Recognizable Series#

Let \(A\) be an alphabet and \(K\) a semiring. Then a formal series \(S\) with coefficients in \(K\) and indices in the words \(A^*\) is called recognizable if it has a linear representation, i.e., there exists

  • a nonnegative integer \(n\)

and there exist

  • two vectors \(\mathit{left}\) and \(\mathit{right}\) of dimension \(n\) and

  • a morphism of monoids \(\mu\) from \(A^*\) to \(n\times n\) matrices over \(K\)

such that the coefficient corresponding to a word \(w\in A^*\) equals

\[\mathit{left} \, \mu(w) \, \mathit{right}.\]


Whenever a minimization (minimized()) of a series needs to be computed, it is required that \(K\) is a field. In particular, minimization is called before checking if a series is nonzero.



  • Daniel Krenn (2016, 2021)


  • Daniel Krenn is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P 24644-N26.

Classes and Methods#

class sage.combinat.recognizable_series.PrefixClosedSet(words)#

Bases: object

A prefix-closed set.

Creation of this prefix-closed set is interactive iteratively.


  • words – a class of words (instance of Words)


sage: from sage.combinat.recognizable_series import PrefixClosedSet
sage: P = PrefixClosedSet(Words([0, 1], infinite=False)); P
[word: ]

sage: P = PrefixClosedSet.create_by_alphabet([0, 1]); P
[word: ]

See iterate_possible_additions() for further examples.

add(w, check=True)#

Add a word to this prefix-closed set.


  • w – a word

  • check – boolean (default: True). If set, then it is verified whether all proper prefixes of w are already in this prefix-closed set.


Nothing, but a RuntimeError is raised if the check fails.


sage: from sage.combinat.recognizable_series import PrefixClosedSet
sage: P = PrefixClosedSet.create_by_alphabet([0, 1])
sage: W = P.words
sage: P.add(W([0])); P
[word: , word: 0]
sage: P.add(W([0, 1])); P
[word: , word: 0, word: 01]
sage: P.add(W([1, 1]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: cannot add as not all prefixes of 11 are included yet
classmethod create_by_alphabet(alphabet)#

A prefix-closed set

This is a convenience method for the creation of prefix-closed sets by specifying an alphabet.


  • alphabet – finite words over this alphabet will used


sage: from sage.combinat.recognizable_series import PrefixClosedSet
sage: P = PrefixClosedSet.create_by_alphabet([0, 1]); P
[word: ]

Return an iterator over all elements including possible new elements.


An iterator


sage: from sage.combinat.recognizable_series import PrefixClosedSet
sage: P = PrefixClosedSet.create_by_alphabet([0, 1]); P
[word: ]
sage: for n, p in enumerate(P.iterate_possible_additions()):
....:     print('{}?'.format(p))
....:     if n in (0, 2, 3, 5):
....:         P.add(p)
....:         print('...added')
sage: P.elements
[word: , word: 0, word: 00, word: 01, word: 001]

Calling the iterator once more, returns all elements:

sage: list(P.iterate_possible_additions())
[word: 0,
 word: 1,
 word: 00,
 word: 01,
 word: 000,
 word: 001,
 word: 010,
 word: 011,
 word: 0010,
 word: 0011]

The method iterate_possible_additions() is roughly equivalent to

sage: list(p + a
....:      for p in P.elements
....:      for a in P.words.iterate_by_length(1))
[word: 0,
 word: 1,
 word: 00,
 word: 01,
 word: 000,
 word: 001,
 word: 010,
 word: 011,
 word: 0010,
 word: 0011]

However, the above does not allow to add elements during iteration, whereas iterate_possible_additions() does.


Return the set of minimal (with respect to prefix ordering) elements of the complement of this prefix closed set.

See also Proposition 2.3.1 of [BR2010a].


A list


sage: from sage.combinat.recognizable_series import PrefixClosedSet
sage: P = PrefixClosedSet.create_by_alphabet([0, 1]); P
[word: ]
sage: for n, p in enumerate(P.iterate_possible_additions()):
....:     if n in (0, 1, 2, 4, 6):
....:         P.add(p)
sage: P
[word: , word: 0, word: 1, word: 00, word: 10, word: 000]
sage: P.prefix_set()
[word: 01, word: 11, word: 001, word: 100,
 word: 101, word: 0000, word: 0001]
class sage.combinat.recognizable_series.RecognizableSeries(parent, mu, left, right)#

Bases: ModuleElement

A recognizable series.

  • parent – an instance of RecognizableSeriesSpace

  • mu – a family of square matrices, all of which have the same dimension. The indices of this family are the elements of the alphabet. mu may be a list or tuple of the same cardinality as the alphabet as well. See also mu.

  • left – a vector. When evaluating a coefficient, this vector is multiplied from the left to the matrix obtained from mu applying on a word. See also left.

  • right – a vector. When evaluating a coefficient, this vector is multiplied from the right to the matrix obtained from mu applying on a word. See also right.

When created via the parent RecognizableSeriesSpace, then the following option is available.


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: S = Rec((Matrix([[3, 6], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, -6], [1, 5]])),
....:         vector([0, 1]), vector([1, 0])).transposed(); S
[1] + 3*[01] + [10] + 5*[11] + 9*[001] + 3*[010] + ...

We can access coefficients by

sage: W = Rec.indices()
sage: S[W([0, 0, 1])]
coefficient_of_word(w, multiply_left=True, multiply_right=True)#

Return the coefficient to word \(w\) of this series.


  • w – a word over the parent’s alphabet()

  • multiply_left – (default: True) a boolean. If False, then multiplication by left is skipped.

  • multiply_right – (default: True) a boolean. If False, then multiplication by right is skipped.


An element in the parent’s coefficient_ring()


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: W = Rec.indices()
sage: S = Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, -1], [1, 2]])),
....:          left=vector([0, 1]), right=vector([1, 0]))
sage: S[W(7.digits(2))]  # indirect doctest

Return the dimension of this recognizable series.


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
....:     left=vector([0, 1]), right=vector([1, 0])).dimension()
hadamard_product(*args, **kwds)#

Return the Hadamard product of this recognizable series and the other recognizable series, i.e., multiply the two series coefficient-wise.


  • other – a RecognizableSeries with the same parent as this recognizable series

  • minimize – (default: None) a boolean or None. If True, then minimized() is called after the operation, if False, then not. If this argument is None, then the default specified by the parent’s minimize_results is used.


A RecognizableSeries


sage: Seq2 = RegularSequenceRing(2, ZZ)

sage: E = Seq2((Matrix([[0, 1], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 1]])),
....:          vector([1, 0]), vector([1, 1]))
sage: E
2-regular sequence 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, ...

sage: O = Seq2((Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, 1], [0, 1]])),
....:          vector([1, 0]), vector([0, 1]))
sage: O
2-regular sequence 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, ...

sage: C = Seq2((Matrix([[2, 0], [2, 1]]), Matrix([[0, 1], [-2, 3]])),
....:          vector([1, 0]), vector([0, 1]))
sage: C
2-regular sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...
sage: CE = C.hadamard_product(E)
sage: CE
2-regular sequence 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0, 8, 0, ...
sage: CE.linear_representation()
((1, 0, 0),
 Finite family {0: [0 1 0]
                   [0 2 0]
                   [0 2 1],
                1: [ 0  0  0]
                   [ 0  0  1]
                   [ 0 -2  3]},
 (0, 0, 2))

sage: Z = E.hadamard_product(O)
sage: Z
2-regular sequence 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
sage: Z.linear_representation()
 Finite family {0: [],
                1: []},

Return whether this recognizable series is trivially equal to zero (without any minimization).


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
....:     left=vector([0, 1]), right=vector([1, 0])).is_trivial_zero()
sage: Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
....:     left=vector([0, 0]), right=vector([1, 0])).is_trivial_zero()
sage: Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])),
....:     left=vector([0, 1]), right=vector([0, 0])).is_trivial_zero()

The following two differ in the coefficient of the empty word:

sage: Rec((Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]]), Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])),
....:     left=vector([0, 1]), right=vector([1, 0])).is_trivial_zero()
sage: Rec((Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]]), Matrix([[0, 0], [0, 0]])),
....:     left=vector([1, 1]), right=vector([1, 1])).is_trivial_zero()
property left#

When evaluating a coefficient, this vector is multiplied from the left to the matrix obtained from mu applied on a word.


Return the linear representation of this series.


A triple (left, mu, right) containing the vectors left and right, and the family of matrices mu.


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec((Matrix([[3, 6], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, -6], [1, 5]])),
....:     vector([0, 1]), vector([1, 0])
....:    ).transposed().linear_representation()
((1, 0),
 Finite family {0: [3 0]
                   [6 1],
                1: [ 0  1]
                   [-6  5]},
 (0, 1))

Return a recognizable series equivalent to this series, but with a minimized linear representation.

The coefficients of the involved matrices need be in a field. If this is not the case, then the coefficients are automatically coerced to their fraction field.


A RecognizableSeries


This method implements the minimization algorithm presented in Chapter 2 of [BR2010a].


Due to the algorithm, the left vector of the result is always \((1, 0, \ldots, 0)\), i.e., the first vector of the standard basis.


sage: from itertools import islice
sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])

sage: S = Rec((Matrix([[3, 6], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, -6], [1, 5]])),
....:         vector([0, 1]), vector([1, 0])).transposed()
sage: S
[1] + 3*[01] + [10] + 5*[11] + 9*[001] + 3*[010]
    + 15*[011] + [100] + 11*[101] + 5*[110] + ...
sage: M = S.minimized()
sage:[0],[1], M.left, M.right
[3 0]  [ 0  1]
[6 1], [-6  5], (1, 0), (0, 1)
sage: M.left == vector([1, 0])
sage: all(c == d and v == w
....:     for (c, v), (d, w) in islice(zip(iter(S), iter(M)), 20))

sage: S = Rec((Matrix([[2, 0], [1, 1]]), Matrix([[2, 0], [2, 1]])),
....:         vector([1, 0]), vector([1, 1]))
sage: S
[] + 2*[0] + 2*[1] + 4*[00] + 4*[01] + 4*[10] + 4*[11]
   + 8*[000] + 8*[001] + 8*[010] + ...
sage: M = S.minimized()
sage:[0],[1], M.left, M.right
([2], [2], (1), (1))
sage: all(c == d and v == w
....:     for (c, v), (d, w) in islice(zip(iter(S), iter(M)), 20))
property mu#

When evaluating a coefficient, this is applied on each letter of a word; the result is a matrix. This extends mu to words over the parent’s alphabet().

property right#

When evaluating a coefficient, this vector is multiplied from the right to the matrix obtained from mu applied on a word.


Return the transposed series.


A RecognizableSeries

Each of the matrices in mu is transposed. Additionally the vectors left and right are switched.


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: S = Rec((Matrix([[3, 6], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[0, -6], [1, 5]])),
....:         vector([0, 1]), vector([1, 0])).transposed()
sage: S
[1] + 3*[01] + [10] + 5*[11] + 9*[001] + 3*[010]
    + 15*[011] + [100] + 11*[101] + 5*[110] + ...
sage:[0],[1], S.left, S.right
[3 0]  [ 0  1]
[6 1], [-6  5], (1, 0), (0, 1)
sage: T = S.transposed()
sage: T
[1] + [01] + 3*[10] + 5*[11] + [001] + 3*[010]
    + 5*[011] + 9*[100] + 11*[101] + 15*[110] + ...
sage:[0],[1], T.left, T.right
[3 6]  [ 0 -6]
[0 1], [ 1  5], (0, 1), (1, 0)
class sage.combinat.recognizable_series.RecognizableSeriesSpace(coefficient_ring, indices, category, minimize_results)#

Bases: UniqueRepresentation, Parent

The space of recognizable series on the given alphabet and with the given coefficients.


  • coefficient_ring – a (semi-)ring

  • alphabet – a tuple, list or TotallyOrderedFiniteSet. If specified, then the indices are the finite words over this alphabet. alphabet and indices cannot be specified at the same time.

  • indices – a SageMath-parent of finite words over an alphabet. alphabet and indices cannot be specified at the same time.

  • category – (default: None) the category of this space


We create a recognizable series that counts the number of ones in each word:

sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec
Space of recognizable series on {0, 1} with coefficients in Integer Ring
sage: Rec((Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([[1, 1], [0, 1]])),
....:     vector([1, 0]), vector([0, 1]))
[1] + [01] + [10] + 2*[11] + [001] + [010] + 2*[011] + [100] + 2*[101] + 2*[110] + ...

All of the following examples create the same space:

sage: Rec1 = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec1
Space of recognizable series on {0, 1} with coefficients in Integer Ring
sage: Rec2 = RecognizableSeriesSpace(coefficient_ring=ZZ, alphabet=[0, 1])
sage: Rec2
Space of recognizable series on {0, 1} with coefficients in Integer Ring
sage: Rec3 = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, indices=Words([0, 1], infinite=False))
sage: Rec3
Space of recognizable series on {0, 1} with coefficients in Integer Ring

alias of RecognizableSeries


Return the alphabet of this recognizable series space.


A totally ordered set


sage: RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1]).alphabet()
{0, 1}

Return the coefficients of this recognizable series space.


A (semi-)ring


sage: RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1]).coefficient_ring()
Integer Ring

Return the indices of the recognizable series.


The set of finite words over the alphabet


sage: RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1]).indices()
Finite words over {0, 1}
property minimize_results#

A boolean indicating whether RecognizableSeries.minimized() is automatically called after performing operations.


Return the one element of this RecognizableSeriesSpace, i.e. the embedding of the one of the coefficient ring into this RecognizableSeriesSpace.


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: O =; O
[] + ...
sage: O.linear_representation()
((1), Finite family {0: [0], 1: [0]}, (1))

Return the identity with respect to the hadamard_product(), i.e. the coefficient-wise multiplication.


A RecognizableSeries


sage: Rec = RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1])
sage: Rec.one_hadamard()
[] + [0] + [1] + [00] + [01] + [10]
   + [11] + [000] + [001] + [010] + ...

Return some elements of this recognizable series space.

See TestSuite for a typical use case.


  • kwds are passed on to the element constructor


An iterator


sage: tuple(RecognizableSeriesSpace(ZZ, [0, 1]).some_elements())
([1] + [01] + [10] + 2*[11] + [001] + [010]
     + 2*[011] + [100] + 2*[101] + 2*[110] + ...,
 [] + [1] + [11] + [111] + [1111] + [11111] + [111111] + ...,
 [] + [0] + [1] + [00] + [10] + [11]
    + [000] - 1*[001] + [100] + [110] + ...,
 2*[] - 1*[1] + 2*[10] - 1*[101]
      + 2*[1010] - 1*[10101] + 2*[101010] + ...,
 [] + [1] + 6*[00] + [11] - 39*[000] + 5*[001] + 6*[100] + [111]
    + 288*[0000] - 33*[0001] + ...,
 -5*[] + ...,
 210*[] + ...,
 2210*[] - 170*[0] + 170*[1] + ...)

A decorator for operations that enables control of automatic minimization on the result.


  • operation – a method


A method with the following additional argument:

  • minimize – (default: None) a boolean or None. If True, then minimized() is called after the operation, if False, then not. If this argument is None, then the default specified by the parent’s minimize_results is used.


If the result of operation is self, then minimization is not applied unless minimize=True is explicitly set, in particular, independent of the parent’s minimize_results.