Piecewise functions

This module implement piecewise functions in a single variable. See sage.sets.real_set for more information about how to construct subsets of the real line for the domains.


sage: f = piecewise([((0,1), x^3), ([-1,0], -x^2)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x^3 on (0, 1), x|-->-x^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
sage: 2*f
2*piecewise(x|-->x^3 on (0, 1), x|-->-x^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
sage: f(x=1/2)
sage: plot(f)    # not tested
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0),Integer(1)), x**Integer(3)), ([-Integer(1),Integer(0)], -x**Integer(2))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x^3 on (0, 1), x|-->-x^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
>>> Integer(2)*f
2*piecewise(x|-->x^3 on (0, 1), x|-->-x^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
>>> f(x=Integer(1)/Integer(2))
>>> plot(f)    # not tested


Implement max/min location and values,


  • David Joyner (2006-04): initial version

  • David Joyner (2006-09): added __eq__, extend_by_zero_to, unextend, convolution, trapezoid, trapezoid_integral_approximation, riemann_sum, riemann_sum_integral_approximation, tangent_line fixed bugs in __mul__, __add__

  • David Joyner (2007-03): adding Hann filter for FS, added general FS filter methods for computing and plotting, added options to plotting of FS (eg, specifying rgb values are now allowed). Fixed bug in documentation reported by Pablo De Napoli.

  • David Joyner (2007-09): bug fixes due to behaviour of SymbolicArithmetic

  • David Joyner (2008-04): fixed docstring bugs reported by J Morrow; added support for Laplace transform of functions with infinite support.

  • David Joyner (2008-07): fixed a left multiplication bug reported by C. Boncelet (by defining __rmul__ = __mul__).

  • Paul Butler (2009-01): added indefinite integration and default_variable

  • Volker Braun (2013): Complete rewrite

  • Ralf Stephan (2015): Rewrite of convolution() and other calculus functions; many doctest adaptations

  • Eric Gourgoulhon (2017): Improve documentation and user interface of Fourier series

class sage.functions.piecewise.PiecewiseFunction[source]

Bases: BuiltinFunction

Piecewise function.


sage: var('x, y')
(x, y)
sage: f = piecewise([((0,1), x^2*y), ([-1,0], -x*y^2)], var=x);  f
piecewise(x|-->x^2*y on (0, 1), x|-->-x*y^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
sage: f(1/2)
sage: f(-1/2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> var('x, y')
(x, y)
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0),Integer(1)), x**Integer(2)*y), ([-Integer(1),Integer(0)], -x*y**Integer(2))], var=x);  f
piecewise(x|-->x^2*y on (0, 1), x|-->-x*y^2 on [-1, 0]; x)
>>> f(Integer(1)/Integer(2))
>>> f(-Integer(1)/Integer(2))
class EvaluationMethods[source]

Bases: object

convolution(parameters, variable, other)[source]

Return the convolution function, \(f*g(t)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(u)g(t-u)du\), for compactly supported \(f,g\).


sage: x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> x = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x').gen()

Example 0:

sage: f = piecewise([[[0,1], 1]])
sage: g = f.convolution(f); g
piecewise(x|-->x on (0, 1],
          x|-->-x + 2 on (1, 2]; x)
sage: h = f.convolution(g); h
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 on (0, 1],
          x|-->-x^2 + 3*x - 3/2 on (1, 2],
          x|-->1/2*x^2 - 3*x + 9/2 on (2, 3]; x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([[[Integer(0),Integer(1)], Integer(1)]])
>>> g = f.convolution(f); g
piecewise(x|-->x on (0, 1],
          x|-->-x + 2 on (1, 2]; x)
>>> h = f.convolution(g); h
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 on (0, 1],
          x|-->-x^2 + 3*x - 3/2 on (1, 2],
          x|-->1/2*x^2 - 3*x + 9/2 on (2, 3]; x)

Example 1:

sage: f = piecewise([[(0,1), 1], [(1,2), 2], [(2,3), 1]])
sage: g = f.convolution(f)
sage: h = f.convolution(g); h
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 on (0, 1],
          x|-->2*x^2 - 3*x + 3/2 on (1, 3],
          x|-->-2*x^2 + 21*x - 69/2 on (3, 4],
          x|-->-5*x^2 + 45*x - 165/2 on (4, 5],
          x|-->-2*x^2 + 15*x - 15/2 on (5, 6],
          x|-->2*x^2 - 33*x + 273/2 on (6, 8],
          x|-->1/2*x^2 - 9*x + 81/2 on (8, 9]; x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1)], [(Integer(1),Integer(2)), Integer(2)], [(Integer(2),Integer(3)), Integer(1)]])
>>> g = f.convolution(f)
>>> h = f.convolution(g); h
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 on (0, 1],
          x|-->2*x^2 - 3*x + 3/2 on (1, 3],
          x|-->-2*x^2 + 21*x - 69/2 on (3, 4],
          x|-->-5*x^2 + 45*x - 165/2 on (4, 5],
          x|-->-2*x^2 + 15*x - 15/2 on (5, 6],
          x|-->2*x^2 - 33*x + 273/2 on (6, 8],
          x|-->1/2*x^2 - 9*x + 81/2 on (8, 9]; x)

Example 2:

sage: f = piecewise([[(-1,1), 1]])
sage: g = piecewise([[(0,3), x]])
sage: f.convolution(g)
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 + x + 1/2 on (-1, 1],
          x|-->2*x on (1, 2],
          x|-->-1/2*x^2 + x + 4 on (2, 4]; x)
sage: g = piecewise([[(0,3), 1], [(3,4), 2]])
sage: f.convolution(g)
piecewise(x|-->x + 1 on (-1, 1],
          x|-->2 on (1, 2],
          x|-->x on (2, 3],
          x|-->-x + 6 on (3, 4],
          x|-->-2*x + 10 on (4, 5]; x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([[(-Integer(1),Integer(1)), Integer(1)]])
>>> g = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(3)), x]])
>>> f.convolution(g)
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x^2 + x + 1/2 on (-1, 1],
          x|-->2*x on (1, 2],
          x|-->-1/2*x^2 + x + 4 on (2, 4]; x)
>>> g = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(3)), Integer(1)], [(Integer(3),Integer(4)), Integer(2)]])
>>> f.convolution(g)
piecewise(x|-->x + 1 on (-1, 1],
          x|-->2 on (1, 2],
          x|-->x on (2, 3],
          x|-->-x + 6 on (3, 4],
          x|-->-2*x + 10 on (4, 5]; x)

Some unbounded but convergent cases now work:

sage: p = piecewise([[(2,oo),exp(-x)]])
sage: q = piecewise([[[2,3],x]])
sage: p.convolution(q)
piecewise(x|-->(x - 3)*e^(-2) - e^(-x + 2) on (4, 5]; x)
sage: q.convolution(p)
piecewise(x|-->(x - 3)*e^(-2) - e^(-x + 2) on (4, 5]; x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> p = piecewise([[(Integer(2),oo),exp(-x)]])
>>> q = piecewise([[[Integer(2),Integer(3)],x]])
>>> p.convolution(q)
piecewise(x|-->(x - 3)*e^(-2) - e^(-x + 2) on (4, 5]; x)
>>> q.convolution(p)
piecewise(x|-->(x - 3)*e^(-2) - e^(-x + 2) on (4, 5]; x)
critical_points(parameters, variable)[source]

Return the critical points of this piecewise function.


sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: f1 = x^0
sage: f2 = 10*x - x^2
sage: f3 = 3*x^4 - 156*x^3 + 3036*x^2 - 26208*x
sage: f = piecewise([[(0,3), f1], [(3,10), f2], [(10,20), f3]])
sage: expected = [5, 12, 13, 14]
sage: all(abs(e-a) < 0.001 for e,a in zip(expected, f.critical_points()))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> R = QQ['x']; (x,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> f1 = x**Integer(0)
>>> f2 = Integer(10)*x - x**Integer(2)
>>> f3 = Integer(3)*x**Integer(4) - Integer(156)*x**Integer(3) + Integer(3036)*x**Integer(2) - Integer(26208)*x
>>> f = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(3)), f1], [(Integer(3),Integer(10)), f2], [(Integer(10),Integer(20)), f3]])
>>> expected = [Integer(5), Integer(12), Integer(13), Integer(14)]
>>> all(abs(e-a) < RealNumber('0.001') for e,a in zip(expected, f.critical_points()))
domain(parameters, variable)[source]

Return the domain.


The union of the domains of the individual pieces as a RealSet.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.domain()
[0, 2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.domain()
[0, 2)
domains(parameters, variable)[source]

Return the individual domains.

See also expressions().


The collection of domains of the component functions as a tuple of RealSet.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.domains()
({0}, (0, 2))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.domains()
({0}, (0, 2))
end_points(parameters, variable)[source]

Return a list of all interval endpoints for this function.


sage: f1(x) = 1
sage: f2(x) = 1 - x
sage: f3(x) = x^2 - 5
sage: f = piecewise([[(0,1), f1], [(1,2), f2], [(2,3), f3]])
sage: f.end_points()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.end_points()
[0, 2]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(Integer(1)).function(x)
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f2 = symbolic_expression(Integer(1) - x).function(x)
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f3 = symbolic_expression(x**Integer(2) - Integer(5)).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(1)), f1], [(Integer(1),Integer(2)), f2], [(Integer(2),Integer(3)), f3]])
>>> f.end_points()
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.end_points()
[0, 2]
expression_at(parameters, variable, point)[source]

Return the expression defining the piecewise function at value.


  • point – a real number


The symbolic expression defining the function value at the given point.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.expression_at(0)
sage: f.expression_at(1)
sage: f.expression_at(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point is not in the domain
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(0))
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(1))
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point is not in the domain
expressions(parameters, variable)[source]

Return the individual domains.

See also domains().

OUTPUT: the collection of expressions of the component functions


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.expressions()
(sin(x), cos(x))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.expressions()
(sin(x), cos(x))
extension(parameters, variable, extension, extension_domain=None)[source]

Extend the function.


  • extension – a symbolic expression

  • extension_domain – a RealSet or None (default). The domain of the extension. By default, the entire complement of the current domain.


sage: f = piecewise([((-1,1), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1); x)
sage: f(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point 3 is not in the domain

sage: g = f.extension(0);  g
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->0 on (-oo, -1] ∪ [1, +oo); x)
sage: g(3)

sage: h = f.extension(1, RealSet.unbounded_above_closed(1));  h
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->1 on [1, +oo); x)
sage: h(3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(1)), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1); x)
>>> f(Integer(3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point 3 is not in the domain

>>> g = f.extension(Integer(0));  g
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->0 on (-oo, -1] ∪ [1, +oo); x)
>>> g(Integer(3))

>>> h = f.extension(Integer(1), RealSet.unbounded_above_closed(Integer(1)));  h
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->1 on [1, +oo); x)
>>> h(Integer(3))
fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(parameters, variable, n, L=None)[source]

Return the \(n\)-th cosine coefficient of the Fourier series of the periodic function \(f\) extending the piecewise-defined function self.

Given an integer \(n\geq 0\), the \(n\)-th cosine coefficient of the Fourier series of \(f\) is defined by

\[a_n = \frac{1}{L}\int_{-L}^L f(x)\cos\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right) dx,\]

where \(L\) is the half-period of \(f\). For \(n\geq 1\), \(a_n\) is the coefficient of \(\cos(n\pi x/L)\) in the Fourier series of \(f\), while \(a_0\) is twice the coefficient of the constant term \(\cos(0 x)\), i.e. twice the mean value of \(f\) over one period (cf. fourier_series_partial_sum()).


  • n – nonnegative integer

  • L – (default: None) the half-period of \(f\); if none is provided, \(L\) is assumed to be the half-width of the domain of self

OUTPUT: the Fourier coefficient \(a_n\), as defined above


A triangle wave function of period 2:

sage: f = piecewise([((0,1), x), ((1,2), 2 - x)])
sage: f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(0)
sage: f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0),Integer(1)), x), ((Integer(1),Integer(2)), Integer(2) - x)])
>>> f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(0))
>>> f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(3))

If the domain of the piecewise-defined function encompasses more than one period, the half-period must be passed as the second argument; for instance:

sage: f2 = piecewise([((0,1), x), ((1,2), 2 - x),
....:                 ((2,3), x - 2), ((3,4), 2 - (x-2))])
sage: bool(f2.restriction((0,2)) == f)  # f2 extends f on (0,4)
sage: f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(3, 1)  # half-period = 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2 = piecewise([((Integer(0),Integer(1)), x), ((Integer(1),Integer(2)), Integer(2) - x),
...                 ((Integer(2),Integer(3)), x - Integer(2)), ((Integer(3),Integer(4)), Integer(2) - (x-Integer(2)))])
>>> bool(f2.restriction((Integer(0),Integer(2))) == f)  # f2 extends f on (0,4)
>>> f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(3), Integer(1))  # half-period = 1

The default half-period is 2 and one has:

sage: f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(3)     # half-period = 2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(3))     # half-period = 2

The Fourier coefficient \(-4/(9\pi^2)\) obtained above is actually recovered for \(n=6\):

sage: f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(6)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(6))

Other examples:

sage: f(x) = x^2
sage: f = piecewise([[(-1,1), f]])
sage: f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(2)
sage: f1(x) = -1
sage: f2(x) = 2
sage: f = piecewise([[(-pi, pi/2), f1], [(pi/2, pi), f2]])
sage: f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(5, pi)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f = symbolic_expression(x**Integer(2)).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([[(-Integer(1),Integer(1)), f]])
>>> f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(2))
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(-Integer(1)).function(x)
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f2 = symbolic_expression(Integer(2)).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([[(-pi, pi/Integer(2)), f1], [(pi/Integer(2), pi), f2]])
>>> f.fourier_series_cosine_coefficient(Integer(5), pi)
fourier_series_partial_sum(parameters, variable, N, L=None)[source]

Return the partial sum up to a given order of the Fourier series of the periodic function \(f\) extending the piecewise-defined function self.

The Fourier partial sum of order \(N\) is defined as

\[S_{N}(x) = \frac{a_0}{2} + \sum_{n=1}^{N} \left[ a_n\cos\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right) + b_n\sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right)\right],\]

where \(L\) is the half-period of \(f\) and the \(a_n\)’s and \(b_n\)’s are respectively the cosine coefficients and sine coefficients of the Fourier series of \(f\) (cf. fourier_series_cosine_coefficient() and fourier_series_sine_coefficient()).


  • N – positive integer; the order of the partial sum

  • L – (default: None) the half-period of \(f\); if none is provided, \(L\) is assumed to be the half-width of the domain of self


  • the partial sum \(S_{N}(x)\), as a symbolic expression


A square wave function of period 2:

sage: f = piecewise([((-1,0), -1), ((0,1), 1)])
sage: f.fourier_series_partial_sum(5)
4/5*sin(5*pi*x)/pi + 4/3*sin(3*pi*x)/pi + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(0)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1))])
>>> f.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5))
4/5*sin(5*pi*x)/pi + 4/3*sin(3*pi*x)/pi + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi

If the domain of the piecewise-defined function encompasses more than one period, the half-period must be passed as the second argument; for instance:

sage: f2 = piecewise([((-1,0), -1), ((0,1), 1),
....:                 ((1,2), -1), ((2,3), 1)])
sage: bool(f2.restriction((-1,1)) == f)  # f2 extends f on (-1,3)
sage: f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(5, 1)  # half-period = 1
4/5*sin(5*pi*x)/pi + 4/3*sin(3*pi*x)/pi + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi
sage: bool(f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(5, 1) ==
....:      f.fourier_series_partial_sum(5))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2 = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(0)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1)),
...                 ((Integer(1),Integer(2)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(2),Integer(3)), Integer(1))])
>>> bool(f2.restriction((-Integer(1),Integer(1))) == f)  # f2 extends f on (-1,3)
>>> f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5), Integer(1))  # half-period = 1
4/5*sin(5*pi*x)/pi + 4/3*sin(3*pi*x)/pi + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi
>>> bool(f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5), Integer(1)) ==
...      f.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5)))

The default half-period is 2, so that skipping the second argument yields a different result:

sage: f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(5)  # half-period = 2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5))  # half-period = 2

An example of partial sum involving both cosine and sine terms:

sage: f = piecewise([((-1,0), 0), ((0,1/2), 2*x),
....:                ((1/2,1), 2*(1-x))])
sage: f.fourier_series_partial_sum(5)
-2*cos(2*pi*x)/pi^2 + 4/25*sin(5*pi*x)/pi^2
 - 4/9*sin(3*pi*x)/pi^2 + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi^2 + 1/4
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(0)), Integer(0)), ((Integer(0),Integer(1)/Integer(2)), Integer(2)*x),
...                ((Integer(1)/Integer(2),Integer(1)), Integer(2)*(Integer(1)-x))])
>>> f.fourier_series_partial_sum(Integer(5))
-2*cos(2*pi*x)/pi^2 + 4/25*sin(5*pi*x)/pi^2
 - 4/9*sin(3*pi*x)/pi^2 + 4*sin(pi*x)/pi^2 + 1/4
fourier_series_sine_coefficient(parameters, variable, n, L=None)[source]

Return the \(n\)-th sine coefficient of the Fourier series of the periodic function \(f\) extending the piecewise-defined function self.

Given an integer \(n\geq 0\), the \(n\)-th sine coefficient of the Fourier series of \(f\) is defined by

\[b_n = \frac{1}{L}\int_{-L}^L f(x)\sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L}\right) dx,\]

where \(L\) is the half-period of \(f\). The number \(b_n\) is the coefficient of \(\sin(n\pi x/L)\) in the Fourier series of \(f\) (cf. fourier_series_partial_sum()).


  • n – nonnegative integer

  • L – (default: None) the half-period of \(f\); if none is provided, \(L\) is assumed to be the half-width of the domain of self

OUTPUT: the Fourier coefficient \(b_n\), as defined above


A square wave function of period 2:

sage: f = piecewise([((-1,0), -1), ((0,1), 1)])
sage: f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(1)
sage: f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(2)
sage: f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(3)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(0)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1))])
>>> f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(1))
>>> f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(2))
>>> f.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(3))

If the domain of the piecewise-defined function encompasses more than one period, the half-period must be passed as the second argument; for instance:

sage: f2 = piecewise([((-1,0), -1), ((0,1), 1),
....:                 ((1,2), -1), ((2,3), 1)])
sage: bool(f2.restriction((-1,1)) == f)  # f2 extends f on (-1,3)
sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(1, 1)  # half-period = 1
sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(3, 1)  # half-period = 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2 = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(0)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1)),
...                 ((Integer(1),Integer(2)), -Integer(1)), ((Integer(2),Integer(3)), Integer(1))])
>>> bool(f2.restriction((-Integer(1),Integer(1))) == f)  # f2 extends f on (-1,3)
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(1), Integer(1))  # half-period = 1
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(3), Integer(1))  # half-period = 1

The default half-period is 2 and one has:

sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(1)  # half-period = 2
sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(3)  # half-period = 2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(1))  # half-period = 2
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(3))  # half-period = 2

The Fourier coefficients obtained from f are actually recovered for \(n=2\) and \(n=6\) respectively:

sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(2)
sage: f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(6)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(2))
>>> f2.fourier_series_sine_coefficient(Integer(6))
integral(parameters, variable, x=None, a=None, b=None, definite=False, **kwds)[source]

By default, return the indefinite integral of the function.

If definite=True is given, returns the definite integral.


  • Paul Butler


sage: f1(x) = 1 - x
sage: f = piecewise([((0,1), 1), ((1,2), f1)])
sage: f.integral(definite=True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(Integer(1) - x).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1)), ((Integer(1),Integer(2)), f1)])
>>> f.integral(definite=True)

sage: f1(x) = -1
sage: f2(x) = 2
sage: f = piecewise([((0,pi/2), f1), ((pi/2,pi), f2)])
sage: f.integral(definite=True)

sage: f1(x) = 2
sage: f2(x) = 3 - x
sage: f = piecewise([[(-2, 0), f1], [(0, 3), f2]])
sage: f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->2*x + 4 on (-2, 0),
          x|-->-1/2*x^2 + 3*x + 4 on (0, 3); x)

sage: f1(y) = -1
sage: f2(y) = y + 3
sage: f3(y) = -y - 1
sage: f4(y) = y^2 - 1
sage: f5(y) = 3
sage: f = piecewise([[[-4,-3], f1], [(-3,-2), f2], [[-2,0], f3],
....:                [(0,2), f4], [[2,3], f5]])
sage: F = f.integral(y); F
piecewise(y|-->-y - 4 on [-4, -3],
          y|-->1/2*y^2 + 3*y + 7/2 on (-3, -2),
          y|-->-1/2*y^2 - y - 1/2 on [-2, 0],
          y|-->1/3*y^3 - y - 1/2 on (0, 2),
          y|-->3*y - 35/6 on [2, 3]; y)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(-Integer(1)).function(x)
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f2 = symbolic_expression(Integer(2)).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0),pi/Integer(2)), f1), ((pi/Integer(2),pi), f2)])
>>> f.integral(definite=True)

>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(Integer(2)).function(x)
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f2 = symbolic_expression(Integer(3) - x).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([[(-Integer(2), Integer(0)), f1], [(Integer(0), Integer(3)), f2]])
>>> f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->2*x + 4 on (-2, 0),
          x|-->-1/2*x^2 + 3*x + 4 on (0, 3); x)

>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f1 = symbolic_expression(-Integer(1)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f2 = symbolic_expression(y + Integer(3)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f3 = symbolic_expression(-y - Integer(1)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f4 = symbolic_expression(y**Integer(2) - Integer(1)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f5 = symbolic_expression(Integer(3)).function(y)
>>> f = piecewise([[[-Integer(4),-Integer(3)], f1], [(-Integer(3),-Integer(2)), f2], [[-Integer(2),Integer(0)], f3],
...                [(Integer(0),Integer(2)), f4], [[Integer(2),Integer(3)], f5]])
>>> F = f.integral(y); F
piecewise(y|-->-y - 4 on [-4, -3],
          y|-->1/2*y^2 + 3*y + 7/2 on (-3, -2),
          y|-->-1/2*y^2 - y - 1/2 on [-2, 0],
          y|-->1/3*y^3 - y - 1/2 on (0, 2),
          y|-->3*y - 35/6 on [2, 3]; y)

Ensure results are consistent with FTC:

sage: F(-3) - F(-4)
sage: F(-1) - F(-3)
sage: F(2) - F(0)
sage: f.integral(y, 0, 2)
sage: F(3) - F(-4)
sage: f.integral(y, -4, 3)
sage: f.integral(definite=True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> F(-Integer(3)) - F(-Integer(4))
>>> F(-Integer(1)) - F(-Integer(3))
>>> F(Integer(2)) - F(Integer(0))
>>> f.integral(y, Integer(0), Integer(2))
>>> F(Integer(3)) - F(-Integer(4))
>>> f.integral(y, -Integer(4), Integer(3))
>>> f.integral(definite=True)

sage: f1(y) = (y+3)^2
sage: f2(y) = y+3
sage: f3(y) = 3
sage: f = piecewise([[(-infinity, -3), f1], [(-3, 0), f2],
....:                [(0, infinity), f3]])
sage: f.integral()
piecewise(y|-->1/3*y^3 + 3*y^2 + 9*y + 9 on (-oo, -3),
          y|-->1/2*y^2 + 3*y + 9/2 on (-3, 0),
          y|-->3*y + 9/2 on (0, +oo); y)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f1 = symbolic_expression((y+Integer(3))**Integer(2)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f2 = symbolic_expression(y+Integer(3)).function(y)
>>> __tmp__=var("y"); f3 = symbolic_expression(Integer(3)).function(y)
>>> f = piecewise([[(-infinity, -Integer(3)), f1], [(-Integer(3), Integer(0)), f2],
...                [(Integer(0), infinity), f3]])
>>> f.integral()
piecewise(y|-->1/3*y^3 + 3*y^2 + 9*y + 9 on (-oo, -3),
          y|-->1/2*y^2 + 3*y + 9/2 on (-3, 0),
          y|-->3*y + 9/2 on (0, +oo); y)

sage: f1(x) = e^(-abs(x))
sage: f = piecewise([[(-infinity, infinity), f1]])
sage: result = f.integral(definite=True)
sage: result
sage: f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->-integrate(e^(-abs(x)), x, x, +Infinity) on (-oo, +oo); x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> __tmp__=var("x"); f1 = symbolic_expression(e**(-abs(x))).function(x)
>>> f = piecewise([[(-infinity, infinity), f1]])
>>> result = f.integral(definite=True)
>>> result
>>> f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->-integrate(e^(-abs(x)), x, x, +Infinity) on (-oo, +oo); x)

sage: f = piecewise([((0, 5), cos(x))])
sage: f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on (0, 5); x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((Integer(0), Integer(5)), cos(x))])
>>> f.integral()
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on (0, 5); x)
items(parameters, variable)[source]

Iterate over the pieces of the piecewise function.


You should probably use pieces() instead, which offers a nicer interface.


This method iterates over pieces of the piecewise function, each represented by a pair. The first element is the support, and the second the function over that support.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))])
sage: for support, function in f.items():
....:     print('support is {0}, function is {1}'.format(support, function))
support is {0}, function is sin(x)
support is (0, 2), function is cos(x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))])
>>> for support, function in f.items():
...     print('support is {0}, function is {1}'.format(support, function))
support is {0}, function is sin(x)
support is (0, 2), function is cos(x)
laplace(parameters, variable, x='x', s='t')[source]

Return the Laplace transform of self with respect to the variable var.


  • x – variable of self

  • s – variable of Laplace transform

We assume that a piecewise function is 0 outside of its domain and that the left-most endpoint of the domain is 0.


sage: x, s, w = var('x, s, w')
sage: f = piecewise([[(0,1), 1], [[1,2], 1 - x]])
sage: f.laplace(x, s)
-e^(-s)/s + (s + 1)*e^(-2*s)/s^2 + 1/s - e^(-s)/s^2
sage: f.laplace(x, w)
-e^(-w)/w + (w + 1)*e^(-2*w)/w^2 + 1/w - e^(-w)/w^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> x, s, w = var('x, s, w')
>>> f = piecewise([[(Integer(0),Integer(1)), Integer(1)], [[Integer(1),Integer(2)], Integer(1) - x]])
>>> f.laplace(x, s)
-e^(-s)/s + (s + 1)*e^(-2*s)/s^2 + 1/s - e^(-s)/s^2
>>> f.laplace(x, w)
-e^(-w)/w + (w + 1)*e^(-2*w)/w^2 + 1/w - e^(-w)/w^2

sage: y, t = var('y, t')
sage: f = piecewise([[[1,2], 1 - y]])
sage: f.laplace(y, t)
(t + 1)*e^(-2*t)/t^2 - e^(-t)/t^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> y, t = var('y, t')
>>> f = piecewise([[[Integer(1),Integer(2)], Integer(1) - y]])
>>> f.laplace(y, t)
(t + 1)*e^(-2*t)/t^2 - e^(-t)/t^2

sage: s = var('s')
sage: t = var('t')
sage: f1(t) = -t
sage: f2(t) = 2
sage: f = piecewise([[[0,1], f1], [(1,infinity), f2]])
sage: f.laplace(t, s)
(s + 1)*e^(-s)/s^2 + 2*e^(-s)/s - 1/s^2
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> s = var('s')
>>> t = var('t')
>>> __tmp__=var("t"); f1 = symbolic_expression(-t).function(t)
>>> __tmp__=var("t"); f2 = symbolic_expression(Integer(2)).function(t)
>>> f = piecewise([[[Integer(0),Integer(1)], f1], [(Integer(1),infinity), f2]])
>>> f.laplace(t, s)
(s + 1)*e^(-s)/s^2 + 2*e^(-s)/s - 1/s^2
pieces(parameters, variable)[source]

Return the “pieces”.


A tuple of piecewise functions, each having only a single expression.


sage: p = piecewise([((-1, 0), -x), ([0, 1], x)], var=x)
sage: p.pieces()
(piecewise(x|-->-x on (-1, 0); x),
 piecewise(x|-->x on [0, 1]; x))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> p = piecewise([((-Integer(1), Integer(0)), -x), ([Integer(0), Integer(1)], x)], var=x)
>>> p.pieces()
(piecewise(x|-->-x on (-1, 0); x),
 piecewise(x|-->x on [0, 1]; x))
piecewise_add(parameters, variable, other)[source]

Return a new piecewise function with domain the union of the original domains and functions summed. Undefined intervals in the union domain get function value \(0\).


sage: f = piecewise([([0,1], 1), ((2,3), x)])
sage: g = piecewise([((1/2, 2), x)])
sage: f.piecewise_add(g).unextend_zero()
piecewise(x|-->1 on (0, 1/2],
          x|-->x + 1 on (1/2, 1],
          x|-->x on (1, 2) ∪ (2, 3); x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(1)], Integer(1)), ((Integer(2),Integer(3)), x)])
>>> g = piecewise([((Integer(1)/Integer(2), Integer(2)), x)])
>>> f.piecewise_add(g).unextend_zero()
piecewise(x|-->1 on (0, 1/2],
          x|-->x + 1 on (1/2, 1],
          x|-->x on (1, 2) ∪ (2, 3); x)
restriction(parameters, variable, restricted_domain)[source]

Restrict the domain.


  • restricted_domain – a RealSet or something that defines one.

OUTPUT: a new piecewise function obtained by restricting the domain


sage: f = piecewise([((-oo, oo), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-oo, +oo); x)
sage: f.restriction([[-1,1], [3,3]])
piecewise(x|-->x on [-1, 1] ∪ {3}; x)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-oo, oo), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-oo, +oo); x)
>>> f.restriction([[-Integer(1),Integer(1)], [Integer(3),Integer(3)]])
piecewise(x|-->x on [-1, 1] ∪ {3}; x)
trapezoid(parameters, variable, N)[source]

Return the piecewise line function defined by the trapezoid rule for numerical integration based on a subdivision of each domain interval into N subintervals.


sage: f = piecewise([[[0,1], x^2],
....:                [RealSet.open_closed(1,2), 5 - x^2]])
sage: f.trapezoid(2)
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x on (0, 1/2),
          x|-->3/2*x - 1/2 on (1/2, 1),
          x|-->7/2*x - 5/2 on (1, 3/2),
          x|-->-7/2*x + 8 on (3/2, 2); x)
sage: f = piecewise([[[-1,1], 1 - x^2]])
sage: f.trapezoid(4).integral(definite=True)
sage: f = piecewise([[[-1,1], 1/2 + x - x^3]])          ## example 3
sage: f.trapezoid(6).integral(definite=True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([[[Integer(0),Integer(1)], x**Integer(2)],
...                [RealSet.open_closed(Integer(1),Integer(2)), Integer(5) - x**Integer(2)]])
>>> f.trapezoid(Integer(2))
piecewise(x|-->1/2*x on (0, 1/2),
          x|-->3/2*x - 1/2 on (1/2, 1),
          x|-->7/2*x - 5/2 on (1, 3/2),
          x|-->-7/2*x + 8 on (3/2, 2); x)
>>> f = piecewise([[[-Integer(1),Integer(1)], Integer(1) - x**Integer(2)]])
>>> f.trapezoid(Integer(4)).integral(definite=True)
>>> f = piecewise([[[-Integer(1),Integer(1)], Integer(1)/Integer(2) + x - x**Integer(3)]])          ## example 3
>>> f.trapezoid(Integer(6)).integral(definite=True)
unextend_zero(parameters, variable)[source]

Remove zero pieces.


sage: f = piecewise([((-1,1), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1); x)
sage: g = f.extension(0);  g
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->0 on (-oo, -1] ∪ [1, +oo); x)
sage: g(3)
sage: h = g.unextend_zero()
sage: bool(h == f)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([((-Integer(1),Integer(1)), x)]);  f
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1); x)
>>> g = f.extension(Integer(0));  g
piecewise(x|-->x on (-1, 1), x|-->0 on (-oo, -1] ∪ [1, +oo); x)
>>> g(Integer(3))
>>> h = g.unextend_zero()
>>> bool(h == f)
which_function(parameters, variable, point)[source]

Return the expression defining the piecewise function at value.


  • point – a real number


The symbolic expression defining the function value at the given point.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: f.expression_at(0)
sage: f.expression_at(1)
sage: f.expression_at(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point is not in the domain
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(0))
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(1))
>>> f.expression_at(Integer(2))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: point is not in the domain
static in_operands(ex)[source]

Return whether a symbolic expression contains a piecewise function as operand.


  • ex – a symbolic expression

OUTPUT: boolean


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
sage: piecewise.in_operands(f)
sage: piecewise.in_operands(1+sin(f))
sage: piecewise.in_operands(1+sin(0*f))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))]);  f
piecewise(x|-->sin(x) on {0}, x|-->cos(x) on (0, 2); x)
>>> piecewise.in_operands(f)
>>> piecewise.in_operands(Integer(1)+sin(f))
>>> piecewise.in_operands(Integer(1)+sin(Integer(0)*f))
static simplify(ex)[source]

Combine piecewise operands into single piecewise function.


A piecewise function whose operands are not piecewise if possible, that is, as long as the piecewise variable is the same.


sage: f = piecewise([([0,0], sin(x)), ((0,2), cos(x))])
sage: piecewise.simplify(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> f = piecewise([([Integer(0),Integer(0)], sin(x)), ((Integer(0),Integer(2)), cos(x))])
>>> piecewise.simplify(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):