Representations of Lie algebras#


  • Travis Scrimshaw (2023-08-31): initial version

class sage.algebras.lie_algebras.representation.FaithfulRepresentationNilpotentPBW(L, minimal=False)[source]#

Bases: CombinatorialFreeModule, Representation_abstract

Return a faithful reprensetation of a nilpotent Lie algebra constructed using the PBW basis.

Let \(L\) be a \(k\)-step nilpotent Lie algebra. Define a weight function on elements in \(L\) by the lower central series of \(L\). Then a faithful representation of \(L\) is \(U(L) / U(L)^{k+1}\), where \(U(L)^{k+1}\) is the (twosided) ideal of \(U(L)\) generated by all monomials of weight at least \(k + 1\).

We can also expand the ideal keeping the property that \(I \cap Z(L) = 0\). The resulting quotient \(U(L) / I\) remains faithful and is a minimal faithful representation of \(L\) in the sense that it has no faithful submodules or quotients. (Note: this is not necessarily the smallest dimensional faithful representation of \(L\).)

We consider an example of the rank 2 Heisenberg Lie algebra, but with a non-standard basis given by \(a = p_1 + z\), \(b = q_1\), and \(c = q_1 + z\):

sage: scoeffs = {('a','b'): {'b':-1, 'c':1}, ('a','c'): {'b':-1, 'c':1}}
sage: L.<a,b,c> = LieAlgebra(QQ, scoeffs)
sage: TestSuite(L).run(elements=list(L.basis()))
sage: L.is_nilpotent()
sage: L.derived_series()
(Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field,
 Ideal (b - c) of Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field,
 Ideal () of Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field)
sage: F = L.faithful_representation()
sage: L.an_element() * F.an_element()
2*F[1, 0, 0] + 8*F[1, 1, 0] + 3*F[2, 0, 0] + 4*F[0, 1, 0]
 + 4*F[0, 2, 0] + 4*F[0, 0, 1]

sage: MF = L.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal")
sage: MF.dimension()
sage: [MF.representation_matrix(be) for be in L.basis()]
[0 0 0]  [ 0  0  0]  [ 0  0  0]
[0 0 0]  [ 0  0 -1]  [ 1  0 -1]
[1 0 0], [ 0  0  0], [ 0  0  0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> scoeffs = {('a','b'): {'b':-Integer(1), 'c':Integer(1)}, ('a','c'): {'b':-Integer(1), 'c':Integer(1)}}
>>> L = LieAlgebra(QQ, scoeffs, names=('a', 'b', 'c',)); (a, b, c,) = L._first_ngens(3)
>>> TestSuite(L).run(elements=list(L.basis()))
>>> L.is_nilpotent()
>>> L.derived_series()
(Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field,
 Ideal (b - c) of Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field,
 Ideal () of Lie algebra on 3 generators (a, b, c) over Rational Field)
>>> F = L.faithful_representation()
>>> L.an_element() * F.an_element()
2*F[1, 0, 0] + 8*F[1, 1, 0] + 3*F[2, 0, 0] + 4*F[0, 1, 0]
 + 4*F[0, 2, 0] + 4*F[0, 0, 1]

>>> MF = L.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal")
>>> MF.dimension()
>>> [MF.representation_matrix(be) for be in L.basis()]
[0 0 0]  [ 0  0  0]  [ 0  0  0]
[0 0 0]  [ 0  0 -1]  [ 1  0 -1]
[1 0 0], [ 0  0  0], [ 0  0  0]

An example with minimal=True for \(H_2 \oplus A_1\), where \(A_1\) is a \(1\)-dimensional Abelian Lie algebra:

sage: scoeffs = {('a','b'): {'b':-1, 'c':1}, ('a','c'): {'b':-1, 'c':1}}
sage: L.<a,b,c,d> = LieAlgebra(QQ, scoeffs)
sage: F = L.faithful_representation(); F
Faithful 11 dimensional representation of Lie algebra on 4
 generators (a, b, c, d) over Rational Field
sage: MF = L.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal"); MF
Minimal faithful representation of Lie algebra on 4
 generators (a, b, c, d) over Rational Field
sage: MF.dimension()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> scoeffs = {('a','b'): {'b':-Integer(1), 'c':Integer(1)}, ('a','c'): {'b':-Integer(1), 'c':Integer(1)}}
>>> L = LieAlgebra(QQ, scoeffs, names=('a', 'b', 'c', 'd',)); (a, b, c, d,) = L._first_ngens(4)
>>> F = L.faithful_representation(); F
Faithful 11 dimensional representation of Lie algebra on 4
 generators (a, b, c, d) over Rational Field
>>> MF = L.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal"); MF
Minimal faithful representation of Lie algebra on 4
 generators (a, b, c, d) over Rational Field
>>> MF.dimension()


  • minimal – boolean (default: False); whether to construct the minimal basis or not


class Element[source]#

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement

class sage.algebras.lie_algebras.representation.FaithfulRepresentationPBWPosChar(L)[source]#

Bases: CombinatorialFreeModule, Representation_abstract

A faithful representation of a finite dimensional Lie algebra in positive characteristic.


This is often a very large dimensional representation relative to the dimension of the Lie algebra.


We implement the algorithm given in [deG2000] Section 6.6. Let \(L\) be a finite dimensional Lie algebra over a ring of characteristic \(p\) with basis \((b_1, \ldots, b_n)\). We compute (monic) \(p\)-polynomials \(f_i\) such that \(A = \mathrm{ad}(b_i)\) (the adjoint action of \(b_i\)) solves \(f_i(A) = 0\) by using minimal polynomial of \(A\). The \((f_1, \ldots, f_n)\) is a Gröbner basis for an ideal \(I\) of the universal enveloping algebra \(U(L)\) such that the quotient \(U(L) / I\) is a faithful representation of \(L\).


sage: sl2 = LieAlgebra(GF(3), cartan_type=['A',1])
sage: F = sl2.faithful_representation()
sage: F
Faithful representation with p-multiplicities (1, 3, 1) of Lie algebra
 of ['A', 1] in the Chevalley basis
sage: F.dimension()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sl2 = LieAlgebra(GF(Integer(3)), cartan_type=['A',Integer(1)])
>>> F = sl2.faithful_representation()
>>> F
Faithful representation with p-multiplicities (1, 3, 1) of Lie algebra
 of ['A', 1] in the Chevalley basis
>>> F.dimension()
class Element[source]#

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement


Return the defining Gröbner basis of self.


sage: sp4 = LieAlgebra(GF(3), cartan_type=['C',2])
sage: F = sp4.faithful_representation()
sage: F.groebner_basis()
 PBW[alpha[1] + alpha[2]]^3,
 PBW[2*alpha[1] + alpha[2]]^3,
 2*PBW[alphacheck[1]]^27 + PBW[alphacheck[1]],
 2*PBW[alphacheck[2]]^27 + PBW[alphacheck[2]],
 PBW[-alpha[1] - alpha[2]]^3,
 PBW[-2*alpha[1] - alpha[2]]^3]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sp4 = LieAlgebra(GF(Integer(3)), cartan_type=['C',Integer(2)])
>>> F = sp4.faithful_representation()
>>> F.groebner_basis()
 PBW[alpha[1] + alpha[2]]^3,
 PBW[2*alpha[1] + alpha[2]]^3,
 2*PBW[alphacheck[1]]^27 + PBW[alphacheck[1]],
 2*PBW[alphacheck[2]]^27 + PBW[alphacheck[2]],
 PBW[-alpha[1] - alpha[2]]^3,
 PBW[-2*alpha[1] - alpha[2]]^3]

Return the \(p\)-exponents of self.

Let \(p\) be the characteristic of the base ring of self. The \(p\)-exponents are the exponents \(m_i\) such that the \(i\)-th \(p\)-polynomial \(f_i\) is of degree \(p^{m_i}\).


sage: sp4 = LieAlgebra(GF(3), cartan_type=['C',2])
sage: F = sp4.faithful_representation()
sage: F.p_exponents()
(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sp4 = LieAlgebra(GF(Integer(3)), cartan_type=['C',Integer(2)])
>>> F = sp4.faithful_representation()
>>> F.p_exponents()
(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1)
class sage.algebras.lie_algebras.representation.RepresentationByMorphism(lie_algebra, f, index_set, on_basis, category, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: CombinatorialFreeModule, Representation_abstract

Representation of a Lie algebra defined by a Lie algebra morphism.


  • lie_algebra – a Lie algebra

  • f – the Lie algebra morphism defining the action of the basis elements of lie_algebra

  • index_set – (optional) the index set of the module basis

  • on_basis – (default: False) the function f defines a map from the basis elements or from a generic element of lie_algebra

If f is encoded as a dict or Family, then the keys must be indices of the basis of lie_algebra and the values being the corresponding matrix defining the action. This sets on_basis=True.


sage: L.<x,y> = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'y':1}})
sage: f = {x: Matrix([[1,0],[0,0]]), y: Matrix([[0,1],[0,0]])}
sage: L.representation(f)
Representation of Lie algebra on 2 generators (x, y) over Rational Field defined by:
       [1 0]
x |--> [0 0]
       [0 1]
y |--> [0 0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> L = LieAlgebra(QQ, {('x','y'): {'y':Integer(1)}}, names=('x', 'y',)); (x, y,) = L._first_ngens(2)
>>> f = {x: Matrix([[Integer(1),Integer(0)],[Integer(0),Integer(0)]]), y: Matrix([[Integer(0),Integer(1)],[Integer(0),Integer(0)]])}
>>> L.representation(f)
Representation of Lie algebra on 2 generators (x, y) over Rational Field defined by:
       [1 0]
x |--> [0 0]
       [0 1]
y |--> [0 0]

We construct the direct sum of two copies of the trivial representation for an infinite dimensional Lie algebra:

sage: L = lie_algebras.Affine(QQ, ['E',6,1])
sage: R = L.representation(lambda b:, 2), index_set=['a','b'])
sage: x = L.an_element()
sage: v = R.an_element(); v
2*R['a'] + 2*R['b']
sage: x * v
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> L = lie_algebras.Affine(QQ, ['E',Integer(6),Integer(1)])
>>> R = L.representation(lambda b:, Integer(2)), index_set=['a','b'])
>>> x = L.an_element()
>>> v = R.an_element(); v
2*R['a'] + 2*R['b']
>>> x * v

We construct a finite dimensional representation of the affline Lie algebra of type \(A_2^{(1)}\):

sage: L = lie_algebras.Affine(QQ, ['A',2,1]).derived_subalgebra()
sage: Phi_plus = list(RootSystem(['A',2]).root_lattice().positive_roots())
sage: def aff_action(key):
....:     mat =, 3)
....:     if key == 'c':  # central element
....:         return mat
....:     b, ell = key
....:     if b in Phi_plus:  # positive root
....:         ind = tuple(sorted(b.to_ambient().support()))
....:         mat[ind] = 1
....:         if ind[0] + 1 != ind[1]:
....:             mat[ind] = -1
....:     elif -b in Phi_plus:  # negative root
....:         ind = tuple(sorted(b.to_ambient().support(), reverse=True))
....:         mat[ind] = 1
....:         if ind[0] - 1 != ind[1]:
....:             mat[ind] = -1
....:     else:  # must be in the Cartan
....:         i = b.leading_support()
....:         mat[i,i] = -1
....:         mat[i-1,i-1] = 1
....:     return mat
sage: F = Family(L.basis(), aff_action, name="lifted natural repr")
sage: R = L.representation(index_set=range(1,4), on_basis=F)
sage: x = L.an_element(); x
(E[alpha[2]] + E[alpha[1]] + h1 + h2 + E[-alpha[2]] + E[-alpha[1]])#t^0
 + (E[-alpha[1] - alpha[2]])#t^1 + (E[alpha[1] + alpha[2]])#t^-1 + c
sage: v = R.an_element(); v
2*R[1] + 2*R[2] + 3*R[3]
sage: x * v
R[1] + 5*R[2] - 3*R[3]
sage: R._test_representation()  # verify that it is a representation
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> L = lie_algebras.Affine(QQ, ['A',Integer(2),Integer(1)]).derived_subalgebra()
>>> Phi_plus = list(RootSystem(['A',Integer(2)]).root_lattice().positive_roots())
>>> def aff_action(key):
...     mat =, Integer(3))
...     if key == 'c':  # central element
...         return mat
...     b, ell = key
...     if b in Phi_plus:  # positive root
...         ind = tuple(sorted(b.to_ambient().support()))
...         mat[ind] = Integer(1)
...         if ind[Integer(0)] + Integer(1) != ind[Integer(1)]:
...             mat[ind] = -Integer(1)
...     elif -b in Phi_plus:  # negative root
...         ind = tuple(sorted(b.to_ambient().support(), reverse=True))
...         mat[ind] = Integer(1)
...         if ind[Integer(0)] - Integer(1) != ind[Integer(1)]:
...             mat[ind] = -Integer(1)
...     else:  # must be in the Cartan
...         i = b.leading_support()
...         mat[i,i] = -Integer(1)
...         mat[i-Integer(1),i-Integer(1)] = Integer(1)
...     return mat
>>> F = Family(L.basis(), aff_action, name="lifted natural repr")
>>> R = L.representation(index_set=range(Integer(1),Integer(4)), on_basis=F)
>>> x = L.an_element(); x
(E[alpha[2]] + E[alpha[1]] + h1 + h2 + E[-alpha[2]] + E[-alpha[1]])#t^0
 + (E[-alpha[1] - alpha[2]])#t^1 + (E[alpha[1] + alpha[2]])#t^-1 + c
>>> v = R.an_element(); v
2*R[1] + 2*R[2] + 3*R[3]
>>> x * v
R[1] + 5*R[2] - 3*R[3]
>>> R._test_representation()  # verify that it is a representation
class Element[source]#

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement

class sage.algebras.lie_algebras.representation.Representation_abstract(lie_algebra)[source]#

Bases: object

Mixin class for (left) representations of Lie algebras.


  • lie_algebra – a Lie algebra


Return the Lie algebra whose representation self is.


sage: L =, 4)
sage: R = L.trivial_representation()
sage: R.lie_algebra() is L
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> L =, Integer(4))
>>> R = L.trivial_representation()
>>> R.lie_algebra() is L

Return the matrix for the action of elt on self.


sage: H1 = lie_algebras.Heisenberg(QQ, 1)
sage: F = H1.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal")
sage: P1 = F.representation_matrix(H1.gen(0)); P1
[0 0 0]
[0 0 0]
[1 0 0]
sage: Q1 = F.representation_matrix(H1.gen(1)); Q1
[ 0  0  0]
[ 0  0 -1]
[ 0  0  0]
sage: Z = P1.commutator(Q1); Z
[0 0 0]
[1 0 0]
[0 0 0]
sage: P1.commutator(Z) == Q1.commutator(Z) == 0
sage: (H1.gen(0) * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, 0, 2)
sage: P1 * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, 0, 2)
sage: (H1.gen(1) * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, -3, 0)
sage: Q1 * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, -3, 0)
sage: (H1.basis()['z'] * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, 2, 0)
sage: Z * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, 2, 0)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> H1 = lie_algebras.Heisenberg(QQ, Integer(1))
>>> F = H1.faithful_representation(algorithm="minimal")
>>> P1 = F.representation_matrix(H1.gen(Integer(0))); P1
[0 0 0]
[0 0 0]
[1 0 0]
>>> Q1 = F.representation_matrix(H1.gen(Integer(1))); Q1
[ 0  0  0]
[ 0  0 -1]
[ 0  0  0]
>>> Z = P1.commutator(Q1); Z
[0 0 0]
[1 0 0]
[0 0 0]
>>> P1.commutator(Z) == Q1.commutator(Z) == Integer(0)
>>> (H1.gen(Integer(0)) * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, 0, 2)
>>> P1 * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, 0, 2)
>>> (H1.gen(Integer(1)) * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, -3, 0)
>>> Q1 * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, -3, 0)
>>> (H1.basis()['z'] * F.an_element()).to_vector()
(0, 2, 0)
>>> Z * F.an_element().to_vector()
(0, 2, 0)

Return that self is a left representation.


  • the string "left"


sage: L =, 4)
sage: R = L.trivial_representation()
sage: R.side()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> L =, Integer(4))
>>> R = L.trivial_representation()
>>> R.side()
class sage.algebras.lie_algebras.representation.TrivialRepresentation(lie_algebra, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: CombinatorialFreeModule, Representation_abstract

The trivial representation of a Lie algebra.

The trivial representation of a Lie algebra \(L\) over a commutative ring \(R\) is the \(1\)-dimensional \(R\)-module on which every element of \(L\) acts by zero.


  • lie_algebra – a Lie algebra


class Element[source]#

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement