Jack Symmetric Functions¶
Jack’s symmetric functions appear in [Ma1995] Chapter VI, section 10. Zonal polynomials are the subject of [Ma1995] Chapter VII. The parameter \(\alpha\) in that reference is the parameter \(t\) in this implementation in sage.
H. Jack, A class of symmetric functions with a parameter, Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh (A), 69, 1-18.
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.Jack(Sym, t)[source]¶
The family of Jack symmetric functions including the \(P\), \(Q\), \(J\), \(Qp\) bases. The default parameter is
– the family of Jack symmetric function basesSym
– a ring of symmetric functionst
– an optional parameter (default:'t'
sage: SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack() Jack polynomials over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field sage: SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(1) Jack polynomials with t=1 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack() Jack polynomials over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field >>> SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(Integer(1)) Jack polynomials with t=1 over Rational Field
- J()[source]¶
Return the algebra of Jack polynomials in the \(J\) basis.
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the \(J\) basis of the Jack symmetric functions
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JJ = Sym.jack().J(); JJ Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack J basis sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: Sym.jack(t=-1).J() Symmetric Functions over Rational Field in the Jack J with t=-1 basis
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JJ = Sym.jack().J(); JJ Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack J basis >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> Sym.jack(t=-Integer(1)).J() Symmetric Functions over Rational Field in the Jack J with t=-1 basis
At \(t = 1\), the Jack polynomials in the \(J\) basis are scalar multiples of the Schur functions with the scalar given by a Partition’s
method at 1:sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: JJ = Sym.jack(t=1).J() sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: p = Partition([3,2,1,1]) sage: s(JJ(p)) == p.hook_product(1)*s(p) # long time (4s on sage.math, 2012) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> JJ = Sym.jack(t=Integer(1)).J() >>> s = Sym.schur() >>> p = Partition([Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1),Integer(1)]) >>> s(JJ(p)) == p.hook_product(Integer(1))*s(p) # long time (4s on sage.math, 2012) True
At \(t = 2\), the Jack polynomials in the \(J\) basis are scalar multiples of the zonal polynomials with the scalar given by a Partition’s
method at 2.sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: JJ = Sym.jack(t=2).J() sage: Z = Sym.zonal() sage: p = Partition([2,2,1]) sage: Z(JJ(p)) == p.hook_product(2)*Z(p) True
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> JJ = Sym.jack(t=Integer(2)).J() >>> Z = Sym.zonal() >>> p = Partition([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)]) >>> Z(JJ(p)) == p.hook_product(Integer(2))*Z(p) True
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JJ = Sym.jack().J() sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JJ(sum(JP(p) for p in Partitions(3))) 1/6*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + (1/(t+2))*JackJ[2, 1] + (1/2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JJ = Sym.jack().J() >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JJ(sum(JP(p) for p in Partitions(Integer(3)))) 1/6*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + (1/(t+2))*JackJ[2, 1] + (1/2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[3]
sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: JJ(s([3])) # indirect doctest ((1/6*t^2-1/2*t+1/3)/(t^2+3*t+2))*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + ((t-1)/(t^2+5/2*t+1))*JackJ[2, 1] + (1/2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[3] sage: JJ(s([2,1])) ((1/3*t-1/3)/(t+2))*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + (1/(t+2))*JackJ[2, 1] sage: JJ(s([1,1,1])) 1/6*JackJ[1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> s = Sym.schur() >>> JJ(s([Integer(3)])) # indirect doctest ((1/6*t^2-1/2*t+1/3)/(t^2+3*t+2))*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + ((t-1)/(t^2+5/2*t+1))*JackJ[2, 1] + (1/2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[3] >>> JJ(s([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) ((1/3*t-1/3)/(t+2))*JackJ[1, 1, 1] + (1/(t+2))*JackJ[2, 1] >>> JJ(s([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])) 1/6*JackJ[1, 1, 1]
- P()[source]¶
Return the algebra of Jack polynomials in the \(P\) basis.
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the \(P\) basis of the Jack symmetric functions
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JP = Sym.jack().P(); JP Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack P basis sage: Sym.jack(t=-1).P() Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack P with t=-1 basis
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JP = Sym.jack().P(); JP Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack P basis >>> Sym.jack(t=-Integer(1)).P() Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack P with t=-1 basis
At \(t = 1\), the Jack polynomials in the \(P\) basis are the Schur symmetric functions.
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: JP = Sym.jack(t=1).P() sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: s(JP([2,2,1])) s[2, 2, 1] sage: JP(s([2,2,1])) JackP[2, 2, 1] sage: JP([2,1])^2 JackP[2, 2, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 2, 2] + JackP[3, 1, 1, 1] + 2*JackP[3, 2, 1] + JackP[3, 3] + JackP[4, 1, 1] + JackP[4, 2]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> JP = Sym.jack(t=Integer(1)).P() >>> s = Sym.schur() >>> s(JP([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)])) s[2, 2, 1] >>> JP(s([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)])) JackP[2, 2, 1] >>> JP([Integer(2),Integer(1)])**Integer(2) JackP[2, 2, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 2, 2] + JackP[3, 1, 1, 1] + 2*JackP[3, 2, 1] + JackP[3, 3] + JackP[4, 1, 1] + JackP[4, 2]
At \(t = 2\), the Jack polynomials in the \(P\) basis are the zonal polynomials.
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: JP = Sym.jack(t=2).P() sage: Z = Sym.zonal() sage: Z(JP([2,2,1])) Z[2, 2, 1] sage: JP(Z[2, 2, 1]) JackP[2, 2, 1] sage: JP([2])^2 64/45*JackP[2, 2] + 16/21*JackP[3, 1] + JackP[4] sage: Z([2])^2 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> JP = Sym.jack(t=Integer(2)).P() >>> Z = Sym.zonal() >>> Z(JP([Integer(2),Integer(2),Integer(1)])) Z[2, 2, 1] >>> JP(Z[Integer(2), Integer(2), Integer(1)]) JackP[2, 2, 1] >>> JP([Integer(2)])**Integer(2) 64/45*JackP[2, 2] + 16/21*JackP[3, 1] + JackP[4] >>> Z([Integer(2)])**Integer(2) 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4]
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['a','b'].fraction_field()) sage: (a,b) = Sym.base_ring().gens() sage: Jacka = Sym.jack(t=a) sage: Jackb = Sym.jack(t=b) sage: m = Sym.monomial() sage: JPa = Jacka.P() sage: JPb = Jackb.P() sage: m(JPa[2,1]) (6/(a+2))*m[1, 1, 1] + m[2, 1] sage: m(JPb[2,1]) (6/(b+2))*m[1, 1, 1] + m[2, 1] sage: m(a*JPb([2,1]) + b*JPa([2,1])) ((6*a^2+6*b^2+12*a+12*b)/(a*b+2*a+2*b+4))*m[1, 1, 1] + (a+b)*m[2, 1] sage: JPa(JPb([2,1])) ((6*a-6*b)/(a*b+2*a+2*b+4))*JackP[1, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['a','b'].fraction_field()) >>> (a,b) = Sym.base_ring().gens() >>> Jacka = Sym.jack(t=a) >>> Jackb = Sym.jack(t=b) >>> m = Sym.monomial() >>> JPa = Jacka.P() >>> JPb = Jackb.P() >>> m(JPa[Integer(2),Integer(1)]) (6/(a+2))*m[1, 1, 1] + m[2, 1] >>> m(JPb[Integer(2),Integer(1)]) (6/(b+2))*m[1, 1, 1] + m[2, 1] >>> m(a*JPb([Integer(2),Integer(1)]) + b*JPa([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) ((6*a^2+6*b^2+12*a+12*b)/(a*b+2*a+2*b+4))*m[1, 1, 1] + (a+b)*m[2, 1] >>> JPa(JPb([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) ((6*a-6*b)/(a*b+2*a+2*b+4))*JackP[1, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 1]
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JQ = Sym.jack().Q() sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JJ = Sym.jack().J()
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JQ = Sym.jack().Q() >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JJ = Sym.jack().J()
sage: JP(JQ([2,1])) ((1/2*t+1)/(t^3+1/2*t^2))*JackP[2, 1] sage: JP(JQ([3])) ((1/3*t^2+1/2*t+1/6)/t^3)*JackP[3] sage: JP(JQ([1,1,1])) (6/(t^3+3*t^2+2*t))*JackP[1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP(JQ([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) ((1/2*t+1)/(t^3+1/2*t^2))*JackP[2, 1] >>> JP(JQ([Integer(3)])) ((1/3*t^2+1/2*t+1/6)/t^3)*JackP[3] >>> JP(JQ([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])) (6/(t^3+3*t^2+2*t))*JackP[1, 1, 1]
sage: JP(JJ([3])) (2*t^2+3*t+1)*JackP[3] sage: JP(JJ([2,1])) (t+2)*JackP[2, 1] sage: JP(JJ([1,1,1])) 6*JackP[1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP(JJ([Integer(3)])) (2*t^2+3*t+1)*JackP[3] >>> JP(JJ([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) (t+2)*JackP[2, 1] >>> JP(JJ([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])) 6*JackP[1, 1, 1]
sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: JP(s([2,1])) ((2*t-2)/(t+2))*JackP[1, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 1] sage: s(_) s[2, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> s = Sym.schur() >>> JP(s([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) ((2*t-2)/(t+2))*JackP[1, 1, 1] + JackP[2, 1] >>> s(_) s[2, 1]
- Q()[source]¶
Return the algebra of Jack polynomials in the \(Q\) basis.
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the \(Q\) basis of the Jack symmetric functions
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JQ = Sym.jack().Q(); JQ Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack Q basis sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: Sym.jack(t=-1).Q() Symmetric Functions over Rational Field in the Jack Q with t=-1 basis
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JQ = Sym.jack().Q(); JQ Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack Q basis >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> Sym.jack(t=-Integer(1)).Q() Symmetric Functions over Rational Field in the Jack Q with t=-1 basis
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JQ = Sym.jack().Q() sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JQ(sum(JP(p) for p in Partitions(3))) (1/6*t^3+1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3+t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] + (3*t^3/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackQ[3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JQ = Sym.jack().Q() >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JQ(sum(JP(p) for p in Partitions(Integer(3)))) (1/6*t^3+1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3+t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] + (3*t^3/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackQ[3]
sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: JQ(s([3])) # indirect doctest (1/6*t^3-1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3-2*t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] + (3*t^3/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackQ[3] sage: JQ(s([2,1])) (1/3*t^3-1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3+t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] sage: JQ(s([1,1,1])) (1/6*t^3+1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> s = Sym.schur() >>> JQ(s([Integer(3)])) # indirect doctest (1/6*t^3-1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3-2*t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] + (3*t^3/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackQ[3] >>> JQ(s([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) (1/3*t^3-1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1] + ((2*t^3+t^2)/(t+2))*JackQ[2, 1] >>> JQ(s([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])) (1/6*t^3+1/2*t^2+1/3*t)*JackQ[1, 1, 1]
- Qp()[source]¶
Return the algebra of Jack polynomials in the \(Qp\), which is dual to the \(P\) basis with respect to the standard scalar product.
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the \(Q'\) basis of the Jack symmetric functions
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JQp = Sym.jack().Qp(); JQp Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack Qp basis sage: a = JQp([2]) sage: a.scalar(JP([2])) 1 sage: a.scalar(JP([1,1])) 0 sage: JP(JQp([2])) # todo: missing auto normalization ((t-1)/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] sage: JP._normalize(JP(JQp([2]))) ((t-1)/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JQp = Sym.jack().Qp(); JQp Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field in the Jack Qp basis >>> a = JQp([Integer(2)]) >>> a.scalar(JP([Integer(2)])) 1 >>> a.scalar(JP([Integer(1),Integer(1)])) 0 >>> JP(JQp([Integer(2)])) # todo: missing auto normalization ((t-1)/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] >>> JP._normalize(JP(JQp([Integer(2)]))) ((t-1)/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2]
- base_ring()[source]¶
Return the base ring of the symmetric functions in which the Jack symmetric functions live.
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the base ring of the symmetric functions ring of
sage: J2 = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=2) sage: J2.base_ring() Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> J2 = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=Integer(2)) >>> J2.base_ring() Rational Field
- symmetric_function_ring()[source]¶
Return the base ring of the symmetric functions of the Jack symmetric function bases
– the family of Jack symmetric function bases
OUTPUT: the symmetric functions ring of
sage: Jacks = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack() sage: Jacks.symmetric_function_ring() Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Jacks = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack() >>> Jacks.symmetric_function_ring() Symmetric Functions over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.JackPolynomials_generic(jack)[source]¶
A class of methods which are common to all Jack bases of the symmetric functions.
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionsjack
– a family of Jack symmetric function bases
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JP = Sym.jack().P(); JP.base_ring() Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: JP = Sym.jack(t=2).P(); JP.base_ring() Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JP = Sym.jack().P(); JP.base_ring() Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> JP = Sym.jack(t=Integer(2)).P(); JP.base_ring() Rational Field
- class Element[source]¶
- scalar_jack(x, t=None)[source]¶
A scalar product where the power sums are orthogonal and \(\langle p_\mu, p_\mu \rangle = z_\mu t^{length(\mu)}\)
– an element of a Jack basis of the symmetric functionsx
– an element of the symmetric functionst
– an optional parameter (default:None
; uses the parameter from the basis)
OUTPUT: the Jack scalar product between
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JQ = Sym.jack().Q() sage: p = Partitions(3).list() sage: matrix([[JP(a).scalar_jack(JQ(b)) for a in p] for b in p]) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JQ = Sym.jack().Q() >>> p = Partitions(Integer(3)).list() >>> matrix([[JP(a).scalar_jack(JQ(b)) for a in p] for b in p]) [1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1]
- c1(part)[source]¶
Return the \(t\)-Jack scalar product between
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionspart
– a partitiont
– an optional parameter (default: uses the parameter \(t\) from the Jack basis)
a polynomial in the parameter
which is equal to the scalar product ofJ(part)
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: JP.c1(Partition([2,1])) t + 2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> JP.c1(Partition([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) t + 2
- c2(part)[source]¶
Return the \(t\)-Jack scalar product between
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionspart
– a partitiont
– an optional parameter (default: uses the parameter \(t\) from theJack basis)
a polynomial in the parameter
which is equal to the scalar product ofJ(part)
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: JP.c2(Partition([2,1])) 2*t^3 + t^2
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> JP.c2(Partition([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) 2*t^3 + t^2
- construction()[source]¶
Return a pair
(F, R)
, whereF
is aSymmetricFunctionsFunctor
and \(R\) is a ring, such thatF(R)
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) sage: JP = Sym.jack().P() sage: JP.construction() (SymmetricFunctionsFunctor[Jack P], Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])) >>> JP = Sym.jack().P() >>> JP.construction() (SymmetricFunctionsFunctor[Jack P], Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field)
- coproduct_by_coercion(elt)[source]¶
Return the coproduct of the element
by coercion to the Schur basis.INPUT:
– a Jack symmetric function basiselt
– an instance of this basis
The coproduct acting on
, the result is an element of the tensor squared of the Jack symmetric function basis
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t'].fraction_field()) sage: Sym.jack().P()[2,2].coproduct() #indirect doctest JackP[] # JackP[2, 2] + (2/(t+1))*JackP[1] # JackP[2, 1] + ((8*t+4)/(t^3+4*t^2+5*t+2))*JackP[1, 1] # JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] # JackP[2] + (2/(t+1))*JackP[2, 1] # JackP[1] + JackP[2, 2] # JackP[]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t'].fraction_field()) >>> Sym.jack().P()[Integer(2),Integer(2)].coproduct() #indirect doctest JackP[] # JackP[2, 2] + (2/(t+1))*JackP[1] # JackP[2, 1] + ((8*t+4)/(t^3+4*t^2+5*t+2))*JackP[1, 1] # JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] # JackP[2] + (2/(t+1))*JackP[2, 1] # JackP[1] + JackP[2, 2] # JackP[]
- jack_family()[source]¶
Return the family of Jack bases associated to the basis
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functions
sage: JackP = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=2).P() sage: JackP.jack_family() Jack polynomials with t=2 over Rational Field
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JackP = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=Integer(2)).P() >>> JackP.jack_family() Jack polynomials with t=2 over Rational Field
- product(left, right)[source]¶
The product of two Jack symmetric functions is done by multiplying the elements in the \(P\) basis and then expressing the elements in the basis
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionsleft
– symmetric function elements
OUTPUT: the product of
expanded in the basisself
sage: JJ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() sage: JJ([1])^2 # indirect doctest (t/(t+1))*JackJ[1, 1] + (1/(t+1))*JackJ[2] sage: JJ([2])^2 (t^2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[2, 2] + (4/3*t/(t^2+4/3*t+1/3))*JackJ[3, 1] + ((1/6*t+1/6)/(t^2+5/6*t+1/6))*JackJ[4] sage: JQ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Q() sage: JQ([1])^2 # indirect doctest JackQ[1, 1] + (2/(t+1))*JackQ[2] sage: JQ([2])^2 JackQ[2, 2] + (2/(t+1))*JackQ[3, 1] + ((t+1)/(t^2+5/6*t+1/6))*JackQ[4]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JJ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() >>> JJ([Integer(1)])**Integer(2) # indirect doctest (t/(t+1))*JackJ[1, 1] + (1/(t+1))*JackJ[2] >>> JJ([Integer(2)])**Integer(2) (t^2/(t^2+3/2*t+1/2))*JackJ[2, 2] + (4/3*t/(t^2+4/3*t+1/3))*JackJ[3, 1] + ((1/6*t+1/6)/(t^2+5/6*t+1/6))*JackJ[4] >>> JQ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Q() >>> JQ([Integer(1)])**Integer(2) # indirect doctest JackQ[1, 1] + (2/(t+1))*JackQ[2] >>> JQ([Integer(2)])**Integer(2) JackQ[2, 2] + (2/(t+1))*JackQ[3, 1] + ((t+1)/(t^2+5/6*t+1/6))*JackQ[4]
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.JackPolynomials_j(jack)[source]¶
The \(J\) basis is a defined as a normalized form of the \(P\) basis.
– an instance of the Jack \(P\) basis of the symmetric functionsjack
– a family of Jack symmetric function bases
sage: J = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() sage: TestSuite(J).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive sage: TestSuite(J).run(elements = [J.t*J[1,1]+J[2], J[1]+(1+J.t)*J[1,1]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> J = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() >>> TestSuite(J).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive >>> TestSuite(J).run(elements = [J.t*J[Integer(1),Integer(1)]+J[Integer(2)], J[Integer(1)]+(Integer(1)+J.t)*J[Integer(1),Integer(1)]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.JackPolynomials_p(jack)[source]¶
The \(P\) basis is uni-triangularly related to the monomial basis and orthogonal with respect to the Jack scalar product.
– an instance of the Jack \(P\) basis of the symmetric functionsjack
– a family of Jack symmetric function bases
sage: P = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: TestSuite(P).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive sage: TestSuite(P).run(elements = [P.t*P[1,1]+P[2], P[1]+(1+P.t)*P[1,1]])
>>> from sage.all import * >>> P = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> TestSuite(P).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive >>> TestSuite(P).run(elements = [P.t*P[Integer(1),Integer(1)]+P[Integer(2)], P[Integer(1)]+(Integer(1)+P.t)*P[Integer(1),Integer(1)]])
- class Element[source]¶
- scalar_jack(x, t=None)[source]¶
The scalar product on the symmetric functions where the power sums are orthogonal and \(\langle p_\mu, p_\mu \rangle = z_\mu t^{length(mu)}\) where the t parameter from the Jack symmetric function family.
– an element of the Jack \(P\) basisx
– an element of the \(P\) basis
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: l = [JP(p) for p in Partitions(3)] sage: matrix([[a.scalar_jack(b) for a in l] for b in l]) [3*t^3/(t^2 + 3/2*t + 1/2) 0 0] [ 0 (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2) 0] [ 0 0 1/6*t^3 + 1/2*t^2 + 1/3*t]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> l = [JP(p) for p in Partitions(Integer(3))] >>> matrix([[a.scalar_jack(b) for a in l] for b in l]) [3*t^3/(t^2 + 3/2*t + 1/2) 0 0] [ 0 (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2) 0] [ 0 0 1/6*t^3 + 1/2*t^2 + 1/3*t]
- product(left, right)[source]¶
The product of two Jack symmetric functions is done by multiplying the elements in the monomial basis and then expressing the elements the basis
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionsleft
– symmetric function elements
OUTPUT: the product of
expanded in the basisself
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: m = JP.symmetric_function_ring().m() sage: JP([1])^2 # indirect doctest (2*t/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] sage: m(_) 2*m[1, 1] + m[2] sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=2).P() sage: JP([2,1])^2 125/63*JackP[2, 2, 1, 1] + 25/12*JackP[2, 2, 2] + 25/18*JackP[3, 1, 1, 1] + 12/5*JackP[3, 2, 1] + 4/3*JackP[3, 3] + 4/3*JackP[4, 1, 1] + JackP[4, 2] sage: m(_) 45*m[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] + 51/2*m[2, 1, 1, 1, 1] + 29/2*m[2, 2, 1, 1] + 33/4*m[2, 2, 2] + 9*m[3, 1, 1, 1] + 5*m[3, 2, 1] + 2*m[3, 3] + 2*m[4, 1, 1] + m[4, 2]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> m = JP.symmetric_function_ring().m() >>> JP([Integer(1)])**Integer(2) # indirect doctest (2*t/(t+1))*JackP[1, 1] + JackP[2] >>> m(_) 2*m[1, 1] + m[2] >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=Integer(2)).P() >>> JP([Integer(2),Integer(1)])**Integer(2) 125/63*JackP[2, 2, 1, 1] + 25/12*JackP[2, 2, 2] + 25/18*JackP[3, 1, 1, 1] + 12/5*JackP[3, 2, 1] + 4/3*JackP[3, 3] + 4/3*JackP[4, 1, 1] + JackP[4, 2] >>> m(_) 45*m[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] + 51/2*m[2, 1, 1, 1, 1] + 29/2*m[2, 2, 1, 1] + 33/4*m[2, 2, 2] + 9*m[3, 1, 1, 1] + 5*m[3, 2, 1] + 2*m[3, 3] + 2*m[4, 1, 1] + m[4, 2]
- scalar_jack_basis(part1, part2=None)[source]¶
Return the scalar product of \(P(part1)\) and \(P(part2)\).
This is equation (10.16) of [Mc1995] on page 380.
– an instance of the Jack \(P\) basis of the symmetric functionspart1
– a partitionpart2
– an optional partition (default:None
the scalar product between \(P(part1)\) and \(P(part2)\) (or itself if \(part2\) is None)
[Mc1995]I. G. Macdonald, Symmetric functions and Hall polynomials, second ed., The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995, With contributions by A. Zelevinsky, Oxford Science Publications.
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: JJ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() sage: JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([2,1]), Partition([1,1,1])) 0 sage: JP._normalize_coefficients(JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([3,2,1]), Partition([3,2,1]))) (6*t^6 + 10*t^5 + 11/2*t^4 + t^3)/(t^3 + 11/2*t^2 + 10*t + 6) sage: JJ(JP[3,2,1]).scalar_jack(JP[3,2,1]) (6*t^6 + 10*t^5 + 11/2*t^4 + t^3)/(t^3 + 11/2*t^2 + 10*t + 6)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> JJ = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().J() >>> JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([Integer(2),Integer(1)]), Partition([Integer(1),Integer(1),Integer(1)])) 0 >>> JP._normalize_coefficients(JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)]), Partition([Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)]))) (6*t^6 + 10*t^5 + 11/2*t^4 + t^3)/(t^3 + 11/2*t^2 + 10*t + 6) >>> JJ(JP[Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)]).scalar_jack(JP[Integer(3),Integer(2),Integer(1)]) (6*t^6 + 10*t^5 + 11/2*t^4 + t^3)/(t^3 + 11/2*t^2 + 10*t + 6)
With a single argument, takes \(part2 = part1\):
sage: JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([2,1]), Partition([2,1])) (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2) sage: JJ(JP[2,1]).scalar_jack(JP[2,1]) (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP.scalar_jack_basis(Partition([Integer(2),Integer(1)]), Partition([Integer(2),Integer(1)])) (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2) >>> JJ(JP[Integer(2),Integer(1)]).scalar_jack(JP[Integer(2),Integer(1)]) (2*t^3 + t^2)/(t + 2)
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.JackPolynomials_q(jack)[source]¶
The \(Q\) basis is defined as a normalized form of the \(P\) basis.
– an instance of the Jack \(Q\) basis of the symmetric functionsjack
– a family of Jack symmetric function bases
sage: Q = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Q() sage: TestSuite(Q).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive sage: TestSuite(Q).run(elements = [Q.t*Q[1,1]+Q[2], Q[1]+(1+Q.t)*Q[1,1]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Q = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Q() >>> TestSuite(Q).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive >>> TestSuite(Q).run(elements = [Q.t*Q[Integer(1),Integer(1)]+Q[Integer(2)], Q[Integer(1)]+(Integer(1)+Q.t)*Q[Integer(1),Integer(1)]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.JackPolynomials_qp(jack)[source]¶
The \(Qp\) basis is the dual basis to the \(P\) basis with respect to the standard scalar product
– an instance of the Jack \(Qp\) basis of the symmetric functionsjack
– a family of Jack symmetric function bases
sage: Qp = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Qp() sage: TestSuite(Qp).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive sage: TestSuite(Qp).run(elements = [Qp.t*Qp[1,1]+Qp[2], Qp[1]+(1+Qp.t)*Qp[1,1]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Qp = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Qp() >>> TestSuite(Qp).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive >>> TestSuite(Qp).run(elements = [Qp.t*Qp[Integer(1),Integer(1)]+Qp[Integer(2)], Qp[Integer(1)]+(Integer(1)+Qp.t)*Qp[Integer(1),Integer(1)]]) # long time (3s on sage.math, 2012)
- coproduct_by_coercion(elt)[source]¶
Return the coproduct of the element
by coercion to the Schur basis.INPUT:
– an instance of theQp
The coproduct acting on
, the result is an element of the tensor squared of theQp
symmetric function basis
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t'].fraction_field()) sage: JQp = Sym.jack().Qp() sage: JQp[2,2].coproduct() #indirect doctest JackQp[] # JackQp[2, 2] + (2*t/(t+1))*JackQp[1] # JackQp[2, 1] + JackQp[1, 1] # JackQp[1, 1] + ((2*t^3+4*t^2)/(t^3+5/2*t^2+2*t+1/2))*JackQp[2] # JackQp[2] + (2*t/(t+1))*JackQp[2, 1] # JackQp[1] + JackQp[2, 2] # JackQp[]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t'].fraction_field()) >>> JQp = Sym.jack().Qp() >>> JQp[Integer(2),Integer(2)].coproduct() #indirect doctest JackQp[] # JackQp[2, 2] + (2*t/(t+1))*JackQp[1] # JackQp[2, 1] + JackQp[1, 1] # JackQp[1, 1] + ((2*t^3+4*t^2)/(t^3+5/2*t^2+2*t+1/2))*JackQp[2] # JackQp[2] + (2*t/(t+1))*JackQp[2, 1] # JackQp[1] + JackQp[2, 2] # JackQp[]
- product(left, right)[source]¶
The product of two Jack symmetric functions is done by multiplying the elements in the monomial basis and then expressing the elements the basis
– an instance of the Jack \(Qp\) basis of the symmetric functionsleft
– symmetric function elements
OUTPUT: the product of
expanded in the basisself
sage: JQp = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Qp() sage: h = JQp.symmetric_function_ring().h() sage: JQp([1])^2 # indirect doctest JackQp[1, 1] + (2/(t+1))*JackQp[2] sage: h(_) h[1, 1] sage: JQp = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=2).Qp() sage: h = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).h() sage: JQp([2,1])^2 JackQp[2, 2, 1, 1] + 2/3*JackQp[2, 2, 2] + 2/3*JackQp[3, 1, 1, 1] + 48/35*JackQp[3, 2, 1] + 28/75*JackQp[3, 3] + 128/225*JackQp[4, 1, 1] + 28/75*JackQp[4, 2] sage: h(_) h[2, 2, 1, 1] - 6/5*h[3, 2, 1] + 9/25*h[3, 3]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JQp = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().Qp() >>> h = JQp.symmetric_function_ring().h() >>> JQp([Integer(1)])**Integer(2) # indirect doctest JackQp[1, 1] + (2/(t+1))*JackQp[2] >>> h(_) h[1, 1] >>> JQp = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).jack(t=Integer(2)).Qp() >>> h = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).h() >>> JQp([Integer(2),Integer(1)])**Integer(2) JackQp[2, 2, 1, 1] + 2/3*JackQp[2, 2, 2] + 2/3*JackQp[3, 1, 1, 1] + 48/35*JackQp[3, 2, 1] + 28/75*JackQp[3, 3] + 128/225*JackQp[4, 1, 1] + 28/75*JackQp[4, 2] >>> h(_) h[2, 2, 1, 1] - 6/5*h[3, 2, 1] + 9/25*h[3, 3]
- class sage.combinat.sf.jack.SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_zonal(Sym)[source]¶
Return the algebra of zonal polynomials.
– a zonal basis of the symmetric functionsSym
– a ring of the symmetric functions
sage: Z = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).zonal() sage: Z([2])^2 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4] sage: Z = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).zonal() sage: TestSuite(Z).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive sage: TestSuite(Z).run(elements = [Z[1,1]+Z[2], Z[1]+2*Z[1,1]])
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Z = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).zonal() >>> Z([Integer(2)])**Integer(2) 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4] >>> Z = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).zonal() >>> TestSuite(Z).run(skip=['_test_associativity', '_test_distributivity', '_test_prod']) # products are too expensive >>> TestSuite(Z).run(elements = [Z[Integer(1),Integer(1)]+Z[Integer(2)], Z[Integer(1)]+Integer(2)*Z[Integer(1),Integer(1)]])
- class Element[source]¶
- scalar_zonal(x)[source]¶
The zonal scalar product has the power sum basis and the zonal symmetric functions are orthogonal. In particular, \(\langle p_\mu, p_\mu \rangle = z_\mu 2^{length(\mu)}\).
– an element of the zonal basisx
– an element of the symmetric function
OUTPUT: the scalar product between
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: Z = Sym.zonal() sage: parts = Partitions(3).list() sage: matrix([[Z(a).scalar_zonal(Z(b)) for a in parts] for b in parts]) [16/5 0 0] [ 0 5 0] [ 0 0 4] sage: p = Z.symmetric_function_ring().power() sage: matrix([[Z(p(a)).scalar_zonal(p(b)) for a in parts] for b in parts]) [ 6 0 0] [ 0 8 0] [ 0 0 48]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> Z = Sym.zonal() >>> parts = Partitions(Integer(3)).list() >>> matrix([[Z(a).scalar_zonal(Z(b)) for a in parts] for b in parts]) [16/5 0 0] [ 0 5 0] [ 0 0 4] >>> p = Z.symmetric_function_ring().power() >>> matrix([[Z(p(a)).scalar_zonal(p(b)) for a in parts] for b in parts]) [ 6 0 0] [ 0 8 0] [ 0 0 48]
- product(left, right)[source]¶
The product of two zonal symmetric functions is done by multiplying the elements in the monomial basis and then expressing the elements in the basis
– a zonal basis of the symmetric functionsleft
– symmetric function elements
OUTPUT: the product of
expanded in the basisself
sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) sage: Z = Sym.zonal() sage: JP = Sym.jack(t=1).P() sage: Z([2])*Z([3]) # indirect doctest 192/175*Z[3, 2] + 32/45*Z[4, 1] + Z[5] sage: Z([2])*JP([2]) 10/27*Z[2, 1, 1] + 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 23/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4] sage: JP = Sym.jack(t=2).P() sage: Z([2])*JP([2]) 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ) >>> Z = Sym.zonal() >>> JP = Sym.jack(t=Integer(1)).P() >>> Z([Integer(2)])*Z([Integer(3)]) # indirect doctest 192/175*Z[3, 2] + 32/45*Z[4, 1] + Z[5] >>> Z([Integer(2)])*JP([Integer(2)]) 10/27*Z[2, 1, 1] + 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 23/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4] >>> JP = Sym.jack(t=Integer(2)).P() >>> Z([Integer(2)])*JP([Integer(2)]) 64/45*Z[2, 2] + 16/21*Z[3, 1] + Z[4]
- sage.combinat.sf.jack.c1(part, t)[source]¶
Return the \(t\)-Jack scalar product between
– a partitiont
– an optional parameter (default: uses the parameter \(t\) from the Jack basis)
a polynomial in the parameter
which is equal to the scalar product ofJ(part)
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.jack import c1 sage: t = QQ['t'].gen() sage: [c1(p,t) for p in Partitions(3)] [2*t^2 + 3*t + 1, t + 2, 6]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.combinat.sf.jack import c1 >>> t = QQ['t'].gen() >>> [c1(p,t) for p in Partitions(Integer(3))] [2*t^2 + 3*t + 1, t + 2, 6]
- sage.combinat.sf.jack.c2(part, t)[source]¶
Return the t-Jack scalar product between
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionspart
– a partitiont
– an optional parameter (default: uses the parameter \(t\) from the Jack basis)
a polynomial in the parameter
which is equal to the scalar product ofJ(part)
sage: from sage.combinat.sf.jack import c2 sage: t = QQ['t'].gen() sage: [c2(p,t) for p in Partitions(3)] [6*t^3, 2*t^3 + t^2, t^3 + 3*t^2 + 2*t]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> from sage.combinat.sf.jack import c2 >>> t = QQ['t'].gen() >>> [c2(p,t) for p in Partitions(Integer(3))] [6*t^3, 2*t^3 + t^2, t^3 + 3*t^2 + 2*t]
- sage.combinat.sf.jack.normalize_coefficients(self, c)[source]¶
If our coefficient ring is the field of fractions over a univariate polynomial ring over the rationals, then we should clear both the numerator and denominator of the denominators of their coefficients.
– a Jack basis of the symmetric functionsc
– a coefficient in the base ring ofself
OUTPUT: divide numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor
sage: JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() sage: t = JP.base_ring().gen() sage: a = 2/(1/2*t+1/2) sage: JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 4/(t + 1) sage: a = 1/(1/3+1/6*t) sage: JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 6/(t + 2) sage: a = 24/(4*t^2 + 12*t + 8) sage: JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 6/(t^2 + 3*t + 2)
>>> from sage.all import * >>> JP = SymmetricFunctions(FractionField(QQ['t'])).jack().P() >>> t = JP.base_ring().gen() >>> a = Integer(2)/(Integer(1)/Integer(2)*t+Integer(1)/Integer(2)) >>> JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 4/(t + 1) >>> a = Integer(1)/(Integer(1)/Integer(3)+Integer(1)/Integer(6)*t) >>> JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 6/(t + 2) >>> a = Integer(24)/(Integer(4)*t**Integer(2) + Integer(12)*t + Integer(8)) >>> JP._normalize_coefficients(a) 6/(t^2 + 3*t + 2)
- sage.combinat.sf.jack.part_scalar_jack(part1, part2, t)[source]¶
Return the Jack scalar product between
where \(p\) is the power-sum basis.INPUT:
– two partitionst
– a parameter
OUTPUT: the scalar product between the power sum indexed by
sage: Q.<t> = QQ[] sage: from sage.combinat.sf.jack import part_scalar_jack sage: matrix([[part_scalar_jack(p1,p2,t) for p1 in Partitions(4)] for p2 in Partitions(4)]) [ 4*t 0 0 0 0] [ 0 3*t^2 0 0 0] [ 0 0 8*t^2 0 0] [ 0 0 0 4*t^3 0] [ 0 0 0 0 24*t^4]
>>> from sage.all import * >>> Q = QQ['t']; (t,) = Q._first_ngens(1) >>> from sage.combinat.sf.jack import part_scalar_jack >>> matrix([[part_scalar_jack(p1,p2,t) for p1 in Partitions(Integer(4))] for p2 in Partitions(Integer(4))]) [ 4*t 0 0 0 0] [ 0 3*t^2 0 0 0] [ 0 0 8*t^2 0 0] [ 0 0 0 4*t^3 0] [ 0 0 0 0 24*t^4]