Fusion Rings¶
- class sage.algebras.fusion_rings.fusion_ring.FusionRing(ct, base_ring=Integer Ring, prefix=None, style='lattice', k=None, conjugate=False, cyclotomic_order=None, fusion_labels=None, inject_variables=False)[source]¶
Return the Fusion Ring (Verlinde Algebra) of level
– the Cartan type of a simple (finite-dimensional) Lie algebrak
– nonnegative integerconjugate
– (default:False
) setTrue
to obtain the complex conjugate ringcyclotomic_order
– (default: computed depending onct
– (default:None
) either a tuple of strings to use as labels of the basis of simple objects, or a string from which the labels will be constructedinject_variables
– (default:False
) use withfusion_labels
. Ifinject_variables
, the fusion labels will be variables that can be accessed from the command line
The cyclotomic order is an integer \(N\) such that all computations will return elements of the cyclotomic field of \(N\)-th roots of unity. Normally you will never need to change this but consider changing it if
raises aValueError
.This algebra has a basis (sometimes called primary fields but here called simple objects) indexed by the weights of level \(\leq k\). These arise as the fusion algebras of Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) conformal field theories, or as Grothendieck groups of tilting modules for quantum groups at roots of unity. The
class is implemented as a variant of theWeylCharacterRing
[BaKi2001] Chapter 3
[DFMS1996] Chapter 16
[EGNO2015] Chapter 8
sage: A22 = FusionRing("A2", 2) sage: [f1, f2] = A22.fundamental_weights() sage: M = [A22(x) for x in [0*f1, 2*f1, 2*f2, f1+f2, f2, f1]] sage: [M[3] * x for x in M] [A22(1,1), A22(0,1), A22(1,0), A22(0,0) + A22(1,1), A22(0,1) + A22(2,0), A22(1,0) + A22(0,2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A22 = FusionRing("A2", Integer(2)) >>> [f1, f2] = A22.fundamental_weights() >>> M = [A22(x) for x in [Integer(0)*f1, Integer(2)*f1, Integer(2)*f2, f1+f2, f2, f1]] >>> [M[Integer(3)] * x for x in M] [A22(1,1), A22(0,1), A22(1,0), A22(0,0) + A22(1,1), A22(0,1) + A22(2,0), A22(1,0) + A22(0,2)]
You may assign your own labels to the basis elements. In the next example, we create the \(SO(5)\) fusion ring of level \(2\), check the weights of the basis elements, then assign new labels to them while injecting them into the global namespace:
sage: B22 = FusionRing("B2", 2) sage: b = [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()]; b [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,1), B22(2,0), B22(1,1), B22(0,2)] sage: [x.weight() for x in b] [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1/2, 1/2), (2, 0), (3/2, 1/2), (1, 1)] sage: B22.fusion_labels(['I0', 'Y1', 'X', 'Z', 'Xp', 'Y2'], inject_variables=True) sage: b = [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()]; b [I0, Y1, X, Z, Xp, Y2] sage: [(x, x.weight()) for x in b] [(I0, (0, 0)), (Y1, (1, 0)), (X, (1/2, 1/2)), (Z, (2, 0)), (Xp, (3/2, 1/2)), (Y2, (1, 1))] sage: X * Y1 X + Xp sage: Z * Z I0
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22 = FusionRing("B2", Integer(2)) >>> b = [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()]; b [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,1), B22(2,0), B22(1,1), B22(0,2)] >>> [x.weight() for x in b] [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1/2, 1/2), (2, 0), (3/2, 1/2), (1, 1)] >>> B22.fusion_labels(['I0', 'Y1', 'X', 'Z', 'Xp', 'Y2'], inject_variables=True) >>> b = [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()]; b [I0, Y1, X, Z, Xp, Y2] >>> [(x, x.weight()) for x in b] [(I0, (0, 0)), (Y1, (1, 0)), (X, (1/2, 1/2)), (Z, (2, 0)), (Xp, (3/2, 1/2)), (Y2, (1, 1))] >>> X * Y1 X + Xp >>> Z * Z I0
A fixed order of the basis keys is available with
. This is the order used by methods such ass_matrix()
. You may useCombinatorialFreeModule.set_order()
to reorder the basis:sage: B22.set_order([x.weight() for x in [I0, Y1, Y2, X, Xp, Z]]) sage: [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [I0, Y1, Y2, X, Xp, Z]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22.set_order([x.weight() for x in [I0, Y1, Y2, X, Xp, Z]]) >>> [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [I0, Y1, Y2, X, Xp, Z]
To reset the labels, you may run
with no parameter:sage: B22.fusion_labels() sage: [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,2), B22(0,1), B22(1,1), B22(2,0)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22.fusion_labels() >>> [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,2), B22(0,1), B22(1,1), B22(2,0)]
To reset the order to the default, simply set it to the list of basis element keys:
sage: B22.set_order(B22.basis().keys().list()) sage: [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,1), B22(2,0), B22(1,1), B22(0,2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22.set_order(B22.basis().keys().list()) >>> [B22(x) for x in B22.get_order()] [B22(0,0), B22(1,0), B22(0,1), B22(2,0), B22(1,1), B22(0,2)]
The fusion ring has a number of methods that reflect its role as the Grothendieck ring of a modular tensor category (MTC). These include twist methods
for its elements related to the ribbon structure, and the \(S\)-matrixs_ij()
.There are two natural normalizations of the \(S\)-matrix. Both are explained in Chapter 3 of [BaKi2001]. The one that is computed by the method
, or whose individual entries are computed bys_ij()
is denoted \(\tilde{s}\) in [BaKi2001]. It is not unitary.The unitary \(S\)-matrix is \(s=D^{-1/2}\tilde{s}\) where
\[D = \sum_V d_i(V)^2.\]The sum is over all simple objects \(V\) with \(d_i(V)\) the quantum dimension. We will call quantity \(D\) the global quantum dimension and \(\sqrt{D}\) the total quantum order. They are computed by
. The unitary \(S\)-matrix \(s\) may be obtained usings_matrix()
with the optionunitary=True
.Let us check the Verlinde formula, which is [DFMS1996] (16.3). This famous identity states that
\[N^k_{ij} = \sum_l \frac{s(i, \ell)\, s(j, \ell)\, \overline{s(k, \ell)}}{s(I, \ell)},\]where \(N^k_{ij}\) are the fusion coefficients, i.e. the structure constants of the fusion ring, and
is the unit object. The \(S\)-matrix has the property that if \(i*\) denotes the dual object of \(i\), implemented in Sage asi.dual()
, then\[s(i*, j) = s(i, j*) = \overline{s(i, j)}.\]This is equation (16.5) in [DFMS1996]. Thus with \(N_{ijk}=N^{k*}_{ij}\) the Verlinde formula is equivalent to
\[N_{ijk} = \sum_l \frac{s(i, \ell)\, s(j, \ell)\, s(k, \ell)}{s(I, \ell)},\]In this formula \(s\) is the normalized unitary \(S\)-matrix denoted \(s\) in [BaKi2001]. We may define a function that corresponds to the right-hand side, except using \(\tilde{s}\) instead of \(s\):
sage: def V(i, j, k): ....: R = i.parent() ....: return sum(R.s_ij(i, l) * R.s_ij(j, l) * R.s_ij(k, l) / R.s_ij(R.one(), l) ....: for l in R.basis())
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def V(i, j, k): ... R = i.parent() ... return sum(R.s_ij(i, l) * R.s_ij(j, l) * R.s_ij(k, l) / R.s_ij(R.one(), l) ... for l in R.basis())
This does not produce
self.N_ijk(i, j, k)
exactly, because of the missing normalization factor. The following code to check the Verlinde formula takes this into account:sage: def test_verlinde(R): ....: b0 = R.one() ....: c = R.global_q_dimension() ....: return all(V(i, j, k) == c * R.N_ijk(i, j, k) for i in R.basis() ....: for j in R.basis() for k in R.basis())
>>> from sage.all import * >>> def test_verlinde(R): ... b0 = R.one() ... c = R.global_q_dimension() ... return all(V(i, j, k) == c * R.N_ijk(i, j, k) for i in R.basis() ... for j in R.basis() for k in R.basis())
Every fusion ring should pass this test:
sage: test_verlinde(FusionRing("A2", 1)) True sage: test_verlinde(FusionRing("B4", 2)) # long time (.56s) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> test_verlinde(FusionRing("A2", Integer(1))) True >>> test_verlinde(FusionRing("B4", Integer(2))) # long time (.56s) True
As an exercise, the reader may verify the examples in Section 5.3 of [RoStWa2009]. Here we check the example of the Ising modular tensor category, which is related to the Belavin, Polyakov, Zamolodchikov minimal model \(M(4, 3)\) or to an \(E_8\) coset model. See [DFMS1996] Sections 7.4.2 and 18.4.1. [RoStWa2009] Example 5.3.4 tells us how to construct it as the conjugate of the \(E_8\) level 2
:sage: I = FusionRing("E8", 2, conjugate=True) sage: I.fusion_labels(["i0", "p", "s"], inject_variables=True) sage: b = I.basis().list(); b [i0, p, s] sage: Matrix([[x*y for x in b] for y in b]) # long time (.93s) [ i0 p s] [ p i0 s] [ s s i0 + p] sage: [x.twist() for x in b] [0, 1, 1/8] sage: [x.ribbon() for x in b] [1, -1, zeta128^8] sage: [I.r_matrix(i, j, k) for (i, j, k) in [(s, s, i0), (p, p, i0), (p, s, s), (s, p, s), (s, s, p)]] [-zeta128^56, -1, -zeta128^32, -zeta128^32, zeta128^24] sage: I.r_matrix(s, s, i0) == I.root_of_unity(-1/8) True sage: I.global_q_dimension() 4 sage: I.total_q_order() 2 sage: [x.q_dimension()^2 for x in b] [1, 1, 2] sage: I.s_matrix() [ 1 1 -zeta128^48 + zeta128^16] [ 1 1 zeta128^48 - zeta128^16] [-zeta128^48 + zeta128^16 zeta128^48 - zeta128^16 0] sage: I.s_matrix().apply_map(lambda x:x^2) [1 1 2] [1 1 2] [2 2 0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> I = FusionRing("E8", Integer(2), conjugate=True) >>> I.fusion_labels(["i0", "p", "s"], inject_variables=True) >>> b = I.basis().list(); b [i0, p, s] >>> Matrix([[x*y for x in b] for y in b]) # long time (.93s) [ i0 p s] [ p i0 s] [ s s i0 + p] >>> [x.twist() for x in b] [0, 1, 1/8] >>> [x.ribbon() for x in b] [1, -1, zeta128^8] >>> [I.r_matrix(i, j, k) for (i, j, k) in [(s, s, i0), (p, p, i0), (p, s, s), (s, p, s), (s, s, p)]] [-zeta128^56, -1, -zeta128^32, -zeta128^32, zeta128^24] >>> I.r_matrix(s, s, i0) == I.root_of_unity(-Integer(1)/Integer(8)) True >>> I.global_q_dimension() 4 >>> I.total_q_order() 2 >>> [x.q_dimension()**Integer(2) for x in b] [1, 1, 2] >>> I.s_matrix() [ 1 1 -zeta128^48 + zeta128^16] [ 1 1 zeta128^48 - zeta128^16] [-zeta128^48 + zeta128^16 zeta128^48 - zeta128^16 0] >>> I.s_matrix().apply_map(lambda x:x**Integer(2)) [1 1 2] [1 1 2] [2 2 0]
The term modular tensor category refers to the fact that associated with the category there is a projective representation of the modular group \(SL(2, \ZZ)\). We recall that this group is generated by
\[\begin{split}S = \begin{pmatrix} & -1\\1\end{pmatrix}, \qquad T = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1\\ &1 \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]subject to the relations \((ST)^3 = S^2\), \(S^2T = TS^2\), and \(S^4 = I\). Let \(s\) be the normalized \(S\)-matrix, and \(t\) the diagonal matrix whose entries are the twists of the simple objects. Let \(s\) the unitary \(S\)-matrix and \(t\) the matrix of twists, and \(C\) the conjugation matrix
. Let\[D_+ = \sum_i d_i^2 \theta_i, \qquad D_- = d_i^2 \theta_i^{-1},\]where \(d_i\) and \(\theta_i\) are the quantum dimensions and twists of the simple objects. Let \(c\) be the Virasoro central charge, a rational number that is computed in
. It is known that\[\sqrt{\frac{D_+}{D_-}} = e^{i\pi c/4}.\]It is proved in [BaKi2001] Equation (3.1.17) that
\[(st)^3 = e^{i\pi c/4} s^2, \qquad s^2 = C, \qquad C^2 = 1, \qquad Ct = tC.\]Therefore \(S \mapsto s, T \mapsto t\) is a projective representation of \(SL(2, \ZZ)\). Let us confirm these identities for the Fibonacci MTC
FusionRing("G2", 1)
:sage: R = FusionRing("G2", 1) sage: S = R.s_matrix(unitary=True) sage: T = R.twists_matrix() sage: C = R.conj_matrix() sage: c = R.virasoro_central_charge(); c 14/5 sage: (S*T)^3 == R.root_of_unity(c/4) * S^2 True sage: S^2 == C True sage: C*T == T*C True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = FusionRing("G2", Integer(1)) >>> S = R.s_matrix(unitary=True) >>> T = R.twists_matrix() >>> C = R.conj_matrix() >>> c = R.virasoro_central_charge(); c 14/5 >>> (S*T)**Integer(3) == R.root_of_unity(c/Integer(4)) * S**Integer(2) True >>> S**Integer(2) == C True >>> C*T == T*C True
- D_minus(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return \(\sum d_i^2\theta_i^{-1}\) where \(i\) runs through the simple objects, \(d_i\) is the quantum dimension and \(\theta_i\) is the twist.
This is denoted \(p_-\) in [BaKi2001] Chapter 3.
sage: E83 = FusionRing("E8", 3, conjugate=True) sage: [Dp, Dm] = [E83.D_plus(), E83.D_minus()] sage: Dp*Dm == E83.global_q_dimension() True sage: c = E83.virasoro_central_charge(); c -248/11 sage: Dp*Dm == E83.global_q_dimension() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> E83 = FusionRing("E8", Integer(3), conjugate=True) >>> [Dp, Dm] = [E83.D_plus(), E83.D_minus()] >>> Dp*Dm == E83.global_q_dimension() True >>> c = E83.virasoro_central_charge(); c -248/11 >>> Dp*Dm == E83.global_q_dimension() True
- D_plus(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return \(\sum d_i^2\theta_i\) where \(i\) runs through the simple objects, \(d_i\) is the quantum dimension and \(\theta_i\) is the twist.
This is denoted \(p_+\) in [BaKi2001] Chapter 3.
sage: B31 = FusionRing("B3", 1) sage: Dp = B31.D_plus(); Dp 2*zeta48^13 - 2*zeta48^5 sage: Dm = B31.D_minus(); Dm -2*zeta48^3 sage: Dp*Dm == B31.global_q_dimension() True sage: c = B31.virasoro_central_charge(); c 7/2 sage: Dp/Dm == B31.root_of_unity(c/2) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B31 = FusionRing("B3", Integer(1)) >>> Dp = B31.D_plus(); Dp 2*zeta48^13 - 2*zeta48^5 >>> Dm = B31.D_minus(); Dm -2*zeta48^3 >>> Dp*Dm == B31.global_q_dimension() True >>> c = B31.virasoro_central_charge(); c 7/2 >>> Dp/Dm == B31.root_of_unity(c/Integer(2)) True
- class Element[source]¶
A class for FusionRing elements.
- is_simple_object()[source]¶
Determine whether
is a simple object of the fusion ring.EXAMPLES:
sage: A22 = FusionRing("A2", 2) sage: x = A22(1, 0); x A22(1,0) sage: x.is_simple_object() True sage: x^2 A22(0,1) + A22(2,0) sage: (x^2).is_simple_object() False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A22 = FusionRing("A2", Integer(2)) >>> x = A22(Integer(1), Integer(0)); x A22(1,0) >>> x.is_simple_object() True >>> x**Integer(2) A22(0,1) + A22(2,0) >>> (x**Integer(2)).is_simple_object() False
- q_dimension(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the quantum dimension as an element of the cyclotomic field of the \(2\ell\)-th roots of unity, where \(l = m (k+h^\vee)\) with \(m=1, 2, 3\) depending on whether type is simply, doubly or triply laced, \(k\) is the level and \(h^\vee\) is the dual Coxeter number.
sage: B22 = FusionRing("B2", 2) sage: [(b.q_dimension())^2 for b in B22.basis()] [1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22 = FusionRing("B2", Integer(2)) >>> [(b.q_dimension())**Integer(2) for b in B22.basis()] [1, 4, 5, 1, 5, 4]
- ribbon(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the twist or ribbon element of
.If \(h\) is the rational number modulo 2 produced by
, this method produces \(e^{i\pi h}\).See also
An additive version of this is available as
sage: F = FusionRing("A1", 3) sage: [x.twist() for x in F.basis()] [0, 3/10, 4/5, 3/2] sage: [x.ribbon(base_coercion=False) for x in F.basis()] [1, zeta40^6, zeta40^12 - zeta40^8 + zeta40^4 - 1, -zeta40^10] sage: [F.root_of_unity(x, base_coercion=False) for x in [0, 3/10, 4/5, 3/2]] [1, zeta40^6, zeta40^12 - zeta40^8 + zeta40^4 - 1, -zeta40^10]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> F = FusionRing("A1", Integer(3)) >>> [x.twist() for x in F.basis()] [0, 3/10, 4/5, 3/2] >>> [x.ribbon(base_coercion=False) for x in F.basis()] [1, zeta40^6, zeta40^12 - zeta40^8 + zeta40^4 - 1, -zeta40^10] >>> [F.root_of_unity(x, base_coercion=False) for x in [Integer(0), Integer(3)/Integer(10), Integer(4)/Integer(5), Integer(3)/Integer(2)]] [1, zeta40^6, zeta40^12 - zeta40^8 + zeta40^4 - 1, -zeta40^10]
- twist(reduced=True)[source]¶
Return a rational number \(h\) such that \(\theta = e^{i \pi h}\) is the twist of
. The quantity \(e^{i \pi h}\) is also available usingribbon()
.This method is only available for simple objects. If \(\lambda\) is the weight of the object, then \(h = \langle \lambda, \lambda+2\rho \rangle\), where \(\rho\) is half the sum of the positive roots. As in [Row2006], this requires normalizing the invariant bilinear form so that \(\langle \alpha, \alpha \rangle = 2\) for short roots.
– boolean (default:True
); ifTrue
then return the twist reduced modulo 2
sage: G21 = FusionRing("G2", 1) sage: [x.twist() for x in G21.basis()] [0, 4/5] sage: [G21.root_of_unity(x.twist()) for x in G21.basis()] [1, zeta60^14 - zeta60^4] sage: zeta60 = G21.field().gen() sage: zeta60^((4/5)*(60/2)) zeta60^14 - zeta60^4 sage: F42 = FusionRing("F4", 2) sage: [x.twist() for x in F42.basis()] [0, 18/11, 2/11, 12/11, 4/11] sage: E62 = FusionRing("E6", 2) sage: [x.twist() for x in E62.basis()] [0, 26/21, 12/7, 8/21, 8/21, 26/21, 2/3, 4/7, 2/3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> G21 = FusionRing("G2", Integer(1)) >>> [x.twist() for x in G21.basis()] [0, 4/5] >>> [G21.root_of_unity(x.twist()) for x in G21.basis()] [1, zeta60^14 - zeta60^4] >>> zeta60 = G21.field().gen() >>> zeta60**((Integer(4)/Integer(5))*(Integer(60)/Integer(2))) zeta60^14 - zeta60^4 >>> F42 = FusionRing("F4", Integer(2)) >>> [x.twist() for x in F42.basis()] [0, 18/11, 2/11, 12/11, 4/11] >>> E62 = FusionRing("E6", Integer(2)) >>> [x.twist() for x in E62.basis()] [0, 26/21, 12/7, 8/21, 8/21, 26/21, 2/3, 4/7, 2/3]
- weight()[source]¶
Return the parametrizing dominant weight in the level \(k\) alcove.
This method is only available for basis elements.
sage: A21 = FusionRing("A2", 1) sage: [x.weight() for x in A21.basis().list()] [(0, 0, 0), (2/3, -1/3, -1/3), (1/3, 1/3, -2/3)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A21 = FusionRing("A2", Integer(1)) >>> [x.weight() for x in A21.basis().list()] [(0, 0, 0), (2/3, -1/3, -1/3), (1/3, 1/3, -2/3)]
- N_ijk(elt_i, elt_j, elt_k)[source]¶
Return the symmetric fusion coefficient \(N_{ijk}\).
– elements of the fusion basis
This is the same as \(N_{ij}^{k\ast}\), where \(N_{ij}^k\) are the structure coefficients of the ring (see
), and \(k\ast\) denotes the dual element. The coefficient \(N_{ijk}\) is unchanged under permutations of the three basis vectors.EXAMPLES:
sage: G23 = FusionRing("G2", 3) sage: G23.fusion_labels("g") sage: b = G23.basis().list(); b [g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] sage: [(x, y, z) for x in b for y in b for z in b if G23.N_ijk(x, y, z) > 1] [(g3, g3, g3), (g3, g3, g4), (g3, g4, g3), (g4, g3, g3)] sage: all(G23.N_ijk(x, y, z)==G23.N_ijk(y, z, x) for x in b for y in b for z in b) True sage: all(G23.N_ijk(x, y, z)==G23.N_ijk(y, x, z) for x in b for y in b for z in b) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> G23 = FusionRing("G2", Integer(3)) >>> G23.fusion_labels("g") >>> b = G23.basis().list(); b [g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] >>> [(x, y, z) for x in b for y in b for z in b if G23.N_ijk(x, y, z) > Integer(1)] [(g3, g3, g3), (g3, g3, g4), (g3, g4, g3), (g4, g3, g3)] >>> all(G23.N_ijk(x, y, z)==G23.N_ijk(y, z, x) for x in b for y in b for z in b) True >>> all(G23.N_ijk(x, y, z)==G23.N_ijk(y, x, z) for x in b for y in b for z in b) True
- Nk_ij(elt_i, elt_j, elt_k)[source]¶
Return the fusion coefficient \(N^k_{ij}\).
These are the structure coefficients of the fusion ring, so
\[i * j = \sum_{k} N_{ij}^k k.\]EXAMPLES:
sage: A22 = FusionRing("A2", 2) sage: b = A22.basis().list() sage: all(x*y == sum(A22.Nk_ij(x, y, k)*k for k in b) for x in b for y in b) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A22 = FusionRing("A2", Integer(2)) >>> b = A22.basis().list() >>> all(x*y == sum(A22.Nk_ij(x, y, k)*k for k in b) for x in b for y in b) True
- conj_matrix()[source]¶
Return the conjugation matrix, which is the permutation matrix for the conjugation (dual) operation on basis elements.
sage: FusionRing("A2", 1).conj_matrix() [1 0 0] [0 0 1] [0 1 0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> FusionRing("A2", Integer(1)).conj_matrix() [1 0 0] [0 0 1] [0 1 0]
- field()[source]¶
Return a cyclotomic field large enough to contain the \(2 \ell\)-th roots of unity, as well as all the \(S\)-matrix entries.
sage: FusionRing("A2", 2).field() Cyclotomic Field of order 60 and degree 16 sage: FusionRing("B2", 2).field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16
>>> from sage.all import * >>> FusionRing("A2", Integer(2)).field() Cyclotomic Field of order 60 and degree 16 >>> FusionRing("B2", Integer(2)).field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16
- fusion_l()[source]¶
Return the product \(\ell = m_g(k + h^\vee)\), where \(m_g\) denotes the square of the ratio of the lengths of long to short roots of the underlying Lie algebra, \(k\) denotes the level of the FusionRing, and \(h^\vee\) denotes the dual Coxeter number of the underlying Lie algebra.
This value is used to define the associated root \(2\ell\)-th of unity \(q = e^{i\pi/\ell}\).
sage: B22 = FusionRing('B2', 2) sage: B22.fusion_l() 10 sage: D52 = FusionRing('D5', 2) sage: D52.fusion_l() 10
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22 = FusionRing('B2', Integer(2)) >>> B22.fusion_l() 10 >>> D52 = FusionRing('D5', Integer(2)) >>> D52.fusion_l() 10
- fusion_labels(labels=None, inject_variables=False)[source]¶
Set the labels of the basis.
– (default:None
) a list of strings or stringinject_variables
– boolean (default:False
); ifTrue
, then inject the variable names into the global namespace; note that this could override objects already defined
is a list, the length of the list must equal the number of basis elements. These become the names of the basis elements.If
is a string, this is treated as a prefix and a list of names is generated.If
, then this resets the labels to the default.EXAMPLES:
sage: A13 = FusionRing("A1", 3) sage: A13.fusion_labels("x") sage: fb = list(A13.basis()); fb [x0, x1, x2, x3] sage: Matrix([[x*y for y in A13.basis()] for x in A13.basis()]) [ x0 x1 x2 x3] [ x1 x0 + x2 x1 + x3 x2] [ x2 x1 + x3 x0 + x2 x1] [ x3 x2 x1 x0]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A13 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(3)) >>> A13.fusion_labels("x") >>> fb = list(A13.basis()); fb [x0, x1, x2, x3] >>> Matrix([[x*y for y in A13.basis()] for x in A13.basis()]) [ x0 x1 x2 x3] [ x1 x0 + x2 x1 + x3 x2] [ x2 x1 + x3 x0 + x2 x1] [ x3 x2 x1 x0]
We give an example where the variables are injected into the global namespace:
sage: A13.fusion_labels("y", inject_variables=True) sage: y0 y0 sage: y0.parent() is A13 True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A13.fusion_labels("y", inject_variables=True) >>> y0 y0 >>> y0.parent() is A13 True
We reset the labels to the default:
sage: A13.fusion_labels() sage: fb [A13(0), A13(1), A13(2), A13(3)] sage: y0 A13(0)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A13.fusion_labels() >>> fb [A13(0), A13(1), A13(2), A13(3)] >>> y0 A13(0)
- fusion_level()[source]¶
Return the level \(k\) of
sage: B22 = FusionRing('B2', 2) sage: B22.fusion_level() 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B22 = FusionRing('B2', Integer(2)) >>> B22.fusion_level() 2
- fvars_field()[source]¶
Return a field containing the
computed byfield()
as well as all the F-symbols of the associatedFMatrix
factory object.This method is only available if
is multiplicity-free.OUTPUT:
Depending on the
associated toself
and whether a call to an F-matrix solver has been made, this method will return the same field asfield()
, aNumberField()
, or theQQbar
. SeeFMatrix.attempt_number_field_computation()
for more details.Before running an F-matrix solver, the output of this method matches that of
. However, the output may change upon successfully computing F-symbols. Requesting braid generators triggers a call toFMatrix.find_orthogonal_solution()
, so the output of this method may change after such a computation.By default, the output of methods like
, etc. will lie in thefvars_field
, unless thebase_coercion
option is set toFalse
.This method does not trigger a solver run.
sage: A13 = FusionRing("A1", 3, fusion_labels='a', inject_variables=True) sage: A13.fvars_field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16 sage: A13.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16 sage: a2**4 2*a0 + 3*a2 sage: comp_basis, sig = A13.get_braid_generators(a2, a2, 3, verbose=False) # long time (<3s) sage: A13.fvars_field() # long time Number Field in a with defining polynomial y^32 - ... - 500*y^2 + 25 sage: a2.q_dimension().parent() # long time Number Field in a with defining polynomial y^32 - ... - 500*y^2 + 25 sage: A13.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A13 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(3), fusion_labels='a', inject_variables=True) >>> A13.fvars_field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16 >>> A13.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16 >>> a2**Integer(4) 2*a0 + 3*a2 >>> comp_basis, sig = A13.get_braid_generators(a2, a2, Integer(3), verbose=False) # long time (<3s) >>> A13.fvars_field() # long time Number Field in a with defining polynomial y^32 - ... - 500*y^2 + 25 >>> a2.q_dimension().parent() # long time Number Field in a with defining polynomial y^32 - ... - 500*y^2 + 25 >>> A13.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16
In some cases, the
may be used to obtain a better defining polynomial for the computedNumberField()
- gens_satisfy_braid_gp_rels(sig)[source]¶
if the matrices in the listsig
satisfy the braid relations.This if \(n\) is the cardinality of
, this confirms that these matrices define a representation of the Artin braid group on \(n+1\) strands. Tests correctness ofget_braid_generators()
sage: F41 = FusionRing("F4", 1, fusion_labels='f', inject_variables=True) sage: f1*f1 f0 + f1 sage: comp, sig = F41.get_braid_generators(f1, f0, 4, verbose=False) sage: F41.gens_satisfy_braid_gp_rels(sig) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> F41 = FusionRing("F4", Integer(1), fusion_labels='f', inject_variables=True) >>> f1*f1 f0 + f1 >>> comp, sig = F41.get_braid_generators(f1, f0, Integer(4), verbose=False) >>> F41.gens_satisfy_braid_gp_rels(sig) True
- get_braid_generators(fusing_anyon, total_charge_anyon, n_strands, checkpoint=False, save_results='', warm_start='', use_mp=True, verbose=True)[source]¶
Compute generators of the Artin braid group on
strands.If \(a = ` ``fusing_anyon`\) and \(b = ` ``total_charge_anyon`\) the generators are endomorphisms of \(\text{Hom}(b, a^n)\).
– a basis element ofself
– a basis element ofself
– positive integer greater than 2checkpoint
– boolean (default:False
); whether the F-matrix solver should pickle checkpointssave_results
– (optional) a string indicating the name of a file in which to pickle computed F-symbols for later usewarm_start
– (optional) a string indicating the name of a pickled checkpoint file to “warm” start the F-matrix solver. The pickle may be a checkpoint generated by the solver, or a file containing solver results. If all F-symbols are known, we don’t run the solver again.use_mp
– boolean (default:True
); whether to use multiprocessing to speed up the computation; this is highly recommended.verbose
– boolean (default:True
); whether to be verbose with the computation
For more information on the optional parameters, see
.Given a simple object in the fusion category, here called
allowing the universal R-matrix to act on adjacent pairs in the fusion ofn_strands
copies offusing_anyon
produces an action of the braid group. This representation can be decomposed over another anyon, here calledtotal_charge_anyon
. See [CHW2015].OUTPUT:
The method outputs a pair of data
(comp_basis, sig)
is a list of basis elements of the braid group module, parametrized by a list of fusion ring elements describing a fusion tree. For example with 5 strands the fusion tree is as follows. Seeget_computational_basis()
for more information.sig
is a list of braid group generators as matrices. In some cases these will be represented as sparse matrices.In the following example we compute a 5-dimensional braid group representation on 5 strands associated to the spin representation in the modular tensor category \(SU(2)_4 \cong SO(3)_2\).
sage: A14 = FusionRing("A1", 4) sage: A14.get_order() [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2)] sage: A14.fusion_labels(["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], inject_variables=True) sage: [A14(x) for x in A14.get_order()] [one, two, three, four, five] sage: two ** 5 5*two + 4*four sage: comp_basis, sig = A14.get_braid_generators(two, two, 5, verbose=False) # long time sage: A14.gens_satisfy_braid_gp_rels(sig) # long time True sage: len(comp_basis) == 5 # long time True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A14 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(4)) >>> A14.get_order() [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2)] >>> A14.fusion_labels(["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"], inject_variables=True) >>> [A14(x) for x in A14.get_order()] [one, two, three, four, five] >>> two ** Integer(5) 5*two + 4*four >>> comp_basis, sig = A14.get_braid_generators(two, two, Integer(5), verbose=False) # long time >>> A14.gens_satisfy_braid_gp_rels(sig) # long time True >>> len(comp_basis) == Integer(5) # long time True
- get_computational_basis(a, b, n_strands)[source]¶
Return the so-called computational basis for \(\text{Hom}(b, a^n)\).
– a basis elementb
– another basis elementn_strands
– the number of strands for a braid group
Let \(n=\)
and let \(k\) be the greatest integer \(\leq n/2\). The braid group acts on \(\text{Hom}(b, a^n)\). This action is computed inget_braid_generators()
. This method returns the computational basis in the form of a list of fusion trees. Each tree is represented by an \((n-2)\)-tuple\[(m_1, \ldots, m_k, l_1, \ldots, l_{k-2})\]such that each \(m_j\) is an irreducible constituent in \(a \otimes a\) and
\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} b \in l_{k-2} \otimes m_{k}, \\ l_{k-2} \in l_{k-3} \otimes m_{k-1}, \\ \cdots, \\ l_2 \in l_1 \otimes m_3, \\ l_1 \in m_1 \otimes m_2, \end{array}\end{split}\]where \(z \in x \otimes y\) means \(N_{xy}^z \neq 0\).
As a computational device when
is odd, we pad the vector \((m_1, \ldots, m_k)\) with an additional \(m_{k+1}\) equal to \(a\). However, this \(m_{k+1}\) does not appear in the output of this method.The following example appears in Section 3.1 of [CW2015].
sage: A14 = FusionRing("A1", 4) sage: A14.get_order() [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2)] sage: A14.fusion_labels(["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four"], inject_variables=True) sage: [A14(x) for x in A14.get_order()] [zero, one, two, three, four] sage: A14.get_computational_basis(one, two, 4) [(two, two), (two, zero), (zero, two)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A14 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(4)) >>> A14.get_order() [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2)] >>> A14.fusion_labels(["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four"], inject_variables=True) >>> [A14(x) for x in A14.get_order()] [zero, one, two, three, four] >>> A14.get_computational_basis(one, two, Integer(4)) [(two, two), (two, zero), (zero, two)]
- get_fmatrix(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Construct an
factory to solve the pentagon relations and organize the resulting F-symbols.EXAMPLES:
sage: A15 = FusionRing("A1", 5) sage: A15.get_fmatrix() F-Matrix factory for The Fusion Ring of Type A1 and level 5 with Integer Ring coefficients
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A15 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(5)) >>> A15.get_fmatrix() F-Matrix factory for The Fusion Ring of Type A1 and level 5 with Integer Ring coefficients
- get_order()[source]¶
Return the weights of the basis vectors in a fixed order.
You may change the order of the basis using
sage: A15 = FusionRing("A1", 5) sage: w = A15.get_order(); w [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2), (5/2, -5/2)] sage: A15.set_order([w[k] for k in [0, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2]]) sage: [A15(x) for x in A15.get_order()] [A15(0), A15(4), A15(1), A15(3), A15(5), A15(2)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A15 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(5)) >>> w = A15.get_order(); w [(0, 0), (1/2, -1/2), (1, -1), (3/2, -3/2), (2, -2), (5/2, -5/2)] >>> A15.set_order([w[k] for k in [Integer(0), Integer(4), Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(5), Integer(2)]]) >>> [A15(x) for x in A15.get_order()] [A15(0), A15(4), A15(1), A15(3), A15(5), A15(2)]
This duplicates
except the result is not cached. Caching ofCombinatorialFreeModule.get_order()
causes inconsistent results after callingCombinatorialFreeModule.set_order()
- global_q_dimension(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return \(\sum d_i^2\), where the sum is over all simple objects and \(d_i\) is the quantum dimension.
The global \(q\)-dimension is a positive real number.
sage: FusionRing("E6", 1).global_q_dimension() 3
>>> from sage.all import * >>> FusionRing("E6", Integer(1)).global_q_dimension() 3
- is_multiplicity_free()[source]¶
if the fusion multiplicitiesNk_ij()
are bounded by 1.The
is available only for multiplicity free instances ofFusionRing
sage: [FusionRing(ct, k).is_multiplicity_free() for ct in ("A1", "A2", "B2", "C3") for k in (1, 2, 3)] [True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, True, False, False]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> [FusionRing(ct, k).is_multiplicity_free() for ct in ("A1", "A2", "B2", "C3") for k in (Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3))] [True, True, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, True, False, False]
- r_matrix(i, j, k, base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the R-matrix entry corresponding to the subobject
in the tensor product ofi
This method only gives complete information when \(N_{ij}^k = 1\) (an important special case). Tables of MTC including R-matrices may be found in Section 5.3 of [RoStWa2009] and in [Bond2007].
The R-matrix is a homomorphism \(i \otimes j \rightarrow j \otimes i\). This may be hard to describe since the object \(i \otimes j\) may be reducible. However if \(k\) is a simple subobject of \(i \otimes j\) it is also a subobject of \(j \otimes i\). If we fix embeddings \(k \rightarrow i \otimes j\), \(k \rightarrow j \otimes i\) we may ask for the scalar automorphism of \(k\) induced by the R-matrix. This method computes that scalar. It is possible to adjust the set of embeddings \(k \rightarrow i \otimes j\) (called a gauge) so that this scalar equals
\[\pm \sqrt{\frac{ \theta_k }{ \theta_i \theta_j }}.\]If \(i \neq j\), the gauge may be used to control the sign of the square root. But if \(i = j\) then we must be careful about the sign. These cases are computed by a formula of [BDGRTW2019], Proposition 2.3.
sage: I = FusionRing("E8", 2, conjugate=True) # Ising MTC sage: I.fusion_labels(["i0", "p", "s"], inject_variables=True) sage: I.r_matrix(s, s, i0) == I.root_of_unity(-1/8) True sage: I.r_matrix(p, p, i0) -1 sage: I.r_matrix(p, s, s) == I.root_of_unity(-1/2) True sage: I.r_matrix(s, p, s) == I.root_of_unity(-1/2) True sage: I.r_matrix(s, s, p) == I.root_of_unity(3/8) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> I = FusionRing("E8", Integer(2), conjugate=True) # Ising MTC >>> I.fusion_labels(["i0", "p", "s"], inject_variables=True) >>> I.r_matrix(s, s, i0) == I.root_of_unity(-Integer(1)/Integer(8)) True >>> I.r_matrix(p, p, i0) -1 >>> I.r_matrix(p, s, s) == I.root_of_unity(-Integer(1)/Integer(2)) True >>> I.r_matrix(s, p, s) == I.root_of_unity(-Integer(1)/Integer(2)) True >>> I.r_matrix(s, s, p) == I.root_of_unity(Integer(3)/Integer(8)) True
- root_of_unity(r, base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return \(e^{i\pi r}\) as an element of
if possible.INPUT:
– a rational number
sage: A11 = FusionRing("A1", 1) sage: A11.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 24 and degree 8 sage: for n in [1..7]: ....: try: ....: print(n, A11.root_of_unity(2/n)) ....: except ValueError as err: ....: print(n, err) 1 1 2 -1 3 zeta24^4 - 1 4 zeta24^6 5 not a root of unity in the field 6 zeta24^4 7 not a root of unity in the field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A11 = FusionRing("A1", Integer(1)) >>> A11.field() Cyclotomic Field of order 24 and degree 8 >>> for n in (ellipsis_range(Integer(1),Ellipsis,Integer(7))): ... try: ... print(n, A11.root_of_unity(Integer(2)/n)) ... except ValueError as err: ... print(n, err) 1 1 2 -1 3 zeta24^4 - 1 4 zeta24^6 5 not a root of unity in the field 6 zeta24^4 7 not a root of unity in the field
- s_ij(elt_i, elt_j, base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the element of the \(S\)-matrix of this fusion ring corresponding to the given elements.
This is the unnormalized \(S\)-matrix, denoted \(\tilde{s}_{ij}\) in [BaKi2001] . To obtain the normalized \(S\)-matrix, divide by
or useS_matrix()
with the optionunitary=True
.This is computed using the formula
\[s_{i, j} = \frac{1}{\theta_i\theta_j} \sum_k N_{ik}^j d_k \theta_k,\]where \(\theta_k\) is the twist and \(d_k\) is the quantum dimension. See [Row2006] Equation (2.2) or [EGNO2015] Proposition 8.13.8.
– elements of the fusion basis
sage: G21 = FusionRing("G2", 1) sage: b = G21.basis() sage: [G21.s_ij(x, y) for x in b for y in b] [1, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> G21 = FusionRing("G2", Integer(1)) >>> b = G21.basis() >>> [G21.s_ij(x, y) for x in b for y in b] [1, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -1]
- s_ijconj(elt_i, elt_j, base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the conjugate of the element of the \(S\)-matrix given by
self.s_ij(elt_i, elt_j, base_coercion=base_coercion)
sage: G21 = FusionRing("G2", 1) sage: b = G21.basis() sage: [G21.s_ijconj(x, y) for x in b for y in b] [1, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> G21 = FusionRing("G2", Integer(1)) >>> b = G21.basis() >>> [G21.s_ijconj(x, y) for x in b for y in b] [1, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -zeta60^14 + zeta60^6 + zeta60^4, -1]
This method works with all possible types of fields returned by
- s_matrix(unitary=False, base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the \(S\)-matrix of this fusion ring.
– boolean (default:False
); set toTrue
to obtain the unitary \(S\)-matrix
Without the
parameter, this is the matrix denoted \(\widetilde{s}\) in [BaKi2001].EXAMPLES:
sage: D91 = FusionRing("D9", 1) sage: D91.s_matrix() [ 1 1 1 1] [ 1 1 -1 -1] [ 1 -1 -zeta136^34 zeta136^34] [ 1 -1 zeta136^34 -zeta136^34] sage: S = D91.s_matrix(unitary=True); S [ 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2] [ 1/2 1/2 -1/2 -1/2] [ 1/2 -1/2 -1/2*zeta136^34 1/2*zeta136^34] [ 1/2 -1/2 1/2*zeta136^34 -1/2*zeta136^34] sage: S*S.conjugate() [1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> D91 = FusionRing("D9", Integer(1)) >>> D91.s_matrix() [ 1 1 1 1] [ 1 1 -1 -1] [ 1 -1 -zeta136^34 zeta136^34] [ 1 -1 zeta136^34 -zeta136^34] >>> S = D91.s_matrix(unitary=True); S [ 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2] [ 1/2 1/2 -1/2 -1/2] [ 1/2 -1/2 -1/2*zeta136^34 1/2*zeta136^34] [ 1/2 -1/2 1/2*zeta136^34 -1/2*zeta136^34] >>> S*S.conjugate() [1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 1]
- some_elements()[source]¶
Return some elements of
sage: D41 = FusionRing('D4', 1) sage: D41.some_elements() [D41(1,0,0,0), D41(0,0,1,0), D41(0,0,0,1)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> D41 = FusionRing('D4', Integer(1)) >>> D41.some_elements() [D41(1,0,0,0), D41(0,0,1,0), D41(0,0,0,1)]
- test_braid_representation(max_strands=6, anyon=None)[source]¶
Check that we can compute valid braid group representations.
– (default: 6) maximum number of braid group strandsanyon
– (optional) run this test on this particular simple object
Create a braid group representation using
and confirms the braid relations. This test indirectly partially verifies the correctness of the orthogonal F-matrix solver. If the code were incorrect the method would not be deterministic because the fusing anyon is chosen randomly. (A different choice is made for each number of strands tested.) However the doctest is deterministic since it will always returnTrue
. If the anyon parameter is omitted, a random anyon is tested for each number of strands up tomax_strands
sage: A21 = FusionRing("A2", 1) sage: A21.test_braid_representation(max_strands=4) True sage: F41 = FusionRing("F4", 1) # long time sage: F41.test_braid_representation() # long time True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A21 = FusionRing("A2", Integer(1)) >>> A21.test_braid_representation(max_strands=Integer(4)) True >>> F41 = FusionRing("F4", Integer(1)) # long time >>> F41.test_braid_representation() # long time True
- total_q_order(base_coercion=True)[source]¶
Return the positive square root of
as an element ofself.field()
.This is implemented as \(D_{+}e^{-i\pi c/4}\), where \(D_+\) is
and \(c\) isvirasoro_central_charge()
sage: F = FusionRing("G2", 1) sage: tqo=F.total_q_order(); tqo zeta60^15 - zeta60^11 - zeta60^9 + 2*zeta60^3 + zeta60 sage: tqo.is_real_positive() True sage: tqo^2 == F.global_q_dimension() True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> F = FusionRing("G2", Integer(1)) >>> tqo=F.total_q_order(); tqo zeta60^15 - zeta60^11 - zeta60^9 + 2*zeta60^3 + zeta60 >>> tqo.is_real_positive() True >>> tqo**Integer(2) == F.global_q_dimension() True
- twists_matrix()[source]¶
Return a diagonal matrix describing the twist corresponding to each simple object in the
sage: B21=FusionRing("B2", 1) sage: [x.twist() for x in B21.basis().list()] [0, 1, 5/8] sage: [B21.root_of_unity(x.twist()) for x in B21.basis().list()] [1, -1, zeta32^10] sage: B21.twists_matrix() [ 1 0 0] [ 0 -1 0] [ 0 0 zeta32^10]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> B21=FusionRing("B2", Integer(1)) >>> [x.twist() for x in B21.basis().list()] [0, 1, 5/8] >>> [B21.root_of_unity(x.twist()) for x in B21.basis().list()] [1, -1, zeta32^10] >>> B21.twists_matrix() [ 1 0 0] [ 0 -1 0] [ 0 0 zeta32^10]
- virasoro_central_charge()[source]¶
Return the Virasoro central charge of the WZW conformal field theory associated with the Fusion Ring.
If \(\mathfrak{g}\) is the corresponding semisimple Lie algebra, this is
\[\frac{k\dim\mathfrak{g}}{k+h^\vee},\]where \(k\) is the level and \(h^\vee\) is the dual Coxeter number. See [DFMS1996] Equation (15.61).
Let \(d_i\) and \(\theta_i\) be the quantum dimensions and twists of the simple objects. By Proposition 2.3 in [RoStWa2009], there exists a rational number \(c\) such that \(D_+ / \sqrt{D} = e^{i\pi c/4}\), where \(D_+ = \sum d_i^2 \theta_i\) is computed in
and \(D = \sum d_i^2 > 0\) is computed byglobal_q_dimension()
. Squaring this identity and remembering that \(D_+ D_- = D\) gives\[D_+ / D_- = e^{i\pi c/2}.\]EXAMPLES:
sage: R = FusionRing("A1", 2) sage: c = R.virasoro_central_charge(); c 3/2 sage: Dp = R.D_plus(); Dp 2*zeta32^6 sage: Dm = R.D_minus(); Dm -2*zeta32^10 sage: Dp / Dm == R.root_of_unity(c/2) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> R = FusionRing("A1", Integer(2)) >>> c = R.virasoro_central_charge(); c 3/2 >>> Dp = R.D_plus(); Dp 2*zeta32^6 >>> Dm = R.D_minus(); Dm -2*zeta32^10 >>> Dp / Dm == R.root_of_unity(c/Integer(2)) True