Poirier-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of standard tableaux


  • Franco Saliola (2012): initial implementation

  • Travis Scrimshaw (2018-04-11): added missing doctests and reorganization

class sage.combinat.chas.fsym.FSymBases(parent_with_realization)[source]

Bases: Category_realization_of_parent

The category of graded bases of \(FSym\) and \(FSym^*\) indexed by standard tableaux.

class ElementMethods[source]

Bases: object


Compute the pairing between self and an element other of the dual.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: F = G.dual_basis()
sage: elt = G[[1,3],[2]] - 3*G[[1,2],[3]]
sage: elt.duality_pairing(F[[1,3],[2]])
sage: elt.duality_pairing(F[[1,2],[3]])
sage: elt.duality_pairing(F[[1,2]])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> F = G.dual_basis()
>>> elt = G[[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]] - Integer(3)*G[[Integer(1),Integer(2)],[Integer(3)]]
>>> elt.duality_pairing(F[[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]])
>>> elt.duality_pairing(F[[Integer(1),Integer(2)],[Integer(3)]])
>>> elt.duality_pairing(F[[Integer(1),Integer(2)]])
class ParentMethods[source]

Bases: object


The basis elements (optionally: of the specified degree).

OUTPUT: family


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TG = FSym.G()
sage: TG.basis()
Lazy family (Term map from Standard tableaux to Hopf algebra of standard tableaux
 over the Rational Field in the Fundamental basis(i))_{i in Standard tableaux}
sage: TG.basis().keys()
Standard tableaux
sage: TG.basis(degree=3).keys()
Standard tableaux of size 3
sage: TG.basis(degree=3).list()
[G[123], G[13|2], G[12|3], G[1|2|3]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TG = FSym.G()
>>> TG.basis()
Lazy family (Term map from Standard tableaux to Hopf algebra of standard tableaux
 over the Rational Field in the Fundamental basis(i))_{i in Standard tableaux}
>>> TG.basis().keys()
Standard tableaux
>>> TG.basis(degree=Integer(3)).keys()
Standard tableaux of size 3
>>> TG.basis(degree=Integer(3)).list()
[G[123], G[13|2], G[12|3], G[1|2|3]]

Return the degree of a standard tableau in the algebra of free symmetric functions.

This is the size of the tableau t.


sage: G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3],[2]])
sage: G.degree_on_basis(t)
sage: u = StandardTableau([[1,3,4,5],[2]])
sage: G.degree_on_basis(u)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]])
>>> G.degree_on_basis(t)
>>> u = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(5)],[Integer(2)]])
>>> G.degree_on_basis(u)
duality_pairing(x, y)[source]

The canonical pairing between \(FSym\) and \(FSym^*\).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: F = G.dual_basis()
sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1,3,5],[2,4]])
sage: t2 = StandardTableau([[1,3],[2,5],[4]])
sage: G.duality_pairing(G[t1], F[t2])
sage: G.duality_pairing(G[t1], F[t1])
sage: G.duality_pairing(G[t2], F[t2])
sage: F.duality_pairing(F[t2], G[t2])

sage: z = G[[1,3,5],[2,4]]
sage: all(F.duality_pairing(F[p1] * F[p2], z) == c
....:     for ((p1, p2), c) in z.coproduct())
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> F = G.dual_basis()
>>> t1 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(5)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)]])
>>> t2 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2),Integer(5)],[Integer(4)]])
>>> G.duality_pairing(G[t1], F[t2])
>>> G.duality_pairing(G[t1], F[t1])
>>> G.duality_pairing(G[t2], F[t2])
>>> F.duality_pairing(F[t2], G[t2])

>>> z = G[[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(5)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)]]
>>> all(F.duality_pairing(F[p1] * F[p2], z) == c
...     for ((p1, p2), c) in z.coproduct())
duality_pairing_matrix(basis, degree)[source]

The matrix of scalar products between elements of \(FSym\) and elements of \(FSym^*\).


  • basis – a basis of the dual Hopf algebra

  • degree – nonnegative integer


  • the matrix of scalar products between the basis self and the basis basis in the dual Hopf algebra of degree degree


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: G.duality_pairing_matrix(G.dual_basis(), 3)
[1 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> G.duality_pairing_matrix(G.dual_basis(), Integer(3))
[1 0 0 0]
[0 1 0 0]
[0 0 1 0]
[0 0 0 1]

Return the basis index corresponding to \(1\).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TG = FSym.G()
sage: TG.one_basis()
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TG = FSym.G()
>>> TG.one_basis()

The super categories of self.


sage: from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import FSymBases
sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(ZZ)
sage: bases = FSymBases(FSym)
sage: bases.super_categories()
[Category of realizations of Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Integer Ring,
 Join of Category of realizations of Hopf algebras over Integer Ring
     and Category of graded algebras over Integer Ring
     and Category of graded coalgebras over Integer Ring,
 Category of graded connected Hopf algebras with basis over Integer Ring]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import FSymBases
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(ZZ)
>>> bases = FSymBases(FSym)
>>> bases.super_categories()
[Category of realizations of Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Integer Ring,
 Join of Category of realizations of Hopf algebras over Integer Ring
     and Category of graded algebras over Integer Ring
     and Category of graded coalgebras over Integer Ring,
 Category of graded connected Hopf algebras with basis over Integer Ring]
class sage.combinat.chas.fsym.FSymBasis_abstract(alg, graded=True)[source]

Bases: CombinatorialFreeModule, BindableClass

Abstract base class for graded bases of \(FSym\) and of \(FSym^*\) indexed by standard tableaux.

This must define the following attributes:

  • _prefix – the basis prefix


Return some elements of self.


sage: G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
sage: G.some_elements()
[G[], G[1], G[12], G[1] + G[1|2], G[] + 1/2*G[1]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
>>> G.some_elements()
[G[], G[1], G[12], G[1] + G[1|2], G[] + 1/2*G[1]]
class sage.combinat.chas.fsym.FreeSymmetricFunctions(base_ring)[source]

Bases: UniqueRepresentation, Parent

The free symmetric functions.

The free symmetric functions is a combinatorial Hopf algebra defined using tableaux and denoted \(FSym\).

Consider the Hopf algebra \(FQSym\) (FreeQuasisymmetricFunctions) over a commutative ring \(R\), and its bases \((F_w)\) and \((G_w)\) (where \(w\), in both cases, ranges over all permutations in all symmetric groups \(S_0, S_1, S_2, \ldots\)). For each word \(w\), let \(P(w)\) be the P-tableau of \(w\) (that is, the first of the two tableaux obtained by applying the RSK algorithm to \(w\); see RSK()). If \(t\) is a standard tableau of size \(n\), then we define \(\mathcal{G}_t \in FQSym\) to be the sum of the \(F_w\) with \(w\) ranging over all permutations of \(\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}\) satisfying \(P(w) = t\). Equivalently, \(\mathcal{G}_t\) is the sum of the \(G_w\) with \(w\) ranging over all permutations of \(\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}\) satisfying \(Q(w) = t\) (where \(Q(w)\) denotes the Q-tableau of \(w\)).

The \(R\)-linear span of the \(\mathcal{G}_t\) (for \(t\) ranging over all standard tableaux) is a Hopf subalgebra of \(FQSym\), denoted by \(FSym\) and known as the free symmetric functions or the Poirier-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of tableaux. It has been introduced in [PoiReu95], where it was denoted by \((\ZZ T, \ast, \delta)\). (What we call \(\mathcal{G}_t\) has just been called \(t\) in [PoiReu95].) The family \((\mathcal{G}_t)\) (with \(t\) ranging over all standard tableaux) is a basis of \(FSym\), called the Fundamental basis.


As explained above, \(FSym\) is constructed as a Hopf subalgebra of \(FQSym\):

sage: G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
sage: F = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
sage: G[[1,3],[2]]
sage: G[[1,3],[2]].to_fqsym()
G[2, 1, 3] + G[3, 1, 2]
sage: F(G[[1,3],[2]])
F[2, 1, 3] + F[2, 3, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
>>> F = algebras.FQSym(QQ).F()
>>> G[[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]]
>>> G[[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]].to_fqsym()
G[2, 1, 3] + G[3, 1, 2]
>>> F(G[[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2)]])
F[2, 1, 3] + F[2, 3, 1]

This embedding is a Hopf algebra morphism:

sage: all(F(G[t1] * G[t2]) == F(G[t1]) * F(G[t2])
....:     for t1 in StandardTableaux(2)
....:     for t2 in StandardTableaux(3))

sage: FF = F.tensor_square()
sage: all(FF(G[t].coproduct()) == F(G[t]).coproduct()
....:     for t in StandardTableaux(4))
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> all(F(G[t1] * G[t2]) == F(G[t1]) * F(G[t2])
...     for t1 in StandardTableaux(Integer(2))
...     for t2 in StandardTableaux(Integer(3)))

>>> FF = F.tensor_square()
>>> all(FF(G[t].coproduct()) == F(G[t]).coproduct()
...     for t in StandardTableaux(Integer(4)))

There is a Hopf algebra map from \(FSym\) onto the Hopf algebra of symmetric functions, which maps a tableau \(t\) to the Schur function indexed by the shape of \(t\):

sage: TG = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3],[2,4],[5]])
sage: TG[t]
sage: TG[t].to_symmetric_function()
s[2, 2, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> TG = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)],[Integer(5)]])
>>> TG[t]
>>> TG[t].to_symmetric_function()
s[2, 2, 1]
class Fundamental(alg, graded=True)[source]

Bases: FSymBasis_abstract

The Hopf algebra of tableaux on the Fundamental basis.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TG = FSym.G()
sage: TG
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TG = FSym.G()
>>> TG
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis

Elements of the algebra look like:

sage: TG.an_element()
2*G[] + 2*G[1] + 3*G[12]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> TG.an_element()
2*G[] + 2*G[1] + 3*G[12]
class Element[source]

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement


Return the image of self under the natural inclusion map to \(FQSym\).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3],[2,4],[5]])
sage: G[t].to_fqsym()
G[2, 1, 5, 4, 3] + G[3, 1, 5, 4, 2] + G[3, 2, 5, 4, 1]
 + G[4, 1, 5, 3, 2] + G[4, 2, 5, 3, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)],[Integer(5)]])
>>> G[t].to_fqsym()
G[2, 1, 5, 4, 3] + G[3, 1, 5, 4, 2] + G[3, 2, 5, 4, 1]
 + G[4, 1, 5, 3, 2] + G[4, 2, 5, 3, 1]

Return the image of self under the natural projection map to \(Sym\).

The natural projection map \(FSym \to Sym\) sends each standard tableau \(t\) to the Schur function \(s_\lambda\), where \(\lambda\) is the shape of \(t\). This map is a surjective Hopf algebra homomorphism.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3],[2,4],[5]])
sage: G[t].to_symmetric_function()
s[2, 2, 1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)],[Integer(5)]])
>>> G[t].to_symmetric_function()
s[2, 2, 1]

Return the coproduct of the basis element indexed by t.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,2,5], [3,4]])
sage: G.coproduct_on_basis(t)
G[] # G[125|34] + G[1] # G[12|34] + G[1] # G[124|3]
 + G[1|2] # G[13|2] + G[12] # G[12|3] + G[12] # G[123]
 + G[12|34] # G[1] + G[123] # G[12] + G[125|34] # G[]
 + G[13|2] # G[1|2] + G[13|2] # G[12] + G[134|2] # G[1]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(5)], [Integer(3),Integer(4)]])
>>> G.coproduct_on_basis(t)
G[] # G[125|34] + G[1] # G[12|34] + G[1] # G[124|3]
 + G[1|2] # G[13|2] + G[12] # G[12|3] + G[12] # G[123]
 + G[12|34] # G[1] + G[123] # G[12] + G[125|34] # G[]
 + G[13|2] # G[1|2] + G[13|2] # G[12] + G[134|2] # G[1]

Return the dual basis to self.


sage: G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
sage: G.dual_basis()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> G = algebras.FSym(QQ).G()
>>> G.dual_basis()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis
product_on_basis(t1, t2)[source]

Return the product of basis elements indexed by t1 and t2.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: G = FSym.G()
sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1,2], [3]])
sage: t2 = StandardTableau([[1,2,3]])
sage: G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[12456|3] + G[1256|3|4] + G[1256|34] + G[126|35|4]

sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1],[2]])
sage: t2 = StandardTableau([[1,2]])
sage: G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[134|2] + G[14|2|3]

sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1,2],[3]])
sage: t2 = StandardTableau([[1],[2]])
sage: G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[12|3|4|5] + G[12|34|5] + G[124|3|5] + G[124|35]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> G = FSym.G()
>>> t1 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2)], [Integer(3)]])
>>> t2 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(3)]])
>>> G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[12456|3] + G[1256|3|4] + G[1256|34] + G[126|35|4]

>>> t1 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1)],[Integer(2)]])
>>> t2 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2)]])
>>> G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[134|2] + G[14|2|3]

>>> t1 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2)],[Integer(3)]])
>>> t2 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1)],[Integer(2)]])
>>> G.product_on_basis(t1, t2)
G[12|3|4|5] + G[12|34|5] + G[124|3|5] + G[124|35]

alias of Fundamental


Return a particular realization of self (the Fundamental basis).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: FSym.a_realization()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> FSym.a_realization()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis

Return the dual Hopf algebra of \(FSym\).


sage: algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
class sage.combinat.chas.fsym.FreeSymmetricFunctions_Dual(base_ring)[source]

Bases: UniqueRepresentation, Parent

The Hopf dual \(FSym^*\) of the free symmetric functions \(FSym\).

See FreeSymmetricFunctions for the definition of the latter.

Recall that the fundamental basis of \(FSym\) consists of the elements \(\mathcal{G}_t\) for \(t\) ranging over all standard tableaux. The dual basis of this is called the dual fundamental basis of \(FSym^*\), and is denoted by \((\mathcal{G}_t^*)\). The Hopf dual \(FSym^*\) is isomorphic to the Hopf algebra \((\ZZ T, \ast', \delta')\) from [PoiReu95]; the isomorphism sends a basis element \(\mathcal{G}_t^*\) to \(t\).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TF = FSym.dual().F()
sage: TF[1,2] * TF[[1],[2]]
F[12|3|4] + F[123|4] + F[124|3] + F[13|2|4] + F[134|2] + F[14|2|3]
sage: TF[[1,2],[3]].coproduct()
F[] # F[12|3] + F[1] # F[1|2] + F[12] # F[1] + F[12|3] # F[]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TF = FSym.dual().F()
>>> TF[Integer(1),Integer(2)] * TF[[Integer(1)],[Integer(2)]]
F[12|3|4] + F[123|4] + F[124|3] + F[13|2|4] + F[134|2] + F[14|2|3]
>>> TF[[Integer(1),Integer(2)],[Integer(3)]].coproduct()
F[] # F[12|3] + F[1] # F[1|2] + F[12] # F[1] + F[12|3] # F[]

The Hopf algebra \(FSym^*\) is a Hopf quotient of \(FQSym\); the canonical projection sends \(F_w\) (for a permutation \(w\)) to \(\mathcal{G}_{Q(w)}^*\), where \(Q(w)\) is the Q-tableau of \(w\). This projection is implemented as a coercion:

sage: FQSym = algebras.FQSym(QQ)
sage: F = FQSym.F()
sage: TF(F[[1, 3, 2]])
sage: TF(F[[5, 1, 4, 2, 3]])
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FQSym = algebras.FQSym(QQ)
>>> F = FQSym.F()
>>> TF(F[[Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(2)]])
>>> TF(F[[Integer(5), Integer(1), Integer(4), Integer(2), Integer(3)]])

alias of FundamentalDual

class FundamentalDual(alg, graded=True)[source]

Bases: FSymBasis_abstract

The dual to the Hopf algebra of tableaux, on the fundamental dual basis.


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TF = FSym.dual().F()
sage: TF
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TF = FSym.dual().F()
>>> TF
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis

Elements of the algebra look like:

sage: TF.an_element()
2*F[] + 2*F[1] + 3*F[12]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> TF.an_element()
2*F[] + 2*F[1] + 3*F[12]
class Element[source]

Bases: IndexedFreeModuleElement


Return the image of self under the canonical projection \(FSym^* \to QSym\) to the ring of quasi-symmetric functions.

This projection is the adjoint of the canonical injection \(NSym \to FSym\) (see to_fsym()). It sends each tableau \(t\) to the fundamental quasi-symmetric function \(F_\alpha\), where \(\alpha\) is the descent composition of \(t\).


sage: F = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual().F()
sage: F[[1,3,5],[2,4]].to_quasisymmetric_function()
F[1, 2, 2]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> F = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual().F()
>>> F[[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(5)],[Integer(2),Integer(4)]].to_quasisymmetric_function()
F[1, 2, 2]


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TF = FSym.dual().F()
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,2,5], [3,4]])
sage: TF.coproduct_on_basis(t)
F[] # F[125|34] + F[1] # F[134|2] + F[12] # F[123]
 + F[12|3] # F[12] + F[12|34] # F[1] + F[125|34] # F[]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TF = FSym.dual().F()
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2),Integer(5)], [Integer(3),Integer(4)]])
>>> TF.coproduct_on_basis(t)
F[] # F[125|34] + F[1] # F[134|2] + F[12] # F[123]
 + F[12|3] # F[12] + F[12|34] # F[1] + F[125|34] # F[]

Return the dual basis to self.


sage: F = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual().F()
sage: F.dual_basis()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> F = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual().F()
>>> F.dual_basis()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the Fundamental basis
product_on_basis(t1, t2)[source]


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
sage: TF = FSym.dual().F()
sage: t1 = StandardTableau([[1,2]])
sage: TF.product_on_basis(t1, t1)
F[12|34] + F[123|4] + F[1234] + F[124|3] + F[13|24] + F[134|2]
sage: t0 = StandardTableau([])
sage: TF.product_on_basis(t1, t0) == TF[t1] == TF.product_on_basis(t0, t1)
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ)
>>> TF = FSym.dual().F()
>>> t1 = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(2)]])
>>> TF.product_on_basis(t1, t1)
F[12|34] + F[123|4] + F[1234] + F[124|3] + F[13|24] + F[134|2]
>>> t0 = StandardTableau([])
>>> TF.product_on_basis(t1, t0) == TF[t1] == TF.product_on_basis(t0, t1)

Return a particular realization of self (the Fundamental dual basis).


sage: FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
sage: FSym.a_realization()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> FSym = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
>>> FSym.a_realization()
Dual Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
 in the FundamentalDual basis

Return the dual Hopf algebra of self, which is \(FSym\).


sage: D = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
sage: D.dual()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> D = algebras.FSym(QQ).dual()
>>> D.dual()
Hopf algebra of standard tableaux over the Rational Field

Return the ascent set of a standard tableau t (encoded as a sorted list).

The ascent set of a standard tableau \(t\) is defined as the set of all entries \(i\) of \(t\) such that the number \(i+1\) either appears to the right of \(i\) or appears in a row above \(i\) or does not appear in \(t\) at all.


sage: from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import ascent_set
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3,4,7],[2,5,6],[8]])
sage: ascent_set(t)
[2, 3, 5, 6, 8]
sage: ascent_set(StandardTableau([]))
sage: ascent_set(StandardTableau([[1, 2, 3]]))
[1, 2, 3]
sage: ascent_set(StandardTableau([[1, 2, 4], [3]]))
[1, 3, 4]
sage: ascent_set([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]])
[2, 4, 5]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import ascent_set
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(7)],[Integer(2),Integer(5),Integer(6)],[Integer(8)]])
>>> ascent_set(t)
[2, 3, 5, 6, 8]
>>> ascent_set(StandardTableau([]))
>>> ascent_set(StandardTableau([[Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)]]))
[1, 2, 3]
>>> ascent_set(StandardTableau([[Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(4)], [Integer(3)]]))
[1, 3, 4]
>>> ascent_set([[Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(5)], [Integer(2), Integer(4)]])
[2, 4, 5]

Return the descent composition of a standard tableau t.

This is the composition of the size of \(t\) whose partial sums are the elements of the descent set of t (see descent_set()).


sage: from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import descent_composition
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3,4,7],[2,5,6],[8]])
sage: descent_composition(t)
[1, 3, 3, 1]
sage: descent_composition([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]])
[1, 2, 2]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import descent_composition
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(7)],[Integer(2),Integer(5),Integer(6)],[Integer(8)]])
>>> descent_composition(t)
[1, 3, 3, 1]
>>> descent_composition([[Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(5)], [Integer(2), Integer(4)]])
[1, 2, 2]

Return the descent set of a standard tableau t (encoded as a sorted list).

The descent set of a standard tableau \(t\) is defined as the set of all entries \(i\) of \(t\) such that the number \(i+1\) appears in a row below \(i\) in \(t\).


sage: from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import descent_set
sage: t = StandardTableau([[1,3,4,7],[2,5,6],[8]])
sage: descent_set(t)
[1, 4, 7]
sage: descent_set(StandardTableau([]))
sage: descent_set(StandardTableau([[1, 2, 3]]))
sage: descent_set(StandardTableau([[1, 2, 4], [3]]))
sage: descent_set([[1, 3, 5], [2, 4]])
[1, 3]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import descent_set
>>> t = StandardTableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(4),Integer(7)],[Integer(2),Integer(5),Integer(6)],[Integer(8)]])
>>> descent_set(t)
[1, 4, 7]
>>> descent_set(StandardTableau([]))
>>> descent_set(StandardTableau([[Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)]]))
>>> descent_set(StandardTableau([[Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(4)], [Integer(3)]]))
>>> descent_set([[Integer(1), Integer(3), Integer(5)], [Integer(2), Integer(4)]])
[1, 3]

Return the standard tableau corresponding to a given semistandard tableau t with no repeated entries.


This is an optimized version of Tableau.standardization() for computations in \(FSym\) by using the assumption of no repeated entries in t.


sage: from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import standardize
sage: t = Tableau([[1,3,5,7],[2,4,8],[9]])
sage: standardize(t)
[[1, 3, 5, 6], [2, 4, 7], [8]]
sage: t = Tableau([[3,8,9,15],[5,10,12],[133]])
sage: standardize(t)
[[1, 3, 4, 7], [2, 5, 6], [8]]
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> from sage.combinat.chas.fsym import standardize
>>> t = Tableau([[Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(5),Integer(7)],[Integer(2),Integer(4),Integer(8)],[Integer(9)]])
>>> standardize(t)
[[1, 3, 5, 6], [2, 4, 7], [8]]
>>> t = Tableau([[Integer(3),Integer(8),Integer(9),Integer(15)],[Integer(5),Integer(10),Integer(12)],[Integer(133)]])
>>> standardize(t)
[[1, 3, 4, 7], [2, 5, 6], [8]]