Abstract classes for the rigged configuration bijections#

This file contains two sets of classes, one for the bijection from KR tableaux to rigged configurations and the other for the reverse bijection. We do this for two reasons, one is because we can store a state in the bijection locally, so we do not have to constantly pass it around between functions. The other is because it makes the code easier to read in the *_element.py files.

These classes are not meant to be used by the user and are only supposed to be used internally to perform the bijections between TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux and RiggedConfigurations.


  • Travis Scrimshaw (2011-04-15): Initial version

class sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_abstract_class.KRTToRCBijectionAbstract(tp_krt)[source]#

Bases: object

Root abstract class for the bijection from KR tableaux to rigged configurations.

This class holds the state of the bijection and generates the next state. This class should never be created directly.


Build the next state in the bijection.


  • val – The value we are adding


Run the bijection from a tensor product of KR tableaux to a rigged configuration.


  • tp_krt – A tensor product of KR tableaux

  • verbose – (Default: False) Display each step in the bijection


sage: KRT = crystals.TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(['A', 4, 1], [[2, 1]])
sage: from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_A import KRTToRCBijectionTypeA
sage: KRTToRCBijectionTypeA(KRT(pathlist=[[5,2]])).run()

-1[ ]-1

1[ ]1

0[ ]0

-1[ ]-1
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> KRT = crystals.TensorProductOfKirillovReshetikhinTableaux(['A', Integer(4), Integer(1)], [[Integer(2), Integer(1)]])
>>> from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_A import KRTToRCBijectionTypeA
>>> KRTToRCBijectionTypeA(KRT(pathlist=[[Integer(5),Integer(2)]])).run()
-1[ ]-1
1[ ]1
0[ ]0
-1[ ]-1
class sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_abstract_class.RCToKRTBijectionAbstract(RC_element)[source]#

Bases: object

Root abstract class for the bijection from rigged configurations to tensor product of Kirillov-Reshetikhin tableaux.

This class holds the state of the bijection and generates the next state. This class should never be created directly.


Build the next state in the bijection.

run(verbose=False, build_graph=False)[source]#

Run the bijection from rigged configurations to tensor product of KR tableaux.


  • verbose – (default: False) display each step in the bijection

  • build_graph – (default: False) build the graph of each step of the bijection


sage: RC = RiggedConfigurations(['A', 4, 1], [[2, 1]])
sage: x = RC(partition_list=[[1],[1],[1],[1]])
sage: from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_A import RCToKRTBijectionTypeA
sage: RCToKRTBijectionTypeA(x).run()
[[2], [5]]
sage: bij = RCToKRTBijectionTypeA(x)
sage: bij.run(build_graph=True)
[[2], [5]]
sage: bij._graph
Digraph on 3 vertices
>>> from sage.all import *
>>> RC = RiggedConfigurations(['A', Integer(4), Integer(1)], [[Integer(2), Integer(1)]])
>>> x = RC(partition_list=[[Integer(1)],[Integer(1)],[Integer(1)],[Integer(1)]])
>>> from sage.combinat.rigged_configurations.bij_type_A import RCToKRTBijectionTypeA
>>> RCToKRTBijectionTypeA(x).run()
[[2], [5]]
>>> bij = RCToKRTBijectionTypeA(x)
>>> bij.run(build_graph=True)
[[2], [5]]
>>> bij._graph
Digraph on 3 vertices