Points for products of projective spaces¶
This class builds on the projective space class and its point and morphism classes.
We construct products projective spaces of various dimensions over the same ring.:
sage: P1xP1.<x,y, u,v> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [1, 1])
sage: P1xP1([2, 1, 3, 1])
(2 : 1 , 3 : 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> P1xP1 = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(1), Integer(1)], names=('x', 'y', 'u', 'v',)); (x, y, u, v,) = P1xP1._first_ngens(4)
>>> P1xP1([Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(1)])
(2 : 1 , 3 : 1)
- class sage.schemes.product_projective.point.ProductProjectiveSpaces_point_field(parent, polys, check=True)[source]¶
- intersection_multiplicity(X)[source]¶
Return the intersection multiplicity of the codomain of this point and subscheme
at this point.This uses the subscheme implementation of intersection_multiplicity. This point must be a point on a subscheme of a product of projective spaces.
– a subscheme in the same ambient space as the codomain of this point
OUTPUT: integer
sage: PP.<x,y,z,u,v> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [2, 1]) sage: X = PP.subscheme([y^2*z^3*u - x^5*v]) sage: Y = PP.subscheme([u^3 - v^3, x - y]) sage: Q = X([0,0,1,1,1]) sage: Q.intersection_multiplicity(Y) # needs sage.libs.singular 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(2), Integer(1)], names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v',)); (x, y, z, u, v,) = PP._first_ngens(5) >>> X = PP.subscheme([y**Integer(2)*z**Integer(3)*u - x**Integer(5)*v]) >>> Y = PP.subscheme([u**Integer(3) - v**Integer(3), x - y]) >>> Q = X([Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]) >>> Q.intersection_multiplicity(Y) # needs sage.libs.singular 2
- multiplicity()[source]¶
Return the multiplicity of this point on its codomain.
This uses the subscheme implementation of multiplicity. This point must be a point on a subscheme of a product of projective spaces.
OUTPUT: integer
sage: PP.<x,y,z,w,u,v,t> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [3, 2]) sage: X = PP.subscheme([x^8*t - y^8*t + z^5*w^3*v]) sage: Q1 = X([1,1,0,0,-1,-1,1]) sage: Q1.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 1 sage: Q2 = X([0,0,0,1,0,1,1]) sage: Q2.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 5 sage: Q3 = X([0,0,0,1,1,0,0]) sage: Q3.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 6
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(3), Integer(2)], names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'w', 'u', 'v', 't',)); (x, y, z, w, u, v, t,) = PP._first_ngens(7) >>> X = PP.subscheme([x**Integer(8)*t - y**Integer(8)*t + z**Integer(5)*w**Integer(3)*v]) >>> Q1 = X([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),Integer(1)]) >>> Q1.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 1 >>> Q2 = X([Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1)]) >>> Q2.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 5 >>> Q3 = X([Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)]) >>> Q3.multiplicity() # needs sage.libs.singular 6
- class sage.schemes.product_projective.point.ProductProjectiveSpaces_point_finite_field(parent, polys, check=True)[source]¶
- class sage.schemes.product_projective.point.ProductProjectiveSpaces_point_ring(parent, polys, check=True)[source]¶
The class of points on products of projective spaces.
The components are projective space points.
sage: T.<x,y,z,w,u> = ProductProjectiveSpaces([2, 1], QQ) sage: T.point([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) (1/3 : 2/3 : 1 , 4/5 : 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(2), Integer(1)], QQ, names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'w', 'u',)); (x, y, z, w, u,) = T._first_ngens(5) >>> T.point([Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4), Integer(5)]) (1/3 : 2/3 : 1 , 4/5 : 1)
- change_ring(R, **kwds)[source]¶
Return a new
which is this point coerced toR
.If the keyword
, then the initialization checks are performed. The user may specify the embedding intoR
with a keyword.INPUT:
– ring
– booleanembedding
– field embedding from the base ring of this point toR
sage: T.<x,y,z,u,v,w> = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 1, 1], ZZ) sage: P = T.point([5, 3, 15, 4, 2, 6]) sage: P.change_ring(GF(3)) (1 : 0 , 0 : 1 , 1 : 0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)], ZZ, names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w',)); (x, y, z, u, v, w,) = T._first_ngens(6) >>> P = T.point([Integer(5), Integer(3), Integer(15), Integer(4), Integer(2), Integer(6)]) >>> P.change_ring(GF(Integer(3))) (1 : 0 , 0 : 1 , 1 : 0)
- dehomogenize(L)[source]¶
Dehomogenize \(k\)-th point at \(L[k]\)-th coordinate.
This function computes the appropriate affine patch using
and then returns the dehomogenized point on of this affine space.INPUT:
– list of nonnegative integers
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces([2, 2, 2], QQ, 'x') sage: A = PP([2, 4, 6, 23, 46, 23, 9, 3, 1]) sage: A.dehomogenize([0, 1, 2]) (2, 3, 1/2, 1/2, 9, 3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(2)], QQ, 'x') >>> A = PP([Integer(2), Integer(4), Integer(6), Integer(23), Integer(46), Integer(23), Integer(9), Integer(3), Integer(1)]) >>> A.dehomogenize([Integer(0), Integer(1), Integer(2)]) (2, 3, 1/2, 1/2, 9, 3)
sage: # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic sage: PP.<a,b,x,y,z> = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 2], CC) sage: X = PP.subscheme([a^2 + b^2]) sage: P = X([2, 2*i, -3, 6*i, 3 - 6*i]) sage: P.dehomogenize([1,0]) (-1.00000000000000*I, -2.00000000000000*I, -1.00000000000000 + 2.00000000000000*I)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(1), Integer(2)], CC, names=('a', 'b', 'x', 'y', 'z',)); (a, b, x, y, z,) = PP._first_ngens(5) >>> X = PP.subscheme([a**Integer(2) + b**Integer(2)]) >>> P = X([Integer(2), Integer(2)*i, -Integer(3), Integer(6)*i, Integer(3) - Integer(6)*i]) >>> P.dehomogenize([Integer(1),Integer(0)]) (-1.00000000000000*I, -2.00000000000000*I, -1.00000000000000 + 2.00000000000000*I)
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 1], ZZ) sage: A = PP([0,1,2,4]) sage: A.dehomogenize([0,0]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: can...t dehomogenize at 0 coordinate
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(1), Integer(1)], ZZ) >>> A = PP([Integer(0),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(4)]) >>> A.dehomogenize([Integer(0),Integer(0)]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: can...t dehomogenize at 0 coordinate
- global_height(prec=None)[source]¶
Return the absolute logarithmic height of the point.
This function computes the maximum of global height of each component point in the product. Global height of component point is computed using function for projective point.
– desired floating point precision (default: default RealField precision)
OUTPUT: a real number
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [2, 2], 'x') sage: Q = PP([1, 7, 5, 18, 2, 3]) sage: Q.global_height() # needs sage.symbolic 2.89037175789616
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(2), Integer(2)], 'x') >>> Q = PP([Integer(1), Integer(7), Integer(5), Integer(18), Integer(2), Integer(3)]) >>> Q.global_height() # needs sage.symbolic 2.89037175789616
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(ZZ, [1, 1], 'x') sage: A = PP([-30, 2, 1, 6]) sage: A.global_height() # needs sage.symbolic 2.70805020110221
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(ZZ, [Integer(1), Integer(1)], 'x') >>> A = PP([-Integer(30), Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(6)]) >>> A.global_height() # needs sage.symbolic 2.70805020110221
sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field sage: R.<x> = PolynomialRing(QQ) sage: k.<w> = NumberField(x^2 + 5) sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(k, [1, 2], 'y') sage: Q = PP([3, 5*w + 1, 1, 7*w, 10]) sage: Q.global_height() 2.75062910527236
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.number_field >>> R = PolynomialRing(QQ, names=('x',)); (x,) = R._first_ngens(1) >>> k = NumberField(x**Integer(2) + Integer(5), names=('w',)); (w,) = k._first_ngens(1) >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(k, [Integer(1), Integer(2)], 'y') >>> Q = PP([Integer(3), Integer(5)*w + Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(7)*w, Integer(10)]) >>> Q.global_height() 2.75062910527236
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQbar, [1, 1], 'x') # needs sage.rings.number_field sage: Q = PP([1, QQbar(sqrt(2)), QQbar(5^(1/3)), QQbar(3^(1/3))]) # needs sage.rings.number_field sage.symbolic sage: Q.global_height() # needs sage.rings.number_field sage.symbolic 0.536479304144700
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQbar, [Integer(1), Integer(1)], 'x') # needs sage.rings.number_field >>> Q = PP([Integer(1), QQbar(sqrt(Integer(2))), QQbar(Integer(5)**(Integer(1)/Integer(3))), QQbar(Integer(3)**(Integer(1)/Integer(3)))]) # needs sage.rings.number_field sage.symbolic >>> Q.global_height() # needs sage.rings.number_field sage.symbolic 0.536479304144700
- local_height(v, prec=None)[source]¶
Return the maximum of the local height of the coordinates of this point.
This function computes the maximum of local height of each component point in the product. Local height of component point is computed using function for projective point.
– a prime or prime ideal of the base ringprec
– desired floating point precision (default: default RealField precision)
OUTPUT: a real number
sage: PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [1, 1], 'x') sage: A = PP([11, 5, 10, 2]) sage: A.local_height(5) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.60943791243410
>>> from sage.all import * >>> PP = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(1), Integer(1)], 'x') >>> A = PP([Integer(11), Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(2)]) >>> A.local_height(Integer(5)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.60943791243410
sage: P = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [1, 2], 'x') sage: Q = P([1, 4, 1/2, 2, 32]) sage: Q.local_height(2) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 4.15888308335967
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = ProductProjectiveSpaces(QQ, [Integer(1), Integer(2)], 'x') >>> Q = P([Integer(1), Integer(4), Integer(1)/Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(32)]) >>> Q.local_height(Integer(2)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 4.15888308335967
- normalize_coordinates()[source]¶
Remove common factors (componentwise) from the coordinates of this point (including \(-1\)).
OUTPUT: none
sage: T.<x,y,z,u,v,w> = ProductProjectiveSpaces([2, 2], ZZ) sage: P = T.point([5, 10, 15, 4, 2, 6]); sage: P.normalize_coordinates() sage: P (1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 1 : 3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(2), Integer(2)], ZZ, names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w',)); (x, y, z, u, v, w,) = T._first_ngens(6) >>> P = T.point([Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(15), Integer(4), Integer(2), Integer(6)]); >>> P.normalize_coordinates() >>> P (1 : 2 : 3 , 2 : 1 : 3)
- scale_by(t)[source]¶
Scale the coordinates of the point by
, done componentwise.A
occurs if the point is not in the base ring of the codomain after scaling.INPUT:
– a ring element
sage: T.<x, y, z, u, v, w> = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 1, 1], ZZ) sage: P = T.point([5, 10, 15, 4, 2, 6]); sage: P.scale_by([2, 1, 1]) sage: P (10 : 20 , 15 : 4 , 2 : 6)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([Integer(1), Integer(1), Integer(1)], ZZ, names=('x', 'y', 'z', 'u', 'v', 'w',)); (x, y, z, u, v, w,) = T._first_ngens(6) >>> P = T.point([Integer(5), Integer(10), Integer(15), Integer(4), Integer(2), Integer(6)]); >>> P.scale_by([Integer(2), Integer(1), Integer(1)]) >>> P (10 : 20 , 15 : 4 , 2 : 6)