except if coordinate_symbols is set to False, in which case integer labels are used

  • index_latex_labels – (default: None) list of strings representing the LaTeX labels of each index; if None, coordinate LaTeX symbols are used, except if coordinate_symbols is set to False, in which case integer labels are used

  • coordinate_labels – (default: True) boolean; if True, coordinate symbols are used by default (instead of integers)

  • only_nonzero – (default: True) boolean; if True, only nonzero connection coefficients are displayed

  • only_nonredundant – (default: True) boolean; if True, only nonredundant (w.r.t. the symmetry of the last two indices) connection coefficients are displayed


Christoffel symbols of the flat metric on \(\RR^3\) with respect to spherical coordinates:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'R3', r'\RR^3', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: X.<r,th,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, r^2, r^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display()  # the standard flat metric expressed in spherical coordinates
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.christoffel_symbols_display()
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'R3', r'\RR^3', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> X = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('r', 'th', 'ph',)); (r, th, ph,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), r**Integer(2), r**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()  # the standard flat metric expressed in spherical coordinates
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.christoffel_symbols_display()
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)

To list all nonzero Christoffel symbols, including those that can be deduced by symmetry, use only_nonredundant=False:

sage: g.christoffel_symbols_display(only_nonredundant=False)
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_th,r = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,r = 1/r
Gam^ph_ph,th = cos(th)/sin(th)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols_display(only_nonredundant=False)
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_th,r = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,r = 1/r
Gam^ph_ph,th = cos(th)/sin(th)

Listing all Christoffel symbols (except those that can be deduced by symmetry), including the vanishing one:

sage: g.christoffel_symbols_display(only_nonzero=False)
Gam^r_r,r = 0
Gam^r_r,th = 0
Gam^r_r,ph = 0
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_th,ph = 0
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,r = 0
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_r,ph = 0
Gam^th_th,th = 0
Gam^th_th,ph = 0
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,r = 0
Gam^ph_r,th = 0
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,th = 0
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,ph = 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols_display(only_nonzero=False)
Gam^r_r,r = 0
Gam^r_r,th = 0
Gam^r_r,ph = 0
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_th,ph = 0
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,r = 0
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_r,ph = 0
Gam^th_th,th = 0
Gam^th_th,ph = 0
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,r = 0
Gam^ph_r,th = 0
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,th = 0
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,ph = 0

Using integer labels:

sage: g.christoffel_symbols_display(coordinate_labels=False)
Gam^1_22 = -r
Gam^1_33 = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^2_12 = 1/r
Gam^2_33 = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^3_13 = 1/r
Gam^3_23 = cos(th)/sin(th)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.christoffel_symbols_display(coordinate_labels=False)
Gam^1_22 = -r
Gam^1_33 = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^2_12 = 1/r
Gam^2_33 = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^3_13 = 1/r
Gam^3_23 = cos(th)/sin(th)
connection(name=None, latex_name=None, init_coef=True)[source]#

Return the unique torsion-free affine connection compatible with self.

This is the so-called Levi-Civita connection.


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Levi-Civita connection; if None, it is formed from the metric name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Levi-Civita connection; if None, it is set to name, or if the latter is None as well, it formed from the symbol \(\nabla\) and the metric symbol

  • init_coef – (default: True) determines whether the connection coefficients are initialized, as Christoffel symbols in the top charts of the domain of self (i.e. disregarding the subcharts)



Levi-Civita connection associated with the Euclidean metric on \(\RR^3\):

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'R^3', start_index=1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'R^3', start_index=Integer(1))

Let us use spherical coordinates on \(\RR^3\):

sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: c_spher.<r,th,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, r^2 , (r*sin(th))^2  # the Euclidean metric
sage: g.connection()
Levi-Civita connection nabla_g associated with the Riemannian
 metric g on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional differentiable
 manifold R^3
sage: g.connection().display()  # Nonzero connection coefficients
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_th,r = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,r = 1/r
Gam^ph_ph,th = cos(th)/sin(th)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('r', 'th', 'ph',)); (r, th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), r**Integer(2) , (r*sin(th))**Integer(2)  # the Euclidean metric
>>> g.connection()
Levi-Civita connection nabla_g associated with the Riemannian
 metric g on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional differentiable
 manifold R^3
>>> g.connection().display()  # Nonzero connection coefficients
Gam^r_th,th = -r
Gam^r_ph,ph = -r*sin(th)^2
Gam^th_r,th = 1/r
Gam^th_th,r = 1/r
Gam^th_ph,ph = -cos(th)*sin(th)
Gam^ph_r,ph = 1/r
Gam^ph_th,ph = cos(th)/sin(th)
Gam^ph_ph,r = 1/r
Gam^ph_ph,th = cos(th)/sin(th)

Test of compatibility with the metric:

sage: Dg = g.connection()(g) ; Dg
Tensor field nabla_g(g) of type (0,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold R^3
sage: Dg == 0
sage: Dig = g.connection()(g.inverse()) ; Dig
Tensor field nabla_g(inv_g) of type (2,1) on the Open subset U of
 the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold R^3
sage: Dig == 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Dg = g.connection()(g) ; Dg
Tensor field nabla_g(g) of type (0,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold R^3
>>> Dg == Integer(0)
>>> Dig = g.connection()(g.inverse()) ; Dig
Tensor field nabla_g(inv_g) of type (2,1) on the Open subset U of
 the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold R^3
>>> Dig == Integer(0)
cotton(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Cotton conformal tensor associated with the metric. The tensor has type (0,3) and is defined in terms of the Schouten tensor \(S\) (see schouten()):

\[C_{ijk} = (n-2) \left(\nabla_k S_{ij} - \nabla_j S_{ik}\right)\]


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Cotton conformal tensor; if None, it is set to “Cot(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Cotton conformal tensor; if None, it is set to “\mathrm{Cot}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Cotton conformal tensor \(Cot\), as an instance of TensorField


Checking that the Cotton tensor identically vanishes on a conformally flat 3-dimensional manifold, for instance the hyperbolic space \(H^3\):

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'H^3', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: X.<rh,th,ph> = U.chart(r'rh:(0,+oo):\rho th:(0,pi):\theta  ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: b = var('b')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = b^2, (b*sinh(rh))^2, (b*sinh(rh)*sin(th))^2
sage: g.display()  # standard metric on H^3:
g = b^2 drh⊗drh + b^2*sinh(rh)^2 dth⊗dth
 + b^2*sin(th)^2*sinh(rh)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: Cot = g.cotton() ; Cot # long time
Tensor field Cot(g) of type (0,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold H^3
sage: Cot == 0 # long time
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'H^3', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> X = U.chart(r'rh:(0,+oo):\rho th:(0,pi):\theta  ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('rh', 'th', 'ph',)); (rh, th, ph,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> b = var('b')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = b**Integer(2), (b*sinh(rh))**Integer(2), (b*sinh(rh)*sin(th))**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()  # standard metric on H^3:
g = b^2 drh⊗drh + b^2*sinh(rh)^2 dth⊗dth
 + b^2*sin(th)^2*sinh(rh)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> Cot = g.cotton() ; Cot # long time
Tensor field Cot(g) of type (0,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold H^3
>>> Cot == Integer(0) # long time
cotton_york(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Cotton-York conformal tensor associated with the metric. The tensor has type (0,2) and is only defined for manifolds of dimension 3. It is defined in terms of the Cotton tensor \(C\) (see cotton()) or the Schouten tensor \(S\) (see schouten()):

\[CY_{ij} = \frac{1}{2} \epsilon^{kl}_{\ \ \, i} C_{jlk} = \epsilon^{kl}_{\ \ \, i} \nabla_k S_{lj}\]


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Cotton-York tensor; if None, it is set to “CY(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Cotton-York tensor; if None, it is set to “\mathrm{CY}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Cotton-York conformal tensor \(CY\), as an instance of TensorField


Compute the determinant of the Cotton-York tensor for the Heisenberg group with the left invariant metric:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'Nil', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.riemannian_metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[2,3], g[3,3] = 1, 1+x^2, -x, 1
sage: g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + (x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy - x dy⊗dz - x dz⊗dy + dz⊗dz
sage: CY = g.cotton_york() ; CY # long time
Tensor field CY(g) of type (0,2) on the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold Nil
sage: CY.display()  # long time
CY(g) = 1/2 dx⊗dx + (-x^2 + 1/2) dy⊗dy + x dy⊗dz + x dz⊗dy - dz⊗dz
sage: det(CY[:]) # long time
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'Nil', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = M.riemannian_metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(3)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), Integer(1)+x**Integer(2), -x, Integer(1)
>>> g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + (x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy - x dy⊗dz - x dz⊗dy + dz⊗dz
>>> CY = g.cotton_york() ; CY # long time
Tensor field CY(g) of type (0,2) on the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold Nil
>>> CY.display()  # long time
CY(g) = 1/2 dx⊗dx + (-x^2 + 1/2) dy⊗dy + x dy⊗dz + x dz⊗dy - dz⊗dz
>>> det(CY[:]) # long time

Determinant of the metric components in the specified frame.


  • frame – (default: None) vector frame with respect to which the components \(g_{ij}\) of the metric are defined; if None, the default frame of the metric’s domain is used. If a chart is provided instead of a frame, the associated coordinate frame is used



Metric determinant on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
sage: s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
sage: s.expr()
-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
>>> s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
>>> s.expr()
-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1

A shortcut is det():

sage: g.det() == g.determinant()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.det() == g.determinant()

The notation det(g) can be used:

sage: det(g) == g.determinant()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> det(g) == g.determinant()

Determinant in a frame different from the default’s one:

sage: Y.<u,v> = M.chart()
sage: ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
sage: ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
sage: g.comp(Y.frame())[:, Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
sage: g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr()
-1/4*x^2*y^2 - 1/4*(x + 1)*y + 1/4*x + 1/4
sage: g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
-1/64*u^4 - 1/64*v^4 + 1/32*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 1/16*u^2 + 1/4*v + 1/4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Y = M.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = Y._first_ngens(2)
>>> ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
>>> ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
>>> g.comp(Y.frame())[:, Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
>>> g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr()
-1/4*x^2*y^2 - 1/4*(x + 1)*y + 1/4*x + 1/4
>>> g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
-1/64*u^4 - 1/64*v^4 + 1/32*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 1/16*u^2 + 1/4*v + 1/4

A chart can be passed instead of a frame:

sage: g.determinant(X) is g.determinant(X.frame())
sage: g.determinant(Y) is g.determinant(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.determinant(X) is g.determinant(X.frame())
>>> g.determinant(Y) is g.determinant(Y.frame())

The metric determinant depends on the frame:

sage: g.determinant(X.frame()) == g.determinant(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.determinant(X.frame()) == g.determinant(Y.frame())

Using SymPy as symbolic engine:

sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
sage: s.expr()
-x**2*y**2 + x - y*(x + 1) + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
>>> s.expr()
-x**2*y**2 + x - y*(x + 1) + 1

Determinant of the metric components in the specified frame.


  • frame – (default: None) vector frame with respect to which the components \(g_{ij}\) of the metric are defined; if None, the default frame of the metric’s domain is used. If a chart is provided instead of a frame, the associated coordinate frame is used



Metric determinant on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
sage: s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
sage: s.expr()
-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
>>> s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
>>> s.expr()
-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1

A shortcut is det():

sage: g.det() == g.determinant()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.det() == g.determinant()

The notation det(g) can be used:

sage: det(g) == g.determinant()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> det(g) == g.determinant()

Determinant in a frame different from the default’s one:

sage: Y.<u,v> = M.chart()
sage: ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
sage: ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
sage: g.comp(Y.frame())[:, Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
sage: g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr()
-1/4*x^2*y^2 - 1/4*(x + 1)*y + 1/4*x + 1/4
sage: g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
-1/64*u^4 - 1/64*v^4 + 1/32*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 1/16*u^2 + 1/4*v + 1/4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Y = M.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = Y._first_ngens(2)
>>> ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
>>> ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
>>> g.comp(Y.frame())[:, Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
>>> g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr()
-1/4*x^2*y^2 - 1/4*(x + 1)*y + 1/4*x + 1/4
>>> g.determinant(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
-1/64*u^4 - 1/64*v^4 + 1/32*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 1/16*u^2 + 1/4*v + 1/4

A chart can be passed instead of a frame:

sage: g.determinant(X) is g.determinant(X.frame())
sage: g.determinant(Y) is g.determinant(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.determinant(X) is g.determinant(X.frame())
>>> g.determinant(Y) is g.determinant(Y.frame())

The metric determinant depends on the frame:

sage: g.determinant(X.frame()) == g.determinant(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.determinant(X.frame()) == g.determinant(Y.frame())

Using SymPy as symbolic engine:

sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
sage: s.expr()
-x**2*y**2 + x - y*(x + 1) + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> s = g.determinant()  # determinant in M's default frame
>>> s.expr()
-x**2*y**2 + x - y*(x + 1) + 1

Compute the Hodge dual of a differential form with respect to the metric.

If the differential form is a \(p\)-form \(A\), its Hodge dual with respect to the metric \(g\) is the \((n-p)\)-form \(*A\) defined by

\[*A_{i_1\ldots i_{n-p}} = \frac{1}{p!} A_{k_1\ldots k_p} \epsilon^{k_1\ldots k_p}_{\qquad\ i_1\ldots i_{n-p}}\]

where \(n\) is the manifold’s dimension, \(\epsilon\) is the volume \(n\)-form associated with \(g\) (see volume_form()) and the indices \(k_1,\ldots, k_p\) are raised with \(g\).

Notice that the hodge star dual requires an orientable manifold with a preferred orientation, see orientation() for details.



  • the \((n-p)\)-form \(*A\)


Hodge dual of a 1-form in the Euclidean space \(R^3\):

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, 1, 1
sage: var('Ax Ay Az')
(Ax, Ay, Az)
sage: a = M.one_form(Ax, Ay, Az, name='A')
sage: sa = g.hodge_star(a) ; sa
2-form *A on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: sa.display()
*A = Az dx∧dy - Ay dx∧dz + Ax dy∧dz
sage: ssa = g.hodge_star(sa) ; ssa
1-form **A on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: ssa.display()
**A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Riemannian metric in dimension 3
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)
>>> var('Ax Ay Az')
(Ax, Ay, Az)
>>> a = M.one_form(Ax, Ay, Az, name='A')
>>> sa = g.hodge_star(a) ; sa
2-form *A on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> sa.display()
*A = Az dx∧dy - Ay dx∧dz + Ax dy∧dz
>>> ssa = g.hodge_star(sa) ; ssa
1-form **A on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> ssa.display()
**A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
>>> ssa == a  # must hold for a Riemannian metric in dimension 3

Hodge dual of a 0-form (scalar field) in \(R^3\):

sage: f = M.scalar_field(function('F')(x,y,z), name='f')
sage: sf = g.hodge_star(f) ; sf
3-form *f on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: sf.display()
*f = F(x, y, z) dx∧dy∧dz
sage: ssf = g.hodge_star(sf) ; ssf
Scalar field **f on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: ssf.display()
**f: M → ℝ
   (x, y, z) ↦ F(x, y, z)
sage: ssf == f # must hold for a Riemannian metric
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = M.scalar_field(function('F')(x,y,z), name='f')
>>> sf = g.hodge_star(f) ; sf
3-form *f on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> sf.display()
*f = F(x, y, z) dx∧dy∧dz
>>> ssf = g.hodge_star(sf) ; ssf
Scalar field **f on the 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> ssf.display()
**f: M → ℝ
   (x, y, z) ↦ F(x, y, z)
>>> ssf == f # must hold for a Riemannian metric

Hodge dual of a 0-form in Minkowski spacetime:

sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M')
sage: X.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.lorentzian_metric('g')
sage: g[0,0], g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = -1, 1, 1, 1
sage: g.display()  # Minkowski metric
g = -dt⊗dt + dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy + dz⊗dz
sage: var('f0')
sage: f = M.scalar_field(f0, name='f')
sage: sf = g.hodge_star(f) ; sf
4-form *f on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: sf.display()
*f = f0 dt∧dx∧dy∧dz
sage: ssf = g.hodge_star(sf) ; ssf
Scalar field **f on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: ssf.display()
**f: M → ℝ
   (t, x, y, z) ↦ -f0
sage: ssf == -f  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(4), 'M')
>>> X = M.chart(names=('t', 'x', 'y', 'z',)); (t, x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(4)
>>> g = M.lorentzian_metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(0),Integer(0)], g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = -Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)
>>> g.display()  # Minkowski metric
g = -dt⊗dt + dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy + dz⊗dz
>>> var('f0')
>>> f = M.scalar_field(f0, name='f')
>>> sf = g.hodge_star(f) ; sf
4-form *f on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> sf.display()
*f = f0 dt∧dx∧dy∧dz
>>> ssf = g.hodge_star(sf) ; ssf
Scalar field **f on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> ssf.display()
**f: M → ℝ
   (t, x, y, z) ↦ -f0
>>> ssf == -f  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric

Hodge dual of a 1-form in Minkowski spacetime:

sage: var('At Ax Ay Az')
(At, Ax, Ay, Az)
sage: a = M.one_form(At, Ax, Ay, Az, name='A')
sage: a.display()
A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
sage: sa = g.hodge_star(a) ; sa
3-form *A on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: sa.display()
*A = -Az dt∧dx∧dy + Ay dt∧dx∧dz - Ax dt∧dy∧dz - At dx∧dy∧dz
sage: ssa = g.hodge_star(sa) ; ssa
1-form **A on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: ssa.display()
**A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
sage: ssa == a  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> var('At Ax Ay Az')
(At, Ax, Ay, Az)
>>> a = M.one_form(At, Ax, Ay, Az, name='A')
>>> a.display()
A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
>>> sa = g.hodge_star(a) ; sa
3-form *A on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> sa.display()
*A = -Az dt∧dx∧dy + Ay dt∧dx∧dz - Ax dt∧dy∧dz - At dx∧dy∧dz
>>> ssa = g.hodge_star(sa) ; ssa
1-form **A on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> ssa.display()
**A = At dt + Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz
>>> ssa == a  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

Hodge dual of a 2-form in Minkowski spacetime:

sage: F = M.diff_form(2, name='F')
sage: var('Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz')
(Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz)
sage: F[0,1], F[0,2], F[0,3] = -Ex, -Ey, -Ez
sage: F[1,2], F[1,3], F[2,3] = Bz, -By, Bx
sage: F[:]
[  0 -Ex -Ey -Ez]
[ Ex   0  Bz -By]
[ Ey -Bz   0  Bx]
[ Ez  By -Bx   0]
sage: sF = g.hodge_star(F) ; sF
2-form *F on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: sF[:]
[  0  Bx  By  Bz]
[-Bx   0  Ez -Ey]
[-By -Ez   0  Ex]
[-Bz  Ey -Ex   0]
sage: ssF = g.hodge_star(sF) ; ssF
2-form **F on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: ssF[:]
[  0  Ex  Ey  Ez]
[-Ex   0 -Bz  By]
[-Ey  Bz   0 -Bx]
[-Ez -By  Bx   0]
sage: ssF.display()
**F = Ex dt∧dx + Ey dt∧dy + Ez dt∧dz - Bz dx∧dy + By dx∧dz
 - Bx dy∧dz
sage: F.display()
F = -Ex dt∧dx - Ey dt∧dy - Ez dt∧dz + Bz dx∧dy - By dx∧dz
 + Bx dy∧dz
sage: ssF == -F  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> F = M.diff_form(Integer(2), name='F')
>>> var('Ex Ey Ez Bx By Bz')
(Ex, Ey, Ez, Bx, By, Bz)
>>> F[Integer(0),Integer(1)], F[Integer(0),Integer(2)], F[Integer(0),Integer(3)] = -Ex, -Ey, -Ez
>>> F[Integer(1),Integer(2)], F[Integer(1),Integer(3)], F[Integer(2),Integer(3)] = Bz, -By, Bx
>>> F[:]
[  0 -Ex -Ey -Ez]
[ Ex   0  Bz -By]
[ Ey -Bz   0  Bx]
[ Ez  By -Bx   0]
>>> sF = g.hodge_star(F) ; sF
2-form *F on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> sF[:]
[  0  Bx  By  Bz]
[-Bx   0  Ez -Ey]
[-By -Ez   0  Ex]
[-Bz  Ey -Ex   0]
>>> ssF = g.hodge_star(sF) ; ssF
2-form **F on the 4-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> ssF[:]
[  0  Ex  Ey  Ez]
[-Ex   0 -Bz  By]
[-Ey  Bz   0 -Bx]
[-Ez -By  Bx   0]
>>> ssF.display()
**F = Ex dt∧dx + Ey dt∧dy + Ez dt∧dz - Bz dx∧dy + By dx∧dz
 - Bx dy∧dz
>>> F.display()
F = -Ex dt∧dx - Ey dt∧dy - Ez dt∧dz + Bz dx∧dy - By dx∧dz
 + Bx dy∧dz
>>> ssF == -F  # must hold for a Lorentzian metric in dimension 4

Test of the standard identity

\[*(A\wedge B) = \epsilon(A^\sharp, B^\sharp, ., .)\]

where \(A\) and \(B\) are any 1-forms and \(A^\sharp\) and \(B^\sharp\) the vectors associated to them by the metric \(g\) (index raising):

sage: var('Bt Bx By Bz')
(Bt, Bx, By, Bz)
sage: b = M.one_form(Bt, Bx, By, Bz, name='B')
sage: b.display()
B = Bt dt + Bx dx + By dy + Bz dz
sage: epsilon = g.volume_form()
sage: g.hodge_star(a.wedge(b)) == epsilon.contract(0,a.up(g)).contract(0,b.up(g))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> var('Bt Bx By Bz')
(Bt, Bx, By, Bz)
>>> b = M.one_form(Bt, Bx, By, Bz, name='B')
>>> b.display()
B = Bt dt + Bx dx + By dy + Bz dz
>>> epsilon = g.volume_form()
>>> g.hodge_star(a.wedge(b)) == epsilon.contract(Integer(0),a.up(g)).contract(Integer(0),b.up(g))
inverse(expansion_symbol=None, order=1)[source]#

Return the inverse metric.


  • expansion_symbol – (default: None) symbolic variable; if specified, the inverse will be expanded in power series with respect to this variable (around its zero value)

  • order – integer (default: 1); the order of the expansion if expansion_symbol is not None; the order is defined as the degree of the polynomial representing the truncated power series in expansion_symbol; currently only first order inverse is supported

If expansion_symbol is set, then the zeroth order metric must be invertible. Moreover, subsequent calls to this method will return a cached value, even when called with the default value (to enable computation of derived quantities). To reset, use _del_derived().


  • instance of TensorField with tensor_type = (2,0) representing the inverse metric


Inverse of the standard metric on the 2-sphere:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)  # S^2 is the union of U and V
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart() ; c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart() # stereographic coord.
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2)),
....:                 intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x^2+y^2!=0,
....:                 restrictions2= u^2+v^2!=0)
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
sage: W = U.intersection(V)  # the complement of the two poles
sage: eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[eU,1,1], g[eU,2,2] = 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2, 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2
sage: g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
sage: ginv = g.inverse(); ginv
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: ginv.display(eU)
inv_g = (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
sage: ginv.display(eV)
inv_g = (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂u⊗∂/∂u
 + (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂v⊗∂/∂v
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
>>> M.declare_union(U,V)  # S^2 is the union of U and V
>>> c_xy = U.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2); c_uv = V.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)# stereographic coord.
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)), y/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))),
...                 intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)!=Integer(0),
...                 restrictions2= u**Integer(2)+v**Integer(2)!=Integer(0))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
>>> W = U.intersection(V)  # the complement of the two poles
>>> eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[eU,Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[eU,Integer(2),Integer(2)] = Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2), Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2)
>>> g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
>>> ginv = g.inverse(); ginv
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> ginv.display(eU)
inv_g = (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + (1/4*x^4 + 1/4*y^4 + 1/2*(x^2 + 1)*y^2 + 1/2*x^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
>>> ginv.display(eV)
inv_g = (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂u⊗∂/∂u
 + (1/4*u^4 + 1/4*v^4 + 1/2*(u^2 + 1)*v^2 + 1/2*u^2 + 1/4) ∂/∂v⊗∂/∂v

Let us check that ginv is indeed the inverse of g:

sage: s = g.contract(ginv); s  # contraction of last index of g with first index of ginv
Tensor field of type (1,1) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: s == M.tangent_identity_field()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> s = g.contract(ginv); s  # contraction of last index of g with first index of ginv
Tensor field of type (1,1) on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> s == M.tangent_identity_field()
restrict(subdomain, dest_map=None)[source]#

Return the restriction of the metric to some subdomain.

If the restriction has not been defined yet, it is constructed here.


  • subdomain – open subset \(U\) of the metric’s domain (must be an instance of DifferentiableManifold)

  • dest_map – (default: None) destination map \(\Phi:\ U \rightarrow V\), where \(V\) is a subdomain of self._codomain (type: DiffMap) If None, the restriction of self._vmodule._dest_map to \(U\) is used.



sage: M = Manifold(5, 'M')
sage: g = M.metric('g', signature=3)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U')
sage: g.restrict(U)
Lorentzian metric g on the Open subset U of the
 5-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.restrict(U).signature()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(5), 'M')
>>> g = M.metric('g', signature=Integer(3))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U')
>>> g.restrict(U)
Lorentzian metric g on the Open subset U of the
 5-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.restrict(U).signature()

See the top documentation of PseudoRiemannianMetric for more examples.

ricci(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Ricci tensor associated with the metric.

This method is actually a shortcut for self.connection().ricci()

The Ricci tensor is the tensor field \(Ric\) of type (0,2) defined from the Riemann curvature tensor \(R\) by

\[Ric(u, v) = R(e^i, u, e_i, v)\]

for any vector fields \(u\) and \(v\), \((e_i)\) being any vector frame and \((e^i)\) the dual coframe.


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Ricci tensor; if none, it is set to “Ric(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Ricci tensor; if none, it is set to “\mathrm{Ric}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Ricci tensor \(Ric\), as an instance of TensorField of tensor type (0,2) and symmetric


Ricci tensor of the standard metric on the 2-sphere:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
sage: c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: a = var('a') # the sphere radius
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2] = a^2, a^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.ricci()
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Ric(g) on the Open subset U of
 the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.ricci()[:]
[        1         0]
[        0 sin(th)^2]
sage: g.ricci() == a^(-2) * g
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('th', 'ph',)); (th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(2)
>>> a = var('a') # the sphere radius
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = a**Integer(2), a**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.ricci()
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Ric(g) on the Open subset U of
 the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> g.ricci()[:]
[        1         0]
[        0 sin(th)^2]
>>> g.ricci() == a**(-Integer(2)) * g
ricci_scalar(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Ricci scalar associated with the metric.

The Ricci scalar is the scalar field \(r\) defined from the Ricci tensor \(Ric\) and the metric tensor \(g\) by

\[r = g^{ij} Ric_{ij}\]


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Ricci scalar; if none, it is set to “r(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Ricci scalar; if none, it is set to “\mathrm{r}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name



Ricci scalar of the standard metric on the 2-sphere:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
sage: c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: a = var('a') # the sphere radius
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2] = a^2, a^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.ricci_scalar()
Scalar field r(g) on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.ricci_scalar().display() # The Ricci scalar is constant:
r(g): U → ℝ
   (th, ph) ↦ 2/a^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('th', 'ph',)); (th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(2)
>>> a = var('a') # the sphere radius
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = a**Integer(2), a**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.ricci_scalar()
Scalar field r(g) on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> g.ricci_scalar().display() # The Ricci scalar is constant:
r(g): U → ℝ
   (th, ph) ↦ 2/a^2
riemann(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Riemann curvature tensor associated with the metric.

This method is actually a shortcut for self.connection().riemann()

The Riemann curvature tensor is the tensor field \(R\) of type (1,3) defined by

\[R(\omega, u, v, w) = \left\langle \omega, \nabla_u \nabla_v w - \nabla_v \nabla_u w - \nabla_{[u, v]} w \right\rangle\]

for any 1-form \(\omega\) and any vector fields \(u\), \(v\) and \(w\).


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Riemann tensor; if none, it is set to “Riem(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Riemann tensor; if none, it is set to “\mathrm{Riem}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Riemann curvature tensor \(R\), as an instance of TensorField


Riemann tensor of the standard metric on the 2-sphere:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
sage: c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: a = var('a') # the sphere radius
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2] = a^2, a^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.riemann()
Tensor field Riem(g) of type (1,3) on the Open subset U of the
 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.riemann()[:]
[[[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, sin(th)^2], [-sin(th)^2, 0]]],
 [[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('th', 'ph',)); (th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(2)
>>> a = var('a') # the sphere radius
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = a**Integer(2), a**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.riemann()
Tensor field Riem(g) of type (1,3) on the Open subset U of the
 2-dimensional differentiable manifold S^2
>>> g.riemann()[:]
[[[[0, 0], [0, 0]], [[0, sin(th)^2], [-sin(th)^2, 0]]],
 [[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]

In dimension 2, the Riemann tensor can be expressed entirely in terms of the Ricci scalar \(r\):

\[R^i_{\ \, jlk} = \frac{r}{2} \left( \delta^i_{\ \, k} g_{jl} - \delta^i_{\ \, l} g_{jk} \right)\]

This formula can be checked here, with the r.h.s. rewritten as \(-r g_{j[k} \delta^i_{\ \, l]}\):

sage: g.riemann() == \
....:  -g.ricci_scalar()*(g*U.tangent_identity_field()).antisymmetrize(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.riemann() ==  -g.ricci_scalar()*(g*U.tangent_identity_field()).antisymmetrize(Integer(2),Integer(3))

Using SymPy as symbolic engine:

sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2] = a**2, a**2*sin(th)**2
sage: g.riemann()[:]
[[[[0, 0], [0, 0]],
  [[0, sin(2*th)/(2*tan(th)) - cos(2*th)],
   [-sin(2*th)/(2*tan(th)) + cos(2*th), 0]]],
 [[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = a**Integer(2), a**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.riemann()[:]
[[[[0, 0], [0, 0]],
  [[0, sin(2*th)/(2*tan(th)) - cos(2*th)],
   [-sin(2*th)/(2*tan(th)) + cos(2*th), 0]]],
 [[[0, -1], [1, 0]], [[0, 0], [0, 0]]]]
schouten(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Schouten tensor associated with the metric.

The Schouten tensor is the tensor field \(Sc\) of type (0,2) defined from the Ricci curvature tensor \(Ric\) (see ricci()) and the scalar curvature \(r\) (see ricci_scalar()) and the metric \(g\) by

\[Sc(u, v) = \frac{1}{n-2}\left(Ric(u, v) + \frac{r}{2(n-1)}g(u,v) \right)\]

for any vector fields \(u\) and \(v\).


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Schouten tensor; if none, it is set to “Schouten(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Schouten tensor; if none, it is set to “\mathrm{Schouten}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Schouten tensor \(Sc\), as an instance of TensorField of tensor type (0,2) and symmetric


Schouten tensor of the left invariant metric of Heisenberg’s Nil group:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'Nil', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.riemannian_metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[2,3], g[3,3] = 1, 1+x^2, -x, 1
sage: g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + (x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy - x dy⊗dz - x dz⊗dy + dz⊗dz
sage: g.schouten()
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Schouten(g) on the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold Nil
sage: g.schouten().display()
Schouten(g) = -3/8 dx⊗dx + (5/8*x^2 - 3/8) dy⊗dy - 5/8*x dy⊗dz
 - 5/8*x dz⊗dy + 5/8 dz⊗dz
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'Nil', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = M.riemannian_metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(3)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), Integer(1)+x**Integer(2), -x, Integer(1)
>>> g.display()
g = dx⊗dx + (x^2 + 1) dy⊗dy - x dy⊗dz - x dz⊗dy + dz⊗dz
>>> g.schouten()
Field of symmetric bilinear forms Schouten(g) on the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold Nil
>>> g.schouten().display()
Schouten(g) = -3/8 dx⊗dx + (5/8*x^2 - 3/8) dy⊗dy - 5/8*x dy⊗dz
 - 5/8*x dz⊗dy + 5/8 dz⊗dz

Defines the metric from a field of symmetric bilinear forms


  • symbiform – instance of TensorField representing a field of symmetric bilinear forms


Metric defined from a field of symmetric bilinear forms on a non-parallelizable 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
sage: M.declare_union(U,V)   # M is the union of U and V
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart() ; c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart()
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x+y, x-y), intersection_name='W',
....:                              restrictions1= x>0, restrictions2= u+v>0)
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
sage: W = U.intersection(V)
sage: eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
sage: h = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='h')
sage: h[eU,0,0], h[eU,0,1], h[eU,1,1] = 1+x, x*y, 1-y
sage: h.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
sage: h.display(eU)
h = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
sage: h.display(eV)
h = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g.set(h)
sage: g.display(eU)
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
sage: g.display(eV)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M')
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') ; V = M.open_subset('V')
>>> M.declare_union(U,V)   # M is the union of U and V
>>> c_xy = U.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2); c_uv = V.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x+y, x-y), intersection_name='W',
...                              restrictions1= x>Integer(0), restrictions2= u+v>Integer(0))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
>>> W = U.intersection(V)
>>> eU = c_xy.frame() ; eV = c_uv.frame()
>>> h = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='h')
>>> h[eU,Integer(0),Integer(0)], h[eU,Integer(0),Integer(1)], h[eU,Integer(1),Integer(1)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y, Integer(1)-y
>>> h.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, W, c_uv)
>>> h.display(eU)
h = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> h.display(eV)
h = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g.set(h)
>>> g.display(eU)
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-y + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> g.display(eV)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/4*u du⊗dv
 + 1/4*u dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2) dv⊗dv

Signature of the metric.


  • signature \(S\) of the metric, defined as the integer \(S = n_+ - n_-\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. number of negative terms) in any diagonal writing of the metric components


Signatures on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
sage: g = M.metric('g') # if not specified, the signature is Riemannian
sage: g.signature()
sage: h = M.metric('h', signature=0)
sage: h.signature()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M')
>>> g = M.metric('g') # if not specified, the signature is Riemannian
>>> g.signature()
>>> h = M.metric('h', signature=Integer(0))
>>> h.signature()

Square root of the absolute value of the determinant of the metric components in the specified frame.


  • frame – (default: None) vector frame with respect to which the components \(g_{ij}\) of self are defined; if None, the domain’s default frame is used. If a chart is provided, the associated coordinate frame is used



Standard metric in the Euclidean space \(\RR^3\) with spherical coordinates:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: c_spher.<r,th,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, r^2, (r*sin(th))^2
sage: g.display()
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det().expr()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('r', 'th', 'ph',)); (r, th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), r**Integer(2), (r*sin(th))**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det().expr()

Metric determinant on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
sage: s = g.sqrt_abs_det() ; s
Scalar field on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: s.expr()
sqrt(-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -y + 1]
>>> s = g.sqrt_abs_det() ; s
Scalar field on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> s.expr()
sqrt(-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1)

Determinant in a frame different from the default’s one:

sage: Y.<u,v> = M.chart()
sage: ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
sage: ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
sage: g[Y.frame(),:,Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr()
1/2*sqrt(-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1)
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
1/8*sqrt(-u^4 - v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 4*u^2 + 16*v + 16)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Y = M.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = Y._first_ngens(2)
>>> ch_X_Y = X.transition_map(Y, [x+y, x-y])
>>> ch_X_Y.inverse()
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
>>> g[Y.frame(),:,Y]
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2                            1/4*u]
[                           1/4*u -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/4*v + 1/2]
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr()
1/2*sqrt(-x^2*y^2 - (x + 1)*y + x + 1)
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
1/8*sqrt(-u^4 - v^4 + 2*(u^2 + 2)*v^2 - 4*u^2 + 16*v + 16)

A chart can be passed instead of a frame:

sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(Y) is g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(Y) is g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame())

The metric determinant depends on the frame:

sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(X.frame()) == g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(X.frame()) == g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame())

Using SymPy as symbolic engine:

sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1, 2], g[2, 2] = 1+x, x*y , 1-y
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det().expr()
sqrt(-x**2*y**2 - x*y + x - y + 1)
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr()
sqrt(-x**2*y**2 - x*y + x - y + 1)/2
sage: g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
sqrt(-u**4 + 2*u**2*v**2 - 4*u**2 - v**4 + 4*v**2 + 16*v + 16)/8
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1), Integer(2)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y , Integer(1)-y
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det().expr()
sqrt(-x**2*y**2 - x*y + x - y + 1)
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr()
sqrt(-x**2*y**2 - x*y + x - y + 1)/2
>>> g.sqrt_abs_det(Y.frame()).expr(Y)
sqrt(-u**4 + 2*u**2*v**2 - 4*u**2 - v**4 + 4*v**2 + 16*v + 16)/8

Volume form (Levi-Civita tensor) \(\epsilon\) associated with the metric.

The volume form \(\epsilon\) is an \(n\)-form (\(n\) being the manifold’s dimension) such that for any oriented vector basis \((e_i)\) which is orthonormal with respect to the metric, the condition

\[\epsilon(e_1,\ldots,e_n) = 1\]


Notice that a volume form requires an orientable manifold with a preferred orientation, see orientation() for details.


  • contra – (default: 0) number of contravariant indices of the returned tensor


  • if contra = 0 (default value): the volume \(n\)-form \(\epsilon\), as an instance of DiffForm

  • if contra = k, with \(1\leq k \leq n\), the tensor field of type (k,n-k) formed from \(\epsilon\) by raising the first k indices with the metric (see method up()); the output is then an instance of TensorField, with the appropriate antisymmetries, or of the subclass MultivectorField if \(k=n\)


Volume form on \(\RR^3\) with spherical coordinates, using the standard orientation, which is predefined:

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: c_spher.<r,th,ph> = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, r^2, (r*sin(th))^2
sage: g.display()
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: eps = g.volume_form() ; eps
3-form eps_g on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
sage: eps.display()
eps_g = r^2*sin(th) dr∧dth∧dph
sage: eps[[1,2,3]] == g.sqrt_abs_det()
sage: latex(eps)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('r', 'th', 'ph',)); (r, th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = Integer(1), r**Integer(2), (r*sin(th))**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()
g = dr⊗dr + r^2 dth⊗dth + r^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> eps = g.volume_form() ; eps
3-form eps_g on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
>>> eps.display()
eps_g = r^2*sin(th) dr∧dth∧dph
>>> eps[[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)]] == g.sqrt_abs_det()
>>> latex(eps)

The tensor field of components \(\epsilon^i_{\ \, jk}\) (contra=1):

sage: eps1 = g.volume_form(1) ; eps1
Tensor field of type (1,2) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: eps1.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (1, 2)
sage: eps1[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, r^2*sin(th)], [0, -r^2*sin(th), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -sin(th)], [0, 0, 0], [sin(th), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/sin(th), 0], [-1/sin(th), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps1 = g.volume_form(Integer(1)) ; eps1
Tensor field of type (1,2) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> eps1.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (1, 2)
>>> eps1[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, r^2*sin(th)], [0, -r^2*sin(th), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -sin(th)], [0, 0, 0], [sin(th), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/sin(th), 0], [-1/sin(th), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]

The tensor field of components \(\epsilon^{ij}_{\ \ k}\) (contra=2):

sage: eps2 = g.volume_form(2) ; eps2
Tensor field of type (2,1) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: eps2.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (0, 1)
sage: eps2[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, sin(th)], [0, -1/sin(th), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -sin(th)], [0, 0, 0], [1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/sin(th), 0], [-1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps2 = g.volume_form(Integer(2)) ; eps2
Tensor field of type (2,1) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> eps2.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (0, 1)
>>> eps2[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, sin(th)], [0, -1/sin(th), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -sin(th)], [0, 0, 0], [1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/sin(th), 0], [-1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]

The tensor field of components \(\epsilon^{ijk}\) (contra=3):

sage: eps3 = g.volume_form(3) ; eps3
3-vector field on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
sage: eps3.tensor_type()
(3, 0)
sage: eps3.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (0, 1, 2)
sage: eps3[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1/(r^2*sin(th))], [0, -1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -1/(r^2*sin(th))], [0, 0, 0], [1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0], [-1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
sage: eps3[1,2,3]
sage: eps3[[1,2,3]] * g.sqrt_abs_det() == 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps3 = g.volume_form(Integer(3)) ; eps3
3-vector field on the Open subset U of the 3-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
>>> eps3.tensor_type()
(3, 0)
>>> eps3.symmetries()
no symmetry;  antisymmetry: (0, 1, 2)
>>> eps3[:]
[[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1/(r^2*sin(th))], [0, -1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0]],
 [[0, 0, -1/(r^2*sin(th))], [0, 0, 0], [1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0]],
 [[0, 1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0], [-1/(r^2*sin(th)), 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
>>> eps3[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)]
>>> eps3[[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)]] * g.sqrt_abs_det() == Integer(1)

If the manifold has no predefined orientation, an orientation must be set before invoking volume_form(). For instance let consider the 2-sphere described by the stereographic charts from the North and South pole:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', structure='Riemannian')
sage: U = M.open_subset('U'); V = M.open_subset('V')
sage: M.declare_union(U, V)
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = U.chart()  # stereographic chart from the North pole
sage: c_uv.<u,v> = V.chart()  # stereographic chart from the South pole
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2)),
....:                intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x^2+y^2!=0,
....:                restrictions2= u^2+v^2!=0)
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
sage: eU = c_xy.frame(); eV = c_uv.frame()
sage: g = M.metric()
sage: g[eU,0,0], g[eU,1,1] = 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2, 4/(1+x^2+y^2)^2
sage: g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, U.intersection(V), chart=c_uv)
sage: eps = g.volume_form()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold M must admit an
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', structure='Riemannian')
>>> U = M.open_subset('U'); V = M.open_subset('V')
>>> M.declare_union(U, V)
>>> c_xy = U.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2)# stereographic chart from the North pole
>>> c_uv = V.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)# stereographic chart from the South pole
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, (x/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)), y/(x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))),
...                intersection_name='W', restrictions1= x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2)!=Integer(0),
...                restrictions2= u**Integer(2)+v**Integer(2)!=Integer(0))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse()
>>> eU = c_xy.frame(); eV = c_uv.frame()
>>> g = M.metric()
>>> g[eU,Integer(0),Integer(0)], g[eU,Integer(1),Integer(1)] = Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2), Integer(4)/(Integer(1)+x**Integer(2)+y**Integer(2))**Integer(2)
>>> g.add_comp_by_continuation(eV, U.intersection(V), chart=c_uv)
>>> eps = g.volume_form()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: 2-dimensional Riemannian manifold M must admit an

Let us define the orientation of M such that eU is right-handed; eV is then left-handed and in order to define an orientation on the whole of M, we introduce a vector frame on V by swapping eV’s vectors:

sage: f = V.vector_frame('f', (eV[1], eV[0]))
sage: M.set_orientation([eU, f])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = V.vector_frame('f', (eV[Integer(1)], eV[Integer(0)]))
>>> M.set_orientation([eU, f])

We have then, factorizing the components for a nicer display:

sage: eps = g.volume_form()
sage: eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eU, keep_other_components=True)
sage: eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True)
sage: eps.display(eU)
eps_g = 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx∧dy
sage: eps.display(eV)
eps_g = -4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du∧dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> eps = g.volume_form()
>>> eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eU, keep_other_components=True)
>>> eps.apply_map(factor, frame=eV, keep_other_components=True)
>>> eps.display(eU)
eps_g = 4/(x^2 + y^2 + 1)^2 dx∧dy
>>> eps.display(eV)
eps_g = -4/(u^2 + v^2 + 1)^2 du∧dv

Note the minus sign in the above expression, reflecting the fact that eV is left-handed with respect to the chosen orientation.

weyl(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the Weyl conformal tensor associated with the metric.

The Weyl conformal tensor is the tensor field \(C\) of type (1,3) defined as the trace-free part of the Riemann curvature tensor \(R\)


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Weyl conformal tensor; if None, it is set to “C(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Weyl conformal tensor; if None, it is set to “\mathrm{C}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name


  • the Weyl conformal tensor \(C\), as an instance of TensorField


Checking that the Weyl tensor identically vanishes on a 3-dimensional manifold, for instance the hyperbolic space \(H^3\):

sage: M = Manifold(3, 'H^3', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
sage: X.<rh,th,ph> = U.chart(r'rh:(0,+oo):\rho th:(0,pi):\theta  ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: b = var('b')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = b^2, (b*sinh(rh))^2, (b*sinh(rh)*sin(th))^2
sage: g.display()  # standard metric on H^3:
g = b^2 drh⊗drh + b^2*sinh(rh)^2 dth⊗dth
 + b^2*sin(th)^2*sinh(rh)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: C = g.weyl() ; C
Tensor field C(g) of type (1,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold H^3
sage: C == 0
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(3), 'H^3', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of the half-plane (y=0, x>=0)
>>> X = U.chart(r'rh:(0,+oo):\rho th:(0,pi):\theta  ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('rh', 'th', 'ph',)); (rh, th, ph,) = X._first_ngens(3)
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> b = var('b')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)], g[Integer(3),Integer(3)] = b**Integer(2), (b*sinh(rh))**Integer(2), (b*sinh(rh)*sin(th))**Integer(2)
>>> g.display()  # standard metric on H^3:
g = b^2 drh⊗drh + b^2*sinh(rh)^2 dth⊗dth
 + b^2*sin(th)^2*sinh(rh)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> C = g.weyl() ; C
Tensor field C(g) of type (1,3) on the Open subset U of the
 3-dimensional differentiable manifold H^3
>>> C == Integer(0)
class sage.manifolds.differentiable.metric.PseudoRiemannianMetricParal(vector_field_module, name, signature=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Bases: PseudoRiemannianMetric, TensorFieldParal

Pseudo-Riemannian metric with values on a parallelizable manifold.

An instance of this class is a field of nondegenerate symmetric bilinear forms (metric field) along a differentiable manifold \(U\) with values in a parallelizable manifold \(M\) over \(\RR\), via a differentiable mapping \(\Phi: U \rightarrow M\). The standard case of a metric field on a manifold corresponds to \(U=M\) and \(\Phi = \mathrm{Id}_M\). Other common cases are \(\Phi\) being an immersion and \(\Phi\) being a curve in \(M\) (\(U\) is then an open interval of \(\RR\)).

A metric \(g\) is a field on \(U\), such that at each point \(p\in U\), \(g(p)\) is a bilinear map of the type:

\[g(p):\ T_q M\times T_q M \longrightarrow \RR\]

where \(T_q M\) stands for the tangent space to manifold \(M\) at the point \(q=\Phi(p)\), such that \(g(p)\) is symmetric: \(\forall (u,v)\in T_q M\times T_q M, \ g(p)(v,u) = g(p)(u,v)\) and nondegenerate: \((\forall v\in T_q M,\ \ g(p)(u,v) = 0) \Longrightarrow u=0\).


If \(M\) is not parallelizable, the class PseudoRiemannianMetric should be used instead.


  • vector_field_module – free module \(\mathfrak{X}(U,\Phi)\) of vector fields along \(U\) with values on \(\Phi(U)\subset M\)

  • name – name given to the metric

  • signature – (default: None) signature \(S\) of the metric as a single integer: \(S = n_+ - n_-\), where \(n_+\) (resp. \(n_-\)) is the number of positive terms (resp. number of negative terms) in any diagonal writing of the metric components; if signature is None, \(S\) is set to the dimension of manifold \(M\) (Riemannian signature)

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the metric; if None, it is formed from name


Metric on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g') ; g
Riemannian metric g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: latex(g)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> c_xy = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g') ; g
Riemannian metric g on the 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> latex(g)

A metric is a special kind of tensor field and therefore inheritates all the properties from class TensorField:

sage: g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
sage: g.tensor_type()
(0, 2)
sage: g.symmetries()  # g is symmetric:
symmetry: (0, 1);  no antisymmetry
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.parent()
Free module T^(0,2)(M) of type-(0,2) tensors fields on the
 2-dimensional differentiable manifold M
>>> g.tensor_type()
(0, 2)
>>> g.symmetries()  # g is symmetric:
symmetry: (0, 1);  no antisymmetry

Setting the metric components in the manifold’s default frame:

sage: g[1,1], g[1,2], g[2,2] = 1+x, x*y, 1-x
sage: g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -x + 1]
sage: g.display()
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-x + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y, Integer(1)-x
>>> g[:]
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -x + 1]
>>> g.display()
g = (x + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (-x + 1) dy⊗dy

Metric components in a frame different from the manifold’s default one:

sage: c_uv.<u,v> = M.chart()  # new chart on M
sage: xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, [x+y, x-y]) ; xy_to_uv
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))
sage: uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse() ; uv_to_xy
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
sage: M.atlas()
[Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))]
sage: M.frames()
[Coordinate frame (M, (∂/∂x,∂/∂y)), Coordinate frame (M, (∂/∂u,∂/∂v))]
sage: g[c_uv.frame(),:]  # metric components in frame c_uv.frame() expressed in M's default chart (x,y)
[ 1/2*x*y + 1/2          1/2*x]
[         1/2*x -1/2*x*y + 1/2]
sage: g.display(c_uv.frame())
g = (1/2*x*y + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/2*x du⊗dv + 1/2*x dv⊗du
 + (-1/2*x*y + 1/2) dv⊗dv
sage: g[c_uv.frame(),:,c_uv]   # metric components in frame c_uv.frame() expressed in chart (u,v)
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2            1/4*u + 1/4*v]
[           1/4*u + 1/4*v -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2]
sage: g.display(c_uv.frame(), c_uv)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) du⊗du + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) du⊗dv
 + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> c_uv = M.chart(names=('u', 'v',)); (u, v,) = c_uv._first_ngens(2)# new chart on M
>>> xy_to_uv = c_xy.transition_map(c_uv, [x+y, x-y]) ; xy_to_uv
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (x, y)) to Chart (M, (u, v))
>>> uv_to_xy = xy_to_uv.inverse() ; uv_to_xy
Change of coordinates from Chart (M, (u, v)) to Chart (M, (x, y))
>>> M.atlas()
[Chart (M, (x, y)), Chart (M, (u, v))]
>>> M.frames()
[Coordinate frame (M, (∂/∂x,∂/∂y)), Coordinate frame (M, (∂/∂u,∂/∂v))]
>>> g[c_uv.frame(),:]  # metric components in frame c_uv.frame() expressed in M's default chart (x,y)
[ 1/2*x*y + 1/2          1/2*x]
[         1/2*x -1/2*x*y + 1/2]
>>> g.display(c_uv.frame())
g = (1/2*x*y + 1/2) du⊗du + 1/2*x du⊗dv + 1/2*x dv⊗du
 + (-1/2*x*y + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> g[c_uv.frame(),:,c_uv]   # metric components in frame c_uv.frame() expressed in chart (u,v)
[ 1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2            1/4*u + 1/4*v]
[           1/4*u + 1/4*v -1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2]
>>> g.display(c_uv.frame(), c_uv)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) du⊗du + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) du⊗dv
 + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) dv⊗dv

As a shortcut of the above command, on can pass just the chart c_uv to display, the vector frame being then assumed to be the coordinate frame associated with the chart:

sage: g.display(c_uv)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) du⊗du + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) du⊗dv
 + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) dv⊗dv
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.display(c_uv)
g = (1/8*u^2 - 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) du⊗du + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) du⊗dv
 + (1/4*u + 1/4*v) dv⊗du + (-1/8*u^2 + 1/8*v^2 + 1/2) dv⊗dv

The inverse metric is obtained via inverse():

sage: ig = g.inverse() ; ig
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold M
sage: ig[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)      x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
sage: ig.display()
inv_g = (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂y + x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂x
 - (x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> ig = g.inverse() ; ig
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional differentiable
 manifold M
>>> ig[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)      x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
>>> ig.display()
inv_g = (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂x
 + x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂x⊗∂/∂y + x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂x
 - (x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) ∂/∂y⊗∂/∂y
inverse(expansion_symbol=None, order=1)[source]#

Return the inverse metric.


  • expansion_symbol – (default: None) symbolic variable; if specified, the inverse will be expanded in power series with respect to this variable (around its zero value)

  • order – integer (default: 1); the order of the expansion if expansion_symbol is not None; the order is defined as the degree of the polynomial representing the truncated power series in expansion_symbol; currently only first order inverse is supported

If expansion_symbol is set, then the zeroth order metric must be invertible. Moreover, subsequent calls to this method will return a cached value, even when called with the default value (to enable computation of derived quantities). To reset, use _del_derived().


  • instance of TensorFieldParal with tensor_type = (2,0) representing the inverse metric


Inverse metric on a 2-dimensional manifold:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M', start_index=1)
sage: c_xy.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[1,2], g[2,2] = 1+x, x*y, 1-x
sage: g[:]  # components in the manifold's default frame
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -x + 1]
sage: ig = g.inverse() ; ig
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional
  differentiable manifold M
sage: ig[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)      x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> c_xy = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = c_xy._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y, Integer(1)-x
>>> g[:]  # components in the manifold's default frame
[ x + 1    x*y]
[   x*y -x + 1]
>>> ig = g.inverse() ; ig
Tensor field inv_g of type (2,0) on the 2-dimensional
  differentiable manifold M
>>> ig[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)      x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x^2*y^2 + x^2 - 1)]

If the metric is modified, the inverse metric is automatically updated:

sage: g[1,2] = 0 ; g[:]
[ x + 1      0]
[     0 -x + 1]
sage: g.inverse()[:]
[ 1/(x + 1)          0]
[         0 -1/(x - 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(2)] = Integer(0) ; g[:]
[ x + 1      0]
[     0 -x + 1]
>>> g.inverse()[:]
[ 1/(x + 1)          0]
[         0 -1/(x - 1)]

Using SymPy as symbolic engine:

sage: M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
sage: g[1,1], g[1,2], g[2,2] = 1+x, x*y, 1-x
sage: g[:]  # components in the manifold's default frame
[x + 1   x*y]
[  x*y 1 - x]
sage: g.inverse()[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)      x*y/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M.set_calculus_method('sympy')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(1),Integer(2)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = Integer(1)+x, x*y, Integer(1)-x
>>> g[:]  # components in the manifold's default frame
[x + 1   x*y]
[  x*y 1 - x]
>>> g.inverse()[:]
[ (x - 1)/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)      x*y/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)]
[     x*y/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1) -(x + 1)/(x**2*y**2 + x**2 - 1)]

Demonstration of the series expansion capabilities:

sage: M = Manifold(4, 'M', structure='Lorentzian')
sage: C.<t,x,y,z> = M.chart()
sage: e = var('e')
sage: g = M.metric()
sage: h = M.tensor_field(0, 2, sym=(0,1))
sage: g[0, 0], g[1, 1], g[2, 2], g[3, 3] = -1, 1, 1, 1
sage: h[0, 1], h[1, 2], h[2, 3] = 1, 1, 1
sage: g.set(g + e*h)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(4), 'M', structure='Lorentzian')
>>> C = M.chart(names=('t', 'x', 'y', 'z',)); (t, x, y, z,) = C._first_ngens(4)
>>> e = var('e')
>>> g = M.metric()
>>> h = M.tensor_field(Integer(0), Integer(2), sym=(Integer(0),Integer(1)))
>>> g[Integer(0), Integer(0)], g[Integer(1), Integer(1)], g[Integer(2), Integer(2)], g[Integer(3), Integer(3)] = -Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)
>>> h[Integer(0), Integer(1)], h[Integer(1), Integer(2)], h[Integer(2), Integer(3)] = Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)
>>> g.set(g + e*h)

If e is a small parameter, g is a tridiagonal approximation of the Minkowski metric:

sage: g[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1  e  0]
[ 0  e  1  e]
[ 0  0  e  1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1  e  0]
[ 0  e  1  e]
[ 0  0  e  1]

The inverse, truncated to first order in e, is:

sage: g.inverse(expansion_symbol=e)[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1 -e  0]
[ 0 -e  1 -e]
[ 0  0 -e  1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.inverse(expansion_symbol=e)[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1 -e  0]
[ 0 -e  1 -e]
[ 0  0 -e  1]

If inverse() is called subsequently, the result will be the same. This allows for all computations to be made to first order:

sage: g.inverse()[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1 -e  0]
[ 0 -e  1 -e]
[ 0  0 -e  1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> g.inverse()[:]
[-1  e  0  0]
[ e  1 -e  0]
[ 0 -e  1 -e]
[ 0  0 -e  1]
restrict(subdomain, dest_map=None)[source]#

Return the restriction of the metric to some subdomain.

If the restriction has not been defined yet, it is constructed here.


  • subdomain – open subset \(U\) of self._domain (must be an instance of DifferentiableManifold)

  • dest_map – (default: None) destination map \(\Phi:\ U \rightarrow V\), where \(V\) is a subdomain of self._codomain (type: DiffMap) If None, the restriction of self._vmodule._dest_map to \(U\) is used.



Restriction of a Lorentzian metric on \(\RR^2\) to the upper half plane:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: g = M.lorentzian_metric('g')
sage: g[0,0], g[1,1] = -1, 1
sage: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: y>0})
sage: gU = g.restrict(U); gU
Lorentzian metric g on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
sage: gU.signature()
sage: gU.display()
g = -dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M')
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> g = M.lorentzian_metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(0),Integer(0)], g[Integer(1),Integer(1)] = -Integer(1), Integer(1)
>>> U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: y>Integer(0)})
>>> gU = g.restrict(U); gU
Lorentzian metric g on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold M
>>> gU.signature()
>>> gU.display()
g = -dx⊗dx + dy⊗dy
ricci_scalar(name=None, latex_name=None)[source]#

Return the metric’s Ricci scalar.

The Ricci scalar is the scalar field \(r\) defined from the Ricci tensor \(Ric\) and the metric tensor \(g\) by

\[r = g^{ij} Ric_{ij}\]


  • name – (default: None) name given to the Ricci scalar; if none, it is set to “r(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name

  • latex_name – (default: None) LaTeX symbol to denote the Ricci scalar; if none, it is set to “\mathrm{r}(g)”, where “g” is the metric’s name



Ricci scalar of the standard metric on the 2-sphere:

sage: M = Manifold(2, 'S^2', start_index=1)
sage: U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
sage: c_spher.<th,ph> = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi')
sage: a = var('a') # the sphere radius
sage: g = U.metric('g')
sage: g[1,1], g[2,2] = a^2, a^2*sin(th)^2
sage: g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
sage: g.ricci_scalar()
Scalar field r(g) on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
sage: g.ricci_scalar().display() # The Ricci scalar is constant:
r(g): U → ℝ
   (th, ph) ↦ 2/a^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'S^2', start_index=Integer(1))
>>> U = M.open_subset('U') # the complement of a meridian (domain of spherical coordinates)
>>> c_spher = U.chart(r'th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi', names=('th', 'ph',)); (th, ph,) = c_spher._first_ngens(2)
>>> a = var('a') # the sphere radius
>>> g = U.metric('g')
>>> g[Integer(1),Integer(1)], g[Integer(2),Integer(2)] = a**Integer(2), a**Integer(2)*sin(th)**Integer(2)
>>> g.display() # standard metric on the 2-sphere of radius a:
g = a^2 dth⊗dth + a^2*sin(th)^2 dph⊗dph
>>> g.ricci_scalar()
Scalar field r(g) on the Open subset U of the 2-dimensional
 differentiable manifold S^2
>>> g.ricci_scalar().display() # The Ricci scalar is constant:
r(g): U → ℝ
   (th, ph) ↦ 2/a^2

Define the metric from a field of symmetric bilinear forms.


  • symbiform – instance of TensorFieldParal representing a field of symmetric bilinear forms


sage: M = Manifold(2, 'M')
sage: X.<x,y> = M.chart()
sage: s = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='s')
sage: s[0,0], s[0,1], s[1,1] = 1+x^2, x*y, 1+y^2
sage: g = M.metric('g')
sage: g.set(s)
sage: g.display()
g = (x^2 + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (y^2 + 1) dy⊗dy
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> M = Manifold(Integer(2), 'M')
>>> X = M.chart(names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = X._first_ngens(2)
>>> s = M.sym_bilin_form_field(name='s')
>>> s[Integer(0),Integer(0)], s[Integer(0),Integer(1)], s[Integer(1),Integer(1)] = Integer(1)+x**Integer(2), x*y, Integer(1)+y**Integer(2)
>>> g = M.metric('g')
>>> g.set(s)
>>> g.display()
g = (x^2 + 1) dx⊗dx + x*y dx⊗dy + x*y dy⊗dx + (y^2 + 1) dy⊗dy