Base for Classical Matrix Groups with GAP#

class sage.groups.matrix_gps.named_group_gap.NamedMatrixGroup_gap(degree, base_ring, special, sage_name, latex_string, gap_command_string, category=None)[source]#

Bases: NamedMatrixGroup_generic, MatrixGroup_gap

Base class for “named” matrix groups using LibGAP.


  • degree – integer; the degree (number of rows/columns of matrices)

  • base_ring – ring; the base ring of the matrices

  • special – boolean; whether the matrix group is special, that is, elements have determinant one

  • latex_string – string; the latex representation

  • gap_command_string – string; the GAP command to construct the matrix group


sage: G = GL(2, GF(3))
sage: from sage.groups.matrix_gps.named_group_gap import NamedMatrixGroup_gap
sage: isinstance(G, NamedMatrixGroup_gap)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = GL(Integer(2), GF(Integer(3)))
>>> from sage.groups.matrix_gps.named_group_gap import NamedMatrixGroup_gap
>>> isinstance(G, NamedMatrixGroup_gap)