Group Algebras¶
This module implements the category of group algebras for arbitrary
groups over arbitrary commutative rings. For details, see
David Loeffler (2008-08-24): initial version
Martin Raum (2009-08): update to use new coercion model – see Issue #6670.
John Palmieri (2011-07): more updates to coercion, categories, etc., group algebras constructed using CombinatorialFreeModule – see Issue #6670.
Nicolas M. Thiéry (2010-2017), Travis Scrimshaw (2017): generalization to a covariant functorial construction for monoid algebras, and beyond – see e.g. Issue #18700.
- class sage.categories.group_algebras.GroupAlgebras(category, *args)[source]¶
The category of group algebras over a given base ring.
sage: C = Groups().Algebras(ZZ); C Category of group algebras over Integer Ring sage: C.super_categories() [Category of Hopf algebras with basis over Integer Ring, Category of monoid algebras over Integer Ring]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> C = Groups().Algebras(ZZ); C Category of group algebras over Integer Ring >>> C.super_categories() [Category of Hopf algebras with basis over Integer Ring, Category of monoid algebras over Integer Ring]
We can also construct this category with:
sage: C is GroupAlgebras(ZZ) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> C is GroupAlgebras(ZZ) True
Here is how to create the group algebra of a group \(G\):
sage: G = DihedralGroup(5) # needs sage.groups sage: QG = G.algebra(QQ); QG # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Dihedral group of order 10 as a permutation group over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> G = DihedralGroup(Integer(5)) # needs sage.groups >>> QG = G.algebra(QQ); QG # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Dihedral group of order 10 as a permutation group over Rational Field
and an example of computation:
sage: g = G.an_element(); g # needs sage.groups sage.modules (1,4)(2,3) sage: (QG.term(g) + 1)**3 # needs sage.groups sage.modules 4*() + 4*(1,4)(2,3)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> g = G.an_element(); g # needs sage.groups sage.modules (1,4)(2,3) >>> (QG.term(g) + Integer(1))**Integer(3) # needs sage.groups sage.modules 4*() + 4*(1,4)(2,3)
Check which methods would be better located in
- class ElementMethods[source]¶
- central_form()[source]¶
expressed in the canonical basis of the center of the group algebra.INPUT:
– an element of the center of the group algebra
A formal linear combination of the conjugacy class representatives representing its coordinates in the canonical basis of the center. See
for details.
This method requires the underlying group to have a method
(every permutation group has one, thanks GAP!).This method does not check that the element is indeed central. Use the method
for this purpose.This function has a complexity linear in the number of conjugacy classes of the group. One could easily implement a function whose complexity is linear in the size of the support of
sage: # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules sage: QS3 = SymmetricGroup(3).algebra(QQ) sage: A = QS3([2,3,1]) + QS3([3,1,2]) sage: A.central_form() B[(1,2,3)] sage: QS4 = SymmetricGroup(4).algebra(QQ) sage: B = sum(len(s.cycle_type()) * QS4(s) for s in Permutations(4)) sage: B.central_form() 4*B[()] + 3*B[(1,2)] + 2*B[(1,2)(3,4)] + 2*B[(1,2,3)] + B[(1,2,3,4)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules >>> QS3 = SymmetricGroup(Integer(3)).algebra(QQ) >>> A = QS3([Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(1)]) + QS3([Integer(3),Integer(1),Integer(2)]) >>> A.central_form() B[(1,2,3)] >>> QS4 = SymmetricGroup(Integer(4)).algebra(QQ) >>> B = sum(len(s.cycle_type()) * QS4(s) for s in Permutations(Integer(4))) >>> B.central_form() 4*B[()] + 3*B[(1,2)] + 2*B[(1,2)(3,4)] + 2*B[(1,2,3)] + B[(1,2,3,4)]
The following test fails due to a bug involving combinatorial free modules and the coercion system (see Issue #28544):
sage: # needs sage.groups sage.modules sage: G = PermutationGroup([[(1,2,3),(4,5)], [(3,4)]]) sage: QG = GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(G) sage: s = sum(QG.basis()) sage: s.central_form() # not tested B[()] + B[(4,5)] + B[(3,4,5)] + B[(2,3)(4,5)] + B[(2,3,4,5)] + B[(1,2)(3,4,5)] + B[(1,2,3,4,5)]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.groups sage.modules >>> G = PermutationGroup([[(Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)),(Integer(4),Integer(5))], [(Integer(3),Integer(4))]]) >>> QG = GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(G) >>> s = sum(QG.basis()) >>> s.central_form() # not tested B[()] + B[(4,5)] + B[(3,4,5)] + B[(2,3)(4,5)] + B[(2,3,4,5)] + B[(1,2)(3,4,5)] + B[(1,2,3,4,5)]
See also
- class ParentMethods[source]¶
- antipode_on_basis(g)[source]¶
Return the antipode of the element
of the basis.Each basis element
is group-like, and so has antipode \(g^{-1}\). This method is used to compute the antipode of any element.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.groups sage.modules sage: A = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).algebra(ZZ); A Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring sage: g = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).an_element(); g (1,2,3,4,5,6) sage: A.antipode_on_basis(g) (1,6,5,4,3,2) sage: a = A.an_element(); a () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) sage: a.antipode() () + 3*(1,5,3)(2,6,4) + 3*(1,6,5,4,3,2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.groups sage.modules >>> A = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).algebra(ZZ); A Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring >>> g = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).an_element(); g (1,2,3,4,5,6) >>> A.antipode_on_basis(g) (1,6,5,4,3,2) >>> a = A.an_element(); a () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) >>> a.antipode() () + 3*(1,5,3)(2,6,4) + 3*(1,6,5,4,3,2)
- center_basis()[source]¶
Return a basis of the center of the group algebra.
The canonical basis of the center of the group algebra is the family \((f_\sigma)_{\sigma\in C}\), where \(C\) is any collection of representatives of the conjugacy classes of the group, and \(f_\sigma\) is the sum of the elements in the conjugacy class of \(\sigma\).
OUTPUT: tuple of elements of
This method requires the underlying group to have a method
(every permutation group has one, thanks GAP!).
sage: SymmetricGroup(3).algebra(QQ).center_basis() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules ((), (2,3) + (1,2) + (1,3), (1,2,3) + (1,3,2))
>>> from sage.all import * >>> SymmetricGroup(Integer(3)).algebra(QQ).center_basis() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules ((), (2,3) + (1,2) + (1,3), (1,2,3) + (1,3,2))
See also
- coproduct_on_basis(g)[source]¶
Return the coproduct of the element
of the basis.Each basis element
is group-like. This method is used to compute the coproduct of any element.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.groups sage.modules sage: A = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).algebra(ZZ); A Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring sage: g = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).an_element(); g (1,2,3,4,5,6) sage: A.coproduct_on_basis(g) (1,2,3,4,5,6) # (1,2,3,4,5,6) sage: a = A.an_element(); a () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) sage: a.coproduct() () # () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) # (1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) # (1,3,5)(2,4,6)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.groups sage.modules >>> A = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).algebra(ZZ); A Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring >>> g = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).an_element(); g (1,2,3,4,5,6) >>> A.coproduct_on_basis(g) (1,2,3,4,5,6) # (1,2,3,4,5,6) >>> a = A.an_element(); a () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) >>> a.coproduct() () # () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) # (1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) # (1,3,5)(2,4,6)
- counit(x)[source]¶
Return the counit of the element
of the group algebra.This is the sum of all coefficients of
with respect to the standard basis of the group algebra.EXAMPLES:
sage: A = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).algebra(ZZ); A # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring sage: a = A.an_element(); a # needs sage.groups sage.modules () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) sage: a.counit() # needs sage.groups sage.modules 7
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).algebra(ZZ); A # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring >>> a = A.an_element(); a # needs sage.groups sage.modules () + 3*(1,2,3,4,5,6) + 3*(1,3,5)(2,4,6) >>> a.counit() # needs sage.groups sage.modules 7
- counit_on_basis(g)[source]¶
Return the counit of the element
of the basis.Each basis element
is group-like, and so has counit \(1\). This method is used to compute the counit of any element.EXAMPLES:
sage: A = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).algebra(ZZ); A # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring sage: g = CyclicPermutationGroup(6).an_element(); g # needs sage.groups sage.modules (1,2,3,4,5,6) sage: A.counit_on_basis(g) # needs sage.groups sage.modules 1
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).algebra(ZZ); A # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group over Integer Ring >>> g = CyclicPermutationGroup(Integer(6)).an_element(); g # needs sage.groups sage.modules (1,2,3,4,5,6) >>> A.counit_on_basis(g) # needs sage.groups sage.modules 1
- group()[source]¶
Return the underlying group of the group algebra.
sage: GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(GL(3, GF(11))).group() # needs sage.groups sage.modules General Linear Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 11 sage: SymmetricGroup(10).algebra(QQ).group() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules Symmetric group of order 10! as a permutation group
>>> from sage.all import * >>> GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(GL(Integer(3), GF(Integer(11)))).group() # needs sage.groups sage.modules General Linear Group of degree 3 over Finite Field of size 11 >>> SymmetricGroup(Integer(10)).algebra(QQ).group() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage.modules Symmetric group of order 10! as a permutation group
- is_integral_domain(proof=True)[source]¶
is an integral domain.This is false unless
is an integral domain, and even then it is false
has no nontrivial elements of finite order. I don’t know if this condition suffices, but it obviously does if the group is abelian and finitely generated.EXAMPLES:
sage: # needs sage.groups sage.modules sage: S2 = SymmetricGroup(2) sage: GroupAlgebra(S2).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat False sage: S1 = SymmetricGroup(1) sage: GroupAlgebra(S1).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat True sage: GroupAlgebra(S1, IntegerModRing(4)).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat False sage: GroupAlgebra(AbelianGroup(1)).is_integral_domain() True sage: GroupAlgebra(AbelianGroup(2, [0,2])).is_integral_domain() False sage: GroupAlgebra(GL(2, ZZ)).is_integral_domain() # not implemented False
>>> from sage.all import * >>> # needs sage.groups sage.modules >>> S2 = SymmetricGroup(Integer(2)) >>> GroupAlgebra(S2).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat False >>> S1 = SymmetricGroup(Integer(1)) >>> GroupAlgebra(S1).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat True >>> GroupAlgebra(S1, IntegerModRing(Integer(4))).is_integral_domain() # needs sage.combinat False >>> GroupAlgebra(AbelianGroup(Integer(1))).is_integral_domain() True >>> GroupAlgebra(AbelianGroup(Integer(2), [Integer(0),Integer(2)])).is_integral_domain() False >>> GroupAlgebra(GL(Integer(2), ZZ)).is_integral_domain() # not implemented False
- example(G=None)[source]¶
Return an example of group algebra.
sage: GroupAlgebras(QQ['x']).example() # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Dihedral group of order 8 as a permutation group over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> GroupAlgebras(QQ['x']).example() # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Dihedral group of order 8 as a permutation group over Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
An other group can be specified as optional argument:
sage: GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(AlternatingGroup(4)) # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Alternating group of order 4!/2 as a permutation group over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> GroupAlgebras(QQ).example(AlternatingGroup(Integer(4))) # needs sage.groups sage.modules Algebra of Alternating group of order 4!/2 as a permutation group over Rational Field
- extra_super_categories()[source]¶
Implement the fact that the algebra of a group is a Hopf algebra.
sage: C = Groups().Algebras(QQ) sage: C.extra_super_categories() [Category of Hopf algebras over Rational Field] sage: sorted(C.super_categories(), key=str) [Category of Hopf algebras with basis over Rational Field, Category of monoid algebras over Rational Field]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> C = Groups().Algebras(QQ) >>> C.extra_super_categories() [Category of Hopf algebras over Rational Field] >>> sorted(C.super_categories(), key=str) [Category of Hopf algebras with basis over Rational Field, Category of monoid algebras over Rational Field]