Subobjects Functorial Construction#


  • Nicolas M. Thiery (2010): initial revision

class sage.categories.subobjects.SubobjectsCategory(category, *args)[source]#

Bases: RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory

classmethod default_super_categories(category)[source]#

Returns the default super categories of category.Subobjects()

Mathematical meaning: if \(A\) is a subobject of \(B\) in the category \(C\), then \(A\) is also a subquotient of \(B\) in the category \(C\).


  • cls – the class SubobjectsCategory

  • category – a category \(Cat\)

OUTPUT: a (join) category

In practice, this returns category.Subquotients(), joined together with the result of the method RegressiveCovariantConstructionCategory.default_super_categories() (that is the join of category and cat.Subobjects() for each cat in the super categories of category).


Consider category=Groups(), which has cat=Monoids() as super category. Then, a subgroup of a group \(G\) is simultaneously a subquotient of \(G\), a group by itself, and a submonoid of \(G\):

sage: Groups().Subobjects().super_categories()
[Category of groups, Category of subquotients of monoids, Category of subobjects of sets]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> Groups().Subobjects().super_categories()
[Category of groups, Category of subquotients of monoids, Category of subobjects of sets]

Mind the last item above: there is indeed currently nothing implemented about submonoids.

This resulted from the following call:

sage: sage.categories.subobjects.SubobjectsCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
Join of Category of groups and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of subobjects of sets
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> sage.categories.subobjects.SubobjectsCategory.default_super_categories(Groups())
Join of Category of groups and Category of subquotients of monoids and Category of subobjects of sets