Splitting Algebras¶
Splitting algebras have been considered by Dan Laksov, Anders Thorup, Torsten Ekedahl and others (see references below) in order to study intersection theory of Grassmann and other flag schemes. Similarly as splitting fields they can be considered as extensions of rings containing all the roots of a given monic polynomial over that ring under the assumption that its Galois group is the symmetric group of order equal to the polynomial’s degree.
Thus they can be used as a tool to express elements of a ring generated by \(n\) indeterminates in terms of symmetric functions in these indeterminates.
This realization of splitting algebras follows the approach of a recursive
quotient ring construction splitting off some linear factor of the
polynomial in each recursive step. Accordingly it is inherited from
Sebastian Oehms (April 2020): initial version
- class sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebra(monic_polynomial, names='X', iterate=True, warning=True)[source]¶
For a given monic polynomial \(p(t)\) of degree \(n\) over a commutative ring \(R\), the splitting algebra is the universal \(R\)-algebra in which \(p(t)\) has \(n\) roots, or, more precisely, over which \(p(t)\) factors,
\[p(t) = (t - \xi_1) \cdots (t - \xi_n).\]This class creates an algebra as extension over the base ring of a given polynomial \(p\) such that \(p\) splits into linear factors over that extension. It is assumed (and not checked in general) that the Galois group of \(p\) is the symmetric Group \(S(n)\). The construction is recursive (following [LT2012], 1.3).
– the monic polynomial which should be splitnames
– names for the indeterminates to be adjoined to the base ring ofmonic_polynomial
– boolean (default:True
); can be used (by setting toFalse
) to suppress a warning which will be thrown whenever it cannot be checked that the Galois group ofmonic_polynomial
is maximal
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: Lc.<w> = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ) sage: PabLc.<u,v> = Lc[]; t = polygen(PabLc) sage: S.<x, y> = SplittingAlgebra(t^3 - u*t^2 + v*t - w) doctest:...: UserWarning: Assuming x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w to have maximal Galois group! sage: roots = S.splitting_roots(); roots [x, y, -y - x + u] sage: all(t^3 -u*t^2 +v*t -w == 0 for t in roots) True sage: xi = ~x; xi (w^-1)*x^2 + ((-w^-1)*u)*x + (w^-1)*v sage: ~xi == x True sage: ~y ((-w^-1)*x)*y + (-w^-1)*x^2 + ((w^-1)*u)*x sage: zi = ((w^-1)*x)*y; ~zi -y - x + u sage: cp3 = cyclotomic_polynomial(3).change_ring(GF(5)) sage: CR3.<e3> = SplittingAlgebra(cp3) sage: CR3.is_field() True sage: CR3.cardinality() 25 sage: F.<a> = cp3.splitting_field() sage: F.cardinality() 25 sage: E3 = cp3.change_ring(F).roots()[0][0]; E3 3*a + 3 sage: f = CR3.hom([E3]); f Ring morphism: From: Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, 4*e3 + 4] over Finite Field of size 5 To: Finite Field in a of size 5^2 Defn: e3 |--> 3*a + 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> Lc = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('w',)); (w,) = Lc._first_ngens(1) >>> PabLc = Lc['u, v']; (u, v,) = PabLc._first_ngens(2); t = polygen(PabLc) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(t**Integer(3) - u*t**Integer(2) + v*t - w, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = S._first_ngens(2) doctest:...: UserWarning: Assuming x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w to have maximal Galois group! >>> roots = S.splitting_roots(); roots [x, y, -y - x + u] >>> all(t**Integer(3) -u*t**Integer(2) +v*t -w == Integer(0) for t in roots) True >>> xi = ~x; xi (w^-1)*x^2 + ((-w^-1)*u)*x + (w^-1)*v >>> ~xi == x True >>> ~y ((-w^-1)*x)*y + (-w^-1)*x^2 + ((w^-1)*u)*x >>> zi = ((w**-Integer(1))*x)*y; ~zi -y - x + u >>> cp3 = cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(3)).change_ring(GF(Integer(5))) >>> CR3 = SplittingAlgebra(cp3, names=('e3',)); (e3,) = CR3._first_ngens(1) >>> CR3.is_field() True >>> CR3.cardinality() 25 >>> F = cp3.splitting_field(names=('a',)); (a,) = F._first_ngens(1) >>> F.cardinality() 25 >>> E3 = cp3.change_ring(F).roots()[Integer(0)][Integer(0)]; E3 3*a + 3 >>> f = CR3.hom([E3]); f Ring morphism: From: Splitting Algebra of x^2 + x + 1 with roots [e3, 4*e3 + 4] over Finite Field of size 5 To: Finite Field in a of size 5^2 Defn: e3 |--> 3*a + 3
- Element[source]¶
alias of
- defining_polynomial()[source]¶
Return the defining polynomial of
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: L.<u, v, w > = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ) sage: x = polygen(L) sage: S = SplittingAlgebra(x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) sage: S.defining_polynomial() x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> L = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('u', 'v', 'w',)); (u, v, w,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> x = polygen(L) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(3) - u*x**Integer(2) + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) >>> S.defining_polynomial() x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w
- hom(im_gens, codomain=None, check=True, base_map=None)[source]¶
This version keeps track with the special recursive structure of
to see the general documentation of this method. Here you see just special examples for the current class.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: L.<u, v, w> = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ); x = polygen(L) sage: S = SplittingAlgebra(x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) sage: P.<x, y, z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ) sage: F = FractionField(P) sage: im_gens = [F(g) for g in [y, x, x + y + z, x*y+x*z+y*z, x*y*z]] sage: f = S.hom(im_gens) sage: f(u), f(v), f(w) (x + y + z, x*y + x*z + y*z, x*y*z) sage: roots = S.splitting_roots(); roots [X, Y, -Y - X + u] sage: [f(r) for r in roots] [x, y, z]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> L = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('u', 'v', 'w',)); (u, v, w,) = L._first_ngens(3); x = polygen(L) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(3) - u*x**Integer(2) + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) >>> P = PolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('x', 'y', 'z',)); (x, y, z,) = P._first_ngens(3) >>> F = FractionField(P) >>> im_gens = [F(g) for g in [y, x, x + y + z, x*y+x*z+y*z, x*y*z]] >>> f = S.hom(im_gens) >>> f(u), f(v), f(w) (x + y + z, x*y + x*z + y*z, x*y*z) >>> roots = S.splitting_roots(); roots [X, Y, -Y - X + u] >>> [f(r) for r in roots] [x, y, z]
- is_completely_split()[source]¶
if the defining polynomial ofself
splits into linear factors overself
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: L.<u, v, w > = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ); x = polygen(L) sage: S.<a,b> = SplittingAlgebra(x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w) sage: S.is_completely_split() True sage: S.base_ring().is_completely_split() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> L = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('u', 'v', 'w',)); (u, v, w,) = L._first_ngens(3); x = polygen(L) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(3) - u*x**Integer(2) + v*x - w, names=('a', 'b',)); (a, b,) = S._first_ngens(2) >>> S.is_completely_split() True >>> S.base_ring().is_completely_split() False
- lifting_map()[source]¶
Return a section map from
to the cover ring. It is implemented according to the same named method ofQuotientRing_nc
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: x = polygen(ZZ) sage: S = SplittingAlgebra(x^2+1, ('I',)) sage: lift = S.lifting_map() sage: lift(5) 5 sage: r1, r2 =S.splitting_roots() sage: lift(r1) I
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> x = polygen(ZZ) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(2)+Integer(1), ('I',)) >>> lift = S.lifting_map() >>> lift(Integer(5)) 5 >>> r1, r2 =S.splitting_roots() >>> lift(r1) I
- scalar_base_ring()[source]¶
Return the ring of scalars of
(considered as an algebra).EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: L.<u, v, w > = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ) sage: x = polygen(L) sage: S = SplittingAlgebra(x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) sage: S.base_ring() Factorization Algebra of x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w with roots [X] over Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring sage: S.scalar_base_ring() Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> L = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, names=('u', 'v', 'w',)); (u, v, w,) = L._first_ngens(3) >>> x = polygen(L) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(3) - u*x**Integer(2) + v*x - w, ('X', 'Y')) >>> S.base_ring() Factorization Algebra of x^3 - u*x^2 + v*x - w with roots [X] over Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring >>> S.scalar_base_ring() Multivariate Laurent Polynomial Ring in u, v, w over Integer Ring
- splitting_roots()[source]¶
Return the roots of the split equation.
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: x = polygen(ZZ) sage: S = SplittingAlgebra(x^2+1, ('I',)) sage: S.splitting_roots() [I, -I]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> x = polygen(ZZ) >>> S = SplittingAlgebra(x**Integer(2)+Integer(1), ('I',)) >>> S.splitting_roots() [I, -I]
- class sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebraElement(parent, polynomial, check=True)[source]¶
Element class for
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: cp6 = cyclotomic_polynomial(6) sage: CR6.<e6> = SplittingAlgebra(cp6) sage: type(e6) <class 'sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebra_with_category.element_class'> sage: type(CR6(5)) <class 'sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebra_with_category.element_class'>
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> cp6 = cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(6)) >>> CR6 = SplittingAlgebra(cp6, names=('e6',)); (e6,) = CR6._first_ngens(1) >>> type(e6) <class 'sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebra_with_category.element_class'> >>> type(CR6(Integer(5))) <class 'sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.SplittingAlgebra_with_category.element_class'>
- dict()[source]¶
Return the dictionary of
according to its lift to the cover.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: CR3.<e3> = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(3)) sage: f = e3 + 42 sage: f.monomial_coefficients() {0: 42, 1: 1}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> CR3 = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(3)), names=('e3',)); (e3,) = CR3._first_ngens(1) >>> f = e3 + Integer(42) >>> f.monomial_coefficients() {0: 42, 1: 1}
is an alias:sage: f.dict() {0: 42, 1: 1}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> f.dict() {0: 42, 1: 1}
- is_unit()[source]¶
is invertible.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: CR3.<e3> = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(3)) sage: e3.is_unit() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> CR3 = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(3)), names=('e3',)); (e3,) = CR3._first_ngens(1) >>> e3.is_unit() True
- monomial_coefficients()[source]¶
Return the dictionary of
according to its lift to the cover.EXAMPLES:
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra sage: CR3.<e3> = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(3)) sage: f = e3 + 42 sage: f.monomial_coefficients() {0: 42, 1: 1}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import SplittingAlgebra >>> CR3 = SplittingAlgebra(cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(3)), names=('e3',)); (e3,) = CR3._first_ngens(1) >>> f = e3 + Integer(42) >>> f.monomial_coefficients() {0: 42, 1: 1}
is an alias:sage: f.dict() {0: 42, 1: 1}
>>> from sage.all import * >>> f.dict() {0: 42, 1: 1}
- sage.algebras.splitting_algebra.solve_with_extension(monic_polynomial, root_names=None, var='x', flatten=False, warning=True)[source]¶
Return all roots of a monic polynomial in its base ring or in an appropriate extension ring, as far as possible.
– the monic polynomial whose roots should be createdroot_names
– names for the indeterminates needed to define the splitting algebra of themonic_polynomial
(if necessary and possible)var
– (default:'x'
) for the indeterminate needed to define the splitting field of themonic_polynomial
(if necessary and possible)flatten
– boolean (default:True
); ifTrue
the roots will not be given as a list of pairs(root, multiplicity)
but as a list of roots repeated according to their multiplicitywarning
– boolean (default:True
); can be used (by setting toFalse
) to suppress a warning which will be thrown whenever it cannot be checked that the Galois group ofmonic_polynomial
is maximal
List of tuples
(root, multiplicity)
respectively list of roots repeated according to their multiplicity if optionflatten
sage: from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import solve_with_extension sage: t = polygen(ZZ) sage: p = t^2 -2*t +1 sage: solve_with_extension(p, flatten=True ) [1, 1] sage: solve_with_extension(p) [(1, 2)] sage: cp5 = cyclotomic_polynomial(5, var='T').change_ring(UniversalCyclotomicField()) sage: solve_with_extension(cp5) [(E(5), 1), (E(5)^4, 1), (E(5)^2, 1), (E(5)^3, 1)] sage: _[0][0].parent() Universal Cyclotomic Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.algebras.splitting_algebra import solve_with_extension >>> t = polygen(ZZ) >>> p = t**Integer(2) -Integer(2)*t +Integer(1) >>> solve_with_extension(p, flatten=True ) [1, 1] >>> solve_with_extension(p) [(1, 2)] >>> cp5 = cyclotomic_polynomial(Integer(5), var='T').change_ring(UniversalCyclotomicField()) >>> solve_with_extension(cp5) [(E(5), 1), (E(5)^4, 1), (E(5)^2, 1), (E(5)^3, 1)] >>> _[Integer(0)][Integer(0)].parent() Universal Cyclotomic Field