Hyperbolic functions¶
The full set of hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions is available:
hyperbolic sine:
hyperbolic cosine:
hyperbolic tangent:
hyperbolic cotangent:
hyperbolic secant:
hyperbolic cosecant:
inverse hyperbolic sine:
inverse hyperbolic cosine:
inverse hyperbolic tangent:
inverse hyperbolic cotangent:
inverse hyperbolic secant:
inverse hyperbolic cosecant:
Roy, F. W. J. Olver, Elementary Functions, https://dlmf.nist.gov/4
Inverse hyperbolic functions have logarithmic expressions,
so expressions of the form exp(c*f(x))
sage: # needs sage.symbolic
sage: exp(2*atanh(x))
-(x + 1)/(x - 1)
sage: exp(2*acoth(x))
(x + 1)/(x - 1)
sage: exp(2*asinh(x))
(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))^2
sage: exp(2*acosh(x))
(x + sqrt(x^2 - 1))^2
sage: exp(2*asech(x))
(sqrt(-x^2 + 1)/x + 1/x)^2
sage: exp(2*acsch(x))
(sqrt(1/x^2 + 1) + 1/x)^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> # needs sage.symbolic
>>> exp(Integer(2)*atanh(x))
-(x + 1)/(x - 1)
>>> exp(Integer(2)*acoth(x))
(x + 1)/(x - 1)
>>> exp(Integer(2)*asinh(x))
(x + sqrt(x^2 + 1))^2
>>> exp(Integer(2)*acosh(x))
(x + sqrt(x^2 - 1))^2
>>> exp(Integer(2)*asech(x))
(sqrt(-x^2 + 1)/x + 1/x)^2
>>> exp(Integer(2)*acsch(x))
(sqrt(1/x^2 + 1) + 1/x)^2
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arccosh[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic cosine function.
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: acosh(1/2) arccosh(1/2) sage: acosh(1 + I*1.0) 1.06127506190504 + 0.904556894302381*I sage: float(acosh(2)) 1.3169578969248168 sage: cosh(float(acosh(2))) 2.0 sage: acosh(complex(1, 2)) # abs tol 1e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double (1.5285709194809982+1.1437177404024204j)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> acosh(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) arccosh(1/2) >>> acosh(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) 1.06127506190504 + 0.904556894302381*I >>> float(acosh(Integer(2))) 1.3169578969248168 >>> cosh(float(acosh(Integer(2)))) 2.0 >>> acosh(complex(Integer(1), Integer(2))) # abs tol 1e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double (1.5285709194809982+1.1437177404024204j)
If the input is in the complex field or symbolic (which includes rational and integer input), the output will be complex. However, if the input is a real decimal, the output will be real or \(NaN\). See the examples for details.
sage: acosh(CC(0.5)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.04719755119660*I sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: acosh(0.5) NaN sage: acosh(1/2) arccosh(1/2) sage: acosh(1/2).n() NaN sage: acosh(0) 1/2*I*pi sage: acosh(-1) I*pi
>>> from sage.all import * >>> acosh(CC(RealNumber('0.5'))) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.04719755119660*I >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> acosh(RealNumber('0.5')) NaN >>> acosh(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) arccosh(1/2) >>> acosh(Integer(1)/Integer(2)).n() NaN >>> acosh(Integer(0)) 1/2*I*pi >>> acosh(-Integer(1)) I*pi
To prevent automatic evaluation use the
argument:sage: acosh(-1, hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arccosh(-1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> acosh(-Integer(1), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arccosh(-1)
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: acosh(-1, hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic I*pi
>>> from sage.all import * >>> acosh(-Integer(1), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic I*pi
unless on the branch cut which runs along the real axis from +1 to -inf.:sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: conjugate(acosh(x)) conjugate(arccosh(x)) sage: var('y', domain='positive') y sage: conjugate(acosh(y)) conjugate(arccosh(y)) sage: conjugate(acosh(y+I)) conjugate(arccosh(y + I)) sage: conjugate(acosh(1/16)) conjugate(arccosh(1/16)) sage: conjugate(acosh(2)) arccosh(2) sage: conjugate(acosh(I/2)) arccosh(-1/2*I)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> conjugate(acosh(x)) conjugate(arccosh(x)) >>> var('y', domain='positive') y >>> conjugate(acosh(y)) conjugate(arccosh(y)) >>> conjugate(acosh(y+I)) conjugate(arccosh(y + I)) >>> conjugate(acosh(Integer(1)/Integer(16))) conjugate(arccosh(1/16)) >>> conjugate(acosh(Integer(2))) arccosh(2) >>> conjugate(acosh(I/Integer(2))) arccosh(-1/2*I)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arccoth[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic cotangent function.
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: acoth(2.0) 0.549306144334055 sage: acoth(2) 1/2*log(3) sage: acoth(1 + I*1.0) 0.402359478108525 - 0.553574358897045*I sage: acoth(2).n(200) 0.54930614433405484569762261846126285232374527891137472586735 sage: bool(diff(acoth(x), x) == diff(atanh(x), x)) # needs sage.symbolic True sage: diff(acoth(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(x^2 - 1) sage: float(acoth(2)) # needs sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549 sage: float(acoth(2).n(53)) # Correct result to 53 bits # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549 sage: float(acoth(2).n(100)) # Compute 100 bits and then round to 53 # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> acoth(RealNumber('2.0')) 0.549306144334055 >>> acoth(Integer(2)) 1/2*log(3) >>> acoth(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) 0.402359478108525 - 0.553574358897045*I >>> acoth(Integer(2)).n(Integer(200)) 0.54930614433405484569762261846126285232374527891137472586735 >>> bool(diff(acoth(x), x) == diff(atanh(x), x)) # needs sage.symbolic True >>> diff(acoth(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(x^2 - 1) >>> float(acoth(Integer(2))) # needs sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549 >>> float(acoth(Integer(2)).n(Integer(53))) # Correct result to 53 bits # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549 >>> float(acoth(Integer(2)).n(Integer(100))) # Compute 100 bits and then round to 53 # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.5493061443340549
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arccsch[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic cosecant function.
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: acsch(2.0) 0.481211825059603 sage: acsch(2) arccsch(2) sage: acsch(1 + I*1.0) 0.530637530952518 - 0.452278447151191*I sage: acsch(1).n(200) 0.88137358701954302523260932497979230902816032826163541075330 sage: float(acsch(1)) 0.881373587019543 sage: diff(acsch(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(sqrt(x^2 + 1)*x) sage: latex(acsch(x)) # needs sage.symbolic \operatorname{arcsch}\left(x\right)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> acsch(RealNumber('2.0')) 0.481211825059603 >>> acsch(Integer(2)) arccsch(2) >>> acsch(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) 0.530637530952518 - 0.452278447151191*I >>> acsch(Integer(1)).n(Integer(200)) 0.88137358701954302523260932497979230902816032826163541075330 >>> float(acsch(Integer(1))) 0.881373587019543 >>> diff(acsch(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(sqrt(x^2 + 1)*x) >>> latex(acsch(x)) # needs sage.symbolic \operatorname{arcsch}\left(x\right)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arcsech[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic secant function.
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: asech(0.5) 1.31695789692482 sage: asech(1/2) arcsech(1/2) sage: asech(1 + I*1.0) 0.530637530952518 - 1.11851787964371*I sage: asech(1/2).n(200) 1.3169578969248167086250463473079684440269819714675164797685 sage: float(asech(1/2)) 1.3169578969248168 sage: diff(asech(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(sqrt(-x^2 + 1)*x) sage: latex(asech(x)) # needs sage.symbolic \operatorname{arsech}\left(x\right) sage: asech(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sage.symbolic asech(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> asech(RealNumber('0.5')) 1.31695789692482 >>> asech(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) arcsech(1/2) >>> asech(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) 0.530637530952518 - 1.11851787964371*I >>> asech(Integer(1)/Integer(2)).n(Integer(200)) 1.3169578969248167086250463473079684440269819714675164797685 >>> float(asech(Integer(1)/Integer(2))) 1.3169578969248168 >>> diff(asech(x), x) # needs sage.symbolic -1/(sqrt(-x^2 + 1)*x) >>> latex(asech(x)) # needs sage.symbolic \operatorname{arsech}\left(x\right) >>> asech(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sage.symbolic asech(x)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arcsinh[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic sine function.
sage: asinh arcsinh sage: asinh(0.5) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.481211825059603 sage: asinh(1/2) # needs sage.symbolic arcsinh(1/2) sage: asinh(1 + I*1.0) # needs sage.symbolic 1.06127506190504 + 0.666239432492515*I
>>> from sage.all import * >>> asinh arcsinh >>> asinh(RealNumber('0.5')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.481211825059603 >>> asinh(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) # needs sage.symbolic arcsinh(1/2) >>> asinh(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) # needs sage.symbolic 1.06127506190504 + 0.666239432492515*I
To prevent automatic evaluation use the
argument:sage: asinh(-2, hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arcsinh(-2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> asinh(-Integer(2), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arcsinh(-2)
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: asinh(-2, hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic -arcsinh(2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> asinh(-Integer(2), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic -arcsinh(2)
unless on the branch cuts which run along the imaginary axis outside the interval [-I, +I].:sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: conjugate(asinh(x)) conjugate(arcsinh(x)) sage: var('y', domain='positive') y sage: conjugate(asinh(y)) arcsinh(y) sage: conjugate(asinh(y+I)) conjugate(arcsinh(y + I)) sage: conjugate(asinh(1/16)) arcsinh(1/16) sage: conjugate(asinh(I/2)) arcsinh(-1/2*I) sage: conjugate(asinh(2*I)) conjugate(arcsinh(2*I))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> conjugate(asinh(x)) conjugate(arcsinh(x)) >>> var('y', domain='positive') y >>> conjugate(asinh(y)) arcsinh(y) >>> conjugate(asinh(y+I)) conjugate(arcsinh(y + I)) >>> conjugate(asinh(Integer(1)/Integer(16))) arcsinh(1/16) >>> conjugate(asinh(I/Integer(2))) arcsinh(-1/2*I) >>> conjugate(asinh(Integer(2)*I)) conjugate(arcsinh(2*I))
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_arctanh[source]¶
The inverse of the hyperbolic tangent function.
sage: atanh(0.5) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.549306144334055 sage: atanh(1/2) # needs sage.symbolic 1/2*log(3) sage: atanh(1 + I*1.0) # needs sage.symbolic 0.402359478108525 + 1.01722196789785*I
>>> from sage.all import * >>> atanh(RealNumber('0.5')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.549306144334055 >>> atanh(Integer(1)/Integer(2)) # needs sage.symbolic 1/2*log(3) >>> atanh(Integer(1) + I*RealNumber('1.0')) # needs sage.symbolic 0.402359478108525 + 1.01722196789785*I
To prevent automatic evaluation use the
argument:sage: atanh(-1/2, hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arctanh(-1/2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> atanh(-Integer(1)/Integer(2), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic arctanh(-1/2)
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: atanh(-1/2, hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic -1/2*log(3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> atanh(-Integer(1)/Integer(2), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic -1/2*log(3)
conjugate(arctanh(x)) == arctanh(conjugate(x))
unless on the branch cuts which run along the real axis outside the interval [-1, +1].sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: conjugate(atanh(x)) conjugate(arctanh(x)) sage: var('y', domain='positive') y sage: conjugate(atanh(y)) conjugate(arctanh(y)) sage: conjugate(atanh(y + I)) conjugate(arctanh(y + I)) sage: conjugate(atanh(1/16)) 1/2*log(17/15) sage: conjugate(atanh(I/2)) arctanh(-1/2*I) sage: conjugate(atanh(-2*I)) arctanh(2*I)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> conjugate(atanh(x)) conjugate(arctanh(x)) >>> var('y', domain='positive') y >>> conjugate(atanh(y)) conjugate(arctanh(y)) >>> conjugate(atanh(y + I)) conjugate(arctanh(y + I)) >>> conjugate(atanh(Integer(1)/Integer(16))) 1/2*log(17/15) >>> conjugate(atanh(I/Integer(2))) arctanh(-1/2*I) >>> conjugate(atanh(-Integer(2)*I)) arctanh(2*I)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_cosh[source]¶
The hyperbolic cosine function.
sage: cosh(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 11.5908832931176 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: cosh(pi) cosh(pi) sage: float(cosh(pi)) 11.591953275521519 sage: RR(cosh(1/2)) 1.12762596520638 sage: latex(cosh(x)) \cosh\left(x\right) sage: cosh(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy cosh(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> cosh(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 11.5908832931176 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> cosh(pi) cosh(pi) >>> float(cosh(pi)) 11.591953275521519 >>> RR(cosh(Integer(1)/Integer(2))) 1.12762596520638 >>> latex(cosh(x)) \cosh\left(x\right) >>> cosh(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy cosh(x)
To prevent automatic evaluation, use the
parameter:sage: cosh(arcsinh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic cosh(arcsinh(x))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> cosh(arcsinh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic cosh(arcsinh(x))
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: cosh(arcsinh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic sqrt(x^2 + 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> cosh(arcsinh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic sqrt(x^2 + 1)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_coth[source]¶
The hyperbolic cotangent function.
sage: coth(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.00374256795520 sage: coth(complex(1, 2)) # abs tol 1e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double (0.8213297974938518+0.17138361290918508j) sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: coth(pi) coth(pi) sage: coth(0) Infinity sage: coth(pi*I) Infinity sage: coth(pi*I/2) 0 sage: coth(7*pi*I/2) 0 sage: coth(8*pi*I/2) Infinity sage: coth(7.*pi*I/2) -I*cot(3.50000000000000*pi) sage: float(coth(pi)) 1.0037418731973213 sage: RR(coth(pi)) 1.00374187319732 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: bool(diff(coth(x), x) == diff(1/tanh(x), x)) True sage: diff(coth(x), x) -1/sinh(x)^2 sage: latex(coth(x)) \coth\left(x\right) sage: coth(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy coth(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> coth(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.00374256795520 >>> coth(complex(Integer(1), Integer(2))) # abs tol 1e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double (0.8213297974938518+0.17138361290918508j) >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> coth(pi) coth(pi) >>> coth(Integer(0)) Infinity >>> coth(pi*I) Infinity >>> coth(pi*I/Integer(2)) 0 >>> coth(Integer(7)*pi*I/Integer(2)) 0 >>> coth(Integer(8)*pi*I/Integer(2)) Infinity >>> coth(RealNumber('7.')*pi*I/Integer(2)) -I*cot(3.50000000000000*pi) >>> float(coth(pi)) 1.0037418731973213 >>> RR(coth(pi)) 1.00374187319732 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> bool(diff(coth(x), x) == diff(Integer(1)/tanh(x), x)) True >>> diff(coth(x), x) -1/sinh(x)^2 >>> latex(coth(x)) \coth\left(x\right) >>> coth(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy coth(x)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_csch[source]¶
The hyperbolic cosecant function.
sage: csch(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.0865975907592133 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: csch(pi) csch(pi) sage: float(csch(pi)) 0.0865895375300469... sage: RR(csch(pi)) 0.0865895375300470 sage: csch(0) Infinity sage: csch(pi*I) Infinity sage: csch(pi*I/2) -I sage: csch(7*pi*I/2) I sage: csch(7.*pi*I/2) -I*csc(3.50000000000000*pi) sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: bool(diff(csch(x), x) == diff(1/sinh(x), x)) True sage: diff(csch(x), x) -coth(x)*csch(x) sage: latex(csch(x)) \operatorname{csch}\left(x\right) sage: csch(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy csch(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> csch(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.0865975907592133 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> csch(pi) csch(pi) >>> float(csch(pi)) 0.0865895375300469... >>> RR(csch(pi)) 0.0865895375300470 >>> csch(Integer(0)) Infinity >>> csch(pi*I) Infinity >>> csch(pi*I/Integer(2)) -I >>> csch(Integer(7)*pi*I/Integer(2)) I >>> csch(RealNumber('7.')*pi*I/Integer(2)) -I*csc(3.50000000000000*pi) >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> bool(diff(csch(x), x) == diff(Integer(1)/sinh(x), x)) True >>> diff(csch(x), x) -coth(x)*csch(x) >>> latex(csch(x)) \operatorname{csch}\left(x\right) >>> csch(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy csch(x)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_sech[source]¶
The hyperbolic secant function.
sage: sech(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.0862747018248192 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: sech(pi) sech(pi) sage: float(sech(pi)) 0.0862667383340544... sage: RR(sech(pi)) 0.0862667383340544 sage: sech(0) 1 sage: sech(pi*I) -1 sage: sech(pi*I/2) Infinity sage: sech(7*pi*I/2) Infinity sage: sech(8*pi*I/2) 1 sage: sech(8.*pi*I/2) sec(4.00000000000000*pi) sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: bool(diff(sech(x), x) == diff(1/cosh(x), x)) True sage: diff(sech(x), x) -sech(x)*tanh(x) sage: latex(sech(x)) \operatorname{sech}\left(x\right) sage: sech(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sech(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sech(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.0862747018248192 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> sech(pi) sech(pi) >>> float(sech(pi)) 0.0862667383340544... >>> RR(sech(pi)) 0.0862667383340544 >>> sech(Integer(0)) 1 >>> sech(pi*I) -1 >>> sech(pi*I/Integer(2)) Infinity >>> sech(Integer(7)*pi*I/Integer(2)) Infinity >>> sech(Integer(8)*pi*I/Integer(2)) 1 >>> sech(RealNumber('8.')*pi*I/Integer(2)) sec(4.00000000000000*pi) >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> bool(diff(sech(x), x) == diff(Integer(1)/cosh(x), x)) True >>> diff(sech(x), x) -sech(x)*tanh(x) >>> latex(sech(x)) \operatorname{sech}\left(x\right) >>> sech(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sech(x)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_sinh[source]¶
The hyperbolic sine function.
sage: sinh(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 11.5476653707437 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: sinh(pi) sinh(pi) sage: float(sinh(pi)) 11.54873935725774... sage: RR(sinh(pi)) 11.5487393572577 sage: latex(sinh(x)) \sinh\left(x\right) sage: sinh(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sinh(x)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sinh(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 11.5476653707437 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> sinh(pi) sinh(pi) >>> float(sinh(pi)) 11.54873935725774... >>> RR(sinh(pi)) 11.5487393572577 >>> latex(sinh(x)) \sinh\left(x\right) >>> sinh(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy sinh(x)
To prevent automatic evaluation, use the
parameter:sage: sinh(arccosh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic sinh(arccosh(x))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sinh(arccosh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic sinh(arccosh(x))
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: sinh(arccosh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic sqrt(x + 1)*sqrt(x - 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> sinh(arccosh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic sqrt(x + 1)*sqrt(x - 1)
- class sage.functions.hyperbolic.Function_tanh[source]¶
The hyperbolic tangent function.
sage: tanh(3.1415) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.996271386633702 sage: tan(3.1415/4) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.999953674278156 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: tanh(pi) tanh(pi) sage: float(tanh(pi)) 0.99627207622075 sage: tanh(pi/4) tanh(1/4*pi) sage: RR(tanh(1/2)) 0.462117157260010
>>> from sage.all import * >>> tanh(RealNumber('3.1415')) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.996271386633702 >>> tan(RealNumber('3.1415')/Integer(4)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 0.999953674278156 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> tanh(pi) tanh(pi) >>> float(tanh(pi)) 0.99627207622075 >>> tanh(pi/Integer(4)) tanh(1/4*pi) >>> RR(tanh(Integer(1)/Integer(2))) 0.462117157260010
sage: CC(tanh(pi + I*e)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.997524731976164 - 0.00279068768100315*I sage: ComplexField(100)(tanh(pi + I*e)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.99752473197616361034204366446 - 0.0027906876810031453884245163923*I sage: CDF(tanh(pi + I*e)) # rel tol 2e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double sage.symbolic 0.9975247319761636 - 0.002790687681003147*I
>>> from sage.all import * >>> CC(tanh(pi + I*e)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.997524731976164 - 0.00279068768100315*I >>> ComplexField(Integer(100))(tanh(pi + I*e)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage.symbolic 0.99752473197616361034204366446 - 0.0027906876810031453884245163923*I >>> CDF(tanh(pi + I*e)) # rel tol 2e-15 # needs sage.rings.complex_double sage.symbolic 0.9975247319761636 - 0.002790687681003147*I
To prevent automatic evaluation, use the
parameter:sage: tanh(arcsinh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic tanh(arcsinh(x))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> tanh(arcsinh(x), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic tanh(arcsinh(x))
To then evaluate again, use the
method:sage: tanh(arcsinh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic x/sqrt(x^2 + 1)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> tanh(arcsinh(x), hold=True).unhold() # needs sage.symbolic x/sqrt(x^2 + 1)