Bijection classes for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\)#

Part of the (internal) classes which runs the bijection between rigged configurations and KR tableaux of type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).


  • Travis Scrimshaw (2011-04-15): Initial version

class sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted.KRTToRCBijectionTypeDTwisted(tp_krt)[source]#

Bases: KRTToRCBijectionTypeD, KRTToRCBijectionTypeA2Even

Specific implementation of the bijection from KR tableaux to rigged configurations for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).

This inherits from type \(C_n^{(1)}\) and \(D_n^{(1)}\) because we use the same methods in some places.


Build the next state for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).


Run the bijection from a tensor product of KR tableaux to a rigged configuration for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).


  • tp_krt – A tensor product of KR tableaux

  • verbose – (Default: False) Display each step in the bijection


sage: KRT = crystals.TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(['D', 4, 2], [[3,1]])
sage: from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted import KRTToRCBijectionTypeDTwisted
sage: KRTToRCBijectionTypeDTwisted(KRT(pathlist=[[-1,3,2]])).run()

-1[ ]-1

0[ ]0

1[ ]1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> KRT = crystals.TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(['D', Integer(4), Integer(2)], [[Integer(3),Integer(1)]])
>>> from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted import KRTToRCBijectionTypeDTwisted
>>> KRTToRCBijectionTypeDTwisted(KRT(pathlist=[[-Integer(1),Integer(3),Integer(2)]])).run()
-1[ ]-1
0[ ]0
1[ ]1
class sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted.RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted(RC_element)[source]#

Bases: RCToKRTBijectionTypeD, RCToKRTBijectionTypeA2Even

Specific implementation of the bijection from rigged configurations to tensor products of KR tableaux for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).


Build the next state for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).

run(verbose=False, build_graph=False)[source]#

Run the bijection from rigged configurations to tensor product of KR tableaux for type \(D_{n+1}^{(2)}\).


  • verbose – (default: False) display each step in the bijection

  • build_graph – (default: False) build the graph of each step of the bijection


sage: RC = RiggedConfigurations(['D', 4, 2], [[3, 1]])
sage: x = RC(partition_list=[[],[1],[1]])
sage: from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted import RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted
sage: RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted(x).run()
[[1], [3], [-2]]
sage: bij = RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted(x)
[[1], [3], [-2]]
sage: bij._graph
Digraph on 6 vertices
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> RC = RiggedConfigurations(['D', Integer(4), Integer(2)], [[Integer(3), Integer(1)]])
>>> x = RC(partition_list=[[],[Integer(1)],[Integer(1)]])
>>> from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_D_twisted import RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted
>>> RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted(x).run()
[[1], [3], [-2]]
>>> bij = RCToKRTBijectionTypeDTwisted(x)
[[1], [3], [-2]]
>>> bij._graph
Digraph on 6 vertices