Highest Weight Crystals#

class sage.categories.highest_weight_crystals.HighestWeightCrystalHomset(X, Y, category=None)[source]#

Bases: CrystalHomset

The set of crystal morphisms from a highest weight crystal to another crystal.

See also

See sage.categories.crystals.CrystalHomset for more information.


alias of HighestWeightCrystalMorphism

class sage.categories.highest_weight_crystals.HighestWeightCrystalMorphism(parent, on_gens, cartan_type=None, virtualization=None, scaling_factors=None, gens=None, check=True)[source]#

Bases: CrystalMorphismByGenerators

A virtual crystal morphism whose domain is a highest weight crystal.


  • parent – a homset

  • on_gens – a function or list that determines the image of the generators (if given a list, then this uses the order of the generators of the domain) of the domain under self

  • cartan_type – (optional) a Cartan type; the default is the Cartan type of the domain

  • virtualization – (optional) a dictionary whose keys are in the index set of the domain and whose values are lists of entries in the index set of the codomain

  • scaling_factors – (optional) a dictionary whose keys are in the index set of the domain and whose values are scaling factors for the weight, \(\varepsilon\) and \(\varphi\)

  • gens – (optional) a list of generators to define the morphism; the default is to use the highest weight vectors of the crystal

  • check – (default: True) check if the crystal morphism is valid

class sage.categories.highest_weight_crystals.HighestWeightCrystals[source]#

Bases: Category_singleton

The category of highest weight crystals.

A crystal is highest weight if it is acyclic; in particular, every connected component has a unique highest weight element, and that element generate the component.


sage: C = HighestWeightCrystals()
sage: C
Category of highest weight crystals
sage: C.super_categories()
[Category of crystals]
sage: C.example()
Highest weight crystal of type A_3 of highest weight omega_1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = HighestWeightCrystals()
>>> C
Category of highest weight crystals
>>> C.super_categories()
[Category of crystals]
>>> C.example()
Highest weight crystal of type A_3 of highest weight omega_1
class ElementMethods[source]#

Bases: object


Return the string parameters of self corresponding to the reduced word word.

Given a reduced expression \(w = s_{i_1} \cdots s_{i_k}\), the string parameters of \(b \in B\) corresponding to \(w\) are \((a_1, \ldots, a_k)\) such that

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} e_{i_m}^{a_m} \cdots e_{i_1}^{a_1} b & \neq 0 \\ e_{i_m}^{a_m+1} \cdots e_{i_1}^{a_1} b & = 0 \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

for all \(1 \leq m \leq k\).

For connected components isomorphic to \(B(\lambda)\) or \(B(\infty)\), if \(w = w_0\) is the longest element of the Weyl group, then the path determined by the string parametrization terminates at the highest weight vector.


  • word – a word in the alphabet of the index set; if not specified and we are in finite type, then this will be some reduced expression for the long element determined by the Weyl group


sage: B = crystals.infinity.NakajimaMonomials(['A',3])
sage: mg = B.highest_weight_vector()
sage: w0 = [1,2,1,3,2,1]
sage: mg.string_parameters(w0)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: mg.f_string([1]).string_parameters(w0)
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: mg.f_string([1,1,1]).string_parameters(w0)
[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: mg.f_string([1,1,1,2,2]).string_parameters(w0)
[1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0]
sage: mg.f_string([1,1,1,2,2]) == mg.f_string([1,1,2,2,1])
sage: x = mg.f_string([1,1,1,2,2,1,3,3,2,1,1,1])
sage: x.string_parameters(w0)
[4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
sage: x.string_parameters([3,2,1,3,2,3])
[2, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0]
sage: x == mg.f_string([1]*7 + [2]*3 + [3]*2)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B = crystals.infinity.NakajimaMonomials(['A',Integer(3)])
>>> mg = B.highest_weight_vector()
>>> w0 = [Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)]
>>> mg.string_parameters(w0)
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> mg.f_string([Integer(1)]).string_parameters(w0)
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> mg.f_string([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)]).string_parameters(w0)
[3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> mg.f_string([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2)]).string_parameters(w0)
[1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0]
>>> mg.f_string([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2)]) == mg.f_string([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> x = mg.f_string([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])
>>> x.string_parameters(w0)
[4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
>>> x.string_parameters([Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(3)])
[2, 3, 7, 0, 0, 0]
>>> x == mg.f_string([Integer(1)]*Integer(7) + [Integer(2)]*Integer(3) + [Integer(3)]*Integer(2))
sage: B = crystals.infinity.Tableaux("A5")
sage: b = B(rows=[[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,6,6,6,6,6,6],
....:             [2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,4,5,5,5,6],
....:             [3,3,3,3,3,3,3,5],
....:             [4,4,4,6,6,6],
....:             [5,6]])
sage: b.string_parameters([1,2,1,3,2,1,4,3,2,1,5,4,3,2,1])
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4, 3, 0, 11, 10, 7, 7, 6]

sage: B = crystals.infinity.Tableaux("G2")
sage: b = B(rows=[[1,1,1,1,1,3,3,0,-3,-3,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,-1],[2,3,3,3]])
sage: b.string_parameters([2,1,2,1,2,1])
[5, 13, 11, 15, 4, 4]
sage: b.string_parameters([1,2,1,2,1,2])
[7, 12, 15, 8, 10, 0]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B = crystals.infinity.Tableaux("A5")
>>> b = B(rows=[[Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(6),Integer(6),Integer(6),Integer(6),Integer(6),Integer(6)],
...             [Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(4),Integer(5),Integer(5),Integer(5),Integer(6)],
...             [Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(5)],
...             [Integer(4),Integer(4),Integer(4),Integer(6),Integer(6),Integer(6)],
...             [Integer(5),Integer(6)]])
>>> b.string_parameters([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(5),Integer(4),Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)])
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 4, 4, 3, 0, 11, 10, 7, 7, 6]

>>> B = crystals.infinity.Tableaux("G2")
>>> b = B(rows=[[Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(0),-Integer(3),-Integer(3),-Integer(2),-Integer(2),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),-Integer(1),-Integer(1)],[Integer(2),Integer(3),Integer(3),Integer(3)]])
>>> b.string_parameters([Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1)])
[5, 13, 11, 15, 4, 4]
>>> b.string_parameters([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2)])
[7, 12, 15, 8, 10, 0]
sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['C',2], shape=[2,1])
sage: mg = C.highest_weight_vector()
sage: lw = C.lowest_weight_vectors()[0]
sage: lw.string_parameters([1,2,1,2])
[1, 2, 3, 1]
sage: lw.string_parameters([2,1,2,1])
[1, 3, 2, 1]
sage: lw.e_string([2,1,1,1,2,2,1]) == mg
sage: lw.e_string([1,2,2,1,1,1,2]) == mg
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['C',Integer(2)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> mg = C.highest_weight_vector()
>>> lw = C.lowest_weight_vectors()[Integer(0)]
>>> lw.string_parameters([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2)])
[1, 2, 3, 1]
>>> lw.string_parameters([Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(1)])
[1, 3, 2, 1]
>>> lw.e_string([Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)]) == mg
>>> lw.e_string([Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(2)]) == mg
class ParentMethods[source]#

Bases: object


Returns the highest weight vectors of self

This default implementation selects among the module generators those that are highest weight, and caches the result. A crystal element \(b\) is highest weight if \(e_i(b)=0\) for all \(i\) in the index set.


sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',5])
sage: C.highest_weight_vectors()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(5)])
>>> C.highest_weight_vectors()
sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
sage: T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C, generators=[[C(2),C(1),C(1)],
....:                                                 [C(1),C(2),C(1)]])
sage: T.highest_weight_vectors()
([2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(2)])
>>> T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C, generators=[[C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(1))],
...                                                 [C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1))]])
>>> T.highest_weight_vectors()
([2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1])
digraph(subset=None, index_set=None, depth=None)[source]#

Return the DiGraph associated to self.


  • subset – (optional) a subset of vertices for which the digraph should be constructed

  • index_set – (optional) the index set to draw arrows

  • depth – the depth to draw; optional only for finite crystals


sage: T = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
sage: T.digraph()
Digraph on 8 vertices
sage: S = T.subcrystal(max_depth=2)
sage: len(S)
sage: G = T.digraph(subset=list(S))
sage: G.is_isomorphic(T.digraph(depth=2), edge_labels=True)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> T = crystals.Tableaux(['A',Integer(2)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> T.digraph()
Digraph on 8 vertices
>>> S = T.subcrystal(max_depth=Integer(2))
>>> len(S)
>>> G = T.digraph(subset=list(S))
>>> G.is_isomorphic(T.digraph(depth=Integer(2)), edge_labels=True)

Returns the highest weight vector if there is a single one; otherwise, raises an error.

Caveat: this assumes that highest_weight_vectors() returns a list or tuple.


sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',5])
sage: C.highest_weight_vector()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(5)])
>>> C.highest_weight_vector()

Returns the highest weight vectors of self

This default implementation selects among the module generators those that are highest weight, and caches the result. A crystal element \(b\) is highest weight if \(e_i(b)=0\) for all \(i\) in the index set.


sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',5])
sage: C.highest_weight_vectors()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(5)])
>>> C.highest_weight_vectors()
sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
sage: T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C, generators=[[C(2),C(1),C(1)],
....:                                                 [C(1),C(2),C(1)]])
sage: T.highest_weight_vectors()
([2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(2)])
>>> T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C, generators=[[C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(1))],
...                                                 [C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1))]])
>>> T.highest_weight_vectors()
([2, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1])

Return the lowest weight vectors of self.

This default implementation selects among all elements of the crystal those that are lowest weight, and cache the result. A crystal element \(b\) is lowest weight if \(f_i(b)=0\) for all \(i\) in the index set.


sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',5])
sage: C.lowest_weight_vectors()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(5)])
>>> C.lowest_weight_vectors()
sage: C = crystals.Letters(['A',2])
sage: T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C,generators=[[C(2),C(1),C(1)],
....:                                                [C(1),C(2),C(1)]])
sage: T.lowest_weight_vectors()
([3, 2, 3], [3, 3, 2])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Letters(['A',Integer(2)])
>>> T = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C, C,generators=[[C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(1))],
...                                                [C(Integer(1)),C(Integer(2)),C(Integer(1))]])
>>> T.lowest_weight_vectors()
([3, 2, 3], [3, 3, 2])
q_dimension(q=None, prec=None, use_product=False)[source]#

Return the \(q\)-dimension of self.

Let \(B(\lambda)\) denote a highest weight crystal. Recall that the degree of the \(\mu\)-weight space of \(B(\lambda)\) (under the principal gradation) is equal to \(\langle \rho^{\vee}, \lambda - \mu \rangle\) where \(\langle \rho^{\vee}, \alpha_i \rangle = 1\) for all \(i \in I\) (in particular, take \(\rho^{\vee} = \sum_{i \in I} h_i\)).

The \(q\)-dimension of a highest weight crystal \(B(\lambda)\) is defined as

\[\dim_q B(\lambda) := \sum_{j \geq 0} \dim(B_j) q^j,\]

where \(B_j\) denotes the degree \(j\) portion of \(B(\lambda)\). This can be expressed as the product

\[\dim_q B(\lambda) = \prod_{\alpha^{\vee} \in \Delta_+^{\vee}} \left( \frac{1 - q^{\langle \lambda + \rho, \alpha^{\vee} \rangle}}{1 - q^{\langle \rho, \alpha^{\vee} \rangle}} \right)^{\mathrm{mult}\, \alpha},\]

where \(\Delta_+^{\vee}\) denotes the set of positive coroots. Taking the limit as \(q \to 1\) gives the dimension of \(B(\lambda)\). For more information, see [Ka1990] Section 10.10.


  • q – the (generic) parameter \(q\)

  • prec – (default: None) The precision of the power series ring to use if the crystal is not known to be finite (i.e. the number of terms returned). If None, then the result is returned as a lazy power series.

  • use_product – (default: False) if we have a finite crystal and True, use the product formula


sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[2,1])
sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
sage: qdim(1)
sage: len(C) == qdim(1)
sage: C.q_dimension(use_product=True) == qdim
sage: C.q_dimension(prec=20)
q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
sage: C.q_dimension(prec=2)
2*q + 1

sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
sage: C.q_dimension(q=t^2)
t^8 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^2 + 1

sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',2], shape=[5,2])
sage: C.q_dimension()
q^10 + 2*q^9 + 4*q^8 + 5*q^7 + 6*q^6 + 6*q^5
 + 6*q^4 + 5*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['B',2], shape=[2,1])
sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
q^10 + 2*q^9 + 3*q^8 + 4*q^7 + 5*q^6 + 5*q^5
 + 5*q^4 + 4*q^3 + 3*q^2 + 2*q + 1
sage: qdim == C.q_dimension(use_product=True)

sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[2,1])
sage: C.q_dimension()
q^16 + 2*q^15 + 4*q^14 + 7*q^13 + 10*q^12 + 13*q^11
 + 16*q^10 + 18*q^9 + 18*q^8 + 18*q^7 + 16*q^6 + 13*q^5
 + 10*q^4 + 7*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',Integer(2)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
>>> qdim(Integer(1))
>>> len(C) == qdim(Integer(1))
>>> C.q_dimension(use_product=True) == qdim
>>> C.q_dimension(prec=Integer(20))
q^4 + 2*q^3 + 2*q^2 + 2*q + 1
>>> C.q_dimension(prec=Integer(2))
2*q + 1

>>> R = QQ['t']; (t,) = R._first_ngens(1)
>>> C.q_dimension(q=t**Integer(2))
t^8 + 2*t^6 + 2*t^4 + 2*t^2 + 1

>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['A',Integer(2)], shape=[Integer(5),Integer(2)])
>>> C.q_dimension()
q^10 + 2*q^9 + 4*q^8 + 5*q^7 + 6*q^6 + 6*q^5
 + 6*q^4 + 5*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['B',Integer(2)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
q^10 + 2*q^9 + 3*q^8 + 4*q^7 + 5*q^6 + 5*q^5
 + 5*q^4 + 4*q^3 + 3*q^2 + 2*q + 1
>>> qdim == C.q_dimension(use_product=True)

>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',Integer(4)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(1)])
>>> C.q_dimension()
q^16 + 2*q^15 + 4*q^14 + 7*q^13 + 10*q^12 + 13*q^11
 + 16*q^10 + 18*q^9 + 18*q^8 + 18*q^7 + 16*q^6 + 13*q^5
 + 10*q^4 + 7*q^3 + 4*q^2 + 2*q + 1

We check with a finite tensor product:

sage: TP = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C)
sage: TP.cardinality()
sage: qdim = TP.q_dimension(use_product=True); qdim # long time
q^32 + 2*q^31 + 8*q^30 + 15*q^29 + 34*q^28 + 63*q^27 + 110*q^26
 + 175*q^25 + 276*q^24 + 389*q^23 + 550*q^22 + 725*q^21
 + 930*q^20 + 1131*q^19 + 1362*q^18 + 1548*q^17 + 1736*q^16
 + 1858*q^15 + 1947*q^14 + 1944*q^13 + 1918*q^12 + 1777*q^11
 + 1628*q^10 + 1407*q^9 + 1186*q^8 + 928*q^7 + 720*q^6
 + 498*q^5 + 342*q^4 + 201*q^3 + 117*q^2 + 48*q + 26
sage: qdim(1) # long time
sage: TP.q_dimension() == qdim # long time
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> TP = crystals.TensorProduct(C, C)
>>> TP.cardinality()
>>> qdim = TP.q_dimension(use_product=True); qdim # long time
q^32 + 2*q^31 + 8*q^30 + 15*q^29 + 34*q^28 + 63*q^27 + 110*q^26
 + 175*q^25 + 276*q^24 + 389*q^23 + 550*q^22 + 725*q^21
 + 930*q^20 + 1131*q^19 + 1362*q^18 + 1548*q^17 + 1736*q^16
 + 1858*q^15 + 1947*q^14 + 1944*q^13 + 1918*q^12 + 1777*q^11
 + 1628*q^10 + 1407*q^9 + 1186*q^8 + 928*q^7 + 720*q^6
 + 498*q^5 + 342*q^4 + 201*q^3 + 117*q^2 + 48*q + 26
>>> qdim(Integer(1)) # long time
>>> TP.q_dimension() == qdim # long time

The \(q\)-dimensions of infinite crystals are returned as formal power series:

sage: C = crystals.LSPaths(['A',2,1], [1,0,0])
sage: C.q_dimension(prec=5)
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)
sage: C.q_dimension(prec=10)
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + O(q^10)
sage: qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6 + O(q^7)
sage: qdim[:16]
[1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 22, 27, 36, 44, 57, 70]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.LSPaths(['A',Integer(2),Integer(1)], [Integer(1),Integer(0),Integer(0)])
>>> C.q_dimension(prec=Integer(5))
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + O(q^5)
>>> C.q_dimension(prec=Integer(10))
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6
 + 9*q^7 + 13*q^8 + 16*q^9 + O(q^10)
>>> qdim = C.q_dimension(); qdim
1 + q + 2*q^2 + 2*q^3 + 4*q^4 + 5*q^5 + 7*q^6 + O(q^7)
>>> qdim[:Integer(16)]
[1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 16, 22, 27, 36, 44, 57, 70]
class TensorProducts(category, *args)[source]#

Bases: TensorProductsCategory

The category of highest weight crystals constructed by tensor product of highest weight crystals.

class ParentMethods[source]#

Bases: object

Implements operations on tensor products of crystals.


Return the highest weight vectors of self.

This works by using a backtracing algorithm since if \(b_2 \otimes b_1\) is highest weight then \(b_1\) is highest weight.


sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[2,2])
sage: D = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[1])
sage: T = crystals.TensorProduct(D, C)
sage: T.highest_weight_vectors()
([[[1]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[-2]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]])
sage: L = filter(lambda x: x.is_highest_weight(), T)
sage: tuple(L) == T.highest_weight_vectors()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',Integer(4)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(2)])
>>> D = crystals.Tableaux(['D',Integer(4)], shape=[Integer(1)])
>>> T = crystals.TensorProduct(D, C)
>>> T.highest_weight_vectors()
([[[1]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[-2]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]])
>>> L = filter(lambda x: x.is_highest_weight(), T)
>>> tuple(L) == T.highest_weight_vectors()

Iterate over the highest weight vectors of self.

This works by using a backtracing algorithm since if \(b_2 \otimes b_1\) is highest weight then \(b_1\) is highest weight.


sage: C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[2,2])
sage: D = crystals.Tableaux(['D',4], shape=[1])
sage: T = crystals.TensorProduct(D, C)
sage: tuple(T.highest_weight_vectors_iterator())
([[[1]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[-2]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]])
sage: L = filter(lambda x: x.is_highest_weight(), T)
sage: tuple(L) == tuple(T.highest_weight_vectors_iterator())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> C = crystals.Tableaux(['D',Integer(4)], shape=[Integer(2),Integer(2)])
>>> D = crystals.Tableaux(['D',Integer(4)], shape=[Integer(1)])
>>> T = crystals.TensorProduct(D, C)
>>> tuple(T.highest_weight_vectors_iterator())
([[[1]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[3]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]],
 [[[-2]], [[1, 1], [2, 2]]])
>>> L = filter(lambda x: x.is_highest_weight(), T)
>>> tuple(L) == tuple(T.highest_weight_vectors_iterator())


sage: HighestWeightCrystals().TensorProducts().extra_super_categories()
[Category of highest weight crystals]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> HighestWeightCrystals().TensorProducts().extra_super_categories()
[Category of highest weight crystals]

Return None.

Indeed, the category of highest weight crystals defines no additional structure: it only guarantees the existence of a unique highest weight element in each component.


Should this category be a CategoryWithAxiom?


sage: HighestWeightCrystals().additional_structure()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> HighestWeightCrystals().additional_structure()

Returns an example of highest weight crystals, as per Category.example().


sage: B = HighestWeightCrystals().example(); B
Highest weight crystal of type A_3 of highest weight omega_1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> B = HighestWeightCrystals().example(); B
Highest weight crystal of type A_3 of highest weight omega_1


sage: HighestWeightCrystals().super_categories()
[Category of crystals]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> HighestWeightCrystals().super_categories()
[Category of crystals]