Semisimple Algebras¶
- class sage.categories.semisimple_algebras.SemisimpleAlgebras(base, name=None)[source]¶
The category of semisimple algebras over a given base ring.
sage: from sage.categories.semisimple_algebras import SemisimpleAlgebras sage: C = SemisimpleAlgebras(QQ); C Category of semisimple algebras over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.categories.semisimple_algebras import SemisimpleAlgebras >>> C = SemisimpleAlgebras(QQ); C Category of semisimple algebras over Rational Field
This category is best constructed as:
sage: D = Algebras(QQ).Semisimple(); D Category of semisimple algebras over Rational Field sage: D is C True sage: C.super_categories() [Category of algebras over Rational Field]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> D = Algebras(QQ).Semisimple(); D Category of semisimple algebras over Rational Field >>> D is C True >>> C.super_categories() [Category of algebras over Rational Field]
Typically, finite group algebras are semisimple:
sage: DihedralGroup(5).algebra(QQ) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> DihedralGroup(Integer(5)).algebra(QQ) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups True
Unless the characteristic of the field divides the order of the group:
sage: DihedralGroup(5).algebra(IntegerModRing(5)) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups False sage: DihedralGroup(5).algebra(IntegerModRing(7)) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> DihedralGroup(Integer(5)).algebra(IntegerModRing(Integer(5))) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups False >>> DihedralGroup(Integer(5)).algebra(IntegerModRing(Integer(7))) in SemisimpleAlgebras # needs sage.groups True
See also
- class FiniteDimensional(base_category)[source]¶
- class ParentMethods[source]¶
- radical_basis(**keywords)[source]¶
Return a basis of the Jacobson radical of this algebra.
– for compatibility; ignored
OUTPUT: the empty list since this algebra is semisimple
sage: A = SymmetricGroup(4).algebra(QQ) # needs sage.combinat sage.groups sage: A.radical_basis() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups ()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> A = SymmetricGroup(Integer(4)).algebra(QQ) # needs sage.combinat sage.groups >>> A.radical_basis() # needs sage.combinat sage.groups ()