Ariki-Koike Algebras#

The Ariki-Koike algebras were introduced by Ariki and Koike [AK1994] as a natural generalization of the Iwahori-Hecke algebras of types \(A\) and \(B\) (see IwahoriHeckeAlgebra). Soon afterwards, Broué and Malle defined analogues of the Hecke algebras for all complex reflection groups

Fix non-negative integers \(r\) an \(n\). The Ariki-Koike algebras are deformations of the group algebra of the complex reflection group \(G(r, 1, n) = \ZZ / r\ZZ \wr \mathfrak{S}_n\). If \(R\) is a ring containing a Hecke parameter \(q\) and cyclotomic parameters \(u_0, \ldots, u_{r-1}\) then the Ariki-Koike algebra \(H_n(q, u_1, \ldots, u_r)\) is the unital associative \(r\)-algebra with generators \(T_0, T_1, \ldots, T_{n-1}\) an relations:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \prod_{i=0}^{r-1} (T_0 - u_i) & = 0, \\ T_i^2 & = (q - 1) T_i + q && \text{for } 1 \leq i < n, \\ T_0 T_1 T_0 T_1 & = T_1 T_0 T_1 T_0, \\ T_i T_j & = T_j T_i && \text{if } |i - j| \geq 2, \\ T_i T_{i+1} T_i & = T_{i+1} T_i T_{i+1} && \text{for } 1 \leq i < n. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]


  • Travis Scrimshaw (2016-04): initial version

  • Andrew Mathas (2016-07): improved multiplication code


class sage.algebras.hecke_algebras.ariki_koike_algebra.ArikiKoikeAlgebra(r, n, q, u, R)#

Bases: Parent, UniqueRepresentation

The Ariki-Koike algebra \(H_{r,n}(q, u)\).

Let \(R\) be an unital integral domain. Let \(q, u_0, \ldots, u_{r-1} \in R\) such that \(q^{-1} \in R\). The Ariki-Koike algebra is the unital associative algebra \(H_{r,n}(q, u)\) generated by \(T_0, \ldots, T_{n-1}\) that satisfies the following relations:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \prod_{i=0}^{r-1} (T_0 - u_i) & = 0, \\ T_i^2 & = (q - 1) T_i + q && \text{for } 1 \leq i < n, \\ T_0 T_1 T_0 T_1 & = T_1 T_0 T_1 T_0, \\ T_i T_j & = T_j T_i && \text{if } |i - j| \geq 2, \\ T_i T_{i+1} T_i & = T_{i+1} T_i T_{i+1} && \text{for } 1 \leq i < n. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

The parameter \(q\) is called the Hecke parameter and the parameters \(u_0, \ldots, u_{r-1}\) are called the cyclotomic parameters. Thus, the Ariki-Koike algebra is a deformation of the group algebra of the complex reflection group \(G(r, 1, n) = \ZZ / r\ZZ \wr \mathfrak{S}_n\).

Next, we define Jucys-Murphy elements

\[L_i = q^{-i+1} T_{i-1} \cdots T_1 T_0 T_1 \cdots T_{i-1}\]

for \(1 \leq i \leq n\).


These element differ by a power of \(q\) from the corresponding elements in [AK1994]. However, these elements are more commonly used because they lead to nicer representation theoretic formulas.

Ariki and Koike [AK1994] showed that \(H_{r,n}(q, u)\) is a free \(R\)-module with a basis given by

\[\{ L_1^{c_i} \cdots L_n^{c_n} T_w \mid w \in S_n, 0 \leq c_i < r \}.\]

In particular, we have \(\dim H_{r,n}(q,u) = r^n n! = |G(r, 1, n)|\). Moreover, we have \(L_i L_j = L_i L_j\) for all \(1 \leq i, j \leq n\).

The Ariki-Koike algebra \(H_{r,n}(q, u)\) can be considered as a quotient of the group algebra of the braid group for \(G(r, 1, n)\) by the ideal generated by \(\prod_{i=0}^{r-1} (T_0 - u_i)\) and \((T_i - q)(T_i + 1)\). Furthermore, \(H_{r,n}(q, u)\) can be constructed as a quotient of the extended affine Hecke algebra of type \(A_{n-1}^{(1)}\) by \(\prod_{i=0}^{r-1} (X_1 - u_i)\).

Since the Ariki-Koike algebra is a quotient of the group algebra of the braid group of \(G(r, 1, n)\), we can recover the group algebra of \(G(r, 1, n)\) as follows. Consider \(u = (1, \zeta_r, \ldots, \zeta_r^{r-1})\), where \(\zeta_r\) is a primitive \(r\)-th root of unity, then we have

\[R G(r, 1, n) = H_{r,n}(1, u).\]


  • r – the maximum power of \(L_i\)

  • n – the rank \(S_n\)

  • q – (optional) an invertible element in a commutative ring; the default is \(q \in R[q,q^{-1}]\), where \(R\) is the ring containing the variables u

  • u – (optional) the variables \(u_1, \ldots, u_r\); the default is the generators of \(\ZZ[u_1, \ldots, u_r]\)

  • R – (optional) a commutative ring containing q and u; the default is the parent of \(q\) and \(u_1, \ldots, u_r\)


We start by constructing an Ariki-Koike algebra where the values \(q, u\) are generic and do some computations:

sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(3, 4)

Next, we do some computations using the \(LT\) basis:

sage: LT = H.LT()
sage: LT.inject_variables()
Defining L1, L2, L3, L4, T1, T2, T3
sage: T1 * T2 * T1 * T2
q*T[2,1] - (1-q)*T[2,1,2]
sage: T1 * L1 * T2 * L3 * T1 * T2
-(q-q^2)*L2*L3*T[2] + q*L1*L2*T[2,1] - (1-q)*L1*L2*T[2,1,2]
sage: L1^3
u0*u1*u2 + ((-u0*u1-u0*u2-u1*u2))*L1 + ((u0+u1+u2))*L1^2
sage: L3 * L2 * L1
sage: u = LT.u()
sage: q = LT.q()
sage: (q + 2*u[0]) * (T1 * T2) * L3
(-2*u0+(2*u0-1)*q+q^2)*L3*T[1] + (-2*u0+(2*u0-1)*q+q^2)*L2*T[2]
 + (2*u0+q)*L1*T[1,2]

We check the defining relations:

sage: prod(L1 - val for val in u) ==
sage: L1 * T1 * L1 * T1 == T1 * L1 * T1 * L1
sage: T1 * T2 * T1 == T2 * T1 * T2
sage: T2 * T3 * T2 == T3 * T2 * T3
sage: L2 == q^-1 * T1 * L1 * T1
sage: L3 == q^-2 * T2 * T1 * L1 * T1 * T2

We construct an Ariki-Koike algebra with \(u = (1, \zeta_3, \zeta_3^2)\), where \(\zeta_3\) is a primitive third root of unity:

sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
sage: zeta3 = F.gen()
sage: R.<q> = LaurentPolynomialRing(F)
sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(3, 4, q=q, u=[1, zeta3, zeta3^2], R=R)
sage: H.LT().inject_variables()
Defining L1, L2, L3, L4, T1, T2, T3
sage: L1^3
sage: L2^3
1 - (q^-1-1)*T[1] - (q^-1-1)*L1*L2^2*T[1] - (q^-1-1)*L1^2*L2*T[1]

Next, we additionally take \(q = 1\) to obtain the group algebra of \(G(r, 1, n)\):

sage: # needs sage.rings.number_field
sage: F = CyclotomicField(3)
sage: zeta3 = F.gen()
sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(3, 4, q=1, u=[1, zeta3, zeta3^2], R=F)
sage: LT = H.LT()
sage: LT.inject_variables()
Defining L1, L2, L3, L4, T1, T2, T3
sage: A = ColoredPermutations(3, 4).algebra(F)
sage: s1, s2, s3, s0 = list(A.algebra_generators())
sage: all(L^3 == for L in LT.L())
sage: J = [s0, s3*s0*s3, s2*s3*s0*s3*s2, s1*s2*s3*s0*s3*s2*s1]
sage: all(Ji^3 == for Ji in J)
class LT(algebra)#

Bases: _Basis

The basis of the Ariki-Koike algebra given by monomials of the form \(L T\), where \(L\) is product of Jucys-Murphy elements and \(T\) is a product of \(\{ T_i | 0 < i < n \}\).

This was the basis defined in [AK1994] except using the renormalized Jucys-Murphy elements.

class Element#

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement


Return the generator(s) \(L_i\).


  • i – (default: None) the generator \(L_i\) or if None, then the list of all generators \(L_i\)


sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(8, 3).LT()
sage: LT.L(2)
sage: LT.L()
[L1, L2, L3]

sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(1, 3).LT()
sage: LT.L(2)
u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[1]
sage: LT.L()
 u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[1],
 u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[2] + (-u*q^-2+u*q^-1)*T[2,1,2]]

Return the generator(s) \(T_i\) of self.


  • i – (default: None) the generator \(T_i\) or if None, then the list of all generators \(T_i\)


sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(8, 3).LT()
sage: LT.T(1)
sage: LT.T()
[L1, T[1], T[2]]
sage: LT.T(0)

Return the algebra generators of self.


sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3).LT()
sage: dict(LT.algebra_generators())
{'L1': L1, 'L2': L2, 'L3': L3, 'T1': T[1], 'T2': T[2]}

sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(1, 4).LT()
sage: dict(LT.algebra_generators())
{'T1': T[1], 'T2': T[2], 'T3': T[3]}

Return the inverse of the generator \(T_i\).

From the quadratic relation, we have

\[T_i^{-1} = q^{-1} T_i + (q^{-1} - 1).\]


sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(3, 4).LT()
sage: [LT.inverse_T(i) for i in range(1, 4)]
[(q^-1-1) + (q^-1)*T[1],
 (q^-1-1) + (q^-1)*T[2],
 (q^-1-1) + (q^-1)*T[3]]
product_on_basis(m1, m2)#

Return the product of the basis elements indexed by m1 and m2.


sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(6, 3).LT()
sage: m = ((1, 0, 2), Permutations(3)([2,1,3]))
sage: LT.product_on_basis(m, m)

sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(4, 3).LT()
sage: L1,L2,L3,T1,T2 = LT.algebra_generators()
sage: L1 * T1 * L1^2 * T1
q*L1*L2^2 + (1-q)*L1^2*L2*T[1]
sage: L1^2 * T1 * L1^2 * T1
q*L1^2*L2^2 + (1-q)*L1^3*L2*T[1]
sage: L1^3 * T1 * L1^2 * T1
 + ((u0*u1*u2+u0*u1*u3+u0*u2*u3+u1*u2*u3)+(-u0*u1*u2-u0*u1*u3-u0*u2*u3-u1*u2*u3)*q)*L1*L2*T[1]
 + ((-u0*u1-u0*u2-u1*u2-u0*u3-u1*u3-u2*u3)+(u0*u1+u0*u2+u1*u2+u0*u3+u1*u3+u2*u3)*q)*L1^2*L2*T[1]
 + ((u0+u1+u2+u3)+(-u0-u1-u2-u3)*q)*L1^3*L2*T[1] + q*L1^3*L2^2

sage: L1^2 * T1 * L1^3 * T1
 + ((u0*u1*u2+u0*u1*u3+u0*u2*u3+u1*u2*u3)+(-u0*u1*u2-u0*u1*u3-u0*u2*u3-u1*u2*u3)*q)*L1*L2*T[1]
 + ((-u0*u1-u0*u2-u1*u2-u0*u3-u1*u3-u2*u3)+(u0*u1+u0*u2+u1*u2+u0*u3+u1*u3+u2*u3)*q)*L1^2*L2*T[1]
 + q*L1^2*L2^3
 + ((u0+u1+u2+u3)+(-u0-u1-u2-u3)*q)*L1^3*L2*T[1]
 + (1-q)*L1^3*L2^2*T[1]

sage: L1^2 * T1*T2*T1 * L2 * L3 * T2
(q-2*q^2+q^3)*L1^2*L2*L3 - (1-2*q+2*q^2-q^3)*L1^2*L2*L3*T[2]
 - (q-q^2)*L1^3*L3*T[1] + (1-2*q+q^2)*L1^3*L3*T[1,2]
 + q*L1^3*L2*T[2,1] - (1-q)*L1^3*L2*T[2,1,2]

sage: LT = algebras.ArikiKoike(2, 3).LT()
sage: L3 = LT.L(3)
sage: x = LT.an_element()
sage: (x * L3) * L3 == x * (L3 * L3)
class T(algebra)#

Bases: _Basis

The basis of the Ariki-Koike algebra given by monomials of the generators \(\{ T_i | 0 \leq i < n \}\).

We use the choice of reduced expression given by [BM1997]:

\[T_{1,a_1} \cdots T_{n,a_n} T_w,\]

where \(T_{i,k} = T_{i-1} \cdots T_2 T_1 T_0^k\) (note that \(T_{1,k} = T_0^k\)) and \(w\) is a reduced expression of an element in \(\mathfrak{S}_n\).


Return the Jucys-Murphy element(s) \(L_i\).

The Jucys-Murphy element \(L_i\) is defined as

\[L_i = q^{-i+1} T_{i-1} \cdots T_1 T_0 T_1 \cdots T_{i-1} = q^{-1} T_{i-1} L_{i-1} T_{i-1}.\]


  • i – (default: None) the Jucys-Murphy element \(L_i\) or if None, then the list of all \(L_i\)


sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(8, 3).T()
sage: T.L(2)
sage: T.L()
[T[0], (q^-1)*T[1,0,1], (q^-2)*T[2,1,0,1,2]]

sage: T0,T1,T2 = T.T()
sage: q = T.q()
sage: T.L(1) == T0
sage: T.L(2) == q^-1 * T1*T0*T1
sage: T.L(3) == q^-2 * T2*T1*T0*T1*T2

sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(1, 3).T()
sage: T.L(2)
u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[1]
sage: T.L()
 u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[1],
 u + (-u*q^-1+u)*T[2] + (-u*q^-2+u*q^-1)*T[2,1,2]]

Return the generator(s) \(T_i\) of self.


  • i – (default: None) the generator \(T_i\) or if None, then the list of all generators \(T_i\)


sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(8, 3).T()
sage: T.T(1)
sage: T.T()
[T[0], T[1], T[2]]

sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(1, 4).T()

Return the algebra generators of self.


sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3).T()
sage: dict(T.algebra_generators())
{0: T[0], 1: T[1], 2: T[2]}

sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(1, 4).T()
sage: dict(T.algebra_generators())
{1: T[1], 2: T[2], 3: T[3]}
product_on_basis(m1, m2)#

Return the product of the basis elements indexed by m1 and m2.


sage: T = algebras.ArikiKoike(2, 3).T()
sage: T0, T1, T2 = T.T()
sage: T.product_on_basis(T0.leading_support(), T1.leading_support())
sage: T1 * T2
sage: T2 * T1
sage: T2 * (T2 * T1 * T0)
-(1-q)*T[2,1,0] + q*T[1,0]
sage: (T1 * T0 * T1 * T0) * T0
(-u0*u1)*T[1,0,1] + ((u0+u1))*T[0,1,0,1]
sage: (T0 * T1 * T0 * T1) * (T0 * T1)
(-u0*u1*q)*T[1,0] + (u0*u1-u0*u1*q)*T[1,0,1]
 + ((u0+u1)*q)*T[0,1,0] + ((-u0-u1)+(u0+u1)*q)*T[0,1,0,1]
sage: T1 * (T0 * T2 * T1 * T0)
sage: (T1 * T2) * (T2 * T1 * T0)
-(1-q)*T[2,1,0,2] - (q-q^2)*T[1,0] + q^2*T[0]
sage: (T2*T1*T2) * (T2*T1*T0*T1*T2)
-(q-q^2)*T[2,1,0,1,2] + (1-2*q+q^2)*T[2,1,0,2,1,2]
 - (q-q^2)*T[1,0,2,1,2] + q^2*T[0,2,1,2]

We check some relations:

sage: T0 * T1 * T0 * T1 == T1 * T0 * T1 * T0
sage: T1 * T2 * T1 == T2 * T1 * T2
sage: (T1 * T0) * T0 == T1 * (T0 * T0)
sage: (T.L(1) * T.L(2)) * T.L(2) - T.L(1) * (T.L(2) * T.L(2))
sage: (T.L(2) * T.L(3)) * T.L(3) - T.L(2) * (T.L(3) * T.L(3))

Return a realization of self.


sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 2)
sage: H.a_realization()
Ariki-Koike algebra of rank 5 and order 2
 with q=q and u=(u0, u1, u2, u3, u4) ... in the LT-basis

Return the cyclotomic parameters \(u\) of self.


sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3)
sage: H.cyclotomic_parameters()
(u0, u1, u2, u3, u4)

Return the Hecke parameter \(q\) of self.


sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3)
sage: H.hecke_parameter()

Return the Hecke parameter \(q\) of self.


sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3)
sage: H.hecke_parameter()

Return the cyclotomic parameters \(u\) of self.


sage: H = algebras.ArikiKoike(5, 3)
sage: H.cyclotomic_parameters()
(u0, u1, u2, u3, u4)