Number-theoretic functions¶
- class sage.functions.transcendental.DickmanRho[source]¶
Dickman’s function is the continuous function satisfying the differential equation
\[x \rho'(x) + \rho(x-1) = 0\]with initial conditions \(\rho(x)=1\) for \(0 \le x \le 1\). It is useful in estimating the frequency of smooth numbers as asymptotically
\[\Psi(a, a^{1/s}) \sim a \rho(s)\]where \(\Psi(a,b)\) is the number of \(b\)-smooth numbers less than \(a\).
Dickmans’s function is analytic on the interval \([n,n+1]\) for each integer \(n\). To evaluate at \(n+t, 0 \le t < 1\), a power series is recursively computed about \(n+1/2\) using the differential equation stated above. As high precision arithmetic may be needed for intermediate results the computed series are cached for later use.
Simple explicit formulas are used for the intervals [0,1] and [1,2].
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: dickman_rho(2) 0.306852819440055 sage: dickman_rho(10) 2.77017183772596e-11 sage: dickman_rho(10.00000000000000000000000000000000000000) 2.77017183772595898875812120063434232634e-11 sage: plot(log(dickman_rho(x)), (x, 0, 15)) # needs sage.plot Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> dickman_rho(Integer(2)) 0.306852819440055 >>> dickman_rho(Integer(10)) 2.77017183772596e-11 >>> dickman_rho(RealNumber('10.00000000000000000000000000000000000000')) 2.77017183772595898875812120063434232634e-11 >>> plot(log(dickman_rho(x)), (x, Integer(0), Integer(15))) # needs sage.plot Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
Robert Bradshaw (2008-09)
G. Marsaglia, A. Zaman, J. Marsaglia. “Numerical Solutions to some Classical Differential-Difference Equations.” Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 53, No. 187 (1989).
- approximate(x, parent=None)[source]¶
Approximate using de Bruijn’s formula.
\[\rho(x) \sim \frac{exp(-x \xi + Ei(\xi))}{\sqrt{2\pi x}\xi}\]which is asymptotically equal to Dickman’s function, and is much faster to compute.
N. De Bruijn, “The Asymptotic behavior of a function occurring in the theory of primes.” J. Indian Math Soc. v 15. (1951)
sage: dickman_rho.approximate(10) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 2.41739196365564e-11 sage: dickman_rho(10) # needs sage.symbolic 2.77017183772596e-11 sage: dickman_rho.approximate(1000) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 4.32938809066403e-3464
>>> from sage.all import * >>> dickman_rho.approximate(Integer(10)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 2.41739196365564e-11 >>> dickman_rho(Integer(10)) # needs sage.symbolic 2.77017183772596e-11 >>> dickman_rho.approximate(Integer(1000)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 4.32938809066403e-3464
- power_series(n, abs_prec)[source]¶
This function returns the power series about \(n+1/2\) used to evaluate Dickman’s function. It is scaled such that the interval \([n,n+1]\) corresponds to \(x\) in \([-1,1]\).
– the lower endpoint of the interval for which this power series holdsabs_prec
– the absolute precision of the resulting power series
sage: # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage: f = dickman_rho.power_series(2, 20); f -9.9376e-8*x^11 + 3.7722e-7*x^10 - 1.4684e-6*x^9 + 5.8783e-6*x^8 - 0.000024259*x^7 + 0.00010341*x^6 - 0.00045583*x^5 + 0.0020773*x^4 - 0.0097336*x^3 + 0.045224*x^2 - 0.11891*x + 0.13032 sage: f(-1), f(0), f(1) (0.30685, 0.13032, 0.048608) sage: dickman_rho(2), dickman_rho(2.5), dickman_rho(3) (0.306852819440055, 0.130319561832251, 0.0486083882911316)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr >>> f = dickman_rho.power_series(Integer(2), Integer(20)); f -9.9376e-8*x^11 + 3.7722e-7*x^10 - 1.4684e-6*x^9 + 5.8783e-6*x^8 - 0.000024259*x^7 + 0.00010341*x^6 - 0.00045583*x^5 + 0.0020773*x^4 - 0.0097336*x^3 + 0.045224*x^2 - 0.11891*x + 0.13032 >>> f(-Integer(1)), f(Integer(0)), f(Integer(1)) (0.30685, 0.13032, 0.048608) >>> dickman_rho(Integer(2)), dickman_rho(RealNumber('2.5')), dickman_rho(Integer(3)) (0.306852819440055, 0.130319561832251, 0.0486083882911316)
- class sage.functions.transcendental.Function_HurwitzZeta[source]¶
- class sage.functions.transcendental.Function_stieltjes[source]¶
Stieltjes constant of index
is identical to the Euler-Mascheroni constant (sage.symbolic.constants.EulerGamma
). The Stieltjes constants are used in the series expansions of \(\zeta(s)\).INPUT:
– nonnegative integer
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: _ = var('n') sage: stieltjes(n) stieltjes(n) sage: stieltjes(0) euler_gamma sage: stieltjes(2) stieltjes(2) sage: stieltjes(int(2)) stieltjes(2) sage: stieltjes(2).n(100) -0.0096903631928723184845303860352 sage: RR = RealField(200) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage: stieltjes(RR(2)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr -0.0096903631928723184845303860352125293590658061013407498807014
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> _ = var('n') >>> stieltjes(n) stieltjes(n) >>> stieltjes(Integer(0)) euler_gamma >>> stieltjes(Integer(2)) stieltjes(2) >>> stieltjes(int(Integer(2))) stieltjes(2) >>> stieltjes(Integer(2)).n(Integer(100)) -0.0096903631928723184845303860352 >>> RR = RealField(Integer(200)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr >>> stieltjes(RR(Integer(2))) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr -0.0096903631928723184845303860352125293590658061013407498807014
It is possible to use the
argument to prevent automatic evaluation:sage: stieltjes(0, hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic stieltjes(0) sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: latex(stieltjes(n)) \gamma_{n} sage: a = loads(dumps(stieltjes(n))) sage: a.operator() == stieltjes True sage: stieltjes(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy stieltjes(x) sage: stieltjes(x).subs(x==0) # needs sage.symbolic euler_gamma
>>> from sage.all import * >>> stieltjes(Integer(0), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic stieltjes(0) >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> latex(stieltjes(n)) \gamma_{n} >>> a = loads(dumps(stieltjes(n))) >>> a.operator() == stieltjes True >>> stieltjes(x)._sympy_() # needs sympy stieltjes(x) >>> stieltjes(x).subs(x==Integer(0)) # needs sage.symbolic euler_gamma
- class sage.functions.transcendental.Function_zeta[source]¶
Riemann zeta function at s with s a real or complex number.
– real or complex number
If s is a real number, the computation is done using the MPFR library. When the input is not real, the computation is done using the PARI C library.
sage: RR = RealField(200) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage: zeta(RR(2)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.6449340668482264364724151666460251892189499012067984377356 sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: zeta(x) zeta(x) sage: zeta(2) 1/6*pi^2 sage: zeta(2.) 1.64493406684823 sage: zeta(I) zeta(I) sage: zeta(I).n() 0.00330022368532410 - 0.418155449141322*I sage: zeta(sqrt(2)) zeta(sqrt(2)) sage: zeta(sqrt(2)).n() # rel tol 1e-10 3.02073767948603
>>> from sage.all import * >>> RR = RealField(Integer(200)) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr >>> zeta(RR(Integer(2))) # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr 1.6449340668482264364724151666460251892189499012067984377356 >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> zeta(x) zeta(x) >>> zeta(Integer(2)) 1/6*pi^2 >>> zeta(RealNumber('2.')) 1.64493406684823 >>> zeta(I) zeta(I) >>> zeta(I).n() 0.00330022368532410 - 0.418155449141322*I >>> zeta(sqrt(Integer(2))) zeta(sqrt(2)) >>> zeta(sqrt(Integer(2))).n() # rel tol 1e-10 3.02073767948603
It is possible to use the
argument to prevent automatic evaluation:sage: zeta(2, hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic zeta(2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> zeta(Integer(2), hold=True) # needs sage.symbolic zeta(2)
To then evaluate again, we currently must use Maxima via
:sage: a = zeta(2, hold=True); a.simplify() # needs sage.symbolic 1/6*pi^2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> a = zeta(Integer(2), hold=True); a.simplify() # needs sage.symbolic 1/6*pi^2
The Laurent expansion of \(\zeta(s)\) at \(s=1\) is implemented by means of the Stieltjes constants:
sage: s = SR('s') # needs sage.symbolic sage: zeta(s).series(s==1, 2) # needs sage.symbolic 1*(s - 1)^(-1) + euler_gamma + (-stieltjes(1))*(s - 1) + Order((s - 1)^2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> s = SR('s') # needs sage.symbolic >>> zeta(s).series(s==Integer(1), Integer(2)) # needs sage.symbolic 1*(s - 1)^(-1) + euler_gamma + (-stieltjes(1))*(s - 1) + Order((s - 1)^2)
Generally, the Stieltjes constants occur in the Laurent expansion of \(\zeta\)-type singularities:
sage: zeta(2*s/(s+1)).series(s==1, 2) # needs sage.symbolic 2*(s - 1)^(-1) + (euler_gamma + 1) + (-1/2*stieltjes(1))*(s - 1) + Order((s - 1)^2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> zeta(Integer(2)*s/(s+Integer(1))).series(s==Integer(1), Integer(2)) # needs sage.symbolic 2*(s - 1)^(-1) + (euler_gamma + 1) + (-1/2*stieltjes(1))*(s - 1) + Order((s - 1)^2)
- class sage.functions.transcendental.Function_zetaderiv[source]¶
Derivatives of the Riemann zeta function.
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: zetaderiv(1, x) zetaderiv(1, x) sage: zetaderiv(1, x).diff(x) zetaderiv(2, x) sage: var('n') n sage: zetaderiv(n, x) zetaderiv(n, x) sage: zetaderiv(1, 4).n() -0.0689112658961254 sage: import mpmath; mpmath.diff(lambda x: mpmath.zeta(x), 4) # needs mpmath mpf('-0.068911265896125382')
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> zetaderiv(Integer(1), x) zetaderiv(1, x) >>> zetaderiv(Integer(1), x).diff(x) zetaderiv(2, x) >>> var('n') n >>> zetaderiv(n, x) zetaderiv(n, x) >>> zetaderiv(Integer(1), Integer(4)).n() -0.0689112658961254 >>> import mpmath; mpmath.diff(lambda x: mpmath.zeta(x), Integer(4)) # needs mpmath mpf('-0.068911265896125382')
- sage.functions.transcendental.hurwitz_zeta(s, x, **kwargs)[source]¶
The Hurwitz zeta function \(\zeta(s, x)\), where \(s\) and \(x\) are complex.
The Hurwitz zeta function is one of the many zeta functions. It is defined as
\[\zeta(s, x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (k + x)^{-s}.\]When \(x = 1\), this coincides with Riemann’s zeta function. The Dirichlet \(L\)-functions may be expressed as linear combinations of Hurwitz zeta functions.
Symbolic evaluations:
sage: # needs sage.symbolic sage: hurwitz_zeta(x, 1) zeta(x) sage: hurwitz_zeta(4, 3) 1/90*pi^4 - 17/16 sage: hurwitz_zeta(-4, x) -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x sage: hurwitz_zeta(7, -1/2) 127*zeta(7) - 128 sage: hurwitz_zeta(-3, 1) 1/120
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.symbolic >>> hurwitz_zeta(x, Integer(1)) zeta(x) >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(4), Integer(3)) 1/90*pi^4 - 17/16 >>> hurwitz_zeta(-Integer(4), x) -1/5*x^5 + 1/2*x^4 - 1/3*x^3 + 1/30*x >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(7), -Integer(1)/Integer(2)) 127*zeta(7) - 128 >>> hurwitz_zeta(-Integer(3), Integer(1)) 1/120
Numerical evaluations:
sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 1/2).n() # needs mpmath 8.41439832211716 sage: hurwitz_zeta(11/10, 1/2).n() # needs sage.symbolic 12.1038134956837 sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, x).series(x, 60).subs(x=0.5).n() # needs sage.symbolic 8.41439832211716 sage: hurwitz_zeta(3, 0.5) # needs mpmath 8.41439832211716
>>> from sage.all import * >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(3), Integer(1)/Integer(2)).n() # needs mpmath 8.41439832211716 >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(11)/Integer(10), Integer(1)/Integer(2)).n() # needs sage.symbolic 12.1038134956837 >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(3), x).series(x, Integer(60)).subs(x=RealNumber('0.5')).n() # needs sage.symbolic 8.41439832211716 >>> hurwitz_zeta(Integer(3), RealNumber('0.5')) # needs mpmath 8.41439832211716
- sage.functions.transcendental.zeta_symmetric(s)[source]¶
Completed function \(\xi(s)\) that satisfies \(\xi(s) = \xi(1-s)\) and has zeros at the same points as the Riemann zeta function.
– real or complex number
If s is a real number the computation is done using the MPFR library. When the input is not real, the computation is done using the PARI C library.
More precisely,
\[xi(s) = \gamma(s/2 + 1) * (s-1) * \pi^{-s/2} * \zeta(s).\]EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr sage: RR = RealField(200) sage: zeta_symmetric(RR(0.7)) 0.49758041465112690357779107525638385212657443284080589766062 sage: # needs sage.libs.pari sage.rings.real_mpfr sage: zeta_symmetric(0.7) 0.497580414651127 sage: zeta_symmetric(1 - 0.7) 0.497580414651127 sage: C.<i> = ComplexField() sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.0) 0.000201294444235258 + 1.49077798716757e-19*I sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.1) 0.0000489893483255687 + 4.40457132572236e-20*I sage: zeta_symmetric(0.5 + i*14.2) -0.0000868931282620101 + 7.11507675693612e-20*I
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.rings.real_mpfr >>> RR = RealField(Integer(200)) >>> zeta_symmetric(RR(RealNumber('0.7'))) 0.49758041465112690357779107525638385212657443284080589766062 >>> # needs sage.libs.pari sage.rings.real_mpfr >>> zeta_symmetric(RealNumber('0.7')) 0.497580414651127 >>> zeta_symmetric(Integer(1) - RealNumber('0.7')) 0.497580414651127 >>> C = ComplexField(names=('i',)); (i,) = C._first_ngens(1) >>> zeta_symmetric(RealNumber('0.5') + i*RealNumber('14.0')) 0.000201294444235258 + 1.49077798716757e-19*I >>> zeta_symmetric(RealNumber('0.5') + i*RealNumber('14.1')) 0.0000489893483255687 + 4.40457132572236e-20*I >>> zeta_symmetric(RealNumber('0.5') + i*RealNumber('14.2')) -0.0000868931282620101 + 7.11507675693612e-20*I
I copied the definition of xi from